Cheshbown <02809>

Nwbvx Cheshbown

Asal Mula:the same as 02808
Jenis Kata:n pr loc (noun proper locative)
Dalam Ibrani:Nwbsx 23, Nwbsxb 11, Nwbsxm 2, Nwbsxmw 1, Nwbsxw 1
Dalam TB:Hesybon 37, Hesbon 1
Dalam AV:Heshbon 38
Definisi : Heshbon = "stronghold" 1) the capital city of Sihon, king of the Amorites, located on the western border of the high plain and on the border line between the tribes of Reuben and Gad
the same as 2808; Cheshbon, a place East of the Jordan: KJV -- Heshbon.
see HEBREW for 02808
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Hesbon (TB)
Hesybon (TB, BIS, FAYH)
Hezbon (TL)

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