TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne
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Himne Indonesia

Markus 1:1--10:52

Kidung Jemaat

  • 'Ku Mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku [KJ.305]
  • Andaikan Yesus, Kau Bukan Milikku [KJ.300]
  • Angin Ribut Menyerang [KJ.30a] ( Jesus, Lover of My Soul )
  • Angin Ribut Menyerang [KJ.30b] ( Jesus, Lover of My Soul )
  • Asal Yesus Jua Tuhan Hidupku [KJ.380]
  • Baht'ra yang Dipandu Yesus [KJ.418]
  • Berkatilah, ya Tuhan, Nikah Ini [KJ.316]
  • Biar Kanak-kanak Datang kepadaKu [KJ.360]
  • Biarlah Semua Anak [KJ.154]
  • Bukan oleh Raja Roma [KJ.135]
  • Dalam Rumah Yang Gembira [KJ.447]
  • Dari Terbitnya Surya T'rang [KJ.137]
  • Dengan KasihMu, ya Tuhan [KJ.461]
  • Dengar Panggilan Tuhan [KJ.357]
  • Di Dalam Kristus Bertemu [KJ.259] ( In Christ There is No East Or West )
  • Hai Berdandanlah, Jiwaku [KJ.313]
  • Hai Dunia, Lihat Tuhan [KJ.168a]
  • Hai Dunia, Lihat Tuhan [KJ.168b]
  • Hai Dunia, Lihat Tuhan [KJ.168c]
  • Haruskah Hanya Penebus [KJ.430]
  • Ikut Dikau Saja, Tuhan [KJ.376]
  • Inginkah Kau Ikut Tuhan [KJ.372]
  • Inilah Hari Kelima Puluh [KJ.241]
  • Insan, Tangisi Dosamu [KJ.157]
  • Kiranya Langit Terbelah [KJ.80]
  • Kita, Anak Adam [KJ.156]
  • Kristus Sudah Bangkit [KJ.196]
  • Kristus, Penolong Umat yang Percaya [KJ.254]
  • Kudengar BerkatMu Turun [KJ.235] ( Even Me / Lord, I Hear of Showers of Blessmg )
  • Lihat Salib di atas Bukit Golgota [KJ.182]
  • Mahaterpuji Allahku [KJ.79]
  • Mampirlah, Dengar Doaku [KJ.26] ( Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior )
  • Mari Menjadi Penjala Orang [KJ.431]
  • Masih Banyak Orang Berjalan [KJ.429]
  • Meski Tak Layak Diriku [KJ.27]
  • Pandang, ya Bapa dalam RahmatMu [KJ.304]
  • Petugas di Pabean [KJ.147]
  • Pintu Satu-satunya [KJ.351]
  • Pujilah Sumber Hidupmu [KJ.314]
  • Pujilah Tuhan, Muliakan Dia [KJ.315]
  • S'lamat, S'lamat Datang [KJ.123]
  • Sang Maha Tabib T'lah Dekat [KJ.149]
  • Saya Mau Ikut Yesus [KJ.375]
  • Seluruh Umat Tuhan olehNya Dikenal [KJ.282]
  • Sungguh Indah Kabar Mulia [KJ.383] ( Yesterday, Today, Forever )
  • Sungguh Kerajaan Allah [KJ.247]
  • Sungguh Lembut Tuhan Yesus Memanggil [KJ.353]
  • Tatkala Hari pun Senja [KJ.148]
  • Tiap Hari Bergembira [KJ.150]
  • Tuhan, Kasihani [KJ.42]
  • Tuhan, Kasihani Kami [KJ.43]
  • Tuhan, Kasihanilah [KJ.44]
  • Tuhanku Bangkit! Nyanyilah [KJ.211]
  • Ya Bapa, Jamah AnakMu [KJ.459] ( Dear Lord and Father of Mankind )
  • Ya Roh Kudus Berkurnia [KJ.238]
  • Yesus Kristus Memerintah [KJ.220]
  • Yesus Memanggil [KJ.355]
  • Yesus Sayang Padaku [KJ.184] ( Jesus Loves Me )
  • Yesus, Kau Nahkodaku [KJ.409]
  • Yesus, Kawan Anak-anak [KJ.420]
  • Yesus, Mesias Israel [KJ.159]
  • Yesus, Tuhan, Engkaulah Mesias [KJ.141]
  • Yesus, Tuhanku, Apakah Dosaku [KJ.167]

Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat

  • Jangan Gentar, Hai Kawanan Kecil [PKJ.257]

