Bilangan 32:1--33:56
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
bani .... bani(TB)/bani ........ bani(TL) <01121> [the children.] Yaezer(TB)/Yaezar(TL) <03270> [Jazer.] [Jaazer.] tempat ... tempat(TB)/jajahan ... tempat yang baik(TL) <04725> [the place.] |
Judul : Penyerahan daerah sebelah timur Sungai Yordan Perikop : Bil 32:1-42 ternaknya banyak, Bil 32:24,36; Hak 5:16 [Semua] tanah Yaezer Bil 21:32; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:32] tanah Gilead, Kej 31:21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:21] untuk peternakan. |
pemimpin umat |
Atarot(TB/TL) <05852> [Ataroth.] Nimra(TB/TL) <05247> [Nimrah.] [Beth-nimrah] [Nimrim. Heshbon.] Sebam(TB/TL) <07643> [Shebam.] [Shibmah.] [Sibmah. Beon.] [Baal-meon.] |
Atarot, Bil 32:34; Yos 16:2,7; 18:13 [Semua] Dibon, Bil 32:34; Bil 21:30; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:30] [Semua] Yaezer, Nimra, Hesybon, Eleale, Bil 32:37; Yes 15:4; 16:9; Yer 48:34 [Semua] Sebam, Yos 13:19; Yes 16:8,9; Yer 48:32 [Semua] Nebo Bil 33:47; Ul 32:49; 34:1; 1Taw 5:8 [Semua] dan Beon, Bil 32:38; Yos 13:17; Yeh 25:9 [Semua] |
telah dikalahkan untuk peternakan |
mendapat(TB)/ridla hati(TL) <04672> [if we have.] pindah(TB)/menyeberang(TL) <05674> [bring us.] |
sungai Yordan. Bil 13:29; [Lihat FULL. Bil 13:29] |
tinggal(TB/TL) <03427> [shall ye sit here.] |
enggan(TB)/membujuk(TL) <05106> [wherefore.] enggan(TB)/membujuk(TL) <05106> [discourage. Heb. break.] |
kepada mereka? |
melihat-lihat negeri Bil 13:3,26; Ul 1:19-25 [Semua] |
lembah Eskol, |
Maka bangkitlah Ia bersumpah: Bil 14:20-23; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:20] s/d 23 [Semua] |
puluh(TB/TL) <06242> [from twenty.] sepenuh(TB)/tetap(TL) <04390> [because.] mengikut .... sepenuh hatinya(TB)/tetap menurut(TL) <0310 04390> [wholly followed me. Heb. fulfilled after me.] |
dari Mesir, ke atas, Kel 30:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:14] dengan bersumpah Bil 14:23; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:23] dan Yakub, |
sepenuh(TB)/tetap(TL) <04390> [for.] |
sepenuh hatinya. |
mengembara(TB/TL) <05128> [wander.] angkatan(TB)/bangsa(TL) <01755> [until all.] |
orang Israel, Kel 4:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 4:14] habis mati Bil 14:28-35; 26:64,65 [Semua] |
kawanan(TB)/kebanyakan(TL) <08635> [an increase.] Ge 5:3 8:21 Ne 9:24-26 Job 14:4 Ps 78:57 Isa 1:4 57:4
Eze 20:21 Mt 23:31-33 Lu 11:48 Ac 7:51,52 [Semua]
menambah(TB)/menambahi(TL) <05595> [to augment.] |
orang Israel Bil 32:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:10]; Ul 1:34; Mazm 78:59 [Semua] |
berbalik(TB)/undur(TL) <07725> [if ye turn.] lebih(TB)/niscaya(TL) <03254> [he will yet.] kemusnahan(TB)/kamulah ........ kebinasaan(TL) <07843> [ye shall.] |
membawa kemusnahan Ul 30:17-18; 2Taw 7:20 [Semua] |
This proposal was very equitable, and it was honestly made and faithfully executed; though it did not imply that all men capable of bearing arms should go, and so leave their families and possessions defenceless, but only a sufficient detachment of them. Among the inhabitants of the land were the Ammonites, Moabites, Idumeans, and the remains of the Midianites and Amorites; and as it was impossible for the women and children to keep the defenced cities, when placed in them, many of the men of war must of course stay behind. In the last census (ch. 26), the tribe of Reuben consisted of 43,730 men; the tribe of Gad 40,500; and the tribe of Manasseh 52,700; the half of which is 26,350; which together amount to 110,580. Now from Jos 4:13, we learn, that of these tribes only 40,000 armed men passed over Jordan to assist their brethren: consequently 70,580 men were left behind for the defence of the women, the children, and the flocks: which was amply sufficient for this purpose. |
