TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yosua 2:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


atas sotoh

Ul 22:8; [Lihat FULL. Ul 22:8]; Hak 16:27; 2Sam 16:22; Neh 8:17; Yes 15:3; 22:1; Yer 32:29 [Semua]

Yosua 2:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sotoh ............... sotoh(TB)/sotoh ............. sotoh(TL) <01406> [to the roof.]

menyembunyikan kulit ........ ditebarkan(TB)/disembunyikannya(TL) <02934 06086> [hid them.]


batang rami,

Hak 15:14; Ams 31:13; Yes 19:9 [Semua]

atas sotoh

Kel 1:17,19; [Lihat FULL. Kel 1:17]; [Lihat FULL. Kel 1:19]; Yos 6:25; 2Sam 17:19 [Semua]

Yosua 12:5

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Hermon(TB/TL) <02768> [Hermon.]

Salkha(TB/TL) <05548> [Salcah.]

daerah ............ daerah(TB)/perhinggaan ........... perhinggaan(TL) <01366> [unto the.]


atas Salkha

Ul 3:10; [Lihat FULL. Ul 3:10]

seluruh Basan

Bil 32:33; Yos 17:1; 20:8; 21:27; 22:7 [Semua]

orang Gesur

Yos 13:2,13; 1Sam 27:8 [Semua]

orang Maakha

Ul 3:14; [Lihat FULL. Ul 3:14]

setengah Gilead,

Yos 12:2

Yosua 4:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sungai Yordan,

Yos 3:17; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:17]

Yosua 12:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


timur ... Kinerot ... Kinerot .... Laut .... Laut(TB)/tasik Kinerot ..... tasik ...... Tasik-Masin(TL) <03672 03220> [sea of Chinneroth.]

This inland sea, or rather lake, which drives its several names, the Lake of Tiberias, Sea of Galilee, Lake of Gennesareth, from the territory which forms its western and south-western border, is computed to be between seventeen and eighteen miles in length, and from five to six in breadth. The waters of this lake, which are sweet and agreeable, lie in a deep basin, surrounded with lofty hills, except at the north and south, where it is a plain country or level. There is a current through the whole lake even to the shore; and the Jordan through it is discernible by the smoothness of the surface in that part. Its appearance from the north- western extremity is said by Mr. Buckingham to be exceedingly grand; but the barren aspect of the mountains on each side, and the total absence of wood, give a cast of dullness to the picture.

timur ........ Laut .... Laut(TB)/tasik ...... tasik ...... Tasik-Masin(TL) <03220> [Sea of Tiberias. the sea.]

Bet-Yesimot(TB)/Bait-Yesimot(TL) <01020> [Beth-jeshimoth.]

selatan(TB/TL) <08486> [the south. or, Teman. Ashdoth-pisgah. or, the springs of]

Pisgah, or, the hill.


danau Kinerot

Yos 11:2

Laut Asin,

Kej 14:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:3]

arah Bet-Yesimot

Bil 33:49; [Lihat FULL. Bil 33:49]; Yos 13:20 [Semua]

gunung Pisga.

Bil 21:20; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:20]

Yosua 8:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membubung, berbaliklah

Hak 20:41

Yosua 2:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


yang ...... rumahmu ................ yang ..... rumahmu(TB)/yang ...... rumahmu ............. yang .... rumah(TL) <0834 01004> [whosoever.]

darahnya .... darahnya .............. darahnya ........... pertumpahan darahnya(TB)/darahnya ................. darahnya(TL) <01818 02351> [street, his blood.]

rumahmu .... darahnya .... darahnya .............. darahnya ........... pertumpahan darahnya(TB)/rumahmu .... darahnya ............. rumah ..... darahnya(TL) <01818 01004> [house, his blood.]


sendiri menanggung

Im 20:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 20:9]

yang menanggung

Mat 27:25

Yosua 6:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bersumpahlah(TB/TL) <07650> [adjured.]

This is to be regarded as a prediction, that he who rebuilded this city should lose all his children in the interim between the laying of the foundation to the completion of the walls.

Terkutuklah(TB)/Kutuklah(TL) <0779> [Cursed.]


itu bersumpahlah

1Sam 14:24


Bil 5:21; [Lihat FULL. Bil 5:21]

pintu gerbangnya!

1Raj 16:34

Yosua 7:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mencelakakan mendatangkan celaka atas kami Bahwa ... membinasakan dikau(TB)/Mengapa(TL) <04100 05916> [Why hast.]

Israel(TB/TL) <03478> [all Israel.]

dibakar(TB)/dibakarnya(TL) <08313> [burned.]


engkau mencelakakan

Yos 6:18; [Lihat FULL. Yos 6:18]

Israel melontari

Im 20:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 20:2]; Ul 17:5; 1Raj 12:18; 2Taw 10:18; 24:21; Neh 9:26 [Semua]

batu, semuanya

Kej 38:24; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:24]


Yosua 7:6

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mengoyakkan(TB)/mencarik-cariklah(TL) <07167> [rent.]

sujudlah(TB)/tersungkur(TL) <05307> [fell.]

petang(TB/TL) <06153> [until the eventide.]

sambil menaburkan abu(TB)/disiramkannya abu(TL) <06083 05927> [put dust.]

Rending the clothes, beating the breast, tearing the hair, throwing dust upon the head, and falling prostrate, were usual signs of deep affliction and distress among the ancient Israelites. In illustration of this custom, see 1 Sa 4:12, when the messenger brought tidings to Eli of the discomfiture of the armies of Israel by the Philistines; again, in the case of Tamar, 2 Sa 13:19, and in Ne 9:1, when a whole nation, "assembled with fasting, and with sackcloth, and earth upon them." See also the case of Mordecai, Es 4:1, and Job 2:12, where his friends abased themselves to comfort him; refer also to Eze 27:30. Jon 3:6. Mic 1:10. In each of these instances it is worthy of remark, that putting dust on the head generally follows rending of the clothes, and was the usual mode of evincing poignant sorrow.


mengoyakkan jubahnya

Kej 37:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 37:29]

dan sujudlah

Kej 17:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 17:3]; 1Taw 21:16; Yeh 9:8 [Semua]

hingga petang,

Hak 20:23

orang Israel,

Yos 8:10; 9:11; 20:4; 23:2 [Semua]

menaburkan debu

1Sam 4:12; 2Sam 13:19; 15:32; Neh 9:1; Ayub 2:12; Rat 2:10; Yeh 27:30; Wahy 18:19 [Semua]

Yosua 10:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


diturunkan(TB)/turunkan(TL) <03381> [they took.]

sekarang ............ hari(TB)/hari(TL) <03117 06106> [until this very day.]


matahari terbenam,

Ul 21:23; [Lihat FULL. Ul 21:23]

sampai sekarang.

