kalah <03615>

hlk kalah

Asal Mula:a primitive root
Referensi:TWOT - 982 983 984
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Ibrani:hlk 25, wlk 20, lkyw 13, hlkw 12, twlkk 9, wlkyw 8, htlk 8, wtlkk 7, twlkl 7, wlky 6, Mtwlk 5, twlkkw 5, lktw 4, hlkt 4, wtlk 4, Mtylk 3, hnylkt 3, ytylk 3, whlkyw 3, hlka 3, ytylkw 3, twlk 3, hlkm 2, hlkaw 2, Mtwlkkw 2, hlky 2, hlkl 2, Mtlk 2, wnylk 2, ytwlk 2, hnlkt 2, twlkb 1, Mlk 1, Mtylkw 1, wtlkw 1, Kytylkw 1, wnlk 1, tylkw 1, Mtwlkl 1, lky 1, Nwylky 1, Ktwlk 1, Mytylk 1, Mlkaw 1, twlkm 1, lkyw o 1, wlkyh 1, ytwlkb 1, Ktwlkb 1, Mtlklw 1, Mtlkl 1, tlkk 1, ynwlk 1, Ktlkk 1, htlkw 1, hnylktw 1, Klka 1, Ktwlkk 1, Mwlk 1
Dalam TB:selesai 42, habis 19, membinasakan 12, menyelesaikan 7, habis lenyap 7, berakhir 7, melampiaskan 7, menghabiskan 6, habis binasa 5, diselesaikan 4, mengakhiri 4, membuat rusak 2, menghabisi 2, menggenapkan 2, mengambil keputusan 2, lenyap 2, habisilah 2, Habis 2, Kuhancurkan 2, akhir 2, dibinasakan 2, kuhabiskan 2, lewat 2, puas 2, merindukan 2, rabun 2, diputuskan 1, putus niat 1, dihabiskannya 1, dihabiskan-Nya 1, digenapi 1, diselesaikannya 1, selesaikanlah 1, susutlah 1, habis terbakar 1, punah sama sekali 1, habis berlalu 1, terlaksana 1, dibuatnyalah 1, dibinasakan-Nya 1, Sehabis 1, Sekianlah 1, Kuhabisi 1, Kutembakkan 1, sampai 1, Selesaikan 1, remuk 1, habis-habis 1, diakhiri 1, binasa 1, tewas 1, Kuhabiskan 1, pudar 1, memusnahkan 1, memusnahkannya 1, nyeri 1, membuat habis 1, membinasakannya 1, menaruh 1, musnah 1, menyelesaikannya 1, menguruskeringkan 1, menghabisinya 1, merana 1, meremukkan 1, seluruhnya 1, melepaskan 1, kausabit habis-habis 1, kusam 1, hidup 1, hancur 1, selesailah 1, penuh 1, lesu 1, tidak lagi marah 1, melakukan 1, mati 1, selesaikan 1, habis-habisnya 1
Dalam AV:consume 57, end 44, finish 20, fail 18, accomplish 12, done 9, spend 8, ended 7, determined 4, away 3, fulfil 3, fainteth 2, destroy 2, left 2, waste 2, misc 13
Definisi : 1) to accomplish, cease, consume, determine, end, fail, finish, be complete, be accomplished, be ended, be at an end, be finished, be spent 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to be complete, be at an end 1a2) to be completed, be finished 1a3) to be accomplished, be fulfilled 1a4) to be determined, be plotted (bad sense) 1a5) to be spent, be used up 1a6) to waste away, be exhausted, fail 1a7) to come to an end, vanish, perish, be destroyed 1b) (Piel) 1b1) to complete, bring to an end, finish 1b2) to complete (a period of time) 1b3) to finish (doing a thing) 1b4) to make an end, end 1b5) to accomplish, fulfil, bring to pass 1b6) to accomplish, determine (in thought) 1b7) to put an end to, cause to cease 1b8) to cause to fail, exhaust, use up, spend 1b9) to destroy, exterminate 1c) (Pual) to be finished, be ended, be completed
a primitive root; to end, whether intransitive (to cease, be finished, perish) or transitived (to complete, prepare, consume): KJV -- accomplish, cease, consume (away), determine, destroy (utterly), be (when ... were) done, (be an) end (of), expire, (cause to) fail, faint, finish, fulfil, X fully, X have, leave (off), long, bring to pass, wholly reap, make clean riddance, spend, quite take away, waste.
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