chodesh <02320>

vdx chodesh

Asal Mula:from 02318
Referensi:TWOT - 613b
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:sdxl 99, sdxb 62, sdx 43, Mysdx 29, sdxh 19, sdxbw 6, Mysdxlw 4, Mkysdx 3, Mysdxl 2, ysdxl 2, wysdx 2, wsdxb 2, Mysdxbw 2, wsdx 1, sdxmw 1, wysdxl 1, sdxhw 1, hsdx 1, ysdx 1, hsdxb 1, Mysdxh 1
Dalam TB:bulan 238, bulan baru 14, sebulan 7, bulan-bulan baru 6, setiap bulan baru 3, Bulan 2, tanggal 2, bulannya 2, segala bulan 1, bulan barunya 1, bulan-bulan 1, musim berjantan 1, bulan barumu 1
Dalam AV:month 254, new moon 20, monthly 1, another 1
Definisi : 1) the new moon, month, monthly 1a) the first day of the month 1b) the lunar month
from 2318; the new moon; by implication, a month: KJV -- month(-ly), new moon.
see HEBREW for 02318
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