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Teks -- Isaiah 19:1-25 (NET)

Tampilkan Strong
The Lord Will Judge Egypt
19:1 Here is a message about Egypt: Look, the Lord rides on a swift-moving cloud and approaches Egypt. The idols of Egypt tremble before him; the Egyptians lose their courage. 19:2 “I will provoke civil strife in Egypt, brothers will fight with each other, as will neighbors, cities, and kingdoms. 19:3 The Egyptians will panic, and I will confuse their strategy. They will seek guidance from the idols and from the spirits of the dead, from the pits used to conjure up underworld spirits, and from the magicians. 19:4 I will hand Egypt over to a harsh master; a powerful king will rule over them,” says the sovereign master, the Lord who commands armies. 19:5 The water of the sea will be dried up, and the river will dry up and be empty. 19:6 The canals will stink; the streams of Egypt will trickle and then dry up; the bulrushes and reeds will decay, 19:7 along with the plants by the mouth of the river. All the cultivated land near the river will turn to dust and be blown away. 19:8 The fishermen will mourn and lament, all those who cast a fishhook into the river, and those who spread out a net on the water’s surface will grieve. 19:9 Those who make clothes from combed flax will be embarrassed; those who weave will turn pale. 19:10 Those who make cloth will be demoralized; all the hired workers will be depressed. 19:11 The officials of Zoan are nothing but fools; Pharaoh’s wise advisers give stupid advice. How dare you say to Pharaoh, “I am one of the sages, one well-versed in the writings of the ancient kings?” 19:12 But where, oh where, are your wise men? Let them tell you, let them find out what the Lord who commands armies has planned for Egypt. 19:13 The officials of Zoan are fools, the officials of Memphis are misled; the rulers of her tribes lead Egypt astray. 19:14 The Lord has made them undiscerning; they lead Egypt astray in all she does, so that she is like a drunk sliding around in his own vomit. 19:15 Egypt will not be able to do a thing, head or tail, shoots and stalk. 19:16 At that time the Egyptians will be like women. They will tremble and fear because the Lord who commands armies brandishes his fist against them. 19:17 The land of Judah will humiliate Egypt. Everyone who hears about Judah will be afraid because of what the Lord who commands armies is planning to do to them. 19:18 At that time five cities in the land of Egypt will speak the language of Canaan and swear allegiance to the Lord who commands armies. One will be called the City of the Sun. 19:19 At that time there will be an altar for the Lord in the middle of the land of Egypt, as well as a sacred pillar dedicated to the Lord at its border. 19:20 It will become a visual reminder in the land of Egypt of the Lord who commands armies. When they cry out to the Lord because of oppressors, he will send them a deliverer and defender who will rescue them. 19:21 The Lord will reveal himself to the Egyptians, and they will acknowledge the Lord’s authority at that time. They will present sacrifices and offerings; they will make vows to the Lord and fulfill them. 19:22 The Lord will strike Egypt, striking and then healing them. They will turn to the Lord and he will listen to their prayers and heal them. 19:23 At that time there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will visit Egypt, and the Egyptians will visit Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. 19:24 At that time Israel will be the third member of the group, along with Egypt and Assyria, and will be a recipient of blessing in the earth. 19:25 The Lord who commands armies will pronounce a blessing over the earth, saying, “Blessed be my people, Egypt, and the work of my hands, Assyria, and my special possession, Israel!”
Paralel   Ref. Silang (TSK)   ITL  

Nama Orang, Nama Tempat, Topik/Tema Kamus

Nama Orang dan Nama Tempat:
 · Assyria a member of the nation of Assyria
 · Assyrian a member of the nation of Assyria
 · Canaan the region ofeast Mediterranean coastal land from Arvad (modern Lebanon) south to Gaza,the coast land from Mt. Carmel north to the Orontes River
 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim
 · Egyptians descendants of Mizraim
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Judah the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall
 · Memphis a town of Egypt 35 km south of present day Cairo (ZD)
 · Nile a river that flows north through Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea
 · Pharaoh the king who ruled Egypt when Moses was born,the title of the king who ruled Egypt in Abraham's time,the title of the king who ruled Egypt in Joseph's time,the title of the king who ruled Egypt when Moses was born,the title of the king who refused to let Israel leave Egypt,the title of the king of Egypt whose daughter Solomon married,the title of the king who ruled Egypt in the time of Isaiah,the title Egypt's ruler just before Moses' time
 · Zoan a town of Egypt on the east side of the Nile delta

Topik/Tema Kamus: Egypt | Isaiah | War | Zoan | IR-HA-HERES | Nile | Reed | SALVATION | Flag | Flax | Noph | RIVER | Idolatry | Memphis | Sorcery | Assyria | Fish | Church | FOOL; FOLLY | TAHPANHES | selebihnya
Daftar Isi

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Catatan Kata/Frasa
Poole , Haydock , Gill

Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Catatan Rentang Ayat
MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per frasa)

Wesley: Isa 19:1 - Rideth As a general in the head of his army.

As a general in the head of his army.

Wesley: Isa 19:1 - A swift cloud This phrase shews that the judgment should come speedily, unexpectedly, and unavoidably.

This phrase shews that the judgment should come speedily, unexpectedly, and unavoidably.

Wesley: Isa 19:1 - Shall be moved So far shall they be from helping the Egyptians, that they shall tremble for themselves.

So far shall they be from helping the Egyptians, that they shall tremble for themselves.

Wesley: Isa 19:2 - I will set Egypt was now one kingdom, but not many years after this time it was divided into twelve kingdoms, between whom there were many and cruel wars.

Egypt was now one kingdom, but not many years after this time it was divided into twelve kingdoms, between whom there were many and cruel wars.

Wesley: Isa 19:3 - The spirit Their courage.

Their courage.

Wesley: Isa 19:4 - A fierce king Psammetichus, who being at first one of those twelve kings, waged war with the rest, and subdued them, and conquered all the land of Egypt and ruled i...

Psammetichus, who being at first one of those twelve kings, waged war with the rest, and subdued them, and conquered all the land of Egypt and ruled it with rigour.

Wesley: Isa 19:5 - The waters Which may be understood either, Metaphorically, of the taking away of their dominion or commerce, &c. or rather, Properly, as may be gathered from the...

Which may be understood either, Metaphorically, of the taking away of their dominion or commerce, &c. or rather, Properly, as may be gathered from the following words. For as the river Nile, when it had a full stream, and free course, did pour forth a vast quantity of waters by its seven famous mouths into the sea, so when that was dried up, which is expressed in the next clause, those waters did truly and properly fail from the sea. So there is no need of understanding by sea either the river Nile, or the great lake of Maeris, which, after the manner of the Hebrews, might be so called.

Wesley: Isa 19:5 - The river Nile: upon whose fulness and overflow both the safety and the wealth of the land depended; and therefore this was a very terrible judgment.

Nile: upon whose fulness and overflow both the safety and the wealth of the land depended; and therefore this was a very terrible judgment.

Wesley: Isa 19:5 - Dried up Not totally, but in a very great measure.

Not totally, but in a very great measure.

Wesley: Isa 19:6 - Rivers The rivers (those rivulets by which the waters of Nile were distributed into several parts of the land) shall be turned far away, as they must needs b...

The rivers (those rivulets by which the waters of Nile were distributed into several parts of the land) shall be turned far away, as they must needs be, when the river which fed them was dried up.

Wesley: Isa 19:6 - Brooks The several branches of the river Nile, which were a great defence to Egypt.

The several branches of the river Nile, which were a great defence to Egypt.

Wesley: Isa 19:6 - Reeds Which were useful to them for making their boats.

Which were useful to them for making their boats.

Wesley: Isa 19:6 - Whither As they commonly do for want of water.

As they commonly do for want of water.

Wesley: Isa 19:7 - Paper reeds - These by a needle, or other fit instrument, were divided into thin and broad leaves, which being dried and fitted, were used at that time for ...

reeds - These by a needle, or other fit instrument, were divided into thin and broad leaves, which being dried and fitted, were used at that time for writing; and consequently was a very good commodity.

Wesley: Isa 19:7 - By brooks And much more what was sown in more dry and unfruitful places.

And much more what was sown in more dry and unfruitful places.

Wesley: Isa 19:8 - Mourn Because they could catch no fish; which was a great loss to the people, whose common diet this was.

Because they could catch no fish; which was a great loss to the people, whose common diet this was.

Wesley: Isa 19:9 - They That make fine linen, which was one of their best commodities.

That make fine linen, which was one of their best commodities.

Wesley: Isa 19:10 - Thereof Of Egypt, or of the Egyptians. They shall lose their hopes; for the fishes in them shall die for want of water.

Of Egypt, or of the Egyptians. They shall lose their hopes; for the fishes in them shall die for want of water.

Wesley: Isa 19:11 - Zoan The chief city, in which the king and court frequently resided.

The chief city, in which the king and court frequently resided.

Wesley: Isa 19:11 - How Why do you put such foolish words into Pharaoh's mouth? I am the son - Wisdom is heredity and natural to me.

Why do you put such foolish words into Pharaoh's mouth? I am the son - Wisdom is heredity and natural to me.

Wesley: Isa 19:13 - Noph Another chief city, and one of the kings seats, called also Moph, and by latter authors, Memphis.

Another chief city, and one of the kings seats, called also Moph, and by latter authors, Memphis.

Wesley: Isa 19:13 - The stay Their chief counsellors.

Their chief counsellors.

Wesley: Isa 19:13 - Tribes Of the provinces, which he calls by a title borrowed from the Hebrews, in whose language he spake and wrote this prophecy.

Of the provinces, which he calls by a title borrowed from the Hebrews, in whose language he spake and wrote this prophecy.

Wesley: Isa 19:14 - Mingled Or, hath poured out or given them to drink.

Or, hath poured out or given them to drink.

Wesley: Isa 19:14 - To err In all their designs and undertakings.

In all their designs and undertakings.

Wesley: Isa 19:14 - Staggereth When he is so drunk, that he reels to and fro, and vomits up his drink.

When he is so drunk, that he reels to and fro, and vomits up his drink.

Wesley: Isa 19:15 - Head, &c. _All people, both high and low, shall be at their wits end.

_All people, both high and low, shall be at their wits end.

Wesley: Isa 19:16 - Women Feeble and fearful.

Feeble and fearful.

Wesley: Isa 19:16 - Because Because they shall perceive that they do not fight with men only, but with the Lord of hosts, who now lifts up his hand against them, as he did agains...

Because they shall perceive that they do not fight with men only, but with the Lord of hosts, who now lifts up his hand against them, as he did against their forefathers.

Wesley: Isa 19:17 - A terror Because of their manifold injuries against Judah, for which they now apprehend God is calling them to account.

Because of their manifold injuries against Judah, for which they now apprehend God is calling them to account.

Wesley: Isa 19:17 - Determined Because God is now about to execute his appointed judgments.

Because God is now about to execute his appointed judgments.

Wesley: Isa 19:17 - It Against Egypt.

Against Egypt.

Wesley: Isa 19:18 - In that day After that time. In the times of the gospel.

After that time. In the times of the gospel.

Wesley: Isa 19:18 - Five A considerable number of their chief cities: a certain number being put for an uncertain.

A considerable number of their chief cities: a certain number being put for an uncertain.

Wesley: Isa 19:18 - Speak Profess the Jewish religion, agree with them in the same mind; which is fitly signified by speaking the same language.

Profess the Jewish religion, agree with them in the same mind; which is fitly signified by speaking the same language.

Wesley: Isa 19:18 - Swear This implies the dedication, and yielding up of a person or thing to the Lord, by a solemn vow, or covenant.

This implies the dedication, and yielding up of a person or thing to the Lord, by a solemn vow, or covenant.

Wesley: Isa 19:18 - One Not one of the five, but another city, the sixth city. As divers cities shall be converted and saved, so some other cities shall continue in their imp...

Not one of the five, but another city, the sixth city. As divers cities shall be converted and saved, so some other cities shall continue in their impenitency, and be destroyed.

Wesley: Isa 19:19 - An altar The altar is put for the worship of God, as it is in many places both of the Old and New Testament.

The altar is put for the worship of God, as it is in many places both of the Old and New Testament.

Wesley: Isa 19:19 - And nothing is more common in the prophets than to speak of gospel worship in the phrases of the law.

worship in the phrases of the law.

Wesley: Isa 19:19 - Pillar A monument of the true religion. Here also he alludes to the ancient custom of erecting pillars to God.

A monument of the true religion. Here also he alludes to the ancient custom of erecting pillars to God.

Wesley: Isa 19:19 - The border As before, in the midst of it. The meaning is, There shall be evidences of their piety in all places.

As before, in the midst of it. The meaning is, There shall be evidences of their piety in all places.

Wesley: Isa 19:20 - It The altar or pillar last mentioned.

The altar or pillar last mentioned.

Wesley: Isa 19:20 - A witness To testify that they own the Lord for their God.

To testify that they own the Lord for their God.

Wesley: Isa 19:20 - Cry Being sorely distressed, they shall turn unto the true God.

Being sorely distressed, they shall turn unto the true God.

Wesley: Isa 19:20 - A great one A great or mighty Saviour, even Christ.

A great or mighty Saviour, even Christ.

Wesley: Isa 19:21 - Shall sacrifice Shall worship God spiritually; which yet is signified by typical phrases.

Shall worship God spiritually; which yet is signified by typical phrases.

Wesley: Isa 19:22 - Smite God will afflict them and by those afflictions will convert and save them.

God will afflict them and by those afflictions will convert and save them.

Wesley: Isa 19:23 - Assyria They who were implacable enemies one to another, and both to the church of God, shall now be reconciled and united together in the service of God, and...

They who were implacable enemies one to another, and both to the church of God, shall now be reconciled and united together in the service of God, and love to his church.

Wesley: Isa 19:23 - Serve The Lord.

The Lord.

Wesley: Isa 19:24 - The third The third party, in that sacred league, whereby all of them oblige themselves to serve God.

The third party, in that sacred league, whereby all of them oblige themselves to serve God.

Wesley: Isa 19:24 - Egypt These are named, because they were the most obstinate enemies to God's church, but they are here put for all the Gentiles.

These are named, because they were the most obstinate enemies to God's church, but they are here put for all the Gentiles.

Wesley: Isa 19:24 - A blessing This is peculiar to Israel, who is not only a third party, but is the most eminent of the three, as being the fountain, by which the blessing is conve...

This is peculiar to Israel, who is not only a third party, but is the most eminent of the three, as being the fountain, by which the blessing is conveyed to the other two; because Christ was to be born of them, and the gospel - church and ordinances were first established among them, and from them derived to the Gentiles.

Wesley: Isa 19:24 - The land Or, of those lands, Egypt and Assyria, between which Israel lay.

Or, of those lands, Egypt and Assyria, between which Israel lay.

Wesley: Isa 19:25 - Whom That is, which people, Israel, Egypt, and Assyria; of whom he speaks as of one people, because they are all united into one church.

That is, which people, Israel, Egypt, and Assyria; of whom he speaks as of one people, because they are all united into one church.

Wesley: Isa 19:25 - My people This title, and those which follow, that were peculiar to the people of Israel, shall now be given to these and all other nations.

This title, and those which follow, that were peculiar to the people of Israel, shall now be given to these and all other nations.

JFB: Isa 19:1 - -- (Isa. 19:1-25)

(Isa. 19:1-25)

JFB: Isa 19:1 - burden (See on Isa 13:1).

(See on Isa 13:1).

JFB: Isa 19:1 - upon . . . cloud (Psa 104:3; Psa 18:10).

JFB: Isa 19:1 - come into Egypt To inflict vengeance. "Egypt," in Hebrew, Misraim, plural form, to express the two regions of Egypt. BUNSEN observes, The title of their kings runs th...

To inflict vengeance. "Egypt," in Hebrew, Misraim, plural form, to express the two regions of Egypt. BUNSEN observes, The title of their kings runs thus: "Lord of Upper and Lower Egypt."

JFB: Isa 19:1 - idols The bull, crocodile, &c. The idols poetically are said to be "moved" with fear at the presence of one mightier than even they were supposed to be (Exo...

The bull, crocodile, &c. The idols poetically are said to be "moved" with fear at the presence of one mightier than even they were supposed to be (Exo 12:12; Jer 43:12).

JFB: Isa 19:2 - set Stir up. GESENIUS translates, "arm."

Stir up. GESENIUS translates, "arm."

JFB: Isa 19:2 - Egyptians against the Egyptians Lower against Upper: and Saitic against both. (See Isa 3:10). NEWTON refers it to the civil wars between Apries and Amasis at the time of Nebuchadnezz...

Lower against Upper: and Saitic against both. (See Isa 3:10). NEWTON refers it to the civil wars between Apries and Amasis at the time of Nebuchadnezzar's invasion; also between Tachos, Nectanebus, and the Mendesians, just before Ochus subdued Egypt.

JFB: Isa 19:2 - kingdom against kingdom The Septuagint has "nome against nome"; Egypt was divided into forty-two nomes or districts.

The Septuagint has "nome against nome"; Egypt was divided into forty-two nomes or districts.

JFB: Isa 19:3 - spirit Wisdom, for which Egypt was famed (Isa 31:2; 1Ki 4:30; Act 7:22); answering to "counsel" in the parallel clause.

Wisdom, for which Egypt was famed (Isa 31:2; 1Ki 4:30; Act 7:22); answering to "counsel" in the parallel clause.

JFB: Isa 19:3 - fail Literally, "be poured out," that is, be made void (Jer 19:7). They shall "seek" help from sources that can afford none, "charmers," &c. (Isa 8:19).

Literally, "be poured out," that is, be made void (Jer 19:7). They shall "seek" help from sources that can afford none, "charmers," &c. (Isa 8:19).

JFB: Isa 19:3 - charmers Literally, "those making a faint sound"; the soothsayers imitated the faint sound which was attributed to the spirits of the dead (see on Isa 8:19).

Literally, "those making a faint sound"; the soothsayers imitated the faint sound which was attributed to the spirits of the dead (see on Isa 8:19).

JFB: Isa 19:4 - cruel lord "Sargon," in Hebrew it is lords; but plural is often used to express greatness, where, one alone is meant (Gen 39:2). The parallel word "king" (singul...

"Sargon," in Hebrew it is lords; but plural is often used to express greatness, where, one alone is meant (Gen 39:2). The parallel word "king" (singular) proves it. NEWTON makes the general reference to be to Nebuchadnezzar, and a particular reference to Cambyses, son of Cyrus (who killed the Egyptian god, Apis), and Ochus, Persian conquerors of Egypt, noted for their "fierce cruelty." GESENIUS refers it to Psammetichus, who had brought into Egypt Greek and other foreign mercenaries to subdue the other eleven princes of the dodecarchy.

JFB: Isa 19:5 - the sea The Nile. Physical calamities, it is observed in history, often accompany political convulsions (Eze 30:12). The Nile shall "fail" to rise to its wont...

The Nile. Physical calamities, it is observed in history, often accompany political convulsions (Eze 30:12). The Nile shall "fail" to rise to its wonted height, the result of which will be barrenness and famine. Its "waters" at the time of the overflow resemble "a sea" [PLINY, Natural History, 85.11]; and it is still called El-Bahr," "the sea," by the Egyptians (Isa 18:2; Jer 51:36). A public record is kept at Cairo of the daily rise of the water at the proper time of overflow, namely, August: if it rises to a less height than twelve cubits, it will not overflow the land, and famine must be the result. So, also, when it rises higher than sixteen; for the waters are not drained off in time sufficient to sow the seed.

JFB: Isa 19:6 - they shall turn the rivers Rather, "the streams shall become putrid"; that is, the artificial streams made for irrigation shall become stagnant and offensive when the waters fai...

Rather, "the streams shall become putrid"; that is, the artificial streams made for irrigation shall become stagnant and offensive when the waters fail [MAURER]. HORSLEY, with the Septuagint, translates, "And waters from the sea shall be drunk"; by the failure of the river water they shall be reduced to sea water.

JFB: Isa 19:6 - brooks of defence Rather, "canals of Egypt"; "canals," literally, "Niles," Nile canals, the plural of the Egyptian term for the great river. The same Hebrew word, Matzo...

Rather, "canals of Egypt"; "canals," literally, "Niles," Nile canals, the plural of the Egyptian term for the great river. The same Hebrew word, Matzor, whence comes Mitzraim, expresses Egypt, and a place of "defense." HORSLEY, as English Version translates it, "embanked canals,"

JFB: Isa 19:6 - reeds . . . flags The papyrus. "Reed and rush"; utter withering.

The papyrus. "Reed and rush"; utter withering.

JFB: Isa 19:7 - paper-reeds Rather, pastures, literally, "places naked" of wood, and famed for rich herbage, on the banks of the Nile [GESENIUS]. Compare Gen 13:10; Deu 11:10. HO...

Rather, pastures, literally, "places naked" of wood, and famed for rich herbage, on the banks of the Nile [GESENIUS]. Compare Gen 13:10; Deu 11:10. HORSLEY translates, "nakedness upon the river," descriptive of the appearance of a river when its bottom is bare and its banks stripped of verdure by long drought: so Vulgate.

JFB: Isa 19:7 - the brooks The river.

The river.

JFB: Isa 19:7 - mouth Rather, "the source" [Vulgate]. "Even close to the river's side vegetation shall be so withered as to be scattered in the shape of powder by the wind"...

Rather, "the source" [Vulgate]. "Even close to the river's side vegetation shall be so withered as to be scattered in the shape of powder by the wind" (English Version, "driven away") [HORSLEY].

JFB: Isa 19:8 - fishers The Nile was famed for fish (Num 11:5); many would be thrown out of employment by the failure of fishes.

The Nile was famed for fish (Num 11:5); many would be thrown out of employment by the failure of fishes.

JFB: Isa 19:8 - angle A hook. Used in the "brooks" or canals, as the "net" was in "the waters" of the river itself.

A hook. Used in the "brooks" or canals, as the "net" was in "the waters" of the river itself.

JFB: Isa 19:9 - fine flax GESENIUS, for "fine," translates, "combed"; fine "linen" was worn by the rich only (Luk 16:19). Egypt was famous for it (Exo 9:31; 1Ki 10:28; Pro 7:16...

GESENIUS, for "fine," translates, "combed"; fine "linen" was worn by the rich only (Luk 16:19). Egypt was famous for it (Exo 9:31; 1Ki 10:28; Pro 7:16; Eze 27:7). The processes of its manufacture are represented on the Egyptian tombs. Israel learned the art in Egypt (Exo 26:36). The cloth now found on the mummies was linen, as is shown by the microscope. WILKINSON mentions linen from Egypt which has five hundred forty (or two hundred seventy double) threads in one inch in the warp; whereas some modern cambric has but a hundred sixty [BARNES].

JFB: Isa 19:9 - networks Rather, white cloth (Est 1:6; Est 8:16).

Rather, white cloth (Est 1:6; Est 8:16).

JFB: Isa 19:10 - in the purposes Rather, "the foundations," that is, "the nobles shall be broken" or brought low: so Isa 3:1; Psa 11:3; compare Isa 19:13, "The princes--the stay of th...

Rather, "the foundations," that is, "the nobles shall be broken" or brought low: so Isa 3:1; Psa 11:3; compare Isa 19:13, "The princes--the stay of the tribes. The Arabs call a prince "a pillar of the people" [MAURER]. "Their weaving-frames" [HORSLEY]. "Dykes" [BARNES].

JFB: Isa 19:10 - all that make sluices, &c. "makers of dams," made to confine the waters which overflow from the Nile in artificial fish-ponds [HORSLEY]. "Makers of gain," that is, the common pe...

"makers of dams," made to confine the waters which overflow from the Nile in artificial fish-ponds [HORSLEY]. "Makers of gain," that is, the common people who have to earn their livelihood, as opposed to the "nobles" previously [MAURER].

JFB: Isa 19:11 - Zoan The Greeks called it Tanis, a city of Lower Egypt, east of the Tanitic arms of the Nile, now San; it was one the Egyptian towns nearest to Palestine (...

The Greeks called it Tanis, a city of Lower Egypt, east of the Tanitic arms of the Nile, now San; it was one the Egyptian towns nearest to Palestine (Num 13:22), the scene of Moses' miracles (Psa 78:12, Psa 78:43). It, or else Memphis, was the capital under Sethos.

JFB: Isa 19:11 - I am . . . son of the wise . . . kings Ye have no advice to suggest to Pharaoh in the crisis, notwithstanding that ye boast of descent from wise and royal ancestors. The priests were the us...

Ye have no advice to suggest to Pharaoh in the crisis, notwithstanding that ye boast of descent from wise and royal ancestors. The priests were the usual "counsellors" of the Egyptian king. He was generally chosen from the priestly caste, or, if from the warrior caste, he was admitted into the sacred order, and was called a priest. The priests are, therefore, meant by the expression, "son of the wise, and of ancient kings"; this was their favorite boast (HERODOTUS, 2.141; compare Amo 7:14; Act 23:6; Phi 3:5). "Pharaoh" was the common name of all the kings: Sethos, probably, is here meant.

JFB: Isa 19:12 - let them know That is, How is it that, with all their boast of knowing the future [DIODORUS, 1.81], they do not know what Jehovah of hosts . . .

That is, How is it that, with all their boast of knowing the future [DIODORUS, 1.81], they do not know what Jehovah of hosts . . .

JFB: Isa 19:13 - Noph Called also Moph; Greek, Memphis (Hos 9:6); on the western bank of the Nile, capital of Lower Egypt, second only to Thebes in all Egypt: residence of ...

