TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne
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Himne Indonesia

Mazmur 42:1--72:19

Kidung Jemaat

  • 'Ku Ingin Menghayati [KJ.158]
  • 'Ku Ingin Menyerahkan [KJ.441]
  • Agungkan Allahmu [KJ.72] ( The God of Abraham Praise / Yigdol )
  • Allah Hadir bagi Kita [KJ.18]
  • AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250a]
  • AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250b]
  • Apapun Juga Menimpamu [KJ.438] ( Be Not Dismayed Whate'er Betide / God Will Take Care of You )
  • Arah ke Sorga Cemerlang [KJ.221] ( The Lord Ascendeth Up on High )
  • Batu Karang Yang Teguh [KJ.37a] ( Rock of Ages )
  • Batu Karang Yang Teguh [KJ.37b] ( Rock of Ages )
  • Batu Penjuru G'reja [KJ.252]
  • Bernyanyilah, Puteri Sion [KJ.90]
  • Bumi dan Langit, Pujilah [KJ.286] ( Praise to the Holiest in the Height )
  • Dari Timur, Jauh Benar [KJ.129]
  • Datang Orang Asing [KJ.130]
  • Di Badai Topan Dunia [KJ.440] ( A Shelter in the Time of Storm / The Lords Our Rock )
  • Hai Bintang Timur [KJ.133]
  • Hai Mari Berhimpun [KJ.109] ( Adeste fideles / O Come, All Ye Faithful )
  • Haleluya, Pujilah [KJ.1]
  • Haleluya, Terpujilah [KJ.243]
  • Harap Akan Tuhan [KJ.445]
  • Indahnya Saat yang Teduh [KJ.454] ( Sweet Hour of Prayer )
  • Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya Hidupku [KJ.405] ( Be Thou My Vision )
  • Kiranya Langit Terbelah [KJ.80]
  • Kita Satu di Dalam Tuhan [KJ.256]
  • Kita, Anak Adam [KJ.156]
  • Kota Sion, Kota Allah [KJ.262] ( Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken )
  • Maju, Laskar Kristus [KJ.339] ( Onward, Christian Soldiers )
  • Manusia yang Meluku [KJ.335]
  • Masyhurkan RajaMu [KJ.224] ( Rejoice, the Lord Is King )
  • Maut Sudah Menyerah [KJ.202] ( Angels, Roll the Rock Away )
  • Naik ke Sorga Cemerlang [KJ.218]
  • Nyanyian Malaikat Nyaring Bergema [KJ.223] ( Golden Harps Are Sounding )
  • Pengikut Kristus, Nyanyilah [KJ.284]
  • Puji Tuhan, Haleluya [KJ.391]
  • Puji, Hai Jiwaku, Puji Tuhan [KJ.9]
  • Pujian Malam Kunyanyikan [KJ.326]
  • Pujilah Tuhan, Muliakan Dia [KJ.315]
  • Pujilah Tuhan, Sang Raja [KJ.10]
  • S'lamat, S'lamat Datang [KJ.123]
  • Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
  • Selama Bumi Didiami [KJ.298]
  • Seluruh Umat Tuhan olehNya Dikenal [KJ.282]
  • Sinar Fajar Yang Baka [KJ.323]
  • Suci, Suci, Suci [KJ.2] ( Holy, Holy, Holy )
  • T'rang Bintang Fajar Berseri [KJ.139]
  • Tabuh Gendang [KJ.292]
  • Terang Matahari [KJ.322]
  • Terbitlah dalam Kegelapan [KJ.107]
  • Tuhan Allah Beserta Engkau [KJ.346]
  • Tuhan, Pencipta Semesta [KJ.289]
  • Tuhanku Yesus [KJ.19] ( Fairest Lord Jesus / Schönster Herr Jesu )
  • Tuntun Aku, Tuhan Allah [KJ.412] ( Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah )
  • Ya Tuhan, Hari T'lah Berakhir [KJ.328]
  • Yerusalem, Mulia dan Kudus [KJ.261]
  • Yesus, Tuhanku, Apakah Dosaku [KJ.167]
  • Yesuslah Raja yang Menang [KJ.248a]
  • Yesuslah Raja yang Menang [KJ.248b]

Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat

  • Besarlah Tuhan [PKJ.59]
  • Kasih Setiamu [PKJ.209]
  • Kasihanilah Aku [PKJ.49]
  • Marilah Kita Siapkan Hati Kita [PKJ.22]

Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru

  • Bagai Rusa Berteriak [NKB.147]

Himne Inggris

Mazmur 42:1--72:19

  • [Mzm 42:1] As Pants The Hart For Cooling Streams
  • [Mzm 42:1] As Pants The Hart For Streams
  • [Mzm 42:1] As Thirsts The Hart For Water Brooks
  • [Mzm 42:1] As Pants The Hart For Streams
  • [Mzm 42:2] Sweet Place
  • [Mzm 42:4] Hark To The Bells
  • [Mzm 42:4] Sing We Merry Christmas
  • [Mzm 42:8] Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended, The
  • [Mzm 42:8] God Of My Life, Through All My Days
  • [Mzm 42:8] God Of My Life, To Thee I Call
  • [Mzm 42:8] My Lord, My Life, My Love
  • [Mzm 42:8] Slowly Sinks The Setting Sun
  • [Mzm 43:1] Judge Me, God Of My Salvation
  • [Mzm 43:1] Judge Me, O God, And Plead My Cause
  • [Mzm 43:3] Give Light, O Lord
  • [Mzm 43:3] Lead Me Higher
  • [Mzm 43:3] Search Light
  • [Mzm 43:3] Send Down Thy Truth, O God
  • [Mzm 43:3] Send Forth, O God, Thy Light And Truth
  • [Mzm 43:3] Send The Gospel Light
  • [Mzm 43:3] Send The Light
  • [Mzm 43:4] Awake, My Soul! To Sound His Praise
  • [Mzm 44:1] O God, We Have Heard
  • [Mzm 44:1] O Lord, Our Fathers Oft Have Told
  • [Mzm 44:1] Our Nation, God, Its Heart To Thee Upraiseth
  • [Mzm 44:1] Praise To Our God, Whose Bounteous Hand
  • [Mzm 44:4] My God, My Heavenly King
  • [Mzm 44:6] Thou Art The Mighty King Of Kings
  • [Mzm 44:20] If We Have Forgotten The Name Of Our God
  • [Mzm 44:21] Great Mover Of All Hearts
  • [Mzm 44:24] God, Who Omniscient Art
  • [Mzm 45:1] Goodly Theme Is Mine, A
  • [Mzm 45:1] I’ll Speak The Honors Of My King
  • [Mzm 45:1] My Heart Doth Overflow
  • [Mzm 45:2] My Heart Is Full Of Christ
  • [Mzm 45:6] Now Be My Heart Inspired To Sing
  • [Mzm 45:8] Ivory Palaces
  • [Mzm 45:11] O Royal Bride, Give Heed
  • [Mzm 45:15] There Is Coming On A Day Of Great Rejoicing
  • [Mzm 46:1] God Is A Stronghold And A Tower
  • [Mzm 46:1] God Is Our Refuge And Defense
  • [Mzm 46:1] God Is Our Refuge And Our Strength
  • [Mzm 46:1] God Is The Refuge Of His Saints
  • [Mzm 46:1] Mighty Fortress Is Our God, A
  • [Mzm 46:1] Mourn For The Thousands Slain
  • [Mzm 46:9] O God Of Love, O King Of Peace
  • [Mzm 46:10] Be Still, My Soul
  • [Mzm 46:10] Evensong Is Hushed In Silence
  • [Mzm 46:10] Lord Is In His Holy Place, The
  • [Mzm 47:1] All Nations, Clap Your Hands
  • [Mzm 47:1] Clap Your Hands, Ye People All
  • [Mzm 47:1] Hark! The Sounds Of Singing
  • [Mzm 47:1] O For A Shout Of Sacred Joy
  • [Mzm 47:1] Rejoice Ye People, Homage Give
  • [Mzm 47:1] Shout Of Mighty Triumph, A
  • [Mzm 47:5] Lo, God To Heav’n Ascendeth
  • [Mzm 47:6] He’s My King
  • [Mzm 47:6] O Sing His Praise
  • [Mzm 47:6] Savior, Blessed Savior
  • [Mzm 47:6] Sing We The King
  • [Mzm 47:7] Mighty God, While Angels Bless Thee
  • [Mzm 47:7] O God Of Earth And Altar
  • [Mzm 47:7] O King Most High Of Earth And Sky
  • [Mzm 48:1] If You Will Only Let God Guide You
