TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Samuel 1:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perempuan(TB)/hambamu(TL) <08198> [Let thine.]

<03212 01870> [went her.]


dari padamu.

Kej 18:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 18:3]; Rut 2:13 [Semua]

tidak muram

Rom 15:13

1 Samuel 1:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tuan(TL) <05315> [as thy soul.]

1 Samuel 2:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyewakan(TB)/kenyang(TL) <07649> [full.]

mandul(TB/TL) <06135> [the barren.]

layu(TB)/lemah(TL) <0535> [waxed feeble.]


yang lapar

Luk 1:53

yang mandul

Mazm 113:9; Yes 54:1; Yer 15:9 [Semua]

1 Samuel 2:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


The natural place for this verse seems to be before the 11th, after which the 21st should probably come in; and after the 21st, perhaps the 26th should follow.

memberkati(TB/TL) <01288> [blessed.]

permintaan(TL) <07596> [loan. or, petition which she asked, etc.]


telah diserahkannya

1Sam 1:27; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 1:27]

1 Samuel 2:32-33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mata bermusuhan(TB)/kepicikan(TL) <06862> [an enemy, etc.]

Or, the affliction of the tabernacle, for all the wealth which God would have given Israel. This appears to be the right translation; for, agreeably to this prediction, he did see the tabernacle deprived of the ark, which was its glory, and lived to hear that it was captured by the Philistines.

kakek(TB)/tuapun(TL) <02205> [an old man.]


mata bermusuhan

1Sam 4:3; 22:17-20; Yer 7:12,14 [Semua]

seorang kakek

1Raj 2:26-27 [Semua]


lingkungan(TB)/menghancurkan(TL) <03615> [to consume.]

<0582> [in the flower, etc. Heb. men.]


tambahan keluargamu

Yer 29:32; Mal 2:12 [Semua]

1 Samuel 3:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kuberitahukan ...... menghukum menghukumkan untuk(TB)/beritahu .......... sampai(TL) <05046 05704 08199> [For I have told him. or, And I will tell him, etc.]

menghukum(TB)/menghukumkan(TL) <08199> [I will.]

diketahuinya(TB/TL) <03045> [which he knoweth.]

anak-anaknya(TB)/anaknya(TL) <01121> [his sons.]

menghujat(TB)/laknat(TL) <07043> [vile. or, accursed. restrained them not. Heb. frowned not upon them.]


tidak memarahi

1Raj 1:6


1 Samuel 3:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


semuanya(TB)/sepatah(TL) <01697> [every whit. Heb. all the things, or, words.]

Whit, or wid, comes from the Anglo-Saxon {wiht,} which signifies person, thing, etc.: every whit is every thing: equivalent to every jot.

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [It is the Lord.]


yang dipandang-Nya

Hak 10:15; [Lihat FULL. Hak 10:15]

1 Samuel 3:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Dan(TB/TL) <01835> [Dan.]

kepada .... dipercayakan(TB) <0539> [established. or, faithful.]


sampai Bersyeba,

Hak 20:1; [Lihat FULL. Hak 20:1]

nabi Tuhan.

Ul 18:22; [Lihat FULL. Ul 18:22]; Yeh 33:33 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: NABI TUHAN.

1 Samuel 6:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berkeras ......... berkeras(TB)/mengeraskan ......... mengeraskan(TL) <03513> [harden.]

<04714> [the Egyptians.]

mempermain-mainkan(TB)/terpaksa(TL) <05953> [wonderfully. or, reproachfully. did they not.]

membiarkan ..... ketika(TB)/menyuruhkan(TL) <07971> [the people. Heb. them.]


kamu berkeras

Kel 4:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 4:21]

Bukankah mereka

Kel 12:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:33]

Ia mempermain-mainkan

Kel 10:2

1 Samuel 9:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Zuf(TB/TL) <06689> [Zuph.]

kuatir(TB)/bercintakan(TL) <01672> [take thought.]


tanah Zuf,

1Sam 1:1

tetapi kuatir

1Sam 10:2

1 Samuel 9:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


utama(TB)/hulu(TL) <07218> [in the chiefest.]

1 Samuel 10:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tinggi(TB/TL) <01361> [he was higher.]


lebih tinggi

1Sam 9:2

1 Samuel 13:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pikirku ..... Filistin Filistin(TB)/kataku(TL) <0559 06430> [said I.]

memohonkan belas kasihan ..... hadapan(TB)/meminta .... hadapan(TL) <06440 02470> [made supplication unto. Heb. intreated the face of, etc. I forced.]


di Gilgal,

Yos 10:43; [Lihat FULL. Yos 10:43]

belas kasihan

Ul 4:29; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:29]; Mazm 119:58; Yer 26:19 [Semua]

1 Samuel 13:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Samuel(TB)/Semuel(TL) <08050> [Samuel.]

The LXX. have, "Samuel arose and went away from Gilgal, and the remainder of the people went up along with the men of war after Samuel from Gilgal to Gibeah of Benjamin." This is probably the true reading; for it does not appear that Samuel went to Gibeah, which was Saul's usual residence; and the Hebrew copyist, as Dr. Wall observes, seems to have missed a line, and added to the sentence concerning Samuel, that which ended the sentence concerning Saul. One MS. instead of Samuel, in the beginning of the sentence, reads Saul.

ada(TB)/terdapat(TL) <04672> [present. Heb. found. about six.]


ke Gibea

1Sam 14:2

enam ratus

1Sam 13:2

1 Samuel 14:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ujung(TB/TL) <07097> [in the uttermost.]

pohon delima(TB)/pokok delima(TL) <07416> [a pomegranate.]

