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Teks -- Mark 14:1-72 (NET)

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The Plot Against Jesus
14:1 Two days before the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the chief priests and the experts in the law were trying to find a way to arrest Jesus by stealth and kill him. 14:2 For they said, “Not during the feast, so there won’t be a riot among the people.”
Jesus’ Anointing
14:3 Now while Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, reclining at the table, a woman came with an alabaster jar of costly aromatic oil from pure nard. After breaking open the jar, she poured it on his head. 14:4 But some who were present indignantly said to one another, “Why this waste of expensive ointment? 14:5 It could have been sold for more than three hundred silver coins and the money given to the poor!” So they spoke angrily to her. 14:6 But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why are you bothering her? She has done a good service for me. 14:7 For you will always have the poor with you, and you can do good for them whenever you want. But you will not always have me! 14:8 She did what she could. She anointed my body beforehand for burial. 14:9 I tell you the truth, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her.”
The Plan to Betray Jesus
14:10 Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests to betray Jesus into their hands. 14:11 When they heard this, they were delighted and promised to give him money. So Judas began looking for an opportunity to betray him.
The Passover
14:12 Now on the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover lamb is sacrificed, Jesus’ disciples said to him, “Where do you want us to prepare for you to eat the Passover?” 14:13 He sent two of his disciples and told them, “Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him. 14:14 Wherever he enters, tell the owner of the house, ‘The Teacher says, “Where is my guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?”’ 14:15 He will show you a large room upstairs, furnished and ready. Make preparations for us there.” 14:16 So the disciples left, went into the city, and found things just as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover. 14:17 Then, when it was evening, he came to the house with the twelve. 14:18 While they were at the table eating, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, one of you eating with me will betray me.” 14:19 They were distressed, and one by one said to him, “Surely not I?” 14:20 He said to them, “It is one of the twelve, one who dips his hand with me into the bowl. 14:21 For the Son of Man will go as it is written about him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would be better for him if he had never been born.”
The Lord’s Supper
14:22 While they were eating, he took bread, and after giving thanks he broke it, gave it to them, and said, “Take it. This is my body.” 14:23 And after taking the cup and giving thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it. 14:24 He said to them, “This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, that is poured out for many. 14:25 I tell you the truth, I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” 14:26 After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
The Prediction of Peter’s Denial
14:27 Then Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ 14:28 But after I am raised, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” 14:29 Peter said to him, “Even if they all fall away, I will not!” 14:30 Jesus said to him, “I tell you the truth, today– this very night– before a rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” 14:31 But Peter insisted emphatically, “Even if I must die with you, I will never deny you.” And all of them said the same thing.
14:32 Then they went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” 14:33 He took Peter, James, and John with him, and became very troubled and distressed. 14:34 He said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, even to the point of death. Remain here and stay alert.” 14:35 Going a little farther, he threw himself to the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour would pass from him. 14:36 He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Take this cup away from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” 14:37 Then he came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “Simon, are you sleeping? Couldn’t you stay awake for one hour? 14:38 Stay awake and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” 14:39 He went away again and prayed the same thing. 14:40 When he came again he found them sleeping; they could not keep their eyes open. And they did not know what to tell him. 14:41 He came a third time and said to them, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Enough of that! The hour has come. Look, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. 14:42 Get up, let us go. Look! My betrayer is approaching!”
Betrayal and Arrest
14:43 Right away, while Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, arrived. With him came a crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent by the chief priests and experts in the law and elders. 14:44 (Now the betrayer had given them a sign, saying, “The one I kiss is the man. Arrest him and lead him away under guard.”) 14:45 When Judas arrived, he went up to Jesus immediately and said, “Rabbi!” and kissed him. 14:46 Then they took hold of him and arrested him. 14:47 One of the bystanders drew his sword and struck the high priest’s slave, cutting off his ear. 14:48 Jesus said to them, “Have you come with swords and clubs to arrest me like you would an outlaw? 14:49 Day after day I was with you, teaching in the temple courts, yet you did not arrest me. But this has happened so that the scriptures would be fulfilled.” 14:50 Then all the disciples left him and fled. 14:51 A young man was following him, wearing only a linen cloth. They tried to arrest him, 14:52 but he ran off naked, leaving his linen cloth behind.
Condemned by the Sanhedrin
14:53 Then they led Jesus to the high priest, and all the chief priests and elders and experts in the law came together. 14:54 And Peter had followed him from a distance, up to the high priest’s courtyard. He was sitting with the guards and warming himself by the fire. 14:55 The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against Jesus so that they could put him to death, but they did not find anything. 14:56 Many gave false testimony against him, but their testimony did not agree. agree. 14:57 Some stood up and gave this false testimony against him: 14:58 “We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple made with hands and in three days build another not made with hands.’” 14:59 Yet even on this point their testimony did not agree. agree. 14:60 Then the high priest stood up before them and asked Jesus, “Have you no answer? What is this that they are testifying against you?” 14:61 But he was silent and did not answer. Again the high priest questioned him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?” 14:62 “I am,” said Jesus, “and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.” 14:63 Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, “Why do we still need need witnesses? 14:64 You have heard the blasphemy! What is your verdict?” They all condemned him as deserving death. 14:65 Then some began to spit on him, and to blindfold him, and to strike him with their fists, saying, “Prophesy!” The guards also took him and beat him.
Peter’s Denials
14:66 Now while Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the high priest’s slave girls came by. 14:67 When she saw Peter warming himself, she looked directly at him and said, “You also were with that Nazarene, Jesus.” 14:68 But he denied it: “I don’t even understand what you’re talking about!” Then he went out to the gateway, and a rooster crowed. 14:69 When the slave girl saw him, she began again to say to the bystanders, “This man is one of them.” 14:70 But he denied it again. A short time later the bystanders again said to Peter, “You must be one of them, because you are also a Galilean.” 14:71 Then he began to curse, and he swore with an oath, “I do not know this man you are talking about!” 14:72 Immediately a rooster crowed a second time. Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him: “Before a rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” And he broke down and wept.
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · Abba a title by which one addresses his father
 · Bethany a small town on the east slope of the Mount of Olives,a town located east of the Jordan river
 · Galilean the region of Palestine north of Sameria and west of the upper Jordan River,a region west of Lake Galilee and north of the Jezreel Valley
 · Galilee the region of Palestine north of Sameria and west of the upper Jordan River,a region west of Lake Galilee and north of the Jezreel Valley
 · Gethsemane a place
 · Iscariot the surname of Judas, the man who betrayed Christ
 · James a son of Zebedee; brother of John; an apostle,a son of Alpheus; an apostle,a brother of Jesus; writer of the epistle of James,the father (or brother) of the apostle Judas
 · John a son of Zebedee; younger brother of James; the beloved disciple of Christ,a relative of Annas the high priest,a son of Mary the sister of Barnabas, and surnamed Mark,the father of Simon Peter
 · Judas a son of Mary and Joseph; half-brother of Jesus)
 · Mount of Olives a ridge east of Jerusalem across the Kidron Valley and rising about 200 feet above the city (NIV note)
 · Nazarene a town in lower Galilee about halfway between the Sea of Galilee and the Mediterranean Sea
 · Passover a Jewish religious feast. It may also refer to the lamb sacrificed and eaten at the feast.
 · Peter a man who was a leader among the twelve apostles and wrote the two epistles of Peter
 · Rabbi a title given to teachers and others of an exalted position
 · Simon a son of Jonas and brother of Andrew; an apostle of Jesus Christ,a man who was one of the apostles of Christ and also called 'the Zealot',a brother of Jesus,a man who was a well-know victim of leprosy who had been healed by Jesus (NIV note),a man from Cyrene who was forced to carry the cross of Jesus,a Pharisee man in whose house Jesus' feet were washed with tears and anointed,the father of Judas Iscariot,a man who was a sorcerer in Samaria and who wanted to buy the gifts of the Spirit,a man who was a tanner at Joppa and with whom Peter was staying when Cornelius sent for him

Topik/Tema Kamus: SIMON (2) | LAW IN THE NEW TESTAMENT | Jesus, The Christ | LORD'S SUPPER; (EUCHARIST) | JESUS CHRIST, 4E2 | MARK, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO, 2 | Prisoners | Prophecy | Peter | Government | Passover | Priest | PRAYERS OF CHRIST | Gethsemane | Mary | James | Accusation, False | Court | JUDAS ISCARIOT | Lies and Deceits | selebihnya
Daftar Isi

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Poole , Lightfoot , PBC , Haydock , Gill

Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Catatan Rentang Ayat
Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey , Lapide


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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Robertson: Mar 14:1 - After two days After two days ( meta duo hēmeras ). This was Tuesday evening as we count time (beginning of the Jewish Wednesday). In Mat 26:2 Jesus is reported a...

After two days ( meta duo hēmeras ).

This was Tuesday evening as we count time (beginning of the Jewish Wednesday). In Mat 26:2 Jesus is reported as naming this same date which would put it our Thursday evening, beginning of the Jewish Friday. The Gospel of John mentions five items that superficially considered seem to contradict this definite date in Mark and Matthew, but which are really in harmony with them. See discussion on Mat 26:17 and my Harmony of the Gospels , pp. 279 to 284. Mark calls it here the feast of "the passover and the unleavened bread,"both names covering the eight days. Sometimes "passover"is applied to only the first day, sometimes to the whole period. No sharp distinction in usage was observed.

Robertson: Mar 14:1 - Sought Sought ( ezētoun ). Imperfect tense. They were still at it, though prevented so far.

Sought ( ezētoun ).

Imperfect tense. They were still at it, though prevented so far.

Robertson: Mar 14:2 - Not during the feast Not during the feast ( Mē en tēi heortēi ). They had first planned to kill him at the feast (Joh 11:57), but the Triumphal Entry and great Tues...

Not during the feast ( Mē en tēi heortēi ).

They had first planned to kill him at the feast (Joh 11:57), but the Triumphal Entry and great Tuesday debate (this very morning) in the temple had made them decide to wait till after the feast was over. It was plain that Jesus had too large and powerful a following. See note on Mat 26:47.

Robertson: Mar 14:3 - As he sat at meat As he sat at meat ( katakeimenou autou ). Mat 26:7 uses anakeimenou , both words meaning reclining (leaning down or up or back) and in the genitive a...

As he sat at meat ( katakeimenou autou ).

Mat 26:7 uses anakeimenou , both words meaning reclining (leaning down or up or back) and in the genitive absolute. See note on Mat 26:6 in proof that this is a different incident from that recorded in Luk 7:36-50. See Mat 26:6-13 for discussion of details.

Robertson: Mar 14:3 - Spikenard Spikenard ( nardou pistikēs ). This use of pistikos with nardos occurs only here and in Joh 12:3. The adjective is common enough in the older G...

Spikenard ( nardou pistikēs ).

This use of pistikos with nardos occurs only here and in Joh 12:3. The adjective is common enough in the older Greek and appears in the papyri also in the sense of genuine, unadulterated, and that is probably the idea here. The word spikenard is from the Vulgate nardi spicati , probably from the Old Latin nardi pistici .

Robertson: Mar 14:3 - Brake Brake ( suntripsousa ). Only in Mark. She probably broke the narrow neck of the vase holding the ointment.

Brake ( suntripsousa ).

Only in Mark. She probably broke the narrow neck of the vase holding the ointment.

Robertson: Mar 14:5 - Above three hundred pence Above three hundred pence ( epanō dēnariōn triakosiōn ). Matthew has "for much"while Joh 12:5 has "for three hundred pence."The use of "far a...

Above three hundred pence ( epanō dēnariōn triakosiōn ).

Matthew has "for much"while Joh 12:5 has "for three hundred pence."The use of "far above"may be a detail from Peter’ s memory of Judas’ objection whose name in this connection is preserved in Joh 12:4.

Robertson: Mar 14:5 - And they murmured against her And they murmured against her ( kai enebrimōnto autēi ). Imperfect tense of this striking word used of the snorting of horses and seen already in...

And they murmured against her ( kai enebrimōnto autēi ).

Imperfect tense of this striking word used of the snorting of horses and seen already in Mar 1:43; Joh 11:38. It occurs in the lxx in the sense of anger as here (Daniel 11:30). Judas made the complaint against Mary of Bethany, but all the apostles joined in the chorus of criticism of the wasteful extravagance.

Robertson: Mar 14:8 - She hath done what she could She hath done what she could ( ho eschen epoiēsen ). This alone in Mark. Two aorists. Literally, "what she had she did."Mary could not comprehend t...

She hath done what she could ( ho eschen epoiēsen ).

This alone in Mark. Two aorists. Literally, "what she had she did."Mary could not comprehend the Lord’ s death, but she at least showed her sympathy with him and some understanding of the coming tragedy, a thing that not one of her critics had done.

Robertson: Mar 14:8 - She hath anointed my body aforehand for the burying She hath anointed my body aforehand for the burying ( proelaben murisai to sōma mou eis ton entaphiasmon ). Literally, "she took beforehand to anoi...

She hath anointed my body aforehand for the burying ( proelaben murisai to sōma mou eis ton entaphiasmon ).

Literally, "she took beforehand to anoint my body for the burial."She anticipated the event. This is Christ’ s justification of her noble deed. Mat 26:12 also speaks of the burial preparation by Mary, using the verb entaphiasai .

Robertson: Mar 14:9 - For a memorial of her For a memorial of her ( eis mnēmosunon autēs ). So in Mat 26:13. There are many mausoleums that crumble to decay. But this monument to Jesus fill...

For a memorial of her ( eis mnēmosunon autēs ).

So in Mat 26:13. There are many mausoleums that crumble to decay. But this monument to Jesus fills the whole world still with its fragrance. What a hint there is here for those who wish to leave permanent memorials.

Robertson: Mar 14:10 - He that was one of the twelve He that was one of the twelve ( ho heis tōn dōdeka ). Note the article here, "the one of the twelve,"Matthew has only heis , "one."Some have held...

He that was one of the twelve ( ho heis tōn dōdeka ).

Note the article here, "the one of the twelve,"Matthew has only heis , "one."Some have held that Mark here calls Judas the primate among the twelve. Rather he means to call attention to the idea that he was the one of the twelve who did this deed.

Robertson: Mar 14:11 - And they, when they heard it, were glad And they, when they heard it, were glad ( hoi de akousantes echarēsan ). No doubt the rabbis looked on the treachery of Judas as a veritable dispen...

And they, when they heard it, were glad ( hoi de akousantes echarēsan ).

No doubt the rabbis looked on the treachery of Judas as a veritable dispensation of Providence amply justifying their plots against Jesus.

Robertson: Mar 14:11 - Conveniently Conveniently ( eukairōs ). This was the whole point of the offer of Judas. He claimed that he knew enough of the habits of Jesus to enable them to ...

Conveniently ( eukairōs ).

This was the whole point of the offer of Judas. He claimed that he knew enough of the habits of Jesus to enable them to catch him "in the absence of the multitude"(Luk 22:6) without waiting for the passover to be over, when the crowds would leave. For discussion of the motives of Judas, see note on Mat 26:15. Mark merely notes the promise of "money"while Matthew mentions "thirty pieces of silver"(Zec 11:12), the price of a slave.

Robertson: Mar 14:12 - When they sacrificed the passover When they sacrificed the passover ( hote to pascha ethuon ). Imperfect indicative, customary practice. The paschal lamb (note pascha ) was slain at ...

When they sacrificed the passover ( hote to pascha ethuon ).

Imperfect indicative, customary practice. The paschal lamb (note pascha ) was slain at 6 p.m., beginning of the fifteenth of the month (Exo 12:6), but the preparations were made beforehand on the fourteenth (Thursday). See note on Mat 26:17 for discussion of "eat the passover."

Robertson: Mar 14:13 - Two of his disciples Two of his disciples ( duo tōn mathētōn autou ). Luk 22:8 names them, Peter and John.

Two of his disciples ( duo tōn mathētōn autou ).

Luk 22:8 names them, Peter and John.

Robertson: Mar 14:13 - Bearing a pitcher of water Bearing a pitcher of water ( keramion hudatos bastazōn ). This item also in Luke, but not in Matthew.

Bearing a pitcher of water ( keramion hudatos bastazōn ).

This item also in Luke, but not in Matthew.

Robertson: Mar 14:14 - The goodman of the house The goodman of the house ( tōi oikodespotēi ). A non-classical word, but in late papyri. It means master (despot ) of the house, householder. Th...

The goodman of the house ( tōi oikodespotēi ).

A non-classical word, but in late papyri. It means master (despot ) of the house, householder. The usual Greek has two separate words, oikou despotēs (master of the house).

Robertson: Mar 14:14 - My guest-chamber My guest-chamber ( to kataluma mou ). In lxx, papyri, and modern Greek for lodging-place (inn, as in Luk 2:7 or guest-chamber as here). It was used f...

My guest-chamber ( to kataluma mou ).

In lxx, papyri, and modern Greek for lodging-place (inn, as in Luk 2:7 or guest-chamber as here). It was used for khan or caravanserai .

Robertson: Mar 14:14 - I shall eat I shall eat ( phagō ). Futuristic aorist subjunctive with hopou .

I shall eat ( phagō ).

Futuristic aorist subjunctive with hopou .

Robertson: Mar 14:15 - And he And he ( kai autos ). Emphatic, and he himself.

And he ( kai autos ).

Emphatic, and he himself.

Robertson: Mar 14:15 - A large upper room A large upper room ( anagaion mega ). Anything above ground (gē ), and particularly upstairs as here. Here and in Luk 22:12. Example in Xenophon. ...

A large upper room ( anagaion mega ).

Anything above ground (gē ), and particularly upstairs as here. Here and in Luk 22:12. Example in Xenophon. Jesus wishes to observe this last feast with his disciples alone, not with others as was often done. Evidently this friend of Jesus was a man who would understand.

Robertson: Mar 14:15 - Furnished Furnished ( estrōmenon ). Perfect passive participle of strōnnumi , state of readiness. "Strewed with carpets, and with couches properly spread"(...

Furnished ( estrōmenon ).

Perfect passive participle of strōnnumi , state of readiness. "Strewed with carpets, and with couches properly spread"(Vincent).

Robertson: Mar 14:17 - He cometh He cometh ( erchetai ). Dramatic historical present. It is assumed here that Jesus is observing the passover meal at the regular time and hour, at 6 ...

He cometh ( erchetai ).

Dramatic historical present. It is assumed here that Jesus is observing the passover meal at the regular time and hour, at 6 p.m. at the beginning of the fifteenth (evening of our Thursday, beginning of Jewish Friday). Mark and Matthew note the time as evening and state it as the regular passover meal.

Robertson: Mar 14:18 - As they sat As they sat ( anakeimenōn autōn ). Reclined, of course. It is a pity that these verbs are not translated properly in English. Even Leonardo da Vi...

As they sat ( anakeimenōn autōn ).

Reclined, of course. It is a pity that these verbs are not translated properly in English. Even Leonardo da Vinci in his immortal painting of the Last Supper has Jesus and his apostles sitting, not reclining. Probably he took an artist’ s license for effect.

Robertson: Mar 14:18 - Even he that eateth with me Even he that eateth with me ( ho esthiōn met' emou ). See Psalms 4:9. To this day the Arabs will not violate hospitality by mistreating one who bre...

Even he that eateth with me ( ho esthiōn met' emou ).

See Psalms 4:9. To this day the Arabs will not violate hospitality by mistreating one who breaks bread with them in the tent.

Robertson: Mar 14:20 - One of the twelve One of the twelve ( heis tōn dōdeka ). It is as bad as that. The sign that Jesus gave, the one dipping in the dish with me (ho embaptomenos met...

One of the twelve ( heis tōn dōdeka ).

It is as bad as that. The sign that Jesus gave, the one dipping in the dish with me (ho embaptomenos met' emou eis to trublion ), escaped the notice of all. Jesus gave the sop to Judas who understood perfectly that Jesus knew his purpose. See Mat 26:21-24 for further details.

Robertson: Mar 14:23 - A cup A cup ( potērion ). Probably the ordinary wine of the country mixed with two-thirds water, though the word for wine (oinos ) is not used here in t...

A cup ( potērion ).

Probably the ordinary wine of the country mixed with two-thirds water, though the word for wine (oinos ) is not used here in the Gospels, but "the fruit of the vine"(ek tou genēmatos tēs ampelou ). See notes on Mat 26:26-29 for discussion of important details. Mark and Matthew give substantially the same account of the institution of the Supper by Jesus, while Luk 22:17-20 agrees closely with 1Co 11:23-26 where Paul claims to have obtained his account by direct revelation from the Lord Jesus.

Robertson: Mar 14:26 - Sung a hymn Sung a hymn ( humnēsantes ). See note on Mat 26:30 for discussion.

Sung a hymn ( humnēsantes ).

See note on Mat 26:30 for discussion.

Robertson: Mar 14:29 - Yet will not I Yet will not I ( all' ouk egō ). Mark records here Peter’ s boast of loyalty even though all desert him. All the Gospels tell it. See discussi...

Yet will not I ( all' ouk egō ).

Mark records here Peter’ s boast of loyalty even though all desert him. All the Gospels tell it. See discussion on Mat 26:33.

Robertson: Mar 14:30 - Twice Twice ( dis ). This detail only in Mark. One crowing is always the signal for more. The Fayum papyrus agrees with Mark in having dis . The cock-crowi...

Twice ( dis ).

This detail only in Mark. One crowing is always the signal for more. The Fayum papyrus agrees with Mark in having dis . The cock-crowing marks the third watch of the night (Mar 13:35).

Robertson: Mar 14:31 - Exceeding vehemently Exceeding vehemently ( ekperissōs ). This strong compounded adverb only in Mark and probably preserves Peter’ s own statement of the remark. A...

Exceeding vehemently ( ekperissōs ).

This strong compounded adverb only in Mark and probably preserves Peter’ s own statement of the remark. About the boast of Peter see Mat 26:35.

Robertson: Mar 14:32 - Which was named Which was named ( hou to onoma ). Literally, "whose name was."On Gethsemane see note on Mat 26:36.

Which was named ( hou to onoma ).

Literally, "whose name was."On Gethsemane see note on Mat 26:36.

Robertson: Mar 14:32 - While I pray While I pray ( heōs proseuxōmai ). Aorist subjunctive with heōs really with purpose involved, a common idiom. Matthew adds "go yonder"(apelth...

While I pray ( heōs proseuxōmai ).

Aorist subjunctive with heōs really with purpose involved, a common idiom. Matthew adds "go yonder"(apelthōn ekei ).

Robertson: Mar 14:33 - Greatly amazed and sore troubled Greatly amazed and sore troubled ( ekthambeisthai kai adēmonein ). Mat 26:37 has "sorrowful and sore troubled."See note on Matt. about adēmonein ...

Greatly amazed and sore troubled ( ekthambeisthai kai adēmonein ).

Mat 26:37 has "sorrowful and sore troubled."See note on Matt. about adēmonein . Mark alone uses exthambeisthai (here and in Mar 9:15). There is a papyrus example given by Moulton and Milligan’ s Vocabulary. The verb thambeō occurs in Mar 10:32 for the amazement of the disciples at the look of Jesus as he went toward Jerusalem. Now Jesus himself feels amazement as he directly faces the struggle in the Garden of Gethsemane. He wins the victory over himself in Gethsemane and then he can endure the loss, despising the shame. For the moment he is rather amazed and homesick for heaven. "Long as He had foreseen the Passion, when it came clearly into view its terror exceeded His anticipations"(Swete). "He learned from what he suffered,"(Heb 5:8) and this new experience enriched the human soul of Jesus.

Robertson: Mar 14:35 - Fell on the ground Fell on the ground ( epipten epi tēs gēs ). Descriptive imperfect. See him falling. Matthew has the aorist epesen .

Fell on the ground ( epipten epi tēs gēs ).

Descriptive imperfect. See him falling. Matthew has the aorist epesen .

Robertson: Mar 14:35 - Prayed Prayed ( prosēucheto ). Imperfect, prayed repeatedly or inchoative, began to pray. Either makes good sense.

Prayed ( prosēucheto ).

Imperfect, prayed repeatedly or inchoative, began to pray. Either makes good sense.

Robertson: Mar 14:35 - The hour The hour ( hē hōra ). Jesus had long looked forward to this "hour"and had often mentioned it (Joh 7:30; Joh 8:20; Joh 12:23, Joh 12:27; Joh 13:1)...

The hour ( hē hōra ).

Jesus had long looked forward to this "hour"and had often mentioned it (Joh 7:30; Joh 8:20; Joh 12:23, Joh 12:27; Joh 13:1). See again in Mar 14:41. Now he dreads it, surely a human trait that all can understand.

Robertson: Mar 14:36 - Abba, Father Abba, Father ( Abba ho patēr ). Both Aramaic and Greek and the article with each. This is not a case of translation, but the use of both terms as i...

Abba, Father ( Abba ho patēr ).

Both Aramaic and Greek and the article with each. This is not a case of translation, but the use of both terms as is Gal 4:6, a probable memory of Paul’ s childhood prayers. About "the cup"see note on Mat 26:39. It is not possible to take the language of Jesus as fear that he might die before he came to the Cross. He was heard (Heb 5:7.) and helped to submit to the Father’ s will as he does instantly.

Robertson: Mar 14:36 - Not what I will Not what I will ( ou ti egō thelō ). Matthew has "as"(hōs ). We see the humanity of Jesus in its fulness both in the Temptations and in Gethse...

Not what I will ( ou ti egō thelō ).

Matthew has "as"(hōs ). We see the humanity of Jesus in its fulness both in the Temptations and in Gethsemane, but without sin each time. And this was the severest of all the temptations, to draw back from the Cross. The victory over self brought surrender to the Father’ s will.

Robertson: Mar 14:37 - Simon, sleepest thou? Simon, sleepest thou? ( Simōn , katheudeis̱ ). The old name, not the new name, Peter. Already his boasted loyalty was failing in the hour of crisi...

Simon, sleepest thou? ( Simōn , katheudeis̱ ).

The old name, not the new name, Peter. Already his boasted loyalty was failing in the hour of crisis. Jesus fully knows the weakness of human flesh (see Mat 26:41).

Robertson: Mar 14:40 - Very heavy Very heavy ( katabarunomenoi ). Perfective use of katȧ with the participle. Matthew has the simple verb. Mark’ s word is only here in the N....

Very heavy ( katabarunomenoi ).

Perfective use of katȧ with the participle. Matthew has the simple verb. Mark’ s word is only here in the N.T. and is rare in Greek writers. Mark has the vivid present passive participle, while Matthew has the perfect passive bebarēmenoi .

Robertson: Mar 14:40 - And they wist not what to answer him And they wist not what to answer him ( kai ouk ēideisan ti apokrithōsin autōi ). Deliberative subjunctive retained in the indirect question. Al...

And they wist not what to answer him ( kai ouk ēideisan ti apokrithōsin autōi ).

Deliberative subjunctive retained in the indirect question. Alone in Mark and reminds one of the like embarrassment of these same three disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration (Mar 9:6). On both occasions weakness of the flesh prevented their real sympathy with Jesus in his highest and deepest experiences. "Both their shame and their drowsiness would make them dumb"(Gould).

Robertson: Mar 14:41 - It is enough It is enough ( apechei ). Alone in Mark. This impersonal use is rare and has puzzled expositors no little. The papyri (Deissmann’ s Light from ...

It is enough ( apechei ).

Alone in Mark. This impersonal use is rare and has puzzled expositors no little. The papyri (Deissmann’ s Light from the Ancient East and Moulton and Milligan’ s Vocabulary ) furnish many examples of it as a receipt for payment in full. See also Mat 6:2.; Luk 6:24; Phi 4:18 for the notion of paying in full. It is used here by Jesus in an ironical sense, probably meaning that there was no need of further reproof of the disciples for their failure to watch with him. "This is no time for a lengthened exposure of the faults of friends; the enemy is at the gate"(Swete). See further Mat 26:45 for the approach of Judas.

Robertson: Mar 14:43 - And the scribes And the scribes ( kai tōn grammateōn ). Mark adds this item while Joh 18:3 mentions "Pharisees."It was evidently a committee of the Sanhedrin for...

And the scribes ( kai tōn grammateōn ).

Mark adds this item while Joh 18:3 mentions "Pharisees."It was evidently a committee of the Sanhedrin for Judas had made his bargain with the Sanhedrin (Mar 14:1; Mat 26:3; Luk 22:2). See discussion of the betrayal and arrest on Mat 26:47-56 for details.

Robertson: Mar 14:44 - Token Token ( sussēmon ). A common word in the ancient Greek for a concerted signal according to agreement. It is here only in the New Testament. Mat 26:...

Token ( sussēmon ).

A common word in the ancient Greek for a concerted signal according to agreement. It is here only in the New Testament. Mat 26:48 has sēmeion , sign. The signal was the kiss by Judas, a contemptible desecration of a friendly salutation.

Robertson: Mar 14:44 - And lead him away safely And lead him away safely ( kai apagete asphalōs ). Only in Mark. Judas wished no slip to occur. Mark and Matthew do not tell of the falling back up...

And lead him away safely ( kai apagete asphalōs ).

Only in Mark. Judas wished no slip to occur. Mark and Matthew do not tell of the falling back upon the ground when Jesus challenged the crowd with Judas. It is given by John alone (Joh 18:4-9).

Robertson: Mar 14:47 - A certain one A certain one ( heis tis ). Mark does not tell that it was Peter. Only Joh 18:10 does that after Peter’ s death. He really tried to kill the man...

A certain one ( heis tis ).

Mark does not tell that it was Peter. Only Joh 18:10 does that after Peter’ s death. He really tried to kill the man, Malchus by name, as John again tells (Joh 18:10). Mark does not give the rebuke to Peter by Jesus in Mat 26:52.

Robertson: Mar 14:48 - Against a robber Against a robber ( epi lēistēn ). Highway robbers like Barabbas were common and were often regarded as heroes. Jesus will be crucified between tw...

Against a robber ( epi lēistēn ).

Highway robbers like Barabbas were common and were often regarded as heroes. Jesus will be crucified between two robbers in the very place that Barabbas would have occupied.

Robertson: Mar 14:51 - A certain young man A certain young man ( neaniskos tis ). This incident alone in Mark. It is usually supposed that Mark himself, son of Mary (Act 12:12) in whose house ...

A certain young man ( neaniskos tis ).

This incident alone in Mark. It is usually supposed that Mark himself, son of Mary (Act 12:12) in whose house they probably had observed the passover meal, had followed Jesus and the apostles to the Garden. It is a lifelike touch quite in keeping with such a situation. Here after the arrest he was following with Jesus (sunēkolouthei autōi , imperfect tense). Note the vivid dramatic present kratousin (they seize him).

Robertson: Mar 14:52 - Linen cloth Linen cloth ( sindona ). An old Greek word of unknown origin. It was fine linen cloth used often for wrapping the dead (Mat 27:59; Mar 15:46; Luk 23:...

Linen cloth ( sindona ).

An old Greek word of unknown origin. It was fine linen cloth used often for wrapping the dead (Mat 27:59; Mar 15:46; Luk 23:53). In this instance it could have been a fine sheet or even a shirt.

Robertson: Mar 14:54 - Peter had followed him afar off Peter had followed him afar off ( Ho Petros apo makrothen ēkolouthēsen autōi ). Here Mark uses the constative aorist (ēkolouthēsen ) where...

Peter had followed him afar off ( Ho Petros apo makrothen ēkolouthēsen autōi ).

Here Mark uses the constative aorist (ēkolouthēsen ) where Mat 26:58, and Luk 22:54 have the picturesque imperfect (ēkolouthei ), was following. Possibly Mark did not care to dwell on the picture of Peter furtively following at a distance, not bold enough to take an open stand with Christ as the Beloved Disciple did, and yet unable to remain away with the other disciples.

Robertson: Mar 14:54 - Was sitting with Was sitting with ( ēn sunkathēmenos ). Periphrastic imperfect middle, picturing Peter making himself at home with the officers (hupēretōn ),...

Was sitting with ( ēn sunkathēmenos ).

Periphrastic imperfect middle, picturing Peter making himself at home with the officers (hupēretōn ), under rowers, literally, then servants of any kind. Joh 18:25 describes Peter as standing (hestōs ). Probably he did now one, now the other, in his restless weary mood.

Robertson: Mar 14:54 - Warming himself in the light Warming himself in the light ( thermainomenos prōs to phōs ). Direct middle. Fire has light as well as heat and it shone in Peter’ s face. H...

Warming himself in the light ( thermainomenos prōs to phōs ).

Direct middle. Fire has light as well as heat and it shone in Peter’ s face. He was not hidden as much as he supposed he was.

Robertson: Mar 14:56 - Their witness agreed not together Their witness agreed not together ( isai hai marturiai ouk ēsan ). Literally, the testimonies were not equal. They did not correspond with each oth...

Their witness agreed not together ( isai hai marturiai ouk ēsan ).

Literally, the testimonies were not equal. They did not correspond with each other on essential points.

Robertson: Mar 14:56 - Many were bearing false witness Many were bearing false witness ( epseudomarturoun , imperfect, repeated action) against him. No two witnesses bore joint testimony to justify a capi...

Many were bearing false witness ( epseudomarturoun , imperfect, repeated action)

against him. No two witnesses bore joint testimony to justify a capital sentence according to the law (Deu 19:15). Note imperfects in these verses (Mar 14:55-57) to indicate repeated failures.

Robertson: Mar 14:57 - Bare false witness Bare false witness ( epseudomarturoun ). In desperation some attempted once more (conative imperfect).

Bare false witness ( epseudomarturoun ).

In desperation some attempted once more (conative imperfect).

Robertson: Mar 14:58 - Made with hands Made with hands ( cheiropoiēton ). In Mark alone. An old Greek word. The negative form acheiropoiēton here occurs elsewhere only in 2Co 5:1; Co...

Made with hands ( cheiropoiēton ).

