aspazomai <782>

aspazomai aspazomai

Asal Mula:from 1 (as a particle of union) and a presumed form of 4685
Referensi:TDNT - 1:496,84
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:aphspasameya 1, aspasai 2, aspasamenoi 3, aspasamenov 3, aspasasye 24, aspashsye 2, aspazesyai 1, aspazetai 11, aspazomai 1, aspazontai 9, aspazou 1, hspasato 1, hspazonto 1
Dalam TB:Salam 34, memberi salam 3, Sampaikanlah salam 3, Berilah salam 2, memberi salam kepada 2, Sampaikanlah salamku 2, salam 2, Bersalam-salamlah kamu 1, Sampaikan salam 1, Sampaikan salam kami 1, melambai-lambai 1, sampaikanlah salamku 1, sesudah minta diri 1, minta diri 1, memberi hormat 1, kamu memberi salam 1, untuk mengadakan kunjungan kehormatan 1, berilah salam 1
Dalam AV:salute 42, greet 15, embrace 2, take leave 1
Definisi : bersalam; menyampaikan salam kepada
memberi salam, menyambut, mengadakan kunjungan kehormatan
1) to draw to one's self
1a) to salute one, greet, bid welcome, wish well to
1b) to receive joyfully, welcome

Used of those accosting anyone; of those who visit one to see him a
little while, departing almost immediately afterwards; to pay
respects to a distinguished person by visiting him; of those who
greet one whom they meet in the way (even not in the East, Christians
and Mohammedans do not greet one another); a salutation was made not
merely by a slight gesture and a few words, but generally by
embracing and kissing, a journey was retarded frequently by saluting.

from 1 (as a particle of union) and a presumed form of 4685; to enfold in the arms, i.e. (by implication) to salute, (figuratively) to welcome: KJV -- embrace, greet, salute, take leave.
see GREEK for 1
see GREEK for 4685
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