Kejadian 24:1-67
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
tua(TB)/tualah(TL) <02204> [was old.] lanjut umurnya umurnya(TB)/umurnya(TL) <03117 0935> [well stricken in age. Heb. gone into days. blessed.] |
Judul : Ribka dipinang bagi Ishak Perikop : Kej 24:1-67 lanjut umurnya, Kej 17:17; [Lihat FULL. Kej 17:17]; Yos 23:1 [Semua] serta diberkati segala hal. |
tua(TB/TL) <02205> [eldest.] kuasa(TB)/memerintahkan(TL) <04910> [ruled.] letakkan(TB)/Bubuhlah(TL) <07760> [Put.] |
kepada hambanya Kej 15:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 15:3] segala kepunyaannya, pangkal pahaku, |
sumpahmu(TB)/bersumpah(TL) <07650> [swear.] 21:23 26:28-31 31:44-53 50:25 Ex 20:7 22:11 23:13 Le 19:12
Nu 5:21 De 6:13 10:20 Jos 2:12 1Sa 20:17 Ne 13:25 Isa 45:23
Isa 48:1 65:16 Jer 4:2 12:16 Zep 1:5 Heb 6:16 [Semua]
TUHAN Allah ........ bumi ............. perempuan Kanaan(TB)/Tuhan ... Allah .... Allah bumi .............. perempuan ... Kanani(TL) <03068 0430 0776 01323 03669> [the.] mengambil(TB)/mengambilkan(TL) <03947> [that.] |
mengambil sumpahmu empunya langit empunya bumi, Kej 14:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:19]; Bil 20:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 20:14] [Semua] untuk anakku perempuan Kanaan Kej 10:15-19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:15] s/d 19 [Semua] aku diam. Catatan Frasa: TIDAK AKAN MENGAMBIL ... SEORANG ISTERI. |
sanak(TB)/kaum(TL) <04138> [to my kindred.] There does not appear in all this concern the least taint of worldly policy, or any of those motives which usually govern men in the settlement of their children. No mention is made of riches, or honours, or natural accomplishments, but merely of what related to God.--Fuller. |
sanak saudaraku Kej 12:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:1]; Hak 14:3 [Semua] bagi Ishak, Kej 24:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:29]; Kej 21:21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 21:21] [Semua] |
perempuan(TB/TL) <0802> [Peradventure.] |
negeri ini; tuanku keluar? |
ke sana. |
TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [Lord.] memanggil ...................................... mengambil(TB)/mengeluarkan ....................................... mengambil(TL) <03947> [took.] berfirman(TB/TL) <01696> [which spake.] 13:15 15:18 17:8 22:16-18 26:3,4,24 Ex 13:5 32:13 Nu 14:16,30
Nu 32:11 De 1:8 34:4 Jos 1:6 Jud 2:1 Ac 7:5 Heb 11:9 [Semua]
malaikat-Nya(TB)/malaekat-Nya(TL) <04397> [angel.] |
empunya langit, dari negeri kepada keturunanmulah negeri ini Kej 12:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:7] di depanmu, Kej 16:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:7] |
engkau ... lepaslah(TB)/lepaslah(TL) <05352> [clear.] kembali(TB)/pula(TL) <07725> [only.] |
dari sumpahmu Kej 24:41; Yos 2:12,17,20; 9:20 [Semua] ke sana. Kej 24:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:6] |
pangkal paha Kej 24:2; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:2] Abraham, tuannya, |
barang berharga(TB)/harta(TL) <02898> [for. or, and. all the.] Aram-Mesopotamia(TB)/Mesopotamia(TL) <0763> [Mesopotamia.] kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [city.] |
dari unta Kej 24:19; 1Raj 10:2; 1Taw 12:40; Yes 30:6 [Semua] berbagai-bagai barang Kej 24:22,30,47,53; Kej 43:11; 45:23 [Semua] menuju Aram-Mesopotamia Bil 23:7; Ul 23:4; Hak 3:8 [Semua] kota Nahor. Kej 11:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:29] |
disuruhnyalah(TB)/diderumkannyalah(TL) <01288> [kneel.] keluar ... menimba(TB)/ke luar ... menimba(TL) <07579 03318> [women go out to draw water. Heb. women which draw water go forth.] |