Kej 35:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 35:20]

Yosua 10:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


taruhlah kakimu ... kakimu .......... menaruh kakinya .... kakinya(TB)/tumpukanlah kakimu ............ lalu ditumpukannya kakinya(TL) <07760 07272> [put your feet.]


Setelah raja-raja

Ul 7:24; [Lihat FULL. Ul 7:24]

taruhlah kakimu

Mal 4:3

menaruh kakinya

2Sam 22:40; Mazm 110:1; Yes 51:23 [Semua]

Yosua 9:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


akal pura-pura ... akal(TB)/dipakainya akal pura-pura(TL) <06195 06213> [work wilily.]

bekal(TB)/utusan(TL) <06737> [ambassadors.]

The word {tzir,} an ambassador, properly denotes a hinge; because an ambassador is a person upon whom the business turns as upon a hinge. So the Latin {Cardinalis,} from {cardo,} a hinge, was the title of the prime minister of the emperor Theodosius, though now applied only to the Pope's electors and counsellors.

kirbat kirbat(TB)/kirbat ... air anggur(TL) <04997 03196> [wine bottles.]

These bottles being made of skin, were consequently liable to be rent, and capable of being mended; which is done, according to Chardin, by putting in a piece, or by gathering up the wounded piece in the manner of a purse; and sometimes by inserting a flat piece of wood.

Yosua 12:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sihon(TB/TL) <05511> [Sihon.]

Yabok(TB/TL) <02999> [Jabbok.]


di Hesybon,

Yos 12:5; Bil 21:21,25; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:21]; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:25]; Yos 13:10; Hak 11:19 [Semua]

dari Aroer,

Bil 32:34; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:34]; Yos 13:16; [Lihat FULL. Yos 13:16] [Semua]

setengah Gilead,

Kej 31:21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:21]; Bil 32:26; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:26]; Ul 2:36; Ul 3:15; [Lihat FULL. Ul 3:15]; Yos 13:11,25; 17:1; 20:8; 21:38; Hak 5:17; 7:3; 10:8 [Semua]

sungai Yabok,

Kej 32:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 32:22]

bani Amon,

Kej 19:38; [Lihat FULL. Kej 19:38]

Yosua 24:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berteriak-teriaklah(TB)/berserulah(TL) <06817> [And when.]

diadakan-Nya(TB/TL) <07760> [he put.]

didatangkan-Nya(TB)/dibalikkan-Nya(TL) <0935> [brought.]

matamu(TB/TL) <05869> [your eyes.]

diam(TB)/tinggal(TL) <03427> [ye dwelt.]


itu berteriak-teriaklah

Kel 14:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:10]

diadakan-Nya gelap

Kel 14:20

mereka diliputi.

Kel 14:28; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:28]

terhadap Mesir.

Kel 19:4; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:4]

itu lama

Ul 1:46

Yosua 7:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sesudah ... didirikanlah(TB)/didirikannyalah(TL) <06965> [raised.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [So the Lord.]

lembah(TB/TL) <06010> [The valley.]

Akhor(TB/TL) <05911> [Achor. that is, Trouble.]


suatu timbunan

2Sam 18:17

sampai sekarang.

Kej 35:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 35:20]

surutlah murka

Bil 25:4; [Lihat FULL. Bil 25:4]

lembah Akhor.

Yos 7:24; [Lihat FULL. Yos 7:24]

Yosua 8:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


raja(TB/TL) <04428> [the king.]

The kings of Canaan lay under the same curse as their subjects and probably were more deeply criminal. The reserving of the king of Ai for a solemn execution, would tend to strike terror into the other kings, contribute to the success of Israel, and give their proceedings the stamp of a judicial process, and of executing the vengeance of God upon his enemies.

matahari(TB/TL) <08121> [as soon.]

timbunan .... timbunan(TB)/timbunan .... besar(TL) <01530 01419> [a great heap.]


matahari terbenam,

Ul 21:23; [Lihat FULL. Ul 21:23]; Yoh 19:31 [Semua]

timbunan batu

2Sam 18:17

Yosua 22:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN ................. TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ........................ Tuhan(TL) <03068> [let the Lord.]


korban sajian

Yer 41:5

menuntut balas

Ul 12:11; [Lihat FULL. Ul 12:11]; Ul 18:19; [Lihat FULL. Ul 18:19]; 1Sam 20:16 [Semua]

Yosua 8:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mezbah mezbah(TB)/diperbuat .... mezbah(TL) <01129 04196> [built an altar.]

gunung Ebal ..... Ebal(TB)/bukit Ebal(TL) <02022 05858> [in mount Ebal.]

Moses himself had twice given express orders for this solemnity; once De 11:29, 30, in which he pointed out the very place where it was to be performed; and again, at the 27th chapter, there is a renewal of the instructions to Joshua, with special reference to minute particulars. It was a federal transaction: the covenant was now renewed between God and Israel upon their taking possession of the land of promise, that they might be encouraged in the conquest of it, and might know upon what terms they held it, and come under fresh obligations to obedience.


