shachah <07812>

hxv shachah

Asal Mula:a primitive root
Referensi:TWOT - 2360
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Ibrani:wxtsyw 42, wwxtsyw 32, twxtshl 14, wwxtshw 7, wxtstw 7, hwxtst 6, wwxtsy 6, wwxtst 6, Mtywxtshw 5, wwxtsh 5, tywxtshw 4, twxtshlw 3, Mywxtsm 3, hwxtsy 3, *wwxtsyw {wxtsyw} 3, Nywxtstw 2, hwxtsa 2, ytywxtshw 2, hwxtsm 2, hwxtsaw 2, hwxtsn 2, Mywxtsmh 2, Mywxtsmw 2, hwxtsyw 1, hwxtsmw 1, yxs 1, ytywxtshb 1, Mtywxtsm 1, hwxtsnw 1, ywxtshw 1, hwxtshw 1, ytywxtsh 1, hnxsy 1
Dalam TB:sujud menyembah 100, sujud 28, menyembah 17, sujudlah menyembah 9, sujudlah 8, Sujudlah menyembah 2, Tunduklah 1, disembah 1, Sujudlah 1, sembahyang 1, tunduk 1, tunduk menyembah 1, membungkukkan 1
Dalam AV:worship 99, bow 31, bow down 18, obeisance 9, reverence 5, fall down 3, themselves 2, stoop 1, crouch 1, misc 3
Definisi : 1) to bow down 1a) (Qal) to bow down 1b) (Hiphil) to depress (fig) 1c) (Hithpael) 1c1) to bow down, prostrate oneself 1c1a) before superior in homage 1c1b) before God in worship 1c1c) before false gods 1c1d) before angel
a primitive root; to depress, i.e. prostrate (especially reflexive, in homage to royalty or God): KJV -- bow (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly beseech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop, worship.
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