Called also Moph; Greek, Memphis (Hos 9:6); on the western bank of the Nile, capital of Lower Egypt, second only to Thebes in all Egypt: residence of the kings, until the Ptolemies removed to Alexandria; the word means the "port of the good" [PLUTARCH]. The military caste probably ruled in it: "they also are deceived," in fancying their country secure from Assyrian invasion.

JFB: Isa 19:13 - stay of . . . tribes Rather, "corner-stone of her castes" [MAURER], that is, the princes, the two ruling castes, the priests and the warriors: image from a building which ...

Rather, "corner-stone of her castes" [MAURER], that is, the princes, the two ruling castes, the priests and the warriors: image from a building which rests mainly on its corner-stones (see on Isa 19:10; Isa 28:16; Psa 118:22; Num 24:17, Margin; Jdg 20:2; 1Sa 14:28, Margin; Zec 10:4).

JFB: Isa 19:14 - err in every work thereof Referring to the anarchy arising from their internal feuds. HORSLEY translates, "with respect to all His (God's) work"; they misinterpreted God's deal...

Referring to the anarchy arising from their internal feuds. HORSLEY translates, "with respect to all His (God's) work"; they misinterpreted God's dealings at every step. "Mingled" contains the same image as "drunken"; as one mixes spices with wine to make it intoxicating (Isa 5:22; Pro 9:2, Pro 9:5), so Jehovah has poured among them a spirit of giddiness, so that they are as helpless as a "drunken man."

JFB: Isa 19:15 - work for Egypt Nothing which Egypt can do to extricate itself from the difficulty.

Nothing which Egypt can do to extricate itself from the difficulty.

JFB: Isa 19:15 - head or tail High or low (Isa 19:11-15, and Isa 19:8-10).

High or low (Isa 19:11-15, and Isa 19:8-10).

JFB: Isa 19:15 - branch or rush The lofty palm branch or the humble reed (Isa 9:14-15; Isa 10:33-34).

The lofty palm branch or the humble reed (Isa 9:14-15; Isa 10:33-34).

JFB: Isa 19:16 - like . . . women Timid and helpless (Jer 51:30; Nah 3:13).

Timid and helpless (Jer 51:30; Nah 3:13).

JFB: Isa 19:16 - shaking of . . . hand His judgments by means of the invaders (Isa 10:5, Isa 10:32; Isa 11:15).

His judgments by means of the invaders (Isa 10:5, Isa 10:32; Isa 11:15).

JFB: Isa 19:17 - Judah . . . terror unto Egypt Not by itself: but at this time Hezekiah was the active subordinate ally of Assyria in its invasion of Egypt under Sargon. Similarly to the alliance o...

Not by itself: but at this time Hezekiah was the active subordinate ally of Assyria in its invasion of Egypt under Sargon. Similarly to the alliance of Judah with Assyria here is 2Ki 23:29, where Josiah takes the field against Pharaoh-nechoh of Egypt, probably as ally of Assyria against Egypt [G. V. SMITH]. VITRINGA explains it that Egypt in its calamities would remember that prophets of Judah had foretold them, and so Judah would be "a terror unto Egypt."

JFB: Isa 19:17 - thereof Of Judah.

Of Judah.

JFB: Isa 19:17 - it Egypt.


JFB: Isa 19:18-22 - In that day, &c. Suffering shall lead to repentance. Struck with "terror" and "afraid" (Isa 19:17) because of Jehovah's judgments, Egypt shall be converted to Him: nay...

Suffering shall lead to repentance. Struck with "terror" and "afraid" (Isa 19:17) because of Jehovah's judgments, Egypt shall be converted to Him: nay, even Assyria shall join in serving Him; so that Israel, Assyria, and Egypt, once mutual foes, shall be bound together by the tie of a common faith as one people. So a similar issue from other prophecies (Isa 18:7; Isa 23:18).

JFB: Isa 19:18-22 - five cities That is, several cities, as in Isa 17:6; Isa 30:17; Gen 43:34; Lev 26:8. Rather, five definite cities of Lower Egypt (Isa 19:11, Isa 19:13; Isa 30:4),...

That is, several cities, as in Isa 17:6; Isa 30:17; Gen 43:34; Lev 26:8. Rather, five definite cities of Lower Egypt (Isa 19:11, Isa 19:13; Isa 30:4), which had close intercourse with the neighboring Jewish cities [MAURER]; some say, Heliopolis, Leontopolis (else Diospolis), Migdol, Daphne (Tahpanes), and Memphis.

JFB: Isa 19:18-22 - language of Canaan That is, of the Hebrews in Canaan, the language of revelation; figuratively for, They shall embrace the Jewish religion: so "a pure language" and conv...

That is, of the Hebrews in Canaan, the language of revelation; figuratively for, They shall embrace the Jewish religion: so "a pure language" and conversion to God are connected in Zep 3:9; as also the first confounding and multiplication of languages was the punishment of the making of gods at Babel, other than the One God. Pentecost (Act 2:4) was the counterpart of Babel: the separation of nations is not to hinder the unity of faith; the full realization of this is yet future (Zec 14:9; Joh 17:21). The next clause, "swear to the Lord of Hosts," agrees with this view; that is, bind themselves to Him by solemn covenant (Isa 45:23; Isa 65:16; Deu 6:13).

JFB: Isa 19:18-22 - city of destruction Onias; "city of the sun," that is, On, or Heliopolis; he persuaded Ptolemy Philometer (149 B.C.) to let him build a temple in the prefecture (nome) of...

Onias; "city of the sun," that is, On, or Heliopolis; he persuaded Ptolemy Philometer (149 B.C.) to let him build a temple in the prefecture (nome) of Heliopolis, on the ground that it would induce Jews to reside there, and that the very site was foretold by Isaiah six hundred years before. The reading of the Hebrew text is, however, better supported, "city of destruction"; referring to Leontopolis, the site of Onias' temple: which casts a reproach on that city because it was about to contain a temple rivalling the only sanctioned temple, that at Jerusalem. MAURER, with some manuscripts, reads "city of defense" or "deliverance"; namely, Memphis, or some such city, to which God was about to send "a saviour" (Isa 19:20), to "deliver them."

JFB: Isa 19:19 - altar Not for sacrifice, but as the "pillar" for memorial and worship (Jos 22:22-26). Isaiah does not contemplate a temple in Egypt: for the only legal temp...

Not for sacrifice, but as the "pillar" for memorial and worship (Jos 22:22-26). Isaiah does not contemplate a temple in Egypt: for the only legal temple was at Jerusalem; but, like the patriarchs, they shall have altars in various places.

JFB: Isa 19:19 - pillar Such as Jacob reared (Gen 28:18; Gen 35:14); it was a common practice in Egypt to raise obelisks commemorating divine and great events.

Such as Jacob reared (Gen 28:18; Gen 35:14); it was a common practice in Egypt to raise obelisks commemorating divine and great events.

JFB: Isa 19:19 - at the border Of Egypt and Judah, to proclaim to both countries the common faith. This passage shows how the Holy Spirit raised Isaiah above a narrow-minded nationa...

Of Egypt and Judah, to proclaim to both countries the common faith. This passage shows how the Holy Spirit raised Isaiah above a narrow-minded nationality to a charity anticipatory of gospel catholicity.

JFB: Isa 19:20 - it The altar and pillar.

The altar and pillar.

JFB: Isa 19:20 - a sign (of the fulfilment of prophecy) to their contemporaries.

(of the fulfilment of prophecy) to their contemporaries.

JFB: Isa 19:20 - a witness To their descendants.

To their descendants.

JFB: Isa 19:20 - unto the Lord No longer, to their idols, but to Jehovah.

No longer, to their idols, but to Jehovah.

JFB: Isa 19:20 - for they shall cry Or, "a sign . . . that they cried, . . . and He sent to them a saviour"; probably, Alexander the Great (so "a great one"), whom the Egyptians welcomed...

Or, "a sign . . . that they cried, . . . and He sent to them a saviour"; probably, Alexander the Great (so "a great one"), whom the Egyptians welcomed as a deliverer (Greek, Soter, a title of the Ptolemies) out of the hands of the Persians, who under Cambyses had been their "oppressors." At Alexandria, called from him, the Old Testament was translated into Greek for the Greek-speaking Jews, who in large numbers dwelt in Egypt under the Ptolemies, his successors. Messiah is the antitype ultimately intended (compare Act 2:10, "Egypt").

JFB: Isa 19:21 - oblation Unbloody.


JFB: Isa 19:22 - return For heathen sin and idolatry are an apostasy from primitive truth.

For heathen sin and idolatry are an apostasy from primitive truth.

JFB: Isa 19:22 - heal As described (Isa 19:18-20).

As described (Isa 19:18-20).

JFB: Isa 19:23 - highway Free communication, resting on the highest basis, the common faith of both (Isa 19:18; Isa 11:16). Assyria and Egypt were joined under Alexander as pa...

Free communication, resting on the highest basis, the common faith of both (Isa 19:18; Isa 11:16). Assyria and Egypt were joined under Alexander as parts of his empire: Jews and proselytes from both met at the feasts of Jerusalem. A type of gospel times to come.

JFB: Isa 19:23 - serve with Serve Jehovah with the Assyrians. So "serve" is used absolutely (Job 36:11).

Serve Jehovah with the Assyrians. So "serve" is used absolutely (Job 36:11).

JFB: Isa 19:24 - third The three shall be joined as one nation.

The three shall be joined as one nation.

JFB: Isa 19:24 - blessing The source of blessings to other nations, and the object of their benedictions.

The source of blessings to other nations, and the object of their benedictions.

JFB: Isa 19:24 - in the midst of the land Rather, "earth" (Mic 5:7). Judah is designed to be the grand center of the whole earth (Jer 3:17).

Rather, "earth" (Mic 5:7). Judah is designed to be the grand center of the whole earth (Jer 3:17).

JFB: Isa 19:25 - Whom Rather, "Which," namely, "the land," or "earth," that is, the people of it [MAURER].

Rather, "Which," namely, "the land," or "earth," that is, the people of it [MAURER].

JFB: Isa 19:25 - my people The peculiar designation of Israel, the elect people, here applied to Egypt to express its entire admission to religious privileges (Rom 9:24-26; 1Pe ...

The peculiar designation of Israel, the elect people, here applied to Egypt to express its entire admission to religious privileges (Rom 9:24-26; 1Pe 2:9-10).

JFB: Isa 19:25 - work of my hands Spiritually (Hos 2:23; Eph 2:10). In the reign of Sargon (722-715 B.C.), the successor of Shalmaneser, an Assyrian invasion of Egypt took place. Its ...

Spiritually (Hos 2:23; Eph 2:10).

In the reign of Sargon (722-715 B.C.), the successor of Shalmaneser, an Assyrian invasion of Egypt took place. Its success is here foretold, and hence a party among the Jews is warned of the folly of their "expectation" of aid from Egypt or Ethiopia. At a later period (Isa 18:1-7), when Tirhakah of Ethiopia was their ally, the Ethiopians are treated as friends, to whom God announces the overthrow of the common Assyrian foe, Sennacherib. Egypt and Ethiopia in this chapter (Isa 20:3-4) are represented as allied together, the result no doubt of fear of the common foe; previously they had been at strife, and the Ethiopian king had, just before Sethos usurpation, withdrawn from occupation of part of Lower Egypt. Hence, "Egypt" is mentioned alone in Isa. 19:1-25, which refers to a somewhat earlier stage of the same event: a delicate mark of truth. Sargon seems to have been the king who finished the capture of Samaria which Shalmaneser began; the alliance of Hoshea with So or Sabacho II of Ethiopia, and his refusal to pay the usual tribute, provoked Shalmaneser to the invasion. On clay cylindrical seals found in Sennacherib's palace at Koyunjik, the name of Sabacho is deciphered; the two seals are thought, from the inscriptions, to have been attached to the treaty of peace between Egypt and Assyria, which resulted from the invasion of Egypt by Sargon, described in this chapter; 2Ki 18:10 curiously confirms the view derived from Assyrian inscriptions, that though Shalmaneser began, Sargon finished the conquest of Samaria; "they took it" (compare 2Ki 17:4-6). In Sargon's palace at Khorsabad, inscriptions state that 27,280 Israelites were led captive by the founder of the palace. While Shalmaneser was engaged in the siege of Samaria, Sargon probably usurped the supreme power and destroyed him; the siege began in 723 B.C., and ended in 721 B.C., the first year of Sargon's reign. Hence arises the paucity of inscriptions of the two predecessors of Sargon, Tiglath-pileser and Shalmaneser; the usurper destroyed them, just as Tiglath-pileser destroyed those of Pul (Sardanapalus), the last of the old line of Ninus; the names of his father and grandfather, which have been deciphered in the palace of his son Sennacherib, do not appear in the list of Assyrian kings, which confirms the view that he was a satrap who usurped the throne. He was so able a general that Hezekiah made no attempt to shake off the tribute until the reign of Sennacherib; hence Judah was not invaded now as the lands of the Philistines and Egypt were. After conquering Israel he sent his general, Tartan, to attack the Philistine cities, "Ashdod," &c., preliminary to his invasion of Egypt and Ethiopia; for the line of march to Egypt lay along the southwest coast of Palestine. The inscriptions confirm the prophecy; they tell us he received tribute from a Pharaoh of "Egypt"; besides destroying in part the Ethiopian "No-ammon," or Thebes (Nah 3:8); also that he warred with the kings of "Ashdod," Gaza, &c., in harmony with Isaiah here; a memorial tablet of him is found in Cyprus also, showing that he extended his arms to that island. His reign was six or seven years in duration, 722-715 B.C. [G. V. SMITH].

Clarke: Isa 19:1 - The burden of Egypt The burden of Egypt - That is, the prophet’ s declaration concerning Egypt.

The burden of Egypt - That is, the prophet’ s declaration concerning Egypt.

Clarke: Isa 19:3 - They shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards They shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards - And thei schul asken their symulacre...

They shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards - And thei schul asken their symulacres, and their debynouris, and their devyl clepers, and their devyl sacristers. - Old Bible. The import of the original words has already been given where they occur in the Pentateuch. See Deu 18:10, etc.

Clarke: Isa 19:4 - -- A cruel lord "Cruel lords"- Nebuchadnezzar in the first place, and afterwards the whole succession of Persian kings, who in general were hard master...

A cruel lord "Cruel lords"- Nebuchadnezzar in the first place, and afterwards the whole succession of Persian kings, who in general were hard masters, and grievously oppressed the country. Note, that for קשה kasheh , lord, a MS. reads קשים kashim , lords, agreeable to which is the rendering of the Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate.

Clarke: Isa 19:5 - The river shall be wasted and dried up The river shall be wasted and dried up - The Nile shall not overflow its banks; and if no inundation, the land must become barren. For, as there is ...

The river shall be wasted and dried up - The Nile shall not overflow its banks; and if no inundation, the land must become barren. For, as there is little or no rain in Egypt, its fertility depends on the overflowing of the Nile.

Clarke: Isa 19:6 - -- Shall turn the rivers far away "Shall become putrid"- האזניחו heeznichu . This sense of the word, which Simonis gives in his Lexicon, from ...

Shall turn the rivers far away "Shall become putrid"- האזניחו heeznichu . This sense of the word, which Simonis gives in his Lexicon, from the meaning of it in Arabic, suits the place much better than any other interpretation hitherto given; and that the word in Hebrew had some such signification, is probable from 2Ch 29:19, where the Vulgate renders it by polluit , polluted, and the Targum, by profaned, and made abominable, which the context in that place seems plainly to require. The form of the verb here is very irregular; and the rabbins and grammarians seem to give no probable account of it.

Clarke: Isa 19:8 - -- The fishers also "And the fishers"- There was great plenty of fish in Egypt; see Num 11:5. "The Nile,"says Diodorus, lib. i., "abounds with incredib...

The fishers also "And the fishers"- There was great plenty of fish in Egypt; see Num 11:5. "The Nile,"says Diodorus, lib. i., "abounds with incredible numbers of all sorts of fish."And much more the lakes. So Egmont, Pococke, etc.

Clarke: Isa 19:9 - They that work in fine flax They that work in fine flax - פשתים שריקות pishtim sericoth , heckled flax, i.e., flax dressed on the heckle, or comb used for that purp...

They that work in fine flax - פשתים שריקות pishtim sericoth , heckled flax, i.e., flax dressed on the heckle, or comb used for that purpose. The Vulgate uses the word pectentes , combing

They that weave networks shall be confounded - And confounden schul ben that wrogten flax, plattinge and webynge sotel thingis. - Old MS. Bible.

Clarke: Isa 19:10 - -- And they shall be broken, etc. "Her stores"- שתתיה shathotheyha , αποθηκαι, granaries. - Aquila All that make sluices and ponds for ...

And they shall be broken, etc. "Her stores"- שתתיה shathotheyha , αποθηκαι, granaries. - Aquila

All that make sluices and ponds for fish "All that make a gain of pools for fish"- This obscure line is rendered by different interpreters in very different manners. Kimchi explains אגמי agmey as if it were the same with אגמה agemah , from Job 30:25, in which he is followed by some of the rabbins, and supported by the Septuagint: and שכר secher , which I translate gain, and which some take for nets or enclosures, the Septuagint render by ζυθον, strong drink or beer, which it is well known was much used in Egypt; and so likewise the Syriac, retaining the Hebrew word שכרא sekra . I submit these very different interpretations to the reader’ s judgment. The Version of the Septuagint is as follows

Και παντες οἱ ποιουντες τον ζυθον λυπηθησονται, και τας ψυχας πονεσουσι· "And all they that make barley wine shall mourn, and be grieved in soul."

Clarke: Isa 19:11 - -- The counsel of the wise counselors of Pharaoh is become brutish "Have counseled a brutish counsel"- The sentence as it now stands in the Hebrew, is ...

The counsel of the wise counselors of Pharaoh is become brutish "Have counseled a brutish counsel"- The sentence as it now stands in the Hebrew, is imperfect: it wants the verb. Archbishop Secker conjectures that the words יועצי פרעה yoatsey pharoh should be transposed; which would in some degree remove the difficulty. But it is to be observed, that the translator of the Vulgate seems to have found in his copy the verb יעצו yaatsu added after פרעה pharoh : Sapientes consiliarii Pharaonis dederunt consilium insipiens , "The wise counsellors of Pharaoh gave unwise counsel."This is probably the true reading: it is perfectly agreeable to the Hebrew idiom, makes the construction of the sentence clear, and renders the transposition of the words above mentioned unnecessary. - L.

Clarke: Isa 19:12 - -- "Let them come"- Here too a word seems to have been left out of the text. After חכמיך chochameycha , thy wise men, two MSS., one ancient, add ...

"Let them come"- Here too a word seems to have been left out of the text. After חכמיך chochameycha , thy wise men, two MSS., one ancient, add יבאו yibu , let them come; which, if we consider the form and construction of the sentence, has very much the appearance of being genuine: otherwise the connective conjunction at the beginning of the next member is not only superfluous but embarrassing. See also the Version of the Septuagint, in which the same deficiency is manifest

Let them tell thee now "And let them declare"- For ידעו yidu , let them know, perhaps we ought to read יודיעו yodiu , let them make known. - Secker. The Septuagint and Vulgate favor this reading, ειπατωισαν, let them declare.

Clarke: Isa 19:13 - Are deceived "They have caused,"etc. Are deceived "They have caused,"etc. - The text has וחתעו vehithu , And they have caused to err. Fifty of Kennicott’ s MSS., fifty-three ...

Are deceived "They have caused,"etc. - The text has וחתעו vehithu , And they have caused to err. Fifty of Kennicott’ s MSS., fifty-three of De Rossi’ s, and one of my own, ancient, thirty-two editions, and the Vulgate and Chaldee. omit the ו vau , and

Stay "Pillars"- פנת pinnath , to be pointed as plural pinnoth , without doubt. So Grotius, and so the Chaldee.

Clarke: Isa 19:14 - In the midst thereof In the midst thereof - בקרבם bekirbam ; so the Septuagint, and perhaps more correctly."- Secker. So likewise the Chaldee.

In the midst thereof - בקרבם bekirbam ; so the Septuagint, and perhaps more correctly."- Secker. So likewise the Chaldee.

Clarke: Isa 19:15 - The head or tail, branch or rush The head or tail, branch or rush - R. D. Kimchi says, there are some who suppose that these words mean the dragon’ s head and tail; and refer t...

The head or tail, branch or rush - R. D. Kimchi says, there are some who suppose that these words mean the dragon’ s head and tail; and refer to all those who are conversant in astronomy, astrology, etc.

Clarke: Isa 19:16 - -- Shall Egypt be "The Egyptians shall be"- יהיו yihyu , they shall be, plural, MS. Bodl. Septuagint, and Chaldee. This is not proposed as an emen...

Shall Egypt be "The Egyptians shall be"- יהיו yihyu , they shall be, plural, MS. Bodl. Septuagint, and Chaldee. This is not proposed as an emendation, for either form is proper.

Clarke: Isa 19:17 - And the land of Judah And the land of Judah - The threatening hand of God will be held out and shaken over Egypt, from the side of Judea; through which the Assyrians will...

And the land of Judah - The threatening hand of God will be held out and shaken over Egypt, from the side of Judea; through which the Assyrians will march to invade it. It signifies that kind of terror that drives one to his wit’ s end, that causes him to reel like a drunken man, to be giddy through astonishment. Such is the import of חג chag , and חגה chagah . Five MSS. and two editions have לחגה lechagah .

Clarke: Isa 19:18 - -- The city of destruction "The city of the sun"- עיר החרס ir hacheres . This passage is attended with much difficulty and obscurity. First, i...

The city of destruction "The city of the sun"- עיר החרס ir hacheres . This passage is attended with much difficulty and obscurity. First, in regard to the true reading. It is well known that Onias applied it to his own views, either to procure from the king of Egypt permission to build his temple in the Hieropolitan Nome, or to gain credit and authority to it when built; from the notion which he industriously propagated, that Isaiah had in this place prophesied of the building of such a temple. He pretended that the very place where it should be built was expressly named by the prophet, עיר החרס ir hacheres , the city of the sun. This possibly may have been the original reading. The present text has עיר ההרס ir haheres , the city of destruction; which some suppose to have been introduced into the text by the Jews of Palestine afterwards, to express their detestation of the place, being much offended with this schismatical temple in Egypt. Some think the latter to have been the true reading, and that the prophet himself gave this turn to the name out of contempt, and to intimate the demolition of this Hieropolitan temple; which in effect was destroyed by Vespasian’ s orders, after that of Jerusalem, " Videtur propheta consulto scripsisse הרס heres , pro חרס cheres , ut alibi scribitur בית און beith aven pro בית אל beith El : איש בשת ish bosheth for איש בעל ish baal , etc. Vide Lowth in loc."- Secker. "It seems that the prophet designedly wrote הרס heres , destruction, for חרס cheres , the sun: as elsewhere בית און beith aven , the house of iniquity, is written for בית אל beith El , the house of God; איש בשת ish bosheth for איש בעל ish baal ,"etc. But on the supposition that עיר ההרס air haheres is the true reading, others understand it differently. The word הרס heres in Arabic signifies a lion; and Conrad Ikenius has written a dissertation (Dissert. Philol. Theol. XVI.) to prove that the place here mentioned is not Heliopolis, as it is commonly supposed to be, but Leontopolis in the Heliopolitan Nome, as it is indeed called in the letter, whether real or pretended, of Onias to Ptolemy, which Josephus has inserted in his Jewish Antiquities, lib. 13 c. 3. And I find that several persons of great learning and judgment think that Ikenius has proved the point beyond contradiction. See Christian. Muller. Satura Observ. Philolog. Michaelis Bibliotheque Oriental, Part v., p. 171. But, after all, I believe that neither Onias, Heliopolis, nor Leontopolis has any thing to do with this subject. The application of this place of Isaiah to Onias’ s purpose seems to have been a mere invention, and in consequence of it there may perhaps have been some unfair management to accommodate the text to that purpose; which has been carried even farther than the Hebrew text; for the Greek version has here been either translated from a corrupted text, or wilfully mistranslated or corrupted, to serve the same cause. The place is there called πολις Ασεδεκ, the city of righteousness; a name apparently contrived by Onias’ s party to give credit to their temple, which was to rival that of Jerusalem. Upon the whole, the true reading of the Hebrew text in this place is very uncertain; fifteen MSS. and seven editions have חרס cheres , the city of Hacheres, or, of the sun. So likewise Symmachas, the Vulgate, Arabic, Septuagint, and Complutensian. On the other hand, Aquila, Theodotion, and the Syriac read הרס heres , destruction; the Chaldee paraphrase takes in both readings

The reading of the text being so uncertain, no one can pretend to determine what the city was that is here mentioned by name; much less to determine what the four other cities were which the prophet does not name. I take the whole passage from the 18th verse to the end of the chapter, to contain a general intimation of the future propagation of the knowledge of the true God in Egypt and Syria, under the successors of Alexander; and, in consequence of this propagation, of the early reception of the Gospel in the same countries, when it should be published to the world. See more on this subject in Prideaux’ s Connect. An. 145; Dr. Owen’ s Inquiry into the present state of the Septuagint Version, p. 41; and Bryant’ s Observations on Ancient History, p. 124. - L.

Clarke: Isa 19:19 - An altar to the Lord An altar to the Lord - צבאות tsebaoth , "of hosts,"or Yehovah tsebaoth , is added by eight MSS. of good repute, and the Syriac Version.

An altar to the Lord - צבאות tsebaoth , "of hosts,"or Yehovah tsebaoth , is added by eight MSS. of good repute, and the Syriac Version.

