TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne
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Himne Indonesia

Kejadian 1:2-5

Kidung Jemaat

  • Allahkulah Kuatku dan Mazmurku [KJ.62]
  • Hai Mari Sembah [KJ.4] ( O Worship the King )
  • O Hari Istirahat [KJ.20] ( O Day of Rest and Gladness )
  • Pada Mulanya [KJ.69]
  • Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
  • Sungguh Indah Alam [KJ.61]
  • Takkah Patut Ku Bernyanyi [KJ.290]
  • Tuhan, karyaMu Sungguh Besar [KJ.63] ( Many and Great, O God )
  • Tuhan, Pencipta Semesta [KJ.289]
  • Ya Roh Kudus Berkurnia [KJ.238]

Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat

  • Hai, Puji Namanya [PKJ.55]

Kejadian 1:14-15

Kidung Jemaat

  • Allahkulah Kuatku dan Mazmurku [KJ.62]
  • Hai Mari Sembah [KJ.4] ( O Worship the King )
  • Pada Mulanya [KJ.69]
  • Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
  • Sungguh Indah Alam [KJ.61]
  • Takkah Patut Ku Bernyanyi [KJ.290]
  • Tuhan, karyaMu Sungguh Besar [KJ.63] ( Many and Great, O God )
  • Tuhan, Pencipta Semesta [KJ.289]

Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat

  • Hai, Puji Namanya [PKJ.55]

Mazmur 19:1-8

Kidung Jemaat

  • Hai Makhluk Alam Semesta [KJ.60] ( All Creatures of Our God and King / Altissimo Omnipotente )
  • Jurus'lamat, Datanglah [KJ.82]
  • Terang Matahari [KJ.322]

Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat

  • Langit Menceritakan [PKJ.132]

Yesaya 60:19

Kidung Jemaat

  • Bunga 'Kan Layu Kering [KJ.279]

Yohanes 1:9

Kidung Jemaat

  • Berlutut di PalunganMu [KJ.115]
  • Bernyanyilah Merdu [KJ.106] ( Good Christian Men, Rejoice / In dulci jubilo )
  • Gapuramu Lapangkanlah [KJ.87]
  • Gita Sorga Bergema [KJ.99] ( Hark! The Herald Angels Sing )
  • Hai Kota Mungil Betlehem [KJ.94] ( O Little Town of Bethlehem )
  • Hai Mari Berhimpun [KJ.109] ( Adeste fideles / O Come, All Ye Faithful )
  • Jurus'lamat, Datanglah [KJ.82]
  • Kiranya Langit Terbelah [KJ.80]
  • Kusongsong Bagaimana [KJ.85]
  • Mahaterpuji Allahku [KJ.79]
  • O Yesus Kristus, T'rang Baka [KJ.140]
  • O, Datanglah, Imanuel [KJ.81]
  • Pencipta Bintang Semesta [KJ.86]
  • Sekarang, Tuhanku [KJ.128]
  • Selama Bumi Didiami [KJ.298]
  • Sinar Fajar Yang Baka [KJ.323]
  • Terbitlah Bintang Timur [KJ.83]
  • Terbitlah dalam Kegelapan [KJ.107]
  • Ya Yesus, Dikau Kurindukan [KJ.84]

