stoma <4750>

stoma stoma

Asal Mula:probably strengthened from a presumed derivative of the base of 5114
Referensi:TDNT - 7:692,1089
Jenis Kata:n n (noun neuter)
Dalam Yunani:stoma 28, stomata 3, stomati 11, stomatov 34, stomatwn 2
Dalam TB:mulut 24, mulutnya 11, mulut-Nya 7, mulutmu 5, berbicara 5, mulutku 4, perantaraan 4, berhadapan muka 4, mulut-Ku 3, keterangan 2, perkataanmu 1, suara 1, Mulut 1, dengan mulut 1, kata-kata 1, oleh mata 1, mata 1, yang diucapkan-Nya 1, diucapkan-Nya 1
Dalam AV:mouth 73, face 4, edge 2
Definisi : tov [neuter] mulut (v. prov v. tatap muka 2Yoh 12; 3Yoh 14); perkataan, ucapan; kemampuan bicara (anewcyh de to v. autou paracrhma kai glossa autou dan seketika itu kemampuan bicaranya dipulihkan Luk 1.64); kefasihan lidah, kemampuan untuk meyakinkan orang melalui berbicara (Luk 21.15); kesaksian, bukti (Mat 18.16); mata pedang
mulut, perkataan, perantaraan
1) the mouth, as part of the body: of man, of animals, of fish, etc.
1a) since thoughts of a man's soul find verbal utterance by his
mouth, the "heart" or "soul" and the mouth are distinguished
2) the edge of a sword

probably strengthened from a presumed derivative of the base of 5114; the mouth (as if a gash in the face); by implication, language (and its relations); figuratively, an opening (in the earth); specially, the front or edge (of a weapon): KJV -- edge, face, mouth.
see GREEK for 5114
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