The word {rimmon,} in Arabic {romman,} whence the Portuguese {romaa,} denotes the pomegranate, both tree and fruit; called by naturalists {malus punica} or {malo-granatum.} It is, according to the Linnean system, a genus of the {icosandria monogynia} class of plants; and is a low tree, growing very common in Palestine, and other parts of the East. It has several small angular boughs, very thick and bushy, covered with a reddish bark, and some of them armed with sharp thorns. They are garnished with small, narrow, spear-shaped leaves, like those of the myrtle, but not so sharp, of a green colour, inclining to red. Its blossoms are large, beautiful, of an elegant red colour, inclining to purple, composed of several stalks resembling a rose, in the hollow of the cup: this cup is oblong, hard, purple, having a figure somewhat like that of a bell. It is chiefly valued for its fruit, which is exceedingly beautiful, of the form and size of a large apple, with a reddish rind, and red within; being full of small kernels, with red grains, replenished with a generous liquor, of which, Sir John Chardin informs us, they still make considerable quantities of wine in the East, particularly in Persia. But as the pomegranate tree, from its low growth, is but little adapted for pitching a tent under, it is probable that Rimmon here is the name of the rock mentioned in Jud 20:45.


Saul duduk

Hak 4:5; [Lihat FULL. Hak 4:5]

ujung Gibea

1Sam 13:15

pohon delima

Kel 28:33; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:33]

di Migron.

Yes 10:28

1 Samuel 14:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kegentaran ....................... kegentaran(TB)/kegentaran ................................. kegentaran(TL) <02731> [there was trembling.]

penjarah-penjarah(TB)/penjarah(TL) <07843> [the spoilers.]

gentar ... bumi gemetar sehingga ...... gemparlah(TB)/gemparlah ... negeri(TL) <07264 0776> [the earth quaked.]

kegentaran kegentaran ...................... kegentaran .... Allah ......... kegentaran(TB)/kegentaran ................................. kegentaran .... Allah(TL) <02731 0430> [very great trembling. Heb. trembling of God.]

God will in some way or other direct the steps of those who acknowledge him in all their ways, and seek unto him for direction with full purpose of heart. Sometimes we find most comfort in that which is least our own doing, and into which we have been led by the unexpected, but well observed, turns of Providence.


timbullah kegentaran

Kej 35:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 35:5]; Kel 14:24; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:24]; Kel 19:16; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:16]; 2Raj 7:5-7 [Semua]

dan penjarah-penjarah

1Sam 13:17

1 Samuel 14:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible

1 Samuel 15:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mendengarkan(TB)/menurut(TL) <08085> [Yea.]

membawa(TB)/hanya(TL) <0935> [have brought.]


memang mendengarkan

1Sam 28:18

1 Samuel 16:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kemudian undanglah Isai ... Isai(TB)/Maka .... menjemput Isai(TL) <03448 07121> [call Jesse.]

memberitahukan(TB)/memberitahu(TL) <03045> [and I will shew.]

Urapilah(TB)/menyirami(TL) <04886> [anoint.]


akan memberitahukan

Kel 4:15


Ul 17:15; [Lihat FULL. Ul 17:15]

1 Samuel 17:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible

1 Samuel 17:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sampaikan(TB)/kaubawa(TL) <0935> [carry.]

keju(TB)/susu(TL) <02461> [cheeses. Heb. cheeses of milk.]

seribu(TB/TL) <0505> [their thousand. Heb. a thousand. look.]


apakah kakak-kakakmu

Kej 37:14

1 Samuel 17:35

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menghajarnya ... melepaskan ........ sentak ......... lalu menghajarnya ... membunuhnya .......... bunuh(TB)/dia .... palu ... dia .................... lalu ... palu(TL) <05221 05337 04191> [smote him.]


aku menangkap

Hak 14:6

1 Samuel 17:38

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Lalu ... mengenakan baju perangnya ... Daud ........ dikenakannya(TB)/dikenakanlah pakaiannya .... Daud ......... dibarutkannya(TL) <03847 01732 04055> [armed David with his armour. Heb. clothed David with his clothes.]



mengenakan baju

Kej 41:42; [Lihat FULL. Kej 41:42]

1 Samuel 17:55

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Anak(TB)/anak(TL) <01121> [whose son.]


melihat Daud

1Sam 16:21

itu, Abner?

1Sam 26:5

1 Samuel 18:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


melemparkan tombak pendahannya(TB)/diradakkan ... pendahannya(TL) <02904 02595> [cast the javelin.]

