TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Tawarikh 11:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


makin ... makin besarlah(TB)/Maka ..... makin ... besar(TL) <03212 01980 01419> [waxed greater and greater. Heb. went in going and increasing.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [for.]


besarlah kuasa

Est 9:4

1 Tawarikh 17:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kaujalani(TB)/pergi(TL) <01980> [I have been.]

melenyapkan(TB)/menumpas(TL) <03772> [have cut off.]

membuat namamu ... nama ..... nama .... nama(TB)/mengadakan(TL) <06213 08034> [made thee.]

1 Tawarikh 16:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


besar(TB)/besarlah(TL) <01419> [great.]

dahsyat(TB)/hebatlah(TL) <03372> [he also.]


dan terpuji

Mazm 18:4; 48:2 [Semua]

lebih dahsyat

Mazm 76:8; 89:8 [Semua]

segala allah.

Kel 18:11; Ul 32:39; 2Taw 2:5; Mazm 135:5; Yes 40:25 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 26:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


besar .... kecil ..... besar(TB)/kecil ..... besar(TL) <06996 01419> [as well the small as the great. Heb. or, as well for the small as for the great.]


membuang undi,

1Taw 24:5,31; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 24:5]; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 24:31]; 1Taw 25:8 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 17:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


[thy servants.]

hati-Mu(TB)/keridlaan-Mu(TL) <03820> [according.]

perkara ........ perkara(TB)/besar ........... besar(TL) <01420> [great things. Heb. greatness.]


oleh karena

2Sam 7:16-17; 2Raj 20:6; Yes 9:7; 37:35; 55:3 [Semua]

segala perkara

2Sam 7:25; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:25]

1 Tawarikh 12:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hari ... hari ... sebilang hari(TB)/sebilang hari(TL) <03117> [day by day.]

tentara ...... tentara Allah ...... Allah(TB)/tentara ..... tentara ..... Allah(TL) <04264 0430> [like the host of God.]

That is, says the Targumist, a very numerous army, like the army of the angel of God.

1 Tawarikh 25:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


undi ..... membuang undi(TB)/dibuangnya undi(TL) <01486 05307> [cast lots.]

atas pekerjaan(TL) <04931 05980> [ward against ward.]

<0995> [the teacher.]

Even among the twenty-four leaders, some were more expert than others; some were teachers, and others were scholars; but every one was taken by the solemn casting of lots, without any regard to these distinctions. Thus all things were disposed for the preserving of order, and avoiding all disputes about precedence: there being no respect had, in this divine distribution, to birth, but the younger in course preceded the elder.


membuang undi

1Taw 26:13

1 Tawarikh 16:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Keagungan(TB)/Seri(TL) <01935> [Glory.]

kekuatan(TB)/kuat(TL) <05797> [strength.]

tempat-Nya(TB)/tempat(TL) <04725> [place.]

1 Tawarikh 11:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berdirilah(TB)/berhentilah(TL) <03320> [set. or, stood. and the Lord.]

kemenangan(TB)/pertolongan(TL) <08668> [deliverance. or, salvation.]


Tuhan kemenangan

Kel 14:30; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:30]; 1Sam 11:13; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 11:13] [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 5:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yehudalah(TB)/Yehuda(TL) <03063> [Judah.]

bahkan salah seorang ... antaranya menjadi raja(TB)/pangkat pertama(TL) <05057> [the chief ruler. or, the prince.]

By the chief ruler is meant first David, and after him the Messiah, agreeably to the celebrated prophecy of Jacob (Ge 49:10). The Syriac calls him "Christ the king," and the Arabic, "Messiah the king."

sulung ..... Yusuf ..... Yusuf(TB)/kesulungan(TL) <01062 03130> [birthright was.]


