phoneo <5455>

fwnew phoneo

Asal Mula:from 5456
Referensi:TDNT - 9:301,1287
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:efwnei 1, efwnhsan 2, efwnhsen 12, fwnei 7, fwneite 1, fwnhsai 6, fwnhsan 1, fwnhsantev 1, fwnhsate 1, fwnhsav 5, fwnhsei 1, fwnhsh 1, fwnhson 1, fwnhyhnai 1, fwnousin 1
Dalam TB:memanggil 13, berseru 4, berkokok 4, berkokoklah 2, ia memanggil 2, mereka memanggil 2, Ia memanggil 1, akan berkokok 1, Yesus berseru 1, Panggillah 1, Mereka memanggil 1, dipanggilnya 1, panggillah 1, menyebut 1, ia berseru 1, engkau mengundang 1, sambil menjerit 1
Dalam AV:call 23, crow 12, cry 5, call for 2
Definisi : memanggil, memanggil kepada; berteriak, berbicara keras; berkokok (ayam jantan); mengundang (Luk 14.12): menyapa, menyebut, menamakan (Yoh 13.13)
memanggil, menyebut, berbunyi, berteriak
1) to sound, emit a sound, to speak
1a) of a cock: to crow
1b) of men: to cry, cry out, cry aloud, speak with a loud voice
2) to call, to call one's self, either by one's own voice or
though another
3) to send for, summon
3a) to call out of (i.e. bid one to quit a place and come to one
3b) to invite
3c) to address, accost, call by a name

from 5456; to emit a sound (animal, human or instrumental); by implication, to address in words or by name, also in imitation: KJV -- call (for), crow, cry.
see GREEK for 5456
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