Judul : Mezbah di Gunung Ebal

Perikop : Yos 8:30-35

mendirikan mezbah

Kel 20:24; [Lihat FULL. Kel 20:24]

gunung Ebal

Yos 8:33; Ul 11:29; [Lihat FULL. Ul 11:29] [Semua]


Yosua 23:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN .... TUHAN ........................ TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ......... Tuhan .................... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [so shall.]


telah dijanjikan

1Raj 8:56; Yer 33:14 [Semua]

tidak baik

1Raj 14:10; 2Raj 22:16; Yes 24:6; 34:5; 43:28; Yer 6:19; 11:8; 35:17; 39:16; Mal 4:6 [Semua]

telah memusnahkan

Yos 24:20

diberikan kepadamu

Im 26:17; Ul 28:15; Yer 40:2 [Semua]

Yosua 2:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hati(TB/TL) <03824> [our hearts.]

tinggal(TL) <06965> [did there remain. Heb. rose up.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [for the Lord.]


itu, tawarlah

Kej 42:28; [Lihat FULL. Kej 42:28]

jatuhlah semangat

Ul 2:25; [Lihat FULL. Ul 2:25]; Mazm 107:26; Yun 1:5 [Semua]

menghadapi kamu,

Kel 15:14; Yos 5:1; 7:5; 2Sam 4:1; Mazm 22:15; Yes 13:7; 19:1; Yer 51:30; Nah 2:10 [Semua]

Tuhan, Allahmu,

2Raj 5:15; 19:15; Dan 6:27 [Semua]

di bumi

Kej 14:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:19]; Bil 20:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 20:14] [Semua]

Yosua 8:31

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tertulis(TB)/tersebut(TL) <03789> [as it is.]

mezbah(TB/TL) <04196> [altar.]

mempersembahkan(TB)/dipersembahkannya(TL) <05927> [and they offered.]


dengan perkakas

Kel 20:25; [Lihat FULL. Kel 20:25]

korban keselamatan.

Ul 27:6-7 [Semua]

Yosua 6:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Tetapi(TB)/Hubaya-hubaya(TL) <07535> [in any wise.]

dimusnahkan(TB)/tumpas(TL) <02763> [lest ye make.]

mengkhususkannya ....... tentara perkemahan(TB)/menyebabkan tentara(TL) <04264 07760> [make the camp.]

mencelakakannya(TB)/bagai .... membawa .... kebinasaan(TL) <05916> [and trouble it.]


terhadap barang-barang

Yos 7:1; 1Taw 2:7 [Semua]

membawa kemusnahan

Yos 7:12

dan mencelakakannya.

Yos 7:25,26 [Semua]

Yosua 15:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


turunlah(TB/TL) <06795> [she lighted.]

Yosua 16:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Atarot-Adar(TB)/Aterot-Adar(TL) <05853> [Ataroth-addar.]


ialah Atarot-Adar

Yos 16:2; Yos 18:13 [Semua]

Bet-Horon Hulu.

Yos 10:10; [Lihat FULL. Yos 10:10]

Yosua 19:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sungai(TB)/anak sungaipun(TL) <05158> [the river.]

The river Kishon, which empties itself into the Mediterranean near mount Carmel, in the vicinity of which Jokneam was situated.

Yokneam(TB/TL) <03362> [Jokneam.]



lewat Yokneam.

Yos 12:22; [Lihat FULL. Yos 12:22]

Yosua 15:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bet-Hogla(TB)/Bait-Hojla(TL) <01031> [Beth-hogla.]

Probably the Bethagla mentioned by Jerome is the same as the "threshing-floor of Atad," (Ge 50:10,) situated three miles from Jericho, and two from Jordan; and belonging to the tribe of Benjamin, though serving as a frontier to the tribe of Judah.

batu(TB/TL) <068> [the stone.]


ke Bet-Hogla,

Yos 18:19,21 [Semua]

utara Bet-Araba,

Yos 15:61; Yos 18:18 [Semua]

batu Bohan

Yos 18:17

Yosua 24:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengutus(TB)/Kusuruhkan(TL) <07971> [sent.]

menulahi(TB)/Kupalu(TL) <05062> [plagued.]


serta Harun

Kel 3:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:10]

kamu keluar.

Kel 12:51

Yosua 24:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible



orang Amori

Kel 23:23; [Lihat FULL. Kel 23:23]

menduduki negerinya,

Bil 21:31; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:31]

Yosua 10:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berhenti kejarlah usirlah(TB)/bertangguh-tangguh(TL) <05975 07291> [stay ye.]

hantamlah barisan belakangnya(TB)/tempuhlah(TL) <02179> [smite. Heb. cut off the tail.]

masuk .... masuk(TB)/beri ............ menyerahkan(TL) <05414 0935> [suffer them.]

Yosua 15:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lembah Ben-Hinom Bin-Hinom .................... lembah(TB)/lembah Bin-Hinom .................... lembah(TL) <01121 01516> [valley of the son.]

A valley near to Jerusalem.

Yebus(TB)/Yebuzi(TL) <02983> [the Jebusite.]

Refayim orang Refaim(TB)/lembah Refayim(TL) <07497 06010> [valley of the giants.]

Situated apparently west of Jerusalem and mount Moriah.

lembah ...................... lembah ......... lembah(TB)/lembah ..................... lembah ........ lembah(TL) <01516 06010> [the valley of Rephaim.]


lembah Ben-Hinom,

2Taw 28:3; Yer 19:6 [Semua]

gunung Yebus,

Yos 15:63; Yoh 18:16,28; Hak 1:21; 19:10; 2Sam 5:6; 1Taw 11:4; Ezr 9:1 [Semua]

itulah Yerusalem;

Yos 10:1; [Lihat FULL. Yos 10:1]

lembah Hinom,

2Raj 23:10; Yer 7:31; 19:2 [Semua]

orang Refaim.

2Sam 5:18,22; 1Taw 14:9; Yes 17:5 [Semua]

Yosua 18:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mencatat ... dalam ..... demi(TB)/ditulisnya ... petanya(TL) <03789> [described.]

