chuqqah <02708>

hqx chuqqah

Asal Mula:from 02706
Referensi:TWOT - 728b
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Ibrani:tqx 21, ytqx 12, ytwqx 9, wytqxw 8, twqx 8, tqxl 8, wytqx 7, ytwqxb 6, ytqxw 4, ytqxb 4, twqxb 4, hqx 2, ytwqxw 2, Mhytqxbw 1, ytqxbw 1, tqxk 1, Mtqxk 1, wytqxbw 1, twqxm 1, Kyqxw 1, hqxh 1, tqxb 1, Kytqxb 1
Dalam TB:ketetapan 45, ketetapan-Ku 23, ketetapan-ketetapan-Ku 11, ketetapan-Nya 7, kebiasaan 3, ketetapan-ketetapan 2, peraturan-peraturan 2, peraturannya 2, hukum-hukum 1, aturan 1, adat istiadat 1, peraturan 1, ketetapan-ketetapan-Nya 1, tetap 1, menetapkan 1, ketetapan-Mu 1, ketetapan-ketetapan-Mu 1
Dalam AV:statute 77, ordinance 22, custom 2, appointed 1, manners 1, rites 1
Definisi : 1) statute, ordinance, limit, enactment, something prescribed 1a) statute
feminine of 2706, and meaning substantially the same: KJV -- appointed, custom, manner, ordinance, site, statute.
see HEBREW for 02706
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