Daud ..... Daud(TB)/Daud ........ Daud(TL) <01732> [And David.]


karena pikirnya:

1Sam 18:25; 1Sam 20:7,33 [Semua]

Daud mengelakkannya

1Sam 19:10

dua kali.

Mazm 132:1

1 Samuel 18:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


raja-raja(TB)/raja(TL) <08269> [the princes.]

Of this war we know no more than that David, whose military skill was greater, was more successful in it, than all the other officers of Saul.

Apabila ..... maju ...... maju(TB)/keluarlah ............ keluar(TL) <03318> [went forth.]

berhasil(TB)/lebih perkasa(TL) <07919> [behaved himself.]

masyhur(TB)/dipermuliakan(TL) <03365> [set by. Heb. precious.]


lebih berhasil

1Sam 18:5

1 Samuel 19:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Samuel ................. Samuel(TB)/Semuel .................... Semuel(TL) <08050> [to Samuel.]


di Rama

1Sam 7:17; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 7:17]

1 Samuel 20:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


larilah(TB/TL) <01272> [fled.]

kuperbuat(TB)/perbuatanku(TL) <06213> [What have.]


Judul : Perjanjian antara Daud dan Yonatan

Perikop : 1Sam 20:1-42

Apakah kesalahanku

1Sam 24:10

mencabut nyawaku?

1Sam 22:23; 23:15; 24:12; 25:29; Mazm 40:15; 54:5; 63:10; 70:3 [Semua]

1 Samuel 22:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [David.]

gua(TB/TL) <04631> [the cave.]

Adulam(TB/TL) <05725> [Adullam.]

Adullam was a city of Judah; and, according to Eusebius, ten miles (Jerome says eleven) eastward from Eleutheropolis.


Judul : Daud di gua Adulam dan Mizpa

Perikop : 1Sam 22:1-5

ke gua

Mazm 57:1; 142:1 [Semua]


Kej 38:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:1]

1 Samuel 22:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Tetapi Gad,

2Sam 24:11; 1Taw 21:9; 29:29; 2Taw 29:25 [Semua]

hutan Keret.

2Sam 23:14

1 Samuel 23:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


<03373> [Behold.]

1 Samuel 25:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ampunilah(TB/TL) <05375> [forgive.]

TUHAN .............. TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan .............. Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]

ini(TB)/melakukan(TL) <03898> [fighteth.]

jahat didapati(TB)/barang sesuatu kejahatanpun(TL) <07451 04672> [evil hath.]



1Sam 25:24; 2Sam 14:9 [Semua]

yang teguh,

2Sam 7:11,26 [Semua]

melakukan perang

1Sam 18:17

yang jahat

1Sam 24:11

1 Samuel 25:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kebaikan(TB)/kebajikan(TL) <02896> [according.]


menjadi raja

1Sam 12:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 12:12]; 1Sam 13:14; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 13:14] [Semua]

1 Samuel 26:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Hakhila(TB/TL) <02444> [Hachilah.]


bukit Hakhila

1Sam 23:19

1 Samuel 26:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tertumpah(TB)/darah(TL) <01818> [let not my.]

raja(TB/TL) <04428> [the king.]

memburu seekor .... kutu(TB)/seekor kutu(TL) <0259 06550> [a flea.]

{Parosh,} (in Arabic {borghooth,} Syriac, {poorthano,}) the well known little contemptible and troublesome insect, the flea, seems to be so called from its agility in leaping and skipping, from {para,} "free," and {raash,} "to leap, bound." David, by comparing himself to this insect, seems to import, that while it would cost Saul much pains to catch him, he would obtain but very little advantage from it.

ayam(TB)/ayam hutan(TL) <07124> [a partridge.]

{Korai} certainly denotes the partridge, which is called in Arabic, {kir„a.} It seems to be so called from the cry or {cur} which it utters when calling its young.


kiranya darahku

1Sam 24:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 24:12]

ayam hutan

1Sam 24:15

ayam hutan

Yer 4:29; 16:16; Am 9:3 [Semua]

1 Samuel 28:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sekonyong-konyong ... rebahlah .... ke(TB)/sekonyong-konyong rebahlah(TL) <05307 04116> [fell straightway. Heb. made haste and fell with the fullness of his stature. sore afraid.]

1 Samuel 29:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Filistin .... Filistin(TB)/Filistin ..... Filistin(TL) <06430> [And the Philistines.]

Yizreel(TB)/Yizriel(TL) <03157> [Jezreel.]

Jezreel, or Esdr‘lon, was a city of Issachar, afterwards celebrated as the residence of the kings of Israel, delightfully situated in the extensive and fertile plain of the same name, which extends from Scythopolis or Bethshan on the east to mount Carmel on the west. Eusebius and Jerome inform us, that it was in their time a place of considerable consequence, lying between Scythopolis on the east and Legio on the west; and the latter (on Ho 1.) informs us that it was pretty near Maximianopolis. The Jerusalem Itinerary places it ten miles west from Scythopolis; and William of Tyre says it was called Little Gerinum in his time, and that there was a fine fountain in it, whose waters fell into the Jordan near Scythopolis. See ver. 1.

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