TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne
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Himne Indonesia

Yesaya 7:14

Kidung Jemaat

  • Anak Yang Dijanji [KJ.122]
  • Gita Sorga Bergema [KJ.99] ( Hark! The Herald Angels Sing )
  • Hai Dengar Tembang Malaikat [KJ.104]
  • Hai Kota Mungil Betlehem [KJ.94] ( O Little Town of Bethlehem )
  • Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya [KJ.297]
  • O, Datanglah, Imanuel [KJ.81]

Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat

Yesaya 9:6-7

Kidung Jemaat

  • Anak Yang Dijanji [KJ.122]
  • Bernyanyilah Merdu [KJ.106] ( Good Christian Men, Rejoice / In dulci jubilo )
  • Bernyanyilah, Puteri Sion [KJ.90]
  • Dari Timur, Jauh Benar [KJ.129]
  • Di Malam Sunyi Bergema [KJ.96]
  • Dia Nobatkanlah [KJ.226] ( Crown Him with Many Crowns )
  • Gita Sorga Bergema [KJ.99] ( Hark! The Herald Angels Sing )
  • Hai Dunia, Gembiralah [KJ.119] ( Joy to the World )
  • Hosiana! Putra Daud [KJ.162]
  • Lahir Putera Mulia [KJ.132] ( Puer nobis nascitur / Unto Us a Boy Is Born )
  • Puji Yesus [KJ.293]
  • Putri Sion, Nyanyilah [KJ.91]
  • S'lamat, S'lamat Datang [KJ.123]
  • Siapakah Yang Menerima [KJ.124]
  • Terbitlah dalam Kegelapan [KJ.107]
  • Terbukalah Sorga [KJ.41]
  • Yerusalem, Pusaka Daud [KJ.155]
  • Yesus Kristus Memerintah [KJ.220]

Matius 1:23

Kidung Jemaat

  • Anak Yang Dijanji [KJ.122]
  • Gita Sorga Bergema [KJ.99] ( Hark! The Herald Angels Sing )
  • Hai Dengar Tembang Malaikat [KJ.104]
  • Hai Kota Mungil Betlehem [KJ.94] ( O Little Town of Bethlehem )
  • Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya [KJ.297]
  • Lahir Kristus di Dunia [KJ.125]
  • O, Datanglah, Imanuel [KJ.81]
  • Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
  • Siang, Malam, Musim, Tahun [KJ.331]

Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat

Kisah Para Rasul 4:12

Kidung Jemaat

  • Ingat akan Nama Yesus [KJ.344]
  • Manisnya Nama Penebus [KJ.386]
  • Segala Benua dan Langit Penuh [KJ.281]

Filipi 2:9-11

Kidung Jemaat

  • Agungkan Kuasa NamaNya [KJ.222a]
  • Agungkan Kuasa NamaNya [KJ.222b]
  • Berkereta Awan Putih [KJ.225]
  • Di Seluruh Dunia [KJ.255]
  • Dia Nobatkanlah [KJ.226] ( Crown Him with Many Crowns )
  • Dunia Dalam Rawa Paya [KJ.343]
  • Gita Sorga Bergema [KJ.99] ( Hark! The Herald Angels Sing )
  • Jurus'lamat, Datanglah [KJ.82]
  • Ketika Tuhanku Disalib [KJ.435]
  • Kristus Bangkit! Soraklah' [KJ.188]
  • Mahkota Duri yang Kejam [KJ.219] ( The Head That Once Was Crowned )
  • Masyhurkan RajaMu [KJ.224] ( Rejoice, the Lord Is King )
  • Pencipta Bintang Semesta [KJ.86]
  • Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
  • Segala Benua dan Langit Penuh [KJ.281]
  • Terbitlah dalam Kegelapan [KJ.107]
  • Tuhanku Bangkit! Nyanyilah [KJ.211]
  • UmatMu Bersembah Sujud [KJ.227]
  • Yesus Kristus Memerintah [KJ.220]
  • Yesus, Tuhan, Engkaulah Mesias [KJ.141]

Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat

  • Dalam Nama Yesus Kita Bertelut [PKJ.122]
  • Nama Yesus Termulia [PKJ.184]

Wahyu 19:13

Kidung Jemaat

  • Firman Allah Jayalah [KJ.49]

Wahyu 19:16

Kidung Jemaat

  • Agungkan Kuasa NamaNya [KJ.222b]
  • Agungkan Kuasa NamaNya [KJ.222a]
  • Firman Allah Jayalah [KJ.49]
  • Hai Dunia, Gembiralah [KJ.119] ( Joy to the World )
  • Hai Masyhurkanlah [KJ.6] ( Ye Servants of God )
  • Ingat akan Nama Yesus [KJ.344]
  • Lahir Kristus di Dunia [KJ.125]
  • Mahkota Duri yang Kejam [KJ.219] ( The Head That Once Was Crowned )
  • Naikkan Doa Tak Enggan [KJ.452] ( Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare )
  • Sungguh Kerajaan Allah [KJ.247]
  • Tuhanku Yesus [KJ.19] ( Fairest Lord Jesus / Schönster Herr Jesu )
  • Yesus, Mesias Israel [KJ.159]