The surveyors seem to have formed some kind of map of the country, as well as a description of it in writing. The Egyptians, from the situation of their fields, as annually overflowed by the Nile, acquired great skill in mensuration and land surveying; and some of the Israelites had, no doubt, learned these from them, without a knowledge of which they could not properly have divided the land. This is probably the first act of surveying on record.

tujuh(TB/TL) <07651> [into seven.]

Yosua 11:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]

[great Zidon. or, Zidon-rabbah.]

Misrefot-Maim(TB)/Misrefot-Mayim(TL) <04956> [Misrephoth-maim. or, salt pits. Heb. burning of waters.]


sampai Sidon-Besar

Kej 10:15; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:15]; Hak 18:7; [Lihat FULL. Hak 18:7] [Semua]

sampai Misrefot-Maim,

Yos 13:6

Yosua 10:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perkemahan(TB)/tentara(TL) <04264> [to the camp.]

melemparkan(TB)/mengelelotkan(TL) <02782> [none.]

Yosua 3:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


melonjak(TB)/lalu(TL) <06965> [rose up.]

Sartan(TB)/Zartan(TL) <06891> [Zaretan.]


[Zarthan. the salt sea.]

The passage through the Red Sea took place in the night, when the Israelites were fleeing from the Egyptians with great trepidation: but they passed Jordan in the day-time, with previous warning, leisurely, directly opposite to Jericho, and with a triumphant defiance of the Canaanites; this passage into the promised land evidently typifying the believer's passage through death to heaven.


itu mengalir.

Mazm 66:6; 74:15; 114:3 [Semua]

menjadi bendungan

Ayub 38:37; Mazm 33:7 [Semua]

sebelah Sartan,

1Raj 4:12; 7:46 [Semua]

yang turun

Yos 3:13

Laut Araba

Ul 1:1; [Lihat FULL. Ul 1:1]

Laut Asin,

Kej 14:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:3]


Kej 8:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 8:1]; Kel 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:22] [Semua]

tentangan Yerikho.

2Raj 2:4

Yosua 8:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


takut .... tawar hati gentar(TB)/takut(TL) <03372 02865> [Fear not.]

bawalah ... tentara .... orang ........... rakyatnya ........ rakyatnya(TB)/Ambillah(TL) <03947 05971> [take all.]

It would seem, from this verse, that all that were capable of bearing arms were to march out of the camp on this occasion: 30,000 formed an ambuscade in one place; and 5,000 were placed in another, who all gained their positions in the night. With the rest of the army, Joshua appeared the next morning before Ai, which the men of that city would naturally suppose was the whole of the Israelitish force and, consequently, be the more emboldened to come out and attack them. Some, however, think that 30,000 men were the whole that were employed on this occasion, 5,000 of whom were placed in ambush on the west of the city, between Bethel and Ai (ver. 12,) and, with the rest, Joshua appeared before the city in the morning. The king, seeing but about 25,000 coming against him, though he had but 12,000 persons in the whole city (ver. 25), determined to risk a battle, issued out, and was defeated by stratagem.

Ketahuilah ... serahkan ........ menyerahkan(TB)/bahwasanya(TL) <07200 05414> [see, I have.]


Judul : Ai dibinasakan

Perikop : Yos 8:1-29

Janganlah takut

Kej 26:24; Ul 31:6 [Semua]

tawar hati;

Bil 14:9; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:9]; Ul 1:21; [Lihat FULL. Ul 1:21] [Semua]

seluruh tentara

Yos 10:7

ke Ai.

Yos 7:2; 9:3; 10:1; 12:9 [Semua]

Aku serahkan

Yos 6:2; [Lihat FULL. Yos 6:2]

Yosua 10:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]


dengan batu-batu

Kel 9:18; [Lihat FULL. Kel 9:18]; Mazm 18:13; Yes 28:2,17; 32:19; Yeh 13:11,13 [Semua]

dari langit,

Hak 5:20

Yosua 24:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyeberangi(TB)/menyeberanglah(TL) <05674> [And ye.]

warga-warga(TB)/isi(TL) <01167> [the men.]


sungai Yordan

Kel 14:29; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:29]

ke Yerikho,

Yos 6:1

orang Feris,

Yos 3:10; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:10]

orang Yebus,

Kej 15:18-21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 15:18] s/d 21 [Semua]

dalam tanganmu.

Kel 23:23; Ul 7:1 [Semua]

Yosua 9:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


raja-raja(TB)/raja(TL) <04428> [all the kings.]

sebelah(TB/TL) <05676> [on this.]

Besar(TB)/besar(TL) <01419> [of the great.]

Libanon(TB/TL) <03844> [Lebanon.]

orang Het(TB)/Heti(TL) <02850> [Hittite.]


Judul : Penipuan orang Gibeon

Perikop : Yos 9:1-27

di Pegunungan,

Bil 13:17; [Lihat FULL. Bil 13:17]

Laut Besar

Bil 34:6; [Lihat FULL. Bil 34:6]

gunung Libanon,

Ul 3:25; [Lihat FULL. Ul 3:25]

orang Feris,

Kej 13:7; Yos 3:10; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:10] [Semua]

orang Hewi

Yos 9:7; Yos 11:19 [Semua]

orang Yebus,

Yos 3:10; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:10]

Yosua 22:6

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Yosua memberkati

Kej 24:60; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:60]; Kel 39:43; [Lihat FULL. Kel 39:43] [Semua]

Yosua 10:32

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Libna(TB/TL) <03841> [to Libnah.]

Yosua 8:33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Israel ........................................................ Israel(TB)/Israel ......................................................... Israel(TL) <03478> [all Israel.]

imam(TB/TL) <03548> [priests.]

pendatang(TB)/dagang(TL) <01616> [stranger.]

Musa(TB/TL) <04872> [Moses.]


orang Israel,

Im 16:29; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:29]

suku Lewi,

Ul 31:12

gunung Ebal,

Ul 11:29; Yoh 4:20 [Semua]

Yosua 23:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]

<02204> [waxed old.]

Lama ... pada sekali peristiwa ................. lanjut umur ........ umurnya(TB)/pada sekali peristiwa ..................... menjadi ..... umurnya(TL) <03117 0935> [stricken in age. Heb. come into days.]


