Ioudas <2455>

Ioudav Ioudas

Asal Mula:of Hebrew origin 03063 hdwhy
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Yunani:iouda 7, ioudan 8, ioudav 22
Dalam TB:Yudas 32, Yehuda 4, kepada Yudas 1
Dalam AV:Judas (Iscariot) 22, Juda (Son of Jacob) 7, Judah (Son of Jacob) 1, Judas (Son of Jacob) 2, Judas (Brother of James) 3, Jude (Brother of James) 1, Judas Barsabas 3, Juda (Ancestors of Jesus 2, misc 1
Definisi : a [maskulin] (1) Yehuda: (a) anak Yakub, suku bangsa dan tanah Yehuda; (b) nama dalam silsilah Yesus (Luk 3.30); (2) Yudas: (a) seorang revolosioner (Kis 5.37); (b) seorang Damsyik (Kis 5.37); (c) seorang rasul, anak Yakubus; (d) Yudas Iskarot; (e) Yudas yang disebut Barsabas (f) saudara Yesus
Judah or Judas = "he shall be praised"

1) the fourth son of Jacob
2) an unknown ancestor of Christ
3) a man surnamed the Galilean, who at the time of the
census of Quirinus, excited the revolt in Galilee, Ac 5:37
4) a certain Jew of Damascus, Ac 9:11
5) a prophet surnamed Barsabas, of the church at Jerusalem,
Ac 15:22,27,32
6) the apostle, Joh 14:22, who was surnamed Lebbaeus or
Thaddaeus, and according to opinion wrote the Epistle of Jude.
7) the half-brother of Jesus, Mt 13:55
8) Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus

of Hebrew origin (3063); Judas (i.e. Jehudah), the name of ten Israelites; also of the posterity of one of them and its region: KJV -- Juda(-h, -s); Jude.
see HEBREW for 03063
Ibrani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:bernama (ENDE)
Betlehem-Yehuda (TL)
Jahoeda (KL1863)
Jehoeda (KL1870)
Jehuda (LDKR)
Joda (ENDE)
Joeda (KL1870)
Joedas (KL1863)
Juda (ENDE)
Judas (ENDE)
Yahuda (SB, BABA)
Yahudi (TL)
Yehuda (TL)
Yoda (TB, BIS, WBTC)
Yuda (TL)

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