Memang Yehudalah

Kej 49:10,12; [Lihat FULL. Kej 49:10]; [Lihat FULL. Kej 49:12] [Semua]

menjadi raja,

1Sam 9:16; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 9:16]; 1Sam 12:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 12:12]; 2Sam 6:21; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 6:21]; 1Taw 11:2; 2Taw 7:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 7:18]; Mat 2:6 [Semua]

hak sulung

Kej 25:31; [Lihat FULL. Kej 25:31]

1 Tawarikh 29:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kekayaan(TB/TL) <06239> [riches.]

berkuasa memerintahkan .... tangan-Mulah .... tanganmu ... tangan-Mulah(TB)/memerintahkan(TL) <04910 03027> [reignest over all.]

kekuatan(TB) <03581> [power.]

mengokohkan(TB)/menguatkan(TL) <02388> [give strength.]


dan kemuliaan

2Taw 1:12; 32:27; Ezr 7:27; Pengkh 5:19 [Semua]

yang berkuasa

2Taw 20:6

1 Tawarikh 20:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yair(TB/TL) <03265> [Jair.]

[Jaare-oregim. Goliath.]


seperti pesa

1Sam 17:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 17:7]

1 Tawarikh 29:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Salomo Sulaiman ... besar(TB)/membesarkanlah Sulaiman(TL) <01431 08010> [magnified Solomon.]

mengaruniakan(TB)/dikaruniakan-Nya(TL) <05414> [bestowed.]


biasa besar

Yos 3:7; [Lihat FULL. Yos 3:7]

kepadanya keagungan

1Raj 10:7; 2Taw 1:1,12 [Semua]

raja sebelum

Pengkh 2:9

1 Tawarikh 12:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kecil .... seratus ...... besar .... seribu(TB)/kecil .... seratus ... besar ... seribu(TL) <0259 06996 03967 01419 0505> [one of the least was over an hundred, and the greatest over a thousand. or, one that was least could resist an hundred, the greatest a thousand.]


melawan seratus

Im 26:8; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:8]

melawan seribu

Ul 32:30; [Lihat FULL. Ul 32:30]

1 Tawarikh 21:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sangat ............. sangat(TB)/amat(TL) <03966> [I am in.]

biarlah .... jatuh .............. jatuh(TB)/jatuh ............... jatuh(TL) <05307> [let me fall.]

David here acted nobly: had he chosen war, his personal safety was in no danger, as there was an ordinance preventing him from going to battle; and in famine, his wealth would have secured his and his family's support; but all were equally exposed to the pestilence.

Sangat ............. sangat besar(TB)/amat banyaklah(TL) <03966 07227> [great. or, many.]

biarlah .... jatuh .............. jatuh(TB)/jatuh ............... jatuh(TL) <05307> [but let me.]


kasih sayang-Nya;

Mazm 6:5; 86:15; 130:4,7 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 29:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


makan ... minum ..... minumlah(TB)/makan minumlah(TL) <08354 0398> [eat and drink.]

kalinya(TB/TL) <08145> [the second time.]

mengurapi(TB)/disiramnya(TL) <04886> [and anointed.]

Zadok(TB)/Zadokpun(TL) <06659> [Zadok.]


dengan sukacita

1Taw 12:40

dan Zadok

1Sam 2:35; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 2:35]

1 Tawarikh 22:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Salomo(TB)/Sulaiman(TL) <08010> [Solomon.]

menjadi(TB)/tinggi(TL) <04605> [exceeding.]

Daud ................................ mengadakan persediaan .... Daud meramu .... persediaan menyediakan(TB)/Daud ..................................... meramu .... Daudpun menyediakan(TL) <03559 01732> [David prepared.]


masih muda

1Raj 3:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 3:7]; 1Taw 29:1 [Semua]

dan termasyhur

2Taw 2:5

1 Tawarikh 22:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


[Thou has shed.]

mendirikan(TB)/membuat(TL) <01129> [thou shalt not.]


kaulakukan peperangan

1Raj 5:3; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 5:3]

bagi nama-Ku,

1Taw 28:3

1 Tawarikh 29:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Berkatalah ...... jemaah .... sidang(TB)/titah(TL) <0559 06951> [said unto.]

satu-satunya(TB) <0259> [whom.]

muda(TB/TL) <05288> [young.]

bait(TB)/istana(TL) <01002> [palace.]


Judul : Sumbangan untuk pembangunan Bait Suci

Perikop : 1Taw 29:1-9

kurang berpengalaman,

1Raj 3:7; 1Taw 22:5; 2Taw 13:7 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 17:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


nama-Mu(TB)/nama-Mupun(TL) <08034> [that thy name.]

Allah .... Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [a God.]

keluarga(TB)/rumah(TL) <01004> [and let.]

