2 Samuel 12:1-31
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [A.M. 2970. B.C. 1034. An. Ex. Is. 457. the Lord.] Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [unto David.] datang(TB)/pergilah(TL) <0935> [he came.] Ps 51:1 *title
dua(TB/TL) <08147> [There were.] There is nothing in this parable which requires illustration. Its bent is evident; and it was wisely constructed, by not having too near a resemblance, to make David unwittingly pass sentence on himself. The parable was in David's hand what his own letter was in the hands of the brave Uriah. Nathan at length closed in with him in the application of it. In beginning with a parable he shewed his prudence, and great need there is of prudence in giving reproof; but now he speaks as an ambassador from God. He reminds David of the great things God had designed and done for him, and then charges him with a high contempt of the Divine authority, and threatens an entail of judgments upon his family for this sin. Those who despise the word and law of God, despise God himself, and will assuredly suffer for such contempt. |
Judul : Daud ditegur oleh Natan Perikop : 2Sam 12:1-25 mengutus Natan 2Sam 7:2; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:2] kepada Daud. kepada Daud |
sangat(TB)/amat(TL) <03966> [exceeding.] |
seekor ... anak domba ... kecil(TB)/seekor anak domba(TL) <06996 0259> [one little.] suapnya(TB)/cawannya(TL) <06595> [meat. Heb. morsel. lay in his.] |
tamu(TB)/singgah(TL) <01982> [a traveller.] mengambil .................. mengambil ....... miskin ....... miskin(TB)/mengambil ............. diambilnya(TL) <03947 07326> [took the.] |
Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [David's.] TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [As the Lord.] dihukum dibunuh(TB)/mati dibunuh(TL) <04194 01121> [shall surely die. or, is worthy to die. Heb. is a son of death.] 1Sa 20:31 26:16 *marg: [Semua]
Lalu Daud sangat marah Kej 34:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:7] karena orang yang hidup: 1Sam 14:39; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 14:39] |
dibayar(TB)/Tak(TL) <07999> [restore.] karena ... telah ....... karena(TB)/sebab telah .... yang .... sebab(TL) <06118 0834> [because.] |
kali lipat, |
orang(TB/TL) <0376> [Thou art.] mengurapi(TB)/menyiram(TL) <04886> [I anointed.] melepaskan(TB)/meluputkan(TL) <05337> [I delivered.] |
orang itu! yang mengurapi 1Sam 2:35; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 2:35] engkau |
tuanmu .... isteri-isteri tuanmu .... isteri(TB)/tuanmu ....... isteri tuanmu(TL) <0802 0113> [thy master's wives.] Kuberikan ... rumah istana tuanmu .... tuanmu ..... tuanmu ... memberikan ... kaum ....... rumah(TB)/Kukaruniakan ............ mengaruniakan(TL) <05414 0113 01004> [gave thee.] menambahi(TL) <03254> [I would.] |
tuanmu kepadamu, 2Sam 9:7; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 9:7] |
menghina(TB)/mempermudahkan(TL) <0959> [despised.] melakukan .... jahat .... jahat(TB)/berbuat .... jahat(TL) <06213 07451> [to do evil.] ditewaskan(TB)/membunuh(TL) <05221> [thou hast.] |
engkau menghina Bil 15:31; [Lihat FULL. Bil 15:31]; 1Sam 13:14; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 13:14] [Semua] mata-Nya? Uria, 2Sam 11:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 11:15] mata-Nya? Uria, kaubiarkan ditewaskan Catatan Frasa: MENGAPA ENGKAU MENGHINA TUHAN |
pedang(TB/TL) <02719> [the sword.] sebab(TL) <06118> [because.] mengambil(TB/TL) <03947> [hast taken.] |
itu, pedang 2Sam 13:28; 18:14-15; 1Raj 2:25 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: PEDANG TIDAK AKAN MENYINGKIR DARI KETURUNANMU. |
Kutimpakan(TB)/menerbitkan(TL) <06965> [I will raise.] mengambil(TB/TL) <03947> [I will take.] That is, in the course of my providence I will permit this to be done. Such phrases in Scripture do not mean that God either does or can do evil himself; but only that he permits such evil to be done as he foresaw would be done, and which, had he pleased, he might have prevented. |
