`anah <06031>

hne `anah

Asal Mula:a primitive root [possibly rather ident. with 06030 through the idea of looking down or browbeating]
Referensi:TWOT - 1651 1652
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Ibrani:hne 7, wne 4, wnew 4, Mtynew 4, ytyne 3, wney 3, twnel 3, hnet 3, hneyw 2, Mnet 2, hney 2, wtne 2, Kynem 2, Ktnew 2, Mneyw 2, tnel 2, Ktne 2, hnen 2, wtwnel 2, ytynen 1, wnyne 1, Knea 1, htyne 1, wntyne 1, wtwne 1, twne 1, wnet 1, wnwneyw 1, ynnet 1, hneaw 1, wnety 1, hnem 1, hnetw 1, wtnel 1, hnea 1, hnemw 1, wnnetw 1, ynethw 1, Ktwnel 1, tyneth 1, twnethl 1, tyne 1, yntyne 1, twnethlw 1, Nwnet 1, Kneyw 1, hneth 1, ynneyw 1, wnney 1
Dalam TB:merendahkan 14, menindas 13, memperkosa 7, ditindas 5, tertindas 5, melelahkan 2, tindas 2, ditundukkan 2, memang menindas 2, menindasnya 2, merendahkan dirimu 2, merendahkan hatimu 2, dianiaya 1, Leanot 1, Kautindihkan 1, disiksa 1, kebaikan-Mu 1, direndahkan-Nya 1, diperkosa 1, diperkosanya 1, diperkosanyalah 1, diderita 1, direndahkan-Nya hatimu 1, membiarkan sibuk 1, menyiksa 1, menundukkannya 1, penderitaannya 1, penindasmu 1, perkosa 1, mengimpit 1, mengalah 1, perkosalah 1, mematahkan 1, turut menderita 1, menderita sengsara 1, mengaibkan 1, memaksa 1
Dalam AV:afflict 50, humble 11, force 5, exercised 2, sing 2, Leannoth 1, troubled 1, weakened 1, misc 11
Definisi : 1) (Qal) to be occupied, be busied with 2) to afflict, oppress, humble, be afflicted, be bowed down 2a) (Qal) 2a1) to be put down, become low 2a2) to be depressed, be downcast 2a3) to be afflicted 2a4) to stoop 2b) (Niphal) 2b1) to humble oneself, bow down 2b2) to be afflicted, be humbled 2c) (Piel) 2c1) to humble, mishandle, afflict 2c2) to humble, be humiliated 2c3) to afflict 2d4) to humble, weaken oneself 2d) (Pual) 2d1) to be afflicted 2d2) to be humbled 2e) (Hiphil) to afflict 2f) (Hithpael) 2f1) to humble oneself 2f2) to be afflicted
a primitive root (possibly rather ident. with 6030 through the idea of looking down or browbeating); to depress literally or figuratively, transitive or intransitive (in various applications, as follows): KJV -- abase self, afflict(-ion, self), answer (by mistake for 6030), chasten self, deal hardly with, defile, exercise, force, gentleness, humble (self), hurt, ravish, sing (by mistake for 6030), speak (by mistake for 6030), submit self, weaken, X in any wise.
see HEBREW for 06030
see HEBREW for 06030
see HEBREW for 06030
see HEBREW for 06030
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:Leanot (TB, BIS, TL)

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