suatu sumur, menimba air. Kej 24:13; Kej 29:2,9-10; Kel 2:16; 1Sam 9:11; Yoh 4:7 [Semua] |
TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [O Lord.] tujuanku(TB)/berjumpa(TL) <06440> [I pray.] |
tuanku Abraham, Kej 24:27,42,48; Kej 26:24; 28:13; 31:42,53; 32:9; 43:23; 46:3; Kel 3:6,15,16; 4:5; 1Raj 18:36; Mazm 75:10; 94:7 [Semua] tercapai tujuanku Kej 24:21,40,51,56; Kej 27:20; Neh 1:11 [Semua] kasih setia-Mu Kej 19:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 19:19]; Yos 2:12; Ayub 10:12 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: LALU BERKATALAH IA, "TUHAN, ... " |
berdiri(TB/TL) <05324> [I stand.] perempuan(TB)/anak-anak perempuan(TL) <01323> [daughters.] |
menimba air. Kej 24:11,43; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:11]; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:43]; Kej 29:8 [Semua] |
gadis(TB)/dayang(TL) <05291> [And let.] Kautentukan(TB)/tentukan(TL) <03198> [she that.] maka ..... kuketahui(TB)/ketahui(TL) <03045> [thereby.] |
menjawab: Minumlah, unta-untamu juga hamba-Mu, Ishak; akan kuketahui, Yos 2:12; Hak 6:17,37; 1Sam 14:10; 1Raj 13:3; Mazm 86:17; Yes 38:7; Yer 44:29 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: UNTA-UNTAMU JUGA AKAN KUBERI MINUM. |
selesai(TB)/habis(TL) <03615> [before.] Ribka(TB)/Ribkah(TL) <07259> [Rebekah.] Milka(TB/TL) <04435> [Milcah.] buyungnya(TB)/buyung(TL) <03537> [pitcher.] |
selesai berkata, datanglah Ribka, Kej 22:23; [Lihat FULL. Kej 22:23] bagi Betuel, Kej 22:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 22:22] laki-laki Milka, Kej 11:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:29] isteri Nahor, Kej 11:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:29] |
cantik parasnya .... parasnya(TB)/elok parasnya(TL) <02896 04758> [fair to look upon. Heb. good of countenance.] bersetubuh(TB)/mengetahui(TL) <03045> [known.] |
sangat cantik Kej 12:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:11] seorang perawan, |
beri(TB)/Beri(TL) <01572> [Let.] air .... buyungmu .... buyungmu(TB)/air(TL) <04325 03537> [water of.] |
dari buyungmu Kej 24:45; 1Raj 17:10; Yoh 4:7 [Semua] |
Minumlah, Kej 24:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:14] |
untuk unta-untamu Kej 24:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:10] juga |
semua unta |
mengamat-amatinya ... berdiam ... berdiam(TB)/heranlah(TL) <07583 02790> [wondering at.] [to wit. i.e., "to know," or "to learn."] TUHAN(TB)/Allah(TL) <03068> [the Lord.] |
perjalanannya berhasil Kej 24:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:12] |
mengambil(TB)/diambil(TL) <03947> [took.] anting-anting(TB/TL) <05141> [earring. or, jewel for the forehead.] From the word being in the singular number, it is not likely to have been an ear-ring, or a "jewel for the forehead," but "a jewel for the nose, a nose-ring," which is in use throughout Arabia and Persia, particularly among young women. It is very properly translated [epirrinon,] "an ornament for the nose," by Symmachus; and Sir John Chardin informs us, that "it is a custom in almost all the East, for the women to wear rings in their noses, in the left nostril, which is bored low down in the middle. These rings are of gold, and have commonly two pearls and one ruby between, placed in the ring. I never saw a girl or young woman in Arabia or in all Persia, who did not wear a ring after this manner in her nostril." setengah(TB)/sepasang(TL) <01235> [of half.] gelang(TB/TL) <06781> [bracelets.] The word rendered "bracelet," from a root which signifies "to join or couple together," may imply whatever may clasp round the arms and legs; for rings and ornaments are worn round both by females in India and Persia. The small part of the leg, and the whole arm, from the shoulder to the wrist, are generally decorated in this way. As these were given to Rebekah for "her hands," it sufficiently distinguishes them from similar ornaments for the ankles. |