In Mark alone. An old Greek word. The negative form acheiropoiēton here occurs elsewhere only in 2Co 5:1; Col 2:11. In Heb 9:11 the negative ou is used with the positive form. It is possible that a real logion of Jesus underlies the perversion of it here. Mark and Matthew do not quote the witnesses precisely alike. Perhaps they quoted Jesus differently and therein is shown part of the disagreement, for Mark adds Mar 14:59 (not in Matthew). "And not even so did their witness agree together,"repeating the point of Mar 14:57. Swete observes that Jesus, as a matter of fact, did do what he is quoted as saying in Mark: "He said what the event has proved to be true; His death destroyed the old order, and His resurrection created the new."But these witnesses did not mean that by what they said. The only saying of Jesus at all like this preserved to us is that in Joh 2:19, when he referred not to the temple in Jerusalem, but to the temple of his body, though no one understood it at the time.

Robertson: Mar 14:60 - Stood up in the midst Stood up in the midst ( anastas eis meson ). Second aorist active participle. For greater solemnity he arose to make up by bluster the lack of eviden...

Stood up in the midst ( anastas eis meson ).

Second aorist active participle. For greater solemnity he arose to make up by bluster the lack of evidence. The high priest stepped out into the midst as if to attack Jesus by vehement questions. See notes on Mat 26:59-68 for details here.

Robertson: Mar 14:61 - And answered nothing And answered nothing ( kai ouk apekrinato ouden ). Mark adds the negative statement to the positive "kept silent"(esiōpā ), imperfect, also in M...

And answered nothing ( kai ouk apekrinato ouden ).

Mark adds the negative statement to the positive "kept silent"(esiōpā ), imperfect, also in Matthew. Mark does not give the solemn oath in Matthew under which Jesus had to answer. See note on Matthew.

Robertson: Mar 14:62 - I am I am ( ego eimi ). Matthew has it, "Thou hast said,"which is the equivalent of the affirmative. But Mark’ s statement is definite beyond controv...

I am ( ego eimi ).

Matthew has it, "Thou hast said,"which is the equivalent of the affirmative. But Mark’ s statement is definite beyond controversy. See notes on Mat 26:64-68 for the claims of Jesus and the conduct of Caiaphas.

Robertson: Mar 14:64 - They all They all ( hoi de pantes ). This would mean that Joseph of Arimathea was not present since he did not consent to the death of Jesus (Luk 23:51). Nico...

They all ( hoi de pantes ).

This would mean that Joseph of Arimathea was not present since he did not consent to the death of Jesus (Luk 23:51). Nicodemus was apparently absent also, probably not invited because of previous sympathy with Jesus (Joh 7:50). But all who were present voted for the death of Jesus.

Robertson: Mar 14:65 - Cover his face Cover his face ( perikaluptein autou to prosōpon ). Put a veil around his face. Not in Matthew, but in Luk 22:64 where Revised Version translates p...

Cover his face ( perikaluptein autou to prosōpon ).

Put a veil around his face. Not in Matthew, but in Luk 22:64 where Revised Version translates perikalupsantes by "blind-folded."All three Gospels give the jeering demand of the Sanhedrin: "Prophesy"(prophēteuson ), meaning, as Matthew and Luke add, thereby telling who struck him while he was blindfolded. Mark adds "the officers"(same as in Mar 14:54) of the Sanhedrin, Roman lictors or sergeants-at-arms who had arrested Jesus in Gethsemane and who still held Jesus (hoi sunechontes auton , Luk 22:63). Mat 26:67 alludes to their treatment of Jesus without clearly indicating who they were.

Robertson: Mar 14:65 - With blows of their hands With blows of their hands ( rapismasin ). The verb rapizō in Mat 26:67 originally meant to smite with a rod. In late writers it comes to mean to ...

With blows of their hands ( rapismasin ).

The verb rapizō in Mat 26:67 originally meant to smite with a rod. In late writers it comes to mean to slap the face with the palm of the hands. The same thing is true of the substantive rapisma used here. A papyrus of the sixth century a.d. uses it in the sense of a scar on the face as the result of a blow. It is in the instrumental case here. "They caught him with blows,"Swete suggests for the unusual elabon in this sense. "With rods"is, of course, possible as the lictors carried rods. At any rate it was a gross indignity.

Robertson: Mar 14:66 - Beneath in the court Beneath in the court ( katō en tēi aulēi ). This implies that Jesus was upstairs when the Sanhedrin met. Mat 26:69 has it without in the court...

Beneath in the court ( katō en tēi aulēi ).

This implies that Jesus was upstairs when the Sanhedrin met. Mat 26:69 has it without in the court (exō en tēi aulēi ). Both are true. The open court was outside of the rooms and also below.

Robertson: Mar 14:67 - Warming himself Warming himself ( thermainomenon ). Mark mentions this fact about Peter twice (Mar 14:54, Mar 14:67) as does John (Joh 18:18, Joh 18:25). He was twic...

Warming himself ( thermainomenon ).

Mark mentions this fact about Peter twice (Mar 14:54, Mar 14:67) as does John (Joh 18:18, Joh 18:25). He was twice beside the fire. It is quite difficult to relate clearly the three denials as told in the Four Gospels. Each time several may have joined in, both maids and men.

Robertson: Mar 14:67 - The Nazarene The Nazarene ( tou Nazarēnou ). In Mat 26:69 it is "the Galilean."A number were probably speaking, one saying one thing, another another.

The Nazarene ( tou Nazarēnou ).

In Mat 26:69 it is "the Galilean."A number were probably speaking, one saying one thing, another another.

Robertson: Mar 14:68 - I neither know nor understand I neither know nor understand ( oute oida oute epistamai ). This denial is fuller in Mark, briefest in John.

I neither know nor understand ( oute oida oute epistamai ).

This denial is fuller in Mark, briefest in John.

Robertson: Mar 14:68 - What thou sayest What thou sayest ( su ti legeis ). Can be understood as a direct question. Note position of thou (su ), proleptical.

What thou sayest ( su ti legeis ).

Can be understood as a direct question. Note position of thou (su ), proleptical.

Robertson: Mar 14:68 - Into the porch Into the porch ( eis to proaulion ). Only here in the New Testament. Plato uses it of a prelude on a flute. It occurs also in the plural for preparat...

Into the porch ( eis to proaulion ).

Only here in the New Testament. Plato uses it of a prelude on a flute. It occurs also in the plural for preparations the day before the wedding. Here it means the vestibule to the court. Mat 26:71 has pulōna , a common word for gate or front porch.

Robertson: Mar 14:68 - And the cock crew And the cock crew ( kai alektōr ephōnēsen ). Omitted by Aleph B L Sinaitic Syriac. It is genuine in Mar 14:72 where "the second time"(ek deuter...

And the cock crew ( kai alektōr ephōnēsen ).

Omitted by Aleph B L Sinaitic Syriac. It is genuine in Mar 14:72 where "the second time"(ek deuterou ) occurs also. It is possible that because of Mar 14:72 it crept into Mar 14:68. Mark alone alludes to the cock crowing twice, originally (Mar 14:30), and twice in Mar 14:72, besides Mar 14:68 which is hardly genuine.

Robertson: Mar 14:69 - To them that stood by To them that stood by ( tois parestōsin ). This talk about Peter was overheard by him. "This fellow (houtos ) is one of them."So in Mar 14:70 the ...

To them that stood by ( tois parestōsin ).

This talk about Peter was overheard by him. "This fellow (houtos ) is one of them."So in Mar 14:70 the talk is directly to Peter as in Mat 26:73, but in Luk 22:59 it is about him. Soon the bystanders (hoi parestōtes ) will join in the accusation to Peter (Mar 14:70; Mat 26:73), with the specially pungent question in Joh 18:26 which was the climax. See notes on Mat 26:69-75 for discussion of similar details.

Robertson: Mar 14:71 - Curse Curse ( anathematizein ). Our word anathema (ana , thema , an offering, then something devoted or a curse). Finally the two meanings were distingui...

Curse ( anathematizein ).

Our word anathema (ana , thema , an offering, then something devoted or a curse). Finally the two meanings were distinguished by anathēma for offering and anathema for curse. Deissmann has found examples at Megara of anathema in the sense of curse. Hence the distinction observed in the N.T. was already in the Koiné. Mat 26:74 has katathematizein , which is a hapax legomenon in the N.T., though common in the lxx. This word has the notion of calling down curses on one’ s self if the thing is not true.

Robertson: Mar 14:72 - Called to mind Called to mind ( anemnēsthē ). First aorist passive indicative. Mat 26:75 has the uncompounded verb emnēsthē while Luk 22:61 has another co...

Called to mind ( anemnēsthē ).

First aorist passive indicative. Mat 26:75 has the uncompounded verb emnēsthē while Luk 22:61 has another compound hupemnēsthē , was reminded.

Robertson: Mar 14:72 - When he thought thereon When he thought thereon ( epibalōn ). Second aorist active participle of epiballō . It is used absolutely here, though there is a reference to to...

When he thought thereon ( epibalōn ).

Second aorist active participle of epiballō . It is used absolutely here, though there is a reference to to rhēma above, the word of Jesus, and the idiom involves ton noun so that the meaning is to put the mind upon something. In Luk 15:12 there is another absolute use with a different sense. Moulton ( Prolegomena , p. 131) quotes a Ptolemaic papyrus Tb P 50 where epibalōn probably means "set to,"put his mind on.

Robertson: Mar 14:72 - Wept Wept ( eklaien ). Inchoative imperfect, began to weep. Mat 26:75 has the ingressive aorist eklausen , burst into tears.

Wept ( eklaien ).

Inchoative imperfect, began to weep. Mat 26:75 has the ingressive aorist eklausen , burst into tears.

Vincent: Mar 14:1 - The feast of the passover and the unleavened bread The feast of the passover and the unleavened bread ( τὸ πάσχα καὶ τὰ ἄζυμα ) Lit., the passover and the unleavened....

The feast of the passover and the unleavened bread ( τὸ πάσχα καὶ τὰ ἄζυμα )

Lit., the passover and the unleavened. It was really one and the same festival.

Vincent: Mar 14:1 - Sought Sought ( ἐζήτουν ) Imperfect tense: were all this while seeking

Sought ( ἐζήτουν )

Imperfect tense: were all this while seeking

Vincent: Mar 14:3 - Alabaster box Alabaster box See on Mat 26:7.

Alabaster box

See on Mat 26:7.

Vincent: Mar 14:3 - Spikenard Spikenard ( νάρδου πιστικῆς ) The meaning of πιστικῆς greatly disputed. The best authorities define it genuine or ...

Spikenard ( νάρδου πιστικῆς )

The meaning of πιστικῆς greatly disputed. The best authorities define it genuine or unadulterated: pure nard.

Vincent: Mar 14:3 - Brake Brake Possibly by striking the brittle neck of the flask. This detail is peculiar to Mark.


Possibly by striking the brittle neck of the flask. This detail is peculiar to Mark.

Vincent: Mar 14:4 - To what purpose To what purpose, etc See on Mat 26:8.

To what purpose, etc

See on Mat 26:8.

Vincent: Mar 14:5 - Murmured Murmured ( ἐνεβριμῶντο ) See on Mar 1:43.

Murmured ( ἐνεβριμῶντο )

See on Mar 1:43.

Vincent: Mar 14:6 - Good Good See on Mat 26:10.


See on Mat 26:10.

Vincent: Mar 14:7 - And whensoever ye will And whensoever ye will, etc Note Mark's amplification.

And whensoever ye will, etc

Note Mark's amplification.

Vincent: Mar 14:8 - She hath done what she could She hath done what she could ( ὅ ἔσχεν ἐποίησεν ) Lit., what she had she did. Peculiar to Mark.

She hath done what she could ( ὅ ἔσχεν ἐποίησεν )

Lit., what she had she did. Peculiar to Mark.

Vincent: Mar 14:8 - She is come aforehand to anoint She is come aforehand to anoint ( προέλαβεν μυρίσαι ) Lit., she anticipated to anoint. Rev., hath anointed beforehand. Th...

She is come aforehand to anoint ( προέλαβεν μυρίσαι )

Lit., she anticipated to anoint. Rev., hath anointed beforehand. The verb μυρίζω is found only here.

Vincent: Mar 14:11 - Money Money See on Mat 26:15.


See on Mat 26:15.

Vincent: Mar 14:11 - He sought He sought ( ευζήτει ) Imperfect tense. He kept seeking: busied himself continuously from that time.

He sought ( ευζήτει )

Imperfect tense. He kept seeking: busied himself continuously from that time.

Vincent: Mar 14:11 - Conveniently Conveniently ( εὐκαίρως ) Might find a good opportunity (καιρός ).

Conveniently ( εὐκαίρως )

Might find a good opportunity (καιρός ).

Vincent: Mar 14:13 - A man A man A slave probably, whose business it was to draw water. See Deu 19:11.

A man

A slave probably, whose business it was to draw water. See Deu 19:11.

Vincent: Mar 14:13 - Pitcher Pitcher Of earthenware: κεράμοιν , from κέραμος , potter's clay.


Of earthenware: κεράμοιν , from κέραμος , potter's clay.

Vincent: Mar 14:14 - My guest-chamber My guest-chamber ( κατάλυμά μου ) Luk 22:11. The word is not classical, and as used by an oriental signifies a khan or caravans...

My guest-chamber ( κατάλυμά μου )

Luk 22:11. The word is not classical, and as used by an oriental signifies a khan or caravanserai. Hence inn at Luk 2:7. My chamber. It was a common practice that more than one company partook of the paschal supper in the same apartment; but Christ will have his chamber for himself and his disciples alone.

Vincent: Mar 14:15 - And he And he ( αὐτὸς ) The Greek is more emphatic. " He will himself show you." So Rev. Probably the owner of the house was a disciple.

And he ( αὐτὸς )

The Greek is more emphatic. " He will himself show you." So Rev. Probably the owner of the house was a disciple.

Vincent: Mar 14:15 - Furnished Furnished ( ἐστρωμένον ) Lit., strewed with carpets, and with couches properly spread.

Furnished ( ἐστρωμένον )

Lit., strewed with carpets, and with couches properly spread.

Vincent: Mar 14:20 - Dish Dish ( τρυβλίου ) See on Mat 26:23.

Dish ( τρυβλίου )

See on Mat 26:23.

Vincent: Mar 14:23 - The cup The cup. The wine was the ordinary one of the country, only red. It was mixed with water, generally in the proportion of one part to two of wat...

The cup.

The wine was the ordinary one of the country, only red. It was mixed with water, generally in the proportion of one part to two of water.

Vincent: Mar 14:24 - Covenant Covenant See on Mat 26:28.


See on Mat 26:28.

Vincent: Mar 14:24 - Is shed Is shed ( τὸ ἐκχυννόμενον ) Lit., is being shed. This present participle is significant. To the Lord's mind the sacrifice i...

Is shed ( τὸ ἐκχυννόμενον )

Lit., is being shed. This present participle is significant. To the Lord's mind the sacrifice is already being offered.

Vincent: Mar 14:25 - New New See on Mat 26:29.


See on Mat 26:29.

Vincent: Mar 14:26 - Sung an hymn Sung an hymn See on Mat 26:30.

Sung an hymn

See on Mat 26:30.

Vincent: Mar 14:28 - Go before Go before See on Mat 26:32.

Go before

See on Mat 26:32.

Vincent: Mar 14:30 - Cock crow Cock crow See on Mat 26:34. Mark alone adds twice.

Cock crow

See on Mat 26:34. Mark alone adds twice.

Vincent: Mar 14:30 - Deny Deny ( ἀπαρνήσῃ ) The compound verb signifies utterly deny.

Deny ( ἀπαρνήσῃ )

The compound verb signifies utterly deny.

Vincent: Mar 14:31 - I will not deny I will not deny ( οὐ μή σε ἀπαρνήσαμαι ) The double negative with the future forms the strongest possible assertion.

I will not deny ( οὐ μή σε ἀπαρνήσαμαι )

The double negative with the future forms the strongest possible assertion.

Vincent: Mar 14:32 - Gethsemane Gethsemane See on Mat 26:36.


See on Mat 26:36.

Vincent: Mar 14:33 - To be sore amazed To be sore amazed ( ἐκθαμβεῖσθαι ) A word peculiar to Mark. Compare Mar 9:15; Mar 16:5, Mar 16:6.

To be sore amazed ( ἐκθαμβεῖσθαι )

A word peculiar to Mark. Compare Mar 9:15; Mar 16:5, Mar 16:6.

Vincent: Mar 14:35 - Prayed Prayed ( προσηύχετο ) Imperfect tense: began to pray.

Prayed ( προσηύχετο )

Imperfect tense: began to pray.

Vincent: Mar 14:40 - Heavy Heavy ( καταβαρυνόμενοι ) Lit., weighed down: very heavy.

Heavy ( καταβαρυνόμενοι )

Lit., weighed down: very heavy.

Vincent: Mar 14:41 - It is enough It is enough ( ἀπέχει ) Peculiar to Mark. In this impersonal sense the word occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. Expositors are ut...

It is enough ( ἀπέχει )

Peculiar to Mark. In this impersonal sense the word occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. Expositors are utterly at sea as to its meaning.

Vincent: Mar 14:43 - One of the twelve One of the twelve See on Mat 26:47; as also on multitude.

One of the twelve

See on Mat 26:47; as also on multitude.

Vincent: Mar 14:44 - Token Token ( σύσσημον ) A later Greek compound used only by Mark in this passage. Compare σημεῖον , Mat 26:48. The σύν , wit...

Token ( σύσσημον )

A later Greek compound used only by Mark in this passage. Compare σημεῖον , Mat 26:48. The σύν , with, gives the force of a mutual token: a concerted signal.

Vincent: Mar 14:45 - Kissed Kissed See on Mat 26:49.


See on Mat 26:49.

Vincent: Mar 14:47 - The servant The servant See on Mat 26:51.

The servant

See on Mat 26:51.

Vincent: Mar 14:47 - Ear Ear ( ὠτάριον ) A word found only here and at Joh 18:10. See on Mat 26:51.

Ear ( ὠτάριον )

A word found only here and at Joh 18:10. See on Mat 26:51.

Vincent: Mar 14:48 - A thief A thief Rev., better, robber. See on Mat 26:55, and Mar 11:17.

A thief

Rev., better, robber. See on Mat 26:55, and Mar 11:17.

Vincent: Mar 14:51 - Linen cloth Linen cloth ( σινδόνα ) The probable derivation is from Ἰνδός , an Indian: India being the source from which came this fine ...

Linen cloth ( σινδόνα )

The probable derivation is from Ἰνδός , an Indian: India being the source from which came this fine fabric used for wrapping dead bodies, and in which Christ's body was enveloped. See Mat 27:59; Mar 15:46; Luk 23:53.

Vincent: Mar 14:54 - Palace Palace ( αὐλὴν ) Rather, court, as Rev., the quadrangle round which the chambers were built. See on Mat 26:3.

Palace ( αὐλὴν )

Rather, court, as Rev., the quadrangle round which the chambers were built. See on Mat 26:3.

Vincent: Mar 14:54 - Sat with Sat with ( ἦν συγκαθήμενος ) The verb with the participle denoting continuousness. What occurred after occurred while he w...

Sat with ( ἦν συγκαθήμενος )

The verb with the participle denoting continuousness. What occurred after occurred while he was sitting . So Rev.

Vincent: Mar 14:54 - Servants Servants Rev., officers . See on Mat 5:25.


Rev., officers . See on Mat 5:25.

Vincent: Mar 14:54 - At the fire At the fire ( πρὸς τὸ φῶς ) Φῶς is never used of the fire itself, but of the light of the fire; and this is the point ...

At the fire ( πρὸς τὸ φῶς )

Φῶς is never used of the fire itself, but of the light of the fire; and this is the point to which the evangelist directs attention: that the firelight, shining on Peter's face, called forth the challenge of the maid (Mar 14:66).

Vincent: Mar 14:56 - Their witness agreed not Their witness agreed not Peculiar to Mark. Lit., their testimonies were not equal. Hence the difficulty of fulfilling the requirement of the la...

Their witness agreed not

Peculiar to Mark. Lit., their testimonies were not equal. Hence the difficulty of fulfilling the requirement of the law, which demanded two witnesses. See Deu 17:6; and compare Mat 18:16; 1Ti 5:19; Heb 10:28.

Vincent: Mar 14:58 - Made with hands Made with hands Mark adds this detail; also made without hands, and the following sentence.

Made with hands

Mark adds this detail; also made without hands, and the following sentence.

Vincent: Mar 14:62 - I am I am See on Mat 26:64.

I am

See on Mat 26:64.

Vincent: Mar 14:64 - Guilty of death Guilty of death See on Mat 26:66.

Guilty of death

See on Mat 26:66.

Vincent: Mar 14:65 - Buffet Buffet See on Mat 26:67.


See on Mat 26:67.

Vincent: Mar 14:65 - Palms of their hands Palms of their hands ( ῥαπίσμασιν ) An unclassical word, but used also by John (Joh 19:3). The word means blows.

Palms of their hands ( ῥαπίσμασιν )

An unclassical word, but used also by John (Joh 19:3). The word means blows.

Vincent: Mar 14:65 - Did strike Did strike Following the old reading, ἔβαλλον . The correct reading is ἔλαβον , received. So Rev. Received him into custo...

Did strike

Following the old reading, ἔβαλλον . The correct reading is ἔλαβον , received. So Rev. Received him into custody.

Vincent: Mar 14:66 - Beneath Beneath In relation to the chambers round the court above.


In relation to the chambers round the court above.

Vincent: Mar 14:68 - Porch Porch ( προαύλιον ) Only here in New Testament. The vestibule, extending from the outside gate to the court.

Porch ( προαύλιον )

Only here in New Testament. The vestibule, extending from the outside gate to the court.

Vincent: Mar 14:71 - Curse Curse ( ἀναθεματίζειν ) Compare on Mat 26:74; where the word is καταθεματίζειν , to call down (κατὰ ) c...

Curse ( ἀναθεματίζειν )

Compare on Mat 26:74; where the word is καταθεματίζειν , to call down (κατὰ ) curses on himself if he were not telling the truth. The words are synonymous.

Vincent: Mar 14:72 - When he thought thereon When he thought thereon ( ἐπιβαλὼν ) From ἐπί , upon , and βάλλω , to throw. When he threw his thought upon it.

When he thought thereon ( ἐπιβαλὼν )

From ἐπί , upon , and βάλλω , to throw. When he threw his thought upon it.

Wesley: Mar 14:1 - -- Mat 26:1; Luk 22:1.

Wesley: Mar 14:3 - -- Mat 26:6.

Wesley: Mar 14:4 - Some had indignation Being incited thereto by Judas: and said - Probably to the women.

Being incited thereto by Judas: and said - Probably to the women.

Wesley: Mar 14:10 - Judas went to the chief priests Immediately after this reproof, having anger now added to his covetousness. Mat 26:14; Luk 22:3.

Immediately after this reproof, having anger now added to his covetousness. Mat 26:14; Luk 22:3.

Wesley: Mar 14:12 - -- Mat 26:17; Luk 22:7.

Wesley: Mar 14:13 - Go into the city, and there shall meet you a man It was highly seasonable for our Lord to give them this additional proof both of his knowing all things, and of his influence over the minds of men.

It was highly seasonable for our Lord to give them this additional proof both of his knowing all things, and of his influence over the minds of men.

Wesley: Mar 14:15 - Furnished The word properly means, spread with carpets.

The word properly means, spread with carpets.

Wesley: Mar 14:17 - -- Mat 26:20; Luk 22:14.

Wesley: Mar 14:24 - This is my blood of the New Testament That is, this I appoint to be a perpetual sign and memorial of my blood, as shed for establishing the new covenant, that all who shall believe in me m...

That is, this I appoint to be a perpetual sign and memorial of my blood, as shed for establishing the new covenant, that all who shall believe in me may receive all its gracious promises.

Wesley: Mar 14:25 - I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine, till I drink it new in the kingdom of God That is, I shall drink no more before I die: the next wine I drink will not be earthly, but heavenly.

That is, I shall drink no more before I die: the next wine I drink will not be earthly, but heavenly.

Wesley: Mar 14:26 - -- Mat 26:30; Luk 22:39; Joh 18:1.

Wesley: Mar 14:27 - This night The Jews in reckoning their days began with the evening, according to the Mosaic computation, which called the evening and the morning the first day, ...

The Jews in reckoning their days began with the evening, according to the Mosaic computation, which called the evening and the morning the first day, Gen 1:5. And so that which after sunset is here called this night is, Mar 14:30, called to - day. The expression there is peculiarly significant. Verily I say to thee, that thou thyself, confident as thou art, to - day, even within four and twenty hours; yea, this night, or ever the sun be risen, nay, before the cock crow twice, before three in the morning, wilt deny me thrice. Our Lord doubtless spoke so determinately, as knowing a cock would crow once before the usual time of cock crowing. By Mar 13:35, it appears, that the third watch of the night, ending at three in the morning, was commonly styled the cock crowing. Zec 13:7.

Wesley: Mar 14:32 - -- Mat 26:36.

Wesley: Mar 14:33 - Sore amazed The original word imports the most shocking amazement, mingled with grief: and that word in the next verse which we render sorrowful intimates, that h...

The original word imports the most shocking amazement, mingled with grief: and that word in the next verse which we render sorrowful intimates, that he was surrounded with sorrow on every side, breaking in upon him with such violence, as was ready to separate his soul from his body.

Wesley: Mar 14:36 - Abba, Father St. Mark seems to add the word Father, by way of explication.

St. Mark seems to add the word Father, by way of explication.

Wesley: Mar 14:37 - Saith to Peter The zealous, the confident Peter.

The zealous, the confident Peter.

Wesley: Mar 14:43 - -- Mat 26:47; Luk 22:47; Joh 18:2.

Wesley: Mar 14:44 - Whomsoever I shall kiss Probably our Lord, in great condescension, had used (according to the Jewish custom) to permit his disciples to do this, after they had been some time...

Probably our Lord, in great condescension, had used (according to the Jewish custom) to permit his disciples to do this, after they had been some time absent.

Wesley: Mar 14:47 - -- Mat 26:51; Luk 22:49; Joh 18:10.

Wesley: Mar 14:51 - A young man It does not appear, that he was one of Christ's disciples. Probably hearing an unusual noise, he started up out of his bed, not far from the garden, a...

It does not appear, that he was one of Christ's disciples. Probably hearing an unusual noise, he started up out of his bed, not far from the garden, and ran out with only the sheet about him, to see what was the matter.

Wesley: Mar 14:51 - And the young men laid hold on him Who was only suspected to be Christ's disciple: but could not touch them who really were so.

Who was only suspected to be Christ's disciple: but could not touch them who really were so.

Wesley: Mar 14:53 - -- Mat 26:57; Luk 22:54; Joh 18:12.

Wesley: Mar 14:55 - All the council sought for witness and found none What an amazing proof of the overruling providence of God, considering both their authority, and the rewards they could offer, that no two consistent ...

What an amazing proof of the overruling providence of God, considering both their authority, and the rewards they could offer, that no two consistent witnesses could be procured, to charge him with any gross crime. Mat 26:59.

Wesley: Mar 14:56 - Their evidences were not sufficient The Greek words literally rendered are, Were not equal: not equal to the charge of a capital crime: it is the same word in Mar 14:59.

The Greek words literally rendered are, Were not equal: not equal to the charge of a capital crime: it is the same word in Mar 14:59.

Wesley: Mar 14:58 - We heard him say It is observable, that the words which they thus misrepresented, were spoken by Christ at least three years before, Joh 2:19. Their going back so far ...

It is observable, that the words which they thus misrepresented, were spoken by Christ at least three years before, Joh 2:19. Their going back so far to find matter for the charge, was a glorious, though silent attestation of the unexceptionable manner wherein he had behaved, through the whole course of his public ministry.

Wesley: Mar 14:61 - -- Mat 26:63; Luk 22:67.

Wesley: Mar 14:66 - -- Mat 26:69; Luk 22:56; Joh 18:25.

Wesley: Mar 14:72 - And he covered his head Which was a usual custom with mourners, and was fitly expressive both of grief and shame.

Which was a usual custom with mourners, and was fitly expressive both of grief and shame.

JFB: Mar 14:1 - After two days was the feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread The meaning is, that two days after what is about to be mentioned the passover would arrive; in other words, what follows occurred two days before the...

The meaning is, that two days after what is about to be mentioned the passover would arrive; in other words, what follows occurred two days before the feast.

JFB: Mar 14:1 - and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death From Matthew's fuller account (Mat. 26:1-75) we learn that our Lord announced this to the Twelve as follows, being the first announcement to them of t...

From Matthew's fuller account (Mat. 26:1-75) we learn that our Lord announced this to the Twelve as follows, being the first announcement to them of the precise time: "And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished all these sayings" (Mat 26:1) --referring to the contents of Mat. 24:1-25:46, which He delivered to His disciples; His public ministry being now closed: from His prophetical He is now passing into His priestly office, although all along He Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses--"He said unto His disciples, Ye know that after two days is [the feast of] the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified." The first and the last steps of His final sufferings are brought together in this brief announcement of all that was to take place. The passover was the first and the chief of the three great annual festivals, commemorative of the redemption of God's people from Egypt, through the sprinkling of the blood of a lamb divinely appointed to be slain for that end; the destroying angel, "when he saw the blood, passing over" the Israelitish houses, on which that blood was seen, when he came to destroy all the first-born in the land of Egypt (Exo 12:12-13) --bright typical foreshadowing of the great Sacrifice, and the Redemption effected thereby. Accordingly, "by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, who is wonderful in counsel and excellent in working," it was so ordered that precisely at the passover season, "Christ our Passover should be sacrificed for us." On the day following the passover commenced "the feast of unleavened bread," so called because for seven days only unleavened bread was to be eaten (Exo 12:18-20). See on 1Co 5:6-8. We are further told by Matthew (Mat 26:3) that the consultation was held in the palace of Caiaphas the high priest, between the chief priests, [the scribes], and the elders of the people, how "they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill Him."

JFB: Mar 14:2 - But they said, Not on the feast day Rather, not during the feast; not until the seven days of unleavened bread should be over.

Rather, not during the feast; not until the seven days of unleavened bread should be over.

JFB: Mar 14:2 - lest there be an uproar of the people In consequence of the vast influx of strangers, embracing all the male population of the land who had reached a certain age, there were within the wal...

In consequence of the vast influx of strangers, embracing all the male population of the land who had reached a certain age, there were within the walls of Jerusalem at this festival some two million people; and in their excited state, the danger of tumult and bloodshed among "the people," who for the most part took Jesus for a prophet, was extreme. See JOSEPHUS [Antiquities, 20.5.3]. What plan, if any, these ecclesiastics fixed upon for seizing our Lord, does not appear. But the proposal of Judas being at once and eagerly gone into, it is probable they were till then at some loss for a plan sufficiently quiet and yet effectual. So, just at the feast time shall it be done; the unexpected offer of Judas relieving them of their fears. Thus, as BENGEL remarks, did the divine counsel take effect.

The Supper and the Anointing at Bethany Six Days before the Passover (Mar 14:3-9).

The time of this part of the narrative is four days before what has just been related. Had it been part of the regular train of events which our Evangelist designed to record, he would probably have inserted it in its proper place, before the conspiracy of the Jewish authorities. But having come to the treason of Judas, he seems to have gone back upon this scene as what probably gave immediate occasion to the awful deed.

JFB: Mar 14:3 - And being in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman It was "Mary," as we learn from Joh 12:3.

It was "Mary," as we learn from Joh 12:3.

JFB: Mar 14:3 - having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard Pure nard, a celebrated aromatic--(See Son 1:12).

Pure nard, a celebrated aromatic--(See Son 1:12).

JFB: Mar 14:3 - very precious "very costly" (Joh 12:3).

"very costly" (Joh 12:3).

JFB: Mar 14:3 - and she brake the box, and poured it on his head "and anointed," adds John (Joh 12:3), "the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment." T...

"and anointed," adds John (Joh 12:3), "the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment." The only use of this was to refresh and exhilarate--a grateful compliment in the East, amid the closeness of a heated atmosphere, with many guests at a feast. Such was the form in which Mary's love to Christ, at so much cost to herself, poured itself out.

JFB: Mar 14:4 - And there were some that had indignation within themselves and said Matthew says (Mat 26:8), "But when His disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying," &c. The spokesman, however, was none of the true-hearted Eleve...

Matthew says (Mat 26:8), "But when His disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying," &c. The spokesman, however, was none of the true-hearted Eleven--as we learn from John (Joh 12:4): "Then saith one of His disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray Him." Doubtless the thought stirred first in his breast, and issued from his base lips; and some of the rest, ignorant of his true character and feelings, and carried away by his plausible speech, might for the moment feel some chagrin at the apparent waste.

Why was this waste of the ointment made?

JFB: Mar 14:5 - For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence Between nine and ten pounds sterling.

Between nine and ten pounds sterling.

JFB: Mar 14:5 - and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her "This he said," remarks John (Joh 12:6), and the remark is of exceeding importance, "not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief, and ha...

"This he said," remarks John (Joh 12:6), and the remark is of exceeding importance, "not that he cared for the poor but because he was a thief, and had the bag"--the scrip or treasure chest--"and bare what was put therein"--not "bare it off" by theft, as some understand it. It is true that he did this; but the expression means simply that he had charge of it and its contents, or was treasurer to Jesus and the Twelve. What a remarkable arrangement was this, by which an avaricious and dishonest person was not only taken into the number of the Twelve, but entrusted with the custody of their little property! The purposes which this served are obvious enough; but it is further noticeable, that the remotest hint was never given to the Eleven of his true character, nor did the disciples most favored with the intimacy of Jesus ever suspect him, till a few minutes before he voluntarily separated himself from their company--for ever!

JFB: Mar 14:6 - And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on me It was good in itself, and so was acceptable to Christ; it was eminently seasonable, and so more acceptable still; and it was "what she could," and so...

It was good in itself, and so was acceptable to Christ; it was eminently seasonable, and so more acceptable still; and it was "what she could," and so most acceptable of all.

JFB: Mar 14:7 - For ye have the poor with you always Referring to Deu 15:11.

Referring to Deu 15:11.

JFB: Mar 14:7 - and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always A gentle hint of His approaching departure, by One who knew the worth of His own presence.

