'adown <0113>

ynda 'adown or (shortened) Nda 'adon

Pelafalan:aw-done' aw-done'
Asal Mula:from an unused root (meaning to rule)
Referensi:TWOT - 27b
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:ynda 168, wynda 36, yndal 25, Kynda 20, Mkynda 11, Mhynda 8, Nwda 8, yndaw 6, wnynda 6, Nwdah 5, Mynda 4, Kyndal 3, Mhyndal 2, hynda 2, wyndal 2, yndab 2, Nwdal 2, Myndah 2, hyndal 1, hynwda 1, wnyndaw 1, Mhynwda 1, Mynwda 1, wnnda 1, wnynwda 1, Nwdalw 1, *wynda {wnda} 1, wyndam 1, yndam 1, wyndak 1
Dalam TB:tuanku 179, tuannya 45, tuanmu 33, tuan 28, Tuhan 13, Tuanku 13, tuhan 2, tuan-tuan 2, tuan-tuanmu 2, Tuan 1, TUHAN 1, Tuan-tuan 1, tuan-tuannya 1, pemilik 1, bapa 1, tuankulah 1
Dalam AV:lord 197, master(s) 105, Lord 31, owner 1, sir 1
Definisi : 1) firm, strong, lord, master 1a) lord, master 1a1) reference to men 1a1a) superintendent of household,of affairs 1a1b) master 1a1c) king 1a2) reference to God 1a2a) the Lord God 1a2b) Lord of the whole earth 1b) lords, kings 1b1) reference to men 1b1a) proprietor of hill of Samaria 1b1b) master 1b1c) husband 1b1d) prophet 1b1e) governor 1b1f) prince 1b1g) king 1b2) reference to God 1b2a) Lord of lords (probably = "thy husband, Yahweh") 1c) my lord, my master 1c1) reference to men 1c1a) master 1c1b) husband 1c1c) prophet 1c1d) prince 1c1e) king 1c1f) father 1c1g) Moses 1c1h) priest 1c1i) theophanic angel 1c1j) captain 1c1k) general recognition of superiority 1c2) reference to God 1c2a) my Lord,my Lord and my God 1c2b) Adonai (parallel with Yahweh)
or (shortened) adon {aw-done'}; from an unused root (meaning to rule); sovereign, i.e. controller (human or divine): KJV -- lord, master, owner. Compare also names beginning with "Adoni-".
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