hotan <3752>

otan hotan

Asal Mula:from 3753 and 302
Jenis Kata:particle (particle)
Dalam Yunani:otan 122
Dalam TB:apabila 35, Apabila 23, jika 17, kalau 4, bilamana 3, Jika 2, Bilamana 2, bila 2, ketika 2, sesudah 2, setiap kali 1, Jikalau 1, segera sesudah perempuan 1, Kalau 1, Segera sesudah 1, yaitu apabila 1, sebelum 1, Sesudah 1, Selama 1, Kalau ada 1
Dalam AV:when 115, as soon as 2, as long as 1, that 1, whensoever 1, while 1, till + 1508 1
Definisi : apabila (ei mh otan sebelum Mrk 9.9)
ketika, kapan pun (=o[te a,n)
1) when, whenever, as long as, as soon as

from 3753 and 302; whenever (implying hypothesis or more or less uncertainty); also causatively (conjunctionally) inasmuch as: KJV -- as long (soon) as, that, + till, when(-soever), while.
see GREEK for 3753
see GREEK for 302
Ibrani Terkait:-

TIP #03: Coba gunakan operator (AND, OR, NOT, ALL, ANY) untuk menyaring pencarian Anda. [SEMUA]
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