  • [Mzm 48:1] O Walk In The Footsteps Of Jesus
  • [Mzm 48:1] O’er The Trackless Ocean Guided
  • [Mzm 48:1] Within Thy Temple’s Sacred Courts
  • [Mzm 48:3] Great Is The Lord Our God
  • [Mzm 48:9] O How The Thought Of God Attracts
  • [Mzm 48:9] Within Thy Temple, Lord
  • [Mzm 48:14] Be Thou My Guardian And My Guide
  • [Mzm 48:14] Father Of Love
  • [Mzm 48:14] From God Shall Naught Divide Me
  • [Mzm 48:14] God Makes A Path
  • [Mzm 48:14] God Of Compassion, In Mercy Befriend Us
  • [Mzm 48:14] Guiding Hand, The
  • [Mzm 48:14] Holy Spirit, Faith­ful Guide
  • [Mzm 48:14] I Little See
  • [Mzm 48:14] Jesus Leads
  • [Mzm 48:14] Lead Me Gently Home, Father
  • [Mzm 48:14] Lead Us, Heavenly Father
  • [Mzm 48:14] Lead Us On
  • [Mzm 48:14] Life’s Railway
  • [Mzm 48:14] Life’s Railway To Heaven
  • [Mzm 48:14] Lord And Savior, True And Kind
  • [Mzm 48:14] To Thine Eter­nal Arms, O God
  • [Mzm 49:1] Hear This, All Ye Peo­ple, Hear
  • [Mzm 49:5] Why Should I Fear In Evil Days
  • [Mzm 49:6] No More, Dear Savior, Will I Boast
  • [Mzm 49:10] Dust To Dust, The Mort­al Dies
  • [Mzm 49:15] Hark! From The Tombs A Dole­ful Sound
  • [Mzm 50:1] Lord Our God Is Clothed With Might, The
  • [Mzm 50:1] Mighty God, Je­ho­vah, Speaks, The
  • [Mzm 50:1] Mighty God, The Lord, The
  • [Mzm 50:4] Lord, The Sov­er­eign, Sends His Sum­mons Forth, The
  • [Mzm 50:5] When Saints Gather Round Thee
  • [Mzm 50:12] All Things Are Thine
  • [Mzm 50:12] God Of The Earth, The Sky, The Sea!
  • [Mzm 50:12] This Is My Father’s World
  • [Mzm 50:12] World For God, The
  • [Mzm 50:16] Thus Speaks The Lord To Wick­ed Men
  • [Mzm 51:1] God, Be Mer­ci­ful To Me
  • [Mzm 51:1] Show Pi­ty, Lord, O Lord, For­give
  • [Mzm 51:4] In Evil Long I Took Delight
  • [Mzm 51:7] Come, Let Us To The Lord Our God
  • [Mzm 51:7] Fountain Of Purity
  • [Mzm 51:7] Lord Will Hap­pi­ness Di­vine, The
  • [Mzm 51:7] Old-fashioned Way, The
  • [Mzm 51:7] Whiter Than Snow
  • [Mzm 51:10] Clean Heart, A
  • [Mzm 51:10] Gracious God, My Heart Renew
  • [Mzm 51:10] How Helpless Guilty Nature Lies
  • [Mzm 51:10] More Like The Master
  • [Mzm 51:10] O God, The God That Saveth Me
  • [Mzm 51:10] O Thou That Hear’st When Sinners Cry
  • [Mzm 51:10] Purer Yet And Purer
  • [Mzm 51:10] Pure Within
  • [Mzm 51:10] Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, Alone
  • [Mzm 51:10] With Hearts Renewed
  • [Mzm 51:17] O Hope Of Every Contrite Heart
  • [Mzm 52:1] How Good Is The God We Adore
  • [Mzm 52:1] O Mighty Man, Why Wilt Thou Boast
  • [Mzm 53:1] Fools In Their Heart Have Said
  • [Mzm 53:4] Are All The Foes Of Sion Fools
  • [Mzm 53:4] In Vain The Powers Of Darkness Try
  • [Mzm 53:5] Foes Of Zion Quake For Fright, The
  • [Mzm 53:6] O That The Lord’s Salvation
  • [Mzm 54:1] O Save Me By Thy Name
  • [Mzm 54:2] Father, Hear The Prayer We Offer
  • [Mzm 54:2] Hear Us, Heav’nly Father
  • [Mzm 54:2] Jesus, Savior, We Implore Thee
