TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Tawarikh 16:32

TSK Full Life Study Bible


laut(TB)/lautpun(TL) <03220> [the sea.]

padang(TB)/padangpun(TL) <07704> [fields.]


serta isinya,

Kel 20:11; Yes 42:10 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 13:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]


pada keluarga

2Sam 6:11; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 6:11]


1 Tawarikh 23:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Juga .... menyediakan(TB)/roti(TL) <03899> [for the shewbread.]

It was the priests' office to place this bread before the Lord; and it was their privilege to feed on the old loaves when they were replaced by the new.

tepung(TB)/tepung halus(TL) <05560> [the fine flour.]

beragi(TB)/fatir(TL) <04682> [unleavened.]

panggangan(TB) <04227> [pan. or, flat plate. for all manner of measure.]

The standards of all weights and measures were in the sanctuary; and therefore the Levites had the inspection of weights and measures of every kind, that no fraud might in this way be committed. Honesty is inseparably connected with piety; and hence the Levites, being sufficiently numerous, were employed to superintend the former, as well as the latter.


menyediakan sajian

Kel 25:30; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:30]

korban sajian,

Im 2:4-7; 6:20-23 [Semua]

dan ukuran.

Im 19:35-36; 1Taw 9:29,32; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 9:29]; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 9:32] [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 8:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sema(TB/TL) <08087> [Shema.]

[Shimhi. the fathers.]

Ayalon(TB/TL) <0357> [Aijalon.]



penduduk Ayalon;

Yos 10:12; [Lihat FULL. Yos 10:12]

penduduk Gat.

Yos 11:22; [Lihat FULL. Yos 11:22]

1 Tawarikh 9:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible

1 Tawarikh 16:43

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bangsa(TB)/banyak(TL) <05971> [all the people.]

salam(TB)/memberkati(TL) <01288> [to bless.]

1 Tawarikh 4:38

TSK Full Life Study Bible


disebutkan ... namanya(TB)/termasyhur namanya(TL) <08034 0935> [mentioned by their names. Heb. coming by names.]

1 Tawarikh 5:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible

1 Tawarikh 6:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Mahli(TB/TL) <04249> [Mahli.]



Anak-anak Merari

Kej 46:11; [Lihat FULL. Kej 46:11]; 1Taw 23:21; 24:26 [Semua]

dan Musi.

Kel 6:18; [Lihat FULL. Kel 6:18]

1 Tawarikh 10:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Saul(TB/TL) <07586> [Saul.]

keluarganya(TB)/isi(TL) <01004> [all his house.]

"All his men," in Samuel; that is, all who were present with him in the battle; and his family received such a blow, that it never recovered itself again. For though Ishbosheth reigned over a part of the country, yet it was not in any splendour. This history seems to be repeated here as an introduction to that of the kingdom of David.

1 Tawarikh 5:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kenamaan(TB)/termasyhur(TL) <0582 08034> [famous men. Heb. men of names]

1 Tawarikh 12:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Zadok(TB/TL) <06659> [Zadok.]


selanjutnya Zadok,

1Taw 6:8; 15:11; 16:39; 27:17 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 16:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hadapan-Nya .... bumi dunia(TB)/hadirat-Nya(TL) <06440 0776> [before him.]

tegak(TB)/ditetapkan(TL) <03559> [stable.]



Mazm 2:11; 33:8; 76:9; 99:1; 114:7 [Semua]

tidak bergoyang.

Mazm 93:1

1 Tawarikh 23:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible

1 Tawarikh 23:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ziza(TB/TL) <02125> [Zizah.]

banyak anak anaknya(TB)/banyak anaknya(TL) <07235 01121> [had not many sons. Heb. did not multiply sons.]

1 Tawarikh 8:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ehud(TB/TL) <0261> [Ehud.]


Geba(TB/TL) <01387> [Geba.]

Manahat(TB/TL) <04506> [Manahath.]


anak-anak Ehud;

Hak 3:12-30 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 5:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


This verse is wanting both in the Syriac and Arabic.

1 Tawarikh 10:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yabesh-Gilead(TB)/Yabes(TL) <03003> [when.]



Hak 21:8; [Lihat FULL. Hak 21:8]

1 Tawarikh 12:29-30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


saudara-saudara(TB/TL) <0251> [kindred. Heb. brethren.]

kebanyakan ..... tetap ..... mengikut(TB)/banyak(TL) <04768 08104> [the greatest part of them. Heb. a multitude of them.]


bani Benyamin,

2Sam 3:19; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 3:19]

itu kebanyakan

2Sam 2:8-9 [Semua]


kenamaan(TB/TL) <08034> [famous. Heb. men of names.]