ke atasmu Ul 28:30; 2Sam 16:21-22 [Semua] kaum keluargamu siang hari. Ul 17:17; [Lihat FULL. Ul 17:17] Catatan Frasa: BEGINILAH FIRMAN TUHAN. |
tersembunyi(TB)/sembunyi-sembunyi(TL) <05643> [secretly.] |
secara tersembunyi, secara terang-terangan. Catatan Frasa: DI DEPAN SELURUH ISRAEL. |
Daud ............. Daud(TB)/Daud .............. Daud(TL) <01732> [David.] berdosa(TB/TL) <02398> [I have sinned.] 24:10 1Sa 15:24,25,30 Job 7:20 33:27 Ps 32:3-5 51:4 Pr 25:12
Pr 28:13 Lu 15:21 Ac 2:37 1Jo 1:8-10 [Semua]
TUHAN ....... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ........ Tuhan(TL) <03068> [The Lord.] Job 7:21 Ps 32:1,2 130:3,4 Isa 6:5-7 38:17 43:24 44:22
La 3:32 Mic 7:18,19 Zec 3:4 Heb 9:26 1Jo 1:7,9 2:1 Re 1:5 [Semua]
mati(TB/TL) <04191> [thou.] |
sudah berdosa Kej 13:13; [Lihat FULL. Kej 13:13]; Kej 20:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 20:6]; Bil 22:34; [Lihat FULL. Bil 22:34] [Semua] telah menjauhkan Mazm 32:1-5; 51:3,11; 103:12; Yes 43:25; 44:22; Za 3:4,9 [Semua] dosamu Ams 28:13; Yer 2:35; Mi 7:18-19 [Semua] akan mati. Catatan Frasa: TUHAN TELAH MENJAUHKAN DOSAMU ITU. |
perbuatan(TB) <01697> [by this deed.] anak(TB)/putera(TL) <01121> [the child.] |
sangat menista |
menulahi anak ..... kanak-kanak(TB)/didatangkan ...... kanak-kanak(TL) <05062 03206> [struck the child.] |
Tuhan menulahi 1Sam 25:38; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 25:38] Catatan Frasa: PERGILAH NATAN KE RUMAHNYA. |
memohon(TB)/dipohonkan(TL) <01245> [besought.] berpuasa(TB)/berpuasalah(TL) <06684> [fasted. Heb. fasted a fast.] semalam-malaman ... semalam-malaman berbaring(TB)/meniarap .... semalam-malaman(TL) <03885 07901> [lay all night.] |
ia berbaring |
tua-tua(TB/TL) <02205> [the elders.] |
tidak mau; Kej 37:35; [Lihat FULL. Kej 37:35]; 1Sam 1:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 1:7] [Semua] dengan mereka. 2Sam 3:35; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 3:35]; Dan 6:19 [Semua] |
hari ... hari(TB)/tujuh hari(TL) <03117 07637> [seventh day. vex. Heb. do hurt to.] |
bangun(TB)/berbangktilah(TL) <06965> [arose.] berurap(TB)/bau-bauan(TL) <05480> [anointed.] rumah ........... rumahnya(TB)/bait ............. istana(TL) <01004> [the house.] |
ia mandi bertukar pakaian; Kej 41:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 41:14] |
hal(TB)/kelakuan(TL) <01697> [What thing.] |
berpuasa(TB/TL) <06684> [I fasted.] |
dan menangis, siapa tahu tetap hidup. |
pergi(TB/TL) <01980> [I shall go.] mengembalikannya ............ kembali(TB)/kembali(TL) <07725> [he shall not.] |
pergi kepadanya, kembali kepadaku. 1Sam 31:13; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 31:13]; 2Sam 13:39; Ayub 7:10; 10:21 [Semua] |
melahirkan(TB)/diperanakkannya(TL) <03205> [A.M. 2971. B.C. 1033. An. Ex. Is. 458. she bare.] |
hati Batsyeba, nama Salomo 1Raj 1:10; 1Taw 22:9; 28:5; Mat 1:6 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: BATSYEBA, ISTERINYA. |
Natan(TB/TL) <05416> [Nathan.] Yedija(TB)/Yedid-Yah(TL) <03041> [Jedidiah. that is, Beloved of the Lord.] |
itu Yedija, |
Yoab(TB)/Yoabpun(TL) <03097> [Joab.] Raba(TB)/Rabba(TL) <07237> [Rabbah.] Rabbah, or Rabbath-Ammon, also called Philadelphia, from Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt, was situated east of Jordan, and, according to Eusebius, ten miles east from Jazer. It is sometimes mentioned as belonging to Arabia, sometimes to Coelo-Syria; and was one of the cities of the Decapolis east of Jordan. Josephus extends the region of Perea as far as Philadelphia. It is now, says Burckhardt, called Amman, distant about 19 miles to the S. E. by E. of Szalt, and lies along the banks of a river called Moiet Amman, which has its source in a pond, at a few hundred paces from the south-western end of the town, and empties itself in the Zerka, or Jabbok, about four hours to the northward. This river runs in a valley bordered on both sides by barren hills of flint, which advance on the south side close to the edge of the stream. The edifices which still remain, though in a decaying state, from being built of a calcareous stone of moderate hardness, sufficiently attest the former greatness and splendour of this metropolis of the children of Ammon. |