Clarke: Isa 19:23 - Shall there be a highway Shall there be a highway - Under the latter kings of Persia, and under Alexander, Egypt, Judea, and Assyria lived peaceably under the same governmen...

Shall there be a highway - Under the latter kings of Persia, and under Alexander, Egypt, Judea, and Assyria lived peaceably under the same government, and were on such friendly terms that there was a regular, uninterrupted intercourse between them, so that the Assyrian came into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria, and Israel became the third, i.e., was in strict union with the other two; and was a blessing to both, as affording them some knowledge of the true God, Isa 19:24.

Clarke: Isa 19:25 - Blessed be Egypt - Assyria - and Israel Blessed be Egypt - Assyria - and Israel - All these countries shall be converted to the Lord. Concerning Egypt, it was said, Isa 18:7, that it shoul...

Blessed be Egypt - Assyria - and Israel - All these countries shall be converted to the Lord. Concerning Egypt, it was said, Isa 18:7, that it should bring gifts to the Lord at Jerusalem. Here it is predicted, Isa 19:19, that there shall be an altar to the Lord in Egypt itself; and that they, with the Assyrians shall become the people of God with the Israelites. This remains partly to be fulfilled. These countries shall be all, and perhaps at no very distant time from this, converted to the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Calvin: Isa 19:1 - The burden of Egypt // Behold, the Lord rideth on a swift cloud // And the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence // And the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of her l.The burden of Egypt The Prophet here prophesies against Egypt, because it was a kind of refuge to the Jews, whenever they saw any danger approachi...

l.The burden of Egypt The Prophet here prophesies against Egypt, because it was a kind of refuge to the Jews, whenever they saw any danger approaching them; for when they had forsaken God, to whom they ought to have had recourse, they thought that they had no help left to them but in the Egyptians. It was therefore necessary that that kingdom should be overthrown, that its wealth or its forces might no longer deceive the Jews; for so long as Egypt was prosperous, the Jews thought that, on account of its being exceedingly populous and highly fortified, they were far removed from danger, and therefore despised God, or at least paid scarcely any regard to his promises. This led to evil consequences in two respects; first, because when they ought to have relied on God alone, they were puffed up with that vain confidence in Egypt; and secondly, because whenever the Lord punished them, they defended themselves against his chastisements by the power of the Egyptians, as if by human resources they could make void his judgments, when they ought to have been turned to God altogether. On this subject Isaiah speaks more fully in a later portion of this book. (Isa 30:2.)

Behold, the Lord rideth on a swift cloud This mode of expression is found also in other passages of Scripture, but in a general form. (Psa 104:3.) The Prophet applies it to this prediction, because the Egyptians thought that they were so well fortified on all sides, that there was no way by which God could approach them. He therefore ridicules their foolish confidence, and exhibits the exalted power of God, when he rideth on a swift cloud, by which he will easily make a descent upon them, and neither walls nor bulwarks shall hinder his progress. Again, because in addition to earthly aid the Jews were likewise bewitched by a false religion, on this ground also the Prophet ridicules their madness, because God will dash to the ground all the assistance which they expected to obtain from idols. I pass by the foolish notion which many have entertained, as to the idols which Christ overthrew in Egypt, when he was carried thither in infancy; for it does not deserve a refutation. (Mat 2:14.) This passage has been perverted to prove it, and to prove many conjectures of the same kind. But the Prophet’s meaning is totally different; for he speaks of the defeat of the Egyptians by the Assyrians, and shews that it ought to be ascribed to God, and not, as irreligious men commonly do, to fortune. He shews it to be a judgment of God, by whose hand all things are governed.

And the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence He declares that the idols shall fall; that is, that they shall be of no avail to the Egyptians, though they rely on their assistance, and think that they are under their protection. No nation ever was so much addicted to superstitions; for they worshipped cats, and oxen, and crocodiles, and even onions, and plants of every sort, and there was nothing to which they did not ascribe some kind of divinity. He means that the power of all those false gods, whom the Egyptians had taken for their protectors, will be overthrown. Having declared that the Egyptians rely in vain on their superstitions, he likewise casts down the pride which they cherished as to their earthly resources.

And the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of her By the word heart he means the courage which sometimes fails even the bravest men, so that they do not attempt any action, even when their strength and forces are abundant, and in this manner he declares that they will be at war with God, who will melt their hearts within them, before they are called to contend with their enemies. Not only does he threaten that they will be terrified, but he likewise adds in the midst of the whole kingdom, where they had an exceedingly safe and peaceful dwelling, because they were far removed from every attack. It was the duty of all believers to consider this, when war was waged against the Egyptians; and we also ought to behold the same thing exemplified in all revolutions of kingdoms, which proceed solely from the hand of God. If the heart melts, if the strength fails, in men who are usually brave, and who had formerly displayed great courage, this ought to be ascribed to the vengeance of God.

Calvin: Isa 19:2 - And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians // And they shall fight every one against his brother // City against city, and kingdom against kingdom 2.And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians Here he describes more particularly the calamity which the Lord had determined to bring on Egypt...

2.And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians Here he describes more particularly the calamity which the Lord had determined to bring on Egypt. By the expression, I will set, he means the internal struggles, in which those who ought to be mutual defenders cut down one another; and no evil can be more destructive than this to a state or a people. It was of importance also to convince the Jews that God, in whose hands are the hearts of men, (Pro 21:1,) could by his unseen influence inflame the Jews to mutual animosities, that they might slay each other, though they were victorious over foreign enemies. Hence we learn that nations never rise in a seditious manner, unless the Lord set them against each other, as when one brings forward gladiators to the place of combat. He inflames their minds for battle, and prompts them to slay each other by mutual wounds; and therefore, as we ought to reckon it an evidence of God’s favor, when friendship is cherished among citizens, so we ought to ascribe it to his vengeance, when they rage against and slay and injure one another.

And they shall fight every one against his brother For the sake of heightening the picture, he adds what was still more monstrous, that those who were related to them by blood would take up arms to destroy each other; for if men are worse than beasts when, forgetting their common nature, they engage in battle, how much more shocking is it to nature that brethren or allies should fight with each other! But the more monstrous it is, the more ought we to acknowledge the judgment of God and his terrible vengeance.

City against city, and kingdom against kingdom Isaiah appears to advance by degrees; for he mentions, first, a brother; secondly, a neighbor; thirdly, cities; and, fourthly, kingdoms By kingdoms he means provinces, into which Egypt was divided, which the Greeks called νομοἰ, the term by which the Greek translators have rendered it in this passage. 26

Calvin: Isa 19:3 - And the spirit of Egypt shall be emptied // Even though they seek it 3.And the spirit of Egypt shall be emptied 27 As Isaiah had, a little before, deprived the Egyptians of courage, so he now takes away their understan...

3.And the spirit of Egypt shall be emptied 27 As Isaiah had, a little before, deprived the Egyptians of courage, so he now takes away their understanding, both of which are exceedingly necessary for the defense of kingdoms; for when these have been taken away, there is no possibility of transacting national affairs. Now, the Egyptians had so high an opinion of their own wisdom, that they reckoned themselves superior to other nations; and it is well known that they haughtily despised all other nations as barbarians, as if there had been no civilization, refinement, learning, or skill, but in Egypt alone. They boasted that they were the inventors of learning, that philosophy and astronomy came from them, and, in short, that Egypt was the workshop of all the liberal arts; and therefore they would never have thought it possible that they should fail in wisdom and prudence, and unquestionably, if this prediction had come to their knowledge, they would have laughed at it in disdain, and would have thought, that sooner would the waters of the sea be dried up, and everything be overturned, than this should befall those who imagined that prudence was their birthright. But Isaiah declares it boldly, for he did not speak from himself.

Again, since he had predicted that they would be deprived of courage, in which they excelled, the context requires us to understand the meaning to be, that they would be struck with blindness; for both faculties of the soul depend entirely on the favor of God. Consequently, רוח ( rūăch) means here understanding and sagacity, which ought to be carefully observed, for many are mistaken as to the meaning of this word. When he immediately adds, I will destroy the counsel thereof, this is a stronger expression of the former statement; for it shews what is the cause of that emptiness, namely, that God will take and carry away their counsel.

Even though they seek it This is spoken by anticipation, for he meets the objections of the Egyptians, who might have said, “Have we not gods whom we can consult? Have we not magicians, diviners, and soothsayers? Do you reckon those to be of no value?” He threatens that all these things will be of no avail to them, to whatever extent they may rely on them, and be puffed up with the empty name of wisdom. I shall not spend much time on these names, though it is probable that Isaiah’s enumeration proceeds by gradual advancement. First, he mentions gods, next magicians, and afterwards diviners and fortune-tellers They had their oracles, in which they placed the highest confidence. Next after them came the magicians, though these too had great influence. In matters of smaller moment they consulted the soothsayers. Superstitious men are so restless that nothing can satisfy them; for they are fickle and unsteady, and sometimes resort to one remedy and sometimes to another; and indeed Satan deceives them in such a manner, that at first he holds out to them the appearance of peace and quietness, which they think that they have fully obtained, but afterwards shews them that they have not reached it, and distresses and harasses them more and more, and compels them to seek new grounds of confidence. Thus our minds cannot obtain rest and peace but in God alone. And undoubtedly the Prophet condemns those arts as contrary to reason; for God has revealed all that is necessary to be known by means of the arts and sciences, which he intended to be used, and of which he approves. If any man shall wish to be wise in any other manner, he must have Satan for his teacher.

Calvin: Isa 19:4 - And I will deliver the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel master // And a powerful king 4.And I will deliver the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel master 28 He now shews what will happen to the Egyptians, after having lost courage and b...

4.And I will deliver the Egyptians into the hand of a cruel master 28 He now shews what will happen to the Egyptians, after having lost courage and been deprived of understanding. Nothing will be left for them but to be reduced to slavery; for a nation destitute of these must fall of its own accord, even though it were not violently attacked by any enemy. Of such aids, therefore, God deprives those on whom he determines to take vengeance, and shuts them out from every method of upholding their liberty. Yet the Prophet threatens what is still more shocking, that not only will the empire of which the Egyptians proudly vaunted fall down, but the inhabitants also will undergo hard bondage. Though the adjective קשה , ( kāshĕh,) cruel, is in the singular number, yet he says in the plural number, that they shall be subject to lords, which is harder to endure than if there had been but one lord to whom they were subject.

And a powerful king 29 shall rule over them. He means that the power of the tyrant to whom he will subject them shall be so great, that it will not be easy to restore them to liberty. Historians shew that various changes occurred in many countries, which they who subdued them were unable to hold and retain; for to keep what has been obtained is often more difficult than to conquer. But the Prophet intimates that this condition will not be easily changed, and that the bondage of the Egyptians shall be of long duration, because no one will dare to enter the lists with an exceedingly powerful conqueror. We may also understand the meaning to be, that the princes of smaller nations will deal more gently with their people than more powerful monarchs, who, relying on their greatness, allow themselves to do whatever they please; for, reckoning their power to be unlimited, they set no bounds to their freedom of action, and rush forward, without restraint, wherever their passions drive them. Whether the one view or the other be adopted, it will amount to this, that the Egyptians, who consider themselves to be the highest and most distinguished of all men, shall fall under the power of another, and shall be oppressed by hard bondage, that is, by the bondage of a powerful king, whom no one will dare to oppose. Hence we see how great is the folly of men who are desirous to have a powerful and wealthy king reigning over them, and how justly they are punished for their ambition, though it cannot be corrected by the experience of every day, which is everywhere to be seen in the world. France and Spain, at the present day, boast that they are governed by mighty princes, but feel to their cost how little advantage they derive from that which dazzles them by a false pretense of honor. But on this subject we have spoken formerly in another place. 30 (Isa 8:6.)

Calvin: Isa 19:5 - Then the waters shall fail from the sea 5.Then the waters shall fail from the sea He follows out the subject which he had already begun, that the fortifications, by which the Egyptians thou...

5.Then the waters shall fail from the sea He follows out the subject which he had already begun, that the fortifications, by which the Egyptians thought that they were admirably defended, will be of no avail to them. They reckoned themselves to be invincible, because they were surrounded by the sea, and by the Nile, and by fortifications; and historians tell us that it was difficult to gain entrance to them, because the Nile had no mouth, by which they could not easily prevent ships from landing. They therefore boasted that their situation was excellent, and that they were strongly fortified by nature, in like manner as the inhabitants of Venice, at the present day, think that, in consequence of being surrounded by deep ditches, they are impregnable; but fortresses are useless, when God has determined to punish us.

Calvin: Isa 19:6 - And the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up 6.And the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up 31 What he adds about fortifications is to the same purpose with what he had stated immedia...

6.And the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up 31 What he adds about fortifications is to the same purpose with what he had stated immediately before. He alludes to the embankments, which not only restrained the overflowing of the Nile, but protected the whole country; as if he had said that the embankments will not be needed, because the Nile will be dried up. Now, it is certain that the Nile was not laid dry, and yet the Prophet did not foretell what was not accomplished. We must therefore call to remembrance what we have already said, that on account of our stupidity those calamities are represented to us in a lively manner, which places them as it were before our eyes; for we need to have a representation made to us which is fitted to impress our minds, and to arouse us to consider the judgments of God, which otherwise we despise. We ought to observe the haughtiness of the Egyptians, whose resources were so various and abundant, and who thought that it was impossible for them to be overtaken by such a calamity.

Calvin: Isa 19:7 - And the reed and the rush shall wither // By the mouth of the brooks 7.And the reed and the rush shall wither He mentions the reed and the rush, because they had abundance of them, and employed them for various pur...

7.And the reed and the rush shall wither He mentions the reed and the rush, because they had abundance of them, and employed them for various purposes; or, it may be thought to mean that the marshes will be dried up.

By the mouth of the brooks Some render it embankments, but it rather means the fountain itself, which seldom is dried up, though torrents or rivers fail. By the mouth, therefore, he means the source of the river which shall be dried up in such a manner that no part of the country can be watered. Though the source of the Nile was at a great distance, yet not without reason did the Prophet threaten that that river, on whose waters the fertility almost of the whole land depended, shall be dried up at its very source; for in that country rain seldom falls, but its place is supplied every year by the Nile. If that river overflow but scantily, it threatens scarcity and famine; and therefore, when the Prophet threatens that it will be dried up, he means that the whole country will be barren. For this reason he says also, that, even at its very mouth, from which the waters spring up, there will be a lack of waters, so that in that place the herbs will be withered.

Calvin: Isa 19:8 - And the fishers shall mourn // They who spread a net on the face of the waters shall languish 8.And the fishers shall mourn Isaiah still keeps in his eye the condition of Egypt. We have formerly mentioned 32 that the prophets made use of those...

8.And the fishers shall mourn Isaiah still keeps in his eye the condition of Egypt. We have formerly mentioned 32 that the prophets made use of those figures of speech by which, when any country is mentioned, they chiefly name those things which abound in that country, and for which it is celebrated. Thus, when a vinebearing country is spoken of, they mention vines; if it abound in gold, they speak of gold; and if it abound in silver, they speak of silver. Accordingly, when he speaks of Egypt, which was well watered, and contained abundance of streams, he mentions fishing.

They who spread a net on the face of the waters shall languish Some translate the word אמללו , (ă mlālū,) “they shall be cut off,” but the more correct rendering is, “they shall be weakened;” for this corresponds to the mourning and lamentation which was formerly mentioned. Now, we know that in that country there was a great number of fishers, and that these formed a great part of the wealth of Egypt. When fishers were taken away, of whom there were vast numbers among the Egyptians, and of whom their wealth chiefly consisted, they must have been weakened. Now, if the nation be deprived of that which is its ordinary food, great poverty will follow. He therefore describes an astonishing change that shall pass on the whole country.

Calvin: Isa 19:9 - And they who work in the finest flax 9.And they who work in the finest flax As he spoke of mourning, so he now speaks of shame; for they who formerly earned an abundant livelihood by thi...

9.And they who work in the finest flax As he spoke of mourning, so he now speaks of shame; for they who formerly earned an abundant livelihood by this trade will have no gains. Now, the two occupations are closely connected, to weave nets and to fish. Yet it is doubtful if he speaks of those only who manufactured nets; for if we understand שריקות , ( sĕrīkōth) to mean certain very fine linens, it is probable that the latter clause relates to other productions of the loom, manufactured out of small fine thread, and of the most elegant workmanship. We know that linens of very great value were woven in Egypt, and there may be good reason for interpreting the phrase white nets, or, as we have rendered it, “perforated,” to mean also linen garments, which were more costly in proportion to the greater delicacy of their texture.

It will thus be a metaphorical expression, by which the Prophet indirectly taunts them with their unbecoming luxury, alleging that the Egyptians cover themselves with linen garments in the same manner as if they clothed themselves with a net. If this meaning be adopted, it will agree with the following verse; and indeed I do not see how such exquisite skill in weaving can be applied to fishing. But if it be thought better to understand the whole as relating to fishes, the meaning will be, that they who had been much employed in fishing, and had found it to be a profitable occupation, will be overwhelmed with sorrow. 33

Calvin: Isa 19:10 - And all that make ponds 10.And all that make ponds As to the word שכר , ( secher,) there is no absolute necessity, in my opinion, for translating it a net; for the der...

10.And all that make ponds As to the word שכר , ( secher,) there is no absolute necessity, in my opinion, for translating it a net; for the derivation shews it, on the contrary, to denote a lucrative occupation. 34

Where fishes are very abundant, they are also preserved in pools and ponds; because the fishers would otherwise be constrained to sell them at a very low price. Besides, when they throw a net, they are not always successful. He therefore follows out the same subject, “It will not be possible either to take or to preserve fishes. Pools will be of no use.”

Calvin: Isa 19:11 - Surely the princes of Zoan are fools // How say ye to Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings? 11.Surely the princes of Zoan are fools Here he joins wisdom with folly, and not without reason; for it is impossible to take away from men a convict...

11.Surely the princes of Zoan are fools Here he joins wisdom with folly, and not without reason; for it is impossible to take away from men a conviction of their wisdom, which leads them to believe, in opposition to God himself, that they are wise. It is therefore a kind of acknowledgment, when he calls those persons wise whom he at the same time accuses of folly or stupidity. Though the Hebrew particle אך , (ă ch,) sometimes means but, yet as the Prophet appears to attack the Egyptians, I choose rather to render it “surely,” or “truly,” or “now at least;” for he scoffs at the counselors of Pharaoh for wishing to be regarded, and believing themselves to be, exceeding wise, though they are the most foolish of all men. Thus it is an exclamation: “Where is that wisdom of Egypt? Where are the counselors who held all men in contempt? Why do they not preserve their kingdom?” Now, at least, it is evident what kind of wisdom they had. This tends to confirm and seal the prophecy, in which the Prophet obviously does not speak of things unknown, but has before his eyes, as it were, the destruction of Egypt. “Armed therefore with the authority of God, I venture to pronounce all those princes to be fools, though they think that they are wise.”

Finally, the Prophet shews that vain is the glory of men who, without God, claim for themselves even a spark of wisdom; because their folly is at length exposed, and when the actual trial comes, they shew that they are children. The Lord permits them, indeed, to achieve many exploits, that they may obtain reputation among men, but in the end he infatuates them, so that, notwithstanding their sagacity and long experience, they act more foolishly than children. Let us therefore learn to seek from the Lord the spirit of wisdom and counsel, and if he shall bestow it upon us, let us use it with propriety and moderation; for God opposes the wisdom of men when they claim more than they have a right to claim, and those who are too ambitious to exalt themselves, must be punished for their folly; and therefore he often puts them to shame, that it may be made manifest that their wisdom is nothing but empty smoke. There is no wisdom but that which is founded on the fear of God, which Solomon also declares to be the chief part of wisdom. (Pro 1:7.)

How say ye to Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings? He reproves the counsellors of Pharaoh for flattering him, as courtiers are wont to flatter princes; for they utter nothing but what is intended to soothe and gratify the ears of princes, because this is the way by which they succeed and obtain favor. Thus, amidst many flatteries and lies, there is no room for truth. Though this vice is commonly found in the courts of great princes, yet at that time it abounded chiefly among the Egyptians. They boasted that they were the most ancient of all nations, and that they were the inventors of the arts, and of all liberal education; and if such a conviction existed even among the common people, how much stronger must it have been in the kings themselves?

The boasting related to two points, antiquity and knowledge; and Isaiah reproves both, or at least says that they will be of no value. Pharaoh boasted both of the antiquity and of the wisdom of his nation; and indeed this was common among the whole people; but he speaks chiefly of the king as the head, in whom this haughtiness was more conspicuous than among ordinary persons. Now, we ought not to boast of the wisdom of our ancestors, as if it belonged to us by hereditary right, but we must look to heaven and ask it from its Author. So far as relates to antiquity, it is a foolish and idle boast; and yet princes are so deeply infected by this vice, that they would willingly seek their birth and descent out of the world, and cannot easily be drawn away from that vanity. This madness is heightened by flatterers, who have contrived, as we perceive, many things about the genealogy of certain princes. No song is more delightful to them than when they are separated from the common herd of men, like demigods or heroes. But it frequently happens, that when they carry their curiosity to excess in inquiring about their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, they lay themselves open to ridicule, because it is found that they are descended from one of the common people.

I have heard an amusing anecdote, related by persons worthy of credit, about the Emperor Maximilian, who was very eager to inquire into his descent, and was induced by a silly trifler to believe that he had traced his lineage to Noah’s ark. This subject made so powerful an impression on his mind, that he left off all business, applied himself earnestly to this single investigation, and would allow no one to draw him away from it, not even the ambassadors who came to treat with him about important matters. All were astonished at this folly, and silently blamed him for it, but no one had power or courage to suggest a remedy. At length his cook, who was likewise his jester, and often entertained him with his sayings, asked leave to speak, and, as one who was desirous to uphold the Emperor’s dignity, told him that this eagerness to trace his descent would neither be useful nor honorable; for, said he, at present I revere your majesty, and worship you as a god; but if we must come to Noah’s ark, there we shall all be cousins, for we are all descended from it. Maximilian was so deeply affected by this saying of the jester, that he became ashamed of his undertaking, though formerly neither friends, nor counsellors, nor business could dissuade him from it; for he perceived that his name which he wished to render more illustrious by inquiring into his remote ancestors, would be altogether degraded if they came to its earliest source, from which princes and peasants, nobles and artisans, are descended.

What is blamed even by jesters and fools must be great madness; and yet it is not a vice which has lately sprung up, but is deeply rooted in the minds of almost all men. In order to avoid it, let us learn to depend on God alone, and let us prefer the blessedness of adoption to all riches, and lineage, and nobility. So far as relates to the kings of Egypt being descended from very ancient kings, who had kept possession of the throne for many ages, they were as proud as if wisdom had been born with them. 35

Calvin: Isa 19:12 - Where are thy wise men? that they may tell thee // What the Lord of hosts hath decreed 12.Where are thy wise men? that they may tell thee Though literally it runs thus, “ And they shall tell thee, and shall know,” yet the word ough...

12.Where are thy wise men? that they may tell thee Though literally it runs thus, “ And they shall tell thee, and shall know,” yet the word ought to be regarded as meaning, “that they may tell thee, and even that at length they may know;” for this mode of expression is frequently employed by the Hebrews. The Egyptians had their diviners from whom they thought that nothing, however secret, was concealed; for they consulted them about the smallest and greatest affairs, and held their replies to be oracles. The Prophet, mocking that vanity, says, “How shall they tell what they do not know? Have they been admitted to the counsel of God?” It is also probable that he condemns the art which they used in divination, because it was not only unlawful, but also made use of absolute tricks and deceptions.

There are three ways in which we may foresee or know what is future. The first and chief way is, by the revelation of the Spirit, which alone can make us certain, as by the gift of prophecy, which is rare and uncommon. The second is, by astronomy. The third is, by a comparison of past events, from which prudence is commonly obtained

As to a knowledge of the stars, from their position and conjunction, some things may occasionally be learned, such as famine, scarcity, pestilence, abundant harvests, and things of that sort; but even these cannot be certain, for they rest on mere conjecture. Now, we ought always to consider what relation the stars bear to these lower regions; for the actions of men are not regulated by them, as idle and false astrologers imagine, a vast number of whom, at the present day, endeavor to insinuate themselves into the minds of princes and subjects, as if they possessed a knowledge of everything, both present and future. Such men resemble the impostors of whom the Prophet speaks, who deceive men by their jugglery. Yet princes lend an attentive ear to such persons, and receive them as gods; and indeed they deserve to be thus imposed upon, and are justly punished for their curiosity.

They likewise boast of magic, in which those Egyptian diviners were skilled. But they add many things which are worse, and more abominable, exorcisms and calling on devils, than which nothing more destructive can be expressed or conceived. The Lord pronounces a curse on such conjectures and arts of divination, and the issue of them cannot but be disastrous and wretched. And if they were formerly condemned in the Egyptians, how much more do they deserve condemnation in those who use the name of God as a pretext? It is wonderful that men otherwise acute and sagacious should be so childishly deceived by such jugglery, so that they appear to be deprived of understanding and judgment; but it is the Lord’s righteous vengeance, who punishes the wickedness of men.

Again, when from past events we calculate what is future, and judge by experience and observation what is most proper to be done, that cannot in itself be blamed; but neither can we by these means learn with certainty what is future, for the matter always lies in conjecture. Yet Isaiah directly attacks that sagacity which is universally applauded as something highly excellent, not because it is in itself sinful, but because we can scarcely find an acute or ingenious person who does not confidently believe that his skill places within his reach all that deserves or is necessary to be known. In this manner they despise the secret providence of God, as if nothing were hidden from them.