1 Tawarikh 26:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


besar .... kecil ..... besar(TB)/kecil ..... besar(TL) <06996 01419> [as well the small as the great. Heb. or, as well for the small as for the great.]


membuang undi,

1Taw 24:5,31; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 24:5]; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 24:31]; 1Taw 25:8 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 4:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Probably Jabez should be mentioned here; as otherwise he is as a consequent without an antecedent.


1 Tawarikh 8:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible

1 Tawarikh 24:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lebih banyak(TB)/banyak(TL) <07227> [more.]

Eleazar keturunan Eleazar ........... keturunan ...... Eleazar ...... bani Eleazar ......... bani(TB)/bani Eleazar ........ bani .......... bani Eleazar ............ bani(TL) <0499 01121> [sons of Eleazar.]

puak ......... puak(TB)/rumah ............ rumah(TL) <01004> [according.]

1 Tawarikh 24:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


panitera(TB)/jurutulis(TL) <05608> [the scribe.]

puak .......... puak ........... rumah(TB)/bapa-bapa ............... seisi rumah(TL) <01 01004> [principal household. Heb. house of the father.]


Zadok, Ahimelekh

1Taw 18:16

1 Tawarikh 2:55

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ahli(TB)/orang Soferi(TL) <05608> [the scribes.]

Yabes(TB)/Yabez(TL) <03258> [Jabez.]

Keni(TB)/orang Keni(TL) <07017> [Kenites.]

Rekhab(TB/TL) <07394> [Rechab.]


orang Keni

Kej 15:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 15:19]; Hak 4:11; [Lihat FULL. Hak 4:11] [Semua]

keturunan Hamat

Yos 19:35

keluarga Rekhab.

2Raj 10:15,23; Yer 35:2-19 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 7:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


1 Tawarikh 7:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible

1 Tawarikh 7:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pahlawan-pahlawan ... gagah perkasa ... perkasa(TB)/perwira(TL) <01368 02428> [mighty men.]

1 Tawarikh 9:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mula-mula(TB/TL) <07223> [A.M. 3468. B.C. 536. the first.]

para budak di bait Allah(TB)/orang pemberian(TL) <05411> [the Nethinims.]


di kota-kota

Yos 9:27; Ezr 2:70 [Semua]

para budak

Ezr 2:43,58; 8:20; Neh 7:60 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 17:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


duduklah .... hadapan .... hadapan(TB)/tinggal ... hadapan(TL) <06440 03427> [sat before.]

TUHAN ........ TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ......... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [Who am I.]

keluargaku(TB)/rumahku(TL) <01004> [what is.]

masuklah ......................... membawa(TB)/masuklah ..... ke ........................... mendatangkan(TL) <0935> [that thou hast.]


Judul : Doa syukur Daud

Perikop : 1Taw 17:16-27


2Sam 7:18-29 dengan 1Taw 17:16-27

1 Tawarikh 17:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


janji(TB)/firman(TL) <01697> [let the thing.]


selama-lamanya janji

1Raj 8:25; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 8:25]

1 Tawarikh 17:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berkenan(TB)/kasih-Mu(TL) <02974> [let it please. or, it hath pleased. blessest.]


di hadapan-Mu

Mazm 16:11; 21:7 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 8:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Yerusalem(TB)/Yeruzalem(TL) <03389> [Jerusalem.]

Jerusalem, the ancient capital of Judea, is situated in long. 35 degrees 20. min. E., lat. 31 degrees 47 min 47 sec. N.; and, according to the best authorities, 136 miles S. W. of Damascus, 34 miles S. of Shechem or Nablous, 45 miles E. of Jaffa, 27 miles N. of Hebron, and about 20 miles W. of Jericho. The city of Jerusalem was built on hills, and encompassed with mountains, (Ps 125:2,) in a stony and barren soil, and was about sixteen furlongs in length, say Strabo. The ancient city of Jebus, taken by David from the Jebusites, was not large, and stood on a mountain south of that on which the temple was erected. Here David built a new city, called the city of David, wherein was the royal palace. Between these two mountains lay the valley of Millo, filled up by David and Solomon; and after the reign of Manasseh, another city is mentioned, called the second. The Maccabees considerably enlarged Jerusalem on the north, enclosing a third hill; and Josephus mentions a fourth hill, called Bezetha, which Agrippa joined to the former: this new city lay north of the temple, along the brook Kidron. See note ch. 9:34.