1 Tawarikh 17:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


samanya(TL) <0259> [what one.]

membebaskannya ....................... Kaubebaskan(TB)/ditebus oleh .... suatu ........................... melepaskan(TL) <06299> [redeem.]

nama ............ nama(TB)/diri-Nya(TL) <07760 08034> [make thee.]

perbuatan-perbuatan(TB)/diri-Mu(TL) <01420> [greatness.]

menghalau(TB)/menghalaukan(TL) <01644> [by driving.]


pergi membebaskannya

Kel 6:5; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:5]

1 Tawarikh 27:17-20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Hasabya(TB/TL) <02811> [Hashabiah.]

Harun(TB)/Haruni(TL) <0175> [of the Aaronites.]


ialah Hasabya

1Taw 26:29

ialah Zadok;

2Sam 8:17; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:17]; 1Taw 12:28; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 12:28] [Semua]


Elihu(TB/TL) <0453> [Elihu.]

If Elihu be not a mistake for Eliab, it is probable that he was called by both names.


1 Tawarikh 26:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sebuel(TB)/Sebuil(TL) <07619> [Shebuel.]

The difference between [Sh–wbƒ'ˆl <\\See definition 07619\\>,] Shubael, and [Shˆb–w'ˆl <\\See definition 07619\\>,] Shebuel, simply arises from the elision of [Vƒv,] {wav} and a change of vowels.



adalah Sebuel

1Taw 23:16

1 Tawarikh 27:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yido(TB/TL) <03035> [Iddo.]

Abner(TB/TL) <074> [Abner.]

1 Tawarikh 27:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


suku-suku(TB)/suku(TL) <07626> [Furthermore.]

These persons, called "princes of the tribes," in ver. 22, and ch. 28:1, appear to have been civil rulers over their several tribes, and honorary men, without pay, not unlike the lords lieutenants of our counties. In this enumeration there is no mention of the tribes of Gad and Asher, probably because they were joined to the neighbouring tribes; or perhaps, the account of these has been lost from the register.


Judul : Pembesar-pembesar lainnya

Perikop : 1Taw 27:16-34

1 Tawarikh 9:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Azarya(TB/TL) <05838> [Azariah.]

[Seraiah. the ruler.]

1 Tawarikh 9:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pinehas(TB/TL) <06372> [Phinehas.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]



Bil 25:7-13 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 12:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pemimpin(TB)/penghulu(TL) <05057> [the leader.]

Harun(TB)/Haruni(TL) <0175> [Aaronites.]

1 Tawarikh 13:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berunding(TB)/Sebermula .... bermusyawaratlah(TL) <03289> [consulted.]


Judul : Tabut Allah dipindahkan

Perikop : 1Taw 13:1-14


2Sam 6:1-11 dengan 1Taw 13:1-14

1 Tawarikh 27:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible

1 Tawarikh 27:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


zaitun .............. persediaan(TB)/pokok zait .................. gudang(TL) <02132 0214> [And over.]

[the sycamore trees.]

The Hebrew {shikmin,} Syriac {shekmo,} and Arabic {jummeez,} is the [sykomoros,] or sycomore, of the Greeks, so called from [sykos,] a fig-tree, and [moros] a mulberry- tree, because it resembles the latter in its leaves, and the former in its fruits. "The sycamore," says Mr. Norden, "is of the height of a beech, and bears its fruit in a manner quite different from other trees: it has them on the trunk itself, which shoots out little sprigs, in form of grape stalks, at the end of which grow the fruit close to one another, almost like a cluster of grapes. The tree is always green, and bears fruit several times in the year, without observing any certain seasons; for I have seen some sycamores that have given fruit two months after others. The fruit has the figure and smell of real figs, but is inferior to them in the taste, having a disgusting sweetness. Its colour is a yellow, inclining to an ochre, shadowed by a flesh colour. In the inside it resembles the common figs, excepting that it has a blackish colouring with yellow spots. This sort of tree is pretty common in Egypt; the people, for the greater part, live on its fruit, and think themselves well regaled when they have a piece of bread, a couple of sycamore figs, and a pitcher of water."


pohon-pohon ara

1Raj 10:27; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 10:27]

1 Tawarikh 11:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lama dahulu ....... gerakan .................. tuanku telah berfirman ... tuanku(TB)/lama dahulu ................... masuk ...... tuanku telah berfirman ... tuanku(TL) <08032 0935 08543> [in time past. Heb. both yesterday and the third day. that leddest.]