What the Lord of hosts hath decreed There is still another vice, that craftiness and sleight of hand are preferred by them to true wisdom. But Isaiah expressly censures that pride which led men endued with great abilities to measure events by their own judgment, as if the government of the world were not in the hand of God; and therefore with their divination he contrasts the heavenly decree. And hence learn how skillfully Isocrates says,

Κράτιστον εἶναι παρὰ μὲν θεοῦ εὐτυχίαν, παρὰ δὲ ἡμῶν αὐτῶν εὐβουλίαν,
“that the best gift of God is success, and the best gift from ourselves is prudence.”

At first sight, this maxim of the elegant orator appears beautiful; but since he robs God of the spirit of prudence and bestows it on mortals, the distribution is both wicked and foolish, to ascribe to men sound counsel, and to leave nothing to God but prosperous fortune. Now, if any one neglect the methods by which God teaches us, and resort to Satan’s impostures, he richly deserves to be deceived and involved in the greatest disgrace; for he seeks remedies that are nowhere to be found, and despises those which were offered by God.

Calvin: Isa 19:13 - The princes of Zoan are become infatuated, the princes of Noph are deceived. === Zoan was one of the chief cities of Egypt; Noph also was highly celebrated; 36 but what cities they were we cannot with certainty determine. Some think that one of them was Alexandria, the antiquity and wealth of which may be inferred from many passages of Scripture, which serve also to refute the notion of those who think that it was founded by Alexander the Great; for although it had been frequently destroyed, yet he did not build it anew, but only repaired it. That at one time it was an independent state, and allied to the Egyptians, and that it was one of the most flourishing cities in the whole world, is evident from Nah 3:8. The Prophet justly represents the stupidity of the princes to be the forerunner of its destruction; because the chief strength of any commonwealth or kingdom consists in wisdom and prudence, without which neither great riches nor a numerous population can be of any avail.

===A corner of its tribes have deceived Egypt 13.The princes of Zoan are become infatuated, the princes of Noph are deceived. === Zoan was one of the chief cities of Egypt; Noph also was highl...

13.The princes of Zoan are become infatuated, the princes of Noph are deceived. === Zoan was one of the chief cities of Egypt; Noph also was highly celebrated; 36 but what cities they were we cannot with certainty determine. Some think that one of them was Alexandria, the antiquity and wealth of which may be inferred from many passages of Scripture, which serve also to refute the notion of those who think that it was founded by Alexander the Great; for although it had been frequently destroyed, yet he did not build it anew, but only repaired it. That at one time it was an independent state, and allied to the Egyptians, and that it was one of the most flourishing cities in the whole world, is evident from Nah 3:8. The Prophet justly represents the stupidity of the princes to be the forerunner of its destruction; because the chief strength of any commonwealth or kingdom consists in wisdom and prudence, without which neither great riches nor a numerous population can be of any avail.

===A corner of its tribes have deceived Egypt 37 I consider the word corner to be here used metaphorically for the chief part of a building on which the whole weight rests; and I choose rather to view it in the nominative than in the accusative case. 38 It ought, I think, to be viewed as referring to those wise men by whom the Egyptians supposed themselves to be so powerfully defended that no evil could befall them. But Isaiah says that this is too feeble a support, because, having been deceived in their counsels, they ruined Egypt; and therefore he holds up to mockery that pretended wisdom which, when it is not accompanied by the fear of God, ought to be called vanity and folly, and not wisdom. Not only do men abuse an excellent gift of God, but they are puffed up with vain ambition, and are more delighted with cunning than with real prudence. To this is added a devilish fury, which leads them to disregard the providence of God, and to bring down all events to the level of their own capacity. This is the reason why Scripture so frequently attacks wise men of that description, and declares that they are fools. They usurp what belongs to God, and claim it for themselves; which is shocking and intolerable sacrilege. We need not wonder if the Lord make fearful displays against such wise men, so that with all their great acuteness and ingenuity they stumble and fall in the smallest matters, and run into great dangers which any peasant or artisan would have foreseen. Let these things be a warning to us, that we may not be elated or lay claim to the praise of wisdom. If we have any abilities or prudence, we ought to ascribe it wholly to God, and conform ourselves to the rule of sobriety and modesty; for if our wisdom rest on God he will truly be a steadfast corner-stone, which no one shall shake or overthrow.

Calvin: Isa 19:14 - The Lord hath mingled a spirit of perverseness // And they have misled Egypt in all her work // As a drunken man staggereth in his vomit 14.The Lord hath mingled a spirit of perverseness Because it was a thing unexpected and incredible that the leaders of a sagacious and prudent nation...

14.The Lord hath mingled a spirit of perverseness Because it was a thing unexpected and incredible that the leaders of a sagacious and prudent nation would destroy the country by their stupidity, the Prophet therefore ascribes it to the judgment of God, that the Jews may not shut their eyes against an example so striking and remarkable, as irreligious men usually attribute the judgments of God to chance when anything new or unexpected has happened. The expression is metaphorical, as if one were to mix wine in a cup, that the Lord thus intoxicates the wise men of this world so that they are stunned and amazed, and can neither think nor act aright. The consequence is, that they deceive Egypt, because, first, they were themselves deceived. That the Egyptians suffer themselves to be imposed on, and cannot guard against the deception, is the judgment of the Lord.

And yet Isaiah does not represent God to be the Author of this folly in such a manner that the Egyptians could impute blame to him, but we ought to view the matter in this light: “Men have in themselves no understanding or judgment, for whence comes wisdom but from the Spirit of God, who is the only fountain of light, understanding, and truth? Now, if the Lord withhold his Spirit from us, what right have we to dispute with him? He is under no obligations to us, and all that he bestows is actually a free gift.” Yet when he strikes the minds of men with a spirit of giddiness, he does it always for good reasons, though they are sometimes concealed from us. But very frequently he punishes with blindness those wicked men who have risen up against him, as happened to those Egyptians who, puffed up with a conviction of their wisdom, swelled with pride and despised all other men. It is therefore superfluous to dispute here about predestination, for the Lord punishes them for open vice; and, accordingly, when God blinds men or gives them over to a reprobate mind, (Rom 1:28,) he cannot be accused of cruelty; for it is the just punishment of their wickedness and licentiousness, and he who acts justly in punishing transgressions cannot be called the Author of sin.

Let us now attend to the manner of punishing. He delivers them up to Satan to be punished; for he it is, strictly speaking, that mingles the spirit of giddiness and perverseness; but as he does nothing but by the command of God, it is therefore said that God does what Satan does. The statement commonly made, that it is done by God’s permission, is an excessively frivolous evasion; for the Prophet has expressed more than this, namely, that this punishment was inflicted by God, because he is a righteous judge. God therefore acts by means of Satan, as a judge by means of an executioner, and inflicts righteous punishment on those who have offended him. Thus in the book of Kings we read that Satan presented himself before God, and asked leave to deceive Ahab’s prophets; and having obtained it, he then obeyed the command of God, for he could have done nothing by himself. It is unnecessary to produce a multitude of quotations in a matter so obvious.

And they have misled Egypt in all her work When he adds that her counsellors deceived her, he points out a second judgment of God; for it might have happened that the princes were deprived of understanding, and resembled drunkards, and yet the common people continued to possess some judgment; but here he says, that the impostors obtained also the power of leading astray so as to deceive the people. This is a two-fold vengeance of God, both on them that lead astray, and on those who are led astray by them.

As a drunken man staggereth in his vomit By a vomit He means shameful drunkenness. This is added (πρὸς αὔξησιν) by way of amplification, in order to shew that they were not ordinary drunkards, who have still some understanding left, but that they resembled swine.

Calvin: Isa 19:15 - Neither shall Egypt have any work to do // Head or tail, branch or rush 15.Neither shall Egypt have any work to do This is the conclusion of the former statement, for it means that all the Egyptians shall be stupefied to ...

15.Neither shall Egypt have any work to do This is the conclusion of the former statement, for it means that all the Egyptians shall be stupefied to such a degree that whatever they undertake shall be fruitless. This must happen where there is no counsel, and it is the righteous punishment of our pride and rashness. He therefore intended to describe the result and effect, so as to shew that it will be unhappy and miserable.

Head or tail, branch or rush When he threatens both the head and the tail, he means, that all ranks, from the highest to the lowest, all without exception, shall be deprived of counsel, so that they will not succeed in anything. Or perhaps it will be thought rather to mean the order which they observe in their actions. Hence we learn, that both the beginning and the end of everything depend on God; for we ought to ask from him counsel, and prudence, and success, if we do not wish that the same thing should happen to us which happened to the Egyptians.

Calvin: Isa 19:16 - In that day shall Egypt be like women // Because of the shaking of the hand of Jehovah of hosts 16.In that day shall Egypt be like women He again repeats what he had formerly said, that the Egyptians will have nothing that is manly. Some think t...

16.In that day shall Egypt be like women He again repeats what he had formerly said, that the Egyptians will have nothing that is manly. Some think that he alludes to an effeminate custom, on account of which the ancient historians censured the Egyptians, namely, that, by inverting the order of things, women appeared in public and transacted the affairs of state, and men performed the occupations of women. It is possible that the Prophet may have had this in his eye, but when I take a more careful view of the whole passage, this conjecture cannot be admitted; for here he threatens a judgment of God, which will hold up men to astonishment. If he were speaking of an ordinary custom, this would not apply to the matter in hand, for he does not charge the hearts of the Egyptians with being effeminate, but, on the contrary, threatens that they shall be struck with such dread that in no respect will they differ from women. The Egyptians not only thought that they were able to maintain war, but attacked without provocation, and gave aid to other nations. We see that heathen writers relate many of the exploits of the Egyptians, and expatiate largely on their praises; and, therefore, although the Egyptians were feeble and effeminate in comparison with other nations, yet they wished to retain the praise and renown of warlike men.

Because of the shaking of the hand of Jehovah of hosts 39 The sudden change which is now effected is a striking display of the judgment of heaven, and therefore he adds, that the shaking of the hand of God will be the cause of the terror. By these words he shews that this war will be entirely carried on by the Lord, and therefore that the Egyptians cannot stand against it, because they have not to do with men. What Isaiah declares concerning Egypt ought to be likewise applied to other nations; for if wars arise and insurrections spring up, we ought to acknowledge it to be a judgment of God when men lose courage and are overwhelmed with terror. We see how the most warlike nations give way, and shew themselves to be less courageous than women, and are vanquished without any preparations of war, whenever the Lord strikes their minds with dread.

Calvin: Isa 19:17 - And the land of Judah shall be a terror to the Egyptians 17.And the land of Judah shall be a terror to the Egyptians Some explain it simply to mean, that the land of Judah will be an astonishment to the Egy...

17.And the land of Judah shall be a terror to the Egyptians Some explain it simply to mean, that the land of Judah will be an astonishment to the Egyptians as well as to other nations, and compare this passage with the saying which has formerly come under our observation, “You shall be an astonishment.” 40 But I think that the meaning of the Prophet here is different, for he intended to point out the reason why the Lord would make such a display against the Egyptians. It was because they had brought destruction on the Jews, for they had turned them aside from the confidence which they ought to have placed in God, as princes frequently solicit their neighbors, and offer them their aid, that they may afterwards make use of them for their own advantage. Now the Lord had forbidden them (Deu 17:16) to resort to the Egyptians for the purpose of asking assistance from them; but those wretched people, instead of obeying God, listened to the solicitation of unbelievers who made offers to them, and on this account they were justly punished.

But the Egyptians also, who had given occasion to their unbelief and distrust, did not pass unpunished, for they were so sharply chastised that whenever they remembered the Jews they were overwhelmed with terror. Hence we ought to draw a profitable doctrine, that they who have turned aside the Church from obeying and trusting in God, and who, by fear, or counsel, or any enticements, have given occasion for offense, will be severely punished. The meaning of the Prophet’s words is as if we should say, that the look of a woman will bring a blush on him who has seduced her, when the disgrace of the uncleanness shall have been laid open, and when God shall come forth as the avenger of conjugal fidelity.

Calvin: Isa 19:18 - In that day there shall be five cities // Speaking with the lip of Canaan // And swearing by Jehovah of hosts // One shall be called the city of desolation 18.In that day there shall be five cities After having threatened the Egyptians, and at the same time explained the reason of the divine judgment, he...

18.In that day there shall be five cities After having threatened the Egyptians, and at the same time explained the reason of the divine judgment, he comforts them, and promises the mercy of God. He declares that they will be in part restored, and will regain a prosperous and flourishing condition; for he says that out of six cities five will be saved, and only one will perish. He had already foretold a frightful destruction to the whole kingdom, so that no one who examines the former prediction can think of anything else than a condition that is past remedy. He therefore promises that this restoration will be accomplished by the extraordinary kindness of God, so that it will be a kind of addition to the redemption of the Church, or a large measure of the grace of God, when the Redeemer shall be sent.

The manner of expression is somewhat obscure, but if we observe it carefully, there is no difficulty about the meaning; for the Prophet means that on1y the sixth part of the cities will be destroyed, and that the rest will be saved. The difficulty lies in the word ההרס , ( hăhĕrĕs.) Some read it החרס , ( hăchĕrĕs,) that is, of the sun, but they have mistaken the letter ה ( he) for ח ( cheth,) which resembles it. Those who explain it “of the sun,” think that the Prophet spoke of Heliopolis; 41 but this does not agree with the context; and he does not merely promise that five cities would be restored, (for how inconsiderable would such a restoration have been!) but generally, that five cities out of six would be saved. We know that the cities in Egypt were very numerous. I do not mention the fables of the ancients, and those who have assigned to them twenty thousand cities. But still, there must have been a vast number of cities in a country so highly celebrated, in a kingdom so flourishing and populous, with a climate so mild and temperate. Let us then suppose that there were a thousand cities in it, or somewhat more. He says that only the sixth part will perish, that the rest will be restored, so that but few will be destroyed. From what follows it is evident that this restoration must be understood to relate to the worship.

Speaking with the lip of Canaan By the word lip he means the tongue, (συνεκδοχικῶς,) taking a part for the whole. He expresses their agreement with the people of God, and the faith by which they will make profession of the name of God; for by the tongue he metaphorically describes confession. Since there was but one language which acknowledged and professed the true God, that is, the language of that nation which inhabited the land of Canaan, it is evident that by such a language must be meant agreement in religion. It is customary enough to employ these modes of expression, “to speak the same language,” or, “to speak a different language,” when we intend to describe agreement or diversity of opinion. But at the same time it must be remembered that it is not every kind of agreement that is sufficient, as if men were to form a conspiracy about the worship which they preferred, but if they agree in the truth which was revealed to the fathers. He does not merely say that the Egyptians will speak the same language, but that they will speak the language of Canaan. They must have changed their language, and adopted that which God had sanctified; not that the dialect was more holy, but it is commended on account of its containing the doctrine of truth.

This ought to be carefully observed, that we may understand what is the true method of agreement. We must by all means seek harmony, but we must see on what conditions we obtain it; for we must not seek any middle course, as is done by those who overturn religion, and yet who wish to be regarded as peace-makers. Away with such fickle and changeful tongues! Let the truth itself be preserved, which cannot be contained but in the word. Whosoever shall determine to agree to it, let him talk with us, but away with every one who shall corrupt it, choose what language he may. Let us abide firmly by this. It will therefore be impossible for the Egyptians to speak the language of Canaan till they have first relinquished their own language, that is, till they have relinquished all superstitions. Some refer this to the age of Ptolemy, but it is absurd, and we may infer from what follows that the Prophet speaks of piety and of the true worship of God.

And swearing by Jehovah of hosts First, employing a figure of speech in which a part is taken for the whole, he shews that their conversation will be holy, by exhibiting a single class of them, for in swearing they will make profession that they worship the true God. It may also be read, swearing to the Lord, or, by the Lord, for ל ( lamed) often signifies by. If we read, “to the Lord,” the meaning will be, that they will promise obedience to him, and that by a solemn oath, as when any nation promises fidelity to its prince; as if he had said, “They will acknowledge the authority of God, and submit to his government.” But since another reading has been more generally approved, I willingly adopt it; for since one part of the worship of God is swearing, by taking a part for the whole, as I have said, it fitly describes the whole of the worship of God. Again, to “swear by the Lord” often means to testify that he is the true God. (Deu 6:13.) In a word, it denotes a perfect agreement with the Church of God.

Hence we ought to learn that outward confession is a necessary part of the true worship of God; for if any person wish to keep his faith shut up in his heart, he will have but a cold regard for it. (Rom 10:9.) True faith breaks out into confession, and kindles us to such a degree that we actually profess what we inwardly feel. “To me,” says the Lord in another passage, “every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall swear.” (Isa 45:23.) Accordingly, there ought to be an outward worship and outward profession wherever faith dwells. It ought also to be observed, that those things which belong to the worship of God ought not to be applied to any other purpose, and therefore it is a profanation of an oath if we swear by any other. It is written, “Thou shalt swear by my name.” (Deu 6:13.) Accordingly, he is insulted and robbed of his honor, if the name of saints, or of any creature, be employed in an oath. Let it likewise be observed with what solemnity oaths should be made; for if by swearing we profess to worship God, we ought never to engage in it but with fear and reverence.

One shall be called the city of desolation When he devotes to destruction every sixth city, he means that all who are not converted to God, so as to worship him, perish without hope of salvation; for he contrasts the cities of Egypt which shall begin to acknowledge God with those which are destined to destruction. Where the worship of God is wanting, nothing but destruction can remain behind. הרס ( hĕrĕs) denotes execration and curse, which is followed by ruin and eternal death.

Calvin: Isa 19:19 - In that day shall there be an altar in the midst of the land of Egypt // And a statue 19.In that day shall there be an altar in the midst of the land of Egypt He continues what he had said in the former verse, and states more clearly t...

19.In that day shall there be an altar in the midst of the land of Egypt He continues what he had said in the former verse, and states more clearly that the aspect of Egypt will be renewed, because there true religion will flourish, the pure worship of God will be set up, and all superstitions will fall to the ground. He employs the word altar to denote, as by a sign, the worship of God; for sacrifices and oblations were the outward acts of piety. By the midst of Egypt he means the chief part of the whole kingdom, as if he had said, “in the very metropolis,” or, “in the very heart of the kingdom.”

And a statue 42 to the Lord. Let it not be supposed that by statue are meant images which carry the resemblance of men or of saints; but memorials (μνημόσυνα) of piety; for he means that they will be marks similar to those which point out the boundaries of kingdoms, and that in this manner signs will be evident, to make known to all men that God rules over this nation. And indeed it usually happens that a nation truly converted to God, after having laid aside idols and superstitions, openly sets up signs of the true religion, that all may know that the worship of God is purely observed in it.

Josephus relates (Ant. 13. 3. 1,) that Onias perverted this passage, when he fled to Ptolemy Philometor, 43 whom he persuaded that it would be advantageous to erect an altar there, on which the Jews who dwelt in that country might sacrifice; and he brought forward this passage, alleging that what the Prophet had foretold ought to be accomplished. The wicked and ambitious priest persuaded the king to do this, though it was openly opposed by the Jews; for the king looked to his own advantage, and that scoundrel, who had been deprived of his rank, sought to obtain additional honor and advancement; so that no entreaty could prevent the execution of that wicked counsel. But Isaiah simply describes the pure worship of God under the figure of signs which were then in use; for he has his eye upon his own age and the men with whom he had to do. This passage, therefore, was wickedly and maliciously perverted by Onias.

But not less impudently do the Popish doctors of the present day torture a passage in Malachi to defend the sacrifice of the Mass. When he says that “a pure oblation will everywhere be offered to God,” (Mal 1:11,) they infer that it is some sacrifice different from the ancient sacrifices, because oxen and sheep must no longer be sacrificed, and therefore that it is the Mass. A witty and ingenious argument truly! Now, it is evident that under the legal figure Malachi describes nothing else than the pure worship of God, as Isaiah does here; and we ought carefully to observe such forms of expression, which are frequently employed by the prophets.

This will be clearly explained by a passage in Joel, which we shall quote as an example. “Your sons and your daughters,” says he, “shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” (Joe 2:28.) Peter shews (Act 2:16) that this prediction was fulfilled, when the apostles spoke various languages through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Having formerly been uneducated men, they began to be qualified for declaring the mysteries of God. On that occasion we perceive no “dreams,” so that it might be thought that Peter quoted that passage inappropriately; but it is evident that Joel there describes nothing else than prophecy, and for the purpose of adorning it, he mentioned “visions and dreams,” by means of which the Lord anciently held communication with the prophets. (Num 12:6.) He kept in view the ordinary custom of that age; for otherwise the Jews would have found it difficult to comprehend the gifts of the Spirit which at that time were unknown. Having been reared under that preparatory instruction of the Law, 44 they could rise no higher than where they were conducted by sacrifices, ceremonies, sacraments, and signs. 45 So then the prophets addressed them as children, who ought to have nothing set before them beyond what they can learn in a homely style (παχυμερέστερον) by custom and experience.

This doctrine will unfold to us various passages, the obscurity of which might lead to much hesitation. It is plain that the Prophet speaks of the kingdom of Christ, and that these things were not fulfilled before his coming. We must therefore take away the shadows and look at the reality of things, in order that by the altar we may understand a true and sincere calling on God. But by these signs the Prophet likewise shews that the worship of God cannot be maintained without external acts of devotion, though we have no right to lay down rules for them. Away with the inventions of men, that we may listen to God alone on this subject.

Calvin: Isa 19:20 - And he will send them a Savior // They will cry unto the Lord // That he may deliver them 20.And he will send them a Savior We cannot serve God unless he first bestow his grace upon us; for no one will dedicate himself to God, till he be d...

20.And he will send them a Savior We cannot serve God unless he first bestow his grace upon us; for no one will dedicate himself to God, till he be drawn by his goodness, and embrace him with all his heart. He must therefore call us to him before we call upon him; we can have no access till he first invite us. Formerly he shewed that they must be subdued by various afflictions in order that they may submit to God, and now he repeats the same thing; for men never deny themselves and forsake idle follies any farther than the scourge compels them to yield obedience. But he likewise adds another kind of invitation, that, having experienced the kindness of God, they will freely approach to Him.

They will cry unto the Lord The cry of which he speaks proceeds from faith, for they would never resort to this refuge till they had been allured and delighted by the goodness of God. When the Lord promises that he will send a Savior, by whose hand the Egyptians will be delivered, this can mean no other than Christ; for Egypt was not delivered from its distresses before the doctrine of Christ reached it. We read of various changes which that country suffered for four hundred years, foreign and civil wars by which it was wasted and almost destroyed; but when we would be ready to think that it is utterly ruined, lo! it is converted to the Lord, and is rescued from the hand of enemies and tyrants. Thus Christ delivered that country, when it had begun to know him. In like manner, we must be brought to the knowledge and worship of God, that, where we have suffered various afflictions, we may learn that salvation is found in him alone. Would that the world would now learn this lesson, having suffered so many calamities that it appears to be on the brink of ruin! For what can be the issue but that it shall either perish or by repentance acknowledge that it has been justly punished for so great wickedness?

That he may deliver them When he adds these words, we ought to draw from them a profitable doctrine, that God assists us through Christ, by whose agency he gave deliverance to his own people from the beginning. He has always been the Mediator, by whose intercession all blessings were obtained from God the Father; and now that he has been revealed, let us learn that nothing can be obtained from God but through him. 46

Calvin: Isa 19:21 - And the Lord shall be known by the Egyptians // The Egyptians shall know // And shall make sacrifice and oblation // And shall vow vows to the Lord and perform them 21.And the Lord shall be known by the Egyptians Isaiah now adds what was most important; for we cannot worship the Lord, or call upon him, till we ha...

21.And the Lord shall be known by the Egyptians Isaiah now adds what was most important; for we cannot worship the Lord, or call upon him, till we have first acknowledged him to be our Father. “How,” says Paul, “shall they call on him whom they know not?” 47 (Rom 10:14.) We cannot be partakers of the gifts of God for our salvation without previously having true knowledge, which is by faith. He therefore properly adds, the knowledge of God, as the foundation of all religion, or the key that opens to us the gate of the heavenly kingdom. Now, there cannot be knowledge without doctrine; and hence infer, that God disapproves of all kinds of false worship; for he cannot approve of anything that is not guided by knowledge, which springs from hearing true and pure doctrine. Whatever contrivance therefore men may make out of their own minds, they will never attain by it the true worship of God. We ought carefully to observe passages like this, in which the Spirit of God shews what is the true worship and calling of God, that, having abandoned the inventions to which men are too obstinately attached, we may allow ourselves to be taught by the pure word of God, and, relying on his authority, may freely and boldly condemn all that the world applauds and admires.

The Egyptians shall know It is not without good reason that he twice mentions this knowledge. A matter of so great importance ought not to be slightly passed by; for it holds the chief place, and without it there is nothing that can properly be called worship.

And shall make sacrifice and oblation This passage must be explained in the same manner as the former, in which he mentioned an altar. What would have been the use of sacrifices after the manifestation of Christ? He therefore describes metaphorically confession of faith and calling on God, which followed the preaching of the gospel. Here he includes everything that was offered to God — slain beasts, bread, fruits of every description, and all that was fitted to express gratitude. But we must attend to the difference between the Old and New Testaments, and under the shadows of ceremonies we must understand to be meant that “reasonable worship” of which Paul speaks. (Rom 12:1.)