mendirikan kandang-kandang Bil 32:24,36; 1Sam 24:4; Mazm 50:9; 78:70 [Semua] untuk ternak |
orang Israel, ke tempatnya; Bil 22:4; [Lihat FULL. Bil 22:4]; Ul 3:20 [Semua] |
milik pusakanya; |
pusaka(TB)/mempusakai(TL) <05157> [we will.] pusaka(TB/TL) <05159> [because.] seberang ............. seberang(TB)/seberang .............. sebelah(TL) <05676> [on this side.] |
milik pusaka sungai Yordan Bil 21:33; Yos 12:1; 22:7 [Semua] |
untuk berperang Catatan Frasa: JIKA KAMU HENDAK MEMPERSENJATAI DIRI. |
dari hadapan-Nya, |
negeri ........................ negeri(TB)/negeri ........................... tanah(TL) <0776> [land.] pulang(TB)/kembali(TL) <07725> [ye shall.] bebaslah(TB)/sucilah(TL) <05355> [be guiltless.] negeri ........................ negeri(TB)/negeri ........................... tanah(TL) <0776> [this land.] |
kamu pulang, menjadi milikmu Im 14:34; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:34] hadapan Tuhan. |
berbuat(TB/TL) <06213> [if ye will.] mengalami ... dosamu dosamu(TB)/ketahuilah .... dosamu(TL) <02403 03045> [be sure your sin.] If the persons concerned prevaricated, and so imposed on men, or if they afterwards refused to fulfil their engagement, God would most certainly detect and expose their wickedness, and inflict condign punishment upon them. Of all the ways, says Dr. South, to be taken for the prevention of that great plague of mankind, Sin, there is none so rational and efficacious as to confute and baffle those motives by which men are induced to embrace it; and among all such motives, the heart of man seems to be chiefly overpowered and prevailed upon by two, viz. secrecy in committing sin, and impunity with respect to its consequences. Accordingly, Moses, in this chapter, having to deal with a company of men suspected of a base and fraudulent design, though couched under a very fair pretence, as most such designs are, endeavours to quash it in its very conception, by secretly applying himself to encounter those secret motives and arguments, which he knew were the most likely to encourage them in it. And this he does very briefly, but effectually, by assuring them, that how covertly and artificially soever they might carry on their dark project, yet their sin would infallibly find them out. Though the subject and occasion of these words are indeed particular, yet the design of them is manifestly of an universal import, as reaching the case of all transgressors, in their first entrance on any sinful act or course. |
akan menimpa Kej 4:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 4:7]; Yes 3:9; [Lihat FULL. Yes 3:9] [Semua] |
kambing dombamu, Bil 32:1,16; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:1]; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:16] [Semua] kamu ucapkan. |
yang diperintahkan Bil 32:29; Yos 1:16,18; 22:2 [Semua] |
kota-kota Gilead, Bil 32:16,24; Yos 1:14; 12:2; 22:9; 2Sam 2:9; 1Taw 5:9 [Semua] |
hamba-hambamu(TB)/hamba(TL) <05650> [thy servants.] bersenjata(TB)/terpilih(TL) <02502> [armed.] tuanku(TB)/tuan(TL) <0113> [as my lord.] |
untuk bertempur, |