Yohanes 8:12

Kidung Jemaat

  • Aku Rindu pada Yesus [KJ.371]
  • Berlutut di PalunganMu [KJ.115]
  • Hai Bangun, Kau yang Tidur [KJ.213]
  • Hai Berdandanlah, Jiwaku [KJ.313]
  • Hai Mari Berhimpun [KJ.109] ( Adeste fideles / O Come, All Ye Faithful )
  • Kar'na Jemaat di Sorga Mulia [KJ.264] ( For All the Saints )
  • Kau Mutiara Hatiku [KJ.324]
  • Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya [KJ.297]
  • Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya Hidupku [KJ.405] ( Be Thou My Vision )
  • Kusongsong Bagaimana [KJ.85]
  • Marilah, Marilah, Hai Saudara [KJ.338]
  • O Yesus Kristus, T'rang Baka [KJ.140]
  • Pencipta Bintang Semesta [KJ.86]
  • Sang Anak domba yang Kudus [KJ.160]
  • Sekarang, Tuhanku [KJ.128]
  • Sekawanan yang Esa [KJ.272]
  • Selama Bumi Didiami [KJ.298]
  • Sinar Fajar Yang Baka [KJ.323]
  • Suara Yesus Kudengar [KJ.144a] ( I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say )
  • Suara Yesus Kudengar [KJ.144b] ( I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say )
  • Sungguh Kerajaan Allah [KJ.247]
  • Terbitlah Bintang Timur [KJ.83]
  • Terbitlah dalam Kegelapan [KJ.107]
  • Ya Cahya Kasih, Jalanku Kelam [KJ.411] ( Lead, Kindly Light )
  • Yesus Segala-galanya [KJ.396] ( Jesus Is All the World to Me )

Efesus 1:18

Kidung Jemaat

  • BagiMu Tuhan, Nyanyianku [KJ.8]
  • Kami Berdoa, Ya Roh Kudus [KJ.230]
  • Kudengar BerkatMu Turun [KJ.235] ( Even Me / Lord, I Hear of Showers of Blessmg )
  • O Roh Kudus Ilahi [KJ.231]
  • O Roh Pencipta, Datanglah [KJ.229a]
  • O Roh Pencipta, Datanglah [KJ.229b]
  • Roh Kudus, Sinarilah [KJ.236] ( Holy Ghost, with Light Divine )
  • Setiap Pagi RahmatMu [KJ.321]
  • Ya Sumber Kasih, Roh Kudus [KJ.55]
  • Yesus, Lihat UmatMu [KJ.57]
  • Yesuslah Raja yang Menang [KJ.248a]
  • Yesuslah Raja yang Menang [KJ.248b]

Yohanes 1:5

Kidung Jemaat

  • Mari, Lihatlah Semua [KJ.114]

Wahyu 21:23

Kidung Jemaat

  • Bunga 'Kan Layu Kering [KJ.279]

Wahyu 22:5

Kidung Jemaat

  • Hai Bangkit Bagi Yesus [KJ.340] ( Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus )

Himne Inggris

Kejadian 1:2-5

  • [Kej 1:2] Father, Whose Creating Hand
  • [Kej 1:2] Hear Us, Thou That Broodest
  • [Kej 1:2] O Lord, Be Us When We Sail
  • [Kej 1:3] Blest Creator Of The Light
  • [Kej 1:3] God Of The Morning, At Whose Voice
  • [Kej 1:3] God, Our Father, Made The Daylight
  • [Kej 1:3] Let There Be Light, Lord God Of Hosts
  • [Kej 1:3] O Blest Creator Of The Light
  • [Kej 1:3] O Trinity Of Blessed Light
  • [Kej 1:3] Thou, Whose Almighty Word
  • [Kej 1:4] Thou Framer Of The Light And Dark
  • [Kej 1:5] Evening And Morning
  • [Kej 1:5] This Day The First Of Days Was Made

Kejadian 1:14-15

  • [Kej 1:14] Another Year Is Dawning
  • [Kej 1:14] New Wonders Of Thy Mighty Hand

