thelo <2309>

yelw thelo or eyelw ethelo in certain tenses yelew theleo and eyelew etheleo which are otherwise obsolete

Pelafalan:thel'-o eth-el'-o thel-eh'-o eth-el-eh'-o
Asal Mula:apparently strengthened from the alternate form of 138
Referensi:TDNT - 3:44,318
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:hyelen 14, hyelev 1, hyelhsa 3, hyelhsamen 1, hyelhsan 3, hyelhsate 3, hyelhsav 2, hyelhsen 8, hyelon 8, yelei 19, yelein 4, yeleiv 18, yelete 17, yelh 9, yelhsantav 1, yelhsh 2, yelhsw 1, yelhswsin 1, yelhte 4, yelhv 4, yeloi 3, yelomen 7, yelonta 1, yelontav 1, yelontev 7, yelonti 2, yelontov 2, yelontwn 3, yelousin 6, yelw 38, yelwn 13, yelwsin 1
Dalam TB:mau 30, ingin 13, hendak 11, aku mau 8, Aku mau 7, dikehendaki-Nya 6, kehendaki 5, yang mau 5, menghendakinya 5, aku kehendaki 5, kamu kehendaki 5, ia mau 5, kaukehendaki 5, kamu mau 4, Engkau kehendaki 4, suka 3, menghendaki 3, Engkau mau 3, kehendak 3, kami mau 2, kami ingin 2, bermaksud 2, artinya 2, Tuan mau 2, Aku menghendaki 2, maukah 2, Aku rindu 2, mereka mau 2, mereka ingin 2, Kukehendaki 2, Betapa 1, Aku suka 1, dikehendakinya 1, engkau hendak 1, Aku harapkan 1, engkau bersedia 1, dikehendaki 1, alangkah 1, Mereka mau 1, engkau ingin 1, aku ingin 1, aku hendak 1, Maukah kamu 1, aku lebih suka 1, Yang Kukehendaki 1, Ia mau 1, Maukah 1, Ia hendak 1, kami telah berniat 1, mereka kehendaki 1, mereka menghendaki 1, mereka hendak 1, menginginkan 1, memutuskan 1, mencari 1, mereka menghendakinya 1, pada kehendak 1, yang kamu kehendaki 1, yang kaukehendaki 1, yang hendak 1, yang bermaksud 1, pilihan 1, kukehendaki 1, kuinginkan 1, kamu hendak 1, kamu ingin 1, yang suka 1, kami harap 1, ia berani 1, ia menolak 1, kamu inginkan 1, kamu terima 1, kerelaanmu 1, kita mau 1, kemauan 1, kehendak mereka 1, kauingini 1, hakim menolak 1
Dalam AV:will/would 159, will/would have 16, desire 13, desirous 3, list 3, to will 2, misc 4
Definisi : (imperfek hyelon) menghendaki; suka; ti yelei touto einai apakah artinya ini? (Kis 2.12; bandingkanlah 17.20)
berharap, berkehendak, ingin, suka, menikmati
1) to will, have in mind, intend
1a) to be resolved or determined, to purpose
1b) to desire, to wish
1c) to love
1c1) to like to do a thing, be fond of doing
1d) to take delight in, have pleasure

Sinonim : Lihat Definisi 5915

apparently strengthened from the alternate form of 138; to determine (as an active option from subjective impulse; whereas 1014 properly denotes rather a passive acquiescence in objective considerations), i.e. choose or prefer (literally or figuratively); by implication, to wish, i.e. be inclined to (sometimes adverbially, gladly); impersonally for the future tense, to be about to; by Hebraism, to delight in: KJV -- desire, be disposed (forward), intend, list, love, mean, please, have rather, (be) will (have, -ling, - ling(-ly)).
see GREEK for 138
see GREEK for 1014
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