Judul : Pidato perpisahan Yosua kepada para pemimpin bangsa itu

Perikop : Yos 23:1-16

mengaruniakan keamanan

Ul 12:9; [Lihat FULL. Ul 12:9]; Yos 21:44 [Semua]

lanjut umur,

Yos 13:1; [Lihat FULL. Yos 13:1]

Yosua 10:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible

Yosua 3:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tapak(TL) <03709> [the soles.]

TUHAN(TB)/Hua(TL) <03068> [of the Lord.]

berhenti mengalir ... bendungan ....... suatu(TB)/berhenti(TL) <05975 0259> [stand upon.]


semesta bumi,

Yos 3:11; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:11]

akan terputus;

Yos 4:7

dari hulu

Yos 3:16

menjadi bendungan.

Kel 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:22]; Yes 11:15; [Lihat FULL. Yes 11:15] [Semua]


Yosua 7:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


didapati(TB)/ditunjuk(TL) <03920> [he that is.]

melanggar ..... berbuat(TB)/dilangkahkannya ...... diperbuatnya(TL) <05674 06213> [he hath.]

berbuat(TB)/diperbuatnya(TL) <06213> [wrought.]

noda(TB)/kebencian(TL) <05039> [folly. or, wickedness.]


menyimpan barang-barang

Yos 6:18

dengan api,

Ul 7:25; 2Raj 25:9; 1Taw 14:12; Yes 37:19; Yer 43:12; Yeh 30:16 [Semua]

ada padanya,

1Sam 14:39

melanggar perjanjian

Yos 7:11; [Lihat FULL. Yos 7:11]

orang Israel.

Kej 34:7

Yosua 21:44

TSK Full Life Study Bible



mereka keamanan

Kel 33:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 33:14]

semua musuhnya

Ul 6:19; [Lihat FULL. Ul 6:19]

semua musuhnya

Kel 23:31; [Lihat FULL. Kel 23:31]

kepada mereka.

Ul 21:10

Yosua 22:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kesalahan(TL) <05771> [Is the iniquity.]

mentahirkan(TB)/disucikan(TL) <02891> [from which.]


di Peor

Bil 23:28; [Lihat FULL. Bil 23:28]; Bil 25:1-9 [Semua]

Yosua 10:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Setelah(TB)/selesai(TL) <03615> [had made.]

kota-kota ... diperkuat kota(TB)/kota benteng(TL) <05892 04013> [fenced cities.]


sama sekali

Ul 20:16

ke kota-kota

2Taw 11:10; Yer 4:5; 5:17; 8:14; 35:11 [Semua]

Yosua 15:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Berikanlah ... hadiah ... kauberikan ..... berkat berikanlah .... mata air ... diberikannyalah ... mata air ...... mata mata air ........ mata air(TB)/Berikanlah .......... memberi ....... berikanlah ........... diberikannyalah(TL) <05414 01293 01543> [Give me.]

hadiah(TB)/berkat(TL) <01293> [a blessing.]


yang gersang,

Yos 10:40; [Lihat FULL. Yos 10:40]

mata air

Kej 36:24

Yosua 21:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Lewi(TB/TL) <03881> [unto the Levites.]

Yosua 7:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyuruh .... menyeberangi(TB)/menyuruh ..... menyeberang(TL) <05674> [wherefore.]

diserahkan(TB/TL) <05414> [to deliver.]

kalau(TB)/jikalau(TL) <03863> [would to.]

tinggal(TB/TL) <03427> [and dwelt.]


ALLAH, mengapa

1Sam 4:3

untuk dibinasakan?

Kel 5:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 5:22]; Bil 14:16; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:16] [Semua]

Yosua 13:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kiryataim(TB)/Kiryatayim(TL) <07156> [And Kirjathaim.]

This city, according to Eusebius, was situated ten miles west of Medeba.


Called Shibmah, Nu 32:38, and celebrated for its vines Jer 48:32. Isa 16:8, 9; on which last place, Jerome says, there were scarcely 500 paces between it and Heshbon.



Bil 32:37; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:37]


Bil 32:3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:3]

Yosua 2:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menurunkan(TB)/diulurkannya(TL) <03381> [she let them.]

rumahnya(TB/TL) <01004> [for her house.]


dengan tali

Yer 38:6,11 [Semua]

melalui jendela,

Yos 2:18,21; Kej 26:8; Hak 5:28; 1Sam 19:12 [Semua]

Yosua 11:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


puing(TB)/bukit(TL) <08510> [in their. Heb. on their heap.]

The Vulgate, Syriac, Onkelos and Waterland render {Æ’l tillom,} "on their hills." As the cities of the plain might be easily attacked and carried, Joshua destroyed them; but as those on mountains, hills, or other eminences, might be retained by him with little trouble, prudence would dictate their preservation.

Yosua 22:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tanah ...... Gilead Gilead tanah(TB)/tanah ...... tanah Gilead ... tanah(TL) <01568 0776> [the country of Gilead.]


Judul : Suku-suku di seberang Yordan mendirikan mezbah

Perikop : Yos 22:9-34

dari Silo

Yos 18:1

tanah Gilead,

Bil 32:26; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:26]

Yosua 10:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Matahari(TB)/matahari(TL) <08121> [Sun.]

Joshua doubtless acted, on this occasion, by an immediate impulse upon his mind from the Spirit of God. The terms here employed to record the miracle, agree with the accustomed manner in which the the motions of the earth and sun are described in our own day. The sun apparently moves, but really is stationary; while the diurnal movement of the earth on its axis is by us unnoticed, and would not have been known except by astronomical science. The sun appeared to the Israelites over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Ajalon, and there they stayed in their course for "a whole day." Many vain enquiries have been made concerning the way in which this miracle was wrought, and many difficulties and objections have been urged against understanding it literally. But the fact is authenticated by the Divine testimony; and the manner in which it was accomplished lies entirely out of our province, because beyond our comprehension.

berhentilah(TB/TL) <01826> [stand thou. Heb. be silent.]