Himne Inggris

Mazmur 111:9

  • [Mzm 111:9] Redemption Ground

Kidung Agung 1:3

  • [Kid 1:3] How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds
  • [Kid 1:3] Jesu, The Virgins’ Crown
  • [Kid 1:3] Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know

Yesaya 7:14

  • [Yes 7:14] All Hail To Thee, Immanuel
  • [Yes 7:14] And Art Thou Come With Us To Dwell
  • [Yes 7:14] Behold, The Grace Appears!
  • [Yes 7:14] From Lands That See The Sun Arise
  • [Yes 7:14] Gracious Savior, Who Didst Honor
  • [Yes 7:14] Great God Of Heaven, The
  • [Yes 7:14] Immanuel, We Sing Thy Praise
  • [Yes 7:14] O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
  • [Yes 7:14] Praise We The Lord This Day
  • [Yes 7:14] Precious Child, So Sweetly Sleeping
  • [Yes 7:14] Thee, O Immanuel, We Praise
  • [Yes 7:14] Thou Virgin-born Incarnate Word
  • [Yes 7:14] Virgin Did Come, A
  • [Yes 7:14] Virgin Most Pure, A
  • [Yes 7:14] Virgin Unspotted, A
  • [Yes 7:14] We Sing, Immanuel, Thy Praise
  • [Yes 7:14] Welcome God’s And Mary’s Son

Yesaya 9:6-7

  • [Yes 9:6] Angel’s Proclamation, The
  • [Yes 9:6] Baby Of Bethlehem, The
  • [Yes 9:6] Bright And Joyful Is The Morn
  • [Yes 9:6] Christmas Day Joyous
  • [Yes 9:6] Father Of Everlasting Grace
  • [Yes 9:6] For Unto Us A Child Is Born
  • [Yes 9:6] Giver Of Concord, Prince Of Peace
  • [Yes 9:6] Good News From Heaven The Angels Bring
  • [Yes 9:6] He Has Come, The Christ Of God
  • [Yes 9:6] He Shall Be Called
  • [Yes 9:6] He’s A Wonderful Savior To Me
  • [Yes 9:6] Hush, All Ye Sounds Of War
  • [Yes 9:6] I Walk With The King
  • [Yes 9:6] It Is A Thing Most Wonderful
  • [Yes 9:6] Jesus! Wonderful Name!
  • [Yes 9:6] Join All Ye Joyful Nations
  • [Yes 9:6] Lands That Long In Darkness Lay, The
  • [Yes 9:6] Messiah, Prince Of Peace
  • [Yes 9:6] Name Of Jesus, Softly Stealing
  • [Yes 9:6] Name Of Jesus, The
  • [Yes 9:6] Newborn King Who Comes Today, The
  • [Yes 9:6] O Wonderful Savior
  • [Yes 9:6] Oh, Wondrous Name!
  • [Yes 9:6] Prince Of Peace, Control My Will
  • [Yes 9:6] Rejoice Today
  • [Yes 9:6] Sing, O Sing, This Blessed Morn
  • [Yes 9:6] Sing Ye The Songs Of Praise
  • [Yes 9:6] Sweet Peace, The Gift Of God’s Love
  • [Yes 9:6] To Christ, The Prince Of Peace
  • [Yes 9:6] To Us A Child Of Hope Is Born
  • [Yes 9:6] Unto Us A Boy Is Born
  • [Yes 9:6] Unto Us A Child Is Born
  • [Yes 9:6] What A Wonderful Savior!

Matius 1:23

  • [Mat 1:23] Eternal Depth Of Love Divine
  • [Mat 1:23] God With Us
  • [Mat 1:23] God With Us! O Glorious Name!
  • [Mat 1:23] Slowly Fall The Snowflakes
  • [Mat 1:23] Triumph, Ye Heavens!

Kisah Para Rasul 4:12

  • [Kis 4:12] Conquering Kings Their Titles Take
  • [Kis 4:12] Only One Name
  • [Kis 4:12] ’tis For Conquering Kings To Gain
  • [Kis 4:12] To The Name Of Our Salvation
  • [Kis 4:12] To The Name That Is Salvation

Filipi 2:9-11

  • [Flp 2:9] All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name
  • [Flp 2:9] Dearest Of All The Names Above
  • [Flp 2:9] Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
  • [Flp 2:9] Jesus! The Name High Over All
  • [Flp 2:9] Join All The Glorious Names
  • [Flp 2:9] O God, We Praise Thee, And Confess
  • [Flp 2:9] Of All In Earth Or Heaven
  • [Flp 2:9] Precious Name
  • [Flp 2:9] Speak To Me Only Of Jesus
  • [Flp 2:9] There Is No Name So Sweet On Earth
  • [Flp 2:9] There’s No Other Name Like Jesus
  • [Flp 2:10] Again The Morn Of Gladness
  • [Flp 2:10] At The Name Of Jesus
  • [Flp 2:11] Glory To God The Father

Wahyu 19:13

  • [Why 19:13] O Heavenly Word

Wahyu 19:16

  • [Why 19:16] O King Of Kings, O Lord Of Hosts

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