1 Tawarikh 9:34

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kepala bapa-bapa ..... kepala(TB)/penghulu bapa-bapa ..... kepala(TL) <01 07218> [chief fathers.]

Yerusalem(TB)/Yeruzalem(TL) <03389> [Jerusalem.]

We have already seen the situation and extent of this ancient city, (Note on 8:28;) but the Jerusalem of sacred history is no more. After having been successively destroyed by the Babylonians and Romans, and taken by the Saracens, Crusaders, and Turks, in the possession of the latter of whom it still continues, not a vestige remains of the capital of David and Solomon, not a monument of Jewish times is standing. The very course of the walls is changed, and the boundaries of the ancient city are become doubtful. The monks pretend to shew the sites of the sacred places; but they have not the slightest pretensions to even a probable identity with the real places. The Jerusalem that now is, however, called by the Arabs {El Kouds,} or "the holy city," is still a respectable, good-looking town, of an irregular shape: it is surrounded by high embattled walls, enclosing an area not exceeding two miles and a half, and occupying two small hills, having the valley of Jehoshaphat on the east, the valley of Siloam and Gehinnom on the south, and the valley of Rephaim on the west; and containing a population variously estimated at from 20,000 to 30,000 souls.

1 Tawarikh 16:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bernyanyilah(TB)/nyanyilah(TL) <07891> [Sing.]

kabarkanlah(TB/TL) <01319> [shew forth.]

1 Tawarikh 24:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Musi(TB/TL) <04187> [Mushi.]

1 Tawarikh 26:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ladan ...... Ladan(TB)/Ladan .... Ladan ........ Ladan(TL) <03936> [Laadan.]



keturunan Gerson

1Taw 23:7; 29:8 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 28:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memilih ...... puakku ... rumah ........... menjadi .... puakku .... kaum ..... suku ...... rumah(TB)/memilih ................... dipilihnya(TL) <0977 01004> [chose me.]

memilih ................. Yehuda menjadi .... Yehuda ..... Yehuda ..... Yehuda(TB)/memilih ................... dipilihnya Yehuda ......... Yehuda(TL) <03063 0977> [chosen Judah.]

puakku ............ Yehuda ..... Yehuda .... kaum Yehuda ..... Yehuda(TB)/rumah .............. Yehuda ........ suku Yehuda ..... rumah(TL) <03063 01004> [the house of Judah.]

puakku .... bapaku ............. puakku .... kaum ....... ayahku ..... bapaku ....... bapaku(TB)/rumah bapaku .................... suku ...... rumah bapaku ....... bapaku(TL) <01 01004> [the house of my father.]

anak-anak(TB)/anak(TL) <01121> [among the sons.]


memilih aku

2Taw 6:6

segenap puakku

1Sam 16:1-13 [Semua]

memilih Yehuda

Kej 49:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 49:10]; Bil 24:17-19 [Semua]

seluruh Israel.

1Taw 11:1

1 Tawarikh 23:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bani Lewi Lewi ..................... berumur(TB)/bani Lewi .......................... umur(TL) <03878 01121> [the sons of Levi.]

puak .................................. rumah(TB)/rumah ................... rumah(TL) <01004> [after the house.]

seorang-seorang(TB)/bilagan(TL) <01538> [by their polls.]

bani ....................... berumur(TB)/bani ........................... umur(TL) <01121> [from the age.]

At first David appointed the Levites to serve from thirty years old and upwards; but considering, probably, that the temple which was about to be built, with its courts, chambers, etc., would require a more numerous ministry, he fixed this period, by this subsequent regulation, at twenty years and upwards. In the time of Moses, the age was from thirty years to fifty: here this latter period is not mentioned, probably because the service was not so laborious now; for the ark being fixed, they had no longer any burdens to carry; and therefore even an old man might continue to serve. See the Note on Nu 8:24.

puluh(TB/TL) <06242> [twenty.]


atau lebih,

Bil 4:3; [Lihat FULL. Bil 4:3]

1 Tawarikh 4:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Reaya(TB)/Riaya(TL) <07211> [Reaiah.]

[Haroeh. Zorathites.]

1 Tawarikh 4:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


1 Tawarikh 5:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


silsilah(TB)/daftar keturunan(TL) <03187> [when the genealogy.]


menurut kaum-kaumnya,

Yos 13:15-23 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 6:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yozadak(TB)/Yozadakpun(TL) <03087> [Jehozadak.]


