Yizr@`e'l <03157>

laerzy Yizr@`e'l

Asal Mula:from 02232 and 0410
Jenis Kata:
Dalam Ibrani:laerzy 15, laerzyb 10, hlaerzy 7, laerzym 2, laerzyw 1, laerzyl 1
Dalam TB:Yizreel 35, kota 1
Dalam AV:Jezreel 36
Definisi : Jezreel = "God sows" n pr m 1) a descendant of the father or founder of Etam of Judah 2) first son of Hosea the prophet n pr loc 3) a city in the Nekeb of Judah 4) a city in Issachar on the northwest spur of Mount Gilboa
from 2232 and 410; God will sow; Jizreel, the name of two places in Palestine and of two Israelites: KJV -- Jezreel.
see HEBREW for 02232
see HEBREW for 0410
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Yizreel (TB, BIS, FAYH)
Yizreela (TL)
Yizreil (TL)
Yizrie (TL)
Yizriel (TL)
Yizrieli (TL)

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