  • [Mzm 55:1] Jehovah, To My Prayer Give Ear
  • [Mzm 55:1] O God, Give Thou Ear To My Plea
  • [Mzm 55:6] On Joyful Wings
  • [Mzm 55:6] Wings Of A Dove, The
  • [Mzm 55:17] On God Alone My Soul Relies
  • [Mzm 55:22] Cast Thy Burden On The Lord
  • [Mzm 55:22] I Will Tell It To Jesus My Lord
  • [Mzm 55:22] Lay It Down
  • [Mzm 55:22] Leave It There
  • [Mzm 55:22] Lord, What A Change Within Us
  • [Mzm 55:23] Jesus, I Will Trust Thee
  • [Mzm 55:23] Lord Jesus, Thou Dost Keep Thy Child
  • [Mzm 56:1] O Thou Whose Justice Reigns On High
  • [Mzm 56:3] What Time I Am Afraid
  • [Mzm 56:11] Who Trusts In God, A Strong Abode
  • [Mzm 56:13] For This New Year
  • [Mzm 57:1] My God, In Whom Are All The Springs
  • [Mzm 57:1] O God, Be Merciful To Me
  • [Mzm 57:3] Spirit Of Mercy, Truth And Love
  • [Mzm 57:5] Be Thou Exalted
  • [Mzm 57:5] Be Thou, O God, Exalted High
  • [Mzm 57:7] My Heart Is Fixed, O God (wesley)
  • [Mzm 57:9] Sing, Ye Ransomed Nations, Sing
  • [Mzm 57:10] In Boundless Mercy
  • [Mzm 58:1] Do Ye, O Men, Speak Righteousness
  • [Mzm 59:2] Protect And Save Me, O My God
  • [Mzm 59:3] I Am Hated, Lord
  • [Mzm 59:16] God Of Love And God Of Power
  • [Mzm 59:16] Lord, While Afar Our Brothers Fight
  • [Mzm 59:16] O Thou Who Turnest Into Morning
  • [Mzm 60:1] O God, Thou Hast Cast Off Thy Saints
  • [Mzm 60:1] O God, Thou Hast Rejected Us
  • [Mzm 60:4] Banner Of The Cross, The
  • [Mzm 60:4] Christian Flag, The
  • [Mzm 60:4] Hold Up The Banner
  • [Mzm 60:4] Keep Your Colors Flying
  • [Mzm 60:4] Now Be The Gospel Banner
  • [Mzm 61:1] Holy Father, Hear My Cry
  • [Mzm 61:1] O God, Regard My Humble Plea
  • [Mzm 61:2] Lead Me To The Rock
  • [Mzm 61:2] Rock That Is Higher Than I, The
  • [Mzm 61:5] Blessed Master, I Have Promised
  • [Mzm 61:8] Laborer’s Noon-day Hymn, The
  • [Mzm 62:1] God Of Grace, O Let Thy Light
  • [Mzm 62:1] My Soul In Silence Waits For God
  • [Mzm 62:1] My Soul With Expectation
  • [Mzm 62:5] Wait, O My Soul, Thy Maker’s Will
  • [Mzm 62:7] Blessed Lord, In Thee Is Refuge
  • [Mzm 62:7] Blessèd Rock
  • [Mzm 62:8] Trust The Eternal
  • [Mzm 63:1] Early, My God, Without Delay
  • [Mzm 63:1] Hand In Hand
  • [Mzm 63:1] I Hunger And I Thirst
  • [Mzm 63:1] My God! Permit My Tongue
  • [Mzm 63:1] O God, My God, My All Thou Art!
  • [Mzm 63:1] O God, Thou Art My God Alone
  • [Mzm 63:1] O Lord, My God, Most Earnestly
  • [Mzm 63:1] O Saints Of Old, Nor Yours Alone
  • [Mzm 63:1] Thou Art My God, O God Of Grace
  • [Mzm 63:1] When Mother Love Makes All Things Bright
  • [Mzm 63:1] While Thee I Seek, Protecting Power
  • [Mzm 63:2] O God, Thy Power Is Wonderful
  • [Mzm 63:3] Savior, More Than Life
  • [Mzm 63:4] Great God, Indulge My Humble Claim
  • [Mzm 63:5] Jesus Satisfies
  • [Mzm 63:6] Father, The Watches Of The Night Are O’er
  • [Mzm 63:6] Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me