menggembalakan ........ raja(TB)/menggembalakan .......... penganjur(TL) <07462 05057> [Thou shalt.]

menggembalakan(TB/TL) <07462> [feed. or, rule. ruler.]


segala gerakan

1Sam 18:5,16; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 18:5]; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 18:16] [Semua]

harus menggembalakan

Mazm 78:71; Mat 2:6 [Semua]

menjadi raja

1Taw 5:2; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 5:2]

1 Tawarikh 17:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengambil ...... menggiring kandang(TB)/mengangkat(TL) <03947 05116> [I took thee.]

belakang(TL) <0310> [from following. Heb. from after. ruler.]


menjadi raja

2Sam 6:21; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 6:21]

1 Tawarikh 15:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible



yakni Heman,

1Taw 16:41; 25:6 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 28:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memilih ...... puakku ... rumah ........... menjadi .... puakku .... kaum ..... suku ...... rumah(TB)/memilih ................... dipilihnya(TL) <0977 01004> [chose me.]

memilih ................. Yehuda menjadi .... Yehuda ..... Yehuda ..... Yehuda(TB)/memilih ................... dipilihnya Yehuda ......... Yehuda(TL) <03063 0977> [chosen Judah.]

puakku ............ Yehuda ..... Yehuda .... kaum Yehuda ..... Yehuda(TB)/rumah .............. Yehuda ........ suku Yehuda ..... rumah(TL) <03063 01004> [the house of Judah.]

puakku .... bapaku ............. puakku .... kaum ....... ayahku ..... bapaku ....... bapaku(TB)/rumah bapaku .................... suku ...... rumah bapaku ....... bapaku(TL) <01 01004> [the house of my father.]

anak-anak(TB)/anak(TL) <01121> [among the sons.]


memilih aku

2Taw 6:6

segenap puakku

1Sam 16:1-13 [Semua]

memilih Yehuda

Kej 49:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 49:10]; Bil 24:17-19 [Semua]

seluruh Israel.

1Taw 11:1

1 Tawarikh 29:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kebesaran(TB/TL) <01420> [is the greatness.]

kemasyhuran(TB)/kesempurnaan(TL) <05331> [the victory.]

keagungan(TB)/subuhat(TL) <01935> [majesty.]

langit(TB/TL) <08064> [all that.]

kerajaan(TB/TL) <04467> [thine is the.]

<04984> [exalted.]


dan kejayaan,

Mazm 24:8; 59:18; 62:12 [Semua]

Tuhan, punya-Mulah

Mazm 89:12

melebihi segala-galanya

Wahy 5:12-13 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 22:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kayu aras ........ kayu ........ kayu aras(TB)/kayu araz ........ kayu araz(TL) <06086 0730> [cedar trees.]


kayu aras

1Raj 5:6; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 5:6]

1 Tawarikh 11:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


seorang ... seorang ... amat tinggi(TB)/seorang ..... amat tinggi(TL) <0376 04060> [a man of great stature. Heb. a man of measure. five.]

tombak ............ tombak ............. tombaknya(TB)/lembing ................... lembing ........... lembingnya(TL) <02595> [a spear.]

tombak .... lembing ......... tombak ......... membunuh ... lembing ... tombaknya ......... lembingnya(TB)/dibunuhnya(TL) <02026 02595> [slew him.]


seperti pesa

1Sam 17:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 17:7]

1 Tawarikh 23:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengumpulkan(TB)/dihimpunkannyalah(TL) <0622> [he gathered.]



1 Tawarikh 23:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Anak-anak Kehat Kehat(TB)/bani Kehat(TL) <06955 01121> [sons of Kohath.]


Judul : Anak-anak Kehat

Perikop : 1Taw 23:12-20

Anak-anak Kehat

Kej 46:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 46:11]; Kel 6:17; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:17] [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 26:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Meselemya(TB/TL) <04920> [Meshelemiah.]

1 Tawarikh 15:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengangkut(TB)/naik(TL) <05927> [brought up.]

sorak(TB)/bersorak-sorak(TL) <08643> [with shouting.]

sangkakala(TB)/nafiri(TL) <07782> [the cornet.]

