gay' <01516>

ayg gay' or (shortened) yg gay

Pelafalan:gah'-ee gah'-ee
Asal Mula:probably from the same root as 01466 (abbreviated), Greek 1067 geenna
Referensi:TWOT - 343
Jenis Kata:n m/f (noun masculine/feminime)
Dalam Ibrani:ayg 15, aygb 13, yg 9, aygh 6, ygb 3, aygw 2, twyaglw 2, twyagh 2, ygbw 1, *twyaglw {tyaglw} 1, ygl 1, ayghw 1, twyag 1, yghw 1, *twyagh {twaygh} 1, Kytwagw 1
Dalam TB:lembah 27, Lembah 17, Lebak 6, lembah-lembah 5, lebak 3, Gat 1, lembah-lembahmu 1
Dalam AV:valley 60
Definisi : 1) valley, a steep valley, narrow gorge
or (shortened) gay {gah'-ee}; probably (by transmutation) from the same root as 1466 (abbreviated); a gorge (from its lofty sides; hence, narrow, but not a gully or winter-torrent): KJV -- valley.
see HEBREW for 01466
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Pintu Gerbang Lebak (FAYH)
Pintu gerbang Lebak (TB)
Pintu Gerbang Lembah (BIS)
pintu Lembah (TL)

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