TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Samuel 18:1--19:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memeriksa(TB)/diperiksa(TL) <06485> [numbered.]

pasukan seribu .... pasukan ... seribu(TB)/penghulu .... seribu ... penghulu(TL) <08269 0505> [captains of thousands.]


Judul : Kematian Absalom

Perikop : 2Sam 18:1-18


sepertiga ...... sepertiga ............ sepertiga(TB)/sepertiganya ....... sepertiganya ........... sepertiganya(TL) <07992> [a third part.]

di bawah perintah Yoab ... Yoab di bawah perintah ...... Yoab ... Yoab ... di bawah perintah(TB)/perintah Yoab ...... perintah ...... Yoab ...... perintah(TL) <03097 03027> [the hand of Joab.]

Itai(TB/TL) <0863> [Ittai.]

maju berperang(TB)/keluar ................................... sendiri .... keluar(TL) <03318> [I will surely.]


maju berperang,

Hak 7:16; [Lihat FULL. Hak 7:16]; 1Sam 11:11 [Semua]

perintah Abisai,

1Sam 26:6; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 26:6]

perintah Itai,

2Sam 15:19


maju berperang(TB)/keluar(TL) <03318> [Thou shalt.]

melarikan diri(TB)/lari(TL) <05127> [if we flee.]

menghiraukan ...... separuh .... separuhnya ..... menghiraukan ..... sama harganya bagaikan(TB)/diindahkannya ............. diindahkannya(TL) <07760 02677 03644> [care for us. Heb. set their heart on us. but now.]

The particle {Æ’ttah,} Now, is doubtless a mistake for the pronoun {attah,} Thou: and so it appears to have been read by the LXX., Vulgate, and Chaldee, and by two of Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS.

sama harganya dengan(TB)/bagaikan(TL) <03644> [worth, etc. Heb. as ten thousand of us.]

menolong(TB)/membantu(TL) <05826> [succour. Heb. be to succour.]


dengan sepuluh

1Sam 18:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 18:7]

dari kota.

2Sam 21:17


pintu gerbang(TB/TL) <08179> [by the gate.]

beratus-ratus(TB/TL) <03967> [by hundreds.]

David's small company, by this time, was greatly recruited; but what its number was we cannot tell. Josephus says it amounted only to 4,000 men.


dengan lunak(TB)/Sayangkanlah(TL) <0328> [Deal gently.]

tentara(TB)/rakyat(TL) <05971> [all the people.]


hutan Efraim .... Efrayim(TB)/hutan Efrayim(TL) <0669 03293> [wood of Ephraim.]

The wood of Ephraim was evidently beyond Jordan, and apparently not far from Mahanaim; and it is supposed to be the place where the Ephraimites were slain by Jephthah.


di hutan

Yos 17:15; [Lihat FULL. Yos 17:15]


Tentara(TB)/orang(TL) <05971> [the people.]

dahsyat(TB)/besar(TL) <01419> [a great.]

dua puluh ribu(TB)/puluh ribu(TL) <0505 06242> [twenty thousand men.]


[in the wood.]

That is, probably, many more were slain in pursuit through the wood than in the battle, by falling into swamps, pits, etc., and being entangled and cut down by David's men. Such is the relation of Josephus; but the Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic state, that they were devoured by wild beasts in the wood.

memakan ... banyak ......... terlebih banyak(TB)/terlebih banyak ...... dimakan(TL) <0398 07235> [devoured more. Heb. multiplied to devour.]


kepalanya(TB)/kepala(TL) <07218> [his head.]

Riding furiously under the thick boughs of a great oak, which hung low and had never been cropped, either the twisted branches, or some low forked bough of the tree, caught him by the neck, or, as some think, by the loops into which his long hair had been pinned, which had been so much his pride, and was now justly made a halter for him. He may have hung so low from the bough, in consequence of the length of his hair, that he could not use his hands to help himself, or so entangled that his hands were bound, so that the more he struggled the more he was embarrassed. This set him up as a fair mark to the servants of David; and although David would have spared his rebellious son, if his orders had been executed, yet he could not turn the sword of Divine justice, in executing the just, righteous sentence of death on this traitorous son.

tergantung(TB)/tergantunglah(TL) <05414> [taken up.]


tersangkutlah kepalanya

2Sam 14:26


tidak membanting

2Sam 3:39; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 3:39]

ikat pinggang.