And shall vow vows to the Lord and perform them What he adds about vows is likewise a part of the worship of God. The Jews were accustomed to express their gratitude to God by vows, and especially they rendered thanksgiving by a solemn vow, when they had received from God any extraordinary blessing. Of their own accord also, when any one chose to do so, they made vows on various occasions. (Deu 12:6.) And yet every person was not at liberty to make this or that vow according to his own pleasure; but a rule was laid down. (Num 30:3.) Whatever may be in that respect, it is evident that by the word vows the Prophet means nothing else than the worship of God, to which the Egyptians devoted themselves after having learned it from the word of God; but he mentions the acts of devotion by which the Jews made profession of the true worship and religion.

Hence the Papists draw an argument to prove, that whatever we vow to God ought to be performed; but since they make vows at random, and without any exercise of judgment, this passage lends no aid to defend their error. Isaiah foretells what the Egyptians will do, after having embraced and followed the instruction given by God. 48 In like manner, when David exhorts the people to vow and to perform their vows, (Psa 76:11,) they think that he is on their side; but be does not therefore exhort them to make unlawful and rash vows. (Ecc 5:2.) There always remains in force the law of vows, which we are not at liberty to transgress, namely, the word of God, by which we learn what he requires from us, and what he wishes us to vow and perform. We never received permission to vow whatever we please, because we are too much disposed to go to excess, and to take every kind of liberty with regard to God, and because we act more imprudently towards him than if we had to deal with men. It was therefore necessary that men should be laid under some restraint to prevent them from taking so great liberties in the worship of God and religion.

This being the case, it is evident that God permits nothing but what is agreeable to his law, and that he rejects everything else as unacceptable and superstitious. What a man has vowed of his own accord, and without the support of the word, cannot be binding. If he perform it, he offends doubly; first, in vowing rashly, as if he were sporting with God; and secondly, in executing his resolutions wickedly and rashly, when he ought rather to have set them aside and repented. So far, therefore, is any man from being bound by vows, that he ought, on the contrary, to turn back and acknowledge his sinful rashness.

Now, if any one inquire about the vows of Papists, it will be easy to shew that they derive no support from the word of God. If those things which they highly applaud and reckon to be lawful, such as the vows of monks, are unlawful and wicked, what opinion must we form of the rest? They vow perpetual celibacy, as if it were indiscriminately permitted to all; but we know that the gift of continence is not an ordinary gift, and is not promised to every one, not even to those who in other respects are endued with extraordinary graces. Abraham was eminent for faith, steadfastness, meekness, and holiness, and yet he did not possess this gift. (Gen 11:29.) Christ himself, when the apostles loudly commended this state of celibacy, testified that it is not given to all. (Mat 19:11.) Paul states the same thing. (1Co 7:7.) Whosoever, therefore, does not possess this gift of continence, if he vow it, does wrong, and will be justly punished for his rashness. Hence have arisen dreadful instances of want of chastity, by which God has justly punished Popery for this presumption.

They likewise vow poverty, as if they would have nothing of their own, though they have abundance of everything beyond other men. Is not this an open mockery of God? The obedience which they vow is full of deceit; for they shake off the yoke of Christ, that they may become the slaves of men. Others vow pilgrimages, to abstain from eating flesh, to observe days, and other things full of superstition. Others promise to God toys and trinkets, as if they were dealing with a child. We would be ashamed to act thus, or to pursue such a line of conduct towards men, among whom nothing is settled till it has been agreed to on both sides by mutual consent. Much less is it lawful to attempt anything in the worship of God but what has been declared by his word. What kind of worship will it be, if the judgment of God has no weight with us, and if we yield only to the will of men? Will it be possible that it can please God? Will it not be (ἐθελοθρησκεία) “will-worship,” which Paul so severely censures? (Col 2:23.) In vain, therefore, do they who make such vows boast that they serve God; and in vain do they endeavor to find support in this passage; for the Lord abhors that kind of worship.

Calvin: Isa 19:22 - Therefore Jehovah will smite Egypt // For they shall be turned to Jehovah // And will heal them 22.Therefore Jehovah will smite Egypt From what has been already said the Prophet draws the conclusion, that the chastisement which he has mentioned ...

22.Therefore Jehovah will smite Egypt From what has been already said the Prophet draws the conclusion, that the chastisement which he has mentioned will be advantageous to the Egyptians, because it will be a preparation for their conversion; 49 as if he had said, that it will be for the good of Egypt that the Lord will punish her. Those who translate the words, “he will strike with a wound that may be healed,” misinterpret this passage, and greatly weaken the Prophet’s meaning; for it means that the wounds will be advantageous to them, and that by means of these wounds the Lord will bring them back. Hence we ought to conclude, that we must not refuse to be chastised by God, for it is done for our benefit. (Pro 3:11; Heb 12:5.) Exemption from punishment would cherish a disposition to sin with less control. As men are exceedingly prone to give way to their own inclinations, whenever God spares them for a little, it is necessary on this account that the Lord should prevent this danger, which he does by chastisements and stripes, which excite and arouse us to repentance. A remarkable instance of this is here exhibited in Egypt, which abounded in superstitions and wickedness, and went beyond all nations in idolatry, and yet experienced the mercy of God.

For they shall be turned to Jehovah We must attend to the manner of its accomplishment, which is, their conversion to God. It is the explanation of the former clause; as if he had said, “God will heal the Egyptians, because they shall be converted.” The copulative ו ( vau) signifies for. Hence we infer that conversion may be said to be a resurrection from eternal death. We are utterly ruined so long as we are turned away from God; but when we are converted, we return to his favor, and are delivered from death; not that we deserve the favor of God by our repentance, but because in this manner God raises us up, as it were, from death to life. To repentance is added a promise, from which we conclude, that when we sincerely repent, 50 we do not in vain implore forgiveness. Now, when the Prophet says that the Lord will be gracious and reconciled to the Egyptians, he at the same time shews, that as soon as they have been converted, they will obtain forgiveness. It will therefore be a true conversion when it is followed by a calling on God. But without faith (Rom 10:14) it is impossible to call on God; for even the ungodly may acknowledge sin; but no man will have recourse to the mercy of God, or obtain reconciliation, till he be moved by a true feeling of repentance, which is likewise accompanied by faith.

And will heal them He does not repeat what he had said, that God strikes in order to heal; but he promises healing in another sense, that is, that God will cease to inflict punishments. The former healing, which he mentioned a little before, was internal; but the latter relates to stripes and wounds. In short, he means that it will be a speedy remedy for all their distresses. After having been reconciled to God, there is nothing in us that calls for punishment; for whence comes punishment but on account of guilt? and when guilt is pardoned, exemption from punishment will quickly follow. 51 And if we be chastised, it is an evidence that we are not yet sufficiently prepared for repentance.

In a word, let us remember this order, which the Prophet points out to us; first, that stripes prepare men for repentance; secondly, that they are healed, because they are delivered from eternal destruction; thirdly, that when they have been brought to the knowledge of their guilt, they obtain pardon; fourthly, that God is gracious and reconciled to them; fifthly, that chastisements cease after they have obtained pardon from God. There is no man who ought not to acknowledge in himself what Isaiah here declares concerning the Egyptians, in whom the Lord holds out an example to the whole world.

Calvin: Isa 19:23 - In that day // There shall be a highway // And the Egyptians shall serve the Assyrians, (or, with the Assyrians.) 23.In that day The Prophet now foretells that the Lord will diffuse his goodness throughout the whole world; as if he had said, “It will not be shu...

23.In that day The Prophet now foretells that the Lord will diffuse his goodness throughout the whole world; as if he had said, “It will not be shut up in a corner, or exclusively known, as it formerly was, by a single nation.” Here he speaks of two nations that were the most inveterate enemies of the Church, and that appeared to be farther removed than any other from the kingdom of God; for much more might have been expected from distant nations, because the nations here mentioned openly made war with God and persecuted his Church. And if the Lord is so gracious to the deadly enemies of the Church, that he pardons and adopts them to be his children, what shall be the case with other nations? This prophecy thus includes the calling of all nations.

There shall be a highway Now, when he says that, in consequence of a highway having been opened up, there will be mutual access that they may visit each other, he describes brotherly intercourse. We know that the Egyptians carried on almost incessant wars with the Assyrians, and cherished an inveterate hatred towards each other. He now foretells that the Lord will change their dispositions, and will reconcile them to each other, so that they will have mutual communications, mutual coming in and going out, in consequence of laying open the highways which were formerly shut. Here we ought to observe what we formerly remarked at the fourth verse of the second chapter, 52 namely, that when men have been reconciled to God, it is likewise proper that they should cherish brotherly kindness towards each other. Strife, quarreling, disputes, hatred, and malice, ought to cease when God has been pacified. We need not wonder, therefore, that he says that a highway to Egypt is opened up for the Assyrians; but this ought undoubtedly to be referred to the reign of Christ, for we do not read that the Egyptians were on a friendly footing with the Assyrians till after they had known Christ.

And the Egyptians shall serve the Assyrians, (or, with the Assyrians.) 53 This clause may be rendered, “shall serve God;” but as the name of God is not expressed here, it may refer to the Assyrians, which is also pointed out by the particle את th.) 54 It may therefore be explained thus. They who formerly burned with a desire to injure one another will be changed in their dispositions, and will desire to shew kindness. In short, the fruit of true repentance will be made evident, for they who formerly distressed each other in mutual wars will lend mutual aid. And this opinion will agree very well with those words of the Prophet with which they stand connected. Yet I do not set aside another interpretation which is almost universally adopted, namely, “They who formerly worshipped other gods will henceforth acknowledge one God, and will assent to the same confession of faith.” I leave every one to adopt that interpretation which he thinks best. If the latter interpretation be preferred, the Prophet makes brotherly love to flow from godliness, 55 as from its source.

Calvin: Isa 19:24 - In that day shall Israel // Israel shall be the third blessing 24.In that day shall Israel Isaiah concludes the promise which he had briefly glanced at, that the Egyptians and Assyrians, as well as Israel, shall ...

24.In that day shall Israel Isaiah concludes the promise which he had briefly glanced at, that the Egyptians and Assyrians, as well as Israel, shall be blessed. Formerly the grace of God was in some measure confined to Israel, because with that nation only had the Lord entered into covenant. The Lord had stretched out “his cord” over Jacob, (Deu 32:9,) as Moses speaks; 56 and David says,

“He hath not done so to any nation, and hath not made known to them his judgments.” (Psa 147:20.)

In a word, the blessing of God dwelt solely in Judea, but he says that it will be shared with the Egyptians and Assyrians, under whose name he includes also the rest of the nations. He does not mention them for the purpose of shewing respect, but because they were the constant enemies of God, and appeared to be more estranged from him and farther removed from the hope of favor than all others. Accordingly, though he had formerly adopted none but the children of Abraham, he now wished to be called, without distinction, “The father of all nations.” (Gen 17:7; Exo 19:5; Deu 7:6.)

Israel shall be the third blessing Some render it, Israel shall be the third 57 I do not approve of that rendering; for the adjective being in the feminine gender, ought to be construed with the noun ברכה , ( berachah,) blessing, and blessing means here a form or pattern of blessing.

Calvin: Isa 19:25 - Because the Lord of hosts will bless him // Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands // And Israel my inheritance 25.Because the Lord of hosts will bless him 58 He assigns a reason, and explains the former statement; for he shews that, through the undeserved good...

25.Because the Lord of hosts will bless him 58 He assigns a reason, and explains the former statement; for he shews that, through the undeserved goodness of God, the Assyrians and Egyptians shall be admitted to fellowship with the chosen people of God. As if he had said, “Though these titles belonged exclusively to Israel, they shall likewise be conferred on other nations, which the Lord hath adopted to be his own.” There is a mutual relation between God and his people, so that they who are called by his mouth “a holy people,” (Exo 19:6,) may justly, in return, call him their God. Yet this designation is bestowed indiscriminately on Egyptians and Assyrians.

Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands Though the Prophet intended to describe foreign nations as associated with the Jews who had belonged to God’s household, yet he employs most appropriate marks to describe the degrees. By calling the Egyptians “the people of God,” he means that they will share in the honor which God deigned to bestow in a peculiar manner on the Jews alone. When he calls Assyrians the work of his hands, he distinguishes them by the title peculiar to his Church. We have elsewhere remarked 59 that the Church is called “the workmanship” (τὸ ποίημα) of God, (Eph 2:10,) because by the spirit of regeneration believers are created anew, so as to bear the image of God. Thus, he means that we are “the work of God’s hands,” not so far as we are created to be men, but so far as they who are separated from the world, and become new creatures, are created anew to a new life. Hence we acknowledge that in “newness of life” nothing ought to be claimed as our own, for we are wholly “the work of God.”

And Israel my inheritance When he comes to Israel, he invests him with his prerogative, which is, that he is the inheritance of God, so that among the new brethren he still holds the rank and honor of the first-born. The word inheritance suggests the idea of some kind of superiority; and indeed that covenant which the Lord first made with them, bestowed on them the privilege which cannot be made void by their ingratitude; for “the gifts and calling of God are without repentance,” as Paul declares, (Rom 11:29,) who shews that in the house of God they are the first-born. (Eph 2:12.) Although therefore the grace of God is now more widely spread, yet they still hold the highest rank, not by their own merit, but by the firmness of the promises.

Defender: Isa 19:3 - familiar spirits More than most of the other pagan nations around Israel, Egypt was involved in occult beliefs and practices, for example, the magicians at the court o...

More than most of the other pagan nations around Israel, Egypt was involved in occult beliefs and practices, for example, the magicians at the court of Pharaoh at the time of Moses. But such practices would utterly fail them in a time of God's judgment as any nation that becomes committed to such blasphemies."

Defender: Isa 19:4 - cruel lord The Egyptians, at the time, were dominated by Assyria, but they then participated in a rebellion instigated by the rulers of Ashdod, in Philistia (Isa...

The Egyptians, at the time, were dominated by Assyria, but they then participated in a rebellion instigated by the rulers of Ashdod, in Philistia (Isa 20:4). As a result, many Egyptians were led in shame into captivity in Assyria. The "cruel lord" and "fierce king" was evidently Sargon. This prophecy may also have anticipated a similar, and greater, defeat by Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar (Eze 29:19)."

Defender: Isa 19:5 - dried up The troubles experienced by Egypt, described in Isa 19:5-15, were sent as a judgment from God, associated with the Assyrian and later Babylonian invas...

The troubles experienced by Egypt, described in Isa 19:5-15, were sent as a judgment from God, associated with the Assyrian and later Babylonian invasions and captivities (Ezekiel 29 and 30). Although the secular histories of Egypt during these periods, from about 720 b.c. to about 570 b.c., are sparse (the defeated Egyptians would be unlikely to record such events due to their national pride), there is good reason to believe that they were all fulfilled as written. It is known that the Nile flow following drought periods in its headwater region did seriously diminish on various occasions in the past."

Defender: Isa 19:7 - paper reeds Ancient Egypt was noted for its papyrus, produced from the reeds that grew abundantly along the Nile and its branches. These large rushes were used no...

Ancient Egypt was noted for its papyrus, produced from the reeds that grew abundantly along the Nile and its branches. These large rushes were used not only to produce paper, but also clothes, bedding, sails and other products. Yet, not only did the waters of the Nile diminish in later centuries and several of its branches dry up, but the abundant papyrus and lotus plants also eventually became all but extinct. The Egyptian government, in modern times, has tried to remedy some of this deterioration by controlling the flow of the Nile with its Aswan Dam. However, this project has been fraught with problems and has proved largely unsuccessful."

Defender: Isa 19:19 - a pillar This altar and pillar have been interpreted by many to refer to the great pyramid. This pyramid is, indeed, a remarkable structure, exhibiting a high ...

This altar and pillar have been interpreted by many to refer to the great pyramid. This pyramid is, indeed, a remarkable structure, exhibiting a high degree of technical knowledge. However, the pyramid was already old in Isaiah's day, and the prophecy indicates that the fulfillment was to be far in the future, probably referring to a structure not yet built."

Defender: Isa 19:22 - to the Lord Egypt's prophesied national turning to the Lord is still in the future. However, many of the original Egyptians, now known as Copts, did indeed become...

Egypt's prophesied national turning to the Lord is still in the future. However, many of the original Egyptians, now known as Copts, did indeed become Christians, and a small Coptic church still exists today in the midst of modern Arabic Egypt."

Defender: Isa 19:23 - Egypt to Assyria This commercial and spiritual fellowship of Israel, Egypt and Assyria can only be accomplished in the coming kingdom age. Egypt and Assyria (now Iraq ...

This commercial and spiritual fellowship of Israel, Egypt and Assyria can only be accomplished in the coming kingdom age. Egypt and Assyria (now Iraq and Syria) have always been enemies of Israel and still are, but this will change in that day."

TSK: Isa 19:1 - Egypt // rideth // the idols // the heart Egypt : Jer 25:19, Jer 43:8-13, Jer 44:29, Jer 44:30, 46:1-28; Ezek. 29:1-32:32; Joe 3:19; Zec 10:11, Zec 14:18 rideth : Deu 33:26; Psa 18:10-12, Psa ...

TSK: Isa 19:2 - I will // set I will : Isa 19:13, Isa 19:14, Isa 9:21; Jdg 7:22, Jdg 9:23; 1Sa 14:16, 1Sa 14:20; 2Ch 20:22, 2Ch 20:23; Eze 38:21; Mat 12:25; Rev 17:12-17 set : Heb....

TSK: Isa 19:3 - the spirit // fail // and I // destroy // and they the spirit : This is a prophecy of what took place in Egypt about twenty-two years after the destruction of Sennacherib’ s army; when, upon the d...

the spirit : This is a prophecy of what took place in Egypt about twenty-two years after the destruction of Sennacherib’ s army; when, upon the death of Tirhakah (bc 688), not being able to settle about the succession, they continued for two years in a state of anarchy, confusion, and civil wars; which was followed by the tyranny of twelve princes, who, dividing the country among them, governed it for fifteen years; and at last, by the sole dominion of Psammiticus, which he held for fifty-four years. Isa 19:1, Isa 19:11-13, Isa 57:16; 1Sa 25:37; Psa 76:12; Jer 46:15; Eze 21:7, Eze 22:14

fail : Heb. be emptied

and I : Isa 14:27; 2Sa 15:31, 2Sa 17:14, 2Sa 17:23; 2Ch 25:16-20; Job 5:12, Job 5:13; Pro 21:30; 1Co 3:19, 1Co 3:20

destroy : Heb. swallow up, Psa 107:27 *marg.

and they : Isa 8:19, Isa 15:2, Isa 44:25, Isa 47:12; 1Ch 10:13; Dan 2:2, Dan 4:6, Dan 4:7, Dan 5:7

TSK: Isa 19:4 - give over // a cruel lord give over : or, shut up, 1Sa 23:7; Psa 31:8 a cruel lord : Rather, ""cruel lords,""agreeable to the LXX, Syriac, Vulgate, and the original adonim kas...

give over : or, shut up, 1Sa 23:7; Psa 31:8

a cruel lord : Rather, ""cruel lords,""agreeable to the LXX, Syriac, Vulgate, and the original adonim kasheh . Nebuchadnezzar, who first conquered and ravaged Egypt, bc 573, and the following year; and then, not only his successors, but Cambyses (who invaded Egypt, bc 526), the son of Cyrus, and the whole succession of Persian kings till the time of Alexander, who were in general hard masters, and grievously oppressed the country. Isa 19:2, Isa 20:4; Jer 46:26; Eze 29:19

TSK: Isa 19:5 - -- Jer 51:36; Eze 30:12; Zec 10:11, Zec 14:18

TSK: Isa 19:6 - and the // the reeds and the : Isa 37:25; 2Ki 19:24 the reeds : Isa 18:2; Exo 2:3; Job 8:11

and the : Isa 37:25; 2Ki 19:24

the reeds : Isa 18:2; Exo 2:3; Job 8:11

TSK: Isa 19:7 - every // be no more every : Isa 32:20; Jer 14:4; Eze 19:13; Joe 1:17, Joe 1:18 be no more : Heb. shall not be

every : Isa 32:20; Jer 14:4; Eze 19:13; Joe 1:17, Joe 1:18

be no more : Heb. shall not be

TSK: Isa 19:8 - -- Exo 7:21; Num 11:5; Eze 47:10; Hab 1:15

TSK: Isa 19:9 - work work : 1Ki 10:28; Pro 7:16; Eze 27:7, net works, or, white works

work : 1Ki 10:28; Pro 7:16; Eze 27:7, net works, or, white works

TSK: Isa 19:10 - purposes // make // for fish purposes : Heb. foundations make : Exo 7:19, Exo 8:5; Deu 11:10 for fish : or, of living things

purposes : Heb. foundations

make : Exo 7:19, Exo 8:5; Deu 11:10

for fish : or, of living things

TSK: Isa 19:11 - the princes // Zoan // brutish // I am the princes : Isa 19:3, Isa 19:13, Isa 29:14, Isa 44:25; Job 5:12, Job 5:13, Job 12:17; Psa 33:10; Jer 49:7; Eze 7:26; 1Co 1:19, 1Co 1:20 Zoan : Isa 3...

TSK: Isa 19:12 - where are thy // let them where are thy : Isa 5:21, Isa 47:10-13; Jdg 9:38; Jer 2:28; 1Co 1:20 let them : Isa 40:13, Isa 40:14, Isa 41:22, Isa 41:23, Isa 44:7; Job 11:6, Job 11...

TSK: Isa 19:13 - princes of Zoan // Noph // stay princes of Zoan : Isa 19:11; Rom 1:22 Noph : Jer 2:16, Jer 46:14, Jer 46:19; Eze 30:13 stay : or, governors, Heb. corners, Num 24:17; 1Sa 14:38 *marg....

princes of Zoan : Isa 19:11; Rom 1:22

Noph : Jer 2:16, Jer 46:14, Jer 46:19; Eze 30:13

stay : or, governors, Heb. corners, Num 24:17; 1Sa 14:38 *marg. Zec 10:4; 1Pe 2:7

TSK: Isa 19:14 - hath mingled // perverse spirit // as a hath mingled : Isa 19:2, Isa 29:10,Isa 29:14, Isa 47:10,Isa 47:11; 1Ki 22:20-23; Job 12:16; Eze 14:7-9; 2Th 2:11 perverse spirit : Heb. spirit of perv...

TSK: Isa 19:15 - -- Isa 9:14, Isa 9:15; Psa 128:2; Pro 14:23; Hab 3:17; Hag 1:11; 1Th 4:11, 1Th 4:12

TSK: Isa 19:16 - like // the shaking like : Isa 30:17; Psa 48:6; Jer 30:5-7, Jer 50:37, Jer 51:30; Nah 3:13 the shaking : Isa 10:32, Isa 11:15, Isa 30:30-32; Zec 2:9

TSK: Isa 19:17 - the land // because the land : Isa 36:1; Jer 25:19, Jer 25:27-31, Jer 43:8-13, Jer 44:28-30; Eze 29:6, Eze 29:7 because : Isa 14:24, Isa 14:26, Isa 14:27, Isa 20:2-5, Isa...

TSK: Isa 19:18 - that day // shall five // speak // language // and swear // destruction that day : Isa 19:19, Isa 19:21, Isa 2:11; Zec 2:11 shall five : Isa 11:11, Isa 27:13; Psa 68:31 speak : Zep 3:9 language : Heb. lip, Gen 11:1 and swe...

that day : Isa 19:19, Isa 19:21, Isa 2:11; Zec 2:11

shall five : Isa 11:11, Isa 27:13; Psa 68:31

speak : Zep 3:9

language : Heb. lip, Gen 11:1

and swear : Isa 45:23, Isa 45:24; Deu 10:20; Neh 10:29; Jer 12:16

destruction : Heb. Heres, or, the sun, Instead of heres ""destruction,""which is also the reading of Aquila, Theodotion, and the Syriac, fifteen manuscripts and seven editions have cheres ""the sun;""agreeable to Symmachus, the Arabic, and Vulgate; while the Chaldee takes in both readings; and the LXX reads πολις ασεδεκ , ""the city of righteousness,""a name apparently contrived by the party of Onias, to give credit to his temple. As, however, heres in Arabic signifies a lion, Conrad Ikenius is of opinion that the place here mentioned is not Heliopolis, as is commonly supposed, but Leontopolis in the Heliopolitan nome, as it is termed in the letter of Onias to Ptolemy. The whole passage, from this verse to the end, contains a general intimation of the propagation of the knowledge of the true God in Egypt and Syria, under the successors of Alexander, and the early reception of the gospel in the same countries.

TSK: Isa 19:19 - -- Isa 66:23; Gen 12:7, Gen 28:18; Exo 24:4; Jos 22:10,Jos 22:26; Zec 6:15; Heb 13:10

TSK: Isa 19:20 - for a // they shall // he shall send for a : Isa 55:13; Jos 4:20,Jos 4:21, Jos 22:27, Jos 22:28, Jos 22:34, Jos 24:26, Jos 24:27 they shall : Isa 19:4, Isa 20:4, Isa 52:5; Exo 2:23, Exo 3...

TSK: Isa 19:21 - Lord shall // and shall // shall vow Lord shall : Isa 11:9, Isa 37:20, Isa 55:5; 1Sa 17:46; 1Ki 8:43; Psa 67:2, Psa 98:2, Psa 98:3; Hab 2:14; Joh 17:3; Gal 4:8, Gal 4:9 and shall : Zep 3:...

TSK: Isa 19:22 - he shall smite // they shall he shall smite : Isa 19:1-15; Deu 32:39; Job 5:18; Hos 5:15, Hos 6:2; Heb 12:11 they shall : Isa 6:10, Isa 55:7; Hos 14:1; Amo 4:6-12; Act 26:17-20, A...