A gentle hint of His approaching departure, by One who knew the worth of His own presence.

JFB: Mar 14:8 - She hath done what she could A noble testimony, embodying a principle of immense importance.

A noble testimony, embodying a principle of immense importance.

JFB: Mar 14:8 - she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying Or, as in John (Joh 12:7), "Against the day of my burying hath she kept this." Not that she, dear heart, thought of His burial, much less reserved any...

Or, as in John (Joh 12:7), "Against the day of my burying hath she kept this." Not that she, dear heart, thought of His burial, much less reserved any of her nard to anoint her dead Lord. But as the time was so near at hand when that office would have to be performed, and she was not to have that privilege even after the spices were brought for the purpose (Mar 16:1), He lovingly regards it as done now. "In the act of love done to Him," says OLSHAUSEN beautifully, "she has erected to herself an eternal monument, as lasting as the Gospel, the eternal Word of God. From generation to generation this remarkable prophecy of the Lord has been fulfilled; and even we, in explaining this saying of the Redeemer, of necessity contribute to its accomplishment." "Who but Himself," asks STIER, "had the power to ensure to any work of man, even if resounding in His own time through the whole earth, an imperishable remembrance in the stream of history? Behold once more here the majesty of His royal judicial supremacy in the government of the world, in this, 'Verily I say unto you.'"

JFB: Mar 14:10 - And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him unto them That is, to make his proposals, and to bargain with them, as appears from. Matthew's fuller statement (Mat 26:14-15) which says, he "went unto the chi...

That is, to make his proposals, and to bargain with them, as appears from. Matthew's fuller statement (Mat 26:14-15) which says, he "went unto the chief priests, and said, What will ye give me, and I will deliver Him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver." The thirty pieces of silver were thirty shekels, the fine paid for man- or maid-servant accidentally killed (Exo 21:32), and equal to between four and five pounds sterling--"a goodly price that I was prized at of them!" (Zec 11:13).

JFB: Mar 14:11 - And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money Matthew alone records the precise sum, because a remarkable and complicated prophecy, which he was afterwards to refer to, was fulfilled by it.

Matthew alone records the precise sum, because a remarkable and complicated prophecy, which he was afterwards to refer to, was fulfilled by it.

JFB: Mar 14:11 - And he sought how he might conveniently betray him Or, as more fully given in Luke (Luk 22:6), "And he promised, and sought opportunity to betray Him unto them in the absence of the multitude." That he...

Or, as more fully given in Luke (Luk 22:6), "And he promised, and sought opportunity to betray Him unto them in the absence of the multitude." That he should avoid an "uproar" or "riot" among the people, which probably was made an essential condition by the Jewish authorities, was thus assented to by the traitor; into whom, says Luke (Luk 22:3), "Satan entered," to put him upon this hellish deed.

JFB: Mar 14:53 - And they led Jesus away to the high priest: and with him were assembled Or rather, "there gathered together unto him."

Or rather, "there gathered together unto him."

JFB: Mar 14:53 - all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes It was then a full and formal meeting of the Sanhedrim. Now, as the first three Evangelists place all Peter's denials of his Lord after this, we shoul...

It was then a full and formal meeting of the Sanhedrim. Now, as the first three Evangelists place all Peter's denials of his Lord after this, we should naturally conclude that they took place while our Lord stood before the Sanhedrim. But besides that the natural impression is that the scene around the fire took place overnight, the second crowing of the cock, if we are to credit ancient writers, would occur about the beginning of the fourth watch, or between three and four in the morning. By that time, however, the Council had probably convened, being warned, perhaps, that they were to prepare for being called at any hour of the morning, should the Prisoner be successfully secured. If this be correct, it is fairly certain that only the last of Peter's three denials would take place while our Lord was under trial before the Sanhedrim. One thing more may require explanation. If our Lord had to be transferred from the residence of Annas to that of Caiaphas, one is apt to wonder that there is no mention of His being marched from the one to the other. But the building, in all likelihood, was one and the same; in which case He would merely have to be taken perhaps across the court, from one chamber to another.

JFB: Mar 14:54 - And Peter followed him afar off, even into Or "from afar, even to the interior of."

Or "from afar, even to the interior of."

JFB: Mar 14:54 - the palace of the high priest "An oriental house," says ROBINSON, "is usually built around a quadrangular interior court; into which there is a passage (sometimes arched) through t...

"An oriental house," says ROBINSON, "is usually built around a quadrangular interior court; into which there is a passage (sometimes arched) through the front part of the house, closed next the street by a heavy folding gate, with a smaller wicket for single persons, kept by a porter. The interior court, often paved or flagged, and open to the sky, is the hall, which our translators have rendered 'palace,' where the attendants made a fire; and the passage beneath the front of the house, from the street to this court, is the porch." The place where Jesus stood before the high priest may have been an open room, or place of audience on the ground floor, in the rear or on one side of the court; such rooms, open in front, being customary. It was close upon the court, for Jesus heard all that was going on around the fire, and turned and looked upon Peter (Luk 22:61).

JFB: Mar 14:54 - and he sat with the servants, and warmed himself at the fire The graphic details, here omitted, are supplied in the other Gospels. Joh 18:18 :

The graphic details, here omitted, are supplied in the other Gospels. Joh 18:18 :

JFB: Mar 14:54 - And the servants and officers stood there That is, in the hall, within the quadrangle, open to the sky.

That is, in the hall, within the quadrangle, open to the sky.

JFB: Mar 14:54 - who had made a fire of coals Or charcoal (in a brazier probably).

Or charcoal (in a brazier probably).

JFB: Mar 14:54 - for it was cold John alone of all the Evangelists mentions the material, and the coldness of the night, as WEBSTER and WILKINSON remark. The elevated situation of Jer...

John alone of all the Evangelists mentions the material, and the coldness of the night, as WEBSTER and WILKINSON remark. The elevated situation of Jerusalem, observes THOLUCK, renders it so cold about Easter as to make a watch fire at night indispensable.

JFB: Mar 14:54 - And Peter stood with them and warmed himself "He went in," says Matthew (Mat 26:58), "and sat with the servants to see the end." These two minute statements throw an interesting light on each oth...

"He went in," says Matthew (Mat 26:58), "and sat with the servants to see the end." These two minute statements throw an interesting light on each other. His wishing to "see the end," or issue of these proceedings, was what led him into the palace, for he evidently feared the worst. But once in, the serpent coil is drawn closer; it is a cold night, and why should not he take advantage of the fire as well as others? Besides, in the talk of the crowd about the all-engrossing topic he may pick up something which he would like to hear. Poor Peter! But now, let us leave him warming himself at the fire, and listening to the hum of talk about this strange case by which the subordinate officials, passing to and fro and crowding around the fire in this open court, would while away the time; and, following what appears the order of the Evangelical Narrative, let us turn to Peter's Lord.

JFB: Mar 14:54 - Jesus Is Interrogated by Annas His Dignified Reply--Is Treated with Indignity by One of the Officials--His Meek Rebuke (Joh 18:19-23). We have seen that it is only the Fourth Evang...

His Dignified Reply--Is Treated with Indignity by One of the Officials--His Meek Rebuke (Joh 18:19-23).

We have seen that it is only the Fourth Evangelist who tells us that our Lord was sent to Annas first, overnight, until the Sanhedrim could be got together at earliest dawn. We have now, in the same Gospel, the deeply instructive scene that passed during this non-official interview.

Joh 18:19 :

JFB: Mar 14:54 - The high priest Annas.


JFB: Mar 14:54 - then asked Jesus of His disciples and of His doctrine Probably to entrap Him into some statements which might be used against Him at the trial. From our Lord's answer it would seem that "His disciples" we...

Probably to entrap Him into some statements which might be used against Him at the trial. From our Lord's answer it would seem that "His disciples" were understood to be some secret party.

Joh 18:20.

JFB: Mar 14:54 - Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world Compare Mar 7:4. He speaks of His public teaching as now a past thing--as now all over.

Compare Mar 7:4. He speaks of His public teaching as now a past thing--as now all over.

JFB: Mar 14:54 - I ever taught in the synagogue and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort Courting publicity, though with sublime noiselessness.

Courting publicity, though with sublime noiselessness.

JFB: Mar 14:54 - and in secret have I said nothing Rather, "spake I nothing"; that is, nothing different from what He taught in public: all His private communications with the Twelve being but explanat...

Rather, "spake I nothing"; that is, nothing different from what He taught in public: all His private communications with the Twelve being but explanations and developments of His public teaching. (Compare Isa 45:19; Isa 48:16).

Joh 18:21 :

JFB: Mar 14:54 - Why askest thou Me? ask them which heard Me what I have said to them Rather, "what I said unto them."

Rather, "what I said unto them."

JFB: Mar 14:54 - behold, they know what I said From this mode of replying, it is evident that our Lord saw the attempt to draw Him into self-crimination, and resented it by falling back upon the ri...

From this mode of replying, it is evident that our Lord saw the attempt to draw Him into self-crimination, and resented it by falling back upon the right of every accused party to have some charge laid against Him by competent witnesses.

Joh 18:22 :

JFB: Mar 14:54 - And when He had thus spoken, one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, Answerest Thou the high priest so? (see Isa 50:6). It would seem from Act 23:2 that this summary and undignified way of punishment what was deemed insolence in the accused had the sanct...

(see Isa 50:6). It would seem from Act 23:2 that this summary and undignified way of punishment what was deemed insolence in the accused had the sanction even of the high priests themselves.

Joh 18:23 :

JFB: Mar 14:54 - Jesus answered him, If I have spoken evil Rather, "If I spoke evil," in reply to the high priest.

Rather, "If I spoke evil," in reply to the high priest.

JFB: Mar 14:54 - bear witness of the evil; but if well, why smitest thou Me? He does not say "if not evil," as if His reply had been merely unobjectionable; but "if well," which seems to challenge something altogether fitting i...

He does not say "if not evil," as if His reply had been merely unobjectionable; but "if well," which seems to challenge something altogether fitting in the remonstrance. He had addressed to the high priest. From our Lord's procedure here, by the way, it is evident enough that His own precept in the Sermon on the Mount--that when smitten on the one cheek we are to turn to the smiter the other also (Mat 5:39) --is not to be taken to the letter.

Annas Sends Jesus to Caiaphas (Joh 18:24).

Joh 18:24.

JFB: Mar 14:54 - Now Annas had sent Him bound unto Caiaphas the high priest On the meaning of this verse there is much diversity of opinion; and according as we understand it will be the conclusion we come to, whether there wa...

On the meaning of this verse there is much diversity of opinion; and according as we understand it will be the conclusion we come to, whether there was but one hearing of our Lord before Annas and Caiaphas together, or whether, according to the view we have given above, there were two hearings--a preliminary and informal one before Annas, and a formal and official one before Caiaphas and the Sanhedrim. If our translators have given the right sense of the verse, there was but one hearing before Caiaphas; and then Joh 18:24 is to be read as a parenthesis, merely supplementing what was said in Mar 14:13. This is the view of CALVIN, BEZA, GROTIUS, BENGEL, DE WETTE, MEYER, LUCKE, THOLUCK. But there are decided objections to this view. First: We cannot but think that the natural sense of the whole passage, embracing Mar 14:13-14, Mar 14:19-24, is that of a preliminary non-official hearing before "Annas first," the particulars of which are accordingly recorded; and then of a transference of our Lord from Annas to Caiaphas. Second: On the other view, it is not easy to see why the Evangelist should not have inserted Mar 14:24 immediately after Mar 14:13; or rather, how he could well have done otherwise, As it stands, it is not only quite out of its proper place, but comes in most perplexingly. Whereas, if we take it as a simple statement of fact, that after Annas had finished his interview with Jesus, as recorded in Mar 14:19-23, he transferred Him to Caiaphas to be formally tried, all is clear and natural. Third: The pluperfect sense "had sent" is in the translation only; the sense of the original word being simply "sent." And though there are cases where the aorist here used has the sense of an English pluperfect, this sense is not to be put upon it unless it be obvious and indisputable. Here that is so far from being the case, that the pluperfect "had sent" is rather an unwarrantable interpretation than a simple translation of the word: informing the reader that, according to the view of our translators, our Lord "had been" sent to Caiaphas before the interview just recorded by the Evangelist; whereas, if we translate the verse literally--"Annas sent Him bound unto Caiaphas the high priest"--we get just the information we expect, that Annas, having merely "precognosced" the prisoner, hoping to draw something out of Him, "sent Him to Caiaphas" to be formally tried before the proper tribunal. This is the view of CHRYSOSTOM and AUGUSTINE among the Fathers; and of the moderns, of OLSHAUSEN, SCHLEIERMACHER, NEANDER, EBRARD, WIESELER, LANGE, LUTHARDT. This brings us back to the text of our second Gospel, and in it to

JFB: Mar 14:54 - The Judicial Trial and Condemnation of the Lord Jesus by the Sanhedrim (Mar 14:55-64). But let the reader observe, that though this is introduced by the Evangelist before any of the denials of Peter are recorded, we hav...

(Mar 14:55-64).

But let the reader observe, that though this is introduced by the Evangelist before any of the denials of Peter are recorded, we have given reasons for concluding that probably the first two denials took place while our Lord was with Annas, and the last only during the trial before the Sanhedrim.

JFB: Mar 14:55 - And the chief priests and all the council sought for witness against Jesus to put him to death Matthew (Mat 26:59) says they "sought false witness." They knew they could find nothing valid; but having their Prisoner to bring before Pilate, they ...

Matthew (Mat 26:59) says they "sought false witness." They knew they could find nothing valid; but having their Prisoner to bring before Pilate, they behooved to make a case.

JFB: Mar 14:55 - and found none None that would suit their purpose, or make a decent ground of charge before Pilate.

None that would suit their purpose, or make a decent ground of charge before Pilate.

JFB: Mar 14:56 - For many bare false witness against him From their debasing themselves to "seek" them, we are led to infer that they were bribed to bear false witness; though there are never wanting sycopha...

From their debasing themselves to "seek" them, we are led to infer that they were bribed to bear false witness; though there are never wanting sycophants enough, ready to sell themselves for naught, if they may but get a smile from those above them: see a similar scene in Act 6:11-14. How is one reminded here of that complaint, "False witnesses did rise up: they laid to my charge things that I knew not" (Psa 31:11)!

JFB: Mar 14:56 - but their witness agreed not together If even two of them had been agreed, it would have been greedily enough laid hold of, as all that the law insisted upon even in capital cases (Deu 17:...

If even two of them had been agreed, it would have been greedily enough laid hold of, as all that the law insisted upon even in capital cases (Deu 17:6). But even in this they failed. One cannot but admire the providence which secured this result; since, on the one hand, it seems astonishing that those unscrupulous prosecutors and their ready tools should so bungle a business in which they felt their whole interests bound up; and, on the other hand, if they had succeeded in making even a plausible case, the effect on the progress of the Gospel might for a time have been injurious. But at the very time when His enemies were saying, "God hath forsaken Him; persecute and take Him; for there is none to deliver Him" (Psa 71:11). He whose Witness He was and whose work He was doing was keeping Him as the apple of His eye, and while He was making the wrath of man to praise Him, was restraining the remainder of that wrath (Psa 76:10).

JFB: Mar 14:57 - And there arose certain, and bare false witness against him Matthew (Mat 26:60) is more precise here: "At the last came two false witnesses." As no two had before agreed in anything, they felt it necessary to s...

Matthew (Mat 26:60) is more precise here: "At the last came two false witnesses." As no two had before agreed in anything, they felt it necessary to secure a duplicate testimony to something, but they were long of succeeding. And what was it, when at length it was brought forward?

JFB: Mar 14:57 - saying As follows:

As follows:

JFB: Mar 14:58 - We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands On this charge, observe, first, that eager as His enemies were to find criminal matter against our Lord, they had to go back to the outset of His mini...

On this charge, observe, first, that eager as His enemies were to find criminal matter against our Lord, they had to go back to the outset of His ministry, His first visit to Jerusalem, more than three years before this. In all that He said and did after that, though ever increasing in boldness, they could find nothing. Next, that even then, they fix only on one speech, of two or three words, which they dared to adduce against Him. Further, they most manifestly pervert the speech of our Lord. We say not this because in Mark's form of it, it differs from the report of the words given by the Fourth Evangelist (Joh 2:18-22) --the only one of the Evangelists who reports it all, or mentions even any visit paid by our Lord to Jerusalem before His last--but because the one report bears truth, and the other falsehood, on its face. When our Lord said on that occasion, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up," they might, for a moment, have understood Him to refer to the temple out of whose courts He had swept the buyers and sellers. But after they had expressed their astonishment at His words, in that sense of them, and reasoned upon the time it had taken to rear the temple as it then stood, since no answer to this appears to have been given by our Lord, it is hardly conceivable that they should continue in the persuasion that this was really His meaning. But finally, even if the more ignorant among them had done so, it is next to certain that the ecclesiastics, who were the prosecutors in this case, did not believe that this was His meaning. For in less than three days after this they went to Pilate, saying, "Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, after three days I will rise again" (Mat 27:63). Now what utterance of Christ known to His enemies, could this refer to, if not to this very saying about destroying and rearing up the temple? And if so, it puts it beyond a doubt that by this time, at least, they were perfectly aware that our Lord's words referred to His death by their hands and His resurrection by His own. But this is confirmed by Mar 14:59.

JFB: Mar 14:59 - But neither so did their witness agree together That is, not even as to so brief a speech, consisting of but a few words, was there such a concurrence in their mode of reporting it as to make out a ...

That is, not even as to so brief a speech, consisting of but a few words, was there such a concurrence in their mode of reporting it as to make out a decent case. In such a charge everything depended on the very terms alleged to have been used. For every one must see that a very slight turn, either way, given to such words, would make them either something like indictable matter, or else a ridiculous ground for a criminal charge--would either give them a colorable pretext for the charge of impiety which they were bent on making out, or else make the whole saying appear, on the worst view that could be taken of it, as merely some mystical or empty boast.

JFB: Mar 14:60 - Answerest thou nothing? what is it which these witness against thee? Clearly, they felt that their case had failed, and by this artful question the high priest hoped to get from His own mouth what they had in vain tried...

Clearly, they felt that their case had failed, and by this artful question the high priest hoped to get from His own mouth what they had in vain tried to obtain from their false and contradictory witnesses. But in this, too, they failed.

JFB: Mar 14:61 - But he held his peace, and answered nothing This must have nonplussed them. But they were not to be easily baulked of their object.

This must have nonplussed them. But they were not to be easily baulked of their object.

JFB: Mar 14:61 - Again the high priest Arose (Mat 26:62), matters having now come to a crisis.

Arose (Mat 26:62), matters having now come to a crisis.

JFB: Mar 14:61 - asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? Why our Lord should have answered this question, when He was silent as to the former, we might not have quite seen, but for Matthew, who says (Mat 26:...

Why our Lord should have answered this question, when He was silent as to the former, we might not have quite seen, but for Matthew, who says (Mat 26:63) that the high priest put Him upon solemn oath, saying, "I adjure Thee by the living God, that Thou tell us whether Thou be the Christ, the Son of God." Such an adjuration was understood to render an answer legally necessary (Lev 5:1). (Also see on Joh 18:28.)

JFB: Mar 14:62 - And Jesus said, I am Or, as in Matthew (Mat 26:64), "Thou hast said [it]." In Luke, however (Luk 22:70), the answer, "Ye say that I am," should be rendered--as DE WETTE, M...

Or, as in Matthew (Mat 26:64), "Thou hast said [it]." In Luke, however (Luk 22:70), the answer, "Ye say that I am," should be rendered--as DE WETTE, MEYER, ELLICOTT, and the best critics agree that the preposition requires--"Ye say [it], for I am [so]." Some words, however, were spoken by our Lord before giving His answer to this solemn question. These are recorded by Luke alone (Luk 22:67-68): "Art Thou the Christ [they asked]? tell us. And He said unto them, If I tell you, ye will not believe: and if I also ask [interrogate] "you, ye will not answer Me, nor let Me go." This seems to have been uttered before giving His direct answer, as a calm remonstrance and dignified protest against the prejudgment of His case and the unfairness of their mode of procedure. But now let us hear the rest of the answer, in which the conscious majesty of Jesus breaks forth from behind the dark cloud which overhung Him as He stood before the Council. (Also see on Joh 18:28.)

JFB: Mar 14:62 - and In that character.

In that character.

JFB: Mar 14:62 - ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven In Matthew (Mat 26:64) a slightly different but interesting turn is given to it by one word: "Thou hast said [it]: nevertheless"--We prefer this sense...

In Matthew (Mat 26:64) a slightly different but interesting turn is given to it by one word: "Thou hast said [it]: nevertheless"--We prefer this sense of the word to "besides," which some recent critics decide for--"I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sit on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven." The word rendered "hereafter" means, not "at some future time" (as to-day "hereafter commonly does), but what the English word originally signified, "after here," "after now," or "from this time." Accordingly, in Luk 22:69, the words used mean "from now." So that though the reference we have given it to the day of His glorious Second Appearing is too obvious to admit of doubt, He would, by using the expression, "From this time," convey the important thought which He had before expressed, immediately after the traitor left the supper table to do his dark work, "Now is the Son of man glorified" (Joh 13:31). At this moment, and by this speech, did He "witness the good confession" emphatically and properly, as the apostle says in 1Ti 6:13. Our translators render the words there, "Who before Pontius Pilate witnessed"; referring it to the admission of His being a King, in the presence of Cæsar's own chief representative. But it should be rendered, as LUTHER renders it, and as the best interpreters now understand it, "Who under Pontius Pilate witnessed," &c. In this view of it, the apostle is referring not to what our Lord confessed before Pilate--which, though noble, was not of such primary importance--but to that sublime confession which, under Pilate's administration, He witnessed before the only competent tribunal on such occasions, the Supreme Ecclesiastical Council of God's chosen nation, that He was THE MESSIAH, and THE SON OF THE BLESSED ONE; in the former word owning His Supreme Official, in the latter His Supreme Personal, Dignity.

JFB: Mar 14:63 - Then the high priest rent his clothes On this expression of horror of blasphemy, see 2Ki 18:37. and saith, What need we any further witnesses? (Also see on Joh 18:28.)

On this expression of horror of blasphemy, see 2Ki 18:37.

and saith, What need we any further witnesses? (Also see on Joh 18:28.)

JFB: Mar 14:64 - Ye have heard the blasphemy (See Joh 10:33). In Luke (Luk 22:71), "For we ourselves have heard of His own mouth"--an affectation of religious horror. (Also see on Joh 18:28.)

(See Joh 10:33). In Luke (Luk 22:71), "For we ourselves have heard of His own mouth"--an affectation of religious horror. (Also see on Joh 18:28.)

JFB: Mar 14:64 - what think ye? "Say what the verdict is to be."

"Say what the verdict is to be."

JFB: Mar 14:64 - they all condemned him to be guilty of death Or of a capital crime, which blasphemy against God was according to the Jewish law (Lev 24:16). Yet not absolutely all; for Joseph of Arimathea, "a go...

Or of a capital crime, which blasphemy against God was according to the Jewish law (Lev 24:16). Yet not absolutely all; for Joseph of Arimathea, "a good man and a just," was one of that Council, and "he was not a consenting party to the counsel and deed of them," for that is the strict sense of the words of Luk 23:50-51. Probably he absented himself, and Nicodemus also, from this meeting of the Council, the temper of which they would know too well to expect their voice to be listened to; and in that case, the words of our Evangelist are to be taken strictly, that, without one dissentient voice, "all [present] condemned him to be guilty of death."

The Blessed One Is Now Shamefully Entreated (Mar 14:65).

Every word here must be carefully observed, and the several accounts put together, that we may lose none of the awful indignities about to be described.

JFB: Mar 14:65 - some began to spit on him Or, as in Mat 26:67, "to spit in [into] His face." Luke (Luk 22:63) says in addition, "And the men that held Jesus mocked him"--or cast their jeers at...

Or, as in Mat 26:67, "to spit in [into] His face." Luke (Luk 22:63) says in addition, "And the men that held Jesus mocked him"--or cast their jeers at Him. (Also see on Joh 18:28.)

JFB: Mar 14:65 - to cover his face Or "to blindfold him" (as in Luk 22:64).

Or "to blindfold him" (as in Luk 22:64).

JFB: Mar 14:65 - to buffet him Luke's word, which is rendered "smote Him" (Luk 22:63), is a stronger one, conveying an idea for which we have an exact equivalent in English, but one...

Luke's word, which is rendered "smote Him" (Luk 22:63), is a stronger one, conveying an idea for which we have an exact equivalent in English, but one too colloquial to be inserted here.

JFB: Mar 14:65 - began to say unto him, Prophesy In Matthew (Mat 26:68) this is given more fully: "Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote Thee?" The sarcastic fling at Him as "the Christ...

In Matthew (Mat 26:68) this is given more fully: "Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote Thee?" The sarcastic fling at Him as "the Christ," and the demand of Him in this character to name the unseen perpetrator of the blows inflicted on Him, was in them as infamous as to Him it must have been, and was intended to be, stinging.

JFB: Mar 14:65 - and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands Or "struck Him on the face" (Luk 22:64). Ah! Well did He say prophetically, in that Messianic prediction which we have often referred to, "I gave My b...

Or "struck Him on the face" (Luk 22:64). Ah! Well did He say prophetically, in that Messianic prediction which we have often referred to, "I gave My back to the smiters, and My cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not My face from shame and spitting!" (Isa 50:6). "And many other things blasphemously spake they against Him" (Luk 22:65). This general statement is important, as showing that virulent and varied as were the recorded affronts put upon Him, they are but a small specimen of what He endured on that dark occasion.

Peter's FIRST DENIAL of His Lord (Mar 14:66-68).

JFB: Mar 14:66 - And as Peter was beneath in the palace This little word "beneath"--one of our Evangelist's graphic touches--is most important for the right understanding of what we may call the topography ...

This little word "beneath"--one of our Evangelist's graphic touches--is most important for the right understanding of what we may call the topography of the scene. We must take it in connection with Matthew's word (Mat 26:69): "Now Peter sat without in the palace"--or quadrangular court, in the center of which the fire would be burning; and crowding around and buzzing about it would be the menials and others who had been admitted within the court. At the upper end of this court, probably, would be the memorable chamber in which the trial was held--open to the court, likely, and not far from the fire (as we gather from Luk 22:61), but on a higher level; for (as our verse says) the court, with Peter in it, was "beneath" it. The ascent to the Council chamber was perhaps by a short flight of steps. If the reader will bear this explanation in mind, he will find the intensely interesting details which follow more intelligible.

JFB: Mar 14:66 - there cometh one of the maids of the high priest "the damsel that kept the door" (Joh 18:17). The Jews seem to have employed women as porters of their doors (Act 12:13).

"the damsel that kept the door" (Joh 18:17). The Jews seem to have employed women as porters of their doors (Act 12:13).

JFB: Mar 14:67 - And when she saw Peter warming himself, she looked upon him Luke (Luk 22:56) is here more graphic; "But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire"--literally, "by the light," which, shining full upon him,...

Luke (Luk 22:56) is here more graphic; "But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire"--literally, "by the light," which, shining full upon him, revealed him to the girl--"and earnestly looked upon him"--or, "fixed her gaze upon him." His demeanor and timidity, which must have attracted notice, as so generally happens, leading," says OLSHAUSEN, "to the recognition of him."

JFB: Mar 14:67 - and said, And thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth "with Jesus the Nazarene," or, "with Jesus of Galilee" (Mat 26:69). The sense of this is given in John's report of it (Joh 18:17), "Art not thou also ...

"with Jesus the Nazarene," or, "with Jesus of Galilee" (Mat 26:69). The sense of this is given in John's report of it (Joh 18:17), "Art not thou also one of this man's disciples?" that is, thou as well as "that other disciple," whom she knew to be one, but did not challenge, perceiving that he was a privileged person. In Luke (Luk 22:56) it is given as a remark made by the maid to one of the by-standers--this man was also with Him." If so expressed in Peter's hearing--drawing upon him the eyes of every one that heard it (as we know it did, Mat 26:70), and compelling him to answer to it--that would explain the different forms of the report naturally enough. But in such a case this is of no real importance.

JFB: Mar 14:68 - But he denied "before all" (Mat 26:70).

"before all" (Mat 26:70).

JFB: Mar 14:68 - saying, I know not, neither understand I what thou sayest In Luke (Luk 22:57), "I know Him not."

In Luke (Luk 22:57), "I know Him not."

JFB: Mar 14:68 - And he went out into the porch The vestibule leading to the street--no doubt finding the fire-place too hot for him; possibly also with the hope of escaping--but that was not to be,...

The vestibule leading to the street--no doubt finding the fire-place too hot for him; possibly also with the hope of escaping--but that was not to be, and perhaps he dreaded that, too. Doubtless by this time his mind would be getting into a sea of commotion, and would fluctuate every moment in its resolves.

JFB: Mar 14:68 - AND THE COCK CREW (See on Luk 22:34). This, then, was the First Denial. Peter's SECOND DENIAL of His Lord (Mar 14:69-70). There is here a verbal difference among the ...

(See on Luk 22:34). This, then, was the First Denial.

Peter's SECOND DENIAL of His Lord (Mar 14:69-70).

There is here a verbal difference among the Evangelists, which without some information which has been withheld, cannot be quite extricated.

JFB: Mar 14:69 - And a maid saw him again Or, "a girl." It might be rendered "the girl"; but this would not necessarily mean the same one as before, but might, and probably does, mean just the...

Or, "a girl." It might be rendered "the girl"; but this would not necessarily mean the same one as before, but might, and probably does, mean just the female who had charge of the door or gate near which Peter now was. Accordingly, in Mat 26:71, she is expressly called "another [maid]." But in Luke (Luk 22:58) it is a male servant: "And after a little while [from the time of the first denial] another"--that is, as the word signifies, "another male" servant. But there is no real difficulty, as the challenge, probably, after being made by one was reiterated by another. Accordingly, in John (Joh 18:25), it is, "They said therefore unto him, &c.--"as if more than one challenged him at once.

JFB: Mar 14:69 - and began to say to them that stood by, This is one of them Or, as in Mat 26:71 --"This [fellow] was also with Jesus the Nazarene."

Or, as in Mat 26:71 --"This [fellow] was also with Jesus the Nazarene."

JFB: Mar 14:70 - And he denied it again In Luke (Luk 22:58), "Man, I am not." But worst of all in Matthew--"And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man" (Mat 26:72). This was the...

In Luke (Luk 22:58), "Man, I am not." But worst of all in Matthew--"And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man" (Mat 26:72). This was the Second Denial, more vehement, alas! than the first.

Peter's THIRD DENIAL of His Lord (Mar 14:70-72).

JFB: Mar 14:70 - And a little after "about the space of one hour after" (Luk 22:59).

"about the space of one hour after" (Luk 22:59).

JFB: Mar 14:70 - they that stood by said again to Peter, Surely thou art one of them: for thou art a Galilean, and thy speech agreeth thereto "bewrayeth [or 'discovereth'] thee" (Mat 26:73). In Luke (Luk 22:59) it is, "Another confidently affirmed, saying, Of a truth this [fellow] also was w...

"bewrayeth [or 'discovereth'] thee" (Mat 26:73). In Luke (Luk 22:59) it is, "Another confidently affirmed, saying, Of a truth this [fellow] also was with him: for he is a Galilean." The Galilean dialect had a more Syrian cast than that of Judea. If Peter had held his peace, this peculiarity had not been observed; but hoping, probably, to put them off the scent by joining in the fireside talk, he was thus discovered. The Fourth Gospel is particularly interesting here: "One of the servants of the high priest, being his kinsman [or kinsman to him] whose ear Peter cut off, saith, Did not I see thee in the garden with Him?" (Joh 18:26). No doubt his relationship to Malchus drew his attention to the man who had smitten him, and this enabled him to identify Peter. "Sad reprisals!" exclaims BENGEL. Poor Peter! Thou art caught in thine own toils; but like a wild bull in a net, thou wilt toss and rage, filling up the measure of thy terrible declension by one more denial of thy Lord, and that the foulest of all.

JFB: Mar 14:71 - But he began to curse "anathematize," or wish himself accursed if what he was now to say was not true.

"anathematize," or wish himself accursed if what he was now to say was not true.

JFB: Mar 14:71 - and to swear Or to take a solemn oath. saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak.

Or to take a solemn oath.

saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak.

JFB: Mar 14:72 - And the second time the cock crew The other three Evangelists, who mention but one crowing of the cock--and that not the first, but the second and last one of Mark--all say the cock cr...

The other three Evangelists, who mention but one crowing of the cock--and that not the first, but the second and last one of Mark--all say the cock crew "immediately," but Luke (Luk 22:60) says, "Immediately, while he yet spake, the cock crew." Alas!--But now comes the wonderful sequel.

The Redeemer's Look upon Peter, and Peter's Bitter Tears (Mar 14:72; Luk 22:61-62).

It has been observed that while the beloved disciple is the only one of the four Evangelists who does not record the repentance of Peter, he is the only one of the four who records the affecting and most beautiful scene of his complete restoration (Joh 21:15-17).

Luk 22:61 :

JFB: Mar 14:72 - And the Lord turned and looked upon Peter How? it will be asked. We answer, From the chamber in which the trial was going on, in the direction of the court where Peter then stood--in the way a...

How? it will be asked. We answer, From the chamber in which the trial was going on, in the direction of the court where Peter then stood--in the way already explained. See on Mar 14:66. Our Second Evangelist makes no mention of this look, but dwells on the warning of his Lord about the double crowing of the cock, which would announce his triple fall, as what rushed stingingly to his recollection and made him dissolve in tears.

JFB: Mar 14:72 - And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice. And when he thought thereon, he wept To the same effect is the statement of the First Evangelist (Mat 26:75), save that like "the beloved physician," he notices the "bitterness" of the we...