1Sam 18:4


mendapat(TB)/menimbang(TL) <08254> [receive, etc. Heb. weigh upon mine hand. in our hearing.]


Lindungilah(TB)/sayang(TL) <08104> [Beware, etc. Heb. Beware, whosoever ye be, of the, etc.]


mencabut(TB)/membunuh(TL) <06213> [wrought.]

tidak ada sesuatupun(TB)/perkara(TL) <01697> [for there is no.]


kepada raja

2Sam 14:19-20 [Semua]


dengan kau(TB)/dengan(TL) <06440> [with thee. Heb. before thee. thrust them.]

dahan pohon tarbantin(TB)/pohon jati(TL) <0424> [midst. Heb. heart.]


Tetapi Yoab

2Sam 2:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 2:18]


membunuh dia.

2Sam 12:10; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 12:10]


Sesudah .... meniup sangkakala nafiri(TB)/meniuplah nafiri(TL) <08628 07782> [blew the trumpet.]


itu Yoab

2Sam 2:28; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 2:28]


mendirikan(TB)/didirikannya(TL) <05324> [laid.]

This was the ancient method of burying, whether heroes or traitors; the heap of stones being designed to perpetuate the memory of the event, whether good or bad. The Arabs in general make use of no other monument than a heap of stones over a grave. Thus, in an Arabic poem, it is related, that Hatim the father, and Adi the grandfather of Kais, having been murdered, at a time before Kais was capable of reflection, his mother kept it a profound secret; and in order to guard him against having any suspicion, she collected a parcel of stone on two hillocks in the neighbourhood, and told her son that the one was the grave of his father, and the other of his grandfather. The ancient cairns in Ireland and Scotland, and the tumuli in England, are of this kind.


atasnya timbunan

Yos 7:26


Yos 8:29


mendirikan(TB)/menegakkan(TL) <05324> [reared up.]

Raja(TB)/raja(TL) <04428> [the king's.]

anak laki-laki(TB)/beranak laki-laki(TL) <01121> [I have no son.]

menamai .............. dinamai(TB)/dinamainya .......... disebut(TL) <07121> [he called.]

Absalom ............................................ alamat peringatan Absalom(TB)/Absalom ............................................. alamat Absalom(TL) <053 03027> [Absalom's place.]

Josephus says there was in his time, about two furlongs from Jerusalem, a marble pillar called Absalom's hand, as it is in the Hebrew, (See note on 1 Sa 15:12;) and there is one shown to the present day, in the valley of Jehoshaphat, which, though comparatively a modern structure, probably occupies the site of the original one set up by Absalom.


sendiri tugu

Kej 50:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 50:5]; Bil 32:42; [Lihat FULL. Bil 32:42] [Semua]

Lembah Raja,

Kej 14:17

anak laki-laki

2Sam 14:27


Ahimaas(TB)/Ahimaaz(TL) <0290> [Ahimaaz.]

keadilan ..... tangan ... tangan(TB) <08199 03027> [avenged him. Heb. judged him from the hand, etc.]


Judul : Kabar kematian Absalom disampaikan kepada Daud

Perikop : 2Sam 18:19-32

berkatalah Ahimaas

2Sam 15:36; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 15:36]

tangan musuhnya.

Hak 11:36


kabar ......... kabar ......... menyampaikan kabar(TB)/membawa kabar ............. membawa kabar ............ kabar(TL) <01309 01319> [bear tidings. Heb. be a man of tidings.]

raja(TB)/baginda(TL) <04428> [because.]


Apapun ................ Mengapa ........ Apakah(TB)/Kendatilah .............. apa(TL) <04100> [howsoever. Heb. be what may. ready. or, convenient.]


Kusyi mendahului ... Etiopia(TB)/mendahului Kusyi(TL) <03569 05674> [overran Cushi.]


kedua(TB/TL) <08147> [between.]

penjaga(TB)/pengawal(TL) <06822> [the watchman.]


sedang penjaga

1Sam 14:16; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 14:16]; Yer 51:12; [Lihat FULL. Yer 51:12] [Semua]


yang baik.

1Raj 1:42; Yes 52:7; 61:1 [Semua]


[Methinketh. Heb. I see.]

baik ....... baik(TB/TL) <02896> [He is a good.]


cara berlari

2Raj 9:20


Selamat(TB)/Daulat(TL) <07965> [All is well. or, Peace be to thee. Heb. Peace. he fell down upon his face.]