Jerome on Ho 5:8 says this instrument is properly called in Greek [keratine,] from [keras <\\See definition 2768\\>,] a horn. The trumpets were, according to Josephus, made of metal, and about a cubit in length. See Note on Nu 10:2.


orang Israel

1Taw 9:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 9:1]

diiringi sorak

1Raj 1:39; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 1:39]; Za 4:7 [Semua]

sangkakala, nafiri

Kel 19:13; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:13]

1 Tawarikh 16:42

TSK Full Life Study Bible


nafiri(TB/TL) <02689> [trumpets.]

alat-alat musik ... nyanyian .... bunyi-bunyian(TB)/bunyi-bunyian(TL) <03627 07892> [musical instruments.]

pintu gerbang(TB)/pintu(TL) <08179> [porters. Heb. for the gate.]


pengiring nyanyian

2Taw 7:6

anak-anak Yedutun

1Taw 25:3

1 Tawarikh 6:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


[A.M. 3244. B.C. 760.]

Yohanan(TB/TL) <03110> [Johanan.]

Johanan is supposed to the same as Jehoiada, as he would otherwise not be mentioned.

memegang jabatan imam(TB)/imamat(TL) <03547> [executed.]

Bait Suci(TB)/rumah(TL) <01004> [the temple. Heb. the house. Solomon.]


memperanakkan Azarya;

1Raj 4:2; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 4:2]

1 Tawarikh 15:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Matica(TB/TL) <04993> [Mattithiah.]

kecapi(TB/TL) <03658> [harps.]

memainkan .... delapan nada lebih rendah(TB)/Syeminit(TL) <05329 08067> [Sheminith to excel. or, eighth to oversee.]

Ps 6:1 12:1 *titles [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 22:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pembesar(TB)/penghulu(TL) <08269> [all the princes.]


memberi perintah

1Taw 28:1-6 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 10:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pohon(TB)/jati(TL) <0424> [the oak.]

berpuasalah(TB/TL) <06684> [fasted.]

1 Tawarikh 11:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Benaya(TB/TL) <01141> [Benaiah.]

Kabzeel(TB)/Kabzeil(TL) <06909> [Kabzeel.]

besar perbuatannya(TB)/perbuatannya(TL) <07227 06467> [who had done many acts. Heb. great of deeds. lion-like.]

menewaskan ........... singa ..... membunuh seekor singa(TB)/membunuh ............ dibunuhnya(TL) <05221 0738> [slew a.]


dari Kabzeel;

Yos 15:21; [Lihat FULL. Yos 15:21]

seekor singa

1Sam 17:36

1 Tawarikh 17:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


masih kurang(TB)/perkara(TL) <06994> [a small thing.]

berfirman(TB/TL) <01696> [thou hast.]

memperlihatkan(TB)/makota(TL) <07200> [hast regarded.]

1 Tawarikh 5:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pertempuran(TB)/perang(TL) <04421> [the war.]

pembuangan(TB)/dibawa dengan tertawan(TL) <01473> [until the captivity.]


sebab pertempuran

Ul 20:4; [Lihat FULL. Ul 20:4]; 2Taw 32:8 [Semua]

waktu pembuangan.

1Taw 5:10; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 5:10]; 2Raj 15:29; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 15:29] [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 12:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


saudara-saudara(TB/TL) <0251> [kindred. Heb. brethren.]

kebanyakan ..... tetap ..... mengikut(TB)/banyak(TL) <04768 08104> [the greatest part of them. Heb. a multitude of them.]


bani Benyamin,

2Sam 3:19; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 3:19]

itu kebanyakan

2Sam 2:8-9 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 16:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bersyukurlah(TB)/Pujilah(TL) <03034> [Give thanks.]

This beautiful hymn, to the 22nd verse, is nearly the same as Ps 105:1-15; from the 23rd to the 33rd it accords with Ps 96; and the conclusion agrees with Ps 106, with the addition of ver. 34-36.

panggillah(TB)/sebutlah(TL) <07121> [call.]

perkenalkanlah(TB)/masyhurkanlah(TL) <03045> [make.]



1Taw 16:34; Mazm 107:1; 118:1; 136:1 [Semua]

antara bangsa-bangsa!

2Raj 19:19; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 19:19]

1 Tawarikh 23:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membagi-bagi(TB)/dibahagi(TL) <02505> [divided.]

rombongan(TB)/berkelompok-kelompok(TL) <04256> [courses. Heb. divisions.]

