TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Keluaran 4:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yitro ..................... Yitro(TB)/Jetero ............................ Jetero(TL) <03500 03503> [Jethro. Heb. Jether.]

<03212> [Let me go.]

melihat(TB)/lihat(TL) <07200> [and see.]

selamat ......... selamat(TB)/selamat(TL) <03212 07965> [Go in peace.]

In the LXX. and Coptic, the following addition is made to this verse: [Meta de tas Lemeras tas pollas ekeinas eteleut‚sen ho basileus Aigyptou,] "After these many days, the king of Egypt died." This was probably an ancient side-note, which crept into the text, as it appeared to throw light on the next verse.


Judul : Musa kembali ke Mesir

Perikop : Kel 4:18-31

Keluaran 6:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sumpah ... Kujanjikan(TB)/Kujanji(TL) <05375> [swear. Heb. lift up my hand.]

The ancient mode of appealing to God was by lifting up the right hand, and was considered as a form of swearing. Hence {yamin,} in Hebrew the right hand, is in Arabic an oath, and as a verb, to take an oath. A similar custom prevailed among the heathens. See Virg. ’n. 1. xii. v. 196.

memberikannya .......... memberikannya(TB)/memberikan ........... memberikan(TL) <05414> [to give.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [I am.]


ke negeri

Kej 12:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 12:7]; Kel 3:8 [Semua]

dengan sumpah

Yer 11:5; Yeh 20:6 [Semua]

telah Kujanjikan

Kej 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:22]; Wahy 10:5-6 [Semua]

dan Yakub,

Mazm 136:21-22 [Semua]

Akulah Tuhan.

Im 18:21


Keluaran 8:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Silakanlah ... katakan bila(TB)/Berikanlah(TL) <06286 04970> [Glory over me. or, Have this honour over me.]

katakan(TB)/bila(TL) <04970> [when. or, against when. to destroy. Heb. to cut of.]


katakan kepadaku,

Kel 9:5

Keluaran 10:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lama(TB)/lamakah(TL) <04970> [How long.]

merendahkan(TB)/menundukkan dirimu(TL) <06031> [humble.]


untuk merendahkan

1Raj 21:29; 2Raj 22:19; 2Taw 7:14; 12:7; 33:23; 34:27; Ayub 42:6; Yes 58:3; Dan 5:22; Yak 4:10; 1Pet 5:6 [Semua]

Keluaran 10:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memenuhi(TB/TL) <04390> [fill.]

bapamu ... nenek moyangmu(TB)/bapa .... nenek moyang(TL) <01> [which.]

berpalinglah(TB/TL) <06437> [And he.]


memenuhi rumahmu,

Yoel 2:9

hari ini.

Kel 9:18; [Lihat FULL. Kel 9:18]

Keluaran 12:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


seikat(TB/TL) <092> [a bunch.]

hisop(TB)/zufa(TL) <0231> [hyssop.]

The word {aizov,} which has been variously rendered, most probably denotes Hyssop; whence are derived the Chaldee {aizova,} Syriac {zupha,} Arabic {zupha,} Ethiopic {azab,} and {hushopa,} Greek [`ussopos,] hussopos <\\See definition 5301\\>,] Latin {hyssopus,} German {usop,} and our hyssop, a name retained, with little variation, in all the western languages. It is a plant of the gymnospermia (naked seeded) order, belonging to the didynamia class. It has bushy stalks, growing a foot and a half high; small spear-shaped, close-sitting, and opposite leaves, with several smaller ones rising from the same joint; and all the stalks and branches terminated by erect whorled spikes of flowers, of different colours in the varieties of the plant. The leaves have an aromatic smell, and a warm, pungent taste. Its detersive, cleansing, and medicinal qualities were probably the reason why it was so particularly recommended in Scripture.

sapukan(TB)/percikkanlah(TL) <05060> [strike.]


seorangpun(TB/TL) <0376> [and none.]


seikat hisop

Im 14:4,6; Bil 19:18; Mazm 51:9 [Semua]

dan darah

Ibr 11:28

Keluaran 13:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Peringatilah(TB)/Ingatlah(TL) <02142> [Remember.]

rumah(TB)/tempat(TL) <01004> [out of the.]

perbudakan(TB)/perhambaan(TL) <05650> [bondage. Heb. servants. strength.]

beragi(TB)/berkhamir(TL) <02557> [there.]


dari Mesir,

Kel 13:14; Kel 7:4; Im 26:13; Bil 1:1; 9:1; 22:5; 26:4; Ul 4:45; 5:6; Mazm 81:11; 114:1 [Semua]

kekuatan tangan-Nya

Kel 3:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:20]

yang beragi.

Kel 12:8; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:8]

Keluaran 14:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hati(TB/TL) <03824> [and the heart.]

perbuat(TB)/berbuat(TL) <06213> [Why have we.]


telah lari,

Kej 31:21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:21]

berubahlah hati

Mazm 105:25

Keluaran 19:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


naiklah ............... mendaki(TB)/naiklah .................. naik(TL) <05927> [and thou.]

imam(TB/TL) <03548> [but let.]

dilanda-Nya(TB)/diterkamnya(TL) <06555> [lest.]


beserta Harun;

Kel 24:1,9 [Semua]

jangan dilanda-Nya.

