Y@buwciy <02983>

yowby Y@buwciy

Asal Mula:from 02982
Jenis Kata:n patr m (noun patrial masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:yowbyhw 19, yowbyh 15, yobyh 4, yowby 1, yowbyk 1, yoby 1
Dalam TB:orang Yebus 36, Yebus 3, orang Yebusi 2
Dalam AV:Jebusite 39, Jebusi 2
Definisi : Jebusite = "descendants of Jebus" 1) descendants of the 3rd son of Canaan who lived in or around the site of Jebus, the early name for Jerusalem
patrial from 2982; a Jebusite or inhabitant of Jebus: KJV -- Jebusite(-s).
see HEBREW for 02982
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:bangsa Yebus (FAYH)
gunung Yebus (TB)
orang Yebus (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH)
orang Yebusi (TB)
orang Yesbuzi (TL)
orang-orang Yebus (FAYH)
Yebus (TB, BIS, FAYH)
Yebusi (BIS)
Yebuzi (TL)

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