This act was not only in reverence to the king, but in humble adoration of God, whose name he praises for this victory. The more our hearts are fixed and enlarged, in thanksgiving to God for our mercies, the better disposed we shall be to bear with patience the afflictions mixed with them.

Terpujilah(TB)/puji(TL) <01288> [Blessed.]

menyerahkan(TB)/diserahkannya(TL) <05462> [delivered up. Heb. shut up.]


Selamatkah Absalom ... muda(TB)/baik ... muda ... Absalom(TL) <05288 053 07965> [Is the young man Absalom safe? Heb. is there peace to, etc.]

I saw a great.


kabar(TB)/Maklumlah(TL) <01319> [Tidings. Heb. Tidings is brought. the Lord.]

Cushi was the man Joab ordered to carry the tidings to David. He was an Ethiopian, as his name signifies, and some think he was so by birth--a black, who waited on Joab, probably one of the ten who had helped to dispatch Absalom; though it was dangerous for one of those to bring the news to David, lest his fate should be the same with theirs that reported the death of Saul and Ishbosheth to him.


musuh(TB)/seteru(TL) <0341> [The enemies.]

Thus Cushi obliquely and slowly informs David of the death of his son Absalom.


muda itu

Hak 5:31; 1Sam 25:26; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 25:26] [Semua]


Anakku ... anakku anakku .......... anakku anakku(TB)/anakku .... anakku .... anakku ............ anakku ... anakku(TL) <01121> [O my son.]

mati(TB/TL) <04191> [would God.]


Judul : Daud berkabung

Perikop : 2Sam 18:33--19:8

aku mati

Kel 32:32

anakku, anakku!

Kej 43:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 43:14]; 2Sam 19:4 [Semua]




kemenangan(TB/TL) <08668> [victory. Heb. salvation, or, deliverance. turned.]


kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [into the city.]

Sebab ........ diam-diam ............ diam-diam(TB)/curi-curi ........ menyembunyikan(TL) <01589> [steal.]


menyelubungi(TB)/berselubungkan(TL) <03813> [covered.]

Anakku .... anakku anakku(TB)/anakku .... anakku ... anakku(TL) <01121> [O my son.]

It is allowed by competent critics that the lamentation of David over his son, of which this forms a part, is exceedingly pathetic; and Calmet properly remarks, that the frequent repetition of the name of the deceased is common in the language of lamentation.


mempermalukan(TB/TL) <03001> [Thou hast.]

Every one must admit that David's immoderate grief for his rebellious son was imprudent, and that Joab's firm and sensible reproof was necessary to arouse him to a sense of his duty to his people: but, in his manner, Joab far exceeded the bounds of that reverence which a servant owes to his master, or a subject to his prince.

menyelamatkan(TB)/meluputkan(TL) <04422> [saved.]


mencintai ........... cinta(TB)/mengasihi .............. mengasihi(TL) <0157> [In that, etc. Heb. By loving, etc. thou regardest, etc.]

Heb. princes or servants are not to thee. then it had.


hati orang-orangmu .... hamba(TB)/hati(TL) <03820 05650> [comfortably unto thy. Heb. to the heart of thy.]

tinggal ................... kaualami(TB)/tinggal(TL) <03885> [there.]

celaka ..... celaka(TB)/celaka ........... celaka(TL) <07451> [all the evil.]


sampai sekarang.

Ams 14:28


duduk ... pintu gerbang pintu gerbang ........ duduk ... pintu gerbang ... pintu gerbang(TB)/bersemayamlah .... pintu gerbang ........... bersemayam ... pintu gerbang(TL) <08179 03427> [sat in the gate.]

How prudently and mildly David took the reproof and counsel given him! He shook off his grief, anointed his head, and washed his face, that he might not appear unto men to mourn, and then made his appearance at the gate of the city, which was the public place of resort for the hearing of causes and giving judgment, as well as a place to ratify special bargains. Thither the people flocked to congratulate him on his and their safety, and that all was well. When we are convinced of a fault, we must amend, though we are told of it by our inferiors in a way which is peculiarly painful to our natural feelings. This ancient custom still obtains in the East; for when Dr. Pococke returned from viewing the town of ancient Byblus, he says, "The sheik and the elders were sitting in the gate of the city, after the ancient manner, and I sat awhile with them."

Israel(TB/TL) <03478> [for Israel.]


pintu gerbang.

2Sam 15:2; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 15:2]

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