mengenai mereka Bil 32:29; Ul 3:18-20; Yos 1:13 [Semua] bin Nun, dari suku-suku |
takluk kepadamu, Bil 22:4; [Lihat FULL. Bil 22:4] sebagai milik. Bil 32:19; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:19] |
tidak menyeberang tanah Kanaan. |
yang difirmankan |
dengan bersenjata sungai Yordan Bil 32:30; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:30]; Yos 12:6 [Semua] |
Musa(TB/TL) <04872> [Moses.] suku suku(TB)/separuh(TL) <02677 07626> [half the.] kerajaan ....... kerajaan(TB)/kerajaan ...... kerajaan(TL) <04467> [the kingdom.] |
bani Gad, Yos 13:24-28; 1Sam 13:7 [Semua] suku Manasye orang Amori, raja Basan, Bil 32:19; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:19]; Yos 12:5; [Lihat FULL. Yos 12:5] [Semua] di seluruh Bil 21:24; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:24]; Bil 34:14; Ul 2:36; Yos 12:6 [Semua] |
Dibon(TB/TL) <01769> [Dibon.] Eusebius says that Dibon was a large town, near the river Arnon. Burckhardt says, that when he was about an hour's distance north of the Modjeb or Arnon, he was shown to the N. E. the ruins of Diban, the ancient Dibon, situated in the low ground of the Koura, or plains of Moab. Aroer(TB/TL) <06177> [Aroer.] Aroer was situated, according to Eusebius, on a mountain on the north bank of the river Arnon. This is confirmed by Burckhardt, who says it is called Araayr, and is seated on the edge of the precipice, at the foot of which the river flows. |
Atarot, Aroer, Ul 2:36; 3:12; 4:48; Yos 12:2; 13:9; Hak 11:26; 1Sam 30:28; 1Taw 5:8; Yer 48:19 [Semua] |
Yaezer(TB)/Yaezar(TL) <03270> [Jaazer.] [Jazer] |
Atarot-Sofan, Yaezer, Yogbeha, |
Bet-Nimra(TB)/Bait-Nimra(TL) <01039> [Beth-nimrah.] Probably the same as Nimrim in Jer 48:34, and the Bethnabris mentioned by Eusebius, five miles north from Livias. Burckhardt says, that "in the valley of the Jordan, south of Abou Obeida, are the ruins of Nemrim, probably the Beth-nimrah of the Scriptures." [Nimrah. fenced cities.] |
Bet-Nimra, Bil 32:3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:3] kambing domba. Bil 32:1; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:1] |
Hesybon(TB)/Hezbon(TL) <02809> [Heshbon.] [Eleahleh.] Elealeh is placed, by Eusebius, a mile from Heshbon. It is now called El Aal, "the high," and is situated on a hill. |
kota-kota Hesybon, Eleale, Bil 32:3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:3] Kiryataim, Yos 13:19; 1Taw 6:76; Yer 48:1,23; Yeh 25:9 [Semua] |
Nebo(TB/TL) <05015> [Nebo.] Baal-Meon(TB/TL) <01186> [Baal-meon.] This town is placed, by Eusebius and Jerome, nine miles from Heshbon, at the foot of mount Abarim. nama-namanya ...... memberi nama .... kota-kota(TB)/namanya ........ dikekalkannya nama ... negeri(TL) <08034 05892 07121> [gave other names unto the cities. Heb. they called by names the names of the cities.] |
Nebo, Bil 32:3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:3]; Yes 15:2; Yer 48:1,22 [Semua] dan Sibma; Bil 32:3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:3] |
Bani Makhir Kej 50:23; [Lihat FULL. Kej 50:23] ke Gilead; orang Amori Kej 10:16; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:16] |
kepada Makhir Kej 50:23; [Lihat FULL. Kej 50:23]; Ul 3:15 [Semua] |
Yair(TB/TL) <02971> [Jair.] Hawot-Yair(TB/TL) <02334> [Havoth-jair.] |
Yair, menamainya Hawot-Yair. Ul 3:14; Yos 13:30; Hak 10:4; 1Taw 2:23 [Semua] |
merebut Kenat menamainya Nobah namanya sendiri. 1Sam 15:12; 2Sam 18:18; Mazm 49:12; Yes 22:16; 56:5 [Semua] |
