mepote <3379>

mhpote mepote or mh pote me pote

Pelafalan:may'-pot-eh may pot'-eh
Asal Mula:from 3361 and 4218
Jenis Kata:conj (conjunction)
Dalam Yunani:mhpote 24
Dalam TB:supaya jangan 13, mungkin 4, Tidak 1, Mungkinkah 1, jikalau 1, kalau-kalau 1, sebab mungkin 1, nanti 1
Dalam AV:lest 12, lest at any time 7, whether or not 1, lest haply + 2443 1, if peradventure 1, no ... not at all 1, not tr 1
Definisi : (1) kata penghubung: supaya jangan; (2) partikel tanya mungkinkah; kalau-kalau; (3) tidak (pernah) (Ibr 9.17)
tidak pernah, barangkali; KSam: agar jangan, kalau tidak
1) that ... not, lest, whether perhaps, whether or not, in no way,

from 3361 and 4218; not ever; also if (or lest) ever (or perhaps): KJV -- if peradventure, lest (at any time, haply), not at all, whether or not.
see GREEK for 3361
see GREEK for 4218
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