mengambil anting-anting Kej 24:47; Kej 41:42; Yes 3:21; Yeh 16:11-12 [Semua] gelang tangan Kej 24:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:10] |
siapakah engkau? tempat bermalam |
bagi Nahor. Kej 24:29,47; Kej 11:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:29] [Semua] |
Baik jerami, |
menyembah Tuhan, Kej 24:48,52; Kel 4:31; 12:27; 1Taw 29:20; 2Taw 20:18 [Semua] |
Terpujilah(TB)/puji(TL) <01288> [Blessed.] 12 9:26 14:20 Ex 18:10 Ru 4:14 1Sa 25:32,39 2Sa 18:28
1Ch 29:10-13 Ps 68:19 72:18,19 Lu 1:68 Eph 1:3 1Ti 1:17 [Semua]
kasih-Nya(TB)/kemurahan-Nya(TL) <02617> [of his.] TUHAN ................ TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan .................... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.] tuanku ........... tuanku ............. tuanku(TB)/tuanku .......... tuanku ................ tuanku(TL) <0113> [of my.] |
Terpujilah Tuhan, Kej 14:20; Kel 18:10; Rut 4:14; 1Sam 25:32; 2Sam 18:28; 1Raj 1:48; 8:56; Mazm 28:6; 41:14; 68:20; 106:48; Luk 1:68 [Semua] tuanku Abraham, Kej 24:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:12] dan setia-Nya Kej 24:49; Kej 32:10; 47:29; Yos 2:14; Mazm 98:3 [Semua] di jalan rumah saudara-saudara Kej 24:12,48; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:12]; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:48]; Kej 12:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:1] [Semua] Catatan Frasa: TUHAN TELAH MENUNTUN AKU. |
ibunya(TB/TL) <0517> [of.] ibunya(TB/TL) <0517> [her mother's.] Some have conjectured from this, that her father Bethuel was dead; and the person called Bethuel, (ver. 50,) was a younger brother. This is possible; but as Dr. A. Clarke remarks, the mother's house might be mentioned were even the father alive; for in Asiatic countries, the women have apartments entirely separate from those of the men, in which their little children and grown-up daughters reside with them. This was probably the case here; though, from the whole narrative, it is very probable that Bethuel was dead, as the whole business appears to be conducted by Rebekah's brothers. |
menceritakan kejadian |
Laban Kej 24:4; Kej 25:20; 27:43; 28:2,5; 29:5,12,13 [Semua] |
pada tangan Kej 24:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:10]; Yeh 23:42 [Semua] |
diberkati ....... luar(TB)/diberkati .......... luar(TL) <01288 02351> [thou.] kusediakan(TB)/sediakan(TL) <06437> [for I.] |
diberkati Tuhan, Kej 26:29; Mazm 115:15 [Semua] |
Ditanggalkanlah(TB)/diuraikan(TL) <06605> [he ungirded. i.e., Laban ungirded. straw.] Straw, by the eastern mode of threshing, was cut or shattered, and reduced to a kind of chaff. With this, sometimes mixed with a little barley, the eastern people still feed their labouring beasts, as they anciently did. pembasuh(TB/TL) <07364> [wash.] |
dan makanan Kej 24:25; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:25] pembasuh kaki Kej 18:4; [Lihat FULL. Kej 18:4] |
hamba Abraham. Kej 15:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 15:3] |
TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.] kambing(TB/TL) <06629> [flocks.] |
Tuhan sangat memberkati Kej 12:2; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:2] menjadi kaya; Kej 23:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 23:6] dan keledai. Kej 12:16; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:16] |