To the same effect is the statement of the First Evangelist (Mat 26:75), save that like "the beloved physician," he notices the "bitterness" of the weeping (Luk 22:62). The most precious link, however, in the whole chain of circumstances in this scene is beyond doubt that "look" of deepest, tenderest import reported by Luke alone (Luk 22:61). Who can tell what lightning flashes of wounded love and piercing reproach shot from that "look" through the eye of Peter into his heart!

And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny Me thrice.

Luk 22:62 :

JFB: Mar 14:72 - And Peter went out and wept bitterly How different from the sequel of Judas' act! Doubtless the hearts of the two men towards the Saviour were perfectly different from the first; and the ...

How different from the sequel of Judas' act! Doubtless the hearts of the two men towards the Saviour were perfectly different from the first; and the treason of Judas was but the consummation of the wretched man's resistance of the blaze of light in the midst of which he had lived for three years, while Peter's denial was but a momentary obscuration of the heavenly light and love to his Master which ruled his life. But the immediate cause of the blessed revulsion which made Peter "weep bitterly" (Mat 26:75) was, beyond all doubt, this heart-piercing "look" which his Lord gave him. And remembering the Saviour's own words at the table, "Simon, Simon, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat; but I prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not" (Luk 22:31-32), may we not say that this prayer fetched down all that there was in that look to pierce and break the heart of Peter, to keep it from despair, to work in it "repentance unto salvation not to be repented of," and at length, under other healing touches, to "restore his soul?" (See on Mar 16:7).

Clarke: Mar 14:1 - Unleavened bread Unleavened bread - After they began to eat unleavened bread: see on Mat 26:2 (note).

Unleavened bread - After they began to eat unleavened bread: see on Mat 26:2 (note).

Clarke: Mar 14:3 - Alabaster box Alabaster box - Among critics and learned men there are various conjectures concerning the alabaster mentioned by the evangelists: some think it mea...

Alabaster box - Among critics and learned men there are various conjectures concerning the alabaster mentioned by the evangelists: some think it means a glass phial; others, that it signifies a small vessel without a handle, from α negative and λαβη, a handle; and others imagine that it merely signifies a perfume or essence bottle. There are several species of the soft calcareous stone called alabaster, which are enumerated and described in different chemical works

Clarke: Mar 14:3 - Spikenard Spikenard - Or nard. An Indian plant, whose root is very small and slender. It puts forth a long and small stalk, and has several ears or spikes eve...

Spikenard - Or nard. An Indian plant, whose root is very small and slender. It puts forth a long and small stalk, and has several ears or spikes even with the ground, which has given it the name of spikenard: the taste is bitter, acrid, and aromatic, and the smell agreeable. Calmet

Clarke: Mar 14:3 - Very precious Very precious - Or rather, unadulterated: this I think is the proper meaning of πιστικης . Theophylact gives this interpretation of the pas...

Very precious - Or rather, unadulterated: this I think is the proper meaning of πιστικης . Theophylact gives this interpretation of the passage: "Unadulterated hard, and prepared with fidelity."Some think that πιστικη is a contraction of the Latin spicatae , and that it signifies the spicated nard, or what we commonly call the spikenard. But Dr. Lightfoot gives a different interpretation. Πιστικη he supposes to come from the Syriac פיסתקא pistike , which signifies the acorn: he would therefore have it to signify an aromatic confection of nard, maste, or myrobalane. See his Hebrew and Talmudical Exercitations; and see Scheuchzer’ s Physica Sacra

Clarke: Mar 14:3 - She brake the box She brake the box - Rather, she broke the seal. This is the best translation I can give of the place; and I give it for these reasons 1.  ...

She brake the box - Rather, she broke the seal. This is the best translation I can give of the place; and I give it for these reasons

1.    That it is not likely that a box exceedingly precious in itself should be broken to get out its contents

2.    That the broken pieces would be very inconvenient if not injurious to the head of our Lord, and to the hands of the woman

3.    That it would not be easy effectually to separate the oil from the broken pieces. And

4.    That it was a custom in the eastern countries to seal the bottles with wax that held the perfumes; so that to come at their contents no more was necessary than to break the seal, which this woman appears to have done; and when the seal was thus broken, she had no more to do than to pour out the liquid ointment, which she could not have done had she broken the bottle

The bottles which contain the gul i attyr , or attyr of roses, which come from the east, are sealed in this manner. See a number of proofs relative to this point in Harmer’ s Observations, vol. iv. 469. Pouring sweet-scented oil on the head is common in Bengal. At the close of the festival of the goddess Doorga, the Hindoos worship the unmarried daughters of Brahmins: and, among other ceremonies, pour sweet-scented oil on their heads. Ward’ s Customs.

Clarke: Mar 14:5 - It might have been sold It might have been sold - το μυρον, This ointment, is added by ABCDKL, thirty-five others, Ethiopic, Armenian, Gothic, all the Itala except ...

It might have been sold - το μυρον, This ointment, is added by ABCDKL, thirty-five others, Ethiopic, Armenian, Gothic, all the Itala except one. Griesbach has received it into the text. The sum mentioned here would amount to nearly 10£ sterling.

Clarke: Mar 14:8 - To anoint my body to the burying To anoint my body to the burying - Εις τον ενταφιασμον, against, or in reference to, its embalmment, thus pointing out my death an...

To anoint my body to the burying - Εις τον ενταφιασμον, against, or in reference to, its embalmment, thus pointing out my death and the embalmment of my body, for the bodies of persons of distinction were wrapped up in aromatics to preserve them from putrefaction. See on Mat 26:12 (note).

Clarke: Mar 14:9 - For a memorial of her For a memorial of her - See on Mat 26:13 (note).

For a memorial of her - See on Mat 26:13 (note).

Clarke: Mar 14:11 - They were glad They were glad - The joy that arises from the opportunity of murdering an innocent person must be completely infernal.

They were glad - The joy that arises from the opportunity of murdering an innocent person must be completely infernal.

Clarke: Mar 14:13 - Bearing a pitcher of water Bearing a pitcher of water - How correct is the foreknowledge of Jesus Christ! Even the minutest circumstances are comprehended by it! An honest emp...

Bearing a pitcher of water - How correct is the foreknowledge of Jesus Christ! Even the minutest circumstances are comprehended by it! An honest employment, howsoever mean, is worthy the attention of God; and even a man bearing a pitcher of water is marked in all his steps, and is an object of the merciful regards of the Most High. This man was employed in carrying home the water which was to be used for baking the unleavened bread on the following day; for on that day it was not lawful to carry any: hence they were obliged to fetch it on the preceding evening.

Clarke: Mar 14:14 - Say ye to the good man of the house Say ye to the good man of the house - ειπατε τῳ οικοδεσποτῃ - Say ye to the master of the house. The good man and the good ...

Say ye to the good man of the house - ειπατε τῳ οικοδεσποτῃ - Say ye to the master of the house. The good man and the good woman mean, among us, the master and mistress of the house. A Hindoo woman never calls her husband by his name; but simply, the man of the house

Clarke: Mar 14:14 - Where is the guest chamber? Where is the guest chamber? - Respectable householders, says Mr. Ward, have a room which they call the strangers’ room, (utit' hu -shala ), ...

Where is the guest chamber? - Respectable householders, says Mr. Ward, have a room which they call the strangers’ room, (utit' hu -shala ), which is especially set apart for the use of guests. This appears to have been the custom in Judea also.

Clarke: Mar 14:15 - Furnished Furnished - Spread with carpets - εστρωμενον - so this word is often used. See Wakefield. But it may also signify the couches on which t...

Furnished - Spread with carpets - εστρωμενον - so this word is often used. See Wakefield. But it may also signify the couches on which the guests reclined when eating. It does not appear that the Jews ate the passover now, as their fathers did formerly, standing, with their shoes on, and their staves in their hands.

Clarke: Mar 14:19 - And another said, Is it I? And another said, Is it I? - This clause is wanting in BCLP, seventeen others, Syriac, Persic, Arabic, Coptic, Ethiopic, Vulgate, and four of the It...

And another said, Is it I? - This clause is wanting in BCLP, seventeen others, Syriac, Persic, Arabic, Coptic, Ethiopic, Vulgate, and four of the Itala. Griesbach leaves it doubtful: others leave it out.

Clarke: Mar 14:20 - That dippeth with me in the dish That dippeth with me in the dish - In the east, persons never eat together from one dish, except when a strong attachment subsists between two or mo...

That dippeth with me in the dish - In the east, persons never eat together from one dish, except when a strong attachment subsists between two or more persons of the same caste; in such a case one invites another to come and sit by him and eat from the same dish. This custom seems to have existed among the Jews; and the sacred historian mentions this notice of our Lord’ s, It is one of the twelve, that dippeth with me in the dish, to mark more strongly the perfidy of the character of Judas.

Clarke: Mar 14:21 - Goeth Goeth - That is, to die. See on Mat 26:24 (note).

Goeth - That is, to die. See on Mat 26:24 (note).

Clarke: Mar 14:22 - Eat Eat - This is omitted by many MSS. and versions, but I think without reason. It is found in the parallel places, Mat 26:26; 1Co 11:24. See the subje...

Eat - This is omitted by many MSS. and versions, but I think without reason. It is found in the parallel places, Mat 26:26; 1Co 11:24. See the subject of the Lord’ s Supper largely explained on Mat 26:26 (note), etc.

Clarke: Mar 14:30 - That Thou That Thou - Συ is added by ABEGHKLMS - V, eighty-eight others, Syriac, Arabic, Persic, Coptic, Ethiopic, Armenian, Slavonic, Vulgate, Saxon, The...

That Thou - Συ is added by ABEGHKLMS - V, eighty-eight others, Syriac, Arabic, Persic, Coptic, Ethiopic, Armenian, Slavonic, Vulgate, Saxon, Theophylact, and Euthymsus. It adds much to the energy of the passage, every word of which is deeply emphatical. Verily, I say unto thee, that Thou, This Day, in This Very Night, before the cock shall crow Twice, Thou wilt deny Me.

Clarke: Mar 14:36 - Abba, Father Abba, Father - This Syriac word, which intimates filial affection and respect, and parental tenderness, seems to have been used by our blessed Lord ...

Abba, Father - This Syriac word, which intimates filial affection and respect, and parental tenderness, seems to have been used by our blessed Lord merely considered as man, to show his complete submission to his Father’ s will, and the tender affection which he was conscious his Father had for him, Abba , Syriac, is here joined to ὁ πατηρ, Greek, both signifying father; so St. Paul, Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6. The reason is, that from the time in which the Jews became conversant with the Greek language, by means of the Septuagint version and their commerce with the Roman and Greek provinces, they often intermingled Greek and Roman words with their own language. There is the fullest evidence of this fact in the earliest writings of the Jews; and they often add a word of the same meaning in Greek to their own term; such as מרי קירי, Mori , κυριε my Lord, Lord; פילי שער, pili , πυλη, shuar , gate, gate: and above, אבא, πατηρ, father, father: see several examples in Schoettgen. The words אבי and אבא appear to have been differently used among the Hebrews; the first Abbi , was a term of civil respect; the second, Abba, a term of filial affection. Hence, Abba, Abbi, as in the Syriac version in this place, may be considered as expressing, My Lord, my Father. And in this sense St. Paul is to be understood in the places referred to above. See Lightfoot.

Clarke: Mar 14:37 - Saith unto Peter Saith unto Peter - See on Mat 26:40 (note).

Saith unto Peter - See on Mat 26:40 (note).

Clarke: Mar 14:51 - A certain young man A certain young man - Probably raised from his sleep by the noise which the rabble made who came to apprehend Jesus, having wrapped the sheet or som...

A certain young man - Probably raised from his sleep by the noise which the rabble made who came to apprehend Jesus, having wrapped the sheet or some of the bed-clothing about him, became thereby the more conspicuous: on his appearing, he was seized; but as they had no way of holding him, but only by the cloth which was wrapped round him, he disengaged himself from that, and so escaped out of their hands. This circumstance is not related by any other of the evangelists.

Clarke: Mar 14:52 - And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked - It has often been intimated, by the inhabitants of India, that a European in strait clothes ...

And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked - It has often been intimated, by the inhabitants of India, that a European in strait clothes must be in great danger when his clothes take fire. From their loose clothing they can suddenly disengage themselves. When two Hindoos are engaged in a violent quarrel, and one seizes the clothing of the other, often the latter will leave his clothes in the hands of his opponent, and flee away naked. This seems to have been the case with the person mentioned above. See Ward’ s Customs.

Clarke: Mar 14:54 - Peter followed Peter followed - On Peter’ s denial, see Mat 26:57, etc

Peter followed - On Peter’ s denial, see Mat 26:57, etc

Clarke: Mar 14:54 - At the fire At the fire - Προς το φως, literally, at the light, i.e. a fire that cast considerable light, in consequence of which, the maid servant wa...

At the fire - Προς το φως, literally, at the light, i.e. a fire that cast considerable light, in consequence of which, the maid servant was the better able to distinguish him: see Mar 14:67.

Clarke: Mar 14:61 - Of the Blessed? Of the Blessed? - Θεου του ευλογητου, Or, of God the blessed one. Θεου, is added here by AK, ten others, Vulgate, and one of t...

Of the Blessed? - Θεου του ευλογητου, Or, of God the blessed one. Θεου, is added here by AK, ten others, Vulgate, and one of the Itala. It might be introduced into the text, put in Italics, if the authority of the MSS. and versions be not deemed sufficient. It appears necessary for the better understanding of the text. The adjective, however, conveys a good sense by itself, and is according to a frequent Hebrew form of speech.

Clarke: Mar 14:72 - And when he thought thereon, he wept And when he thought thereon, he wept - Or, he fell a weeping. This Mr. Wakefield thinks comes nearest to the original, επιβαλων εκλαι...

And when he thought thereon, he wept - Or, he fell a weeping. This Mr. Wakefield thinks comes nearest to the original, επιβαλων εκλαιε . Others think it means the wrapping of his head in the skirts of his garment, through shame and anguish. Others think that επιβαλων rather refers to the violence, or hurry, with which he left the place, being impelled thereto by the terrors and remorse of his guilty conscience. Our own translation is as good as any.

Calvin: Mar 14:24 - This is my blood // Which is shed for many // Of the new testament Mar 14:24.This is my blood I have already remarked that, when we are told that the blood is to be shed — according to the narrative of Matthew —...

Mar 14:24.This is my blood I have already remarked that, when we are told that the blood is to be shed — according to the narrative of Matthew — for the remission of sins, these words direct us to the sacrifice of the death of Christ, without the remembrance of which the Lord’s Supper is never observed in a proper manner. And, indeed, it is impossible for believing souls to be satisfied in any other way than by being assured that God is pacified towards them.

Which is shed for many By the word many he means not a part of the world only, but the whole human race; for he contrasts many with one; as if he had said, that he will not be the Redeemer of one man only, but will die in order to deliver many from the condemnation of the curse. It must at the same time be observed, however, that by the words for you, as related by Luke — Christ directly addresses the disciples, and exhorts every believer to apply to his own advantage the shedding of blood Therefore, when we approach to the holy table, let us not only remember in general that the world has been redeemed by the blood of Christ, but let every one consider for himself that his own sins have been expiated. 197

Of the new testament Luke and Paul (1Co 11:25) express it differently, the new testament in my blood, but the meaning is the same; for it is only by a spiritual drinking of blood that this covenant is ratified, so as to be firm and stable. Yet it may easily be inferred from it, how foolishly superstitious the Papists and others of the same stamp are in rigidly adhering to the words; for, with all their bluster, they cannot set aside this exposition of the Holy Spirit, that the cup is called blood, because it is the new testament in blood. But the same argument applies to the bread; from which it will follow that it is called the body; because it is the testament in the body They have no right now to contend that we ought to rely on the simple words of Christ, and shut our ears against expositions from without. It is Christ himself that speaks, and surely they will not deny that he is well qualified to interpret his own words. Now Christ openly declares that he called the bread his body, for no other reason than because he has made with us an everlasting covenant, that, the sacrifice having been once offered, we may now be spiritually fed.

There are two things here which deserve our attention; for from the word testament, or covenant, (διαθήκη,) we infer that a promise is included in the Holy Supper. This refutes the error of those who maintain that faith is not aided, nourished, supported, or increased by the sacraments; for there is always a mutual relation between the covenant of God and the faith of men. By the epithet New he intended to show that the ancient figures now cease, and give way to a firm and everlasting covenant. There is an indirect contrast, therefore, between this mystery and the shadows of the law; from which it is evident how much better our condition is than that of our fathers, since, in consequence of the sacrifice which was completed on the cross, we possess the truth in perfection.

Calvin: Mar 14:26 - When they had sung a hymn Mar 14:26.When they had sung a hymn Our three Evangelists leave out those divine discourses, 198 which John relates to have been delivered by our Lord...

Mar 14:26.When they had sung a hymn Our three Evangelists leave out those divine discourses, 198 which John relates to have been delivered by our Lord, both in the house and on the road. For, as we have elsewhere stated, their object was rather to embrace the history of our Lord’s actions than his doctrine. They glance only at the fact, that he went out of his own accord where Judas was to come; and their object is to inform us that he made such an arrangement of his time, as willingly to meet him who betrayed him.

Calvin: Mar 14:51 - And a young man Mar 14:51.And a young man How some persons have come to dream that this was John 221 I know not, nor is it of much importance to inquire. The chief po...

Mar 14:51.And a young man How some persons have come to dream that this was John 221 I know not, nor is it of much importance to inquire. The chief point is, to ascertain for what purpose Mark has related this transaction. I think that his object was, to inform us that those wicked men — as usually happens in riotous assemblies stormed and raved without shame or modesty; which appeared from their seizing a young man who was unknown to them, and not suspected of any crime, so that he had difficulty in escaping out of their hands naked. For it is probable that the young man, who is mentioned, had some attachment to Christ, and, on hearing the tumult by night, without stopping to put on his clothes, and covered only with a linen garment, came either to discover their traps, or, at least, that he might not be wanting in a duty of friendship. 222 We certainly perceive — as I just now said — that those wicked men raged with cruel violence, when they did not even spare a poor young man, who had left his bed, almost naked, and run, on hearing the noise.

Defender: Mar 14:12 - the passover The Passover lamb, commemorating the deliverance from Egypt some fifteen centuries earlier, was to be slain and eaten with unleavened bread on the fou...

The Passover lamb, commemorating the deliverance from Egypt some fifteen centuries earlier, was to be slain and eaten with unleavened bread on the fourteenth day of the first month (Exo 12:8). The unleavened bread (symbolizing absence of evil) was to be eaten for seven days. The Passover and its supper constituted a representation of Christ, who would shortly become "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world" (Joh 1:29), as "Christ our passover is sacrificed for us" (1Co 5:7). Apparently, Jesus had already made arrangements with Mark's family to have the supper there, for it was already "furnished and prepared" (Mar 14:15, Mar 14:16)."

Defender: Mar 14:17 - cometh The wording here is significant, perhaps indicating Mark's own personal perspective on the world-shaking events about to take place, beginning in a "l...

The wording here is significant, perhaps indicating Mark's own personal perspective on the world-shaking events about to take place, beginning in a "large upper room" (Mar 14:15) in his own mother's home (Act 12:12). He described Jesus and the twelve as coming to the upper room, as though he was there before they arrived. This in turn suggests that he may have been a silent observer, or listener, as Jesus met with His disciples there in Mark's own upper room."

Defender: Mar 14:21 - woe to that man Some have tried to justify Judas' betrayal in terms of some supposed noble motive he may have had, but this is not the analysis revealed by Christ. Ch...

Some have tried to justify Judas' betrayal in terms of some supposed noble motive he may have had, but this is not the analysis revealed by Christ. Christ called him "a devil" (Joh 6:70) and said it would have been better for him if he had never been born. He was the treasurer of the group, a thief (Joh 12:6). who perhaps feared exposure. Also, he was actually possessed by Satan himself when he conceived and carried out his evil scheme (Joh 13:2, Joh 13:27)."

Defender: Mar 14:24 - my blood When Jesus said, "This is my blood," speaking of the cup from which they drank, He obviously was speaking metaphorically, for all His blood was still ...

When Jesus said, "This is my blood," speaking of the cup from which they drank, He obviously was speaking metaphorically, for all His blood was still flowing in His veins. He often used such metaphors, for example: "I am the door," He said (Joh 10:9), but He was not an actual door. The elements to be used in the Supper which He instituted that night were not saving instruments in themselves but rather instruments to remind us of His sacrificial death and to show it until He comes (1Co 11:26). In effect, He was saying: "This [represents] my body," and "this [represents] my blood.""

Defender: Mar 14:25 - fruit of the vine It is significant that Jesus called the drink "the fruit of the vine" (Mat 26:29; Luk 22:18) or "the cup" (1Co 11:25, 1Co 11:26, 1Co 11:27, 1Co 11:28)...

It is significant that Jesus called the drink "the fruit of the vine" (Mat 26:29; Luk 22:18) or "the cup" (1Co 11:25, 1Co 11:26, 1Co 11:27, 1Co 11:28) rather than "wine." Even though the simpler term "wine" could have been used in the context of that day to refer either to unfermented or fermented grape juice, He seems to have gone to special pains to make it clear that fermented wine could not properly represent His precious blood, no matter what may have developed by then as the Jewish custom at the Passover. Just as the Lord's Supper was to be observed with unleavened bread (leaven representing evil), so it should be observed with unfermented wine. The leavening process and the fermentation process are essentially the same, catalyzed by the same organisms and both representing decay and ultimate death. The Lord shed "innocent blood" when He died, and it was to be symbolized by pure, unleavened, bread and wine."

Defender: Mar 14:26 - sung an hymn This is the only occasion mentioned in Scripture of either Jesus or His disciples singing. They probably sang one of the psalms, and it would be inter...

This is the only occasion mentioned in Scripture of either Jesus or His disciples singing. They probably sang one of the psalms, and it would be interesting to know which one, but the Lord has not revealed this to us - probably because we might then tend to place that particular psalm on some kind of pedestal above the others."

Defender: Mar 14:27 - smite the shepherd The prophecy to which Jesus referred is found in Zec 13:7."

The prophecy to which Jesus referred is found in Zec 13:7."

Defender: Mar 14:42 - Rise up This command seems incongruous with respect to the one He had just given: "Sleep on now, and take your rest." Probably the latter was actually express...

This command seems incongruous with respect to the one He had just given: "Sleep on now, and take your rest." Probably the latter was actually expressed as a question. That is: "[Do you] sleep on now and take your rest?""

Defender: Mar 14:50 - all forsook him Just as He had predicted, and as they had vehemently denied (Mar 14:29-31), the disciples forsook him."

Just as He had predicted, and as they had vehemently denied (Mar 14:29-31), the disciples forsook him."

Defender: Mar 14:51 - certain young man This "young man" almost certainly was John Mark himself (otherwise who would know about and write about such an incident). Mark probably had retired f...

This "young man" almost certainly was John Mark himself (otherwise who would know about and write about such an incident). Mark probably had retired for the night in an adjacent room, and had overheard their very fascinating, and obviously significant, conversations there in the upper room of his mother's home. Then, when they left to go to the garden, continuing their conversation as they walked, he quickly decided to grab a linen cloth and follow them at a discreet distance, unseen but still able to hear and see what was happening. The soldiers then saw him and tried to detain him, but he, like the disciples, also fled."

TSK: Mar 14:1 - two // the passover // chief // by two : Mat 6:2; Luk 22:1, Luk 22:2; Joh 11:53-57, Joh 13:1 the passover : Exo 12:6-20; Lev 23:5-7; Num 28:16-25; Deu 16:1-8 chief : Psa 2:1-5; Joh 11:4...

TSK: Mar 14:2 - Not // lest Not : Pro 19:21, Pro 21:30; Lam 3:27; Mat 26:5 lest : Mar 11:18, Mar 11:32; Luk 20:6; Joh 7:40, Joh 12:19

TSK: Mar 14:3 - being // of ointment // spikenard being : Mat 26:6, Mat 26:7; Joh 11:2, Joh 12:1-3 of ointment : Son 4:13, Son 4:14, Son 5:5; Luk 7:37, Luk 7:38 spikenard : or, pure nard, or liquid na...

being : Mat 26:6, Mat 26:7; Joh 11:2, Joh 12:1-3

of ointment : Son 4:13, Son 4:14, Son 5:5; Luk 7:37, Luk 7:38

spikenard : or, pure nard, or liquid nard

TSK: Mar 14:4 - there // Why there : Ecc 4:4; Mat 26:8, Mat 26:9; Joh 12:4, Joh 12:5 Why : Ecc 5:4-8; Mal 1:12, Mal 1:13

TSK: Mar 14:5 - pence // have been given // And they pence : Mat 18:28 *marg. Joh 6:7 have been given : Joh 12:5, Joh 12:6, Joh 13:29; Eph 4:28 And they : Exo 16:7, Exo 16:8; Deu 1:27; Psa 106:25; Mat 20...

TSK: Mar 14:6 - Let // a good Let : Job 42:7, Job 42:8; Isa 54:17; 2Co 10:18 a good : Mat 26:10; Joh 10:32, Joh 10:33; Act 9:36; 2Co 9:8; Eph 2:10; Col 1:10; 2Th 2:17; 1Ti 5:10, 1T...

TSK: Mar 14:7 - ye have // but ye have : Deu 15:11; Mat 25:35-45, Mat 26:11; Joh 12:7, Joh 12:8; 2Co 9:13, 2Co 9:14; Phm 1:7; Jam 2:14-16; 1Jo 3:16-19 but : Joh 13:33, Joh 16:5, Joh...

TSK: Mar 14:8 - hath done // she is hath done : ""It appears to me more probable,""says Dr. Doddridge, ""that Matthew and Mark should have introduced this story out of its place - that...

hath done : ""It appears to me more probable,""says Dr. Doddridge, ""that Matthew and Mark should have introduced this story out of its place - that Lazarus, if he made this feast (which is not expressly said by John), should have made use of Simon’ s house, as more convenient - and that Mary should have poured this ointment on Christ’ s head and body, as well as on his feet - than that, within the compass of four days, Christ should have been twice anointed with so costly a perfume; and that the same fault should be found with the action, and the same value set upon the ointment, and the same words used in defence of the woman, and all this in the presence of many of the same persons; all which improbable particulars must be admitted, if the stories be considered as different.""The rebuke which Judas received from Christ at this unction determined him in his resolution to betray his Master; and therefore Christ’ s rebuke, and Judas’ s revenge, are united, as cause and effect, by Matthew and Mark. 1Ch 28:2, 1Ch 28:3, 29:1-17; 2Ch 31:20,2Ch 31:21, 2Ch 34:19-33; Psa 110:3; 2Co 8:1-3, 2Co 8:12

she is : Mar 15:42-47, Mar 16:1; Luk 23:53-56, Luk 24:1-3; Joh 12:7, Joh 19:32-42

TSK: Mar 14:9 - Wheresoever // a memorial Wheresoever : Mar 16:15; Mat 26:12, Mat 26:13 a memorial : Num 31:54; Psa 112:6-9; Zec 6:14

Wheresoever : Mar 16:15; Mat 26:12, Mat 26:13

a memorial : Num 31:54; Psa 112:6-9; Zec 6:14

TSK: Mar 14:10 - Judas // one // to betray Judas : Mat 26:14-16; Luk 22:3-6; Joh 13:2, Joh 13:30 one : Psa 41:9, Psa 55:12-14; Mat 10:4; Joh 6:70 to betray : Joh 13:2

TSK: Mar 14:11 - they were // and promised // he sought they were : Hos 7:3; Luk 22:5 and promised : 1Ki 21:20; 2Ki 5:26; Pro 1:10-16, Pro 28:21, Pro 28:22; Mat 26:15; 1Ti 6:10; 2Pe 2:14, 2Pe 2:15; Jud 1:11...

TSK: Mar 14:12 - the first // killed // Where the first : Exo 12:6, Exo 12:8, Exo 12:18, Exo 13:3; Lev 23:5, Lev 23:6; Num 28:16-18; Deu 16:1-4; Mat 26:17; Luk 22:7 killed : or, sacrificed, 1Co 5:...

TSK: Mar 14:13 - Go Go : Mar 11:2, Mar 11:3; Mat 8:9, Mat 26:18, Mat 26:19; Luk 19:30-33, Luk 22:10-13; Joh 2:5, Joh 15:14; Heb 4:13, Heb 5:9

TSK: Mar 14:14 - The Master // where I The Master : Mar 10:17, Mar 11:3; Joh 11:28, Joh 13:13 where I : Rev 3:20

The Master : Mar 10:17, Mar 11:3; Joh 11:28, Joh 13:13

where I : Rev 3:20

TSK: Mar 14:15 - he will // upper he will : 2Ch 6:30; Psa 110:3; Pro 16:1, Pro 21:1, Pro 21:2; Joh 2:24, Joh 2:25, Joh 21:17; 2Ti 2:19; Heb 4:13 upper : Act 1:13, Act 20:8

TSK: Mar 14:16 - and found and found : Luk 22:13, Luk 22:35; Joh 16:4

and found : Luk 22:13, Luk 22:35; Joh 16:4

TSK: Mar 14:17 - -- Mat 26:20; Luk 22:14

TSK: Mar 14:18 - as // Verily // One as : Mat 26:21 Verily : Mar 14:9, Mar 14:25, Mar 3:28, Mar 6:11, Mar 8:12, Mar 9:1, Mar 9:41, Mar 10:15, Mar 10:29; Mat 5:18, Mat 6:2, Mat 6:5, Mat 6:...

TSK: Mar 14:19 - and to and to : Mat 26:22; Luk 22:21-23; Joh 13:22

TSK: Mar 14:20 - It is // dippeth It is : Mar 14:43; Mat 26:47; Luk 22:47; Joh 6:71 dippeth : Mat 26:23; Joh 13:26

TSK: Mar 14:21 - goeth // but // good goeth : Mar 14:49; Gen 3:15; Psa. 22:1-31, 69:1-36; Isa 52:14, Isa 53:1-12; Dan 9:24, Dan 9:26; Zec 13:7; Mat 26:24, Mat 26:54, Mat 26:56; Luk 22:22, ...

TSK: Mar 14:22 - as // and blessed // take // this as : Mat 26:26-29; Luk 22:19, Luk 22:20; 1Co 10:16, 1Co 10:17, 1Co 11:23-29 and blessed : Mar 6:41; Luk 24:30; Joh 6:23 take : Joh 6:48-58 this : That...

as : Mat 26:26-29; Luk 22:19, Luk 22:20; 1Co 10:16, 1Co 10:17, 1Co 11:23-29

and blessed : Mar 6:41; Luk 24:30; Joh 6:23

take : Joh 6:48-58

this : That is, this represents my body; the substantive verb, whether expressed or understood, being often equivalent to signifies or represents. (Exo 12:11; Dan 7:24; Mat 13:38, Mat 13:39; Luk 8:9; Luk 15:26; Luk 18:36; Joh 7:36; Joh 10:6; Act 10:17; Rev 1:20; Rev 5:6, Rev 5:8; Rev 11:4; Rev 17:12, Rev 17:18; Rev 19:8.) Mar 14:24; Gen 41:26; Zec 5:7; Luk 22:20; 1Co 10:4; Gal 4:25

TSK: Mar 14:23 - when // and they when : Mar 14:22; Luk 22:17; Rom 14:6; 1Co 10:16 and they : Mat 26:27

TSK: Mar 14:24 - This // which This : Exo 24:8; Zec 9:11; Joh 6:53; 1Co 10:16, 1Co 11:25; Heb 9:15-23, Heb 13:20,Heb 13:21 which : Mar 10:45; Rev 5:8-10, Rev 7:9-17

TSK: Mar 14:25 - I will // new I will : Psa 104:15; Mat 26:29; Luk 22:16-18, Luk 22:29, Luk 22:30 new : Joe 3:18; Amo 9:13, Amo 9:14; Zec 9:17

TSK: Mar 14:26 - sung // hymn sung : Psa 47:6, Psa 47:7; Act 16:25; 1Co 14:15; Eph 5:18-20; Col 3:16; Jam 5:13; Rev 5:9 hymn : or, psalm, This was probably Psa. 113-118, which the ...

sung : Psa 47:6, Psa 47:7; Act 16:25; 1Co 14:15; Eph 5:18-20; Col 3:16; Jam 5:13; Rev 5:9

hymn : or, psalm, This was probably Psa. 113-118, which the Jews term the great Hallel, or praise, and always sing at the paschal festivity. they went. Mat 26:30; Luk 22:39; Jdg 18:1-4

TSK: Mar 14:27 - All // for All : Mat 26:31; Luk 22:31, Luk 22:32; Joh 16:1, Joh 16:32; 2Ti 4:16 for : Zec 13:7

TSK: Mar 14:28 - -- Mar 16:7; Mat 16:21, Mat 26:32, Mat 28:7, Mat 28:10,Mat 28:16; Joh 21:1; 1Co 15:4-6

TSK: Mar 14:29 - Although Although : Mat 26:33-35; Luk 22:33, Luk 22:34; Joh 13:36-38, Joh 21:15

TSK: Mar 14:30 - this day // before this day : Gen 1:5, Gen 1:8, Gen 1:13, Gen 1:19, Gen 1:23 before : Mar 14:66-72; Mat 26:69-75; Luk 22:54-62; Joh 18:17, Joh 18:25-27; 1Co 10:12

TSK: Mar 14:31 - he spake // Likewise he spake : 2Ki 8:13; Job 40:4, Job 40:5; Psa 30:6; Pro 16:18, Pro 18:24, Pro 29:23; Jer 10:23; Jer 17:9 Likewise : Exo 19:8; Deu 5:27-29

TSK: Mar 14:32 - they came // while they came : Mat 26:36-46; Luk 22:39; Joh 18:1-11 while : Mar 14:36, Mar 14:39; Psa 18:5, Psa 18:6, Psa 22:1, Psa 22:2, Psa 88:1-3, Psa 109:4

TSK: Mar 14:33 - Peter // and began Peter : Mar 1:16-19, Mar 5:37, Mar 9:2 and began : Psa 38:11, Psa 69:1-3, Psa 88:14-16; Isa 53:10; Mat 26:37, Mat 26:38; Luk 22:44; Heb 5:7

TSK: Mar 14:34 - My soul // and watch My soul : Isa 53:3, Isa 53:4, Isa 53:12; Lam 1:12; Joh 12:27 and watch : Mar 14:37, Mar 14:38, Mar 13:35-37; Eph 6:18, Eph 6:19; 1Pe 4:7, 1Pe 5:8

TSK: Mar 14:35 - and fell and fell : Gen 17:3; Deu 9:18; 1Ch 21:15, 1Ch 21:16; 2Ch 7:3; Mat 26:39; Luk 17:15, Luk 17:16; Act 10:25, Act 10:26; Heb 5:7; Rev 4:10, Rev 5:14

TSK: Mar 14:36 - Abba // all // take // nevertheless Abba : Mat 6:9; Rom 8:15, Rom 8:16; Gal 4:6 all : Mar 10:27; Gen 18:14; Jer 32:27; 2Ti 2:13; Tit 1:2; Heb 5:7, Heb 6:18 take : Luk 22:41, Luk 22:42 ne...

