kaph <03709>

Pk kaph

Asal Mula:from 03721
Referensi:TWOT - 1022a
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Ibrani:Pk 37, ypk 22, Pkm 19, wypk 13, Pkb 10, twpk 10, Mypk 8, ypkb 7, wpkb 6, wpk 6, Kypk 5, Pkmw 4, twpkh 4, hypk 4, Pkh 3, twpkw 3, Kpk 3, Mkypk 2, Pkl 2, twpkhw 2, Mhypkb 2, hpk 2, wypkw 2, Pkk 2, Pkw 2, ypkbw 1, tpk 1, wytpkw 1, tpkh 1, wnypk 1, Kpkb 1, wytpk 1, wmypk 1, hkpk 1, *Pkb {Kpkb} 1, Mhypk 1, *wypk {wpk} 1, hypkw 1
Dalam TB:tangan 32, tangannya 20, cawan 16, telapak 16, tanganku 13, telapak tangan 11, tanganmu 8, cengkeraman 6, cawan-cawan 4, bertepuk tangan 3, tangan-Mu 3, genggaman 3, segenggam 2, cawannya 2, membuat persetujuan 2, dibubuhnya 2, sendi pangkal 2, tangan-Ku 2, Tangan 2, Segenggam 1, ditangkap 1, Bertepuklah 1, genggamku 1, dipergunakan 1, dilakukannya 1, jari-jarinya 1, bokor-bokor penyiramannya 1, bertepuktanganlah 1, cawan-cawannya 1, pegangan 1, tapak 1, tangannya terpenggal 1, tangan-Nya 1, telapak kakinya 1, telapak tangan-Ku 1, telapak tangannya 1, telapak tanganku 1, setapak kaki 1, sendi 1, pangkal 1, kuku 1, jerih payahku 1, tempat tumpuan 1, pelepah-pelepah 1, salang 1, persetujuan 1, jarinya 1
Dalam AV:hand 128, spoon 24, sole 19, palm 5, hollow 3, handful 2, apiece 1, branches 1, breadth + 04096 1, clouds 1, misc 7
Definisi : 1) palm, hand, sole, palm of the hand, hollow or flat of the hand 1a) palm, hollow or flat of the hand 1b) power 1c) sole (of the foot) 1d) hollow, objects, bending objects, bent objects 1d1) of thigh-joint 1d2) pan, vessel (as hollow) 1d3) hollow (of sling) 1d4) hand-shaped branches or fronds (of palm trees) 1d5) handles (as bent)
from 3721; the hollow hand or palm (so of the paw of an animal, of the sole, and even of the bowl of a dish or sling, the handle of a bolt, the leaves of a palm-tree); figuratively, power: KJV -- branch, + foot, hand((-ful), -dle, (-led)), hollow, middle, palm, paw, power, sole, spoon.
see HEBREW for 03721
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