Sara(TB)/Sarah(TL) <08283> [Sarah.] diberikan(TB)/diberinyalah(TL) <05414> [unto.] |
sesudah tua, Kej 17:17; [Lihat FULL. Kej 17:17] harta miliknya. |
Tuanku(TB)/tuan(TL) <0113> [And my.] Kanaan(TB)/Kanani(TL) <03669> [Canaanites.] The Canaanites were infected with gross idolatry; and consequently, not proper persons with whom to form so intimate a connection; especially as Jehovah had shown Abraham that they were filling up the measure of their iniquity, and were doomed to destruction. |
mengambil sumpahku: negerinya kudiami |
tetapi(TB/TL) <0518> [But.] [my father's. i.e., Where the family of Haran his brother had settled; and where he himself had remained some time with his father Terah.] Nahor did not dwell at Ur of the Chaldees, but at Haran in Mesopotamia. The true worship of God seems to have been in some measure preserved in this family, though afterwards corrupted. [Peradventure.] We may see, says Calmet, by this and other passages of Scripture, (Jos 9:18,) what the sentiments of the ancients were relative to an oath. They believed that they were bound precisely by what was spoken, and had no liberty to interpret the intentions of those by whom the oath was made. |
bagi anakku. Kej 21:21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 21:21] |
mengikut aku. Kej 24:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:5] |
katanya(TB/TL) <0559> [And he.] hadapan-Nya(TB)/di hadapan(TL) <06440> [before.] mengutus(TB)/menyuruhkan(TL) <07971> [will.] |
aku hidup, Kej 5:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 5:22] menyertai engkau, Kej 16:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:7] perjalananmu berhasil, Kej 24:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:12] rumah ayahku. Kej 12:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:1] Catatan Frasa: AKAN MENGUTUS MALAIKAT-NYA MENYERTAI ENGKAU, DAN AKAN MEMBUAT PERJALANANMU BERHASIL. |
dari sumpahmu Kej 24:8; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:8] |
TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [O Lord.] berhasil(TB)/hasilkan(TL) <06743> [prosper.] |
membuat berhasil Kej 24:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:12] |
mata air Kej 24:13; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:13] seorang gadis dari buyungmu Kej 24:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:14] |
Minumlah(TB/TL) <08354> [Both.] isteri(TB)/perempuan(TL) <0802> [the woman.] tentukan(TB)/ditentukan(TL) <03198> [appointed.] Those events, which appear to us the effect of choice, contrivance, or chance, are matters of appointment with God; and the persuasion of this does not prevent, but rather encourage, the use of all proper means; at the same time that it confines us to proper means, and delivers the mind from useless anxiety about consequences. |
bagi anak |
habis(TB/TL) <03615> [before.] berkata(TB)/berkata-kata(TL) <01696> [speaking.] |
dalam hatiku, atas bahunya, aku minum. Kej 24:17; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:17]; Yoh 4:7 [Semua] |
unta-untamu juga itu juga |
mengenakan(TB)/kenakan(TL) <07760> [I put.] |
siapakah engkau? Ayahku Betuel Kej 22:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 22:22] yang dilahirkan Kej 24:24; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:24] pada hidungnya Kej 24:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:22] pada tangannya. Kej 24:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:10]; Yes 3:19; Yeh 16:11-12 [Semua] |
berlututlah(TB)/menundukkan(TL) <06915> [bowed.] menuntun(TB)/menghantarkan(TL) <05148> [led me.] |