TSK: Mar 14:37 - and findeth // Simon // couldest and findeth : Mar 14:40,Mar 14:41; Luk 9:31, Luk 9:32, Luk 22:45, Luk 22:46 Simon : Mar 14:29-31; 2Sa 16:17; Jon 1:6; Mat 25:5, Mat 26:40; 1Th 5:6-8 c...

TSK: Mar 14:38 - Watch // The spirit Watch : Mar 14:34; Mat 24:42, Mat 25:13, Mat 26:41; Luk 21:36, Luk 22:40,Luk 22:46; 1Co 16:13; 1Pe 5:8; Rev 3:2, Rev 3:3, Rev 3:10 The spirit : Rom 7:...

TSK: Mar 14:39 - he went he went : Mat 6:7, Mat 26:42-44; Luk 18:1; 2Co 12:8

TSK: Mar 14:40 - neither neither : Mar 9:33, Mar 9:34; Gen 44:16; Rom 3:19

TSK: Mar 14:41 - Sleep // the hour // the Son Sleep : Mar 7:9; Jdg 10:14; 1Ki 18:27, 1Ki 22:15; 2Ki 3:13; Ecc 11:9; Eze 20:39; Mat 26:45, Mat 26:46 the hour : Joh 7:30, Joh 8:20, Joh 12:23, Joh 12...

TSK: Mar 14:42 - -- Mat 26:46; Joh 18:1, Joh 18:2

TSK: Mar 14:43 - while // and with while : Mat 26:47; Luk 22:47, Luk 22:48; Joh 18:3-9; Act 1:16 and with : Psa 2:1, Psa 2:2, Psa 3:1, Psa 3:2, Psa 22:11-13

TSK: Mar 14:44 - a token // Whomsoever // and lead a token : Exo 12:13; Jos 2:12; Phi 1:28; 2Th 3:17 Whomsoever : 2Sa 20:9, 2Sa 20:10; Psa 55:20,Psa 55:21; Pro 27:6; Mat 26:48-50 and lead : 1Sa 23:22, ...

TSK: Mar 14:45 - Master Master : Mar 12:14; Isa 1:3; Mal 1:6; Mat 23:8-10; Luk 6:46; Joh 13:13, Joh 13:14, Joh 20:16

TSK: Mar 14:46 - -- Jdg 16:21; Lam 4:20; Joh 18:12; Act 2:23

TSK: Mar 14:47 - -- Mat 26:51-54; Luk 22:49-51; Joh 18:10,Joh 18:11

TSK: Mar 14:48 - Are Are : 1Sa 24:14, 1Sa 24:15, 1Sa 26:18; Mat 26:55; Luk 22:52, Luk 22:53

TSK: Mar 14:49 - was // but was : Mar 11:15-18, Mar 11:27, Mar 12:35; Mat 21:23-27; Luk 19:47, Luk 19:48, Luk 20:1, Luk 20:2, Luk 21:37, Luk 21:38; Joh 7:28-30,Joh 7:37, Joh 8:2,...

TSK: Mar 14:50 - -- Mar 14:27; Job 19:13, Job 19:14; Psa 38:11, Psa 88:7, Psa 88:8, Psa 88:18; Isa 63:3; Joh 16:32, Joh 18:8; 2Ti 4:16

TSK: Mar 14:52 - -- Mar 13:14-16; Gen 39:12; Job 2:4

TSK: Mar 14:53 - they led // and with they led : Isa 53:7; Mat 26:57-68; Luk 22:54-62; Joh 18:13, Joh 18:14, Joh 18:24 and with : Mar 15:1; Mat 26:3; Act 4:5, Act 4:6

TSK: Mar 14:54 - Peter // even // and he // and warmed Peter : Mar 14:29-31, Mar 14:38; 1Sa 13:7; Mat 26:58 even : Joh 18:15, Joh 18:16 and he : 1Ki 19:9, 1Ki 19:13; Luk 22:55, Luk 22:56; Joh 18:18, Joh 18...

TSK: Mar 14:55 - sought // and found sought : 1Ki 21:10,1Ki 21:13; Psa 27:12, Psa 35:11; Mat 26:59, Mat 26:60; Act 6:11-13, Act 24:1-13 and found : Dan 6:4; 1Pe 3:16-18

TSK: Mar 14:57 - and bare and bare : Mar 15:29; Jer 26:8, Jer 26:9, Jer 26:18; Mat 26:60,Mat 26:61, Mat 27:40; Joh 2:18-21; Act 6:13, Act 6:14

TSK: Mar 14:58 - -- Dan 2:34, Dan 2:45; Act 7:48; 2Co 5:1; Heb 9:11, Heb 9:24

TSK: Mar 14:59 - -- Mar 14:56

TSK: Mar 14:60 - -- Mar 15:3-5; Mat 26:62, Mat 26:63; Joh 19:9, Joh 19:10

TSK: Mar 14:61 - he held // Art // the Son he held : Psa 39:1, Psa 39:2, Psa 39:9; Isa 53:7; Mat 27:12-14; Act 8:32; 1Pe 2:23 Art : Mar 15:2; Mat 11:3-5, Mat 16:16, Mat 26:63, Mat 26:64; Luk 22...

TSK: Mar 14:62 - I am // the Son I am : Mar 15:2; Mat 26:64, Mat 27:11; Luk 23:3 the Son : The passage of Daniel, to which our Lord refers, was always considered by the Jews as a desc...

I am : Mar 15:2; Mat 26:64, Mat 27:11; Luk 23:3

the Son : The passage of Daniel, to which our Lord refers, was always considered by the Jews as a description of the Messiah. Our Saviour, therefore, now in his lowest state of humiliation, asserted his claims as the Messiah, who shall appear in the clouds of heaven, as the judge of the world. Mar 13:26, Mar 16:19; Psa 110:1; Dan 7:13, Dan 7:14; Mat 24:30; Luk 22:69; Act 1:9-11; 2Th 1:7-10; Heb 1:3, Heb 8:1, Heb 8:10,Heb 8:12, Heb 8:13, Heb 12:2; Rev 1:7, Rev 20:11

TSK: Mar 14:63 - his his : Isa 36:22, Isa 37:1; Jer 36:23, Jer 36:24; Act 14:13, Act 14:14

TSK: Mar 14:64 - -- Lev 24:16; 1Ki 21:9-13; Mat 26:65, Mat 26:66; Luk 22:71; Joh 5:18, Joh 8:58, Joh 8:59; Joh 10:31-33, Joh 19:7

TSK: Mar 14:65 - -- Mar 15:19; Num 12:14; Job 30:10; Isa 50:6, Isa 52:14, Isa 53:3; Mic 5:1; Mat 26:67, Mat 26:68; Luk 22:63, Luk 22:64; Joh 18:22, Joh 19:3; Act 23:2; He...

TSK: Mar 14:66 - as // One as : Mar 14:54; Mat 26:58, Mat 26:69, Mat 26:70; Luk 22:55-57 One : Joh 18:15-18

TSK: Mar 14:67 - Jesus Jesus : Mar 10:47; Mat 2:23, Mat 21:11; Joh 1:45-49, Joh 19:19; Act 10:38

TSK: Mar 14:68 - he denied // he went // and the he denied : Mar 14:29-31; Joh 13:36-38; 2Ti 2:12, 2Ti 2:13 he went : Mat 26:71, Mat 26:72 and the : Mar 14:30

TSK: Mar 14:69 - a maid // and began a maid : Η παιδισκη [Strong’ s G3814], ""the maid,""and not the one mentioned in Mar 14:66, but αλλη [Strong’ s G243], a...

a maid : Η παιδισκη [Strong’ s G3814], ""the maid,""and not the one mentioned in Mar 14:66, but αλλη [Strong’ s G243], another, as Matthew states (Mat 26:71), she who was the janitrix, or door-keeper. Joh 18:17

and began : Mar 14:38; Luk 22:58; Joh 18:25; Gal 6:1

TSK: Mar 14:70 - a little // for // and thy a little : Mat 26:73, Mat 26:74; Luk 22:59, Luk 22:60; Joh 18:26, Joh 18:27 for : Jdg 12:6; Act 2:7 and thy : Η λαλια [Strong’ s G2981]...

a little : Mat 26:73, Mat 26:74; Luk 22:59, Luk 22:60; Joh 18:26, Joh 18:27

for : Jdg 12:6; Act 2:7

and thy : Η λαλια [Strong’ s G2981], σου [Strong’ s G4675], ""Thy dialect,""or mode of speech. From various examples produced by Lightfoot, and Schoetgen, it appears that the Galileans used a very corrupt dialect and pronunciation; interchanging the gutturals, and other letters, and so blending or dividing words as to render them unintelligible, or convey a contrary sense. Thus when a Galilean would have asked, אמר למאן [Strong’ s H563], ""whose is this lamb,""he pronounced the first word so confusedly that it could not be known whether he meant חמר [Strong’ s H2543], ""an ass,"" חמר [Strong’ s H2562], ""wine,"" עמר [Strong’ s H6015], ""wool,""or עימר [Strong’ s H563], ""a lamb.""A certain woman intending to say to a judge, ""My lord, I had a picture which they stole; and it was so great, that if you had been placed in it, your feet would not have touched the ground,""so spoiled it by her pronunciation, that her words meant, ""Sir slave, I had a beam, and they stole thee away; and it was so great, that if they had hung thee on it, thy feet would not have touched the ground.""

TSK: Mar 14:71 - -- 2Ki 8:12-15, 2Ki 10:32; Jer 17:9; 1Co 10:12

TSK: Mar 14:72 - the second // Peter // when he thought thereon, he wept the second : Mar 14:30,Mar 14:68; Mat 26:34, Mat 26:74 Peter : 2Sa 24:10; Psa 119:59, Psa 119:60; Jer 31:18-20; Eze 16:63, Eze 36:31; Luk 15:17-19, Lu...

the second : Mar 14:30,Mar 14:68; Mat 26:34, Mat 26:74

Peter : 2Sa 24:10; Psa 119:59, Psa 119:60; Jer 31:18-20; Eze 16:63, Eze 36:31; Luk 15:17-19, Luk 22:60

when he thought thereon, he wept : or, he wept abundantly, or he began to weep, Eze 7:16; Mat 26:75; Luk 22:62; 2Co 7:10

kecilkan semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per Ayat)

Poole: Mar 14:1 - See Poole on "Mat 26:1" Mar 14:1,2 The chief priests and scribes conspire against Christ. Mar 14:3-9 A woman pours precious ointment on his head. Mar 14:10,11 Judas co...

Mar 14:1,2 The chief priests and scribes conspire against Christ.

Mar 14:3-9 A woman pours precious ointment on his head.

Mar 14:10,11 Judas covenants to betray him,

Mar 14:12-21 Christ eats the passover, and showeth that one of his

disciples should betray him.

Mar 14:22-26 He institutes his last supper,

Mar 14:27-31 foretells the desertion of all his disciples, and

Peter’ s denial of him.

Mar 14:32-42 His agony and prayer in the garden.

Mar 14:43-52 He is betrayed by Judas, and apprehended: his

disciples flee.

Mar 14:53-65 He is carried before the council, falsely accused,

examined, pronounced guilty and treated with indignity.

Mar 14:66-72 Peter’ s denial, and repentance.

Ver. 1,2. Matthew saith the same, only he bringeth it in as said to the disciples by Christ. This must be said upon that day in the week which we call Tuesday, for Friday was the passover day, when began the feast of unleavened bread.

See Poole on "Mat 26:1" , and following verses to Mat 26:5 .

Poole: Mar 14:3-9 - -- Ver. 3-9. See Poole on "Mat 26:6" , and following verses to Mat 26:13 , where this piece of history is fully considered, with the differing circumst...

Ver. 3-9. See Poole on "Mat 26:6" , and following verses to Mat 26:13 , where this piece of history is fully considered, with the differing circumstances related by our evangelist and by St. John.

Poole: Mar 14:10-16 - -- Ver. 10-16. See Poole on "Mat 26:17" , and following verses to Mat 26:19 .

Ver. 10-16. See Poole on "Mat 26:17" , and following verses to Mat 26:19 .

Poole: Mar 14:17-21 - -- Ver. 17-21. See Poole on "Mat 26:20" , and following verses to Mat 26:25 , where is opened whatever is necessary for the understanding of these word...

Ver. 17-21. See Poole on "Mat 26:20" , and following verses to Mat 26:25 , where is opened whatever is necessary for the understanding of these words, in which nothing of moment is varied, save only that Matthew reports Judas as being at this time particularly discovered. John hath nothing of this, unless the supper mentioned Joh 13:1-38 were this supper, of which more shall be said in its order.

Poole: Mar 14:22-26 - -- Ver. 22-26. See Poole on "Mat 26:26" , and following verses to Mat 26:30 , where the very small differences between our evangelist and Matthew and L...

Ver. 22-26. See Poole on "Mat 26:26" , and following verses to Mat 26:30 , where the very small differences between our evangelist and Matthew and Luke are also considered.

Poole: Mar 14:27-31 - -- Ver. 27-31. See Poole on "Mat 26:31" , and following verses to Mat 26:35 , on all the discourse.

Ver. 27-31. See Poole on "Mat 26:31" , and following verses to Mat 26:35 , on all the discourse.

Poole: Mar 14:32-42 - -- Ver. 32-42. See Poole on "Mat 26:36" , and following verses to Mat 26:46 .

Ver. 32-42. See Poole on "Mat 26:36" , and following verses to Mat 26:46 .

Poole: Mar 14:43-45 - -- Ver. 43-45. See Poole on "Mat 26:47" , and following verses to Mat 26:49 .

Ver. 43-45. See Poole on "Mat 26:47" , and following verses to Mat 26:49 .

Poole: Mar 14:46-50 - See Poole on "Mat 26:50" Ver. 46-50. Having, to complete the history of the passion, especially as to what is said of it by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, in my notes on Matthew co...

Ver. 46-50. Having, to complete the history of the passion, especially as to what is said of it by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, in my notes on Matthew considered all passages relating to what Matthew saith, the things here mentioned being opened in our notes on Mat 26:50-56 , need not here again be enlarged upon.

See Poole on "Mat 26:50" , and following verses to Mat 26:56 .

Poole: Mar 14:51-52 - -- Ver. 51,52. This part of the history is only recorded by Mark. What hath made some affirm that this was St. John I cannot tell. John was one of the e...

Ver. 51,52. This part of the history is only recorded by Mark. What hath made some affirm that this was St. John I cannot tell. John was one of the eleven that were with Christ when Judas came, and though we find him asleep a little before, yet we read not that he was gone to bed, nor can conceive there was any at or near the place. The garment in which he was, in all probability, was a night garment. It is certain it was a loose garment, he could not else, when he was apprehended, have so soon quit himself of it; and being quit of that it seemeth he was quit of all, for the text saith he

fled from them naked nor doth the text give him the honour to call him a disciple of Christ at large. Probably it was some young man who, being in his bed, and hearing the noise of the multitude going by his lodging with swords and staves, got up, slipped on his night garment, and followed them, to see what the matter was; and they having apprehended Christ, he followed them. And possibly his unusual habit made them take the more notice of him, staying when the disciples were all fled. Nor can the reason be well given why Mark should record such a passage, unless it were to tell us what we must expect from the rage of persecutors, viz. that our own innocency should not defend us. This young man was not concerned in Christ, only came as a spectator, without any arms. But the sword of persecution useth not to distinguish perfectly. The basilisk (they say) will fly at the picture of a man.

Poole: Mar 14:53-65 - See Poole on "Mat 26:57" Ver. 53-65. This history of our Saviour’ s examination before the high priest we had in Mat 26:57-68 : See Poole on "Mat 26:57" , and followin...

Ver. 53-65. This history of our Saviour’ s examination before the high priest we had in Mat 26:57-68 :

See Poole on "Mat 26:57" , and following verses to Mat 26:68 . It should seem the high priests and council were very eager upon this thing. This council seems to have sat up all night, for early in the morning they carried him (condemned by them) to Pilate, and before twelve they brought him out of the city to be crucified. These wretched hypocrites had but the evening before been taking the passover. It was now the feast of unleavened bread. This was now the first fruit of their thanksgiving to God, for bringing them out of the land of Egypt; besides that their keeping a court of judgment in a capital case on a holy day, or in the night, were things against all rules of order. But the rage of persecutors can be neither bounded by the laws of God or men. If the servants of God still be thus treated, they are in this more like Christ, who hath told them, that the disciple is not above his master. But see further in the notes on Matthew twenty-six.

Poole: Mar 14:66-72 - -- Ver. 66-72. All four evangelists give us an account of this history of Peter’ s denial of his Master. We have considered what they all say, to c...

Ver. 66-72. All four evangelists give us an account of this history of Peter’ s denial of his Master. We have considered what they all say, to complete the history, in our notes on Mat 26:69-75 ; to which I see no reason to add any thing but the observation,

1. How contemptible means God often useth to take down our pride and self-confidences. Peter, a great apostle, is here humbled by the means of two maids.

2. How naturally one sin draws on another. Peter first tells a lie, then to lying addeth swearing and cursing.

3. How necessary it is for those that would keep from sin to keep out of sinners’ company. I am (saith David) a companion of them that fear thee, Psa 119:63 .

4. How profitable words from God are for the time to come, though at present we find not the use and advantage of them.

5. How different the sinnings of reprobates and saints are, as to the consequences and issues.

Judas sins, repents, and hangs himself; Peter goeth out and weepeth bitterly. Judas repented unto death; Peter repenteth unto life. See more with reference to this history in our notes on Mat 26:75 . Thus far we have heard Christ’ s trial before the ecclesiastical court of the Jews. Thus far what he said Mar 10:33 is made good. He is delivered to the chief priests, and the scribes, and they have (as we have heard) condemned him to death. But he also said there, — and they shall deliver him to the Gentiles: and they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall spit upon him, and shall kill him. We must see those words verified in the ensuing part of the history, in the next chapter.

Lightfoot: Mar 14:3 - Of spikenard. // Poured it on his head And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very p...

And being in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard very precious; and she brake the box, and poured it on his head.   

[Of spikenard.] What if I should render it, nardin of Balanus? " Nardin consists of mphacium, balaninum, bulrush, nard, amomum, myrrh, balsam," etc. And again, " Myrobalanum is common to the Troglodytes, and to Thebais, and to that part of Arabia which divides Judea from Egypt; a growing ointment, as appears by the very name, whereby also is shown that it is the mast [ glans] of a tree."  

Balanus; as all know among the Greeks, is glans, mast; or an acorn; so also is pistaca; among the Talmudists. There are prescribed by the Talmudists various remedies for various diseases: among others, this; For a pleurisy (or, as others will have it, a certain disease of the head), take to the quantity of the mast of ammoniac. The Gloss is, the mast of ammoniac is the mast of cedar. The Aruch saith, " the mast of ammoniac is the grain of a fruit, which is called glans."   

The word nard; is Hebrew from the word nerad; and the word spikenard is Syriac, from the word pistaca. So that the ointment might be called Balanine ointment; in the composition of which, nard and mast; or myrobalane; were the chief ingredients.  

[Poured it on his head.] In Talmudic language, "What are the testimonies, that the woman married is a virgin? If she goes forth to be married with a veil let down over her eyes, yet with her head not veiled. The scattering of nuts is also a testimony. These are in Judea; but what are in Babylon? Rabh saith, If ointment be upon the head of the Rabbins." (The Gloss is, "The women poured ointment upon the heads of the scholars; and anointed them.") "Rabh Papa said to Abai, Does that doctor speak of the aromatic ointment used in bridechambers?" (The Gloss is, "Are the Rabbins such, to be anointed with such ointments?") "He answered, O thou unacquainted with the customs, did not thy mother pour out ointment for you (at thy wedding) upon the heads of the Rabbins? Thus, a certain Rabbin got a wife for his son in the house of Rabbah Bar Ulla; and they said to him, Rabbah Bar Ulla also got a wife in the house of a certain Rabbin for his son, and he poured out ointment upon the head of the Rabbins."  

From the tradition produced it may be asked, whether it were customary in Judea to wet the heads of the Rabbins with ointments, in the marriages of virgins, as it was in Babylon? Or, whether it were so customary otherwise to anoint their heads; as that such an anointing at weddings were not so memorable a matter as it was in Babylon? Certainly, in both places, however they anointed men's heads for health's sake, it was accounted unfitting for Rabbins to smell of aromatical ointments: "It is indecent (say the Jerusalem Talmudists) for a scholar of the wise men to smell of spices." And you have the judgment of the Babylonians in this very place, when it is inquired among them, and that, as it were, with a certain kind of dissatisfaction, Whether Rabbins be such as that they should be anointed with aromatical ointments, as the more nice sort are wont to be anointed? From this opinion, everywhere received among them, you may more aptly understand, why the other disciples as well as Judas, did bear the lavish of the ointment with some indignation: he; out of wicked covetousness; but they, partly, as not wiling that so precious a thing should be lost, and partly as not liking so nice a custom should be used towards their master, from which the masters of the Jews themselves were so averse. And our Saviour, taking off the envy of what was done, applies this anointing to his burial, both in his intention and in the intention of the woman; that it might not seem to be done out of some delicate niceness.

Lightfoot: Mar 14:5 - More than three hundred pence For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her.   [More tha...

For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her.   

[More than three hundred pence.] The prices of such precious ointments (as it seems in Pliny) were commonly known. For thus he, "The price of costus is sixteen pounds. The price of spike (nard) is ninety pounds. The leaves have made a difference in the value. From the broadness of them it is called Hadrosphaerum; with greater leaves it is worth X. Xxx," that is, thirty pence. "That with a lesser leaf is called Mesosphaerum, it is sold at X. Lx," sixty pence. "The most esteemed is that called Microsphaerum, having the least leaf, and the price of it is X. Lxxv," seventy-five pence. And elsewhere: "To these the merchants have added that which they call Daphnois, surnamed Isocinnamon, and they make the price of it to be X. ccc" three hundred pence.  

II. It is not easy to reduce this sum of three hundred pence to its proper sense; partly because a penny was two-fold, a silver penny, and a gold one: partly because there was a double value and estimation of money, namely, that of Jerusalem and that of Tyre, as we observed before. Let these be silver (which we believe), which are of much less value than gold: and let them be Jerusalem pence (which we also believe), which are cheaper than the Tyrian; yet they plainly speak the great wealth of Magdalene, who poured out an ointment of such a value, when before she had spent some such other.  

Which brings to my mind those things which are spoken by the Masters concerning the box of spices; which the husband was bound to give the wife according to the proportion of her dowry: "But this is not spoken, saith Rabh Ishai, but of Jerusalem people. There is an example of a daughter of Nicodemus Ben Gorion, to whom the wise men appointed four hundred crowns of gold for a chest of spices for one day. She said to them, 'I wish you may so appoint for their daughters'; and they answered after her, 'Amen.' " The Gloss is, "The husband was to give to his wife ten { zuzees for every manah; which she brought with her to buy spices, with which she used to wash herself," etc. Behold! a most wealthy woman of Jerusalem, daughter of Nicodemus, in the contract and instrument of whose marriage was written, "A thousand thousand gold pence out of the house of her father, besides those she had out of the house of her father-in-law": whom yet you have in the same story reduced to that extreme poverty, that she picked up barley-corns for her food out of the cattle's dung.

Lightfoot: Mar 14:7 - For ye have the poor with you always For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always.   [For ye have the poor with ...

For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always.   

[For ye have the poor with you always.] "Samuel saith, 'There is no difference between this world and the days of the Messias,' unless in regard of the affliction of the heathen kingdoms; as it is said, 'A poor man shall not be wanting out of the midst of the earth,' " Deu 15:11. Observe a Jew confessing, that there shall be poor men even in the days of the Messias: which how it agrees with their received opinion of the pompous kingdom of the Messias, let him look to it. "R. Solomon and Aben Ezra write, 'If thou shalt obey the words of the Lord, there shall not be a poor man in thee: but thou wilt not obey; therefore a poor man shall never be wanting.' " Upon this received reason of the thing, confess also, O Samuel, that there shall be disobedient persons in the days of the Messias; which, indeed, when the true Messias came, proved too, too true, in thy nation.

Lightfoot: Mar 14:12 - And the first day of unleavened bread. // That we prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that tho...

And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?   

[And the first day of unleavened bread.] So Mat 26:17; Luk 22:7. And now let them tell me, who think that Christ indeed kept his Passover the fourteenth day, but the Jews not before the fifteenth, because this year their Passover was transferred unto the fifteenth day by reason of the following sabbath: let them tell me, I say, whether the evangelists speak according to the day prescribed by Moses, or according to the day prescribed by the masters of the traditions, and used by the nation. If according to Moses, then the fifteenth day was the first of unleavened bread; Exo 12:15; Exo 12:18: but if according to the manner of the nation, then it was the fourteenth. And whether the evangelists speak according to this custom, let us inquire briefly.  

Sometime, indeed, the whole seven days' feast was transferred to another month; and that not only from that law, Numbers_9, but from other causes also: concerning which see the places quoted in the margin [Hieros. In Maasar Sheni, folio 56.3. Maimonides In Kiddush. Hodesh. cap. 4.]. But when the time appointed for the feast occurred, the lamb was always slain on the fourteenth day.  

I. Let us begin with a story where an occasion occurs not very unlike that for which they of whom we speak think the Passover this year was transferred; namely, because of the following sabbath. The story is this: "After the death of Shemaiah and Abtalion, the sons of Betira obtained the chief place. Hillel went up from Babylon to inquire concerning three doubts. When he was now at Jerusalem, and the fourteenth day of the first month fell out on the sabbath [observe that], it appeared not to the sons of Betira, whether the Passover drove off the sabbath or no. Which when Hillel had determined in many words, and had added, moreover, that he had learned this from Shemaiah and Abtalion, they laid down their authority, and made Hillel president. When they had chosen him president, he derided them, saying, 'What need have you of this Babylonian? Did you not serve the two chief men of the world, Shemaiah and Abtalion, who sat among you?' " These things which are already said make enough to our purpose, but, with the reader's leave, let us add the whole story: "While he thus scoffed at them, he forgot a tradition. For they said, 'What is to be done with the people if they bring not their knives?' He answered, 'I have heard this tradition, but I have forgot. But let them alone; for although they are not prophets, they are prophets' sons.' Presently every one whose passover was a lamb stuck his knife into the fleece of it; and whose passover was a kid, hung his knife upon the horns of it."  

And now let the impartial reader judge between the reason which is given for the transferring the Passover this year unto the fifteenth day, namely, because of the sabbath following, that they might not be forced to abstain from servile work for two days together; and the reason for which it might with good reason be transferred that year concerning which the story is. The fourteenth day fell on a sabbath; a scruple ariseth, whether the sabbath gives way to the Passover, or the Passover to the sabbath. The very chief men of the Sanhedrim, and the oracles of traditions, are not able to resolve the business. A great article of religion is transacting; and what is here to be done! O ye sons of Betira, transfer but the Passover unto the next day, and the knot is untied. Certainly if this had been either usual or lawful, they had provided that the affairs of religion, and their authority and fame, should not have stuck in this strait. But that was not to be suffered.  

II. Let us add a tradition which you may justly wonder at: "Five things, if they come in uncleanness, are not eaten in uncleanness: the sheaf of firstfruits, the two loaves, the shewbread, the peace offerings of the congregation, and the goats of the new moons. But the Passover which comes in uncleanness is eaten in uncleanness; because it comes not originally unless to be eaten."  

Upon which tradition thus Maimonides: "The Lord saith, 'And there were some that were unclean by the carcase of a man,' Num 9:6; and he determines of them, that they be put off from the Passover of the first month to the Passover of the second. And the tradition is, that it was thus determined, because they were few. But if the whole congregation should have been unclean, or if the greatest part of it should have been unclean, yet they offer the Passover, though they are unclean. Therefore they say, 'Particular men are put off to the second Passover, but the whole congregation is not put off to the second Passover.' In like manner all the oblations of the congregation, they offer them in uncleanness if the most are unclean; which we learn also from the Passover. For the Lord saith of the Passover, [ul Num_9:2] that it is to be offered in its set time [note that]; and saith also of the oblations of the congregation, Ye shall do this to the Lord in your set times, and to them all he prescribes a set time. Every thing, therefore, to which a time is set, is also offered in uncleanness, if so be very many of the congregation, or very many of the priests, be unclean."  

"We find that the congregation makes their Passover in uncleanness, in that time when most of them are unclean. And if known uncleanness be thus dispensed with, much more doubted uncleanness." But what need is there of such dispensation? Could ye not put off the Passover, O ye fathers of the Sanhedrim, for one or two days, that the people might be purified? By no means: for the Passover is to be offered in its set time; the fourteenth day, without any dispensation. For,  

III. Thus the canons of that church concerning that day: in the light of the fourteenth day, they seek for leaven by candlelight. The Gloss is; "In the night, to which the day following is the fourteenth day." And go to all the commentators, and they will teach, that this was done upon the going out of the thirteenth day. And Maimonides; "From the words of the scribes, they look for and rid away leaven in the beginning of the night of the fourteenth day, and that by the light of the candle. For in the night time all are within their houses, and a candle is most proper for such a search. Therefore, they do not appoint employments in the end of the thirteenth day, nor doth a wise man begin to recite his phylacteries in that time, lest thereby, by reason of their length, he be hindered from seeking for leaven in its season." And the same author elsewhere; "It is forbidden to eat leaven on the fourteenth day from noon and onwards, viz. from the beginning of the seventh hour. Our wise men also forbade eating it from the beginning of the sixth hour. Nay, the fifth hour they eat not leaven, lest perhaps the day be cloudy, and so a mistake arise about the time. Behold, you learn that it is lawful to eat leaven on the fourteenth day, to the end of the fourth hour; but in the fifth hour it is not to be used." The same author elsewhere writes thus; "The passover was not to be killed but in the court, where the other sacrifices were killed. And it was to be killed on the fourteenth day afternoon, after the daily sacrifice."  

And now, reader, tell me what day the evangelists call the first day of unleavened bread; and whether it be any thing probable that the Passover was ever transferred unto the fifteenth day? Much less is it probable that Christ this year kept his Passover one day before the Passover of the Jews.  

For the Passover was not to be slain but in the court, where the other sacrifices were slain, as we heard just now from Maimonides: and see the rubric of bringing in the lambs into the court, and of slaying them. And then tell me seriously whether it be credible, that the priests in the Temple, against the set decree of the Sanhedrim that year (as the opinion we contradict imports), would kill Christ's one, only, single lamb; when by that decree it ought not to be killed before tomorrow? When Christ said to his disciples, "Ye know, that after two days is the Passover"; and when he commanded them, "Go ye, and prepare for us the Passover," it is a wonder they did not reply, "True, indeed, Sir, it ought to be after two days; but it is put off this year to a day later, so that now it is after three days; it is impossible therefore that we should obey you now, for the priests will not allow of killing before tomorrow."  

We have said enough, I suppose, in this matter. But while I am speaking of the day of the Passover, let me add a few words, although not to the business concerning which we have been treating; and they perhaps not unworthy of our consideration:  

"He that mourns washes himself, and eats his Passover in the even. A proselyte, which is made a proselyte on the eve of the Passover, the school of Shammai saith, Let him be baptized, and eat his Passover in the even: the school of Hillel saith, He that separates himself from uncircumcision [that is, from heathens and heathenism] is as if he separated himself from a sepulchre." The Gloss, "And hath need of seven days' purification." " There were soldiers at Jerusalem; who baptized themselves, and ate their Passovers in the even." A thing certainly to be noted, proselytes the same day made proselytes, and eating the Passover; and that as it seems without circumcision, but admitted only by baptism.  

The care of the school of Hillel in this case did not so much repulse a proselyte from eating the Passover, who was made a proselyte and baptized on the day of the Passover; as provided for the future, that such a one in following years should not obtrude himself to eat the Passover in uncleanness. For while he was in heathenism, he contracted not uncleanness from the touch of a sepulchre; but being made a proselyte, he contracted uncleanness by it. These are the words of the Gloss.  

[That we prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover.] For the Passovers were prepared by the servants for their masters. "If any say to his servant, 'Go and kill me the passover,' and he kills a kid, let him eat of it: if he kill a lamb, let him eat of it: if a kid and a lamb, let him eat of the former," etc.

Lightfoot: Mar 14:26 - And when they had sung an hymn. // They went out into the mount of Olives And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.   [And when they had sung an hymn.] I. "What difference is there ...

And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.   

[And when they had sung an hymn.] I. "What difference is there between the first Passover and the second?" [that is, the Passover of the first month and of the second, Numbers_9]. "In the first, every one is bound under that law, 'Leaven shall not be seen nor found among you.' In the second, 'Leaven and unleavened bread may be with a man in his house.' In the first, he is bound to a hymn when he eats the Passover. In the second, he is not bound to a hymn when he eats it. In both, he is bound to a hymn while he makes or kills. Both are to be eaten roast, and with unleavened bread, and bitter herbs, and both drive away the sabbath." The Gemarists ask, "Whence this is, that they are bound to a hymn; while they eat the Passover? R. Jochanan in the name of R. Simeon Ben Josedek saith, The Scripture saith, 'You shall have a song, as in the night when a feast is kept,' Isa 30:29. The night which is set apart for a feast is bound to a hymn; the night which is not set apart for a feast is not bound to a hymn." The Gloss writes thus; "As ye are wont to sing in the night when a feast is kept: but there is no night wherein they are obliged to a song, besides the night when the Passover is eaten."  