Ayalon(TB/TL) <0357> [Ajalon.]



orang Amori

Am 2:9

lembah Ayalon!

Yos 19:42; 21:24; Hak 1:35; 12:12; 1Sam 14:31; 1Taw 6:69; 8:13; 2Taw 11:10; 28:18 [Semua]


Yosua 22:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Allah Allah ... TUHAN Allah .... TUHAN .... Allah ...................... TUHAN(TB)/Allah ........ Hua ... Allah ...................... Tuhan(TL) <0410 03068> [Lord God.]

[Yeh“vƒh <\\See definition 03068\\> el“hŒym <\\See definition 0430\\> ˆl <\\See definition 0410\\>,] {El Elohim Yehowah,} literally "The strong God, Elohim Jehovah," which is nearly the version of Luther, {der starte Gott, der Herr,} "The strong God, the Lord."

mengetahui ...... mengetahuinya(TB)/mengetahui ..... mengetahui(TL) <03045> [he knoweth.]

Israel(TB)/Israelpun(TL) <03478> [Israel.]

sekiranya(TB)/murtad(TL) <04777> [if it be.]


Tuhan, Allah

Ul 10:17; [Lihat FULL. Ul 10:17]

allah, Tuhan,

Mazm 50:1

yang mengetahui,

1Sam 2:3; 16:7; 1Raj 8:39; 1Taw 28:9; Mazm 11:4; 40:10; 44:22; 139:4; Yer 17:10 [Semua]

Yosua 20:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Lalu .... mengkhususkan(TB)/disucikanlah(TL) <06942> [appointed. Heb. sanctified. Kedesh.]

Kedesh, called Cadesa, or Caidesa, by Josephus, was situated in Upper Galilee, twenty miles south-east from Tyre, according to Eusebius. The cities of refuge were distributed through the land at proper distances from each other, that they might be convenient to every part of the land; and it is said they were situated on eminences, that they might be easily seen at a distance; the roads leading to them being broad, even, and always kept in good repair. Kedesh and Hebron were at the two extremities of the land, the former being in Galilee, and the latter in Judah, both in mountainous districts, and Shechem was in mount Ephraim, nearly in the centre. Bezer was east of Jordan, in the eastern part of the plain opposite Jericho; Ramoth was about the midst of the country of the two tribes and a half, being about the middle of the mountains of Gilead; and Golan, the capital of Gaulonitis, was situated in the tribe of Manasseh, in the land of Bashan. As this institution is considered as a type of Christ, some expositors observe a significancy in the names of these cities with application to Him as Our Refuge. Kedesh signifies holy, and our refuge is the holy Jesus. Shechem, a shoulder, "and the government is upon his shoulder." Hebron, fellowship, and believers are called into the fellowship of Christ Jesus our Lord. Bezer, a fortification, for he is a strong hold to all them that trust in him. Ramoth, high, or exalted, for him hath God exalted with his own right hand. Golan, joy, or exultation, for in him all the saints are justified, and shall glory.

Sikhem(TB/TL) <07927> [Shechem.]

Kiryat-Arba(TB/TL) <07153> [Kirjath-arba.]

pegunungan ...... pegunungan ........ pegunungan(TB)/pegunungan ......... pegunungan ........... pegunungan(TL) <02022> [mountain.]



Yos 12:22; [Lihat FULL. Yos 12:22]

dan Sikhem,

Kej 12:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:6]

dan Kiryat-Arba,

Kej 35:27; [Lihat FULL. Kej 35:27]

itulah Hebron,

Yos 10:36; [Lihat FULL. Yos 10:36]

pegunungan Yehuda.

Luk 1:39

Yosua 24:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


saksi ................ saksi(TB)/saksi ...................... saksi(TL) <05707> [Ye are witnesses.]

Ye have been sufficiently apprised of the difficulties in your way--of God's holiness, and the nature of his service--your own weakness, inconstancy, and insufficiency--your need of the Divine help, and the hope of assistance held out in the law--and the awful consequences of apostasy: and now ye make your choice. Remember then that ye are witnesses against yourselves; and your own conscience will be witness, judge, and executioner.

memilih(TB/TL) <0977> [ye have.]


Kamulah saksi

Yos 24:27; Rut 4:10; Yes 8:2; 43:10; 44:8; Yer 42:5; Mal 2:14 [Semua]

telah memilih

Mazm 119:30,173 [Semua]

Kamilah saksi!

Ul 25:9; [Lihat FULL. Ul 25:9]

Yosua 8:32

TSK Full Life Study Bible



itu, dituliskan

Ul 27:8

Yosua 24:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


A curious coincidence of circumstances is related by Livy, the Roman historian: he writes that "when three ambassadors were sent from Rome to complain of the perfidious conduct of the ’qui, the General informed them, that they might deliver their message to an oak which shaded his tent." On this one of the ambassadors turning away, said, "This venerable oak, and all the gods, shall know that you have violated the peace; they shall now hear our complaints; and may they also soon be witnesses, when we revenge with our arms the violation of divine and human rights." It is worthy of remark that Joshua merely set up a pillar under an oak,--the one, perhaps, to protect the other; while the General directed the ambassadors to address the oak, perhaps with an idolatrous feeling that they were addressing one of the gods, who would aid his cause; while the Roman ambassadors caught the feeling, and really invoked the aid of the oak and the gods.

didengarnya(TB/TL) <08085> [it hath.]

menyangkal(TB)/mungkir(TL) <03584> [deny.]