menyembah Tuhan, Kej 24:26; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:26] tuanku Abraham, Kej 24:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:12] bagi anaknya. Kej 24:27; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:27] |
mau(TB)/tuan-tuan(TL) <03426> [now if.] menunjukkan kasih ... setia(TB)/berbuat kebajikan ... setia(TL) <06213 02617 0571> [deal kindly and truly. Heb. do mercy and truth.] berpaling(TB)/balik(TL) <06437> [that I.] |
dan setia Kej 24:27; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:27] |
Laban(TB/TL) <03837> [Laban.] These seem both to be brothers, of whom Laban was the eldest and chief: the opinion of Josephus appears to be very correct, that Bethuel, the father, had been dead some time. Semuanya(TB)/perkara(TL) <01697> [The thing.] dapat(TB)/boleh(TL) <03201> [we.] |
dan Betuel dari Tuhan; atau buruknya. Kej 31:7,24,29,42; 48:16 [Semua] |
Ribka(TB)/Ribkah(TL) <07259> [Rebekah.] difirmankan(TB)/firman(TL) <01696> [hath.] |
yang difirmankan Kej 24:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:12] |
sujudlah(TB/TL) <07812> [worshipped.] |
menyembah Tuhan. Kej 24:26; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:26] |
perhiasan(TB)/benda .... benda(TL) <03627> [jewels. Heb. vessels.] The original word denotes vessels, utensils, instruments, furniture, or dress; and these presented by Abraham's servant might have been of various kinds. saudaranya(TB/TL) <0251> [brother.] No mention is made of her father. pemberian yang indah-indah(TB)/indah-indah(TL) <04030> [precious.] This term, rendered "precious things," as may be seen in the parallel texts, is used to express exquisite fruits or delicacies, and precious plants or flowers: but here it may mean gifts in general, though rather of an inferior kind to those mentioned above. |
serta pakaian Kej 45:22; Kel 3:22; 12:35; 2Raj 5:5 [Semua] diberikannya pemberian Kej 24:10,22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:10]; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:22] [Semua] |
Lepaslah(TB)/Bermohonlah(TL) <07971> [Send me.] |
aku pulang Kej 24:56,59; Kej 30:25 [Semua] |
hari(TB/TL) <03117> [a few days. or, a full year, or ten months.] |
hari lagi, |
tahan(TB)/tahankan(TL) <0309> [Hinder.] berhasil(TB)/dihasilkan(TL) <06743> [prospered.] |
perjalananku berhasil; Kej 24:12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:12] lepaslah Kej 24:54; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:54] |
menanyakan kepadanya |
Mau. |
saudara(TB)/saudaranya(TL) <0269> [their.] inang(TB)/pengasuhnya(TL) <03243> [nurse.] |
dan inang mereka pergi. Kej 24:54; [Lihat FULL. Kej 24:54] |
memberkati(TB)/diberkati(TL) <01288> [they.] menjadi beribu-ribu ...... beribu-ribu(TB)/jadi(TL) <01961 0505> [be thou the mother.] Or, "be thou for thousands of myriads;" a large family being always considered, in ancient times, as a proof of the peculiar blessing and favour of God. beribu-ribu(TB/TL) <0505> [thousands.] keturunanmu(TB)/anak buahmupun(TL) <02233> [thy seed.] |
mereka memberkati Kej 27:4,19; 28:1; 31:55; 48:9,15,20; Yos 22:6 [Semua] beribu-ribu laksa, Kej 17:16; [Lihat FULL. Kej 17:16] kota-kota musuhnya. Kej 22:17; Mazm 127:5; Ams 27:11 [Semua] |
naik(TB)/mengendarai(TL) <07392> [they rode.] <03212> [followed.] |
beserta hamba-hambanya Kej 16:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:1]; Kej 30:3; 46:25 [Semua] |
Lahai-Roi(TB)/Lakhai-Roi(TL) <0883> [Lahai-roi.] Negeb(TB)/selatan(TL) <05045> [south.] |
sumur Lahai-Roi; Kej 16:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 16:14] Tanah Negeb. Kej 12:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:9] |