  • [Mzm 63:6] Now, On Land And Sea Descending
  • [Mzm 63:7] In The Shadow Of His Wings
  • [Mzm 64:1] Hear, Lord, The Voice Of My Complaint
  • [Mzm 64:1] Unmoved By Fear, My Praise Is Due
  • [Mzm 65:1] Before Thee, Lord, A People Waits
  • [Mzm 65:1] For Thee, O God, Our Constant Praise
  • [Mzm 65:1] Praise For Thee, Lord, In Zion Waits
  • [Mzm 65:1] Praise Waits For Thee In Zion
  • [Mzm 65:2] God Of Love, That Hearest Prayer
  • [Mzm 65:2] Great King Of Nations, Hear Our Prayer
  • [Mzm 65:5] Almighty Father, Hear Our Cry
  • [Mzm 65:5] Father, Who Art Alone
  • [Mzm 65:5] God Of Our Salvation Hears, The
  • [Mzm 65:6] Thy Might Sets Fast The Mountains
  • [Mzm 65:8] Morning Walks Upon The Earth, The
  • [Mzm 65:9] Fountain Of Mercies, God Of Love
  • [Mzm 65:11] Break, Newborn Year
  • [Mzm 65:11] Eternal Source Of Every Joy
  • [Mzm 65:11] Our Festive Song
  • [Mzm 65:12] Hills Of The North, Rejoice
  • [Mzm 66:1] All Lands, To God In Joyful Sounds
  • [Mzm 66:1] Joyfully Sing
  • [Mzm 66:1] O All Ye Peoples, Bless Our God
  • [Mzm 66:2] Come, All Ye People, Bless Our God
  • [Mzm 66:4] And Truly It Is A Most Glorious Thing
  • [Mzm 66:4] Earth, With All Thy Thousand Voices
  • [Mzm 66:4] Let All The World In Every Corner Sing
  • [Mzm 66:4] Lord God, We Worship Thee
  • [Mzm 66:4] Sing To The Great Jehovah’s Praise
  • [Mzm 66:7] Great God! Beneath Whose Piercing Eye
  • [Mzm 66:10] Gracious Father, Guard Thy Children
  • [Mzm 66:16] Come, Ye That Fear The Lord
  • [Mzm 66:16] I Love To Tell The Story
  • [Mzm 66:16] Tell The Sweet Story Of Love
  • [Mzm 66:19] God From On High Hath Heard
  • [Mzm 66:19] My God, Is Any Hour So Sweet
  • [Mzm 67:1] Father, Bless Our School Today
  • [Mzm 67:1] God Of Mercy, God Of Grace
  • [Mzm 67:1] Lord, Bless And Pity Us
  • [Mzm 67:1] May God Bestow On Us His Grace
  • [Mzm 67:1] O God, To Us Show Mercy
  • [Mzm 67:1] Savior Of The Nations, Come
  • [Mzm 67:1] Send Thy Blessing
  • [Mzm 67:3] Father, We Praise Thee
  • [Mzm 67:3] O Magnify The Lord With Me
  • [Mzm 67:3] Praise To God, Immortal Praise
  • [Mzm 67:3] We Praise Thee, O God
  • [Mzm 67:4] Kingdom Of Song, The
  • [Mzm 67:4] Sing Away The Shadows
  • [Mzm 67:6] O Father, Who Didst All Things Make
  • [Mzm 68:1] Let God Arise, And By His Might
  • [Mzm 68:1] Let God Arise In All His Might
  • [Mzm 68:1] Let God Arise To Lead Forth Those
  • [Mzm 68:1] Lord, Thy Church Hath Seen Thee Rise
  • [Mzm 68:4] Alleluia, Song Of Gladness
  • [Mzm 68:8] God Saved His People From Distress
  • [Mzm 68:8] Lift Up To God The Voice Of Praise
  • [Mzm 68:13] White As The Wings Of A Dove
  • [Mzm 68:17] Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
  • [Mzm 68:18] Happy Morn Is Come, The
  • [Mzm 68:18] Make Me A Captive, Lord
  • [Mzm 68:18] Most Glorious Lord Of Life
  • [Mzm 68:18] My Lord And I
  • [Mzm 68:18] O Christ, Thou Hast Ascended
  • [Mzm 68:18] O Lord, Thou Hast Ascended