pasukan(TB)/balatentaranya(TL) <06635> [with their armies.] pimpinan(TB)/perintah(TL) <03027> [under the hand.] |
Judul : Tempat-tempat persinggahan perjalanan orang Israel Perikop : Bil 33:1-49 tempat-tempat persinggahan tanah Mesir, dan Harun; Kel 4:16; [Lihat FULL. Kel 4:16]; Kel 6:25 [Semua] |
dari tempat persinggahan ke tempat persinggahan ........ tempat-tempat persinggahan(TB)/perhentiannya ........ perhentian(TL) <04550> [journeys.] |
Musa menuliskan Kel 17:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 17:14] perjalanan Bil 33:1; [Lihat FULL. Bil 33:1] |
berangkat(TB)/berjalanlah(TL) <05265> [they departed.] pertama ......... pertama(TB)/pertama ........ pertama(TL) <07223> [in the first.] dinaikkan(TB)/mahakuasa(TL) <07311> [with an high.] |
Mereka berangkat dari Rameses Kej 47:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 47:11] sesudah Paskah yang dinaikkan, Kel 14:8; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:8] |
menguburkan(TB/TL) <06912> [buried.] allah(TB)/dewata(TL) <0430> [upon their gods.] |
anak sulung; Kel 4:23; [Lihat FULL. Kel 4:23] menjatuhkan hukuman-hukuman 2Taw 24:24; Yer 15:3; Yeh 14:21 [Semua] para allah Kel 12:12; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:12] |
Berangkatlah(TB)/Berjalanlah(TL) <05265> [removed.] Rameses(TB)/Raamsis(TL) <07486> [Rameses.] This appears to have been the capital of the land of Goshen, and the rendezvous of the Israelites. It is placed by Jerome in the extremity of Egypt, in the Arsenoitic nome. |
di Sukot. |
berangkat(TB)/berjalanlah(TL) <05265> [departed.] Sukot(TB/TL) <05523> [Succoth.] Supposed to be the Such‘ mentioned by Pliny and the Scenas Mandrorum, in the Antonine Itinerary. The Editor of Calmet places it at Birket el Hadji, or "the Pilgrims' pool," a few miles east of Cairo. Etam(TB/TL) <0864> [Etham.] This was evidently situated towards the north point of the Red sea. Calmet supposes it to be the same as Buthus or Butham, mentioned by Herodotus, who places it in Arabia, on the frontiers of Egypt. |
padang gurun. |
berangkat(TB)/berjalanlah(TL) <05265> [they removed.] Baal-Zefon(TB/TL) <01189> [Baal-zephon.] Calmet supposes this to be the Clysma of the Greeks, and the Kolzum of the Arabians. His learned Editor thinks the true situation of Baal-zephon was some miles more northerly than the present Suez. |
depan Baal-Zefon, tentangan Migdol. Kel 14:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:2] |
berangkat(TB)/berjalanlah(TL) <05265> [departed.] Etam(TB/TL) <0864> [Etham.] Called Shur in Exodus; but Dr. Shaw says that Shur is a particular district of the wilderness of Etham. |
dari Pi-Hahirot tengah-tengah laut Kel 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:22] di Mara. Kel 15:23; [Lihat FULL. Kel 15:23] |
mereka berkemah. |
Elim(TB/TL) <0362> [Elim.] |
dari Elim, |
gurun Sin. Kel 16:1; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:1] |
Rafidim(TB/TL) <07508> [Rephidim.] |
air minum Kel 15:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 15:22]; Kel 17:2; [Lihat FULL. Kel 17:2] [Semua] |
dari Rafidim, Kel 17:1; [Lihat FULL. Kel 17:1] gurun Sinai. Kel 19:1; [Lihat FULL. Kel 19:1] |
berangkat(TB)/berjalanlah(TL) <05265> [they removed.] Kibrot-Taawa(TB)/Kiberot Taawa(TL) <06914> [Kibroth-hattaavah.] That is, the graves of lust. |
di Kibrot-Taawa. Bil 11:34; [Lihat FULL. Bil 11:34] |
di Hazerot. |
