'eleph <0505>

Pla 'eleph

Asal Mula:prop, the same as 0504
Referensi:TWOT - 109a
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:Pla 284, Mypla 147, Myplah 14, ypla 12, Plaw 12, Plal 6, Myplal 4, yplal 3, Plah 3, *wyplab {wplab} 2, Plab 2, Myplalw 2, Plam 2, Myplak 2, yplab 2, yplam 2, wyplab 1, Myplaw 1, Plak 1, sya 1, Mkyplalw 1, Myrv 1
Dalam TB:ribu 312, seribu 93, dua ribu 24, beribu-ribu 14, pasukan seribu 11, sejuta 6, kaum-kaum 5, ribuan 4, pasukan 2, Seribu 2, sepuluh ribu 1, kaum yang besar 1, kaummu 1, seribu hari 1, satu ribu 1, satu 1
Dalam AV:thousand 500, eleven hundred + 03967 3, variant 1, twelve hundred + 03967 1
Definisi : 1) a thousand 1a) as numeral 2) a thousand, company 2a) as a company of men under one leader, troops
prop, the same as 504; hence (the ox's head being the first letter of the alphabet, and this eventually used as a numeral) a thousand: KJV -- thousand.
see HEBREW for 0504
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