Kisah Para Rasul 10:1-46
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Di(TB)/di(TL) <1722> [Cir. A.M. 4045. A.D. 41. in.] seorang perwira(TB)/penghulu(TL) <1543> [a centurion.] pasukan Italia(TB)/Italia(TL) <2483> [Italian.] The Italian band, or rather cohort, [speira <\\See definition 4686\\>,] (a regiment sometimes consisting of from 555 to 1,105 infantry), is not unknown to the Roman writers, (See Tacitus;) and Gruter gives an inscription in which it is mentioned, which was found in the Forum Sempronii, on a fine marble table. |
Judul : Kornelius memanggil Petrus Perikop : Kis 10:1-8 Di Kaisarea Kis 8:40; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:40] |
saleh(TB)/beribadat(TL) <2152> [devout.] takut(TB/TL) <5399> [one.] serta(TB)/dengan(TL) <4862> [with.] <5037> [which.] dan senantiasa berdoa .... berdoa(TB)/dan ... berdoa(TL) <2532 1189> [and prayed.] |
akan Allah Kis 10:22,35; Kis 13:16,26 [Semua] |
tampak(TB)/dilihatnya(TL) <1492> [saw.] kira-kira(TB/TL) <5616> [about.] seorang malaikat(TB)/malaekat(TL) <32> [an.] Kornelius(TB/TL) <2883> [Cornelius.] |
suatu penglihatan, Kis 9:10; [Lihat FULL. Kis 9:10] tiga petang, seorang malaikat Kis 5:19; [Lihat FULL. Kis 5:19] |
<1096> [he was.] apa(TB)/Apakah(TL) <5101> [What.] doamu ... sedekahmu(TB) <4675> [thy.] doamu ... sedekahmu(TB) <4675> [thine.] |
hadirat Allah mengingat engkau. Mazm 20:4; Mat 10:42; [Lihat FULL. Mat 10:42]; Mat 26:13 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: SEMUA DOAMU ... ALLAH MENGINGAT ENGKAU. |
suruhlah(TB)/suruhkanlah(TL) <3992> [send.] yang(TB/TL) <3739> [whose.] |
ke Yope Kis 9:36; [Lihat FULL. Kis 9:36] |
seorang(TB/TL) <5100> [one.] |
penyamak kulit |
dua orang(TB)/dua(TL) <1417> [two.] beserta ..... saleh .... beribadat(TB)/Setelah ................ dan(TL) <1161 2532 2152> [and a.] |
ia menyuruh(TB)/menyuruhkan(TL) <649> [he sent.] |
ke Yope. Kis 9:36; [Lihat FULL. Kis 9:36] |
Petrus(TB/TL) <4074> [Peter.] dua(TB)/tengah(TL) <1623> [the sixth.] |
Judul : Penglihatan Petrus Perikop : Kis 10:9-23 Lihat: Kis 11:5-14 untuk Kis 10:9-32 atas rumah Mat 24:17; [Lihat FULL. Mat 24:17] Catatan Frasa: NAIKLAH PETRUS KE ATAS RUMAH UNTUK BERDOA. |
Ia merasa .......... tiba-tiba(TB) <1096> [he became.] |
kuasa ilahi. |
Tampak olehnya(TB)/nampak(TL) <2334> [saw.] dan ....... suatu(TB)/dan ......... lalu(TL) <2532 5100> [and a.] Ge 49:10 Isa 11:6-14 19:23-25 43:6 56:8 Mt 8:11 13:47,48
Joh 11:52 12:32 Ro 1:16 3:29-31 9:4 15:9-12 16:25,26
Ga 2:15 3:28 Eph 1:10 3:6 Col 3:11 [Semua]
suatu benda(TB)/bekas(TL) <4632> [vessel.] The word [skeuos <\\See definition 4632\\>,] which corresponds to the Hebrew kelee, denotes every kind of vessel or utensil, any thing which may be considered as a receptacle; and is therefore applicable to a sheet [othone <\\See definition 3607\\>,] or any thing woven from flax, tied up at the four corners, which our word vessel is not. |
langit terbuka Mat 3:16; [Lihat FULL. Mat 3:16] |
Bangunlah(TB)/bangkitlah(TL) <450> [Rise.] sembelihlah(TB/TL) <2380> [kill.] Or, sacrifice and eat, [thusia <\\See definition 2378\\> kai <\\See definition 2532\\> phago <\\See definition 5315\\>.] The spirit of the heavenly direction seems to be this, say Dr. A. Clarke, "The middle wall of the partition is now pulled down; the Jews and Gentiles are called to become one flock, under one shepherd and bishop of souls. Thou, Peter, shalt open the door of faith to the Gentiles, and be also the minister of the circumcision. Rise up; already a blessed sacrifice is prepared: go and offer it to God; and let thy soul feed on the fruits of his mercy," etc. |