TSK: Isa 19:23 - -- Isa 11:16, Isa 35:8-10, Isa 40:3-5; Eph 2:18-22, Eph 3:6-8

TSK: Isa 19:24 - shall // a blessing shall : Isa 6:13, Isa 49:6, Isa 49:22, Isa 65:8, Isa 65:22, Isa 66:12, Isa 66:19-21; Deu 32:43; Psa 117:1, Psa 117:2; Zec 2:10,Zec 2:11, Zec 8:20-23; ...

TSK: Isa 19:25 - the Lord // Blessed // and Israel the Lord : Isa 61:9, Isa 65:23; Num 6:24, Num 6:27, Num 24:1; Psa 67:6, Psa 67:7, Psa 115:15; Eph 1:3 Blessed : Isa 29:23; Psa 100:3, Psa 138:8; Hos 2...

kecilkan semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per Ayat)

Poole: Isa 19:1 - The burden of Egypt // The Lord rideth // Upon a swift cloud // The heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it The burden of Egypt Some learned men conceive that what was said more generally and darkly in the foregoing chapter, is here more particularly. and ...

The burden of Egypt Some learned men conceive that what was said more generally and darkly in the foregoing chapter, is here more particularly. and clearly explained to be meant of Egypt; it being usual for the prophets to mix obscure and plain passages together, and to clear the one by the other. Others understand that chapter of Ethiopia, and this of Egypt. But this controversy must be decided by an exact consideration of all the passages of the former chapter.

The Lord rideth as a general in the head of his army, or as a judge riding the circuit to execute judgment.

Upon a swift cloud which phrase showeth that the judgment shall come speedily, unexpectedly, and unavoidably. And clouds being very unusual in Egypt, the appearance of a cloud was a kind of prodigy, and a prognostic of some grievous calamity. Shall be moved from their seats , and from their former reputation. Or, shall shake or tremble . So far shall they be from helping the Egyptians, as they expect, that they shall tremble for themselves; which divers of the Egyptian gods, being living creatures, might properly do.

The heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it they shall lose all their ancient strength and courage, for which they had been famous formerly.

Poole: Isa 19:2 - I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians // Kingdom against kingdom I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians I will raise civil wars among them. Kingdom against kingdom for although all Egypt was now one kingd...

I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians I will raise civil wars among them.

Kingdom against kingdom for although all Egypt was now one kingdom, and under one king, yet not many years after this time it was divided into twelve several kingdoms, between whom there were many and cruel wars, as is related by the historians of those times, and particularly by Herodotus and Diodorus.

Poole: Isa 19:3 - The spirit The spirit either 1. Their courage. But of that he spake Isa 19:1 . Or, 2. Their understanding, as it is explained in the next clause; for the word...

The spirit either

1. Their courage. But of that he spake Isa 19:1 . Or,

2. Their understanding, as it is explained in the next clause; for the word spirit is oft put for the reasonable soul, as Ecc 3:21 12:7 , and for the thoughts of the mind, as Pro 29:11 Eze 13 .

3. They shall seek to the idols as not knowing what to do without the help of a higher power.

Poole: Isa 19:4 - A fierce king A fierce king either, 1. The king of Assyria or Chaldea; or, 2. Those twelve petty kings, the singular number being put for the plural; or, 3. Psa...

A fierce king either,

1. The king of Assyria or Chaldea; or,

2. Those twelve petty kings, the singular number being put for the plural; or,

3. Psammetichus, who being at first one of those twelve kings, waged war with the rest, and subdued them, and conquered all the land of Egypt, and ruled it with rigour.

Poole: Isa 19:5 - The waters shall fail from the sea // The river // Dried up The waters shall fail from the sea which may be understood either, 1. Metaphorically, of the taking away of their dominion or commerce, &c.; or rath...

The waters shall fail from the sea which may be understood either,

1. Metaphorically, of the taking away of their dominion or commerce, &c.; or rather,

2. Properly, as may be gathered from the following words and verses. For as the river Nilus, when it had a full stream, and free course, did pour forth a vast quantity of waters by its seven famous mouths into the sea; so when that was dried up, which is expressed in the next clause, those waters did truly and properly fail from the sea. So there is no need of understanding by sea either the river Nilus, or the great lake of Moeris, which, after the manner of the Hebrews, might be so called.

The river to wit, Nilus, upon whose fulness and overflow both the safety and the wealth of the land depended, as all authors agree; and therefore this was a very terrible judgment.

Dried up not totally, but in a very great measure, as such phrases are commonly used.

Poole: Isa 19:6 - They shall turn the rivers far away // The brooks of defence // The reeds and flags // Shall wither They shall turn the rivers far away which is to be taken impersonally, as such expressions are very frequently, for, the rivers (those small rivule...

They shall turn the rivers far away which is to be taken impersonally, as such expressions are very frequently, for, the rivers (those small rivulets by which the waters of Nilus were conveyed and distributed into several parts of the land)

shall be turned far away as they must needs be, when the greater river Nilus, which fed them, was dried up.

The brooks of defence the several branches of the river Nilus, which were a great defence to Egypt, as is well known.

The reeds and flags which were very useful to them for making their boats, which were absolutely necessary in that country, and divers other things.

Shall wither as they commonly do for want of water.

Poole: Isa 19:7 - The paper reeds // Sown by the brooks The paper reeds which by a needle, or other fit instrument, were divided into thin and broad leaves, which being dried and fitted, were used at that ...

The paper reeds which by a needle, or other fit instrument, were divided into thin and broad leaves, which being dried and fitted, were used at that time for writing, as our paper is; and consequently was a very good commodity.

Sown by the brooks and much more what was sown in more dry and unfruitful places.

Poole: Isa 19:8 - -- Because they could catch few or no fish, by which trade they got their living; which also was a great plague to the people, whose common diet this w...

Because they could catch few or no fish, by which trade they got their living; which also was a great plague to the people, whose common diet this was, because out of superstitious conceits they killed and eat but few living creatures, as appears both from sacred and profane writers.

Poole: Isa 19:9 - That work in fine flax That work in fine flax that make fine linen, which was one of their best commodities; of which See Poole "1Ki 10:28" , See Poole "Pro 7:16" , See ...

That work in fine flax that make fine linen, which was one of their best commodities; of which See Poole "1Ki 10:28" , See Poole "Pro 7:16" , See Poole "Eze 27:7" .

Poole: Isa 19:10 - Thereof Thereof i.e. of Egypt, or of the Egyptians. They shall lose their ends and hopes; for the fishes in them shall die for want of water.

Thereof i.e. of Egypt, or of the Egyptians. They shall lose their ends and hopes; for the fishes in them shall die for want of water.

Poole: Isa 19:11 - Zoan // Brutish // How say ye unto Pharaoh? // I am the son of the wise // The son of ancient kings Zoan the chief city, in which the king and court frequently resided. See Psa 78:12 . Brutish exceeding foolish, and destructive to themselves. How...

Zoan the chief city, in which the king and court frequently resided. See Psa 78:12 .

Brutish exceeding foolish, and destructive to themselves.

How say ye unto Pharaoh? why do you put such false and foolish words into Pharaoh’ s mouth?

I am the son of the wise wisdom is hereditary and natural to me. This vain opinion of himself they cherished by their flatteries, although he undid himself and his people by his folly.

The son of ancient kings: he derides the vanity of the Egyptians, who used to make great brags of the antiquity of their nation, and especially of their kings, who, as they pretended, had reigned successively for above ten thousand years; which number of years they made up by this craft, by making those successive kings, which reigned together at the same time, in their several Nomi, or provinces.

Poole: Isa 19:12 - Thy wise men Thy wise men who pretended that either by their deep policy, or by their skill in astrology or magic, they could certainly foresee things to come.

Thy wise men who pretended that either by their deep policy, or by their skill in astrology or magic, they could certainly foresee things to come.

Poole: Isa 19:13 - Noph // Even they that are the stay Noph another chief city, and one of the king’ s seats, so called also Jer 2:16 44:1 ; called also Moph in the Hebrew text, Hos 9:6 ; and by ot...

Noph another chief city, and one of the king’ s seats, so called also Jer 2:16 44:1 ; called also Moph in the Hebrew text, Hos 9:6 ; and by other and later authors, Memphis.

Even they that are the stay Heb. even the corner , or the corner-stone, which is the chief support of the building. Whereby he may design either,

1. The king; or,

2. Some eminent statesman of that age, upon, whose counsels both king and people depended; or

3. Their chief counsellors, the, singular number being then put collectively, as it is in many other places. The tribes of the provinces, which he calls by a title borrowed from the Hebrews, in whose language he spake and wrote this prophecy.

Poole: Isa 19:14 - Hath mingled // A perverse spirit // In every work thereof // Staggereth in his vomit Hath mingled or, hath poured out or given them to drink as appears from their drunkenness, expressed in the end of the verse; which also suits wi...

Hath mingled or, hath poured out or given them to drink as appears from their drunkenness, expressed in the end of the verse; which also suits with the Scripture phrase whereby a cup signifies God’ s judgments, as Isa 51:17,21 22 Jer 25:15 .

A perverse spirit Heb. a spirit of perversities or crookednesses ; or, as the LXX. and Chaldee render it, of error or delusion ; a disposition of mind very apt to mistake, and to mislead them into foolish and crooked counsels and courses; which God could easily effect, partly by laying occasions of stumbling in their way, and partly by withdrawing or darkening that wisdom which he had infused, by which alone men can discern their way.

In every work thereof in all their designs and undertakings.

Staggereth in his vomit when he is so excessively drunk, that he reels to and fro, and vomits up his drink.

Poole: Isa 19:15 - -- All people, both high and low, shall be at their wits’ end not knowing what to do.

All people, both high and low, shall be at their wits’ end not knowing what to do.

Poole: Isa 19:16 - Like unto women // Because of the shaking of the hand of the Lord of hosts Like unto women feeble and fearful, as it follows. Because of the shaking of the hand of the Lord of hosts because they shall perceive that they do...

Like unto women feeble and fearful, as it follows.

Because of the shaking of the hand of the Lord of hosts because they shall perceive that they do not fight with men only, but with the Lord of hosts, who now lifts up his hand against them, as he did against their forefathers, Ex 14 , the very remembrance whereof is very terrible to them.

Poole: Isa 19:17 - The land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt // Which he hath determined // Against it The land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt either, 1. Because of Judah’ s calamities and desolations; for Judah was their bulwark against t...

The land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt either,

1. Because of Judah’ s calamities and desolations; for Judah was their bulwark against the Assyrians and Babylonians; and when this bulwark was removed, the Egyptians, their neighbours and confederates, had just cause to fear. Or,

2. Because of their manifold both former and later injuries against Judah, for which they now apprehend that God is calling them to an account; which interpretation seems to be favoured by the following words; for their fear of mentioning Judah’ s name seems to have proceeded partly from the sense of their guilt and miscarriages towards Judah, and partly from their apprehensions and experience of the irresistible power and justice of the God of Judah, whom they had provoked, and who was now marching to plead his own and Judah’ s cause against them. Compare Jer 23:34 , &c.

Which he hath determined because God is now about to execute his appointed judgment.

Against it against Egypt.

Poole: Isa 19:18 - In that day // Five cities // Speak the language of Canaan // Swear to the Lord of hosts // One In that day after that time, as this phrase is used, Isa 4:2 18:7 , and oft elsewhere. In the times of the gospel, which are oft noted in the prophet...

In that day after that time, as this phrase is used, Isa 4:2 18:7 , and oft elsewhere. In the times of the gospel, which are oft noted in the prophets by that very expression.

Five cities a considerable number of their chief cities, a certain number being put for an uncertain.

Speak the language of Canaan profess the Jewish religion, agree with them in the same mind; which is fitly signified by speaking the same language, because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Thus the changing and purifying of a people’ s lips is used to signify the change of their hearts and lives, Zep 3:9 ; and praising God with one mouth, to note their unity or consent in the faith, Rom 15:6 .

Swear to the Lord of hosts: it is well observed by some learned interpreters, that he doth not say swear by the Lord, which is the most common phrase, and which, being one eminent part and act of worship, is put for the whole; but swear to the Lord ; which phrase is also used 2Ch 15:14 Psa 132:2 Isa 45:23 ; and it implies the dedication, or oblation, and yielding up of a person or thing to the Lord, by a solemn vow, or covenant, or oath, as appears by the places now quoted. In like manner God is said to swear to a man, Deu 26:15 , and one man to another, Gen 21:23 , when they oblige themselves by oath to do such or such a thing for them. And therefore what is called swearing to God , Isa 45:23 , is rendered or expounded bowing the knee (which signifies the subjection of a man’ s self) to God, and confessing to God, Rom 14:11 .

One not one of the five, for they are supposed to be saved in the foregoing clause; but one city, or another city, the sixth city. As divers cities shall be converted and saved, so some other cities shall continue in their impenitency, and be destroyed. Others render this clause thus, one of them

shall be called ( or, shall be ; for to be called is oft put for to be .) The city of the sun ; or, as the Grecians call it, Heliopolis ; which the Egyptians called On , Gen 41:45 ; which was a very eminent city, and a chief seat of idolatry, being a city of priests, as Strabo reports; and therefore its conversion to the faith was more wonderful.

Poole: Isa 19:19 - An altar // A pillar // At the border thereof An altar for God’ s worship; not a Levitical, but a spiritual and evangelical altar, as appears from hence, because that was confined to one pla...

An altar for God’ s worship; not a Levitical, but a spiritual and evangelical altar, as appears from hence, because that was confined to one place, Deu 12:13,14 . The altar is put for the worship of God, as it is in many places both of the Old and New Testament. And nothing is more common in the prophets than to speak of gospel worship in the phrases of the law.

A pillar a monument of the true religion. Here also he alludes to the ancient custom of erecting pillars to God; of which See Poole "Gen 12:7" , See Poole "Gen 28:18" , See Poole "Jos 22:10" , See Poole "Jos 24:26" , See Poole "Jos 24:27" .

At the border thereof as before, in the midst of it . The meaning is, There shall be evidences of their piety in all places.

Poole: Isa 19:20 - And it // They shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors // A Saviour, and a great one And it the altar or pillar last mentioned, shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord to testify that they own the Lord for their God. Th...

And it the altar or pillar last mentioned,

shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord to testify that they own the Lord for their God.

They shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors being sorely distressed, and finding the weakness of their idols, they shall turn unto the true God.

A Saviour, and a great one a great or mighty Saviour , by a common figure called hendiaduo , as a cloud and smoke is put for a smoking cloud , Isa 4:5 ; or, a Saviour and a Prince , even Christ, who is so called, Act 5:31 , as is evident from the whole context, which apparently speaks of gospel times. And the emphatical phrase here used directed them to look for an extraordinary Saviour.

Poole: Isa 19:21 - Shall know the Lord // Shall do sacrifice and oblation // And perform it Shall know the Lord shall acknowledge, and love, and serve him; for words of knowledge in Scripture commonly include affection and practice, as hath ...

Shall know the Lord shall acknowledge, and love, and serve him; for words of knowledge in Scripture commonly include affection and practice, as hath been often observed.

Shall do sacrifice and oblation shall worship God spiritually; which yet is signified by typical phrases, as it is Mal 1:11 , and in many other places.

And perform it they shall not only profess and promise piety, but shall seriously and diligently practise it.

Poole: Isa 19:22 - He shall smite and heal it He shall smite and heal it God will afflict them by oppressors, Isa 19:20 , and otherwise; and by those afflictions he will convert and save them.

He shall smite and heal it God will afflict them by oppressors, Isa 19:20 , and otherwise; and by those afflictions he will convert and save them.

Poole: Isa 19:23 - The Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria // Shall serve The Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria they who were implacable enemies one to another, and both to the church and people ...

The Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria they who were implacable enemies one to another, and both to the church and people of God, shall now be reconciled and united together in the service of God, and love to his church.

Shall serve to wit, the Lord, who is easily understood from Isa 19:21,25 .

Poole: Isa 19:24 - The third // With Egypt and with Assyria // Even a blessing // In the midst of the land The third the third party, to wit, in that sacred league, whereby all of them oblige themselves to God. With Egypt and with Assyria: these people a...

The third the third party, to wit, in that sacred league, whereby all of them oblige themselves to God.

With Egypt and with Assyria: these people are named because they were the most obstinate and malicious enemies to God’ s church, and therefore in a special manner accursed by God; but they are here put synecdochically for all the Gentiles.

Even a blessing: this is peculiar to Israel, who is not only a third party, as the others are, but is the most eminent and blessed of the three, as being the fountain, or rather the conduit-pipe, by which the blessing is conveyed to the other two, because Christ was to be born of them, and the gospel church and ordinances were first established among them, and from them derived to the Gentiles.

In the midst of the land or, of the earth ; which may be added, to imply that God’ s blessing should be conveyed from and by Israel, not only to the Egyptians and the Assyrians, but to all the nations of the earth, in the midst of which the land of Israel might well be said to lie. Or, of that land of which I am here speaking; or, the singular number being put for the plural, of those lands , Egypt and Assyria, between which Israel lay.

Poole: Isa 19:25 - Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless whom, i.e. which people, to wit, Israel, Egypt, and Assyria, expressed both in the foregoing verse, and in the fol...

Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless whom, i.e. which people, to wit, Israel, Egypt, and Assyria, expressed both in the foregoing verse, and in the following clause of this verse; of whom he speaks as of one people, in the singular number, because they are all united into one body and church. Or, For or because (as this particle is taken, 1Sa 15:15 , and elsewhere) the Lord of hosts shall bless him or them . So this is added as a reason why he said Israel should be a blessing to them all. My people : this title, and those which follow, that were peculiar to the people of Israel, shall now be given to these and all other nations of the world.

Haydock: Isa 19:1 - Fountain Fountain. The Nile rises in Ethiopia. But the canals alone were left dry. (Calmet) --- Septuagint, "the achi, every green herb along the river, a...

Fountain. The Nile rises in Ethiopia. But the canals alone were left dry. (Calmet) ---

Septuagint, "the achi, every green herb along the river, and every," &c. (Haydock)

Haydock: Isa 19:1 - Egypt // Behold // Cloud // Moved Egypt. Many refer this to the coming of Christ, (Calmet) at whose presence the idols fell down, and many saints adorned the country. (Worthington) ...

Egypt. Many refer this to the coming of Christ, (Calmet) at whose presence the idols fell down, and many saints adorned the country. (Worthington) ---

But the prophet may also literally refer to the wars of the Assyrians against Egypt. Sabacon having retired, after reigning fifty years, Anysis, and afterwards the priest of Sethon, succeeded to the throne. The latter was attacked by Sennacherib. After his death, twelve kingdoms were formed, but Psammitichus reunited them, and had Nechao for his successor. (Herodotus ii. 141, 158.) ---

Behold. The prophet speaks fourteen years before the attack of Sennacherib. ---

Cloud. Psalm xvii. 11. Some Fathers explain it of the blessed Virgin [Mary]. (Calmet) ---

Moved. Plundered by the Assyrians. (Menochius)

Haydock: Isa 19:2 - Kingdom Kingdom. Under the twelve kings. (Calmet)

Kingdom. Under the twelve kings. (Calmet)

Haydock: Isa 19:3 - Egypt // Soothsayers Egypt. Septuagint, "of the Egyptians shall be troubled within them." (Haydock) --- Soothsayers. Feeble but too common resource of superstitious ...

Egypt. Septuagint, "of the Egyptians shall be troubled within them." (Haydock) ---

Soothsayers. Feeble but too common resource of superstitious people!

Haydock: Isa 19:4 - Masters Masters. Twelve kings. Psammitichus, one of them, shall gain the ascendancy.

Masters. Twelve kings. Psammitichus, one of them, shall gain the ascendancy.

Haydock: Isa 19:5 - Dry Dry. The lakes and the Nile shall not afford sufficient moisture. (Calmet) --- If the Nile rose less than twelve or more than sixteen cubits fami...

Dry. The lakes and the Nile shall not afford sufficient moisture. (Calmet) ---

If the Nile rose less than twelve or more than sixteen cubits famine ensued. (Pliny, [Natural History?] xviii. 18.)

Haydock: Isa 19:8 - Fishers Fishers. The lake Mœris produced a talent every day for the revenue, and so great was the abundance of fish, that they could hardly be salted. The...

Fishers. The lake Mœris produced a talent every day for the revenue, and so great was the abundance of fish, that they could hardly be salted. The Nile was also well supplied with fish.

Haydock: Isa 19:9 - Linen Linen. Greek, "silk." Ezechiel xvi. 10. (Calmet)

Linen. Greek, "silk." Ezechiel xvi. 10. (Calmet)

Haydock: Isa 19:10 - All they All they. Septuagint, "and all who make strong drink ( secer ) shall be in sorrow, and shall afflict their souls." (Haydock) --- This version is p...

All they. Septuagint, "and all who make strong drink ( secer ) shall be in sorrow, and shall afflict their souls." (Haydock) ---

This version is perhaps the best, as the Egyptians used much ale or wine distilled from barley. (Calmet)

Haydock: Isa 19:11 - Tanis Tanis. Or of the twelve kings, ver. 1. They are disconcerted at the approach of Psammitichus, (Calmet) or at the want of water. (Haydock)

Tanis. Or of the twelve kings, ver. 1. They are disconcerted at the approach of Psammitichus, (Calmet) or at the want of water. (Haydock)

Haydock: Isa 19:13 - Memphis // Stay Memphis. The seat of many kings, and a very ancient city. Hebrew, "Hoph." --- Stay. Literally, "angle," denoting the chiefs, or all the land, Ju...

Memphis. The seat of many kings, and a very ancient city. Hebrew, "Hoph." ---

Stay. Literally, "angle," denoting the chiefs, or all the land, Judges xx. 2.

Haydock: Isa 19:15 - Back Back. King and subject are equally confused, chap. ix. 14. (Calmet)

Back. King and subject are equally confused, chap. ix. 14. (Calmet)

Haydock: Isa 19:17 - Terror Terror. Hebrew also, "a rejoicing," (St. Jerome) on account of Sennacherib's defeat there, chap. xviii. 7.

Terror. Hebrew also, "a rejoicing," (St. Jerome) on account of Sennacherib's defeat there, chap. xviii. 7.

Haydock: Isa 19:18 - Chanaan // Sun Chanaan. Hebrew. The Israelites had a connection with Egypt, which the prophets often blame, chap. xxx. 2. Ezechias trusted in their aid, when he r...

Chanaan. Hebrew. The Israelites had a connection with Egypt, which the prophets often blame, chap. xxx. 2. Ezechias trusted in their aid, when he refused to pay tribute to the Assyrians. Many at that time, or afterwards, retired thither, and served God unmolested, chap. xi. 2., and Jeremias xlii. More established themselves in the country under Alexander [the Great] and the Ptolemies. (3 Machabees viii.) But this prediction was more fully accomplished by the propagation of the Christian religion. Grace no where shone forth more brightly than in this country, once the seat of superstition. ---

Sun. Hebrew, "of desolation." But the copies have varied. It is supposed to denote the city On, Genesis xli. 45. (Calmet) ---

Prideaux (p. 2. b. 4.) accuses the Jews of willfully corrupting this text in the Septuagint. (Kennicott)

Haydock: Isa 19:19 - Altar // Monument Altar. If the Jews were forbidden to have any other than the one at Jerusalem, how can the prophet announce this as a blessing? Onias being exclude...

Altar. If the Jews were forbidden to have any other than the one at Jerusalem, how can the prophet announce this as a blessing? Onias being excluded from the high priesthood, retired into Egypt, and obtained leave to build the temple Onion, in the Nome, though not in the city of Helipolis, above Bubaste, on the Nile, alleging that Isaias had foretold this event, and that one was already built at Leontopolis. (Josephus, Antiquities xii. 15., and xiii. 6.) ---

But we must allow with the fathers and Jews in the days of St. Jerome, that this prediction regarded the Messias, when altars might be lawfully erected in every nation. See Misna, tr. Moneuth, xiii. 10. ---

Monument. The cross is set up wherever Christ is adored. (Calmet) ---

The Egyptians shall embrace Christianity, and St. Anthony of Thebes, &c., shall live a holy (Worthington) and austere life. (Haydock)

Haydock: Isa 19:20 - Them Them. The Jews were miraculously rescued from the hands of Philopater, (Josephus, contra Apion ii.) or rather Christians are delivered from sin and ...

Them. The Jews were miraculously rescued from the hands of Philopater, (Josephus, contra Apion ii.) or rather Christians are delivered from sin and Satan.

Haydock: Isa 19:21 - Egypt Egypt. The kings often caused sacrifices to be offered for them; but they were not acceptable, as long as they continued idolaters. The country was...

Egypt. The kings often caused sacrifices to be offered for them; but they were not acceptable, as long as they continued idolaters. The country was converted to Christianity, (Calmet) and the Anchorets performed their vows and penitential exercises, to the admiration of all. (Haydock)

Haydock: Isa 19:22 - Scourge Scourge. By means of Sennacherib, Cambyses, and Ochus. Afterwards the country was quietly subject to the kings of Persia, Alexander the Great, the ...

Scourge. By means of Sennacherib, Cambyses, and Ochus. Afterwards the country was quietly subject to the kings of Persia, Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies, and the Romans. (Calmet)

Haydock: Isa 19:24 - Land Land. The apostles, who were true Israelites, (Haydock) procured the blessing of faith for these nations, (Calmet) to serve God with concord. (Hayd...

Land. The apostles, who were true Israelites, (Haydock) procured the blessing of faith for these nations, (Calmet) to serve God with concord. (Haydock)

Gill: Isa 19:1 - The burden of Egypt // Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud // and shall come into Egypt // and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence // and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it The burden of Egypt;.... Or a prophecy concerning Egypt, as the Arabic version; a very grievous one, declaring many calamities that should come upon t...