Judul : Perang melawan Bani Amon Perikop : 2Sam 12:26-31 Paralel: 1Taw 20:1-3 dengan 2Sam 11:1; 12:26-31 melawan Raba, Ul 3:11; [Lihat FULL. Ul 3:11] |
Raba(TB)/Rabba(TL) <07237> [Rabbah.] kota air ....... air(TB)/negeri ..... air(TL) <05892 04325> [the city of waters.] Probably that part of the city situated near the pond, from which the rest received their water. |
namaku .... nama .... nama(TB)/nama ... termasyhurlah(TL) <08034 07121> [it be called after my name. Heb. my name be called upon it.] |
mengambil(TB)/diambilnya(TL) <03947> [took.] beratnya(TB/TL) <04948> [the weight.] If this talent was only seven pounds, as Whiston says, David might have carried it on his head with little difficulty; but this weight, according to common computation, would amount to nearly 114 pounds! Some, therefore, think, that {mishkelah} should be taken for its value, not weight; which renders it perfectly plain, as the worth of the crown will be about 5,074œ. 15s. 7d. sterling. The ancients mention several such large crowns, made more for sight than use. Athen‘us describes a crown of gold that was 24 feet in circumference; and mentions others that were two, some four, and others five feet deep. Pliny takes notice of some that were no less than eight pounds weight. Besides the crown usually worn, it was customary for kings, in some nations, to have such large ones as described, either hung or supported over the throne, where they sat at their coronation or other solemn occasions. banyak banyak(TB)/bertahtakan .............. banyak(TL) <03966 07235> [in great abundance. Heb. very great.] |
mengambil mahkota Est 8:15; Mazm 21:4; 132:18 [Semua] |
dipaksanya bekerja ... gergaji ... gergaji(TB)/dibentangkannya(TL) <07760 04050> [and put them.] Rather, as the particle [b] frequently signifies, "And he put them to saws, and to harrows, and to axes," etc., as we say, to put a person to the plough, to the anvil, to the last, etc. [Also.] |
bani Amon. 1Sam 14:47; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 14:47] |
2 Samuel 2:1-21
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
bertanyalah(TB/TL) <07592> [enquired.] Hebron(TB)/Heberon(TL) <02275> [Hebron.] |
Judul : Daud diurapi menjadi raja atas Yehuda Perikop : 2Sam 2:1-7 Kemudian bertanyalah 1Sam 23:2,11-12; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 23:2]; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 23:11]; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 23:12] [Semua] Ke Hebron. Kej 13:18; [Lihat FULL. Kej 13:18]; Kej 23:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 23:19] [Semua] |
kedua isterinya: 1Sam 25:43; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 25:43] dan Abigail, 1Sam 25:42; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 25:42] |
<0582> [his men.] kota-kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [the cities.] |
yang mengiringinya 1Sam 27:2; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 27:2]; 1Taw 12:22 [Semua] kota-kota Hebron. Kej 13:18; [Lihat FULL. Kej 13:18]; Kej 23:2; 37:14 [Semua] |
Yehuda ... Yehuda ......... Yehuda ....... Yehuda(TB)/Yehuda ............... Yehuda(TL) <03063 0582> [the men of Judah.] mengurapi(TB)/disiramnya(TL) <04886> [anointed.] Yabesh-Gilead(TB)/Yabes(TL) <03003 0582> [the men of Jabesh-gilead.] |
lalu mengurapi 1Sam 2:35; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 2:35]; 2Sam 5:3-5; 1Taw 12:23-40 [Semua] di sana 1Sam 30:31; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 30:31] Yabesh-Gilead Hak 21:8; [Lihat FULL. Hak 21:8]; 1Sam 11:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 11:1] [Semua] Catatan Frasa: MENGURAPI DAUD ... MENJADI RAJA ATAS KAUM YEHUDA. |
Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [David.] This was a generous and noble act, highly indicative of the grandeur of David's mind. He respected Saul, though he had been greatly injured by him, as the anointed king of Israel, and once his legitimate sovereign; and he loved Jonathan as his most intimate friend. Diberkatilah(TB)/Keberkatanlah(TL) <01288> [Blessed.] |