Tidak ... tidak(TB)/Tidaklah(TL) <3365> [Not.] sebab(TB/TL) <3754> [for.] |
Tidak, Tuhan, tidak tahir. Im 11:4-8,13,20; 20:25; Ul 14:3-20; Yeh 4:14 [Semua] |
Apa yang(TB)/Barang(TL) <3739> [What.] |
nyatakan haram. Kis 10:28; Kej 9:3; Mat 15:11; Luk 11:41; Kis 11:9; Rom 14:14,17,20; 1Kor 10:25; 1Tim 4:3,4; Tit 1:15 [Semua] |
sampai(TB)/tiga(TL) <1909> [thrice.] |
sedang(TL) <5613> [while.] orang-orang(TB)/terdirilah orang(TL) <435> [the men.] |
arti penglihatan Kis 9:10; [Lihat FULL. Kis 9:10] oleh Kornelius |
bertanya(TB/TL) <4441> [and asked.] |
Roh(TB/TL) <4151> [the Spirit.] |
penglihatan itu, Kis 9:10; [Lihat FULL. Kis 9:10] berkatalah Kis 8:29; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:29] Catatan Frasa: BERKATALAH ROH. |
turunlah ke bawah(TB)/turun(TL) <2597> [and get.] <1360> [for.] |
ke mari. |
<2400> [Behold.] apakah(TB)/Apakah(TL) <5101> [what.] |
Kornelius(TB/TL) <2883> [Cornelius.] tulus hati(TB)/benar(TL) <1342> [a just.] yang terkenal baik(TB)/terpuji(TL) <3140> [of good.] dan ............................. dan mendengar(TB)/Maka .............. dan(TL) <1161 2532 5037 191> [and to.] |
akan Allah, akan kaukatakan. |
untuk bermalam(TB)/ditumpangkannya(TL) <3579> [and lodged.] Keesokan harinya(TB)/keesokan(TL) <1887> [on.] dan beberapa ......... beberapa(TB)/diiringkan ... beberapa(TL) <2532 5100> [and certain.] |
Judul : Petrus di rumah Kornelius Perikop : Kis 10:23-43 beberapa saudara Kis 1:16; [Lihat FULL. Kis 1:16] menyertai dia. |
pada hari berikutnya(TB)/pada(TL) <1887> [the morrow.] [Cesarea.] This city, once an obscure fortress called Strato's Tower, was built and superbly decorated by Herod the Great and called C‘sarea, in honour of Augustus C‘sar, to whom he dedicated it in the 28th year of his reign. It was situated on the shore of the Mediterranean, between Joppa and Dora, with a haven, rendered by Herod the most convenient on the coast: according to Ibn Idris and Abulfeda, 30 miles from Jaffa or Joppa, 32 from Ramlay, and 36 from Acco or Ptolemais; and, according to Josephus, 600 stadia, or 75 miles from Jerusalem, though the real distance is probably not more than 62 miles. Nothing now remains of the former splendour of C‘sarea: the supposed sites of the ancient edifices are mere mounds of indefinable form; the waves wash the ruins of the mole, the tower, and the port; the whole of the surrounding country is a sandy desert; and not a creature except beasts of prey, resides within many miles of this silent desolation. ia telah memanggil(TB)/menghimpunkan(TL) <4779> [and had.] |
di Kaisarea. Kis 8:40; [Lihat FULL. Kis 8:40] |
sambil tersungkur ... depan(TB)/sujud(TL) <4098> [and fell.] |
Bangunlah(TB)/Berdirilah(TL) <450> [Stand.] |
manusia saja. Kis 14:15; Wahy 19:10; 22:8,9 [Semua] |
Dan ........ dan mendapati ... dijumpainya(TB)/Maka .......... lalu dijumpainya(TL) <2532 2147> [and found.] |
banyak orang |
<2076> [that it.] <2532> [but.] |
rumah mereka. Yoh 4:9; 18:28; Kis 11:3 [Semua] tidak tahir. Kis 10:14,15; [Lihat FULL. Kis 10:14]; [Lihat FULL. Kis 10:15]; Kis 15:8,9 [Semua] |
ketika ... dipanggil ............ kamu memanggil(TB)/memanggil(TL) <3343> [as soon.] Sekarang aku ingin tahu(TB)/bertanya(TL) <4441> [I ask.] |
Empat(TB)/begini(TL) <5067> [Four.] <2252> [I was.] tiba-tiba(TB)/Lalu ..................... tiba-tiba(TL) <2532 2400> [and, behold.] |
depanku, pakaiannya Yoh 20:12; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 20:12] |