The burden of Egypt;.... Or a prophecy concerning Egypt, as the Arabic version; a very grievous one, declaring many calamities that should come upon them. The Targum is,

"the burden of the cup of cursing, to make the Egyptians drink.''

The people of the Jews reposed great confidence in the Egyptians their allies; wherefore, in order to break this confidence, it was necessary they should be acquainted with the destruction that was coming upon them, which is the design of this prophecy.

Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud: or a "light" one q denoting the speed with which he came, he would come quickly, light clouds move swiftly; the suddenness and unexpectedness of his coming, clouds being rarely seen in Egypt, where was no rain; and the irresistible power with which he would come, for who or what can stop the clouds of heaven? not anything on earth, not armies, nor castles, and fortified places. The Lord is represented as riding in great state and majesty, as a general at the head of his army against his enemies; or as a judge going to try and condemn criminals; he rides upon the heavens, walks on the wings of the wind, and the clouds are his chariot, Psa 68:4 so Christ is represented as coming in the clouds of heaven, and as sitting on a white cloud, when he shall come to judge the world, Rev 1:7 though these words are not to be understood of that coming of his; and much less of his first coming in the flesh, to which they are weakly applied by Jerom and others; who, by the light cloud, understand the Virgin Mary, as the Christians of Syria; or the human nature of Christ, as Salmero, who relates, that upon Christ's flight into Egypt, and entering into Heliopolis, and the temple there, in which were as many idols as days of the year, they all fell, and so this prophecy was fulfilled r but of the Lord's coming to inflict punishment on the Egyptians; so the Targum,

"and, behold, the Lord shall be revealed in the cloud of his glory, to take vengeance on the Egyptians:''

and shall come into Egypt; not by Sennacherib king of Assyria, and his army, whom he should send to invade it, and enter into it, as some think; but rather by Cambyses and Ochus, kings of Persia; though it seems that what is here foretold should be done, was done, not by means of any foreign power, but by the Lord himself, who did by his own power and providence, or suffer to be done, what was done:

and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence; or tremble before him; these were many, the chief of them were Osiris and Isis, Apis, Serapis, Vulcan, Bubastis, &c.; some were living creatures, as cats, dogs, oxen, sheep, &c. who might move and tremble, in a literal sense; and some were images, "made with hands", as the Septuagint here render the word; and which, as the Targum paraphrases it, should "be broken"; the sense is, that they could none of them save the Egyptians, or deliver them out of their distresses:

and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it; like wax before the fire; even the most courageous among them, their soldiers, their army, with their officers and generals; which were the heart of the people, and their defence, and who used to fight for them, and protect them, but now would be dispirited.

Gill: Isa 19:2 - And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians // and they shall fight everyone against his brother, and everyone against his neighbour // city against city // and kingdom against kingdom And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians,.... Or mingle and confound them together; in which confusion they should fall upon and destroy one...

And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians,.... Or mingle and confound them together; in which confusion they should fall upon and destroy one another, as the Midianites did: the phrase is expressive of rebellions and civil wars, as the following words explain it; and which show, that the calamities of Egypt should be brought upon them, not by means of a foreign invasion, but by internal quarrels, and other means, which the Lord would in judgment send among them:

and they shall fight everyone against his brother, and everyone against his neighbour; and destroy one another:

city against city; of which there were great numbers in Egypt; in the times of Amasis, it is said s, there were twenty thousand:

and kingdom against kingdom; for though Egypt was but originally one kingdom, yet upon the death of Sethon, one of its kings, who had been a priest of Vulcan, there being no successor, twelve of the nobility started up, and set up themselves as kings, and divided the kingdom into twelve parts t, and reigned in confederacy, for the space of fifteen years; when, falling out among themselves, they excluded Psammiticus, one of the twelve, from any share of government; who gathering an army together, fought with and conquered the other eleven, and seized the whole kingdom to himself, and who seems afterwards regarded in this prophecy; all this happened in the times of Manasseh king of Judah, and so in or quickly after Isaiah's time: though some understand this of the civil wars between Apries and Amasis, in the times of Nebuchadnezzar. The Septuagint version renders the phrase here, "nome against nome"; for the whole land of Egypt, by Sesostris, one of its kings, was divided into thirty six u nomes, districts, or provinces, whose names are given by Herodotus w, Pliny x, and others; for so the words of that version should be rendered, and not as they are by the Latin interpreter, and in the Arabic version, which follows it, "law upon law".

Gill: Isa 19:3 - And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof // and I will destroy the counsels thereof // and they shall seek to the idols // and to the charmers // and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof,.... Meaning not the spirit of valour and courage, that is expressed before, but of wisdom, pr...

And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof,.... Meaning not the spirit of valour and courage, that is expressed before, but of wisdom, prudence, and understanding; the wisdom of Egypt, in which Moses is said to be brought up, Act 7:22 was famous all the world over; hither men of learning, as the ancient philosophers, Pythagoras, Plato, and others, travelled, to improve in knowledge, and gain a larger acquaintance with things human and divine; it was the mother and mistress of the liberal arts and sciences; but now what was before like a river full of water, was about to be "emptied", and drained dry, as the word y used signifies:

and I will destroy the counsels thereof; or "swallow them up" z, so that they shall be no more seen, or take effect: this explains what is before meant by the spirit of Egypt, and which is further enlarged on, and illustrated in Isa 19:11,

and they shall seek to the idols; with which the land abounded, particularly to Osiris and Isis, to Apis, Latona, and others:

and to the charmers; that used incantations and spells; magicians and conjurers, that whispered and muttered; for the word used has the signification of speaking in a slow and drawling manner. The Targum renders it "witches"; but Jarchi takes it to be the name of an idol:

and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards; See Gill on Isa 8:19.

Gill: Isa 19:4 - And the Egyptians will I give over into the hands of a cruel lord // and a fierce king shall rule over them // saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts And the Egyptians will I give over into the hands of a cruel lord,.... Not of Sennacherib king of Assyria, which way go many interpreters, both Christ...

And the Egyptians will I give over into the hands of a cruel lord,.... Not of Sennacherib king of Assyria, which way go many interpreters, both Christian and Jewish, as Aben Ezra, Jarchi, and Kimchi; nor of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, as in Jer 46:25 but either of the twelve tyrants that rose up after the death of Sethon above mentioned; for the word is in the plural number, "lords", though the adjective rendered "cruel" is singular; or else Psammiticus, the father of Pharaohnecho, that slew Josiah; and who conquered the other eleven tyrants, and ruled alone, for the space of fifty four years, with great rigour; and the same is designed in the next clause:

and a fierce king shall rule over them; it is reported of Psammiticus, that he gave such offence to his subjects, that two hundred thousand of his soldiers left him, and went into Ethiopia a. Vitringa interprets this of the Persian emperors, into whose hands Egypt fell, as Cambyses and Ochus; and who, according to historians, were very cruel princes. That there might be no doubt of the sure and certain accomplishment of this prophecy, it is added,

saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts; of the armies above and below; and who does what he pleases among the kings and kingdoms of the earth.

Gill: Isa 19:5 - And the waters shall fail from the sea // and the river shall be wasted and dried up And the waters shall fail from the sea,.... Which Kimchi understands figuratively of the destruction of the Egyptians by the king of Assyria, compared...

And the waters shall fail from the sea,.... Which Kimchi understands figuratively of the destruction of the Egyptians by the king of Assyria, compared to the drying up of the waters of the Nile; and others think that the failure of their trade by sea is meant, which brought great revenues into the kingdom: but, by what follows, it seems best to take the words in a literal sense, of the waters of the river Nile, which being dried up, as in the next clause, could not empty themselves into the sea, as they used, and therefore very properly may be said to fail from it; nay, the Nile itself may be called a sea, it being so large a confluence of water:

and the river shall be wasted and dried up; that is, the river Nile, which was not only very useful for their trade and navigation, but the fruitfulness of the country depended upon it; for the want of rain, in the land of Egypt, was supplied by the overflow of this river, at certain times, which brought and left such a slime upon the earth, as made it exceeding fertile; now the drying up of this river was either occasioned by some great drought, which God in judgment sent; or by the practices of some of their princes with this river, by which it was greatly impaired, and its usefulness diminished.

Gill: Isa 19:6 - And they shall turn the rivers far away // and the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up // the reeds and flags shall wither And they shall turn the rivers far away,.... The river Nile, called "rivers", the plural for the singular, because of the abundance of water in it; or...

And they shall turn the rivers far away,.... The river Nile, called "rivers", the plural for the singular, because of the abundance of water in it; or its seven streams, with other rivulets, derived from it. Some make the "they" here to refer to the kings of Egypt, and interpret the words of some projects of theirs, by which the course of the river was turned to great disadvantage; particularly they understand it of the twelve tyrants that reigned after Sethon, to whom they ascribe the digging of the vast lake of Moeris, the two pyramids built in the midst of it, and a labyrinth near it, though only the labyrinth was made by them b; and as for the lake, it was made by Moeris, a king of Egypt, from whom it had its name, some hundred years before; and, besides, was of service, and not disservice, to the Nile; for it received its waters when it overflowed too much, and it furnished it with water by an outlet when it failed: rather therefore this passage may be illustrated by the attempt which Necus, the son of Psammiticus, whom the Scripture calls Pharaohnecho, made, to join the Nile and the Red Sea together, by making a canal from the one to the other; in which work he lost a hundred and twenty thousand men, and desisted from it without finishing it c; but it is thought hereby the river was greatly weakened:

and the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up; as the river of Nile and its streams were the defence of the land of Egypt, as well as made for the fruitfulness of it, for these must make it less accessible to a foreign enemy; and besides, here lay their shipping, which were their protection; and moreover, from hence brooks and courses of water might be derived and carried about their fortified cities, which added to the strength of them. The Targum renders it deep brooks or rivers; and Kimchi interprets it the brooks of Egypt, taking Matzor to signify Egypt, a word in sound near to Mitzraim, the common word used for Egypt. It looks, by this and other expressions in the context, as if more were designed than the above instance or instances will account for:

the reeds and flags shall wither; which grew in the brooks, and near them; and therefore much more the grass and corn, and other trees, which were at a distance; besides, these are mentioned, bemuse of the great usefulness they were of; for of these they made ships, barks, and boats, and mats for bedding, and nets fishing; as also paper to write on, as follows, and which was a staple commodity with them; See Gill on Isa 18:2.

Gill: Isa 19:7 - The paper reeds by the brooks, by the mouth of the brooks // And everything sown by the brooks shall wither, be driven away, and be no more The paper reeds by the brooks, by the mouth of the brooks,.... Not at the fountain or origin of the Nile and its streams, but by the sides thereof; on...

The paper reeds by the brooks, by the mouth of the brooks,.... Not at the fountain or origin of the Nile and its streams, but by the sides thereof; on the banks of which grew a reed or rush, called by the Greeks "papyrus" and "biblus"; from whence come the words "paper" and "bible", or book, of which paper was anciently made; even as early as the times of Isaiah, and so, many hundreds of years before the times of Alexander the great, to which some fix the era of making it.

"According to Pliny d, its root is of the thickness of a man's arm, and ten cubits long; from this arise a great number of triangular stalks, six or seven cubits high, each thick enough to be easily spanned. Its leaves are long, like those of the bulrush; its flowers stamineous, ranged in clusters at the extremities of the stalks; its roots woody and knotty, like those of rushes; and its taste and smell near akin to those of the cyprus.----The manner of making the Egyptian paper was this: they began with lopping off the two extremes of the "papyrus", viz. the head and root, as of no use in this manufacture; the remaining stem they slit lengthwise, into equal parts; and from each of these they stripped the thin scaly coats, or pellicles, whereof it was composed, with a point of a penknife (or needle, as some); the innermost of these pellicles were looked on as the best, and those nearest the rind or bark the worst; they were kept apart accordingly, and constituted different sorts of paper. As the pellicles were taken off, they extended them on a table; then two or more of them were laid over each other transversely, so as that their fibres made right angles; in this state they were glued together by the muddy waters of the Nilus. These being next pressed to get out the water, then dried, and lastly flatted and smoothed, by beating them with a mallet, constituted paper; which they sometimes polished further, by rubbing it with a hemisphere of glass, or the like. There were paper manufactures in divers cities of Egypt; but the greatest and most celebrated was that at Alexandria, where, according to Varro's account, paper was first made. The trade and consumption of this commodity were in reality incredible. Vopiscus relates, that the tyrant Firmus, who rebelled in Egypt, publicly declared he would maintain an army only, "papyro et glutine", with paper and glue e.''

So that the withering and drying up of these paper reeds, here threatened, must be a great calamity upon the nation. And, besides paper, of this rush or reed were made sails, ropes, and other naval rigging, as also mats, blankets, clothes, and even ships were made of the stalk of the papyrus; and the Egyptian priests wore shoes made of it f. It may be observed, that paper was made of the pellicles or little skins stripped off of the inside of the stem of the papyrus; which shows with what propriety the word g for paper reeds is here used, which comes from a root which signifies to strip or make bare, and from which also is derived a word which signifies a skin.

And everything sown by the brooks shall wither, be driven away, and be no more; all sorts of fruitful plants, and grain of every kind, hemp and flax, after mentioned, and which are opposed to reeds and rushes, which grew of themselves; and if these which were sown by the sides of brooks and rivers withered and came to nothing, then much more what was sown at a greater distance.

Gill: Isa 19:8 - The fishers also shall mourn // and all they that cast angle // into the brooks shall lament // and they that spread nets upon the waters shall languish The fishers also shall mourn,.... Because there will be no fish to catch, the waters of the river being dried up, and so will have none to sell, and n...

The fishers also shall mourn,.... Because there will be no fish to catch, the waters of the river being dried up, and so will have none to sell, and nothing to support themselves and families with; and this must also affect the people in general, fish being the common food they lived upon, see Num 11:5, not only because of the great plenty there usually was, but because they killed and ate but very few living creatures, through a superstitious regard unto them; though Herodotus says h the Egyptian priests might not taste of fishes, yet the common people might; for, according to that historian i, when the river Nile flowed out of the lake of Moeris, a talent of silver every day was brought into the king's treasury, arising from the profit of fish; and when it flowed in, twenty pounds; nay, he expressly says k, that some of them live upon fish only, gutted, and dried with the sun:

and all they that cast angle, or hook,

into the brooks shall lament; which describes one sort of fishermen, and way of catching fishes, with the angle and hook, as the following clause describes another sort:

and they that spread nets upon the waters shall languish; be dispirited and enfeebled for want of trade and subsistence, and with grief and horror.

Gill: Isa 19:9 - Moreover they that work in fine flax // and they that weave networks shall be confounded Moreover they that work in fine flax,.... Of which they made fine linen cloth, and yarn, and was much wore by the Egyptians, and was the commodity of ...

Moreover they that work in fine flax,.... Of which they made fine linen cloth, and yarn, and was much wore by the Egyptians, and was the commodity of the country, and for which other nations traded with them, 1Ki 10:28 but now would have no flax to work, that being withered and gone which was sown by the sides of the brooks, Isa 19:7 and no linen cloth or yarn to sell, and consequently in great confusion and distress, as they are here represented l. The Targum renders the whole verse thus,

"they shall be confounded which work flax, which they comb, and of it weave nets;''

and so Jarchi and Kimchi interpret it, not of persons that wrought in flax, to make yarn or linen of it; but who combed it, to make nets of it, as follows:

and they that weave networks shall be confounded: because they would have no sale for their nets, the fishermen having no use for them, the rivers being dried up. The word for "networks" signifies "holes", because nets are made with holes large enough to let the water through, and so small that the fishes may not get out. Some render the word "white works" m, white linen, white cloth, of which white garments are made, such as nobles and princes formerly wore; hence, in the Hebrew language, they are called by a name of the same root and signification; but the former sense seems best.

Gill: Isa 19:10 - And they shall be broken in the purposes thereof // all that make sluices and ponds for fish And they shall be broken in the purposes thereof,.... Meaning either the persons that work in flax, or in making nets; who shall be disappointed in th...

And they shall be broken in the purposes thereof,.... Meaning either the persons that work in flax, or in making nets; who shall be disappointed in their views, expectations, and designs, in bringing them to a good market, since there will be no buyers. The word for "purposes" signifies foundations, as in Psa 11:3 and may design dams and banks, that are made to keep in the water, which shall be broken down, and be of no service to answer the end; but Kimchi observes, that the word in the Talmudic language signifies "nets", as it does n; and this seems to be most agreeable to the context; and then the words may be rendered, "and its nets shall be broken" o; shall lie and rot for want of use:

all that make sluices and ponds for fish; or, "all that make an enclosure of ponds of soul" p; or for delight and pleasure; that is, not only such shall be broken in their purposes, ashamed and confounded, and be dispirited, mourn and lament, whose business and employment it is to catch fish, or make nets for that end, and get their livelihood thereby; but even such who enclose a confluence of water, and make fishponds in their fields and gardens for their pleasure, will be disappointed; for their waters there will be dried up, and the fish die, as well as in the common rivers. The Septuagint version renders it, "and all they that make zythum shall grieve"; "zythum" was a sort of malt liquor of the ancients; and the word for "sluices" is of affinity with a word that is often used for strong drink; and so the Syriac version here,

"and all they shall be humbled that make strong drink, for the drink of the soul;''

or for men to drink for pleasure.

Gill: Isa 19:11 - Surely the princes of Zoan are fools // the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish // how say ye unto Pharaoh // I am the son of the wise // the son of ancient kings Surely the princes of Zoan are fools,.... Zoan was a very ancient city of Egypt, it was built within seven years of Hebron in the land of Judah, Num ...

Surely the princes of Zoan are fools,.... Zoan was a very ancient city of Egypt, it was built within seven years of Hebron in the land of Judah, Num 13:22 here it was that the Lord did those miracles, by the hands of Moses and Aaron, before Pharaoh and his people, in order to oblige him to let Israel go, Psa 78:12 by which it appears that it was then the royal city, as it seems to have been now; since mention is made of the princes of it, who usually have their residence where the court is. The Targum, Septuagint, and Vulgate Latin versions, call it Tanis, which was the metropolis of one of the nomes or provinces of Egypt, called from it the Tanitic nome q; near it was one of the gates of the Nile, which had from it the name of the Tanitic gate r; the princes of this place, the lords of this nome, though they had princely education, acted a foolish part, in flattering their sovereign, as afterwards mentioned, and in putting him upon doing things destructive to his kingdom and subjects:

the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish; the men of whose privy council were esteemed very wise, and greatly boasted of, and much confided in; and yet the counsel they gave him were such as made them look more like brutes than men:

how say ye unto Pharaoh; the then reigning prince, for Pharaoh was a name common to all the kings of Egypt. Some think their king Cethon is meant, said to be a very foolish king: others Psammiticus; which seems more likely; though there is no need to apply it to any particular king, they being used to say what follows to all their kings:

I am the son of the wise; suggesting that wisdom was natural and hereditary to him; though this may not merely respect his immediate ancestors, but remote ones, as Menes or Mizraim, the first king of Egypt, to whom is attributed the invention of arts and sciences; and his son Thoth, the same with Hermes, the Mercury of the Egyptians. The Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions, make these words to be spoken by the wise counsellors of themselves, "we are the sons of wise men", and so the next clause; likewise Aben Ezra and Jarchi, also the Targum:

the son of ancient kings? according to these, it is spoken to Pharaoh thus, "and thou the son of kings of old"; of Ham, Mizraim, Thoth, &c.; the Egyptians boasted much of the antiquity of their kingdom and kings; and they say, from their first king Menes, to Sethon the priest of Vulcan, who lived about the time of this prophecy, were three hundred and forty one generations or ages of men, in which were as many kings and priests; and three hundred generations are equal to ten thousand years s; and so many years, and more, their kings had reigned down to the prophet's time; which was all vain boasting, there being no manner of foundation for it. Vitringa renders it the son of ancient counsellors; this, as the former, being spoken by the counsellors, not of Pharaoh, but themselves.

Gill: Isa 19:12 - Where are they? where are thy wise men // and let them tell thee now, and let them know what the Lord of hosts hath purposed upon Egypt Where are they? where are thy wise men?.... The magicians and soothsayers, the diviners and astrologers, who pretended, by their magic art and skil...

Where are they? where are thy wise men?.... The magicians and soothsayers, the diviners and astrologers, who pretended, by their magic art and skill in judicial astrology, to foretell things to come: this is an address to the king of Egypt, who had such persons about him, and encouraged them, by consulting them on occasion, and rewarding them:

and let them tell thee now, and let them know what the Lord of hosts hath purposed upon Egypt; or, "against it"; let them tell, if they can, and make known unto thee the purposes of God's heart, the things he has resolved upon, even the calamities and punishments he will shortly inflict upon the Egyptians, of which he has given notice by his prophets.

Gill: Isa 19:13 - The princes of Zoan are become fools // the princes of Noph are deceived // they have also seduced Egypt // even they that are the stay of the tribes thereof The princes of Zoan are become fools,.... Or infatuated, in their counsels to Pharaoh, and by giving heed to the magicians and diviners; See Gill on I...

The princes of Zoan are become fools,.... Or infatuated, in their counsels to Pharaoh, and by giving heed to the magicians and diviners; See Gill on Isa 19:11,

the princes of Noph are deceived; called Moph, in Hos 9:6 where our translation renders it Memphis; and so do the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions here; the Arabic version has it Menphis; the Syriac version Mophis; and the Targum Mephes; the city of Memphis is no doubt intended, which was the chief of the first of the nomes or provinces of Egypt, from whence it was called Memphites: it was the metropolis of upper Egypt, and the seat of their kings and princes; it was built by their first king Menes t, or Mizraim, and had in it the famous temple of Vulcan; it continues to this day, and goes by the name of Alkair, or Grand Cairo:

they have also seduced Egypt; the princes of the above places, being deceived themselves by the diviners and astrologers, deceived the common people that inhabited the nomes and provinces where they dwelt; it being usual with such to follow their superiors in principle and practice:

even they that are the stay of the tribes thereof; or, "who are the corner of its tribes" u; meaning the nomes or provinces of Egypt, especially the Tanitic and Memphitic nomes, whose provinces are mentioned; these are called tribes by the prophet, in the language of the Jews, which land were divided into tribes, as the land of Egypt was divided into nomes; and about this time it was divided into twelve kingdoms, as Israel was into twelve tribes: now, the princes of these tribes and kingdoms, who should have been as cornerstones, to which civil magistrates are compared, see Psa 118:22 the stay and support of the people, and should have kept them right, these led them wrong, into mistakes and errors.

Gill: Isa 19:14 - The Lord hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof // and they have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof // as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit The Lord hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof,.... A spirit of error, as the Targum, Septuagint, and Arabic versions; or of giddiness, ...

The Lord hath mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof,.... A spirit of error, as the Targum, Septuagint, and Arabic versions; or of giddiness, as the Vulgate Latin: this he mingled in a cup for them, and poured it out, and gave them it to drink; and an intoxicating cup it was, such as men are made drunk with; to which the allusion is, as the last clause of the verse shows; so that the infatuation and want of wisdom in their counsels were from the Lord; who, because of the vain boasts of their wisdom in righteous judgment, gave them up to judicial blindness, stupidity, and folly:

and they have caused Egypt to err in every work thereof; both in religious and civil affairs, leading them into superstition and idolatry, to which they were of old inclined and addicted, and forming such schemes and projects, and putting them upon such works, as were very detrimental to the nation. Some think this refers to the twelve tyrants, who disagreeing among themselves, being actuated by a perverse spirit, greatly distracted the people; though rather it may refer to the times of Necho, and to his project in cutting a canal for the bringing of the Nile to the Red sea before mentioned, in which he lost several thousands of men without accomplishing it; and of his predecessor, in besieging Ashdod twenty nine years ere he took it w:

as a drunken man staggereth in his vomit; who is so very drunk, that his head is quite giddy, and cannot walk upright, but staggers as he goes, and vomits as he staggers, and falls down, and is rolled in it, as the Targum; just like such a man were the princes and governors of the Egyptian provinces.

Gill: Isa 19:15 - Neither shall there be any work for Egypt // which the head or tail, branch or rush, may do Neither shall there be any work for Egypt,.... No trade or business to carry on; their rivers being dried up, there was no flax to work with, and fin...

Neither shall there be any work for Egypt,.... No trade or business to carry on; their rivers being dried up, there was no flax to work with, and fine linen was a principal commodity of Egypt; nor any fish to catch, or rushes to make paper of, as before observed: or it would not be in the power of their hands to deliver themselves from the Assyrians that should come against them; and that they should be deprived of wisdom and counsel, and be at their wits' end, not knowing what to do, or what step to take:

which the head or tail, branch or rush, may do: high or low, strong or weak, all ranks and orders of men shall have nothing to do; all shall be weak and dispirited, and void of counsel. By the "head" and "branch" may be meant the king and his nobles; and by the "tail" and "rush" the common people; see Isa 9:14. The Targum interprets the whole of their chief men thus,

"and the Egyptians shall have no king to reign, nor prince, noble, governor, or ruler.''

Jarchi explains it of the magicians, astrologers, and stargazers of Egypt, who, with all their boasted knowledge and wisdom, should not be able either to foresee or prevent the evil coming upon them.

Gill: Isa 19:16 - In that day shall Egypt be like unto women // and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the Lord of hosts, which he shaketh over it In that day shall Egypt be like unto women,.... Weak and feeble, as the Targum; fearful and timorous, even their military force; and devoid of wisdom,...

