Kolose 4:1-18
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
berlakulah(TB)/hamba-hambamu(TL) <3930> [give.] Le 19:13 25:39-43 De 15:12-15 24:14,15 Ne 5:5-13 Job 24:11,12
Job 31:13-15 Isa 58:3,5-9 Jer 34:9-17 Mal 3:5 Jas 2:13 5:4 [Semua]
kamu(TB/TL) <5210> [ye.] |
dan jujur |
Bertekunlah(TB)/bertekun(TL) <4342> [Continue.] 12 1:9 1Sa 12:23 Job 15:4 27:8-10 Ps 55:16,17 109:4 Lu 18:1
Ro 12:12 Eph 6:18 Php 4:6 1Th 5:17,18 [Semua]
berjaga-jagalah(TB)/jagalah(TL) <1127> [watch.] syukur(TB/TL) <2169> [thanksgiving.] |
Judul : Petunjuk-petunjuk lebih lanjut Perikop : Kol 4:2-6 dalam doa Luk 18:1; [Lihat FULL. Luk 18:1] Catatan Frasa: BERTEKUNLAH DALAM DOA DAN ... BERJAGA-JAGALAH. |
Berdoa(TB)/sambil(TL) <4336> [praying.] supaya(TB/TL) <2443> [that.] pintu(TB/TL) <2374> [a door.] The term door is used metaphorically for an entrance to any business, or occasion or opportunity of doing any thing; and consequently "a door of utterance" is an opportunity of preaching the gospel successfully. See the parallel texts. rahasia(TB/TL) <3466> [the mystery.] untuk .................. karenanya(TB)/dari hal ..... menyebabkan(TL) <4012 1223> [for.] |
membuka pintu Kis 14:27; [Lihat FULL. Kis 14:27] tentang rahasia Rom 16:25; [Lihat FULL. Rom 16:25] aku dipenjarakan. Kis 21:33; [Lihat FULL. Kis 21:33] Catatan Frasa: SUPAYA ALLAH MEMBUKA PINTU. |
aku dapat menyatakannya(TB)/menyatakan(TL) <5319> [I may.] sebagaimana(TB/TL) <5613> [as.] |
Hiduplah(TB)/melakukan(TL) <4043> [Walk.] orang-orang luar(TB)/luar(TL) <1854> [them.] pergunakanlah(TB)/membuangkan(TL) <1805> [redeeming.] |
penuh hikmat orang-orang luar, Mr 4:11; [Lihat FULL. Mr 4:11] yang ada. |
kata-katamu(TB)/perkataanmu(TL) <5216> [your.] 3:16 De 6:6,7 11:19 1Ch 16:24 Ps 37:30,31 40:9,10 45:2 66:16
Ps 71:15-18,23,24 78:3,4 105:2 119:13,46 Pr 10:21 15:4,7
Pr 16:21-24 22:17,18 25:11,12 Ec 10:12 Mal 3:16-18 Mt 12:34,35
Lu 4:22 Eph 4:29 [Semua]
hambar(TB)/dimasinkan(TL) <741> [seasoned.] bagaimana(TB/TL) <4459> [how.] |
penuh kasih, jangan hambar, setiap orang. Catatan Frasa: KATA-KATAMU ... PENUH KASIH. |
hal ihwalku(TB)/ihwalku(TL) <1691> [my.] Tikhikus(TB/TL) <5190> [Tychicus.] yang kekasih(TB)/dikasihi(TL) <27> [a beloved.] yang setia(TB)/setiawan(TL) <4103> [a faithful.] |
Judul : Salam terakhir Perikop : Kol 4:7-18 oleh Tikhikus, Kis 20:4; [Lihat FULL. Kis 20:4] kekasih, hamba |
Ia kusuruh(TB)/kusuruhkan(TL) <3992> [I have.] dan ... ia menghibur .... menguatkan(TB)/dan .... menguatkan(TL) <2532 3870> [and comfort.] |
menghibur hatimu. |
Onesimus(TB/TL) <3682> [Onesimus.] |
dengan Onesimus, dari antaramu. |
Aristarkhus(TB/TL) <708> [Aristarchus.] Salam(TB/TL) <782> [saluteth.] dan ... Markus Markus(TB)/dan ... Markus(TL) <2532 3138> [and Marcus.] terimalah(TB/TL) <1209> [receive.] |
dari Aristarkhus, Kis 19:29; [Lihat FULL. Kis 19:29] dari Markus, Kis 12:12; [Lihat FULL. Kis 12:12] kemenakan Barnabas Kis 4:36; [Lihat FULL. Kis 4:36] |
<3588> [who.] temanku sekerja(TB)/temanku(TL) <4904> [fellow-workers.] penghibur(TB/TL) <3931> [a comfort.] |
temanku sekerja Fili 2:25; [Lihat FULL. Fili 2:25] |
Epafras(TB/TL) <1889> [Epaphras.] hamba(TB/TL) <1401> [a servant.] yang selalu(TB)/senantiasa(TL) <3842> [always.] bergumul(TB)/berusaha(TL) <75> [labouring. or, striving.] supaya(TB/TL) <2443> [that.] [See on ch.] 1:9,22,28 Mt 5:48 1Co 2:6 14:20 *Gr:
2Co 13:11 Php 3:12-15 1Th 5:23 Heb 5:14 *Gr:
Heb 6:1 Jude 1:24 [Semua]
<4137> [complete. or, filled.] |