doamu ...... sedekahmu(TB) <4675> [thy.] telah diingatkan(TB)/diingati(TL) <3415> [are.] |
<3767> [therefore.] |
kami ... sudah kami di sini(TB)/kami ... hadir(TL) <3918 2249> [are we.] |
mulailah(TB) <455> [opened.] |
membedakan orang. Ul 10:17; 2Taw 19:7; Ayub 34:19; Mr 12:14; Rom 2:11; Gal 2:6; Ef 6:9; Kol 3:25; Yak 2:1; 1Pet 1:17 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: ALLAH TIDAK MEMBEDAKAN ORANG. |
di(TL) <1722> [in.] 15:9 Isa 56:3-8 Ro 2:13,25-29 3:22,29,30 10:12,13 1Co 12:13
Ga 3:28 Eph 2:13-18 3:6-8 Php 3:3 Col 1:6,23-27 3:11 [Semua]
yang takut akan(TB)/takut(TL) <5399> [feareth.] <2076> [is.] |
mengamalkan kebenaran |
firman(TB)/sabda(TL) <3056> [word.] firman yang memberitakan(TB)/diberitakannya(TL) <2097> [preaching.] |
Itulah firman yang memberitakan Kis 13:32; [Lihat FULL. Kis 13:32] damai sejahtera Luk 2:14; [Lihat FULL. Luk 2:14] semua orang. Mat 28:18; [Lihat FULL. Mat 28:18] |
Kamu tahu ... mengetahui(TB)/kamu ... mengetahui(TL) <1492 5210> [ye know.] yang terjadi ........... yang(TB)/kabar ............... yang(TL) <1096 3739> [which.] sesudah(TB)/kemudian(TL) <3326> [after.] |
Allah ......................... Allah(TB)/Allah ....................... Allah(TL) <2316> [God.] 2:22 4:27 Ps 2:2,6 *marg:
Ps 45:7 Isa 11:2 42:1 61:1-3 Mt 12:28 Lu 3:22 4:18 Joh 3:34
Joh 6:27 10:36-38 Heb 1:9 [Semua]
Dia(TB)/Dia ....................... Dia(TL) <846> [who.] 2Ch 17:9 Mt 4:23-25 9:35 12:15 15:21-31 Mr 1:38,39 3:7-11
Mr 6:6,54-56 Lu 7:10-17,21-23 9:56 1Pe 5:8 [Semua]
menyembuhkan(TB/TL) <2390> [healing.] sebab(TB/TL) <3754> [for.] |
Allah mengurapi Kis 4:26; [Lihat FULL. Kis 4:26] dan menyembuhkan Mat 4:23; [Lihat FULL. Mat 4:23] menyertai Dia. Yoh 3:2; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 3:2] Catatan Frasa: MENYEMBUHKAN SEMUA ORANG YANG DIKUASAI IBLIS. |
kami(TB)/kamilah(TL) <2249 2070> [we are.] yang(TB)/yang .......... Ialah(TL) <3739> [whom.] |
adalah saksi Kis 10:41; Luk 24:48; [Lihat FULL. Luk 24:48] [Semua] kayu salib. Kis 5:30; [Lihat FULL. Kis 5:30] |
telah dibangkitkan Kis 2:24; [Lihat FULL. Kis 2:24] |
bukan(TB)/bukannya(TL) <3756> [Not.] kepada saksi-saksi(TB)/saksi(TL) <3144> [witnesses.] kami(TB/TL) <2254> [even.] |
seluruh bangsa, telah makan Luk 24:43; Yoh 21:13; Kis 1:4 [Semua] |
Ia telah menugaskan(TB)/dipesankannya(TL) <3853> [he commanded.] |
seluruh bangsa orang-orang mati. Yoh 5:22; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 5:22]; Kis 17:31; Rom 14:9; 2Kor 5:10; 2Tim 4:1; 1Pet 4:5 [Semua] |
nama-Nya(TB)/Dia ............ Dia(TL) <5129 846> [him.] 26:22 Isa 53:11 Jer 31:34 Da 9:24 Mic 7:18 Zec 13:1 Mal 4:2
Lu 24:25-27,44-46 Joh 1:45 5:39,40 1Pe 1:11 Re 19:10 [Semua]
oleh karena(TB)/sebab(TL) <1223> [through.] semua ..... barangsiapa(TB)/segala ...... barangsiapa(TL) <3956> [whosoever.] |
Tentang Dialah bahwa barangsiapa percaya Yoh 3:15; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 3:15] karena nama-Nya. Luk 24:27; [Lihat FULL. Luk 24:27] |
Judul : Orang-orang bukan Yahudi menerima Roh Kudus Perikop : Kis 10:44-48 ke atas Kis 8:15,16; 11:15; 15:8; 19:6; Luk 1:15; [Lihat FULL. Luk 1:15] [Semua] Catatan Frasa: TURUNLAH ROH KUDUS KE ATAS SEMUA ORANG. |
dari(TB)/adat(TL) <1537> [they.] bangsa-bangsa lain(TB)/kafir(TL) <1484> [the Gentiles.] |
menyertai Petrus, Kudus dicurahkan bangsa-bangsa lain Catatan Frasa: ROH KUDUS. |
berkata-kata(TB/TL) <2980> [speak.] |
bahasa roh Mr 16:17; [Lihat FULL. Mr 16:17] Catatan Frasa: MENDENGAR ORANG-ORANG ITU BERKATA-KATA DALAM BAHASA ROH. |