<01648> [Gershon.]

Gershon, [Gˆrsh“m <\\See definition 01648\\>,] is called [Gˆreshown <\\See definition 01647\\>,] Gershom, in the parallel passage, simply by the mutation of [N–wn,] {noon,} into [Mˆm,] {mem.}



Daud membagi-bagi

2Taw 8:14; 23:18; 29:25 [Semua]

anak-anak Lewi,

Bil 3:17; [Lihat FULL. Bil 3:17]; 1Taw 24:20 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 26:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Parbar .............. Parbar(TB)/Parbar ................ Parbar(TL) <06503> [Parbar.]

{Parbar} is most probably the same as {parwar,} which denotes suburbs, (2 Ki 23:11,) in which sense it is often used in the Chaldee Targums; and consequently this may be considered as leading to the suburbs.

1 Tawarikh 27:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Benaya(TB/TL) <01141> [Benaiah.]

Or, "Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada the chief priest:" it was Jehoiada, and not Benaiah, who was a priest.

imam imam(TB)/imam besar(TL) <03548 07218> [chief priest. or, principal officer.]


ialah Benaya,

2Sam 23:20; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 23:20]

1 Tawarikh 29:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yehiel orang Gerson ........ Gersoni(TB)/Yehiel ... Gersoni(TL) <01649 03171> [Jehiel the Gershonite.]


batu permata

Kel 35:27

orang Gerson

1Taw 26:21; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 26:21]

1 Tawarikh 29:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kepahlawanannya(TB)/kebesaran(TL) <01369> [his might.]

keadaan(TB)/untung nasib(TL) <06256> [the times.]

1 Tawarikh 14:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]

pemerintahannya(TB)/kerajaannya(TL) <04438> [his kingdom.]

umat-Nya(TB/TL) <05971> [because.]


terangkat tinggi

Bil 24:7; [Lihat FULL. Bil 24:7]; Ul 26:19; [Lihat FULL. Ul 26:19] [Semua]


1 Tawarikh 15:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [And David.]

kepala(TB)/penghulu(TL) <08269> [chief.]

penyanyi(TB)/biduan(TL) <07891> [the singers.]

memperdengarkan(TB)/menyaringkan(TL) <07311> [lifting up.]



1Taw 6:31

orang Lewi

2Taw 7:6

para penyanyi,

Ezr 2:41; Neh 11:23; Mazm 68:26 [Semua]

dan ceracap,

1Taw 13:8; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 13:8]; 1Taw 23:5; 2Taw 29:26; Neh 12:27,36; Ayub 21:12; Mazm 150:5; Am 6:5 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 15:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [David.]

pemimpin(TB)/penghulu(TL) <08269> [captains.]

Obed-Edom(TB/TL) <05654> [Obed-edom.]

sukacita(TB)/bersuka-sukaan(TL) <08057> [with joy.]


mengangkut tabut

2Taw 1:4; 5:2; Yer 3:16 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 18:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Tibhat(TB)/Tibkhat(TL) <02880> [Tibhath.]

[Betah, Berothai. wherewith.]



1Raj 7:23; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 7:23]; 2Taw 4:2-5 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 20:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perawakannya(TB)/sangat besar lembaganya(TL) <04060> [of great stature. Heb. of measure.]

raksasa ... Rafa(TB)/Rafa(TL) <07497 03205> [the son of the giant. Heb. born to the giant. or Rapha.]

1 Tawarikh 21:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berdosa(TB/TL) <02398> [I have sinned.]

jauhkanlah(TB)/lakukan(TL) <05674> [do away.]

sangat .... melakukan ............. sangat(TB)/sangat ... membuat ............... sangat(TL) <06213 03966> [I have done.]



1 Tawarikh 24:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


rombongan-rombongan(TB)/pangkat-pangkatnya(TL) <04256> [the divisions.]

23:6 *marg:

anak-anak ... Anak-anak(TB)/bani ...... bani(TL) <01121> [The sons.]


Judul : Para imam dibagi dalam rombongan

Perikop : 1Taw 24:1-19

Inilah rombongan-rombongan

1Taw 23:6; 28:13; 2Taw 5:11; 8:14; 23:8; 31:2; 35:4,5; Ezr 6:18 [Semua]

anak-anak Harun.

Bil 3:2-4 [Semua]

dan Itamar.