II. That hymn is called by the Rabbins the Hallel; and was from the beginning of Psalms_113, to the end of Psalms_118, which they cut in two parts; and a part of it they repeated in the very middle of the banquet, and they reserved a part to the end.  

How far the former portion extended, is disputed between the schools of Shammai and Hillel. That of Shammai saith, Unto the end of Psalms_113. That of Hillel saith, Unto the end of Psalms_114. But these things must not stop us. The hymn which Christ now sang with his disciples after meat was the latter part. In which, as the Masters of the Traditions observe, these five things are mentioned: "The going out of Egypt. The cutting in two of the Red Sea. The delivery of the law. The resurrection of the dead: and the sorrows of the Messias. The going out of Egypt, as it is written, 'When Israel went out of Egypt.' The cutting in two of the Red Sea, as it is written, 'The sea saw it, and fled.' The delivery of the law, as it is written, 'The mountains leaped like rams.' The resurrection of the dead, as it is written, 'I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living.' And the sorrows of the Messias, as it is written, 'Not unto us, Lord, not unto us.'"  

[They went out into the mount of Olives.] They were bound by traditional canons to lodge within Jerusalem. "On the first Passover, every one is bound to lodge also on the second Passover he is bound to lodge." The Gloss thus: "He that keeps the Passover is bound to lodge in Jerusalem the first night." But it is disputed, whether it be the same night wherein the lamb is eaten; or the night first following the feast day. See the place: and let not the lion of the tribe of Judah be restrained in those cobwebs { [ Pesach. folio 95.2.]

Lightfoot: Mar 14:36 - Abba, Father And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt. &n...

And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt.   

[Abba, Father.] As it is necessary to distinguish between the Hebrew and Chaldee idiom in the words Abi; and Abba; so you may; I had almost said, you must; distinguish of their sense. For the word Abi; signifies indeed a natural father, but withal a civil father also, an elder, a master, a doctor, a magistrate: but the word Abba; denotes only a natural father, with which we comprehend also an adopting father: yea, it denotes, My father.  

Let no man say to his neighbour, 'My father' is nobler than thy father. "R. Chaija asked Rabh the son of his brother, when he came into the land of Israel, Doth my father live? And he answereth, And doth your mother live? " As if he should have said, You know your mother is dead, so you may know your father is dead. "Solomon said, Observe ye what my father saith?" So in the Targum infinite times.  

And we may observe in the Holy Scriptures, wheresoever mention is made of a natural father, the Targumists use the word Abba; but when of a civil father, they use another word: --   

I. Of a natural father.  

Gen 22:7; " And he said, 'Abi,' my father." The Targum reads, " And said, 'Abba,' my father." Gen 27:34; "Bless me, even me also 'Abi,' O my father." The Targum reads, Bless me also, 'Abba,' my father. Gen 48:18; Not so, 'Abi,' my father. Targum, Not so, 'Abba,' my father. Jdg 11:36; 'Abi,' my father, if thou hast opened thy mouth. Targum, 'Abba,' my father, if thou hast opened thy mouth. Isa 8:4; The Targum reads, before the child shall know to cry 'Abba,' my father, and my mother. See also the Targum upon Jos 2:13; and Jdg 14:16; and elsewhere very frequently.  

II. Of a civil father.  

Gen 4:20;21: He was 'Abi,' the father of such as dwell in tents. "He was 'Abi,' the father of such as handle the harp," etc. The Targum reads, He was 'Rabba,' the prince or the master of them. 1Sa 10:12; But who is 'Abihem,' their father? Targum, Who is their 'Rab,' master or prince? 2Ki 2:12; 'Abi, Abi,' my father, my father. The Targum, Rabbi, Rabbi. 2Ki 5:13; And they said, 'Abi,' my father. The Targum, And they said, 'Mari,' my Lord. 2Ki 6:21; 'Abi,' my father, shall I smite them? Targum, 'Rabbi,' shall I kill; etc.  

Hence appears the reason of those words of the apostle, Rom 8:15; Ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. And Gal 4:6; "Because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father." It was one thing to call God Abi, Father; that is, Lord, King, Teacher, Governor; etc.; and another to call him Abba, My Father. The doctrine of adoption, in the proper sense, was altogether unknown to the Jewish schools (though they boasted that the people of Israel alone were adopted by God above all other nations); and yet they called God Father; and our Father; that is, our God, Lord, and King, etc. But "since ye are sons (saith the apostle), ye cry, Abba, O my Father;" in the proper and truly paternal sense.  

Thus Christ in this place, however under an unspeakable agony, and compassed about on all sides with anguishments, and with a very cloudy and darksome providence; yet he acknowledges, invokes, and finds God his Father; in a most sweet sense.  

We cry, 'Abba,' Father. Did the saints, invoking God, and calling him Abba; add also Father? Did Christ also use the same addition of the Greek word Father; and did he repeat the word { Abba or Abi? Father seems rather here to be added by Mark, and there also by St. Paul, for explication of the word ' Abba': and this is so much the more probable also, because it is expressed Father; and not O Father; in the vocative.

Lightfoot: Mar 14:51 - Having a linen cloth cast about his naked body And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him:   [Havin...

And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him:   

[Having a linen cloth cast about his naked body.] It is well rendered by the Vulgar clothed in sindon or fine linen; for to that the words have respect: not that he had some linen loosely and by chance cast about him, but that the garment wherewith he always went clothed, was of sindon; that is, of linen. Let us hearken a little to the Talmudists.  

"The Rabbins deliver: Sindon [linen] with fringes; what of them? The school of Shammai absolves, the school of Hillel binds, and the wise men determine according to the school of Hillel. R. Eliezer Ben R. Zadok saith, Whosoever wears hyacinth [purple] in Jerusalem, is among those who make men admire." By hyacinthinum [purple] they understand those fringes that were to put them in mind of the law, Numbers_15. And by sindon, linen; is understood a cloak; or that garment, which, as it serves for clothing the body, so it is doubly serviceable to religion. For, 1. To this garment were the fringes fastened, concerning which mention is made, Num 15:38. 2. With this garment they commonly covered their heads when they prayed. Hence that in the Gemarists in the place quoted: " talith; or the cloak whereby the boy covereth his head, and a great part of himself; if any one of elder years goes forth clothed with it in a more immodest manner, he is bound to wear fringes." And elsewhere, "The priests who veil themselves when they go up into the pulpit, with a cloak which is not their own;" etc.  

But now it was customary to wear this cloak, in the summer especially, and in Jerusalem for the most part, made of sindon or of linen. And the question between the schools of Shammai and Hillel arose hence, that when the fringes were woolen, and the cloak linen, how would the suspicion of wearing things of different sorts be avoided? R. Zeira loosed his sindon. The Gloss is: "He loosed his fringes from his sindon [that is, from his talith; which was of 'sindon,' linen], because it was of linen;" etc. "The angel found Rabh Ketina clothed in sindon; and said to him, O Ketina, Ketina, sindon in the summer, and a short cloak in the winter."  

You see that word which is spoke by the evangelist, about his naked body; carries an emphasis: for it was most usual to be clothed with sindon for an outer garment. What therefore must we say of this young man? I suppose in the first place, that he was not a disciple of Jesus; but that he now followed, as some curious looker on, to see what this multitude would at last produce. And to such a suspicion they certainly do consent, who think him to have been roused from his bed, and hastily followed the rout with nothing but his shirt on, without any other clothes. I suppose, secondly, St. Mark in the phrase having a sindon cast about him; spake according to the known and vulgar dialect of the nation, clothed with a sindon. For none shall ever persuade me that he would use an idiom, any thing uncouth or strange to the nation; and that when he used the very same phrase in Greek with that Jewish one, he intended not to propound the very same sense. But now you clearly see, they themselves being our teachers, what is the meaning of being clothed with a sindon; with them, namely, to have a talith or cloak made of linen; that garment to which the fringes hung. I suppose, in the last place, that this young man, out of religion, or superstition rather, more than ordinary, had put on his sindon; and nothing but that upon his naked body; neglecting his inner garment (commonly called chaluk ), and indeed neglecting his body. For there were some amongst the Jews that did so macerate their bodies, and afflict them with hunger and cold, even above the severe rule of other sects.  

Josephus in his own Life writes thus: "I was sixteen years old, and I resolved to make trial of the institution of the three sects among us, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes; for I judged I should be able very well to choose the best of them, if I thoroughly learned them all. Afflicting, therefore, and much tormenting myself, I tried them all. But judging with myself that it was not enough to have tried these sects; and hearing of one Banus, that lived in the wilderness, that he used a garment made of leaves; or the bark of trees; and no food but what grew of its own accord, and often by day and by night washing himself in cold water, I became a follower of him, and for three years abode with him."  

And in that place in the Talmudists, which we but now produced, at that very story of Rabh Ketina, wearing a sindon in the winter for his talith; we have these words; "The religious in elder times, when they had wove three wings [of the talith], they joined the purple;" whereof the fringes were made: "but otherwise, they are religious who impose upon themselves things heavier than ordinary." And immediately follows the story of the angel and Ketina, who did so. There were some who heaped up upon themselves burdens and yokes of religion above the common rule, and that this is to be understood by such as laid upon themselves heavier things than ordinary; both the practice of some Jews persuade, and the word itself speaks it, being used by the Gemarists in the same sense elsewhere.  

Such, we suppose, was this young man (as Josephus was, when a young man, of whom before), who, when others armed themselves against the cold with a double garment, namely, an inner garment; and a talith or cloak; clothed himself with a single garment, and that of sindon or linen; and under the show of some more austere religion, neglecting the ordinary custom and care of himself.  

The thing, taken in the sense which we propound, speaks the furious madness of this most wicked rout so much the more, inasmuch as they spared not a man, and him a young man; bearing most evident marks of a more severe religion.

Lightfoot: Mar 14:56 - Their witness agreed not together For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together.   [Their witness agreed not together.] The traditional can...

For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together.   

[Their witness agreed not together.] The traditional canons, in these things, divide testimonies into three parts: --   

I. There was a vain testimony; which being heard, there is no more inquiry made from that witness, there is no more use made of him, but he is set aside, as speaking nothing to the business.  

II. There was a standing testimony; for let me so turn it here, which, although it proved not the matter without doubt, yet it was not rejected by the judges, but admitted to examination by citation; that is, others being admitted to try to disprove it if they could.  

III. There was the testimony of the words of them that agreed or fitted together (this also was a standing evidence ), when the words of two witnesses agreed, and were to the same purpose: an even evidence. Of these, see the tract Sanhedrin; where also discourse is had concerning exact search and examination of the witnesses by inquisition; and scrutiny; and citation; by which curious disquisition if they had examined the witnesses that babbled and barked against Christ, Oh! The unspeakable and infinite innocence of the most blessed Jesus, which envy and madness itself, never so much sworn together against his life, could not have fastened any crime upon!  

It is said, Mar 14:55; they sought for witness against Jesus. This is neither equal, O fathers of the Sanhedrim! nor agreeable to your rule: In judgments about the life of any man, they begin first to transact about quitting the party who is tried; and they begin not with those things which make for his condemnation. Whether the Sanhedrim now followed that canon in their scrutiny about Christ's case, let them look to it: by their whole process it sufficiently appears, whither their disquisition tended. And let it be granted, that they pretended some colour of justice and mercy, and permitted that any one who would, might come forth, and testify something in his behalf; where was any such now to be found? when all his disciples turned their backs upon him, and the Fathers of the Traditions had provided, that whosoever should confess him to be Christ should be struck with the thunder of their excommunication, Joh 9:22.



Haydock: Mar 14:1 - Pasch Though the evangelists generally use the words pasch and azymes promiscuously, yet St. Mark distinguishes them, being really different. The pasch...

Though the evangelists generally use the words pasch and azymes promiscuously, yet St. Mark distinguishes them, being really different. The pasch is used for the 14th day of the moon of the first month. But the 15th day, on which they departed out of Egypt, was the feast of the azymes, or the unleavened bread; which continued seven days, till the 21st day of the moon inclusively. (Ven. Bede) ---

Pasch is also used for the sabbath day within the seven days of the solemnity; (John xix. 14.) and also for all the sacrifices made during the seven days of the feast.

Haydock: Mar 14:2 - -- They were not so much afraid of the sedition itself, as of the people delivering Christ out of their hands. (Ven. Bede)

They were not so much afraid of the sedition itself, as of the people delivering Christ out of their hands. (Ven. Bede)

Haydock: Mar 14:3 - Of precious Of precious [1] spikenard. This was a perfume extracted and distilled from the leaves, tops, or stalks, of the plant or herb called nard. It was...

Of precious [1] spikenard. This was a perfume extracted and distilled from the leaves, tops, or stalks, of the plant or herb called nard. It was the custom of the eastern people to pour such precious perfumes on their own heads, or on the heads of their guests whom they had a mind to honour. (Witham) ---

this happened six days previous to the pasch. The woman here mentioned was Mary, sister of Lazarus. (John xii. 3.)



Unguenti nardi spicati pretiosi, Greek: murou nardou pistikes polutelous. Both here in St. Mark, and also in St. John, Chap. xii. 3. we read Greek: pistikes, which by the Greek agees with nard, and not with ointment. The interpreters are much divided about the signification of the word Greek: pistikes: some late writers would needs have Greek: pistides to come from Greek: pio or pino, and to signify liquid, but this does not seem well grounded. Others, with St. Augustine, would have Greek: pistikes to be taken from the name of some country or place from whence this precious nard was brought. The most common opinion seems that of St. Hierom [St. Jerome], with whom agree Theophylactus, and Euthymius, that Greek: pistika, derived from Greek: pistis, signifies true and genuine nard, and so of the greatest price and value.

Haydock: Mar 14:4 - -- It was chiefly Judas Iscariot that murmured here. St. John only mentions him; perhaps some others had been excited to complain, by the traitor. This...

It was chiefly Judas Iscariot that murmured here. St. John only mentions him; perhaps some others had been excited to complain, by the traitor. This is certain, that if any concurred in murmuring with Judas, they afterwards repented, on hearing the answer given immediately by our Saviour. (Dionysius)

Haydock: Mar 14:7 - Behold I am Christ here answers the apostles, by informing them that he should not always be with them, but would shortly leave them, as to his corporal presence,...

Christ here answers the apostles, by informing them that he should not always be with them, but would shortly leave them, as to his corporal presence, though spiritually will remain with them, and their successors, to the end of time. (Matthew xxviii.) ---

Behold I am, &c. He will not always be with them, so as to want their services. (Ven. Bede)

Haydock: Mar 14:10 - -- Many of the present day shudder at the thought of the horrid and inexpressible crime of Judas, in betraying his Master, his Lord, and his God, and yet...

Many of the present day shudder at the thought of the horrid and inexpressible crime of Judas, in betraying his Master, his Lord, and his God, and yet do not take care to avoid the like wickedness themselves; for, as often as for a little gain they neglect the duties of faith and charity, they become traitors to God, who is charity and faith. (Ven. Bede)

Haydock: Mar 14:12 - Whither wilt thou Whither wilt thou, &c. By these words the disciples teach us to direct our every step according to the will of God; therefore does their Lord tell t...

Whither wilt thou, &c. By these words the disciples teach us to direct our every step according to the will of God; therefore does their Lord tell them, with whom he would eat the pasch, to go two of them into the city. (St. Jerome)

Haydock: Mar 14:14 - Were is my refectory Were is my refectory: [2] where I may eat the pasch, or the paschal supper of the lamb sacrificed? Literally, in the Latin, where is my eating, ...

Were is my refectory: [2] where I may eat the pasch, or the paschal supper of the lamb sacrificed? Literally, in the Latin, where is my eating, or my refection? but it is generally agreed that here is meant a place to eat in. (Witham)

This is my Body.



Ubi est refectio mea, ubi pascha manducem? Greek: Pou esti to kataluma, opou pascha ... phago.

Haydock: Mar 14:22 - See this point This which I now give, and which you now receive; for the bread is not the figure of Christ, but is changed into the true body of Christ; and he himse...

This which I now give, and which you now receive; for the bread is not the figure of Christ, but is changed into the true body of Christ; and he himself says, The bread, which I will give you, is my flesh. (St. John vi.) But the flesh of Christ is not seen, on account of our infirmity; for if we were allowed to see with our eyes the flesh and blood of Jesus, we should not date to approach the blessed sacrament. Our Lord therefore condescending to our weakness, preserves the outward species of bread and wine, but changes the bread and wine into the reality of flesh and blood. (Theophylactus) ---

St. John Chrysostom, in his thirtieth sermon on the treason of Judas, says: "Christ is also now present to adorn our table, (altar) the same that was present to adorn that table. For it is not man that causes the elements to become the body and blood of Christ, but the very Christ, the same that was crucified for us: Greek: oude gar anthropos estin o[?] koion ta prokeimena ginesthai soma kai aima christou all autos o staurotheis uper emon christos. The priest stand his vicegerent, and pronounces the words, but the power and grace is of God. He says, this is my body, and the word changes the elements: and as the sentence 'increase and multiply, and fill the earth, was spoken once, but still imparts fecundity to human nature throughout all time: so these words (of consecration) once spoken, constitute an absolute, perfect sacrifice upon every altar of the Church from that day to this, yea even to the time when Christ shall come again at the last day." Greek: Schema pleron esteken o iereus, ta remata phtheggomenos ekeina e de dunamis, kai e charis tou theou esti. touto mou esti to soma, phesi touto to rema metarruthmizei ta prokeimena. Kai kathaper e phone ekeine e legousa "auxanesthe, kai plethunesthe, kai plerosate ten gen," errethe men apax, dia pantos de tou[?] chronou ginetai ergo endunamousa ten phusin ten emeteran pros paidopoiian. outo kai e phone aute apax lechtheisa, kath ekasten trapesan en tais ekklesiais, ex ekeinou mechri semeron, kai mechri tes autou parousias, ten thusian apertismenen epgasetai. (St. John Chrysostom, Serm. xxx, on the treachery of Judas.)

These words are so plain, that it is difficult to imagine others more explicit. Their force and import will however appear in a still stronger light, if we consider the formal promise Christ had made to his apostles, as related by St. John, that he would give them his flesh to eat, that same flesh he was to deliver up for the life of the world. He on that occasion confirmed with remarkable emphasis of expression the reality of this manducation, assuring them that his flesh was meat indeed, and his blood drink indeed; and when some of the disciples were shocked at such a proposal, he still insisted that unless they eat his flesh, they should have no life in them. The possibility of it he evinced from his divine power, to be exemplified in his miraculous ascension; the necessity of it he established, by permitting those to abandon him who refused to believe it; and the belief of it he enforced on the minds of his disciples, from the consideration that he, their teacher, was the Son of God, and the author of their eternal salvation. The apostles were deeply impressed with these thoughts, previously to the institution of the holy Eucharist; consequently when they beheld Jesus Christ, just before his death, taking bread into his sacred hands; when after blessing it with solemnity, they heard him say, Take, eat; this is my body, which shall be given for you; they must necessarily have concluded, that it was truly his body, which he now gave them to eat, according to his former promise. And though their reason or senses might have started difficulties, yet all these were obviated by their belief of his being God, and consequently able to effect whatever he pleased, and to make good whatever he said. ---

Moreover, if we consult tradition, we shall find that the Greek, as well as the Latin Church, has uniformly declared in favour of the literal sense of Christ's words, as may be seen at large in all Catholic controvertists. The learned author of the Perpetuite de la Foi, and his continuator, Renaudot, in the two additional quarto volumes, have invincibly demonstrated, that the belief of all the Oriental Christians perfectly coincides with that of the Catholic Church, respecting the real presence. Dr. Philip Nicolai, though a Protestant, candidly acknowledges, in his first book of the Kingdom of Christ, p. 22, "that not only the churches of the Greek, but also the Russians, the Georgians, the Armenians, the Judæans, and the Ethiopians, as many of them as believe in Christ, hold the true and real presence of the body and blood of our Lord." This general agreement amongst the many Churches of the Christian world, affords the strongest evidence against Secker and others, who pretend that the doctrine of the real presence is a mere innovation; which was not started till 700 years after Christ's death. For, how will their supposition accord with the belief of the Nestorians and Euthychians, who were separated from the Church of Rome long before that period, and who were found to agree exactly with Catholics concerning this important tenent? ---

See this point clearly given in Rutter's Evangelical Harmony.

This is my Blood.

Haydock: Mar 14:24 - Which shall be shed Which shall be shed. With words so explicit, with the unanimous agreement of the Eastern and Western Churches, how can any Dissenters bring themselv...

Which shall be shed. With words so explicit, with the unanimous agreement of the Eastern and Western Churches, how can any Dissenters bring themselves to believe that there is nothing more designed, or given, than a memorial of Christ's passion and death? Catholics, who believe in the real presence, do certainly renew in themselves the remembrance of our Saviour's death and passion, with more lively sentiments of devotion than they who believe it to be mere bread and wine. The outward forms of bread and wine, which remain in the Eucharist, are chiefly designed to signify or represent to us three things; viz. 1. The passion of Christ, of which they are the remembrance; 2. the body and blood of Christ, really, though sacramentally present, of which they are the veil; and 3. everlasting life, of which they are the pledge. ---

N. B. In speaking of the real presence in the Eucharist, Catholics hold that Christ is corporally and substantially present, but not carnally; i.e. not in that gross, natural, and sensible manner, in which or separated brethren so frequently misrepresent our doctrine.

Haydock: Mar 14:25 - -- This vine represents the Synagogue, according to Isaias. The vine, or vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel. Of this vine Christ dran...

This vine represents the Synagogue, according to Isaias. The vine, or vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel. Of this vine Christ drank for some time; and though many of the branches were become useless, there were yet many that still brought forth fruit. But Christ now going to his passion, declares that it would be no longer acceptable to him, since the figures were not to pass into reality. (Ven. Bede)

Haydock: Mar 14:26 - -- Jesus Christ is seized upon Mount Olivet, whence he ascended into heaven; that we might know that the place on earth where we watch and pray, where we...

Jesus Christ is seized upon Mount Olivet, whence he ascended into heaven; that we might know that the place on earth where we watch and pray, where we suffer chains without resistance, is the place whence we are to ascend into heaven. (St. Jerome)

Haydock: Mar 14:27 - -- Christ permitted his disciples to fall, that they might learn not to trust in themselves. To strengthen his prediction, he adduces the testimony of ...

Christ permitted his disciples to fall, that they might learn not to trust in themselves. To strengthen his prediction, he adduces the testimony of Zacharias the prophet, (xiii. 7.) I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep shall be dispersed. (Theophylactus) ... This text is expressed in other words, being there spoken in the person of the prophet: Strike the pastor, and the sheep shall be dispersed. (Ven. Bede) ---

By these words, the prophet prays for the passion of the Lord. The Almighty Father answers his prayer: I will strike the shepherd. The Son is sent by the Father, and is stricken by becoming incarnate and suffering death. (St. Jerome)

Haydock: Mar 14:37 - -- You who were ready to die for me, cannot watch with me! We are here taught a great duty of a Christian life, and that is, to beg of God, that he wou...

You who were ready to die for me, cannot watch with me! We are here taught a great duty of a Christian life, and that is, to beg of God, that he would give us strength to observe and follow the motions and inspirations of his Holy Spirit, and never to resist the calls of heaven.

Haydock: Mar 14:45 - -- Our Lord received the kiss of the traitor, that he might not appear to avoid being delivered up; and at the same time he fulfilled that of the Psalmis...

Our Lord received the kiss of the traitor, that he might not appear to avoid being delivered up; and at the same time he fulfilled that of the Psalmist, with those who hated peace, I was peaceful. (Psalm cxix. 7.)

Haydock: Mar 14:46 - -- Here is Joseph betrayed and sold by his brethren, and pierced in his soul with a sword. (St. Jerome)

Here is Joseph betrayed and sold by his brethren, and pierced in his soul with a sword. (St. Jerome)

Haydock: Mar 14:47 - -- This was Peter, as we learn from St. John xviii. 10. He is here actuated with his usual ardent zeal, calling to mind the example of Phinees, who by e...

This was Peter, as we learn from St. John xviii. 10. He is here actuated with his usual ardent zeal, calling to mind the example of Phinees, who by executing justice on the wicked, merited the reward of justice, and a continual priesthood. (Ven. Bede) ---

St. Mark conceals his master's name, lest he should seem to be publishing the ardour of his zeal for Christ. (Theophylactus)

Haydock: Mar 14:51 - -- This probably was the owner, or the son of the owner of the garden, who hearing the tumult came to see what was the cause. It must have been a young ...

This probably was the owner, or the son of the owner of the garden, who hearing the tumult came to see what was the cause. It must have been a young man from the Greek word neaniskos. (Tirinus)

Haydock: Mar 14:55 - -- Though the law prescribed there should be only one high priest, yet at this time there were many, being appointed yearly by the Roman governor; and th...

Though the law prescribed there should be only one high priest, yet at this time there were many, being appointed yearly by the Roman governor; and those are here called chief priests who had once been invested with the dignity of high priest, but were at that time out of office. (Theophylactus)

Haydock: Mar 14:56 - Their evidence did not agree Their evidence did not agree. Others translate, their testimonies were not sufficient; that is, so as to amount to a crime that made him guilty of...

Their evidence did not agree. Others translate, their testimonies were not sufficient; that is, so as to amount to a crime that made him guilty of death. The Greek, as well as the Latin text, may be taken in either sense. The high priest, vexed at this, stood up, and asked him questions, hoping to make him appear guilty by his own confession. (Witham) ---

This latter sense is given to the same expression, ver. 59. infra.



Convenientia testimonia non erant. Greek: isai ai marturiai ouk esan. The word Greek: isai may either signify that they did not agree together, or that they were not sufficient to get him condemned, which latter is the opinion of Erasmus, who translates, non erant idonea.


Haydock: Mar 14:57 - -- Thus has iniquity lied to itself, (Psalm xxvi.) as formerly in the case of the wife of Putiphar against Joseph, (Genesis xxix.) and the elders against...

Thus has iniquity lied to itself, (Psalm xxvi.) as formerly in the case of the wife of Putiphar against Joseph, (Genesis xxix.) and the elders against Susanna. (Daniel) (St. Jerome)

Haydock: Mar 14:61 - -- Our Redeemer was silent, because he knew they would not attend to his words; therefore does he say in St. Luke, If I shall tell you, you will not bel...

Our Redeemer was silent, because he knew they would not attend to his words; therefore does he say in St. Luke, If I shall tell you, you will not believe me. (Theophylactus)

Haydock: Mar 14:63 - -- Caiphas, in order to excite their hatred against what was said, rent his garments, and thus deprived himself of the priestly dignity, by transgressing...

Caiphas, in order to excite their hatred against what was said, rent his garments, and thus deprived himself of the priestly dignity, by transgressing the precept; which, speaking of the high priest says: He shall not uncover his head, and his garments he shall not rend. (Leviticus xxi. 10.) (St. Leo the Great) ---

By the high priest rending his garments he shews, that the Jewish priesthood, on account of their crimes, was now dissolved; whereas the tunic of Christ, by which the one true Catholic Church is prefigured, was seamless, and not to be divided. (Ven. Bede)

Haydock: Mar 14:71 - -- In this one apostle, Peter, the first and chief in the order of apostles, in whom the Church was figured, both sorts were to be signified, viz. the st...

In this one apostle, Peter, the first and chief in the order of apostles, in whom the Church was figured, both sorts were to be signified, viz. the strong and the weak, because the Church is not without both. (St. Augustine, Serm. xiii. de verb. Do.) ---

Again, our Saviour would shew by the example of the chief apostle, that no man ought to presume of himself, when even St. Peter was not secure and immoveable. (St. Augustine, tract. lxvi. in Evan. Joan. and St. Leo, serm. ix. de Pass. Do.)

Gill: Mar 14:1 - After two days was the feast of the passover // and of unleavened bread // And the chief priests and Scribes sought how they might take him by craft // and put him to death After two days was the feast of the passover,.... That is, two days after Christ had delivered the foregoing discourse concerning the destruction of ...

After two days was the feast of the passover,.... That is, two days after Christ had delivered the foregoing discourse concerning the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem, was the feast of the passover; which was kept in commemoration of God's passing over the houses of the Israelites, when he destroyed the firstborn of Egypt, and made way for the deliverance of the children of Israel from thence: and which was kept by eating the passover lamb; and which, properly speaking, is the feast of the passover:

and of unleavened bread; which was the same feast with the other, called so from the unleavened bread which was then eaten; though with this difference, the passover lamb was only eaten on the first night, but unleavened bread was eaten for seven days together. The Syriac, Persic, and Ethiopic versions render it, "the passover of unleavened bread", leaving out the copulative "and".

And the chief priests and Scribes sought how they might take him by craft; that is, Jesus,

and put him to death: for which purpose they assembled together in Caiaphas the high priest's palace, and there took counsel together how to accomplish it; see Mat 26:2.

Gill: Mar 14:2 - But they said not on the feast day // lest there should be an uproar of the people But they said not on the feast day,.... The feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread, which was nigh at hand, and would be two days hence, when ...

But they said not on the feast day,.... The feast of the passover, and of unleavened bread, which was nigh at hand, and would be two days hence, when there would be a great concourse of people from all parts to keep it: and therefore they did not choose to seize him, and put him to death at that time,

lest there should be an uproar of the people; or among them, lest they should rise in his favour, and rescue him out of their hands; See Gill on Mat 26:5.

Gill: Mar 14:3 - And being in Bethany // in the house of Simon the leper // as he sat at meat there came a woman // having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard // very precious // and she brake the box // and poured it on his head And being in Bethany,.... A place about two miles from Jerusalem, whither he retired after he had took his leave of the temple, and had predicted its ...

And being in Bethany,.... A place about two miles from Jerusalem, whither he retired after he had took his leave of the temple, and had predicted its destruction; a place he often went to, and from, the last week of his life; having some dear friends, and familiar acquaintance there, as Lazarus, and his two sisters, Martha and Mary, and the person next mentioned:

in the house of Simon the leper; so called because he had been one, and to distinguish him from Simon the Pharisee, and Simon Peter the apostle, and others; See Gill on Mat 26:6;

as he sat at meat there came a woman; generally thought to be Mary Magdalene, or Mary the sister of Lazarus:

having an alabaster box of ointment of spikenard; or "pure nard", unmixed and genuine; or liquid nard, which was drinkable, and so easy to be poured out; or Pistic nard, called so, either from "Pista", the name of a place from whence it was brought, or from "Pistaca", which, with the Rabbins, signifies "maste"; of which, among other things, this ointment was made. Moreover, ointment of nard was made both of the leaves of nard, and called foliate nard, and of the spikes of it, and called, as here, spikenard. Now ointment made of nard was, as Pliny says w, the principal among ointments. The Syriac is, by him, said to be the best; this here is said to be

very precious, costly, and valuable:

and she brake the box. The Syriac and Ethiopic versions render it, "she opened it"; and the Persic version, "she opened the head", or "top of the bottle", or "vial":

and poured it on his head; on the head of Christ, as the same version presses it; See Gill on Mat 26:7.

Gill: Mar 14:4 - And there were some that had indignation within themselves // and said, why was this waste of the ointment made And there were some that had indignation within themselves,.... The Syriac version reads, "some of the disciples": agreeably to Mat 26:8, particularly...

And there were some that had indignation within themselves,.... The Syriac version reads, "some of the disciples": agreeably to Mat 26:8, particularly Judas, and others might be incensed by his means:

and said, why was this waste of the ointment made? See Gill on Mat 26:8.

Gill: Mar 14:5 - For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence // and given to the poor // and they murmured against her For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence,.... Which, was to the value of our money nine pounds, seven shillings, and sixpence: ...

For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence,.... Which, was to the value of our money nine pounds, seven shillings, and sixpence:

and given to the poor; which was thought to be a better way of expending it, than by pouring it on the head of Christ:

and they murmured against her: that she should lavish so much money away in such an imprudent manner; they reproved her for it, expressed much resentment at it, and were very angry with, her upon the account of it; See Gill on Mat 26:8, Mat 26:9.

Gill: Mar 14:6 - And Jesus said, let her alone // why trouble ye her // she hath wrought a good work on me And Jesus said, let her alone,.... Jesus knowing the secret indignation of some of his disciples, and their private murmurings at the woman, and their...

And Jesus said, let her alone,.... Jesus knowing the secret indignation of some of his disciples, and their private murmurings at the woman, and their continual teasings of her, because of the expense of the ointment, said to them, as the Arabic and Ethiopic versions read; or "to the disciples", as the Persic, let the woman alone, cease to chide and reprove her for what she has done;

why trouble ye her? why do you grieve her, by charging her with imprudence and extravagance, as if she had been guilty of a very great crime? she is so far from it, that

she hath wrought a good work on me; she has done me an honour; expressed faith in me, and shown love to me, and ought to be commended, and not reproved; See Gill on Mat 26:10.

Gill: Mar 14:7 - For ye have the poor with you always // and whensoever ye will ye may do them good // but me ye have not always For ye have the poor with you always,.... See Gill on Mat 26:11; and whensoever ye will ye may do them good; by feeding them when hungry, clothing ...

For ye have the poor with you always,.... See Gill on Mat 26:11;

and whensoever ye will ye may do them good; by feeding them when hungry, clothing them when naked, and supplying them with the necessaries of life:

but me ye have not always; meaning, with respect to his bodily presence, which, in a short time, would be removed from them, and they would have no opportunity of showing him any such outward respect personally; See Gill on Mat 26:11.

Gill: Mar 14:8 - She hath done what she could // She is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying She hath done what she could,.... What she had in her heart, and in the power of her hands to do; she hath done according to her ability, and her good...

She hath done what she could,.... What she had in her heart, and in the power of her hands to do; she hath done according to her ability, and her good will; and if she had not done it now, she could not have done it at all.