Sesungguhnya batu

Kej 28:18; [Lihat FULL. Kej 28:18]; Hab 2:11 [Semua]

menjadi saksi

Yos 24:22; [Lihat FULL. Yos 24:22]; Kej 21:30; [Lihat FULL. Kej 21:30]; Yos 22:27; [Lihat FULL. Yos 22:27] [Semua]

jangan menyangkal

Yos 7:11; [Lihat FULL. Yos 7:11]


Bil 11:20; [Lihat FULL. Bil 11:20]; Ams 30:9; [Lihat FULL. Ams 30:9] [Semua]

Yosua 2:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tahu(TB)/Kuketahui(TL) <03045> [I know.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [that the Lord.]

kengerian(TB)/ketakutan(TL) <0367> [your terror.]

gemetar(TB)/hanyut(TL) <04127> [faint. Heb. melt.]


bahwa kengerian

Kej 35:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 35:5]; Kel 15:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 15:14] [Semua]

Yosua 9:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bersumpah(TB)/berjanji(TL) <07650> [had sworn.]


telah bersumpah

Yos 9:15; Hak 21:1,7,18; 1Sam 20:17; Mazm 16:4 [Semua]

Lalu bersungut-sungutlah

Kel 15:24; [Lihat FULL. Kel 15:24]

Yosua 24:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berbalik(TB)/berpaling(TL) <07725> [he will turn.]


meninggalkan Tuhan

1Taw 28:9,20; 2Taw 24:18 [Semua]

akan berbalik

Kis 7:42

tidak baik

1Sam 12:25; Hos 13:11 [Semua]

membinasakan kamu,

Yos 23:15

Yosua 5:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yosua(TB)/Yusak(TL) <03091> [Joshua.]

Bukit Kulit Khatan ...... kulup(TB)/bukit kulup(TL) <06190 01389> [the hill of the foreskins. or, Gibeah haaraloth.]

Yosua 21:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


diberikan(TB)/diberikannyalah(TL) <05414> [And they.]

<0704 07151> [the city of Arba. or, Kirjath-arba.]

Hebron(TB)/Heberon(TL) <02275> [is Hebron.]

pegunungan(TB/TL) <02022> [in the hill.]


diberikan Kiryat-Arba,

Kej 23:2; [Lihat FULL. Kej 23:2]

itulah Hebron

Yos 10:36; [Lihat FULL. Yos 10:36]

Yosua 21:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sikhem(TB/TL) <07927> [Shechem.]

Gezer(TB/TL) <01507> [Gezer.]


diberikan Sikhem,

Yos 17:7; [Lihat FULL. Yos 17:7]

Efraim, Gezer

Yos 10:33; [Lihat FULL. Yos 10:33]

Yosua 23:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menempuh(TB)/berlaku(TL) <01980> [I am going.]

satupun sepatah ........ perkataan ................ satupun .... sepatah(TB)/sepatah ........ perkataan ................... sepatah(TL) <01697 0259> [not one thing.]


yang fana.

1Raj 2:2


Mazm 119:140; 145:13 [Semua]

tidak dipenuhi.

Yos 21:45; [Lihat FULL. Yos 21:45]

Yosua 4:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible



di tanah

Kel 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:22]

Yosua 8:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kota negeri .... membakarnya(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892 03341> [set the city.]

ingatlah ... perintahku pesanku(TB) <07200 06680> [See, I have.]


kamu membakarnya;

Hak 20:29-38 [Semua]

dengan firman

Yos 8:19

Yosua 9:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


murka(TB/TL) <07110> [lest wrath.]


karena sumpah

Kej 24:8; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:8]

Yosua 9:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tanganmu .... kuasa(TB) <02009 03027> [we are.]

kaupandang(TB)/pemandangan(TL) <05869> [as it seemeth.]


dalam tanganmu;

Kej 16:6

dan benar

Yer 26:14

Yosua 24:33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Eleazar(TB)/Eliazar(TL) <0499> [Eleazar.]

mati(TB)/matilah(TL) <04191> [died.]

Pinehas(TB/TL) <06372> [Phinehas.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON JOSHUA. The Book of Joshua is one of the most important documents in the Old Testament. The rapid conquest of the Promised Land, and the actual settlement of the Israelites in it, afford a striking accomplishment of the Divine predictions to Abraham and the succeeding patriarchs; and at the same time bear the most unequivocal and ample testimony to the authenticity of this sacred book. Several of the transactions related in it are confirmed in a very extraordinary manner, by the traditions current among heathen nations, and preserved by ancient profane historians of undoubted character. Thus there are monuments still in existence, which prove that the Carthaginians were a colony of Syrians who escaped from Joshua; as also that the inhabitants of Leptis, in Africa, came originally from the Sidonians, who abandoned their country on account of the calamities with which it was overwhelmed. Procopius relates that the Phoenicians fled before the Hebrews into Africa, and spread themselves abroad as far as the pillars of Hercules; and adds, "In Numidia, where now stands the city Tigisis (Tangiers), they have erected two columns, on which, in Phoenician characters, is the following inscription:--"We are the Phoenicians who fled from the face of Jesus (Joshua) the son of Naue" (Nun).


bin Harun

Yos 22:13; [Lihat FULL. Yos 22:13]

di bukit

Yos 15:57; [Lihat FULL. Yos 15:57]

kepada Pinehas,

Kel 6:24; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:24]

di pegunungan

1Sam 9:4; 1Raj 4:8 [Semua]

Yosua 7:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


terdengar(TB)/kedengaranlah(TL) <08085> [shall hear.]

mengepung(TB)/dikepungnya(TL) <05437> [environ.]

Kaulakukan(TB)/Kauperbuat(TL) <06213> [what wilt thou.]


dari bumi

Kel 32:12; Ul 9:28; [Lihat FULL. Ul 9:28] [Semua]

memulihkan nama-Mu

Ul 28:58; 1Sam 12:22; Mazm 48:11; 106:8; Yer 14:21 [Semua]

Yosua 2:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible

Yosua 9:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Gibeon(TB/TL) <01391> [Gibeon.]

Yerikho(TB/TL) <03405> [Jericho.]


negeri Gibeon

Yos 9:17; Yos 10:10; 11:19; 18:25; 21:17; 2Sam 2:12; 5:25; 20:8; 1Raj 3:4; 9:2; 1Taw 8:29; 14:16; 16:39; 21:29; 2Taw 1:3; Neh 3:7; Yes 28:21; Yer 28:1; 41:12 [Semua]

dan Ai,

Kej 12:8; Yos 8:1; [Lihat FULL. Yos 8:1] [Semua]

Yosua 9:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bersumpah(TB)/berjanji(TL) <07650> [We have.]