[Josedech. when the Lord.]

tangan(TL) <03027> [by the hand.]

1 Tawarikh 9:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


orang-orang semua(TB)/semua ... perkasa(TL) <02428 01368> [very able men. Heb. mighty men of valour.]

1 Tawarikh 16:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


orang .... laki-laki ..... masing-masing(TB)/orang .... laki-laki .... masing-masing(TL) <0376> [to every one.]


kue kismis.

Yes 16:7

1 Tawarikh 28:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]

diilhamkan .......... pelaksanaan .... perbuatan(TB)/tangan(TL) <03027 04399> [by his hand upon me.]


berisi petunjuk

1Raj 6:38

pelaksanaan rencana

Kel 25:9; [Lihat FULL. Kel 25:9]

1 Tawarikh 4:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Sela(TB)/Syela(TL) <07956> [Shelah.]



Keturunan Sela,

Kej 38:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 38:5]

1 Tawarikh 7:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


jumlahnya(TB)/bilangan(TL) <04557> [whose number.]

This was probably the number returned by Joab and his assistants, when they made that census of the people with which God was so much displeased. We find that the effective men of Issachar amounted to 87,000 (ver. 5;) 22,600 of whom descended from Tola his eldest son; but whether the 36,000 (ver. 4) were descendants of Tola by Uzzi, and the 22,600 his descendants by Tola's other sons; or whether another of Issachar's sons be intended, does not clearly appear; though the former seems the more obvious meaning.

1 Tawarikh 7:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


terdaftar(TB)/daftar(TL) <03187> [were reckoned.]

1 Tawarikh 7:40

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ada(TB)/jumlahnya(TL) <04557> [the number.]

1 Tawarikh 11:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


masuk(TB/TL) <0935> [Thou shalt.]

pertahanan(TB)/kota(TL) <04686> [the castle.]

kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [the city.]



1 Tawarikh 15:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kepala(TB)/penghulu-penghulu(TL) <07218> [Ye are the chief.]

kuduskanlah(TB)/sucikanlah(TL) <06942> [sanctify.]


Lewi, kuduskanlah

Kel 29:1; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:1]; Kel 30:19-21,30; 40:31-32; Im 11:44; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:44] [Semua]


1 Tawarikh 17:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


masih kurang(TB)/perkara(TL) <06994> [a small thing.]

berfirman(TB/TL) <01696> [thou hast.]

memperlihatkan(TB)/makota(TL) <07200> [hast regarded.]

1 Tawarikh 21:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berkatalah ......... menyuruh(TB)/sembah .......... menyuruh(TL) <0559> [Is it not I.]

domba-domba(TB)/kambing domba(TL) <06629> [these sheep.]

dilakukan(TB)/perbuatannya(TL) <06213> [what have.]

tangan-Mu(TB/TL) <03027> [let thine.]

keluargaku(TB)/bapaku(TL) <01> [on my father's.]

tulah(TB)/menyiksakan(TL) <04046> [that they should.]


tetapi domba-domba

2Sam 7:8; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 7:8]

kaum keluargaku,

Yun 1:12

1 Tawarikh 24:31

TSK Full Life Study Bible


undi(TB/TL) <01486> [lots.]

kepala ............ kepala(TB)/kepala .......... kepala(TL) <07218> [even the principal.]

The whole company being ranged according to their families, with the proper number of divisions, the order of their courses was assigned them by lot, without respect to rank or seniority.


membuang undi

1Taw 24:5; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 24:5]

1 Tawarikh 4:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


orang anak laki-laki ............ anak ......... bani(TB)/anaknya laki-laki ............ anaknya ............. bani(TL) <01121> [like to. Heb. unto.]

1 Tawarikh 6:54

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kediaman(TB)/kedudukan(TL) <04186> [A.M. 2561. B.C. 1443. these are.]

perkemahan(TB)/daerahnya(TL) <02918> [castles.]

kaum(TB)/isi(TL) <04940> [of the families.]


Judul : Kota-kota orang Lewi

Perikop : 1Taw 6:54-81


Yos 21:1-42 dengan 1Taw 6:54-81

tempat-tempat kediaman

Bil 31:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:10]

1 Tawarikh 6:60

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Geba(TB/TL) <01387> [Geba.]

Alemet(TB/TL) <05964> [Alemeth.]

<\\See definition 05964\\>.

[Almon. Anathoth.]

kota-kota .... tiga .... dibagikan negeri .............. negeri(TB)/negeri ........... tiga .... negeri(TL) <05892 07969> [thirteen cities.]