Kel 6:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:22]


1 Tawarikh 29:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kerelaan ......... memberikan persembahan sukarela(TB)/keridlaan ........... keridlaan(TL) <05068> [they offered.]

tulus hati ....... hati(TB)/hati ... tulus(TL) <03820 08003> [perfect heart.]

Daud(TB)/Daudpun(TL) <01732> [David.]


tulus hati

1Raj 8:61

1 Tawarikh 28:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengumpulkan(TB)/dihimpunkanlah(TL) <06950> [assembled.]

pembesar ..... kepala .... pemimpin ......... pasukan .... kepala ...... kepala(TB)/penghulu ..... penghulu ...... panglima ......... kepala ....... kepala ....... pemerintah(TL) <08269> [the princes.]

pembesar ..... kepala .... pemimpin rombongan .... pasukan ..... pasukan .... kepala ...... kepala(TB)/penghulu ..... penghulu ...... panglima pasukan ........ kepala ....... kepala ....... pemerintah(TL) <04256 08269> [the captains of the companies.]

pembesar ..... kepala .... pemimpin ......... pasukan .... kepala ...... kepala(TB)/penghulu ..... penghulu ...... panglima ......... kepala ....... kepala ....... pemerintah(TL) <08269> [the stewards.]

harta(TB/TL) <07399> [substance. or, cattle. and of his sons. or, and his sons. officers. or, eunuchs.]

para ..... pahlawan .... perkasa(TB)/pahlawan .... orang(TL) <01368> [the mighty men.]


Judul : Rencana Daud untuk Bait Suci

Perikop : 1Taw 28:1-21

Daud mengumpulkan

1Taw 22:17

segala pembesar

1Taw 27:1-31; 29:6 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 7:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


terdaftar(TB)/daftar(TL) <03187> [were reckoned.]

1 Tawarikh 7:40

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ada(TB)/jumlahnya(TL) <04557> [the number.]

1 Tawarikh 11:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Pas-Damim(TB/TL) <06450> [Pas-dammim.]

Ephes-dammim is here called Pas-dammim, by aph‘resis.

[Ephes-dammim. a parcel.]

In Samuel it is, "a piece of ground full of lentiles;" and there is probably a mistake of {se”rim,} "barley," for {ƒdashim,} "lentiles," or vice-versa. Some, however, think there were both lentiles and barley in the field, which is not unlikely.

1 Tawarikh 16:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Asaf ......................... Asaf(TB)/Asaf ................................. Asafpun(TL) <0623> [Asaph.]

gambus ... kecapi ........ kecapi(TB)/dandi ... kecapi(TL) <03658 05035> [psalteries and with harps. Heb. instruments of psalteries and harps.]

1 Tawarikh 21:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berkatalah ......... menyuruh(TB)/sembah .......... menyuruh(TL) <0559> [Is it not I.]

domba-domba(TB)/kambing domba(TL) <06629> [these sheep.]

dilakukan(TB)/perbuatannya(TL) <06213> [what have.]

tangan-Mu(TB/TL) <03027> [let thine.]

keluargaku(TB)/bapaku(TL) <01> [on my father's.]

tulah(TB)/menyiksakan(TL) <04046> [that they should.]


tetapi domba-domba

2Sam 7:8; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:8]

kaum keluargaku,

Yun 1:12

1 Tawarikh 24:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


panitera(TB)/jurutulis(TL) <05608> [the scribe.]

puak .......... puak ........... rumah(TB)/bapa-bapa ............... seisi rumah(TL) <01 01004> [principal household. Heb. house of the father.]


Zadok, Ahimelekh

1Taw 18:16

1 Tawarikh 28:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kuatkan(TB)/Hendaklah ... gagah(TL) <02388> [Be strong.]

takut .... tawar ....... gentar(TB)/takut(TL) <03372 02865> [fear not.]

membiarkan ... meninggalkan ........... ditinggalkannya(TB)/padamu(TL) <07503 05800> [he will not fail thee.]


teguhkanlah hatimu,

Ul 31:6; [Lihat FULL. Ul 31:6]; 1Taw 22:13; 2Taw 19:11; Hag 2:5 [Semua]

dan meninggalkan

Ul 4:31; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:31]; Yos 24:20; [Lihat FULL. Yos 24:20] [Semua]

Allah selesai.