Diberkatilah Hak 17:2; [Lihat FULL. Hak 17:2]; 1Sam 23:21; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 23:21]; 2Tim 1:16 [Semua] |
TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.] menunjukkan ........ berbuat ......... melakukan(TB)/berbuat ........... mengaruniai .......... berbuat(TL) <06213> [I also.] |
dan setia-Nya |
hatimu(TB)/tanganmu(TL) <03027> [let your.] orang-orang(TB)/perwira(TL) <01121> [valiant. Heb. the sons of valour.] |
Kuatkanlah Yos 1:6; [Lihat FULL. Yos 1:6]; Hak 5:21; [Lihat FULL. Hak 5:21] [Semua] |
Abner(TB/TL) <074> [Abner.] [Saul's host. Heb. the host which was Saul's. Ish-bosheth.] [Esh-baal. Mahanaim.] |
Judul : Peperangan antara keluarga Daud dan Isyboset Perikop : 2Sam 2:8--3:1 Abner 1Sam 14:50; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 14:50]; 2Sam 3:27; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 3:27] [Semua] mengambil Isyboset, 2Sam 4:5; 1Taw 8:33; 9:39 [Semua] ke Mahanaim Kej 32:2; [Lihat FULL. Kej 32:2] |
Gilead(TB/TL) <01568> [Gilead.] Asyuri(TB/TL) <0805> [Ashurites.] The LXX. read [ ,] {Thasiri;} and the Vulgate {Gessuri,} "Geshurites;" but it is probable that for {ashuri,} "Ashurites," we should read {ashairi,} "Asherites," or those of the tribe of Asher. Yizreel(TB)/Yizriel(TL) <03157> [over Jezreel.] |
atas Gilead, Bil 32:26; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:26] orang Asyuri, Yos 19:24-31; [Lihat FULL. Yos 19:24] s/d 31 [Semua] seluruh Israel. |
tahun .......... tahun ... dua tahun ... tahun(TB)/tahun ..... dua tahun(TL) <08141 08147> [two years.] Houbigant proposes to read {shesh shanah,} "six years" instead of {shetayim shanim,} "two years," of the text, which he contends is a solecism; for, in pure Hebrew, the words should be {shetayim shanah;} and this is the reading of twenty MSS.; but two is acknowledged by all the versions and MSS. yet collated. |
jumlah(TL) <04557> [time. Heb. number of days.] |
enam bulan. |
Mahanaim(TB)/Mahanayim(TL) <04266> [A.M. 2951. B.C. 1053. An. Ex. Is. 438. Mahanaim.] Gibeon(TB/TL) <01391> [Gibeon.] |
ke Gibeon. Yos 9:3; [Lihat FULL. Yos 9:3] |
Yoab(TB/TL) <03097> [Joab.] pihak(TL) <03162> [together. Heb. them together. pool.] |
Juga Yoab, 2Sam 8:16; 19:13; 1Raj 1:7; 1Taw 2:16; 11:6; 27:34 [Semua] |
pertandingan ... depan ..... hadapan(TB)/bermain .... hadapan(TL) <06440 07832> [play before.] |
kepala(TB/TL) <07218> [by the head.] Probably by the beard or hair of the head. Plutarch, in his Apophthegms, informs us, that all things being ready for a battle, Alexander's captains asked him whether he had any thing else to command them. "Nothing," said he, "but that the Macedonians shave their beards." Parmenio wondering what he meant, "Dost thou not know," said he, "that in fight, there is no better hold than the beard?" Helkat-Hazurim(TB)/Hazurim(TL) <02521> [Helkath-hazzurim. that is, the field of strong men.] |
menikamkan pedangnya Hak 3:21; [Lihat FULL. Hak 3:21] |
Abner(TB/TL) <074> [Abner.] |
terpukul kalah anak buah 1Sam 17:8; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 17:8] |
Ketiga(TB)/tiga(TL) <07969> [three.] cepat larinya(TB)/pantas(TL) <07031> [was as light.] cepat larinya(TB)/kakinya(TL) <07272> [foot. Heb. his feet. a wild roe. Heb. one of the roes that is in the field.] [The word {tzevee,} rather denotes the gazelle or antelope.] (See note on De 15:22.) |
laki-laki Zeruya, 2Sam 3:39; 16:10; 19:22 [Semua] yakni Yoab, 2Sam 3:30; 10:7; 11:1; 14:1; 18:14; 20:8; 24:3; 1Raj 1:7; 2:5,34 [Semua] Abisai dan Asael 2Sam 23:24; 1Taw 2:16; 11:26; 27:7 [Semua] seperti kijang 1Taw 12:8; Ams 6:5; Kid 2:9 [Semua] |
menyimpang(TB/TL) <05186> [turned.] mengejar Abner ... Abner ......... membuntutinya ...... Abner(TB)/Abner ... belakang ........... belakang Abner(TL) <074 0310> [following Abner. Heb. after Abner.] |
ambillah senjatanya .... rampaslah(TB) <03947 02488> [and take thee.] It seems that Asahel wished to get the armour of Abner as a trophy. senjatanya(TB)/rampaslah(TL) <02488> [armour. or, spoil.] |