maqowm <04725>

Mwqm maqowm or Mqm maqom also (fem.) hmwqm m@qowmah hmqm m@qomah

Pelafalan:maw-kome' maw-kome' mek-o-mah'mek-o-mah'
Asal Mula:from 06965
Referensi:TWOT - 1999h
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:Mwqmh 121, Mwqm 84, Mwqmb 72, Mwqml 13, wmwqm 11, wmwqmm 10, wmqmm 9, twmqmh 9, wmqml 9, wmqm 7, Mwqmw 5, Mmwqml 4, ymwqm 4, Mwqmbw 3, wmwqml 3, Mmwqm 3, tmwqmh 3, Kmwqmm 2, Kmwqm 2, twmwqmh 2, wmqmb 2, hmwqmm 2, wmwqmb 2, Mwqmm 2, hmwqm 2, Mtmqml 1, twmqmhw 1, twmqm 1, Mkytmwqm 1, hmqm 1, Mtmwqm 1, Mwqmmw 1, hmqml 1, Kmwqml 1, Mmwqmm 1, Mwqmlw 1, wnmwqmb 1, Mwqmk 1, Mqmb 1, Mkmwqmm 1
Dalam TB:tempat 299, tempatnya 35, tempat kediamannya 11, tempat tinggalnya 6, tempat-Nya 5, tempatmu 4, tempat tinggal 4, Tempat 2, kota 2, setempat 2, ke mana 2, tempat kediamanmu 2, tempat tidurnya 2, tempat-Ku 2, ke mana-mana 1, kediamannya 1, daerah 1, jarak 1, kedudukannya 1, di mana 1, di manapun 1, tembok 1, tempat kelahiranku 1, tempat perhentian 1, tempat-tempat 1, tempat duduk 1, tempat asalmu 1, orang banyak 1, pihak 1, negeri 1
Dalam AV:place 391, home 3, room 3, whithersoever 2, open 1, space 1, country 1
Definisi : 1) standing place, place 1a) standing place, station, post, office 1b) place, place of human abode 1c) city, land, region 1d) place, locality, spot 1e) space, room, distance 1f) region, quarter, direction 1g) give place to, instead of
or maqom {maw-kome'}; also (feminine) mqowmah {mek-o-mah'}; or mqomah {mek-o-mah'}; from 6965; properly, a standing, i.e. a spot; but used widely of a locality (general or specific); also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind): KJV -- country, X home, X open, place, room, space, X whither(-soever).
see HEBREW for 06965
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