1Raj 6:14; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 6:14]; 2Taw 7:11 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 12:40

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membawa(TB/TL) <0935> [brought.]

The Septuagint reads [ ,] "brought (to) them" which is probably correct; the Hebrew {lahem,} "to them" might be easily mistaken for {lechem,} "bread." The passage will then read, "bought them on asses, on camels, and on mules, and on oxen, meat, meal, cakes of figs," etc., which renders the introduction of and unnecessary. From the mention of oil, figs, and raisins, Mr. Harmer thinks that this assembly was held in autumn.

bahan makanan tepung ..... tepung ... anjir(TB)/tepung ... anjir(TL) <07058 03978> [meat, meal. or, victual of meal. cakes of figs.]

sukacita(TB)/kesukaan(TL) <08057> [there was joy.]


kue kismis,

1Sam 25:18

jumlah besar,

2Sam 16:1; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 16:1]; 2Sam 17:29 [Semua]

ada sukacita

1Taw 29:22

1 Tawarikh 29:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengadakan persediaan(TB)/menyediakan(TL) <03559> [I have prepared.]

kemampuan(TB)/sekuat-kuatku(TL) <03581> [with all.]

emas .... emas(TB)/emas ..... keemasan(TL) <02091> [the gold.]

batu permata syoham ..... batu hitam .......... batu batu ..... permata ............. batu(TB)/batu unam .... permata ............. batu(TL) <07718 068> [onyx stones.]

{Avney shoham,} which was, probably, not the precious stone or gem called onyx, but a marble called in Greek {onychites,} which Pliny mentions as a stone Caramania; for one would hardly think that gems of any kind were used externally in such a building as the temple. Antiquity gave both stones this name, because of their resemblance to the nail of the finger.

batu ....... batu hitam ... batu permata ....... batu batu ..... permata ............. batu(TB)/batu ..... permata ........ gemilang ...... batu(TL) <068 06320> [glistering stones.]

{Avney phuch} seems to denote a kind of black marble, so called from its colour resembling stibium: so Vulgate {quasi stibinos.}

batu ....... batu hitam .......... batu batu ..... permata ............. batu(TB)/batu ..... permata ............. batu marmar(TL) <068 07893> [marble stones.]

{Avney shayish} is rendered in the Targum {avney marmoraiyah,} "stones of marble," and by the LXX., and Vulgate [Parion] or [Parinon,] or {marmor Parium,} "Parium marble," which was remarkable for its bright white colour. Josephus says that the temple was built of large blocks of white marble, beautifully polished, so as to produce a most splendid appearance.


yakni emas

1Taw 29:7,14,16; Ezr 1:4; 6:5; Hag 2:9 [Semua]

batu hitam

Yes 54:11

sangat banyak

1Taw 22:2-5 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 27:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kepala puak ....... bangsanya(TB)/kepala ... bangsanya(TL) <01 07218> [the chief fathers.]

The patriarchs, chief generals, or generals of brigade. This enumeration is widely different from that of the preceding. In that, we have the order and course of the priests and Levites, in their ecclesiastical ministrations: in this, we have the account of the order of the civil service, what related simply to the political state of the king and kingdom. Twenty-four persons, chosen out of David's worthies, each of whom had a second, were placed over 24,000 men, who all served a month at a time, in turn; and this was the whole of their service during the year, after which they attended to their own affairs. Thus the king had always on foot a regular force of 24,000, who served without expense to him or the state, and were not oppressed by the service, which took up only a twelfth part of their time; and by this plan he could, at any time, bring into the field 12 times 24,000 or 288,000 fighting men, independently of the 12,000 officers, which made in the whole an effective force of 300,000 soldiers; and all these men were prepared, disciplined, and ready at a call, without the smallest expense to the state or the king. These were, properly speaking, the militia of the Israelitish kingdom.

panglima(TB)/penghulu(TL) <08269> [captains.]

melayani(TB) <08334> [served.]

hal(TB)/pekerjaan(TL) <01697> [any matter.]

bulan demi bulan(TB)/tiap-tiap bulan ..... bulan(TL) <02320> [month.]


Judul : Panglima-panglima tentara

Perikop : 1Taw 27:1-15

TIP #26: Perkuat kehidupan spiritual harian Anda dengan Bacaan Alkitab Harian. [SEMUA]
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