Himne Inggris

Markus 1:1--10:52

  • [Mrk 1:1] Saint Who First Found Grace To Pen, The
  • [Mrk 1:9] O Thou Who In Jordan
  • [Mrk 1:13] Awhile In Spirit, Lord, To Thee
  • [Mrk 1:13] Forty Days And Forty Nights
  • [Mrk 1:13] The Glory Of These Forty Days
  • [Mrk 1:14] Come Sing, Ye Choirs Exultant
  • [Mrk 1:15] Arise, Sons Of The Kingdom
  • [Mrk 1:15] Arise, The Kingdom Is At Hand
  • [Mrk 1:15] Let The Earth Now Praise The Lord
  • [Mrk 1:32] At Even, Ere The Sun Was Set
  • [Mrk 1:32] Savior, Who Didst Healing Give
  • [Mrk 1:32] Thine Arm, O Lord, In Days Of Old
  • [Mrk 1:41] My Father, For Another Night
  • [Mrk 3:14] Let All On Earth Their Voices Raise
  • [Mrk 3:15] Thou, Lord, Has Power To Heal
  • [Mrk 3:35] We Bear The Strain Of Earthly Care
  • [Mrk 4:14] Ye Sons Of Earth Prepare The Plough
  • [Mrk 4:37] Fierce Raged O’er The Tempest Deep
  • [Mrk 4:37] Fierce Was The Storm Of Wind
  • [Mrk 4:37] Lord, The Wind And Sea Obey Thee
  • [Mrk 4:37] Master, The Tempest Is Raging
  • [Mrk 4:37] O Troubled Sea Of Galilee
  • [Mrk 4:38] Christ In The Storm
  • [Mrk 4:38] Fierce Was The Wild Billow
  • [Mrk 4:38] Lord, Whom Winds And Waves Obey
  • [Mrk 4:39] Does Thy Savior Pilot Thee?
  • [Mrk 4:39] He’s The Prince Of Peacemakers
  • [Mrk 4:39] Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
  • [Mrk 4:39] Pilot Of Galilee, The
  • [Mrk 4:39] Storm Is Passing Over, The
  • [Mrk 4:39] Who Will Our Pilot Be?
  • [Mrk 4:40] Steady, Brother, Steady
  • [Mrk 5:2] Sin, Like A Venomous Disease
  • [Mrk 5:19] No Other Story
  • [Mrk 5:39] Good Night And Good Morning
  • [Mrk 5:39] We Shall Sleep, But Not Forever
  • [Mrk 5:40] O Scorned And Outcast Lord
  • [Mrk 6:7] Thou Who Sentest Thine Apostles
  • [Mrk 6:31] Come Ye Yourselves Apart
  • [Mrk 6:31] Stealing From The World Away
  • [Mrk 6:50] How Wonderful It Is To Walk With God
  • [Mrk 6:50] It Is I
  • [Mrk 6:50] When The Dark Waves Round Us Roll
  • [Mrk 6:56] He Touched Me And Made Me Whole
  • [Mrk 7:37] Now, In A Song Of Grateful Praise
  • [Mrk 8:34] Carry Your Cross With A Smile
  • [Mrk 8:34] Cross Is Not Greater, The
  • [Mrk 8:34] Cross Of My Redeemer, The
  • [Mrk 8:34] For Man The Savior Shed
  • [Mrk 8:34] Take Up Thy Cross (ackley)
  • [Mrk 8:34] Where He Leads Me
  • [Mrk 8:34] Where The Savior Leads
  • [Mrk 8:34] Who Will Suffer With The Savior?
  • [Mrk 8:36] If I Gained The World
  • [Mrk 8:36] Take The World, But Give Me Jesus
  • [Mrk 8:38] Jesus, And Shall It Ever Be
  • [Mrk 9:5] Lord Jesus, On The Holy Mount
  • [Mrk 9:7] I Love The Voice Divine
  • [Mrk 9:23] My Sins Have Taken Such A Hold On Me
  • [Mrk 9:24] Lord, I Believe
  • [Mrk 9:24] Lord, Believe, Thy Power I Own
  • [Mrk 9:24] Savior, I Have Need Of Thee
  • [Mrk 9:47] Whatever Dims Thy Sense Of Truth
  • [Mrk 10:6] O Blessèd Home Where Man And Wife
  • [Mrk 10:7] By Vows Of Love Together Bound
  • [Mrk 10:9] The Voice That Breathed O’er Eden
  • [Mrk 10:14] A Little Child The Savior Came
  • [Mrk 10:14] If I Come To Jesus
  • [Mrk 10:14] Little Children, Come Away
  • [Mrk 10:14] O Lord, The Holy Innocents
  • [Mrk 10:14] Our God Of Love, Who Reigns Above
  • [Mrk 10:14] Waken! Christian Children
  • [Mrk 10:14] We Come In Childhood’s Joyfulness
  • [Mrk 10:14] Wise May Bring Their Learning, The
  • [Mrk 10:16] Christ, Who Once Among Us
  • [Mrk 10:16] Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
  • [Mrk 10:16] See Israel’s Gentle Shepherd Stand
  • [Mrk 10:16] There’s A Friend For Little Children
  • [Mrk 10:21] So Near To The Kingdom
  • [Mrk 10:21] Though Kindred Ties Around Us
  • [Mrk 10:26] What Though I Cannot Break My Chain
  • [Mrk 10:28] We Will Follow Jesus
  • [Mrk 10:29] For My Sake, And The Gospel’s
  • [Mrk 10:38] Are Ye Able?
  • [Mrk 10:44] Servant Of All, To Toil For Man
  • [Mrk 10:45] I Gave My Life For Thee
  • [Mrk 10:45] I Saw One Hanging On A Tree
  • [Mrk 10:45] Jesus Came Down My Ransom To Be
  • [Mrk 10:45] Savior, Who Thy Life Didst Give
  • [Mrk 10:47] Jesus Of Nazareth Passeth By
  • [Mrk 10:48] Blind Bartimeus
  • [Mrk 10:49] All Those That Pass By
  • [Mrk 10:49] As A Volunteer
  • [Mrk 10:49] Calling Now
  • [Mrk 10:49] Calling Thee
  • [Mrk 10:49] Forward, Men And Brothers!
  • [Mrk 10:49] Hark! He Is Calling
  • [Mrk 10:49] Jesus Is Calling
  • [Mrk 10:49] Lo, A Loving Friend Is Waiting
  • [Mrk 10:49] Oh! Come To The Merciful Savior
  • [Mrk 10:49] Softly And Tenderly Jesus Is Calling

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