rega` <07281>

egr rega`

Asal Mula:from 07280 a wink (of the eyes), i.e. a very short space of time
Referensi:TWOT - 2116a
Jenis Kata:n m, adv, with prep (noun masculine, adverb, with preposition)
Dalam Ibrani:egr 12, Myegrl 4, egrk 3, heygra 1, egrb 1, egrw 1, egrbw 1
Dalam TB:sekejap mata 10, sesaat 4, saat 2, kalanya 2, baru saja 1, senantiasa 1, sesaatpun 1, terus-menerus 1
Dalam AV:moment 18, instant 2, space 1, suddenly 1
Definisi : n m 1) a moment adv 2) for a moment, at one another moment with prep 3) in a moment
from 7280. a wink (of the eyes), i.e. a very short space of time: KJV -- instant, moment, space, suddenly.
see HEBREW for 07280
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