dari Epafras dari antaramu, untuk kamu, Rom 15:30; [Lihat FULL. Rom 15:30] yang dewasa 1Kor 2:6; [Lihat FULL. 1Kor 2:6] Catatan Frasa: SELALU BERGUMUL DALAM DOANYA. |
aku dapat memberi kesaksian(TB)/menyaksikan(TL) <3140> [I bear.] Laodikia(TB/TL) <2993> [Laodicea.] Laodicea and Hierapolis were both cities of Phrygia in Asia Minor, between which, and equidistant from each, was situated Colosse. Laodicea was seated near the Lycus, about 63 miles east of Ephesus; and became one of the largest and richest towns in Phrygia, vying in power with the maritime cities. It is now called Eski-hissar, the old castle; and besides the whole surface within the city's wall being strewed with pedestals and fragments, the ruins of an amphitheatre, a magnificent odeum, and other public buildings, attest its former splendour and magnificence. But, when visited by Dr. Chandler, all was silence and solitude; and a fox, first discovered by his ears peeping over a brow, was the only inhabitant of Laodicea. Hierapolis, now Pambouk-Kaiesi, was situated, according to the Itinerary, six miles N. of Laodicea; and its ruins are now about a mile and a half in circumference. |
di Laodikia Kol 2:1; [Lihat FULL. Kol 2:1] |
Lukas(TB/TL) <3065> [Luke.] Demas(TB/TL) <1214> [Demas.] |
tabib Lukas dari Demas. |
Laodikia(TB/TL) <2993> [Laodicea.] jemaat(TB)/sidang(TL) <1577> [the church.] |
di Laodikia; Kol 2:1; [Lihat FULL. Kol 2:1] di rumahnya. Rom 16:5; [Lihat FULL. Rom 16:5] |
supaya dibacakan 2Tes 3:14; 1Tim 4:13; [Lihat FULL. 1Tim 4:13] [Semua] Catatan Frasa: BILAMANA SURAT INI TELAH DIBACAKAN. |
kepada Arkhipus(TB)/Arkhipus(TL) <751> [Archippus.] Perhatikanlah(TB)/baik-baik(TL) <991> [Take.] pelayanan(TB)/jawatan(TL) <1248> [the ministry.] sepenuhnya(TB)/menyempurnakan(TL) <4137> [fulfil.] |
kepada Arkhipus: dalam Tuhan |
tanganku(TB/TL) <5495 1223> [by.] Ingatlah(TB/TL) <3421> [Remember.] Kasih karunia(TB)/anugerah(TL) <5485> [Grace.] CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. Colosse was a large and populous city of Phrygia Pacatiana, in Asia Minor, seated on an eminence to the south of the river Meander. It is supposed to have occupied a site now covered with ruins, near the village of Konous or Khonas, and about twenty miles N. W. of Degnizlu. By whom, or at what time, the church at Colosse was founded is wholly uncertain; but it would appear from the apostle's declaration, ch. 2:1, that he was not the honoured instrument. It appears from the tenor of this epistle to have been, upon the whole, in a very flourishing state; but some difficulties having arisen among them, they sent Epaphras to Rome, where the apostle was now imprisoned, (ch. 4:3) to acquaint him with the state of their affairs. It is remarkable for a peculiar pathos and ardour, which is generally ascribed to the extraordinary divine consolations enjoyed by the apostle during his sufferings for the sake of Christ. Whoever, says Michaelis, would understand the Epistles to the Ephesians and Colossians, must read them together. The one is in most places a commentary on the other; the meaning of single passages in one epistle, which, if considered alone, might be variously interpreted, being determined by the parallel passages in the other epistle. |
dengan tanganku 1Kor 16:21; [Lihat FULL. 1Kor 16:21] Ingatlah akan belengguku. Kis 21:33; [Lihat FULL. Kis 21:33] menyertai kamu. 1Tim 6:21; 2Tim 4:22; Tit 3:15; Ibr 13:25 [Semua] Catatan Frasa: INGATLAH AKAN BELENGGUKU. |