She is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying; or, "as if it was to bury me", as the Syriac version renders it. Christ signifies by this, that he should shortly die, and that this woman came before hand to anoint him, and, as it were, to perform the funeral rites before he was dead; it being revealed to her by the Spirit, that Jesus would quickly die, and she should not be able to perform this good work when dead, and therefore came to do it before; or, at least, she was directed by the Spirit of God, because she would be prevented doing it afterwards; See Gill on Mat 26:12.

Gill: Mar 14:9 - Verily I say unto you // wheresoever this Gospel // shall be preached throughout the whole world // this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her Verily I say unto you,.... And you may assure yourselves of the truth of it: wheresoever this Gospel, of the death and resurrection of Christ, s...

Verily I say unto you,.... And you may assure yourselves of the truth of it:

wheresoever this Gospel, of the death and resurrection of Christ,

shall be preached throughout the whole world, as it shall be,

this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her; in remembrance of her, and her work, and in commendation of her faith, love, and duty; See Gill on Mat 26:13.

Gill: Mar 14:10 - And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve // went unto the chief priests // to betray him unto them And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve,.... Apostles of Christ; who was the principal person that had indignation at the woman, and murmured against he...

And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve,.... Apostles of Christ; who was the principal person that had indignation at the woman, and murmured against her, for the profusion of the ointment:

went unto the chief priests; as soon as this affair was over, and Christ had defended the woman's conduct to his shame and silence: he immediately went out of the house, where they were, and set out from Bethany to Jerusalem; and understanding the chief priests were in consultation together at Caiaphas's house, how to apprehend Jesus, and put him to death, went directly to them, unsent for, and unthought of by them:

to betray him unto them; which Satan had put into his heart, and what his avarice and revenge for the late action of the woman, and Christ's defence of it, prompted him to; See Gill on Mat 26:14.

Gill: Mar 14:11 - And when they heard it, they were glad // and promised to give him money // And he sought how he might conveniently betray him And when they heard it, they were glad,.... That such an opportunity offered, and from such a quarter, by one of his own disciples; so that it might b...

And when they heard it, they were glad,.... That such an opportunity offered, and from such a quarter, by one of his own disciples; so that it might be done more secretly and effectually, and with less blame to themselves:

and promised to give him money; any sum he should ask; and what was agreed upon were thirty pieces, or shekels of silver; and so the Ethiopic version here, instead of money, reads, "thirty pieces of silver"; See Gill on Mat 26:15.

And he sought how he might conveniently betray him; after this promise, and upon this agreement: henceforward he sought the most fitting opportunity, and the best season of betraying his master into the hands of these men, when he was alone, and the multitude absent, and there was no danger of a tumult, or a rescue; See Gill on Mat 26:16.

Gill: Mar 14:12 - And the first day of unleavened bread // when they killed the passover // his disciples said unto him, where wilt thou that we go and prepare, that thou mayst eat the passover And the first day of unleavened bread,.... Being come, which was the fourteenth of Nisan: when they killed the passover; that is, "the Jews", as th...

And the first day of unleavened bread,.... Being come, which was the fourteenth of Nisan:

when they killed the passover; that is, "the Jews", as the Syriac and Persic versions supply; for any Israelite, that not a priest, might slay it: their canon runs thus x,

"an Israelite kills (the passover), and a priest receives (the blood), and gives it to his neighbour, and his neighbour to his neighbour, and he receives (the basin) full, and returns it empty; the priest that is near to the altar sprinkles it, at one sprinkling, over against the bottom of it.''

Upon which the commentators y observe, that the slaying of the passover by strangers; that is, such as are not priests, lawful. And so Philo the Jew, speaking of the passover, says z;

"at which time the common people do not bring their sacrifices to the altar, and the priests slay; but by the command of the law, συμπαν το εθνος, "the whole nation", does the work of a priest; every one particularly bringing the sacrifices for himself, and then slaying them with his own hands.''

But then it was always killed in the court of the temple, and after the middle of the day; See Gill on Mat 26:17;

his disciples said unto him, where wilt thou that we go and prepare, that thou mayst eat the passover: for it was now Thursday morning, and the passover was to be slain after the middle of the day, between the two evenings, and eaten in Jerusalem at night; and they were now at Bethany, near two miles from the city; and it was usual for servants to get ready the passover for their masters; See Gill on Mat 26:17.

Gill: Mar 14:13 - And he sendeth forth two of his disciples // and saith unto them, go ye into the city // and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water // follow him And he sendeth forth two of his disciples,.... Peter and John, as appears from Luk 22:8; and saith unto them, go ye into the city; the city of Jeru...

And he sendeth forth two of his disciples,.... Peter and John, as appears from Luk 22:8;

and saith unto them, go ye into the city; the city of Jerusalem; for there only the passover might be eaten, Deu 26:2;

and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water; a servant of the master of the house that was sent for water, to mix with the wine, at the passover:

follow him; into the house to which he goes.

Gill: Mar 14:14 - And wheresoever he shall go in // and say ye to the good man of the house // the master saith // Where is the guest chamber // where I shall eat the passover with my disciples And wheresoever he shall go in,.... Into whatsoever house he shall enter, go in after him: and say ye to the good man of the house; the owner, and ...

And wheresoever he shall go in,.... Into whatsoever house he shall enter, go in after him:

and say ye to the good man of the house; the owner, and master of it, who might be Nicodemus, or Joseph of Arimathea, or some man of note and wealth in Jerusalem, that might have some knowledge of Christ, and faith in him, though he did not openly profess him; since by only saying what follows, he would at once, as he did, direct them to a suitable and convenient room;

the master saith. The Syriac and Persic versions read, our master saith: he that is yours, and ours, our master Jesus; though that is not expressed, yet it was understood by the master of the family; which confirms the above conjecture, that he was a secret disciple of Christ.

Where is the guest chamber; the chamber provided for guests that might be expected at the passover:

where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? where it might be done conveniently, and in a proper and comfortable manner; See Gill on Mat 26:18.

Gill: Mar 14:15 - And he will show you a large upper room // furnished and prepared // there make ready for us And he will show you a large upper room,.... A room in the highest part of the house, large enough for such a company, for thirteen persons, which was...

And he will show you a large upper room,.... A room in the highest part of the house, large enough for such a company, for thirteen persons, which was the number of Christ and his disciples:

furnished and prepared; with a table, and a sufficient number of couches to sit, or lie upon, and with all proper vessels necessary on such an occasion:

there make ready for us; the passover.

Gill: Mar 14:16 - And his disciples went forth // and came into the city // and found as he had said unto them // and they made ready the passover And his disciples went forth,.... The two disciples, as the Arabic version has it, Peter and John, set out from Bethany to Jerusalem directly: and ...

And his disciples went forth,.... The two disciples, as the Arabic version has it, Peter and John, set out from Bethany to Jerusalem directly:

and came into the city; the city of Jerusalem:

and found as he had said unto them; a man bearing a pitcher of water, whom they followed to the house he went into, and addressed the master of the house, as Jesus had bid them; when he showed them an upper room, very commodious and fit for the purpose, as Christ had said; and which is a considerable proof of the prescience of Christ:

and they made ready the passover; they bought a lamb; they had it killed in the temple, according to rule; and they brought it to the house, where they were to sup, and got it roasted; and provided unleavened bread, and wine, and bitter herbs, and every thing that was proper for the feast; See Gill on Mat 26:19.

Gill: Mar 14:17 - And in the evening he cometh with the twelve. And in the evening he cometh with the twelve. In the afternoon, as it is very reasonable to suppose, Christ set out from Bethany with the rest of the ...

And in the evening he cometh with the twelve. In the afternoon, as it is very reasonable to suppose, Christ set out from Bethany with the rest of the twelve, with the other nine, and came to Jerusalem; where they were joined by Judas, who had covenanted with the chief priests to betray him, and by Peter and John, who had been sent before to prepare the passover; and when it was night, when the second evening had took place, he went with all twelve of them to the house, where the provision to eat the passover together was made for them; See Gill on Mat 26:20.

Gill: Mar 14:18 - And as they sat and did eat // Jesus said, verily I say unto you, one of you which eateth with me shall betray me And as they sat and did eat,.... Or "as they lay along"; for such was their posture at the eating of the passover; See Gill on Mat 26:20, Jesus sai...

And as they sat and did eat,.... Or "as they lay along"; for such was their posture at the eating of the passover; See Gill on Mat 26:20,

Jesus said, verily I say unto you, one of you which eateth with me shall betray me; See Gill on Mat 26:21.

Gill: Mar 14:19 - And they began to be sorrowful // and to say unto him, one by one // is it I? // and another said, is it I? And they began to be sorrowful,.... And were so, all but Judas, at this saying of Christ's: and to say unto him, one by one; even till it came to J...

And they began to be sorrowful,.... And were so, all but Judas, at this saying of Christ's:

and to say unto him, one by one; even till it came to Judas himself,

is it I? that shall betray thee;

and another said, is it I? This clause is wanting in the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, Arabic, Persic, and Ethiopic versions, and in two of Beza's copies; and indeed seems to be redundant, since the disciples are said before to express themselves in this manner, one by one; See Gill on Mat 26:22.

Gill: Mar 14:20 - And he answered and said unto them // it is one of the twelve, that dippeth with me in the dish And he answered and said unto them,.... In order to relieve their minds, and point out the particular person: it is one of the twelve, that dippeth...

And he answered and said unto them,.... In order to relieve their minds, and point out the particular person:

it is one of the twelve, that dippeth with me in the dish; just at that very instant; See Gill on Mat 26:23.

Gill: Mar 14:21 - The son of man indeed goeth // as it is written // but woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed // good were it for that man if he had never been born The son of man indeed goeth,.... Out of this world by death, as it is written; both in the book of God's decrees, and in the Scriptures of the Old ...

The son of man indeed goeth,.... Out of this world by death,

as it is written; both in the book of God's decrees, and in the Scriptures of the Old Testament;

but woe to that man by whom the son of man is betrayed! whose sin will not be excused, nor lessened by fulfilling the decrees of God, and by accomplishing the prophecies of the Bible:

good were it for that man if he had never been born; so aggravating will be his crime, so dreadful his punishment; See Gill on Mat 26:24.

Gill: Mar 14:22 - And as they did eat // Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it // and gave to them // and said, take, eat // this is body And as they did eat,.... The paschal lamb, and the unleavened bread, just at the conclusion of that feast: Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake...

And as they did eat,.... The paschal lamb, and the unleavened bread, just at the conclusion of that feast:

Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it; beginning and instituting a new feast, to be kept in aftertimes, in commemoration of his sufferings and death, now near at hand;

and gave to them, the disciples,

and said, take, eat: the word eat is not in the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, Arabic, Persic, and Ethiopic versions, and is wanting in some copies:

this is body; a figure and representation of it; See Gill on Mat 26:26.

Gill: Mar 14:23 - And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks // he gave it to them // and they all drank of it And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks,.... Over it, and for it, by blessing it, and appropriating it to the present use and service: he...

And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks,.... Over it, and for it, by blessing it, and appropriating it to the present use and service:

he gave it to them; his disciples,

and they all drank of it; Judas, as well as the rest, as he bid them do; See Gill on Mat 26:27.

Gill: Mar 14:24 - And he said unto them // this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many And he said unto them,.... Not after they had drank of it, but before, and as he gave it to them: this is my blood of the New Testament, which is s...

And he said unto them,.... Not after they had drank of it, but before, and as he gave it to them:

this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many; in Matthew it is added, "for the remission of sins"; See Gill on Mat 26:28.

Gill: Mar 14:25 - Verily I say unto you // I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine // until that day that I drink it new // in the kingdom of God Verily I say unto you,.... This seems, to have been said after the eating of the passover, according to Luk 22:18, but was, in reality, not till after...

Verily I say unto you,.... This seems, to have been said after the eating of the passover, according to Luk 22:18, but was, in reality, not till after the Lord's supper was ended, and the last cup was drank, which was wont to be drank at the passover:

I will drink no more of the fruit of the vine; that is, wine,

until that day that I drink it new; in a figurative and mystical sense; by which are meant the joys of heaven:

in the kingdom of God; Father, Son, and Spirit, upon the general resurrection of the dead, when the kingdom of the Mediator will be delivered up, and there will be no distinction of government; but God, Father, Son, and Spirit, will be all in all, and shall reign in the saints, and they with them, to all eternity; See Gill on Mat 26:29.

Gill: Mar 14:26 - And when they had sung an hymn // they went out into the Mount of Olives And when they had sung an hymn,.... The Hallell, used at the passover: they went out into the Mount of Olives; Christ, and eleven of his disciples;...

And when they had sung an hymn,.... The Hallell, used at the passover:

they went out into the Mount of Olives; Christ, and eleven of his disciples; for Judas now separated from them, and went to the chief priests to acquaint them how things were, where Jesus was going, and where they might apprehend him; See Gill on Mat 26:30.

Gill: Mar 14:27 - And Jesus saith unto them // all ye shall be offended because of me this night // for it is written // I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered And Jesus saith unto them,.... As they were going to the Mount of Olives. The Persic version reads, in this place; meaning the Mount of Olives, having...

And Jesus saith unto them,.... As they were going to the Mount of Olives. The Persic version reads, in this place; meaning the Mount of Olives, having got thither:

all ye shall be offended because of me this night; See Gill on Mat 26:31;

for it is written in Zec 13:7,

I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: Christ is meant by the shepherd, and the apostles by the sheep. The Syriac version reads, "his sheep".

Gill: Mar 14:28 - But after that I am risen // I will go before you into Galilee But after that I am risen,.... From the dead, which, for their comfort, he assures them of; though they would be offended and discouraged at the seizi...

But after that I am risen,.... From the dead, which, for their comfort, he assures them of; though they would be offended and discouraged at the seizing, and condemning, and crucifixion of him:

I will go before you into Galilee; the place of their nativity, and where he had often conversed with them; See Gill on Mat 26:32.

Gill: Mar 14:29 - But Peter said unto him // although all shall be offended, yet will not I But Peter said unto him,.... Being greatly moved at what Christ had said, that all of them would be offended with him that night, and run away from hi...

But Peter said unto him,.... Being greatly moved at what Christ had said, that all of them would be offended with him that night, and run away from him, and be scattered from him, and one another:

although all shall be offended, yet will not I; though all the rest of the disciples, the other ten, should do as Judas had done, should fall off from Christ, and either betray him, or deny him, or, at least, turn their backs on him, yet he would do neither; See Gill on Mat 26:33.

Gill: Mar 14:30 - And Jesus saith unto him, verily I say unto thee // that this day // even in this night // before the cock crow twice // thou shalt deny me thrice And Jesus saith unto him, verily I say unto thee,.... As confident as thou art of standing by me, and abiding with me; that this day, which was the...

And Jesus saith unto him, verily I say unto thee,.... As confident as thou art of standing by me, and abiding with me;

that this day, which was then begun; for the Jews reckoned their days from evening, as in Gen 1:5;

even in this night; this night to be observed, this night of the passover, before it is past:

before the cock crow twice; for there was a first and second cock crowing, the one at midnight, and the other near break of day, and which last is properly the cock crowing: the word "twice" is left out in the Ethiopic version:

thou shalt deny me thrice; as he did; See Gill on Mat 26:34.

Gill: Mar 14:31 - But he spake the more vehemently // If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise // likewise also said they all But he spake the more vehemently,.... With a louder voice; with more spirit and eagerness; in a more peremptory and self-confident way. If I should...

But he spake the more vehemently,.... With a louder voice; with more spirit and eagerness; in a more peremptory and self-confident way.

If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise. The Syriac version adds, "O my Lord", my dear Lord, I will never deny thee upon any consideration whatever; and the Persic version, O Lord:

likewise also said they all; as he said, so said "all the disciples", as the Syriac version reads it; See Gill on Mat 26:35.

Gill: Mar 14:32 - And they came to a place which is named Gethsemane // and be saith to his disciples // sit ye here while I shall pray And they came to a place which is named Gethsemane,.... At the foot of the Mount of Olives, where the olives, which grew in great plenty on the mount,...

And they came to a place which is named Gethsemane,.... At the foot of the Mount of Olives, where the olives, which grew in great plenty on the mount, were pressed: and where our Lord began to be bruised, for our sins:

and be saith to his disciples: to eight of them:

sit ye here while I shall pray; at some distance from hence; See Gill on Mat 26:36.

Gill: Mar 14:33 - And he taketh with him Peter, and James, and John // and began to be sore amazed // and to be very heavy: both with sin and sorrow And he taketh with him Peter, and James, and John,.... Who were witnesses of his transfiguration on the mount, and now of his sorrows in the garden: ...

And he taketh with him Peter, and James, and John,.... Who were witnesses of his transfiguration on the mount, and now of his sorrows in the garden:

and began to be sore amazed; to be in great consternation and astonishment, at the sight of all the sins of his people coming upon him; at the black storm of wrath, that was gathering thick over him; at the sword of justice which was brandished against him; and at the curses of the righteous law, which, like so many thunderbolts of vengeance, were directed at him: no wonder it should be added,

and to be very heavy: both with sin and sorrow; See Gill on Mat 26:37.

Gill: Mar 14:34 - And saith unto them // my soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death // tarry ye here, and watch And saith unto them,.... The above three disciples; my soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death: he was surrounded with sorrow, and it pressed him so...

And saith unto them,.... The above three disciples;

my soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death: he was surrounded with sorrow, and it pressed him so hard, and close, on every side, that he was just ready to die with it:

tarry ye here, and watch: in Matthew it is added, "with me": See Gill on Mat 26:38.

Gill: Mar 14:35 - And he went forward a little // and fell on the ground, and prayed // that, it were possible, the hour might pass from him And he went forward a little,.... About a stone's cast, Luk 22:41, and fell on the ground, and prayed; he fell on his face to the ground, which was...

And he went forward a little,.... About a stone's cast, Luk 22:41,

and fell on the ground, and prayed; he fell on his face to the ground, which was a praying posture. One of the Jewish canons concerning it, is this a:

"worshipping, how is it done? after a man has lifted up his head; he bows it five times, he sits upon the ground, and "falls upon his face", ארצה, "to the ground", and supplicates with whatsoever supplication he pleases: worshipping, or bowing, is the stretching out of hands and feet, until a man is found cast upon his face to the ground.''

See Gill on Mat 26:39. The supplication Christ made in this posture was,

that, it were possible, the hour might pass from him; the time fixed and agreed upon for his sufferings and death; that is, that it might pass without his enduring them, if there was any possibility of excusing him, and of his people's being saved without them; See Gill on Mat 26:39.

Gill: Mar 14:36 - And he said, Abba, Father // all things are possible unto thee // take away this cup from me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what thou wilt And he said, Abba, Father,.... In the original text, the former of these is a Syriac word, and the latter a Greek one, explanative of the former, as i...

And he said, Abba, Father,.... In the original text, the former of these is a Syriac word, and the latter a Greek one, explanative of the former, as in Rom 8:15 and Gal 4:6 or the repetition is made, to express the vehemency of his affection, and his strong confidence in God, as his Father, amidst his distress, as the Syriac version renders it, אבא אבי, "Abba, my Father": or "my Father, my Father"; and so the Ethiopic version:

all things are possible unto thee; so Philo the Jew b, taking notice of Isaac's question about the burnt offering, and Abraham's answer to it, represents the latter as adding, in confirmation of it,

"all things are possible to God, and which are both difficult and impossible to be done by men;''

suggesting, that God could easily provide a lamb for a sacrifice; and Christ here intimates, that every thing consistent with his perfections, counsels, and covenant, were possible to be done by him; and how far what he prays for, was agreeable to these, he submits to him, and to his sovereign will:

take away this cup from me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what thou wilt: See Gill on Mat 26:39.

Gill: Mar 14:37 - And he cometh and findeth them sleeping // and saith unto Peter // Simon, sleepest thou // couldst thou not watch one hour And he cometh and findeth them sleeping,.... His three disciples, Peter, James, and John: and saith unto Peter; particularly, he having so lately a...

And he cometh and findeth them sleeping,.... His three disciples, Peter, James, and John:

and saith unto Peter; particularly, he having so lately asserted, with so much confidence, his love to Christ, and close attachment to him:

Simon, sleepest thou? Christ calls him by the name he first went by, and not by that which he had given him, Cephas, or Peter; he not now having that firmness and constancy, though he boasted of it, which answers to that name:

couldst thou not watch one hour? The Arabic and Persic versions add, with me; and so does the Complutensian edition; See Gill on Mat 26:40.

Gill: Mar 14:38 - Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation // The spirit truly is ready // but the flesh is weak Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation,.... Of denying Christ, and falling off from him, which would quickly offer to them, when they should...

Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation,.... Of denying Christ, and falling off from him, which would quickly offer to them, when they should see him apprehended, bound, and led away.

The spirit truly is ready. The Persic version renders it, "my mind"; as if the Spirit or soul of Christ was meant; whereas it is either to be understood of the evil spirit, Satan, who was disposed to attack them, and especially Peter, whom he desired to have, and sift as wheat; or else the spirit of the disciples, their renewed spirit, which was ready and disposed watching and praying, and willing to abide by Christ:

but the flesh is weak; they were but flesh and blood, and so not a match of themselves for so powerful an adversary as Satan, and therefore had need to watch and pray; or "their body", as the Syriac, Arabic, and Persic versions render it, was weak, and subject to drowsiness and sleep; and especially they were weak and feeble, and very unequal of themselves for spiritual exercises, as they had flesh, or a corrupt nature in them; See Gill on Mat 26:41.

Gill: Mar 14:39 - And again he went away // and prayed and spake the same words And again he went away,.... To the same place, or at much such a distance from them, as before: and prayed and spake the same words; or word, that ...

And again he went away,.... To the same place, or at much such a distance from them, as before:

and prayed and spake the same words; or word, that is, the same matter; for λογος, here, answers to דבר, which signifies a thing, or matter, as well as word: Christ prayed to the same effect, for matter and substance the same as before, though not in the same express words, as is clear from Mat 26:39.

Gill: Mar 14:40 - And when he returned, he found them asleep again // for their eyes were heavy // neither wist they what to answer him And when he returned, he found them asleep again,.... Notwithstanding the expostulation he had used with them, the exhortation he had given them, and ...

And when he returned, he found them asleep again,.... Notwithstanding the expostulation he had used with them, the exhortation he had given them, and the danger he had suggested to them:

for their eyes were heavy: with sleep and sorrow:

neither wist they what to answer him; partly through confusion and shame, not knowing how to excuse themselves; and partly, through their being stupefied with sleep and grief.

Gill: Mar 14:41 - And he cometh the third time // and saith unto them, sleep on now, and take your rest // it is enough // the hour is come, behold the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners And he cometh the third time,.... After he had prayed a third time, to the same purport as before: and saith unto them, sleep on now, and take your...

And he cometh the third time,.... After he had prayed a third time, to the same purport as before:

and saith unto them, sleep on now, and take your rest; which words are spoken ironically:

it is enough; or "the end is come"; as the Syriac and Arabic versions render it, of watching and praying:

the hour is come, behold the son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners; both Jews and Gentiles, by one of his own disciples; See Gill on Mat 26:45.

Gill: Mar 14:42 - Rise up let us go // lo, he that betrayeth me is at hand Rise up let us go,.... To meet the enemy and the danger; for there is no escaping; lo, he that betrayeth me is at hand; Judas, that he had hinted a...

Rise up let us go,.... To meet the enemy and the danger; for there is no escaping;

lo, he that betrayeth me is at hand; Judas, that he had hinted at supper should betray him, was now about doing it; and was just now coming upon him, in order to deliver him into the hands of the Jews, and the Roman band of soldiers; See Gill on Mat 26:46.

Gill: Mar 14:43 - And immediately, while he yet spake // cometh Judas one of the twelve // and with him a great multitude // with swords and staves // from the chief priests, and the Scribes, and the elders And immediately, while he yet spake,.... The above words: cometh Judas one of the twelve: apostles of Christ, and which was an aggravation of his w...

And immediately, while he yet spake,.... The above words:

cometh Judas one of the twelve: apostles of Christ, and which was an aggravation of his wickedness; the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, Arabic, Persic, and Ethiopic, versions add, "Iscariot"; and so it is read in one of Beza's copies. The Ethiopic version reads, "one of the ten", very wrongly:

and with him a great multitude; a band of men and officers, with many of the chief priests and captains of the temple, and elders of the people, that mixed themselves with the crowd, to see how things would issue:

with swords and staves; which they intended to make use of, should any resistance be made in apprehending him, or any attempt to rescue him:

from the chief priests, and the Scribes, and the elders; from the Jewish sanhedrim, which consisted of these; See Gill on Mat 26:47.

Gill: Mar 14:44 - And he that betrayed him had given them a token // saying, whomsoever I shall kiss, the same is he // take him, and lead him away safely And he that betrayed him had given them a token,.... A common sign, in which they agreed; and so this same Greek word is used by the Jews c: "said ...

And he that betrayed him had given them a token,.... A common sign, in which they agreed; and so this same Greek word is used by the Jews c:

"said R. Phinehas in the name of R. Reuben, did you ever see one man go out of the north, and another from the south, and meet each other, except they made, סימנא, "a common sign", between them.''

Such an one the traitor gave his company;

saying, whomsoever I shall kiss, the same is he; Jesus of Nazareth; who was to be delivered to them:

take him, and lead him away safely; with care and caution, lest he should get out of their hands, and make his escape, as he had sometimes done: the word "safely", is omitted in the Arabic, Persic, and Ethiopic versions. The Vulgate Latin renders it "cautiously", and so does the Syriac version, which joins it to the words, "take him"; See Gill on Mat 26:48.

Gill: Mar 14:45 - And as soon as he was come // he goeth straightway to him // and saith, Master, Master // and kissed him And as soon as he was come,.... To the place where Jesus was: he goeth straightway to him; alone; as if he had nothing to do with the company behin...

And as soon as he was come,.... To the place where Jesus was:

he goeth straightway to him; alone; as if he had nothing to do with the company behind, and as if he was his friend, and concerned for his safety:

and saith, Master, Master; expressing great affection for him, and respect to him, by repeating this word. The Ethiopic version has it but once, and so two exemplars of Beza's; and the Vulgate Latin reads, "hail, Master", as in Mat 26:49.

and kissed him; See Gill on Mat 26:49.

Gill: Mar 14:46 - And they laid hands on him, and took him. And they laid hands on him, and took him. After Christ had said to Judas, "friend, wherefore art thou come?" as in Matthew; and also, "Judas, betrayes...

And they laid hands on him, and took him. After Christ had said to Judas, "friend, wherefore art thou come?" as in Matthew; and also, "Judas, betrayest thou the son of man with a kiss?" as in Luk 22:48; See Gill on Mat 26:50.

Gill: Mar 14:47 - And one of them that stood by // drew a sword, and smote a servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear And one of them that stood by,.... One of the disciples that stood by Jesus, as Judas was betraying him, and the soldiers were laying hold on him, Pet...

And one of them that stood by,.... One of the disciples that stood by Jesus, as Judas was betraying him, and the soldiers were laying hold on him, Peter by name:

drew a sword, and smote a servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear; his right ear; the servant's name was Malchus; See Gill on Mat 26:51.

Gill: Mar 14:48 - And Jesus answered and said unto them // are ye come out as against a thief, with swords and with staves, to take me And Jesus answered and said unto them,.... To the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders, that came with the band and officers, as ...

And Jesus answered and said unto them,.... To the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders, that came with the band and officers, as appears from Luk 22:52. The Persic version reads, "to the multitude":

are ye come out as against a thief, with swords and with staves, to take me? See Gill on Mat 26:55.

Gill: Mar 14:49 - I was daily with you in the temple // teaching // and ye took me not // But the Scriptures must be fulfilled I was daily with you in the temple,.... That is, for several days past; ever since he made his public entry into Jerusalem: teaching; the people, i...

I was daily with you in the temple,.... That is, for several days past; ever since he made his public entry into Jerusalem:

teaching; the people, in a public manner:

and ye took me not; did not attempt to lay hands on him, seize him, and carry him away; which he signifies might have been easily done; See Gill on Mat 26:55.

But the Scriptures must be fulfilled: which spoke of the betraying him by Judas; and of their taking him in this private and secret manner; and of the flight of the disciples from him next mentioned; See Gill on Mat 26:56.

Gill: Mar 14:50 - And they all forsook him and fled. And they all forsook him and fled. That is, his disciples, as the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, Arabic, Persic, and Ethiopic versions read; and who seem to h...

And they all forsook him and fled. That is, his disciples, as the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, Arabic, Persic, and Ethiopic versions read; and who seem to have transcribed it from Matthew, and lest it should be thought, that the multitude whom Christ addressed, were intended.

Gill: Mar 14:51 - And there followed him a certain young man // having a linen cloth cast about his naked body // and the young men laid hold on him And there followed him a certain young man,.... Some think this was John, the beloved disciple, and the youngest of the disciples; others, that it was...

And there followed him a certain young man,.... Some think this was John, the beloved disciple, and the youngest of the disciples; others, that it was James, the brother of our Lord; but he does not seem to be any of the disciples of Christ, since he is manifestly distinguished from them, who all forsook him and fled: some have thought, that he was a young man of the house, where Christ and his disciples ate their passover; who had followed him to the garden, and still followed him, to see what would be the issue of things: but it seems most likely, that he was one that lived in an house in Gethsemane, or in or near the garden; who being awaked out of sleep with the noise of a band of soldiers, and others with them, leaped out of bed, and ran out in his shirt, and followed after them, to know what was the matter:

having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; which was either his shirt in which he lay, or one of the sheets, which he took and wrapped himself in, not staying to put on his clothes: though the word "Sindon", is used both by the Targumists d and Talmudists e for a linen garment; and sometimes even for the outer garment, to which the fringes were fastened f; and he might take up this in haste, and slip it on, without putting on any inner garment: the word "body", is not in the text, and the phrase επι γυμνου, may be rendered, "upon his nakedness"; and answers to ערות, in Gen 9:23 and Lev 20:11, and the meaning be, he had only a piece of linen wrapped about his middle, to cover his nakedness; and in this garb ran out, to see what was doing:

and the young men laid hold on him. The Roman soldiers, who were commonly so called: so David's soldiers are called "young men", that were with him, 1Sa 21:4; these attempted to lay hold on this young man, taking him to be a disciple of Christ, or one at least affected to him, and did take hold of his linen cloth. The Vulgate Latin, Syriac, Arabic, and Persic versions, leave out the words, "the young men". The design of Mark in relating this incident, is to show the rage and fury of these men; who were for sparing none that appeared to be or were thought to be the followers of Christ; so that the preservation of the disciples was entirely owing to the wonderful power of Christ.

Gill: Mar 14:52 - And he left the linen cloth // and fled from them naked And he left the linen cloth,.... "In their hands", so the Persic version renders it; just as Joseph left his garment in the hands of his mistress, Gen...

And he left the linen cloth,.... "In their hands", so the Persic version renders it; just as Joseph left his garment in the hands of his mistress, Gen 39:12;

and fled from them naked; to the house from whence he came. The Syriac, Arabic, Persic, and Ethiopic versions, leave out the words "from them".

Gill: Mar 14:53 - And they led Jesus away to the high priest // and with him // were assembled all the chief priests, and the elders, and the Scribes And they led Jesus away to the high priest,.... Caiaphas, as is added in the Syriac, Arabic, and Persic versions. This was done, after they had took J...

And they led Jesus away to the high priest,.... Caiaphas, as is added in the Syriac, Arabic, and Persic versions. This was done, after they had took Jesus and bound, him, and after they had had him to Annas, who sent him bound to Caiaphas; see Joh 18:12;

and with him, the high priest Caiaphas,

were assembled all the chief priests, and the elders, and the Scribes; even the whole sanhedrim, who met at Caiaphas's house, and were waiting there for Jesus; whom Judas with his band of soldiers and others, were gone to secure, and brng before them; See Gill on Mat 26:57.

Gill: Mar 14:54 - And Peter followed him afar off // even into the palace of the high priest // and he sat with the servants // and warmed himself at the fire And Peter followed him afar off,.... And did another disciple, perhaps John; Joh 18:15, who having somewhat recovered themselves from their fright, tu...

And Peter followed him afar off,.... And did another disciple, perhaps John; Joh 18:15, who having somewhat recovered themselves from their fright, turned back, and followed Jesus, and the company that led him away; keeping at some distance, that they might not be observed, and exposed to danger; and proceeded till they came to Jerusalem, and to the place where the sanhedrim were convened; and the other disciple went in along with Jesus; and Peter afterwards, by his means, got in:

even into the palace of the high priest; being let in by her that kept the door, at the motion of the other disciple

and he sat with the servants; as if he was one of them, and had no concern with Jesus:

and warmed himself at the fire; or "light", as the Greek word signifies, and answers to the Hebrew word אור, by which both: light and fire are expressed; of which, take an instance or two, in the room of many g:

"a murderer that strikes, his neighbour with a stone, or with iron, and plunges him into water, or into האור, "fire", so that he cannot get out, and dies, is guilty.''

Again h, a

"book which האור, "fire", takes hold upon on one side, he puts, water on the other; and if it is quenched, it is quenched; if the "fire" takes hold on both sides, he opens it, and reads in it; and if it is quenched, it is quenched: a cloak which "fire" takes hold upon on one side, he puts water on the other side; and if it is quenched, it is quenched; if the "fire" takes hold on it on both sides, he takes, it and wraps himself in it, and if it is quenched, it is quenched.''

So we read i of אור של גיהנם, "the fire of hell"; and Ur of the Chaldees has its name from the fire, that was worshipped there, as a symbol of the sun: and fire was the אור, or "light", created on the first day, Gen 1:3; See Gill on Mat 26:58.

Gill: Mar 14:55 - And the chief priests, and all the council // sought for witness against Jesus to put him to death // and found none And the chief priests, and all the council,.... Especially the former, who were of all most busy and active in this matter: sought for witness agai...