berangkat(TB)/Maka dari ... berjalanlah(TL) <05265> [they departed.] Ritma(TB/TL) <07575> [Rithmah.] Rithmah was a place in the wilderness of Paran, near Kadesh Barnea; probably so called from the great number of juniper trees, as the name signifies, growing in that district. |
Rimon-Peros(TB)/Rimon-Paris(TL) <07428> [Rimmon-parez.] Probably the same as Rimmon, a city of Judah and Simeon, Jos 15:32, 19:7. |
di Libna. Yos 10:29; 12:15; 15:42; 21:13; 2Raj 8:22; 19:8; 23:31; 1Taw 6:57; 2Taw 21:10; Yes 37:8; Yer 52:1 [Semua] |
Libna(TB/TL) <03841> [Libnah.] [Laban. Rissah.] This is supposed, apparently with good reason, by the Editor of Calmet, to be the same with the present El Arish, a village three quarters of a league from the Mediterranean, and the last stage in Syria, on the road to Egypt. |
Har-Syafer(TB)/Syafir(TL) <08234> [Shapher.] The Editor of Calmet, who supposes the Israelites to be now in the regular track from Gaza to Egypt, is of opinion that mount Shapher is the ancient name of mount Cassius, Catjeh, or Cati‚, a huge mole of sand, almost surrounded by the Mediterranean, on which was built a temple to Jupiter Cassius. Thevenot states, that at the village of Cati‚ there is a well of water unpleasant for drinking; but two miles off, another whose water is good after standing a little. |
Moserot(TB/TL) <04149> [Moseroth.] This is supposed by Mr. C. Taylor, to be Ain el Mousa, (probably a corruption of Moseroth) or fountains of Moses, at the head of the western gulf of the Red sea, about seven or eight miles east from Suez, seven or eight days' journey from Gaza, and five or six from Sinai. [Mosera.] |
di Moserot. |
Bene-Yaakan(TB)/Yakan(TL) <01142> [Bene-jaakan.] |
di Bene-Yaakan. |
Hor-Gidgad(TB)/Hor-Jidjad(TL) <02735> [Hor-hagid-gad.] [Gudgodah.] |
Yotbata(TB/TL) <03193> [Jotbathah.] Mr. Taylor, who imagines the Israelites to be now in the track of the Mecca pilgrims, supposes Jotbathah, which is described as "a land of brooks of water," to be Callah Nahar, a torrent, said to be good water by Dr. Shaw. [Jotbath.] |
di Yotbata. |
Abrona(TB)/Aberona(TL) <05684> [Ebronah.] Probably at Abiah Ailana, or Sat el Acaba, stations nearer Accaba. |
Ezion-Geber(TB)/Ezion-Jeber(TL) <06100> [Ezion-gaber.] Dr. Shaw places this port on the western shore of the Elanitic gulf of the Red Sea. He says it is now called Meenah el Dsahab, or the golden port, by the Arabs; because it was from this place that Solomon sent his ships to Ophir. He supposes it to be about sixty miles from Sinai; and it is probable that it was near the present Accaba, i.e., the end (of the sea). [Ezion-geber.] |
di Ezion-Geber. Ul 2:8; 1Raj 9:26; 22:48 [Semua] |
gurun Zin Zin(TB)/padang Zin(TL) <06790 04057> [the wilderness of Zin.] |
gurun Zin, Bil 13:21; [Lihat FULL. Bil 13:21] |
Kadesh(TB)/Kades(TL) <06946> [Kadesh.] |
gunung Hor, Bil 20:22; [Lihat FULL. Bil 20:22] tanah Edom. Kej 36:16; [Lihat FULL. Kej 36:16]; Bil 20:16; [Lihat FULL. Bil 20:16] [Semua] |
ia mati Bil 27:13; [Lihat FULL. Bil 27:13] keempat puluh Kel 16:35; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:35] tanah Mesir, |
itu raja Kej 10:18; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:18] negeri Arad, Bil 21:1; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:1] Tanah Negeb Kej 12:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:9] |
Funon(TB/TL) <06325> [Punon.] Called Phainon by Eusebius, who places it between Petra and Zoar. Perhaps it is the present Tafyle, mentioned by Burckhardt. |