berjalan-jalan(TB) <07742> [to meditate. or, to pray.] They who acknowledge God in all their ways, will find him present to direct their paths, and make their way prosperous; and when the prayer of faith meets with an immediate answer, the glory ought as speedily to be rendered to God in solemn praise and thanksgiving. |
untuk berjalan-jalan Yos 1:8; Mazm 1:2; 77:13; 119:15,27,48,97,148; 143:5; 145:5 [Semua] melayangkan pandangnya, |
turunlah(TB/TL) <05307> [lighted.] |
dari untanya. Kej 31:17,34; 1Sam 30:17 [Semua] |
telekungnya(TB)/ditudungnya(TL) <06809> [a vail.] |
mengambil telekungnya Kej 38:14; Kid 1:7; 4:1,3; 6:7; Yes 47:2 [Semua] |
ibunya .............. ibunya(TB)/bundanya ................... bundanya(TL) <0517> [his mother.] kemah Sara ... kemah(TB)/kemah Sarah(TL) <08283 0168> [Sarah's tent.] Sarah, being dead, her tent, which, according to the custom of the east, was distinct from that of Abraham, became now appropriated to the use of Rebekah. mengambil(TB)/diambilnya(TL) <03947> [and took.] dihiburkan(TB)/demikianlah ... terhibur(TL) <05162> [comforted.] |
dalam kemah Sara, Kej 18:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 18:9] menjadi isterinya. Ishak mencintainya Kej 29:18,20; 34:3; Hak 16:4 [Semua] ibunya meninggal. |
Kejadian 22:23
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Betuel(TB)/Betuil(TL) <01328> [Bethuel.] Ribka(TB)/Ribkah(TL) <07259> [Rebekah.] [Rebecca.] |
Dan Betuel memperanakkan Ribka. bagi Nahor, Kej 11:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:29] |
Yudas 1:8-16
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
ini(TB)/termimpi-mimpi(TL) <3778> [these.] mencemarkan(TB) <3392> [defile.] mulia-mulia(TL) <114> [despise.] menghujat(TB)/mengeji(TL) <987> [speak.] |
yang mulia Catatan Frasa: MENGHINA KEKUASAAN. |
Mikhael(TB)/Mikhail(TL) <3413> [Michael.] It is most probable, that the Apostle took this account concerning Michael, and that of the prophesying of Enoch, from an ancient tradition preserved and well known among the Jews. malaikat(TB)/penghulu(TL) <743> [archangel.] mayat(TB/TL) <4983> [the body.] berani(TB/TL) <5111> [durst.] Tuhan(TB/TL) <2962> [The Lord.] |
penghulu malaikat, Mikhael, Dan 10:13,21; 12:1; Wahy 12:7 [Semua] mayat Musa, menghardik engkau! Catatan Frasa: MIKHAEL ... BERTENGKAR DENGAN IBLIS. |
menghujat(TB)/mengeji(TL) <987> [speak.] dengan ............. perkara(TB)/di(TL) <1722 5125> [in those.] |
kebinasaan mereka. |
Celakalah(TB)/Karamlah(TL) <3759> [Woe.] karena ............. upah(TB)/karena ............... upah(TL) <3754 3408> [for.] menceburkan(TB) <1632> [ran.] binasa(TB/TL) <622> [perished.] [Korah.] |
ditempuh Kain Kej 4:3-8; Ibr 11:4; 1Yoh 3:12 [Semua] dalam kesesatan 2Pet 2:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Pet 2:15 ] karena kedurhakaan |
noda ............... jamu(TB)/jamu(TL) <1526 4694> [are spots.] kasihmu(TB/TL) <26> [feasts.] mementingkan(TB)/laksana(TL) <4165> [feeding.] Ps 78:29-31 Isa 56:10-12 Eze 34:8,18 Lu 12:19,20,45 16:19
Lu 21:34 Php 3:19 1Th 5:6,7 Jas 5:5 [Semua]
awan(TB/TL) <3507> [clouds.] <4064> [carried.] pohon-pohon(TB)/pohon(TL) <1186> [trees.] dua kali ...... akarnya(TL) <1364> [twice.] terbantun dengan akar-akarnya(TB)/tercabut(TL) <1610> [plucked.] |
perjamuan kasihmu, 2Pet 2:13; 1Kor 11:20-22 [Semua] dirinya sendiri; tak berair, ditiup angin; dengan akar-akarnya Catatan Frasa: MATI SAMA SEKALI |
sebagai gelombang(TL) <66> [Raging.] membuihkan(TB)/menyemburkan(TL) <1890> [foaming.] beredar(TL) <4107> [wandering.] <3739> [to whom.] |
ombak laut membuihkan keaiban untuk selama-lamanya. |
Henokh(TB/TL) <1802> [Enoch.] Sesungguhnya(TB)/Tengoklah(TL) <2400> [Behold.] |