And the chief priests, and all the council,.... Especially the former, who were of all most busy and active in this matter:

sought for witness against Jesus to put him to death; on which they were determined, right or wrong; in this they went contrary to one of their own canons, which runs thus k:

"in pecuniary causes, they begin either for absolution, or condemnation; but in capital causes, they begin for absolution, and do not begin for condemnation.''

That is, they begun with such evidences as tended to acquit a man, and not with such as served to condemn him; whereas this court was only seeking for such evidence to begin with, that they might condemn Jesus to death:

and found none; that would answer their purpose; See Gill on Mat 26:59.

Gill: Mar 14:56 - For many bare false witness against him // but their witness agreed not together For many bare false witness against him,.... The word "false", is not expressed in the Syriac, Persic, and Ethiopic versions: which only signify, that...

For many bare false witness against him,.... The word "false", is not expressed in the Syriac, Persic, and Ethiopic versions: which only signify, that they bore witness against him, accused him of, and laid many things to his charge:

but their witness agreed not together; which showed it to be false, and so not to be admitted; for witnesses were to be as one in their testimony, or not to be received: the, rules concerning them with the Jews, are these l;

"the tradition is, for ever let not their testimony be joined together, unless they both see, כאחד, "as one": says R. Joshua ben Korcha, even one after another; and their testimony is not ratified in the council, until they both witness "as one".''

Though this is not much the sense of the passage here; it was not the falsehood of their testimony, which this council was unconcerned about, or the contradiction that was in it, which does not appear; but their testimonies were not, ισαι, "equal", or answerable to the wishes of the council; they were not sufficient to prove a capital crime upon him, in order to, put him to death, which was what they wanted: they only respected some light and trivial matters, and did not amount to a charge of blasphemy, or sedition.

Gill: Mar 14:57 - And there arose certain // And bare false witness against him, saying And there arose certain,.... Two false witnesses, as in Mat 26:60, who stood up in court; for witnesses were obliged to stand, whilst they gave in the...

And there arose certain,.... Two false witnesses, as in Mat 26:60, who stood up in court; for witnesses were obliged to stand, whilst they gave in their testimony:

"says R. Bo, in the name of R. Hona, witnesses ought לעמוד, "to stand", whilst they bear witness; as it is said, Deu 19:17. "Both the men shall stand" m, &c.''

And bare false witness against him, saying; as follows.

Gill: Mar 14:58 - We heard him say // I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands We heard him say,.... In a discourse of his, recorded in Joh 2:19, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will...

We heard him say,.... In a discourse of his, recorded in Joh 2:19,

I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands; which was a very false testimony; for Christ did not say be would destroy any temple at all, only put the Jews on doing it; much less did he point at, or design the temple of Jerusalem, but his own body; nor did he use the distinction of a temple, made with and without hands; nor did he affirm that he would build another; only said, he would raise up in three days, that which they should destroy. By this testimony these witnesses would suggest, that Christ had a design upon their temple to demolish it, and that he must be a sorcerer, or a magician, to pretend to build a temple without hands in three days time; See Gill on Mat 26:61.

Gill: Mar 14:59 - But, neither so did their witness agree together. But, neither so did their witness agree together. Their witness did agree together, for they both witnessed the same thing; but not so as to found upo...

But, neither so did their witness agree together. Their witness did agree together, for they both witnessed the same thing; but not so as to found upon it the charge of a capital crime against him; their witness was not so, ιση, "equal", was not answerable to their desires, nor sufficient to convict him of a capital crime, for which they could condemn him to death, as before observed on Mar 14:56.

Gill: Mar 14:60 - And the high priest stood up in the midst // and asked Jesus, saying, answerest thou nothing // what is it which these witness against thee And the high priest stood up in the midst,.... Of the sanhedrim, of which he was now president: he sat at the head of them, and Ab Beth Din, or the fa...

And the high priest stood up in the midst,.... Of the sanhedrim, of which he was now president: he sat at the head of them, and Ab Beth Din, or the father of the council, at his right hand; and the rest of the council sat before him, in a semicircular form, as the half of a round corn floor, so that the president, and the father of the council, could see them n; for they were all before him, he being situated in the middle, right against them; so that when he stood up, he might be said to stand in the midst of them:

and asked Jesus, saying, answerest thou nothing? For he had made no reply to the several witnesses, that came against him:

what is it which these witness against thee? Is it true, or false? See Gill on Mat 26:62.

Gill: Mar 14:61 - But he held his peace, and answered nothing // again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed But he held his peace, and answered nothing,.... Knowing it would be to no purpose, and signifying hereby, that the things alleged against him were un...

But he held his peace, and answered nothing,.... Knowing it would be to no purpose, and signifying hereby, that the things alleged against him were unworthy of an answer:

again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? The Vulgate Latin adds, "God": in Matthew it is "God" only, Mat 26:63. This is one of the names and epithets of God, with the Jews; nothing is more common in their writings, than this abbreviature, הקבה, which is, הקדוש ברוך הוא, "the holy blessed he"; who is blessed in himself, and the fountain of all blessedness to his creatures, and who is blessed and praised by angels and saints; See Gill on Mat 26:63.

Gill: Mar 14:62 - And Jesus said, I am // and ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power // and coming in the clouds of heaven And Jesus said, I am,.... That is, the Son of God; in proof of which he adds, and ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power; t...

And Jesus said, I am,.... That is, the Son of God; in proof of which he adds,

and ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power; that is, of God, who is all power, the Lord God Almighty:

and coming in the clouds of heaven; either at the destruction of Jerusalem, or at the last day, referring to the prophecy in Dan 7:13; See Gill on Mat 26:64.

Gill: Mar 14:63 - Then the high priest rent his clothes // and saith, what need we any further witnesses Then the high priest rent his clothes,.... As was usual upon hearing blasphemy; which he now supposed the case, or at least would have it so thought: ...

Then the high priest rent his clothes,.... As was usual upon hearing blasphemy; which he now supposed the case, or at least would have it so thought:

and saith, what need we any further witnesses? or trouble ourselves to see for any more, or to hear and take the depositions of any others; See Gill on Mat 26:65.

Gill: Mar 14:64 - Ye have heard the blasphemy // what think ye // And they all condemned him to be guilty of death Ye have heard the blasphemy,.... The "manifest" blasphemy, as the Arabic version renders it; and "out of his own mouth", as the Syriac version adds, a...

Ye have heard the blasphemy,.... The "manifest" blasphemy, as the Arabic version renders it; and "out of his own mouth", as the Syriac version adds, agreeably to Luk 22:71,

what think ye? what sentence is to, be passed upon him?

And they all condemned him to be guilty of death; excepting Joseph of Arimathea, Luk 23:51; See Gill on Mat 26:66.

Gill: Mar 14:65 - And some began to spit on him // and to cover his face // and to buffet him // and to say unto him, prophesy // and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands And some began to spit on him,.... The men that held him, Luk 22:6, fulfilling the prophecy in Isa 50:6; and to cover his face; with a veil, or lin...

And some began to spit on him,.... The men that held him, Luk 22:6, fulfilling the prophecy in Isa 50:6;

and to cover his face; with a veil, or linen cloth, to blindfold: him, as a person unworthy to behold the light: or rather, in order to make sport with him:

and to buffet him; with their double fists;

and to say unto him, prophesy. The Arabic version adds, "unto us, O Christ, who it is that hath buffeted thee now?" that gave thee the last blow? and to the same purpose the Ethiopic. The Persic version adds, "and deliver thyself";

and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands. The Syriac version renders it, "on his cheeks": they gave him slaps on the face. These were the officers of the high priest, that used him in this indecent manner. This clause is omitted in the Ethiopic version.

Gill: Mar 14:66 - And as Peter was beneath in the palace // there cometh one of the maids of the high priest And as Peter was beneath in the palace,.... Not at the lower and further end of the room, but in the lower part of it; that part in which Jesus and th...

And as Peter was beneath in the palace,.... Not at the lower and further end of the room, but in the lower part of it; that part in which Jesus and the sanhedrim were, being upon an advanced ground, with steps ascending to it:

there cometh one of the maids of the high priest; the same that kept the door, and let him in. The Ethiopic version renders it, "a daughter of the high priest".

Gill: Mar 14:67 - And when she saw Peter warming himself // she looked upon him // and said, and thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth And when she saw Peter warming himself,.... At the life which was in the midst of the hall: she looked upon him; very earnestly, knowing him to be ...

And when she saw Peter warming himself,.... At the life which was in the midst of the hall:

she looked upon him; very earnestly, knowing him to be the same, she had let in at the motion of one, that was known in the high priest's family; and suspecting him, by being a stranger, and by his looks:

and said, and thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth; that is, one of his disciples; See Gill on Mat 26:69.

Gill: Mar 14:68 - But he denied // saying, I know not; Jesus of Nazareth: neither understand I what thou sayest // and he went out into the porch // and the cock crew But he denied,.... That he was with Jesus, or a disciple of his: saying, I know not; Jesus of Nazareth: neither understand I what thou sayest; abou...

But he denied,.... That he was with Jesus, or a disciple of his:

saying, I know not; Jesus of Nazareth: neither understand I what thou sayest; about him, and of being with him: the last phrase, "neither understand I", is omitted in the Syriac and Persic versions:

and he went out into the porch; adjoining to the palace, to consider what to do, being surprised and confounded at such a challenge:

and the cock crew; the first time, being about midnight; and yet he took no notice of it, nor remembered what Christ had but a few hours before said to him: or if he did, he might hope he should not meet with another attack, or he should have more courage and strength than to deny a second time.

Gill: Mar 14:69 - And a maid saw him again // and began to say to them that stood by // this is one of them And a maid saw him again,.... Either the same maid, so the Syriac and Persic versions read, "that maid": that selfsame maid, as before, or another, as...

And a maid saw him again,.... Either the same maid, so the Syriac and Persic versions read, "that maid": that selfsame maid, as before, or another, as in Mat 26:71, and so the Arabic version reads it here; but the Ethiopic as before "a daughter"; that is, of the high priest:

and began to say to them that stood by; the fire, along with Peter, warming themselves:

this is one of them; this man is one of the disciples and followers of Jesus of Nazareth; he is of that sect, he certainly belongs to them, and is come here only as a spy.

Gill: Mar 14:70 - And he denied it again // and a little after // they that stood by, said again to Peter, surely thou art one of them // for thou art a Galilean // and thy speech agreeth thereto And he denied it again,.... That he was one of the disciples of Jesus: and a little after; about an hour after, Luk 22:59; they that stood by, s...

And he denied it again,.... That he was one of the disciples of Jesus:

and a little after; about an hour after, Luk 22:59;

they that stood by, said again to Peter, surely thou art one of them; one confidently affirmed that he was with Jesus, and another challenged him with seeing him in the garden with him, Luk 22:59, and in general they were of opinion, that he must be one of that sect, giving this as a reason,

for thou art a Galilean: as they supposed Jesus to be; and knowing that in Galilee he had chiefly preached, and wrought his miracles, and had there a large number of followers:

and thy speech agreeth thereto; he used words and phrases peculiar to the Galileans, and pronounced as they did: See Gill on Mat 26:73. This clause is omitted in the Vulgate Latin, and is wanting in Beza's most ancient copy; but is in the other copies, and in all the eastern versions.

Gill: Mar 14:71 - But he began to curse and to swear // saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak But he began to curse and to swear,.... To wish the most dreadful things upon himself, and to swear by the living God; saying, I know not this man...

But he began to curse and to swear,.... To wish the most dreadful things upon himself, and to swear by the living God;

saying, I know not this man of whom ye speak: See Gill on Mat 26:74.

Gill: Mar 14:72 - And the second time the cock crew // and Peter called to mind // the word that Jesus said unto him, before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice // and when he thought thereon // and he wept And the second time the cock crew,.... Immediately, as soon as he had so said and swore, as the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Ethiopic versions read, and...

And the second time the cock crew,.... Immediately, as soon as he had so said and swore, as the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Ethiopic versions read, and as it is read in one of Beza's copies; which was about three of the clock in the morning, and is what is properly called the cock crowing:

and Peter called to mind; upon hearing the cock crow a second time,

the word that Jesus said unto him, before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice: as he now had done twice, to the maid or maids, and a third time to the servants that stood by the fire along with him:

and when he thought thereon; on the words of Christ, and on his sin in denying him, and on the aggravated circumstances of it. The Arabic version renders it, "he turned himself to weep"; he turned away from the company, he threw himself out of it, and got out of doors as fast as he could, and broke out into a violent fit of weeping. The Syriac, Persic, and Vulgate Latin versions, render it, "he began to weep"; this phrase is omitted in the Ethiopic version: some choose to render it, "he looked upon him", that is, on Christ: as Christ looked upon him; which produced true evangelical repentance in him, so Peter looked upon his dear Lord with concern, whom he so had shamefully denied; he looked upon him and mourned, he looked upon him with an eye of faith, and sorrowed for his sin after a godly sort: but the true sense of the word is, "he covered himself"; he cast his garment over his head, he veiled himself as mourners did, who covered their heads, and their faces, and even their lips. So Maimonides o;

"from whence, says he, is uncovering the head, forbidden a mourner? For, lo! it is said to Eze 24:17, "cover not thy lips" at all, for the rest of mourners are obliged to the covering of the head; the linen cloth, or veil, with which he covers his head, he covers with a part of it, a little over his mouth; as it is said, Lev 13:45, "He shall put a covering upon his upper lip": and Onkelos paraphrases it, כאבלא יתעטף, "as a mourner he shall cover himself".''

And so it is said of Haman p,

"that he went to his house, and mourned for his daughter, ומתעטף על רישיה כאבלא, "and put a covering on his head as a mourner": for his daughter, and for his reproach.''

And this, it seems, was the custom of the Ishmaelites: hence that saying q,

"all veiling (in mourning) which is not as the veiling of the Ishmaelites (who cover all the face), is no veiling?''

And thus Peter, through shame, and as a token of sorrow and mourning for his sin, threw his garment over him:

and he wept; as Matthew says, "bitterly": being fully convinced of his sin, and heartily sorry lot it; See Gill on Mat 26:75.

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki

NET Notes: Mar 14:1 Grk “him”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Mar 14:2 The suggestion here is that Jesus was too popular to openly arrest him. The verb were trying is imperfect. It suggests, in this context, that they wer...

NET Notes: Mar 14:3 Nard or spikenard is a fragrant oil from the root and spike of the nard plant of northern India. This aromatic oil, if made of something like nard, wo...

NET Notes: Mar 14:4 The word “expensive” is not in the Greek text but has been included to suggest a connection to the lengthy phrase “costly aromatic o...

NET Notes: Mar 14:5 Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the implied result of previous action(s) in the narrative.

NET Notes: Mar 14:7 In the Greek text of this clause, “me” is in emphatic position (the first word in the clause). To convey some impression of the emphasis, ...

NET Notes: Mar 14:9 Grk “Truly (ἀμήν, amhn), I say to you.”

NET Notes: Mar 14:10 Grk “betray him to them”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Mar 14:11 Grk “he”; the referent (Judas) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Mar 14:12 This required getting a suitable lamb and finding lodging in Jerusalem where the meal could be eaten. The population of the city swelled during the fe...

NET Notes: Mar 14:13 Since women usually carried these jars, it would have been no problem for the two disciples (Luke 22:8 states that they were Peter and John) to recogn...

NET Notes: Mar 14:16 The author’s note that the disciples found things just as he had told them shows that Jesus’ word could be trusted.

NET Notes: Mar 14:17 The prepositional phrase “to the house” is not in the Greek text, but has been supplied for clarity.

NET Notes: Mar 14:18 Or “will hand me over”; Grk “one of you will betray me, the one who eats with me.”

NET Notes: Mar 14:20 One who dips with me in the bowl. The point of Jesus’ comment here is not to identify the specific individual per se, but to indicate that it is...

NET Notes: Mar 14:24 Jesus’ death established the forgiveness promised in the new covenant of Jer 31:31. Jesus is reinterpreting the symbolism of the Passover meal, ...

NET Notes: Mar 14:25 Grk “the produce” (“the produce of the vine” is a figurative expression for wine).

NET Notes: Mar 14:26 After singing a hymn. The Hallel Psalms (Pss 113-118) were sung during the meal. Psalms 113 and 114 were sung just before the second cup and 115-118 w...

NET Notes: Mar 14:27 A quotation from Zech 13:7.

NET Notes: Mar 14:30 Grk “Truly (ἀμήν, amhn), I say to you.”

NET Notes: Mar 14:31 Grk “said emphatically.”

NET Notes: Mar 14:32 Grk “he”; the referent (Jesus) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Mar 14:33 Grk “and James,” but καί (kai) has not been translated since English normally uses a coordinating conjunction only between ...

NET Notes: Mar 14:36 This cup alludes to the wrath of God that Jesus would experience (in the form of suffering and death) for us. See Ps 11:6; 75:8-9; Isa 51:17, 19, 22 f...

NET Notes: Mar 14:37 Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the narrative.

NET Notes: Mar 14:40 Grk “because their eyes were weighed down,” an idiom for becoming extremely or excessively sleepy (L&N 23.69).

NET Notes: Mar 14:41 Codex D (with some support with minor variation from W Θ Ë13 565 2542 pc it) reads, “Enough of that! It is the end and the hour has co...

NET Notes: Mar 14:42 Grk “the one who betrays me.”

NET Notes: Mar 14:43 Or “from the chief priests, scribes.” See the note on the phrase “experts in the law” in 1:22.

NET Notes: Mar 14:44 This remark is parenthetical within the narrative and has thus been placed in parentheses.

NET Notes: Mar 14:45 Judas’ act of betrayal when he kissed Jesus is especially sinister when it is realized that it was common in the culture of the times for a disc...

NET Notes: Mar 14:46 Grk “put their hands on him.”

NET Notes: Mar 14:47 See the note on the word “slave” in 10:44.

NET Notes: Mar 14:48 Or “a revolutionary.” This term can refer to one who stirs up rebellion: BDAG 594 s.v. λῃστής 2 has “...

NET Notes: Mar 14:49 Grk “But so that”; the verb “has happened” is implied.

NET Notes: Mar 14:50 Grk “they”; the referent (Jesus’ disciples) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Mar 14:52 The statement he ran off naked is probably a reference to Mark himself, traditionally assumed to be the author of this Gospel. Why he was wearing only...

NET Notes: Mar 14:53 Or “and scribes.” See the note on the phrase “experts in the law” in 1:22.

NET Notes: Mar 14:54 The guards would have been the guards of the chief priests who had accompanied Judas to arrest Jesus.

NET Notes: Mar 14:57 Grk “Some standing up gave false testimony against him, saying.”

NET Notes: Mar 14:60 Grk “in the middle.”

NET Notes: Mar 14:61 See the note on Christ in 8:29.

NET Notes: Mar 14:62 An allusion to Dan 7:13.

NET Notes: Mar 14:64 Grk “What do you think?”

NET Notes: Mar 14:65 For the translation of ῥάπισμα (rJapisma), see L&N 19.4.

NET Notes: Mar 14:66 The Greek term here is παιδίσκη (paidiskh), referring to a slave girl or slave woman.

NET Notes: Mar 14:68 A real rooster crowing is probably in view here (rather than the Roman trumpet call known as gallicinium), in part due to the fact that Mark mentions ...

NET Notes: Mar 14:70 Grk “Truly you are.”

NET Notes: Mar 14:72 Grk “he wept deeply.”

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:1 After ( 1 ) two days was [the feast of] the passover, and of unleavened bread: and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:4 ( 2 ) And there were some that had indignation within themselves, and said, Why was this waste of the ointment made? ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:5 For it might have been sold for more than ( a ) three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor. And they murmured against her. ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:7 ( 3 ) For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always. ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:8 ( 4 ) She hath done what she could: she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying. ( 4 ) This ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:10 ( 5 ) And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him unto them. ( 5 )...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:12 ( 6 ) And the first day of unleavened bread, ( b ) when ( c ) they killed the ( d ) passover, his di...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:15 And he will shew you a large ( e ) upper room furnished [and] prepared: there make ready for us. ( e ) ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:18 ( 7 ) And as they sat and did eat, Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, One of you which eateth with me shall betray me. ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:20 And he answered and said unto them, [It is] one of the twelve, that ( f ) dippeth with me in the dish. ( f )...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:27 ( 8 ) And Jesus saith unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:29 ( 9 ) But Peter said unto him, Although all shall be offended, yet [will] not I. ( 9 ) Here is set fort...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:31 But he spake the ( g ) more vehemently, If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise. Likewise also said they all. ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:32 ( 10 ) And they came to a place which was named Gethsemane: and he saith to his disciples, Sit ye here, while I sh...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:36 And he said, ( h ) Abba, Father, all things [are] possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but w...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:37 ( 11 ) And he cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto Peter, Simon, sleepest thou? couldest not thou watch one hour? ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:43 ( 12 ) And immediately, while he yet spake, cometh Judas, one of the twelve, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, f...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:44 And he that betrayed him had given them a token, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he; take him, and lead [him] away ( i )...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:47 And ( k ) one of them that stood by drew a sword, and smote a servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear. ( ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:50 And they ( l ) all forsook him, and fled. ( l ) All his disciples. ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:51 ( 13 ) And there followed him a certain young man, having a ( m ) linen cloth cast about [his] naked [body]; and the young...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:53 And they led Jesus away to the high priest: and with him were ( n ) assembled all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes. ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:55 ( 14 ) And the chief priests and all the council sought for witness against Jesus to put him to death; and found none. ...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:61 But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked him, and said unto him, Art thou the Christ, the Son of the ( o )...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:65 ( 15 ) And some began to spit on him, and to cover his face, and to buffet him, and to say unto him, Prophesy: and the servants did s...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:66 ( 16 ) And as Peter was beneath in the palace, there cometh one of the maids of the high priest: ( 16 )...

Geneva Bible: Mar 14:69 And ( q ) a maid saw him again, and began to say to them that stood by, This is [one] of them. ( q ) If...

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

Maclaren: Mar 14:6-9 - A Libation To Jehovah The Alabaster Box And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on me. 7 For ye have th...

Maclaren: Mar 14:12-16 - A Libation To Jehovah A Secret Rendezvous And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, His disciples said unto Him, Wh...

Maclaren: Mar 14:19 - A Libation To Jehovah Is It I?' Mark 14:19. THE scene shows that Judas ...

Maclaren: Mar 14:32-42 - A Libation To Jehovah Strong Crying And Tears' And they came to a place which was named Gethsemane: and He saith to His disciples. Sit ye here,...

Maclaren: Mar 14:37 - A Libation To Jehovah The Sleeping Apostle Simon, sleepest thou? '--Mark 14:37. ...

Maclaren: Mar 14:43-54 - A Libation To Jehovah The Captive Christ And The Circle Round Him And immediately, while He yet spake, cometh Judas, one of the twelve, and wit...

Maclaren: Mar 14:46 - A Libation To Jehovah II. Incarnate Love, Bound And Patient. We may bring together Mark 14:46, ...

Maclaren: Mar 14:55-65 - A Libation To Jehovah The Condemnation Which Condemns The Judges And the chief priests and all the council sought for witness against Jesus to ...

MHCC: Mar 14:1-11 - --Did Christ pour out his soul unto death for us, and shall we think any thing too precious for him? Do we give him the precious ointment of our best...

MHCC: Mar 14:12-21 - --Nothing could be less the result of human foresight than the events here related. But our Lord knows all things about us before they come to pass. ...

MHCC: Mar 14:22-31 - --The Lord's supper is food for the soul, therefore a very little of that which is for the body, as much as will serve for a sign, is enough. It was ...

MHCC: Mar 14:32-42 - --Christ's sufferings began with the sorest of all, those in his soul. He began to be sorely amazed; words not used in St. Matthew, but very full of ...

MHCC: Mar 14:43-52 - --Because Christ appeared not as a temporal prince, but preached repentance, reformation, and a holy life, and directed men's thoughts, and affection...

MHCC: Mar 14:53-65 - --We have here Christ's condemnation before the great council of the Jews. Peter followed; but the high priest's fire-side was no proper place, nor h...

MHCC: Mar 14:66-72 - --Peter's denying Christ began by keeping at a distance from him. Those that are shy of godliness, are far in the way to deny Christ. Those who think...

Matthew Henry: Mar 14:1-11 - -- We have here instances, I. Of the kindness of Christ's friends, and the provision made of respect and honour for hi...

Matthew Henry: Mar 14:12-31 - -- In these verses we have, I. Christ's eating the passover with his disciples, the night before he died, with the joys and comforts o...

Matthew Henry: Mar 14:32-42 - -- Christ is here entering upon his sufferings, and begins with those which were the sorest of all his sufferings, those in his soul....

Matthew Henry: Mar 14:43-52 - -- We have here the seizing of our Lord Jesus by the officers of the chief priests. This was what his enemies had long aimed at, the...

Matthew Henry: Mar 14:53-65 - -- We have here Christ's arraignment, trial, conviction, and condemnation, in the ecclesiastical court, before the great sanhedrim, ...

Matthew Henry: Mar 14:66-72 - -- We have here the story of Peter's denying Christ. 1. It began in keeping at a distance from him. Peter had followed ...

Barclay: Mar 14:1-2 - "THE LAST ACT BEGINS" The last crowded act of Jesus' life was now about to open. The Feast of the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread were really two different ...

Barclay: Mar 14:3-9 - "LOVE'S EXTRAVAGANCE" The poignancy of this story lies in the fact that it tells us of almost the last kindness that Jesus had done to him. He was in the house of...

Barclay: Mar 14:10-11 - "THE TRAITOR" It is with consummate artistry that Mark sets side by side the anointing at Bethany and the betrayal by Judas--the act of generous love and the act...

Barclay: Mar 14:12-16 - "PREPARING FOR THE FEAST" It may seem an unusual word to use in connection with Jesus, but, as we read the narrative of the last week of his life, we cannot help being st...

Barclay: Mar 14:17-21 - "LOVE'S LAST APPEAL" The new day began at 6 p.m., and when the Passover evening had come, Jesus sat down with the Twelve. There was only one change in the old ritual...

Barclay: Mar 14:22-26 - "THE SYMBOL OF SALVATION" We must first set out the various steps of the Passover Feast, so that in our mind's eye we can follow what Jesus and his disciples were doing. T...

Barclay: Mar 14:27-31 - "THE FAILURE OF FRIENDS" It is a tremendous thing about Jesus that there was nothing for which he was not prepared. The opposition, the misunderstanding, the enmity of t...

Barclay: Mar 14:32-42 - "THY WILL BE DONE" This is a passage we almost fear to read, for it seems to intrude into the private agony of Jesus. To have stayed in the upper room would h...

Barclay: Mar 14:43-50 - "THE ARREST" Here is sheer drama and, even in Mark's economy of words, the characters stand out before us. (i) There is Judas, the traitor. He was aw...

Barclay: Mar 14:51-52 - "A CERTAIN YOUNG MAN" These are two strange and fascinating verses. At first sight they seem completely irrelevant. They seem to add nothing to the narrative and yet t...

Barclay: Mar 14:53 - -- See Comments for Mark 14:55-65...

Barclay: Mar 14:54 - -- See Comments for Mark 14:66-72...

Barclay: Mar 14:55-65 - "THE TRIAL" Things were moving quickly to their inevitable end. At this time the powers of the Sanhedrin were limited because the Romans were the rulers...

Barclay: Mar 14:55-65 - "COURAGE AND COWARDICE" Sometimes we tell this story in such a way as to do Peter far less than justice. The thing we so often fail to recognize is that up to the very la...

Constable: Mar 14:1--15:47 - --VII. The Servant's passion ministry chs. 14--15 This section of Mark...

Constable: Mar 14:1-52 - --A. The Servant's anticipation of suffering 14:1-52 ...

Constable: Mar 14:1-11 - --1. Jesus' sufferings because of betrayal 14:1-11 ...

Constable: Mar 14:1-2 - --The plot to arrest Jesus 14:1-2 (cf. ...

Constable: Mar 14:3-9 - --The anointing at Bethany 14:3-9 (cf. ...

Constable: Mar 14:10-11 - --Judas' betrayal of Jesus 14:10-11 (cf. ...

Constable: Mar 14:12-52 - --2. Jesus' sufferings because of desertion 14:12-52 ...

Constable: Mar 14:12-16 - --Preparations for the Passover meal 14:12-16 (cf. ...

Constable: Mar 14:17-21 - --The announcement of Jesus' betrayal 14:17-21 (cf. ...

Constable: Mar 14:22-26 - --The institution of the Lord' Supper 14:22-26 (cf. ...

Constable: Mar 14:27-52 - --Jesus' agony in the garden 14:27-52 ...

Constable: Mar 14:27-31 - --The prediction of Peter's denial 14:27-31 (cf. ...

Constable: Mar 14:32-42 - --Jesus' sufferings in Gethsemane 14:32-42 (cf. ...

Constable: Mar 14:43-52 - --Jesus' betrayal, arrest, and abandonment 14:43-52 (cf. ...

Constable: Mar 14:53--16:1 - --B. The Servant's endurance of suffering 14:53-15:47 ...

Constable: Mar 14:53--15:2 - --1. Jesus' Jewish trial 14:53-15:1 ...

Constable: Mar 14:53-65 - --The hearing before Caiaphas 14:53-65 (cf. ...

Constable: Mar 14:66-72 - --Peter's denial of Jesus 14:66-72 (cf. ...

College: Mar 14:1-72 - --MARK 14 F. JESUS HONORED AND BETRAYED (...

McGarvey: Mar 14:1-11 - -- CXVI. JESUS PREDICTS, THE RULERS PLOT FOR, AND JUDAS BARGAINS FOR HIS DEATH. (Mount of Olives, Bethany, and Jerusalem. Tuesday after s...


McGarvey: Mar 14:12-18 - -- CXVII. PREPARATION FOR PASSOVER. DISCIPLES CONTEND FOR PRECEDENCE. (Bethany to Jerusalem. Thursday afternoon and, after sunset, beginn...

McGarvey: Mar 14:18-31 - -- CXIX. JUDAS' BETRAYAL AND PETER'S DENIAL FORETOLD. (Jerusalem. Evening before the crucifixion.) aMATT. XXVI. 21-25, 31-35; ...

McGarvey: Mar 14:22-25 - -- CXX. THE LORD'S SUPPER INSTITUTED. (Jerusalem. Evening before the crucifixion.) aMATT. XXVI. 26-29; bMARK XIV. 2...

McGarvey: Mar 14:26-42 - -- CXXIII. GOING TO GETHSEMANE, AND AGONY THEREIN. (A garden between the brook Kidron and the Mount of Olives. Late Thursday night.) ...

McGarvey: Mar 14:43-52 - -- CCXXIV. JESUS BETRAYED, ARRESTED, AND FORSAKEN. (Gethsemane. Friday, several hours before dawn.) aMATT. XXVI. 47-56; b...


McGarvey: Mar 14:54-72 - -- CXXVII. PETER THRICE DENIES THE LORD. (Court of the high priest's residence. Friday before and about dawn.) aMATT. XXVI. 58...

Lapide: Mar 14:1-72 - --CHAPTER 14  1 A conspiracy against Christ. 3 Precious ...

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Lainnya

Evidence: Mar 14:10 Messianic prophecy fulfilled : " Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, has lifted up his heel against...

Evidence: Mar 14:24 The wine wasn’t His literal blood, which was still in His body. He was referring to it as being symbolic of His blood....

Evidence: Mar 14:38 " The reason why many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle. The reason why others succeed is because they have gained their...

Evidence: Mar 14:54 If you are saved, the work is only half done until you are employed to bring others to Christ. CHARLES SPURGEON...

Evidence: Mar 14:65 Messianic prophecy fulfilled : " I gave my back to those who struck me, and my cheeks to those who plucked out the beard; I did not hide my ...

buka semua
Pendahuluan / Garis Besar

Robertson: Mark (Pendahuluan Kitab) THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK By Way of Introduction One of the clearest results of modern critical study of the Go...

JFB: Mark (Pendahuluan Kitab) THAT the Second Gospel was written by Mark is universally agreed, though by what Mark, not so. The great majority of critics take the writer to be ...

JFB: Mark (Garis Besar) THE PREACHING AND BAPTISM OF JOHN. ( = Mat 3:1-12; ...

TSK: Mark 14 (Pendahuluan Pasal) Overview Mar 14:1, A conspiracy against Christ; ...

Poole: Mark 14 (Pendahuluan Pasal) CHAPTER 14 ...

MHCC: Mark (Pendahuluan Kitab) Mark was a sister's son to Barnabas, Col 4:10; and ...

MHCC: Mark 14 (Pendahuluan Pasal) (Mar 14:1-11) Christ anointed at Bethany. (...

Matthew Henry: Mark (Pendahuluan Kitab) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Gospel According to St. Mark We have heard the evidence given in by the first witn...

Matthew Henry: Mark 14 (Pendahuluan Pasal) In this chapter begins the account which this evangelist gives of the death and sufferings of our Lord Jesus, which we are all concerned to be a...

Barclay: Mark (Pendahuluan Kitab) INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT MARK The Synoptic Gospels The first three gospels, Matthew, Mar...

Barclay: Mark 14 (Pendahuluan Pasal) The Last Act Begins (Mar_14:1-2) Love's Extravagance (Mar_14:3-9) The Traitor (...

Constable: Mark (Pendahuluan Kitab) Introduction Writer ...

Constable: Mark (Garis Besar) Outline I. Introduction ...

Constable: Mark Mark Bibliography Adams, J. McKe...

Haydock: Mark (Pendahuluan Kitab) THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, ACCORDING TO ST. MARK. INTRODUCTION. St. Mark, who wrote this Gospel, is calle...

Gill: Mark (Pendahuluan Kitab) INTRODUCTION TO MARK This is the title of the book, the subject of which is the Gospel; a joyful account of the ministry, miracles...

College: Mark (Pendahuluan Kitab) FOREWORD No story is more important than the story of Jesus. I am confident that my comments do not do it justice. Even granting the...

College: Mark (Garis Besar) OUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION - Mark 1:1-15 A. The Beginning of t...

Advanced Commentary (Kamus, Lagu-Lagu Himne, Gambar, Ilustrasi Khotbah, Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan, dll)

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