Kel 19:22

Keluaran 20:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyembah(TB)/sujud(TL) <07812> [bow down.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [for I.]

membalaskan(TB)/membalas(TL) <06485> [visiting.]

membenci(TB)/membenci akan Daku(TL) <08130> [of them.]


sujud menyembah

Kel 23:13,24; Yos 23:7; Hak 6:10; 2Raj 17:35; Yes 44:15,17,19; 46:6 [Semua]

adalah Allah

Kel 34:14; Ul 4:24; Yos 24:19; Nah 1:2 [Semua]

kesalahan bapa

Kej 9:25; [Lihat FULL. Kej 9:25]; Im 26:39; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:39] [Semua]

kepada keturunan

Kel 34:7; Bil 14:18; Yer 32:18 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: ANAK-ANAKNYA.

Keluaran 21:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tongkat(TB)/tongkatnya(TL) <04938> [upon his staff.]

membayar kerugian(TB)/digantinya rugi(TL) <05414> [only he shall pay.]

This was a wise and excellent institution. The same provision is made in the civil law; and most courts of justice still regulate their decisions in such cases by this Mosaic precept.

menganggur(TB)/berhenti kerjanya(TL) <07674> [the loss. Heb. his ceasing.]

Keluaran 22:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dinyalakan ... api memerun(TB)/api ...... memerun(TL) <0784 03318> [If fire break out.]

Mr. Harmer observes, that it is a common custom in the East to set the dry herbage on fire; which fires, from want of care, often produce great damage. Hence a law to guard against such evils was highly expedient.

tumpukan gandum(TB)/lampur gandum(TL) <01430> [so that the stacks of corn.]

api ..... menyebabkan kebakaran ........ memerun(TB)/memerun(TL) <01200 01197> [he that kindled the fire.]


tetapi tumpukan

Hak 15:5

ganti kerugian

Kel 22:1

Keluaran 27:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kemah Pertemuan perhimpunan(TB)/kemah perhimpunan(TL) <04150 0168> [the tabernacle of the congregation.]

di depan tabir tirai(TB)/luar tirai(TL) <02351 06532> [without the vail.]

hukum(TB)/assyahadat(TL) <05715> [testimony.]

Harun(TB/TL) <0175> [Aaron.]

petang(TB/TL) <06153> [evening.]

ketetapan ..... selama-lamanya ........ kekal(TB)/hukum ... kekal(TL) <05769 02708> [a statute for ever.]


Kemah Pertemuan

Kel 28:43; 29:42; 30:36; 33:7; Im 1:1; 6:26; 8:3,31; Bil 1:1; 31:54; Yos 18:1; 1Raj 1:39 [Semua]

tabut hukum,

Kel 16:34; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:34]

anak-anaknya mengaturnya

Kel 25:37; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:37]

suatu ketetapan

Kel 29:9; 30:21; Im 3:17; 16:34; 17:7; Bil 18:23; 19:21; 1Sam 30:25 [Semua]

Keluaran 28:43

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mezbah(TB/TL) <04196> [unto the altar.]

membawa kesalahan ............. kesalahan(TB)/kena ... kesalahan(TL) <05771 05375> [bear not iniquity.]

ketetapan(TB)/hukum(TL) <02708> [a statute.]


Kemah Pertemuan

Kel 27:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 27:21]

tempat kudus,

Kel 28:29

lalu mati.

Kel 30:20,21; Im 16:13; 22:9; Bil 1:51; 4:15,20; 18:22 [Semua]

suatu ketetapan

Kel 27:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 27:21]

Keluaran 29:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Harun(TB/TL) <0175> [Aaron's.]

persembahan khusus ...... persembahan khusus .............. persembahan khusus(TB)/korban tatangan .... korban tatangan ............... korban tatangan(TL) <08641> [is an heave.]

korban keselamatan(TB)/korban(TL) <02077> [sacrifice.]


persembahan khusus

Kel 29:22-27; Im 7:30,34; 10:15 [Semua]

Keluaran 33:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tegar(TB/TL) <07186> [Ye are.]

sesaatpun ...... sebentar(TB)/sebentar(TL) <07281 0259> [in a moment.]

tanggalkanlah(TB/TL) <03381> [put off.]

melihat(TB)/Kuketahui(TL) <03045> [I may.]


ini bangsa

Kel 32:9; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:9]

akan membinasakan

Kel 32:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:10]

Keluaran 34:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mendapat(TB)/beroleh(TL) <04672> [If now.]

Tuhan .... Tuhan(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <0136> [let my Lord.]

tegar(TB/TL) <07186> [stiff-necked.]

ampunilah(TB/TL) <05545> [pardon.]

milik-Mu(TB)/pusaka(TL) <05157> [take us.]


kasih karunia

Kel 33:13; Bil 11:15 [Semua]

tengah-tengah kami;

Kel 33:15; [Lihat FULL. Kel 33:15]

tegar tengkuk,

Kel 32:9

dan dosa

Bil 14:19; 1Raj 8:30; 2Taw 6:21; Mazm 19:13; 25:11; Yer 33:8; Hos 14:3 [Semua]

menjadi milik-Mu.

Kel 6:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:6]; Kel 19:5; Ul 4:20; 7:6; 9:26,29; 14:2; 26:18; 32:9; 1Sam 10:1; 2Sam 14:16; 1Raj 8:51,53; Mazm 28:9; 33:12; 74:2; 79:1; 94:14; 106:5,40; Yes 19:25; 63:17; Yer 10:16; 51:19; Mi 7:18; Za 2:12 [Semua]

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