Mazmur 19:1-8

  • [Mzm 19:1] All Nature’s Works His Praise Declare
  • [Mzm 19:1] All Things Praise Thee
  • [Mzm 19:1] Angels Holy, High And Lowly
  • [Mzm 19:1] Behold, The Lofty Sky
  • [Mzm 19:1] Duteous Day Now Closeth, The
  • [Mzm 19:1] Father, How Wide Thy Glories Shine
  • [Mzm 19:1] For The Deep Love That Kept Us
  • [Mzm 19:1] God Is The Name My Soul Adores
  • [Mzm 19:1] God Of Nature And Of Grace, The
  • [Mzm 19:1] Great God, The Heav’ns’ Well Ordered Frame
  • [Mzm 19:1] Heaven And Earth, And Sea And Air
  • [Mzm 19:1] Heavens Declare Thy Glory, The (watts)
  • [Mzm 19:1] Heavens Declare Thy Glory, The (birks)
  • [Mzm 19:1] Heav’ns Resoundeth, The
  • [Mzm 19:1] How Marvelous God’s Greatness
  • [Mzm 19:1] Hymn To A Gracious Sovereign
  • [Mzm 19:1] In Righteous Glory Reigning
  • [Mzm 19:1] Nature With Open Volume Stands
  • [Mzm 19:1] O God, I Thank Thee For Each Sight
  • [Mzm 19:1] Sky Can Still Remember, The
  • [Mzm 19:1] Spacious Firmament On High, The
  • [Mzm 19:1] There Is A Book That All May Read
  • [Mzm 19:1] There Seems A Voice In Every Gale
  • [Mzm 19:1] To God, The Universal King
  • [Mzm 19:2] Once More, My Soul, The Rising Day
  • [Mzm 19:4] I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art
  • [Mzm 19:7] Jehovah’s Perfect Law
  • [Mzm 19:7] O Holy Spirit, Grant Us Grace
  • [Mzm 19:7] Thy Word, O Lord, Like Gentle Dews
  • [Mzm 19:8] I Love The Volumes Of Thy Word
  • [Mzm 19:8] Law Of God Is Good And Wise, The

Mazmur 84:11

  • [Mzm 84:11] Eternal Sun Of Righteousness
  • [Mzm 84:11] Jesus, Sun And Shield Art Thou
  • [Mzm 84:11] Sun Of My Soul
  • [Mzm 84:11] Trust And Obey

Yesaya 60:19

  • [Yes 60:19] Eternal Light
  • [Yes 60:19] O Everlasting Light

Yohanes 8:12

  • [Yoh 8:12] Eternal Beam Of Light Divine
  • [Yoh 8:12] Follow The Gleam
  • [Yoh 8:12] Let Us Walk In The Light
  • [Yoh 8:12] Light Of Bethlehem, The
  • [Yoh 8:12] Light Of The World! Faint Were Our Weary Feet
  • [Yoh 8:12] Light Of The World! Forever, Ever Shining
  • [Yoh 8:12] Light Of The World Is Jesus, The
  • [Yoh 8:12] Light Of The World, We Hail Thee
  • [Yoh 8:12] Light Of The World! Whose Kind And Gentle Care
  • [Yoh 8:12] Light Of The World’s Dark Story
  • [Yoh 8:12] Lo! Golden Light Rekindles Day
  • [Yoh 8:12] Morning Light
  • [Yoh 8:12] O Gladsome Light
  • [Yoh 8:12] O Light Of Life
  • [Yoh 8:12] O Light, Whose Beams Illumine All

Wahyu 21:23

  • [Why 21:23] Beautiful
  • [Why 21:23] Beautiful Isle Of Somewhere
  • [Why 21:23] Beautiful Land, The
  • [Why 21:23] Beautiful Valley Of Eden
  • [Why 21:23] By And By (crosby)
  • [Why 21:23] In The City Where The Lamb Is The Light
  • [Why 21:23] O Heavenly Jerusalem
  • [Why 21:23] On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand
  • [Why 21:23] There’ll Be No Dark Valley
  • [Why 21:23] Where They Need No Sun

Wahyu 22:5

  • [Why 22:5] City Of Gold
  • [Why 22:5] Come, Blessed Spirit! Source Of Light
  • [Why 22:5] O Christ, Who Art The Light And Day
  • [Why 22:5] I Wandered In The Shades Of Night
  • [Why 22:5] Light’s Abode, Celestial Salem
  • [Why 22:5] Morning Land, The
  • [Why 22:5] O Christ, Who Art The Light And Day
  • [Why 22:5] Shadows

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