In that day shall Egypt be like unto women,.... Weak and feeble, as the Targum; fearful and timorous, even their military force; and devoid of wisdom, even their princes and nobles:

and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the Lord of hosts, which he shaketh over it: which the Lord may be said to do, when he lifts up his rod, and holds it over a people, and threatens them with ruin and destruction; perhaps this may refer to what was done in Judea by Sennacherib's army, which was an intimation to the Egyptians that their turn was next; and if the shaking of the Lord's hand over a people is so terrible, what must the weight of it be? Some think there is an allusion to Moses's shaking his rod over the Red sea when the Egyptians were drowned, in which the hand or power of the Lord was so visibly seen, and which now might be called to mind. Ben Melech observes, that when one man calls to another, he waves his hand to him to come to him; so here it is as if the Lord waved with his hand to the enemy to come and fight against Egypt, which caused fear and dread.

Gill: Isa 19:17 - And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt // everyone that maketh mention thereof // shall be afraid in himself // because of the counsel of the Lord of hosts, which he hath determined against it And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt,.... Not by reason of war breaking out between them, they being in strict alliance with each other ...

And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt,.... Not by reason of war breaking out between them, they being in strict alliance with each other at this time; but on account of what they should hear had befallen the land of Judea, and the cities of it, by the invasion of Sennacherib's army, which had taken and laid them waste; the tidings of which being brought them a panic would seize them, fearing that they should next fall a sacrifice to them, because of their alliance with them, and nearness to them, there being only the land of the Philistines between them and Egypt; and Judea being invaded and overrun, the way was open for the Assyrian army into their country; and besides they might reflect, that if the judgments of God fell so heavy on his own people, what might they not expect? and the rather, as they had been the means of drawing them into idolatry, which had provoked the Lord to come out against them; as well as at the remembrance of the injuries they had formerly done them. Jarchi and Kimchi understand this of the fall and ruin of Sennacherib's army, at the siege of Jerusalem, the rumour of which reaching, Egypt would fill them with terror; or as fearing that the hand of the Lord, which was seen in that affair, would be next lifted up against them; which sense is not probable; the former is best. The word used for terror signifies "dancing", such as is not through joy, but fear, see Psa 107:27,

everyone that maketh mention thereof; or calls to mind, or thinks of it, or speaks of it to others, what was done in the land of Judea by the Assyrian army:

shall be afraid in himself; that this will be their case quickly in Egypt:

because of the counsel of the Lord of hosts, which he hath determined against it; or "upon it", or "concerning it" x; meaning either Judea, which was known by the prophets he sent unto it; or Egypt, who might conclude this from what happened to a neighbouring nation.

Gill: Isa 19:18 - In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt // speak the language of Canaan // and swear to the Lord of hosts // one shall be called the city of destruction In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt,.... Here opens a scene of mercy, a prophecy of good things to the Egyptians in future times; for t...

In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt,.... Here opens a scene of mercy, a prophecy of good things to the Egyptians in future times; for this is not to be understood of the selfsame time, that the former calamities would come upon them; but of some time after that; and not of Egypt, spiritual or mystical, that is, Rome, or the antichristian jurisdiction, so called, Rev 11:8 and of the five kingdoms that should revolt from it at the Reformation, as Cocceius thinks; who interprets the above prophecy of the antichristian state, and names the five kingdoms that should break off from it, and did; as Great Britain, the United States of Holland, Denmark and Norway, Swedeland, the people of Germany, and those near them, as Bohemia, Hungary, Transylvania, and Helvetia; but Egypt literally is here designed; and its five cities either intend just so many principal ones, as some think, namely, Memphis, Tanis, Alexandria, Bubastis, and Heliopolis; or rather it is a certain number for an uncertain; and to be understood either of many, as five out of six, since afterwards one is mentioned, as to be destroyed; or rather of a few, as five out of twenty thousand, for so many cities are said to have been in Egypt y; and so this number is used in Scripture for a few; see 1Co 14:19 and the prophecy respects the conversion of them, which some think was fulfilled in some little time after; either by some Jews fleeing to Egypt when Judea was invaded, and Jerusalem besieged by Sennacherib, who making known and professing the true religion there, were the means of converting many of the Egyptians; or, as the Jews z think, it had its accomplishment when Sennacherib's army was destroyed, and what remained of them, consisting of Egyptians and other people, were dismissed by Hezekiah, and being used kindly by him, embraced the true religion, and carried it with them into Egypt, and there professed and propagated it; but it seems most likely to refer to later times, the times of the Gospel, when it was carried and preached in Egypt by the Evangelist Mark, and others, to the conversion of them, which is expressed in the following words:

speak the language of Canaan; the Hebrew language, which continued from the time of the confusion in the posterity of Shem, and in the family of Heber, from whom Abraham descended; which was not the language of the old Canaanites, though that was pretty near it, but what the Jews now at this time spake, who dwelt in the land of Canaan: but though this language is here referred to, and might be learned, as it is where the Gospel comes, for the sake of understanding the Scriptures in the original; yet that is not principally meant, but the religion of the Christian and converted Jews; and the sense is, that the Egyptians, hearing and embracing the Gospel, should speak the pure language of it, and make the same profession of it, and with one heart and mouth with them glorify God, and confess the Lord Jesus: and when a sinner is converted, he speaks a different language than he did before; the language of Canaan is the language of repentance towards God, faith in Christ, love to them, and all the saints; it is self-abasing, Christ exalting, and free grace magnifying language; it is the language of prayer to God for mercies wanted, and of praise and thanksgiving for mercies received, and especially for Christ, and the blessings of grace in him; it is the language of experience, and what agrees with the word of God: and in common conversation it is different from others; not swearing, or lying, or filthiness, or foolish jesting, or frothy, vain, and idle talk, are this language; but what is savoury, and for the use of edifying:

and swear to the Lord of hosts; not by him, but to him, which sometimes is put for the whole of religious worship, Deu 6:13 and signifies a bowing, a submission, and subjection to him; compare Isa 45:23 with Rom 14:11 it is swearing allegiance to him, owning him to be their Lord, King, and Lawgiver, and a resolution to obey him in all his commands and ordinances, see Psa 119:106,

one shall be called the city of destruction; not one of the five cities before mentioned; because all such as believe with the heart unto righteousness, and with the mouth make confession agreeably to it, shall be saved; but the sense is, that one and all, and everyone of these cities, and all such persons in them as speak not the language of Canaan, who neither embrace the Gospel, nor become subject to Christ, shall be devoted to destruction: though there is a Keri and Cetib of these words; it is written "heres", destruction, but it is read "cheres", the sun; and there was a city in Egypt called Bethshemesh, the house of the sun, Jer 43:13 and by the Greeks Heliopolis a; and by the Latins Solis Oppidum b; and so the Vulgate Latin version renders it, "and one shall be called the city of the sun"; that is, Heliopolis, where the sun was worshipped, and from whence it had its name; and so the words are a display of the grace of God, that in that city, which was the seat of idolatrous worship, there the sun of righteousness should arise, and there should be a number of persons in it that should profess his name. The Targum takes in both the writing and reading of this passage, and renders it,

"the city of Bethshemesh, which is to be destroyed, shall be called one of them.''

Gill: Isa 19:19 - In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt // and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt,.... Josephus c, and other Jewish writers d, suppose this to be fulf...

In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt,.... Josephus c, and other Jewish writers d, suppose this to be fulfilled when Onias, the son of Simeon the just, fled into Egypt, and obtained leave of Ptolemy king of Egypt, and Queen Cleopatra, to build a temple and an altar there, like those at Jerusalem, in order to draw the Jews thither, which was about six hundred years after this prophecy; and who did build both a temple and an altar in the nome of Heliopolis, about twenty three miles from the city of Memphis, and which continued three hundred and forty three years; but not a material altar is here meant, but a figurative and spiritual one, and no other than Christ, who is the altar that sanctifies every gift, and upon which the spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise being offered up are acceptable to God. The phrase denotes a public profession of Christ, and a setting up of his worship; it is used in allusion to the patriarchs, who, wherever they came, set up an altar to the Lord, and worshipped him:

and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord; in like manner as the patriarchs used to do, Gen 28:18 it signifies not only that in the middle of the land, but upon the borders of it, the Christian religion should be embraced and professed; so that no sooner did a man step into it, but he should find that this was the religion professed there: it signifies that here would be placed ministers of the Gospel, who are as pillars to hold forth and support the doctrines of it; and a church state, which is the pillar and ground of it; and persons converted, that should be pillars in the house of God, that should never go out; see Pro 9:1.

Gill: Isa 19:20 - And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt // for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors // and he shall send them a Saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt,.... This refers either to what goes before, that the altar a...

And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt,.... This refers either to what goes before, that the altar and pillar were signs and witnesses that the Lord was believed in, professed, and worshipped there; or to what follows after, that the Lord's hearing the cries of men, and answering them, by sending a great Saviour to them, is a token and testimony for him of his great love unto them:

for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors; as men awakened and convinced do, feeling the oppressions of a guilty conscience, and a tempting devil, and an ensnaring wicked world:

and he shall send them a Saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them; this is Christ, whom God sent in the fulness of time to be the Saviour of lost sinners; and he is a "great" one indeed, the great God, and our Saviour, Tit 2:13 who is the Son of God, the true God, and eternal life, who has all the perfections of deity in him; the Creator and Upholder of all things; and must have therefore great and sufficient abilities to save sinners to the uttermost; and those that come to God by him he does save and deliver from all their sins, and out of the hands of all their enemies, and from wrath, ruin, and destruction. Abarbinel e owns that the Messiah is here meant, as undoubtedly he is; and not the angel that destroyed Sennacherib's army, as Kimchi; for the text speaks not of the Jews, but of the Egyptians. Vitringa thinks that either Alexander, called the Great, or else Ptolemy the son of Lagus, who had the same epithet, and who was also called "Soter", the saviour, is here meant.

Gill: Isa 19:21 - And the Lord shall be known to Egypt // and the Egyptians shall know the Lord // and shall do sacrifice and oblation // yea, they shall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it And the Lord shall be known to Egypt,.... The means of knowing him would be granted them; which were partly through the Bible being translated into th...

And the Lord shall be known to Egypt,.... The means of knowing him would be granted them; which were partly through the Bible being translated into the Greek language, at the request of Ptolemy king of Egypt, which was then understood in that country, and this was a considerable time before the coming of Christ; and chiefly through the Gospel being brought hither by the Evangelist Mark, and others, whereby many of them were brought to a spiritual, experimental, and evangelical knowledge of Christ:

and the Egyptians shall know the Lord; own and acknowledge him, profess faith in him, hope of happiness by him, love of him, and subjection to him, his Gospel and ordinances:

and shall do sacrifice and oblation; not such sacrifice and oblation as were enjoined by the ceremonial law, since those would be now abrogated; but the spiritual sacrifices of prayer, praise, and good works, and of the presentation of themselves, as a holy, living, and acceptable sacrifice to God, their reasonable service: under these ceremonial rites is signified the whole spiritual worship of the New Testament:

yea, they shall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it; lay themselves under obligation to serve the Lord, and act according to it; see Ecc 5:4 and this is to be understood not of legal vows, as that of the Nazarite, or any other, but of the spiritual one of praise and thanksgiving; see Psa 50:14.

Gill: Isa 19:22 - And the Lord shall smite Egypt // he shall smite and heal it // and they shall return, even to the Lord // and he shall be entreated of them, and he shall heal them And the Lord shall smite Egypt,.... By one afflictive providence or another, which shall awaken them to a sense of sin and duty; or smite their consci...

And the Lord shall smite Egypt,.... By one afflictive providence or another, which shall awaken them to a sense of sin and duty; or smite their consciences with convictions of sin, through the ministry of the word by his spirits:

he shall smite and heal it; or "smiting and healing" f; as he smites he shall heal, by an application of pardoning grace and mercy, by sprinkling the blood of Christ on their wounded consciences, and by pouring in the oil and wine of divine love into the wounds made by sin:

and they shall return, even to the Lord: by faith and repentance; or to his worship, as the Targum; by an obedience to his will, and shall cleave unto him:

and he shall be entreated of them, and he shall heal them; when wounded with a sense of sin, and pricked to the heart, they shall cry unto him, and entreat his pardoning grace and mercy, which, being applied to them, heals; for healing diseases and forgiving iniquities are one and the same thing; see Psa 103:3.

Gill: Isa 19:23 - In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria // and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria // and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria,.... It signifies that there should be peace between them, all hostilities should cease, ...

In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria,.... It signifies that there should be peace between them, all hostilities should cease, free trade and commerce with each other should be opened, and nothing should hinder communion with one another; which some think had some show of accomplishment in the times of Psammiticus; but it chiefly refers to Gospel times, and to the Christian communion between one nation and another, that receive the Gospel, though before implacable enemies, as the Egyptians and Assyrians were:

and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria: which is expressive of entire concord and harmony between them, such as was among the first Christians:

and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians; that is, the Lord, as Kimchi and Ben Melech interpret it; they shall both serve the Lord with one shoulder and consent, unite in prayer to the Lord, in hearing the word, and attending on other ordinances. Some render it, "the Egyptians shall serve the Assyrians" g; not as being their lords and masters in a servile way, but by love, as saints do or should serve one another, doing all kind offices of love to each other; see Gal 5:13.

Gill: Isa 19:24 - In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria // even a blessing in the midst of the land In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria,.... There shall be a triple alliance between them; Jew and Gentile shall be made on...

In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria,.... There shall be a triple alliance between them; Jew and Gentile shall be made one, the middle wall of partition being broken down; yea, Israel, or the Jews, shall be the third, or the Mediator between them both, or the means of uniting the Gentiles together, since the Gospel of peace was to go out from them, as it did. Perhaps there may be an allusion to the situation of the land of Israel between Egypt and Assyria:

even a blessing in the midst of the land; or of the earth, the whole world, being the means of conveying the blessings of grace to the several nations of the world; the Messiah, in whom all nations are blessed, descending from them, and the Gospel being sent out from them unto all nations, which publishes the blessings of grace by Christ, and is the means both of the knowledge, application, and possession of them.

Gill: Isa 19:25 - Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless // saying, blessed be Egypt my people // and Assyria the work of my hands // and Israel mine inheritance Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless,.... Not only Israel, but Egypt and Assyria, even all his chosen ones, whether among Jews or Gentiles: saying, b...

Whom the Lord of hosts shall bless,.... Not only Israel, but Egypt and Assyria, even all his chosen ones, whether among Jews or Gentiles:

saying, blessed be Egypt my people; as they must needs be blessed who are the Lord's covenant people; for he being their covenant God, his blessing is upon them, even life for evermore; they are blessed with all the blessings of the covenant, even all the spiritual blessings which are in Christ; they are secure of his love, and may depend upon his power and protection; they are happy here, and will be so hereafter:

and Assyria the work of my hands; not as creatures only, but new creatures, having the good work of grace wrought in their hearts, of which God is the author; and therefore are called his workmanship, Eph 2:10 and who must be blessed, because, by this work of grace upon them, they appear to be the chosen of God, and precious, to be his children, and dear unto him, whom he will not forsake, and who are formed for himself, and for heaven, and happiness:

and Israel mine inheritance; chosen by him to be so, and given to Christ as such; and who must be happy, because, as they are the Lord's inheritance, portion, and peculiar treasure, so he has provided an inheritance for them, incorruptible, undefiled, which fades not away, reserved in the heavens. The Targum interprets all this of Israel, thus,

"blessed be my people, whom I brought out of Egypt; and because they sinned before me, I carried them captive into Assyria; and when they are turned, they are called my people, and mine inheritance, Israel.''

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Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki

NET Notes: Isa 19:1 Heb “and the heart of Egypt melts within it.”

NET Notes: Isa 19:2 Heb “and they will fight, a man against his brother, and a man against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom.” Civil st...

NET Notes: Isa 19:3 Heb “they will inquire of the idols and of the spirits of the dead and of the ritual pits and of the magicians.” Hebrew או...

NET Notes: Isa 19:4 The Hebrew term translated “sovereign master” here is אֲדֹנָי (’adonay).

NET Notes: Isa 19:5 Heb “will dry up and be dry.” Two synonyms are joined for emphasis.

NET Notes: Isa 19:6 The verb form appears as a Hiphil in the Qumran scroll 1QIsaa; the form in MT may be a so-called “mixed form,” reflecting the Hebrew Hiphi...

NET Notes: Isa 19:7 Heb “will dry up, [being] scattered, and it will vanish.”

NET Notes: Isa 19:8 Or perhaps, “will disappear”; cf. TEV “will be useless.”

NET Notes: Isa 19:9 BDB 301 s.v. חוֹרִי suggests the meaning “white stuff” for חוֹרִי ...

NET Notes: Isa 19:10 Heb “sad of soul”; cf. NIV, NLT “sick at heart.”

NET Notes: Isa 19:11 Heb “A son of wise men am I, a son of ancient kings.” The term בֶּן (ben, “son of”) could refer to lit...

NET Notes: Isa 19:12 Heb “Where are they? Where are your wise men?” The juxtaposition of the interrogative pronouns is emphatic. See HALOT 38 s.v. א’...

NET Notes: Isa 19:13 Heb “the cornerstone.” The singular form should be emended to a plural.

NET Notes: Isa 19:14 Heb “like the going astray of a drunkard in his vomit.”

NET Notes: Isa 19:15 Heb “And there will not be for Egypt a deed, which head and tail, shoot and stalk can do.” In 9:14-15 the phrase “head or tail”...

NET Notes: Isa 19:16 Heb “and he will tremble and be afraid because of the brandishing of the hand of the Lord who commands armies [traditionally, the Lord of hosts]...

NET Notes: Isa 19:17 Heb “and the land of Judah will become [a source of] shame to Egypt, everyone to whom one mentions it [i.e., the land of Judah] will fear becaus...

NET Notes: Isa 19:18 The Hebrew text has עִיר הַהֶרֶס (’ir haheres, “City of Destruction̶...

NET Notes: Isa 19:19 This word is sometimes used of a sacred pillar associated with pagan worship, but here it is associated with the worship of the Lord.

NET Notes: Isa 19:20 רָב (rav) is a substantival participle (from רִיב, riv) meaning “one who strives, contends.”

NET Notes: Isa 19:21 Heb “in that day” (so KJV), likewise at the beginning of vv. 23 and 24.

NET Notes: Isa 19:22 Heb “he will be entreated.” The Niphal has a tolerative sense here, “he will allow himself to be entreated.”

NET Notes: Isa 19:23 The text could be translated, “and Egypt will serve Assyria” (cf. NAB), but subjugation of one nation to the other does not seem to be a t...

NET Notes: Isa 19:24 Or “land” (KJV, NAB).

NET Notes: Isa 19:25 Or “my inheritance” (NAB, NASB, NIV).

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:1 The ( a ) burden of Egypt. Behold, the LORD ( b ) rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of E...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:2 And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: and they shall ( c ) fight every one against his brother, and every one against h...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:3 And the ( d ) spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst of her; and I will destroy her counsel: and they shall seek to the idols, and t...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:5 And the waters shall ( e ) fail from the sea, and the rivers shall be wasted and dried up. ( e ) He sho...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:6 And they shall turn the ( f ) rivers far away; [and] the brooks of defence shall be emptied and dried up: the reeds and flags shall w...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:7 The paper reeds by the brooks, by the ( g ) mouth of the brooks, and every thing sown by the brooks, shall wither, be driven away, an...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:8 The fishermen also shall ( h ) mourn, and all they that cast hook into the brooks shall lament, and they that spread nets upon the wa...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:11 Surely the princes of ( i ) Zoan [are] fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become senseless: how say ye to Phara...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:13 The princes of Zoan are become fools, the princes of ( l ) Noph are deceived; they have also seduced Egypt, [even they that are] the ...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:14 The LORD hath mingled a ( n ) perverse spirit in the midst of it: and they have caused Egypt to err in every work of it, as a drunken...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:15 Neither shall there be [any] work for Egypt, which the head or tail, branch or rush, may ( o ) perform. ( o )...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:17 And the land of Judah shall be a terror ( p ) to Egypt, every one that maketh mention of it shall be afraid in himself, because of th...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:18 In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt ( q ) speak the language of Canaan, and ( r ) swear to the LORD of host...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:19 In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and ( t ) a pillar at its border to the LORD. ...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:20 And it shall be for a sign and for a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry to the LORD because of the oppressors...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:21 And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in that day, and shall do ( x ) sacrifice and oblation; y...

Geneva Bible: Isa 19:23 In that day shall there be a highway from ( y ) Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyr...

buka semua
Tafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat

MHCC: Isa 19:1-17 - --God shall come into Egypt with his judgments. He will raise up the causes of their destruction from among themselves. When ungodly men escape dange...

MHCC: Isa 19:18-25 - --The words, " In that day," do not always refer to the passage just before. At a time which was to come, the Egyptians shall speak the holy languag...

Matthew Henry: Isa 19:1-17 - -- Though the land of Egypt had of old been a house of bondage to the people of God, where they had been ruled with rigour, yet among the unbelievin...

Matthew Henry: Isa 19:18-25 - -- Out of the thick and threatening clouds of the foregoing prophecy the sun of comfort here breaks forth, and it is the sun of righteousness. Still...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:1 - -- The oracle opens with a short introduction, condensing the whole of the substance of the first half into a few weighty words - an art in which Is...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:2-4 - -- "And I spur Egypt against Egypt: and they go to war, every one with his brother, and every one with his neighbour; city against city, kingdom...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:5-10 - -- The prophet then proceeds to foretell another misfortune which was coming upon Egypt: the Nile dries up, and with this the fertility of the land ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:11-13 - -- The prophet now dwells upon the punishment which falls upon the pillars of the land, and describes it in ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:14-15 - -- In Isa 19:14 and Isa 19:15 this state of confusio...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:16-17 - -- The result of all these plagues, which were coming upon Egypt, would be fear of Jehovah and of the people of Jehovah. "In that day will the E...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:18 - -- At first there is only slavish fear; but there is the beginning of a turn to something better. "In that day there will be five cities in the ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:19-20 - -- The allusion to the sun-city, which had become the city of destruction, led to the m azzeboth or obelisks (see ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:21-22 - -- When Egypt became the prey of Islam in the year 640, there was already to be seen, at all events in the form of a magnificent prelude, the fulfil...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:23 - -- Asshur, as we already know from Isa 18:1-7, is equally humbled; so that now the two great ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Isa 19:24-25 - -- Thus is the way prepared for the highest point of all, which the prophet foretells in Isa 19:24, ...

Constable: Isa 7:1--39:8 - --III. Israel's crisis of faith chs. 7--39 This long section of the bo...

Constable: Isa 13:1--35:10 - --B. God's sovereignty over the nations chs. 13-35 ...

Constable: Isa 13:1--23:18 - --1. Divine judgments on the nations chs. 13-23 ...

Constable: Isa 13:1--20:6 - --The first series of five oracles chs. 13-20 ...

Constable: Isa 19:1--20:6 - --The oracle against Egypt chs. 19-20 This oracle cla...

Guzik: Isa 19:1-25 - The Burden Against Egypt Isaiah 19 - The Burden Against Egypt A. God strikes Egypt. 1. ...

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Pendahuluan / Garis Besar

JFB: Isaiah (Pendahuluan Kitab) ISAIAH, son of Amoz (not Amos); contemporary of Jonah, Amos, Hosea, in Israel, but younger than they; and of Micah, in Judah. His call to a higher ...


TSK: Isaiah (Pendahuluan Kitab) Isaiah has, with singular propriety, been denominated the Evangelical Prophet, on account of the number and variety of his prophecies concerning th...

TSK: Isaiah 19 (Pendahuluan Pasal) Overview Isa 19:1, The confusion of Egypt; ...

Poole: Isaiah (Pendahuluan Kitab) THE ARGUMENT THE teachers of the ancient church were of two sorts: 1. Ordinary, the priests and Levites. 2. Extrao...

Poole: Isaiah 19 (Pendahuluan Pasal) CHAPTER 19 The confusion of Egypt; their intestine dissension; t...

MHCC: Isaiah (Pendahuluan Kitab) Isaiah prophesied in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. He has been well called the evangelical prophet, on account of his numerous ...

MHCC: Isaiah 19 (Pendahuluan Pasal) (v. 1-17) Judgments upon Egypt. (...

Matthew Henry: Isaiah (Pendahuluan Kitab) An Exposition, With Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Prophet is a title that sounds very great to those that...

Matthew Henry: Isaiah 19 (Pendahuluan Pasal) As Assyria was a breaking rod to Judah, with which it was smitten, so Egypt was a broken reed, with which it was cheated; and therefore God had ...

Constable: Isaiah (Pendahuluan Kitab) Introduction Title and writer ...

Constable: Isaiah (Garis Besar) Outline I. Introduction chs. ...

Constable: Isaiah Isaiah Bibliography Alexander, J...

Haydock: Isaiah (Pendahuluan Kitab) THE PROPHECY OF ISAIAS. INTRODUCTION. This inspired writer is called by the Holy Ghost, (Ecclesiasticus xlviii. 25.) ...

Gill: Isaiah (Pendahuluan Kitab) INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH This book is called, in the New Testament, sometimes "the Book of the Words of the Prophet Esaias", ...

Gill: Isaiah 19 (Pendahuluan Pasal) INTRODUCTION TO ISAIAH 19 This chapter contains prophecies of var...

Advanced Commentary (Kamus, Lagu-Lagu Himne, Gambar, Ilustrasi Khotbah, Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan, dll)

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