  • [Mzm 68:18] Our Lord Is Risen From The Dead
  • [Mzm 68:18] See, The Conqueror Mounts In Triumph
  • [Mzm 68:18] When Christ Arose
  • [Mzm 68:24] My God, My King, Thy Praise I Sing
  • [Mzm 68:28] Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing (buckoll)
  • [Mzm 68:32] With One Consent Let All The Earth
  • [Mzm 68:33] God Speaks To Us In Bird And Song
  • [Mzm 68:35] O God, Of All The Strength And Power
  • [Mzm 69:1] Save Me, O God
  • [Mzm 69:1] Save Me, O God, The Swelling Floods
  • [Mzm 69:3] O God, Our Words Cannot Express
  • [Mzm 69:9] To Bless The Earth, God Sendeth
  • [Mzm 69:13] In Full Assurance Of Thy Grace
  • [Mzm 69:14] Where The Wrecks Wash In
  • [Mzm 69:15] O God, Who Metest In Thy Hand
  • [Mzm 69:16] Thy Lovingkindness, Lord, Is Good And Free
  • [Mzm 69:20] The Broken Heart
  • [Mzm 69:29] Though I Am Poor And Sorrowful
  • [Mzm 69:30] O Lord, All Glorious, Life Of Life
  • [Mzm 69:30] Raise The Song
  • [Mzm 69:34] All Creatures Of Our God And King
  • [Mzm 69:34] Praise Him
  • [Mzm 70:1] Make Haste, O My God, To Deliver
  • [Mzm 71:1] In Thee, O Lord, I Put My Trust
  • [Mzm 71:1] My Savior, My Almighty Friend
  • [Mzm 71:2] Eternal Father, Strong To Save
  • [Mzm 71:2] Strong, Righteous Man Of Galilee
  • [Mzm 71:3] Thou Art My Rock
  • [Mzm 71:5] All My Hope On God Is Founded
  • [Mzm 71:5] Almighty Father Of Mankind
  • [Mzm 71:5] God Of Our Youth, To Whom We Yield
  • [Mzm 71:5] My Hope, My All
  • [Mzm 71:16] I Will Go In The Strength Of The Lord
  • [Mzm 71:8] Fill Thou My Life
  • [Mzm 71:15] Just A Word For Jesus
  • [Mzm 71:18] From Days Of Early Youth, O God
  • [Mzm 71:18] O Gracious God, Forsake Me Not
  • [Mzm 71:23] Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
  • [Mzm 71:23] Since I Have Been Redeemed
  • [Mzm 71:23] Sing, My Soul!
  • [Mzm 72:1] Great God, Whose Universal Sway
  • [Mzm 72:1] Hail To The Lord’s Anointed
  • [Mzm 72:1] O God, To Thine Anointed King
  • [Mzm 72:4] Clouds Of Judgment Gather, The
  • [Mzm 72:4] Judge Eternal, Throned In Splendor
  • [Mzm 72:8] All The World For Jesus (davis)
  • [Mzm 72:8] Bright As The Sun’s Meridian Blaze
  • [Mzm 72:8] Christ Shall Be King
  • [Mzm 72:8] Christ Shall Have Dominion
  • [Mzm 72:8] His Wide Dominion Shall Extend
  • [Mzm 72:8] Jesus, Immortal King, Arise
  • [Mzm 72:8] Jesus Shall Reign
  • [Mzm 72:8] Jesus, The Conqueror, Reigns
  • [Mzm 72:8] Jesus, Thou Everlasting King
  • [Mzm 72:8] Soon May The Last Glad Song Arise
  • [Mzm 72:8] Let The Christ That Is Living Reign Over All
  • [Mzm 72:8] We’ll Girdle The Globe
  • [Mzm 72:15] Every Day Will I Bless Thee
  • [Mzm 72:17] Again Thy Glorious Sun Doth Rise
  • [Mzm 72:18] Now Blessed Be The Lord Our God
  • [Mzm 72:19] Heavenly Father, Sovereign Lord
  • [Mzm 72:19] Lord Of The Harvest! It Is Right And Meet
  • [Mzm 72:19] To Our Redeemer’s Glorious Name

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