mereka Henokh, Tuhan datang Mat 16:27; [Lihat FULL. Mat 16:27 ] orang kudus-Nya, Ul 33:2; Dan 7:10; Za 14:5; Ibr 12:22 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: HENOKH ... BERNUBUAT. |
menghakimi(TB)/dilakukannya(TL) <4160> [execute.] Ps 9:7,8 37:6 50:1-6 98:9 149:9 Ec 11:9 12:14 Joh 5:22,23,27
Ac 17:31 Ro 2:16 14:10 1Co 4:5 5:13 Re 22:12-15,20 [Semua]
<1827> [convince.] semua ... dan ....... karena semua ....... dan karena semua(TB)/sekalian dan ....... segala ...... hal segala ........... dan .... hal segala(TL) <3956 2532 4012> [and of all.] |
hendak menghakimi terhadap Tuhan. |
menggerutu(TB)/bersungut-sungut(TL) <1113> [murmurers.] nafsunya(TL) <4198> [walking.] mulut mulut(TB)/mulut mereka(TL) <846 4750> [their mouth.] mengangkat-angkat(TL) <4383> [having.] |
yang menggerutu hawa nafsunya, yang bukan-bukan |
Mazmur 78:34-37
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
mereka mencari Ul 4:29; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:29]; Hos 5:15 [Semua] |
teringat(TB)/teringatlah(TL) <02142> [remembered.] Allah .... gunung batunya .... Allah(TB)/Allah ..... Allah(TL) <0410 0430 06697> [God was.] Mahatinggi(TB)/taalapun(TL) <05945> [the high.] {Ail ‚lyon go„lom,} "the strong God, the Most High, their redeemer," or kinsman: that one who possessed the right of redemption; the nearest akin to him who had forfeited his inheritance, as the word originally means; and hence is used for a redeemer; and here denotes Him who redeemed them from Egyptian bondage. Penebus(TB)/penebusnya(TL) <01350> [their redeemer.] |
gunung batu Kej 49:24; [Lihat FULL. Kej 49:24] adalah Penebus Ul 9:26; [Lihat FULL. Ul 9:26] |
memperdaya(TB)/Dibujuknya(TL) <06601> [Nevertheless.] membohongi(TB)/didustainya(TL) <03576> [lied.] 18:44 *marg:
dengan mulut |
Hati(TB)/hati(TL) <03820> [their heart.] setia(TB)/teguh(TL) <0539> [stedfast.] |
Yesaya 26:16
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
kesesakan(TB)/kepicikan(TL) <06862> [in trouble.] De 4:29,30 Jud 10:9,10 2Ch 6:37,38 33:12,13 Ps 50:15 77:1,2
Ps 91:15 Jer 22:23 Ho 5:15 7:14 Re 3:19 [Semua]
[thy poured.] mengeluh dalam doa(TB)/doanya(TL) <03908> [prayer. Heb. secret speech.] |
dalam kesesakan Hak 6:2; [Lihat FULL. Hak 6:2]; Yes 5:30; [Lihat FULL. Yes 5:30] [Semua] ketika hajaran-Mu Mazm 39:12; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 39:12] mereka mengeluh Catatan Frasa: MENGELUH DALAM DOA |
Hosea 5:15
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
pulang(TB)/kembali(TL) <07725> [return.] bersalah(TB)/mengaku(TL) <0816> [till.] 14:1-3 Le 26:40-42 De 4:29-31 30:1-3 1Ki 8:47,48 2Ch 6:36,37
2Ch 7:14 Ne 1:8,9 Job 33:27 Isa 64:5-9 Jer 3:13 29:12-14
Jer 31:18-20 Eze 6:9 20:43 36:31 Da 9:4-12 [Semua]
bersalah(TB)/mengaku(TL) <0816> [acknowledge their offence. Heb. be guilty. in their.] |
ke tempat-Ku, Yes 18:4; [Lihat FULL. Yes 18:4] mengaku bersalah Im 26:40; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:40] mencari wajah-Ku. Bil 21:7; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:7]; Mazm 24:6; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 24:6]; Hos 3:5; [Lihat FULL. Hos 3:5] [Semua] Dalam kesesakannya Mazm 50:15; Yer 2:27; [Lihat FULL. Yer 2:27] [Semua] merindukan Aku: Yes 64:9; Yeh 20:43; [Lihat FULL. Yeh 20:43] [Semua] Catatan Frasa: AKU AKAN PERGI PULANG KE TEMPAT-KU. |
Hosea 7:14
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Seruan(TB)/berseru(TL) <02199> [they have not.] meratap(TB)/menangis(TL) <03213> [when.] berontak terhadap(TB)/baharu(TL) <01481> [assemble.] |
dari hatinya, dan anggur, terhadap Aku. Hos 7:10; [Lihat FULL. Hos 7:10]; Hos 4:10; [Lihat FULL. Hos 4:10]; Hos 9:1; 14:1 [Semua] |