Yosua 10:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


takut ... gentar tawar hati(TB)/takut(TL) <03372 02865> [Fear not.]

kuatkan(TB)/hendaklah ... perwira(TL) <02388> [be strong.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [thus shall.]


teguhkanlah hatimu,

Ul 31:6; [Lihat FULL. Ul 31:6]

Yosua 11:2-3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


utara(TB/TL) <06828> [on the north.]

Kinerot(TB/TL) <03672> [Chinneroth.]

Jerome and others suppose this city to be same as was afterwards called Tiberias, now Tabaria, situated on the western shore of the lake of the same name.

[See on]


[Gennesaret. Dor.]


di Araba

Yos 11:16; Ul 1:1; [Lihat FULL. Ul 1:1]; Yos 12:1; 18:18 [Semua]

selatan Kinerot,

Bil 34:11; [Lihat FULL. Bil 34:11]; Ul 3:17; Yos 19:35; 1Raj 15:20 [Semua]

bukit Dor

Yos 12:23; 17:11; Hak 1:27; 1Raj 4:11; 1Taw 7:29 [Semua]


Yebus(TB)/Yebuzi(TL) <02983> [the Jebusite.]

Hewi(TB/TL) <02340> [Hivite.]

Hermon(TB/TL) <02768> [Hermon.]

tanah(TB)/benua(TL) <0776> [land.]


orang Feris,

Yos 3:10; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:10]

di pegunungan

Bil 13:17

orang Hewi

Kel 3:8; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:8]; Ul 7:1; Hak 3:3,5; 1Raj 9:20 [Semua]

gunung Hermon,

Ul 3:8; [Lihat FULL. Ul 3:8]

tanah Mizpa.

Yos 11:8; Kej 31:49; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:49]; Yos 15:38; 18:26; Hak 11:11; 20:1; 21:1; 1Sam 7:5,6; 1Raj 15:22; 2Raj 25:23 [Semua]

Yosua 19:50

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Timnat-Serah(TB/TL) <08556> [Timnath-serah.]



yakni Timnat-Serah

Yos 24:30; Hak 2:9 [Semua]

Yosua 22:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible



mengambil barang-barang

Yos 7:1

segenap umat

Im 10:6

kena murka?

Mazm 7:12

karena dosanya.

Yos 7:5

Yosua 23:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


melihat(TB/TL) <07200> [And ye.]

TUHAN ........... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ........... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [for the.]


bagi kamu.

Kel 14:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:14]; Ul 20:4; [Lihat FULL. Ul 20:4] [Semua]

Yosua 23:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bergaul(TB) <0935> [That ye come.]

Have no civil or social contacts with them, as these will infallibly lead to spiritual affinities, in consequence of which, ye will make honourable "mention of the name of their gods," "swear by them" "and serve" them in their abominable rites; and "bow yourselves unto them," as your creators and preservers. All this will follow by simply coming among them. He who walks in the counsel of the ungodly, will soon stand in the way of sinners, and sit in the seat of scorners.

mengakui ........... beribadah(TB)/sebut ............ bakti(TL) <02142 05647> [neither.]

bersumpah(TB/TL) <07650> [to swear.]


dan bersumpah

Kel 23:13; Yer 5:7; 12:16 [Semua]

atau sujud

Kel 20:5; [Lihat FULL. Kel 20:5]

Yosua 2:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bersumpahlah(TB)/berjanjilah(TL) <07650> [swear.]

berlaku ....... berlaku(TB)/berbuat(TL) <06213> [that ye will.]

keluargaku(TB)/bapaku(TL) <01> [my father's.]

berikanlah ....... dipercaya ...... amanat(TB)/berikanlah(TL) <05414 0571> [give me.]


sekarang, bersumpahlah

Kej 24:8; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:8]; Kej 47:31; [Lihat FULL. Kej 47:31] [Semua]

berlaku ramah

Kej 24:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:12]; Rut 3:10 [Semua]

suatu tanda

Kej 24:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:14]; Kel 3:12; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:12]; Yos 4:6; 1Sam 2:34; 2Raj 19:29 [Semua]

Yosua 7:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Tetapi .... berubah(TB)/melangkah(TL) <04603> [committed.]

Akhan(TB/TL) <05912> [for Achan.]

[Achar, Zimri. took.]

murka(TB/TL) <0639> [the anger.]


Judul : Dosa dan hukuman Akhan

Perikop : Yos 7:1-26

mengambil barang-barang

Yos 6:18; [Lihat FULL. Yos 6:18]

karena Akhan

Yos 7:26; 1Taw 2:7 [Semua]

bin Zerah,

Yos 22:20

suku Yehuda,

Yos 7:18; Bil 1:4 [Semua]

Lalu bangkitlah

Kel 4:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 4:14]; Kel 32:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:20] [Semua]

orang Israel.

Im 10:6; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:6]

Catatan Frasa: AKHAN ... MURKA TUHAN.

Yosua 10:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bangsa(TB)/orang banyak(TL) <01471> [until.]

Orang Jujur(TB)/Mustakim(TL) <03477> [Jasher. or, the upright.]

matahari ...................... Matahari(TB)/mataharipun ...................... mataharipun(TL) <08121> [So the sun.]


Maka berhentilah

Hab 3:11

Orang Jujur?

2Sam 1:18

tidak bergerak

Yes 38:8


Yosua 22:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tidak setia

Ul 7:3; [Lihat FULL. Ul 7:3]; 1Sam 13:13; 15:11 [Semua]

demikian memberontak

Ul 12:13-14 [Semua]

Yosua 23:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


murka(TB/TL) <0639> [then shall.]

binasa(TB/TL) <06> [perish.]


diberikan-Nya kepadamu.

Ul 4:25-26 [Semua]

TIP #23: Gunakan Studi Kamus dengan menggunakan indeks kata atau kotak pencarian. [SEMUA]
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