Here there are only eleven enumerated; but two more are added in the book of Joshua, Juttah and Gibeon, which make thirteen. None of the versions give the full number of names, though they all give the whole sum of thirteen; and it is probable that these two cities had been destroyed and lay in ruins when this book was written, and hence were not enumerated.


dan Anatot

Yer 1:1

1 Tawarikh 6:62-63

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Gerson(TB)/Gersom(TL) <01647> [Gershom.]


Merari(TB/TL) <04847> [Merari.]

1 Tawarikh 6:70

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Aner(TB/TL) <06063> [Aner.]

Aner is probably another name of Tanach, which was a city of the half tribe of Manasseh, west of Jordan; and Eusebius, Jerome, and Procopius of Gaza, say that it was in their time a considerable place, three miles from Legio.

[Tanach, Gath-rimmon. Bileam.]

<\\See definition 01109\\>. Ibleam is here called Bileam, by a transposition of letters common to all languages. It is evident, however, that many of these cities or their names have been changed since the time of Joshua; but, as it has been well observed, Salop and Shrewsbury, Sarum and Salisbury, are as different names as any in these catalogues; yet those who live in their vicinity are not at all confused by them. Some cities also are here mentioned as belonging to Ephraim, which in Joshua are spoken of as cities of Dan; but various changes in such matters would occur in a course of ages.


1 Tawarikh 7:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Beria(TB/TL) <01283> [Beriah. that is, In evil. because.]

Many similar instances of the naming of children from passing circumstances, occur throughout the sacred volume. See those of a similar character with this verse: Ge 35:18, where Rachel, while dying, names her new-born son Ben-oni, or, the son of my sorrow. So in 1 SA 4:21, the wife of Phinehas, on being apprised of the death of Eli and her husband, and that the ark was taken by the Philistines, while in the pains of travail, and dying, named her son I-chabod, or, there is no glory. So also in the 4th chapter of this book, ver. 9, we read that Jabez, or, sorrowful, had that name given to him, because his mother "bare him with sorrow."

1 Tawarikh 26:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perkasa ... pahlawan-pahlawan ... gagah perkasa(TB)/perwira perkasa(TL) <02428 01368> [mighty men of valour.]

They were not only porters, or door keepers, in the ordinary sense of the word, but they were a military guard to the gate, as Dr. Delaney suggests that the word {sh”ƒrim} should be rendered here: and perhaps in this sense alone are we to understand their office, which appears to have been of considerable dignity, and conferred only on men of the first rank. They were appointed to attend the temple, to guard all the avenues to it, to open and shut all the outer gates, and attend at them, not only for state but for service. They were also required to direct and instruct those who were going to worship in the courts of the sanctuary in the conduct they were to observe, to encourage those who were timid, to send back the strangers and unclean, and to guard against thieves and others who were enemies to the house of God.

1 Tawarikh 26:32

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perkasa ... gagah(TB)/perkasa(TL) <01121 02428> [men of valour.]

kepala-kepala puak ...... bapa-bapa(TB)/kepala bapa-bapa(TL) <07218 01> [chief fathers.]

Ruben(TB)/Rubin(TL) <07206> [Reubenites.]

perkara ...... perkara(TB)/sesuatu(TL) <01697> [and affairs. Heb. and thing.]

There were more Levites employed as judges with the two tribes and half on the other side of Jordan, than with all the rest of the tribes; there were two thousand seven hundred, whereas on the west side of Jordan there were only one thousand seven hundred. Either those remote tribes were not so well furnished as the rest with judges of their own, or because they lay farthest from Jerusalem, on the borders of the neighbouring nations, and were thus much in danger of being infected with idolatry, they most needed the help of Levites to prevent their running into the abominations of the idolaters.

1 Tawarikh 9:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ebyasaf(TB/TL) <043> [Ebiasaph.]

Korah(TB/TL) <07141> [Korah.]

ambang pintu(TB/TL) <05592> [gates. Heb. thresholds.]

Ps 84:10 *marg:

perkemahan(TB)/tentara(TL) <04264> [over the host.]

penjaga-penjaga ............. penjaga-penjaga pintu masuk(TB)/penunggu ............. penunggu pintu(TL) <08104 03996> [keepers of the entry.]



Yer 35:4

1 Tawarikh 9:33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


penyanyi(TB)/biduan(TL) <07891> [the singers.]

<06362> [were free.]

pekerjaannya(TB)/pekerjaan(TL) <04399> [they, etc. Heb. upon them. employed.]