berkemah ... Obot ... Obot(TB)/berhenti ... Obot(TL) <088 02583> [pitched in Oboth.] |
di Obot. |
Abarim(TB/TL) <05863> [Ije-abarim. or, heaps of Abarim.] |
daerah Moab. Bil 21:11; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:11] |
Dibon-Gad(TB)/Dibon(TL) <01769> [Dibon-gad.] Almon-Diblataim(TB)/Almon-Dibelatayim(TL) <05963> [Almon-diblathaim.] [Beth-diblathaim.] [Diblath.] |
pegunungan(TB)/bukit(TL) <02022> [the mountains.] These mountains were a ridge of rugged hills east of Jordan, and north and west of the Arnon. Nebo, Pisgah, and Peor, were but different names of the hills of which they were composed. Eusebius and Jerome inform us, that some part of them, as one went up to Heshbon, retained the old name of Abarim in their time; and that the part called Nebo was opposite Jericho, not far from the Jordan, six miles west from Heshbon, and seven east from Livias. Dr. Shaw describes them as "an exceeding high ridge of desolate mountains, no otherwise diversified than by a succession of naked rocks and precipices; rendered in some places the more frightful by a multiplicity of torrents, which fall on each side of them. This ridge is continued all along the eastern coast of the Dead sea." Mount Nebo is now called Djebel Attarous; and is described as a barren mountain, the highest point in the neighbourhood, with an uneven plain on the top. Burckhardt, Travels, pp. 369, 370. |
pegunungan Abarim depan Nebo. |
dataran(TB)/padang-padang(TL) <06160> [in the plains.] |
pegunungan Abarim, dataran Moab Bil 26:3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 26:3] sungai Yordan Kej 13:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 13:10] dekat Yerikho. |
Bet-Yesimot(TB)/Yesimot(TL) <01020> [Beth-jesimoth.] Probably the place called Bethsimath by Eusebius, east of Jordan, and about ten miles south of Jericho. Abel-Sitim(TB)/Abel-Sittim(TL) <063> [Abel-shittim. or, the plains of Shittim.] This place, according to Josephus, (Ant. 1. iv. c. 7, 1. Bell. 1. v. c. 3,) who calls it Abela, was 60 furlongs east of Jordan. |
dari Bet-Yesimot Yos 12:3; 13:20; Yeh 25:9 [Semua] ke Abel-Sitim Bil 21:16; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:16] |
Judul : Apa yang harus dilakukan sesudah tanah Kanaan direbut Perikop : Bil 33:50-56 sungai Yordan |
tanah Kanaan, |
segala bukit Im 26:1; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:1]; Mazm 106:34-36 [Semua] |
untuk diduduki. Ul 11:31; 17:14; Yos 1:11; 21:43 [Semua] |
membagi .................................................. membagi(TB)/bahagi ............................................... beroleh bahagianmu(TL) <05157> [ye shall divide.] jumlahnya .... bahagian pusakanya pusaka ......... bahagian pusakanya .... pusaka(TB)/besarkan bahagian pusakanya .......... bahagian pusakanya(TL) <05159 07235> [give the more inheritance. Heb. multiply his inheritance.] bahagian pusakanya pusaka ........ jumlahnya bahagian pusakanya .... pusaka(TB)/bahagian pusakanya ......... kecilkan bahagian pusakanya(TL) <05159 04591> [give the less inheritance. Heb. diminish his inheritance in the place.] |
membuang undi Im 16:8; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:8]; Bil 36:2 [Semua] menurut kaummu: yang kecil; menurut suku |
selumbar(TB)/duri(TL) <07899> [shall be pricks.] |
seperti duri Yos 23:13; Hak 2:3; Mazm 106:36; Yes 55:13; Yeh 2:6; 28:24; Mi 7:4; 2Kor 12:7 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: JIKA KAMU TIDAK MENGHALAU PENDUDUK NEGERI ITU. |
kepada mereka. |