A number of Levites were employed by rotation in singing the praises of Jehovah; and they seem to have continued the service day and night: see the References.


para penyanyi,

1Taw 6:31; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 6:31]; 1Taw 25:1-31; 2Taw 5:12; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 5:12] [Semua]

dan malam

Mazm 134:1

1 Tawarikh 17:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


nama-Mu(TB)/nama-Mupun(TL) <08034> [that thy name.]

Allah .... Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [a God.]

keluarga(TB)/rumah(TL) <01004> [and let.]

1 Tawarikh 20:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


diangkutnya(TB)/keluar(TL) <03318> [And he.]

dipaksanya(TB)/ditiarapkannya(TL) <07787> [and cut.]

Instead of {wyyasar,} "and he cut," the parallel passage is {wyyasem,} "and he put them;" which is also the reading here of seven MSS. collated by Dr. Kennicott. Sawing asunder, etc., of human beings, have no more place in the text, than they had in David's conduct towards the Ammonites.

gergaji ..... kapak(TB)/gergaji ...... kapak(TL) <04050> [with saws.]


dan kapak.

Ul 29:11; [Lihat FULL. Ul 29:11]

1 Tawarikh 22:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


TUHAN ............................. TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan .............................. Tuhan(TL) <03068> [Is not.]

mengaruniakan keamanan(TB)/dikaruniakan-Nya ... selamat sentosa(TL) <05117> [and hath.]

Tuhan ........................... ke hadapan TUHAN Tuhan kepada(TB)/Tuhan ............................. kepada Tuhan ... kepada(TL) <06440 03068> [before the Lord.]


mengaruniakan keamanan

1Taw 22:9; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 22:9]

segala penjuru.

2Sam 7:1

1 Tawarikh 26:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perbendaharaan(TB)/benda(TL) <0214> [over all the treasures.]


telah dikuduskan

2Sam 8:11; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:11]

1 Tawarikh 26:31

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Yeria(TB/TL) <03404> [Jerijah.]

[Jeriah. fortieth.]

Yaezer-Gilead(TB)/Yaezar(TL) <03270> [Jazer.]


orang Hebron

1Taw 23:19; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 23:19]

keempat puluh

2Sam 5:4; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 5:4]

1 Tawarikh 29:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kepala ..... kepala ....... pasukan ........ pemimpin(TB)/penghulu ..... penghulu ....... kepala ........... penghulu(TL) <08269> [the chief.]

kepala ..... kepala ....... pasukan ........ pemimpin(TB)/penghulu ..... penghulu ....... kepala ........... penghulu(TL) <08269> [the rulers.]


para pemimpin

1Taw 27:1; 1Taw 28:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Taw 28:1] [Semua]

menyatakan kerelaannya.

1Taw 29:9; Kel 25:1-8; 35:20-29; 36:2; 2Taw 24:10; Ezr 7:15 [Semua]

1 Tawarikh 27:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kepala puak ....... bangsanya(TB)/kepala ... bangsanya(TL) <01 07218> [the chief fathers.]

The patriarchs, chief generals, or generals of brigade. This enumeration is widely different from that of the preceding. In that, we have the order and course of the priests and Levites, in their ecclesiastical ministrations: in this, we have the account of the order of the civil service, what related simply to the political state of the king and kingdom. Twenty-four persons, chosen out of David's worthies, each of whom had a second, were placed over 24,000 men, who all served a month at a time, in turn; and this was the whole of their service during the year, after which they attended to their own affairs. Thus the king had always on foot a regular force of 24,000, who served without expense to him or the state, and were not oppressed by the service, which took up only a twelfth part of their time; and by this plan he could, at any time, bring into the field 12 times 24,000 or 288,000 fighting men, independently of the 12,000 officers, which made in the whole an effective force of 300,000 soldiers; and all these men were prepared, disciplined, and ready at a call, without the smallest expense to the state or the king. These were, properly speaking, the militia of the Israelitish kingdom.

panglima(TB)/penghulu(TL) <08269> [captains.]

melayani(TB) <08334> [served.]

hal(TB)/pekerjaan(TL) <01697> [any matter.]

bulan demi bulan(TB)/tiap-tiap bulan ..... bulan(TL) <02320> [month.]


Judul : Panglima-panglima tentara

Perikop : 1Taw 27:1-15

TIP #14: Gunakan Boks Temuan untuk melakukan penyelidikan lebih jauh terhadap kata dan ayat yang Anda cari. [SEMUA]
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