TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yeremia 42:1-22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perwira .............. rakyat(TB)/panglima ............. rakyat(TL) <08269 05971> [all the.]

Azarya(TB)/Yezanya(TL) <03153> [Jezaniah.]


kecil(TB/TL) <06996> [from.]

datanglah(TB/TL) <05066> [came.]


Judul : Yeremia memperingati supaya jangan mengungsi ke Mesir

Perikop : Yer 42:1-22

antaranya Yohanan

Yer 40:13; [Lihat FULL. Yer 40:13]

bin Hosaya,

Yer 41:16; [Lihat FULL. Yer 41:16]

yang besar,

Yer 6:13; 44:12 [Semua]



Biarlah ....... hadapanmu(TB)/berkenan kepada(TL) <05307 06440> [be accepted before thee. Heb. fall before thee.]

36:7 37:20 *marg: [Semua]

Berdoalah(TB)/pintakanlah ... doa(TL) <06419> [and pray.]

hanya ...... tinggal(TB)/tinggal(TL) <07604> [left.]



Kej 20:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 20:7]; Yer 36:7; [Lihat FULL. Yer 36:7]; Kis 8:24; Yak 5:16 [Semua]

seluruh sisa

Yes 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Yes 1:9]

hanya sedikit

Im 26:22; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:22]; Rat 1:1 [Semua]



kami lakukan.

Yer 42:20; Mazm 86:11; Ams 3:6; [Lihat FULL. Ams 3:6]; Yer 15:11; [Lihat FULL. Yer 15:11] [Semua]


Yeremia(TB)/Yermia(TL) <03414> [Jeremiah.]

The princes seem to have wholly neglected Jeremiah, till on this occasion they wanted his sanction to their purpose of going to Egypt. In order to induce him to favour them, they applied to him with one consent, in the most respectful and plausible manner: they used language to prepossess him with a favourable opinion of them, and to move his compassion; and, in words expressing great humility, they entreated his prayers in their behalf, and that he would enquire of the Lord what he would have them to do. The prophet readily acquiesced; and doubted not but that he should receive an answer from God, which he would unreservedly declare to them; and they called the Lord to witness that they would implicitly follow his directions.

berdoa(TB)/meminta(TL) <06419> [I will pray.]

minta ..... firman .......... sepatah katapun(TB)/katamu ...... firman .............. sepatah katapun(TL) <01697> [whatsoever.]

kudiamkan(TB)/kutahani(TL) <04513> [I will keep.]


akan berdoa

Kel 8:29; 1Sam 12:23 [Semua]

akan kuberitahukan

Yer 1:17; [Lihat FULL. Yer 1:17]

kudiamkan kepadamu!

Bil 22:18; [Lihat FULL. Bil 22:18]; 1Sam 3:17; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 3:17] [Semua]


TUHAN ..... benar ...... benar ............ TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ..................... Tuhan(TL) <03068 0571> [The Lord be.]

berbuat menurut(TB) <06213> [if we.]


menjadi saksi

Kej 31:48; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:48]; Ul 4:26; [Lihat FULL. Ul 4:26]; Yes 1:2; [Lihat FULL. Yes 1:2]; Rom 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Rom 1:9]; Wahy 1:5 [Semua]

yang benar

1Raj 22:16; Mazm 119:160; Rom 3:4 [Semua]

dapat dipercaya

Ul 7:9; [Lihat FULL. Ul 7:9]; Yoh 8:26; 1Kor 1:9; [Lihat FULL. 1Kor 1:9] [Semua]


baik(TB/TL) <02896> [it be good.]

baik(TB)/selamatlah(TL) <03190> [that it.]


kami baik,

Ul 5:29; 6:3; Yer 7:23; 22:15 [Semua]

kami mendengarkan

Yer 42:19; [Lihat FULL. Yer 42:19]; Kel 24:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 24:7]; Yos 24:24; [Lihat FULL. Yos 24:24] [Semua]


At this time he was waiting for a revelation from God in answer to the enquiries of the people; who probably thus delayed to make known his will, in order to shew them that Jeremiah did not speak of his own mind, but when and as he was directed. The delay was also suited to give time for consideration, and to retard their rash project; and, as it would render them impatient, it tended to detect their hypocrisy, and to shew more clearly their determined rebellion against God.


Yohanan(TB/TL) <03110> [Johanan.]


semua perwira

Yer 42:1

yang besar.

Yer 41:16; Mr 9:35; [Lihat FULL. Mr 9:35]; Luk 7:28; Ibr 8:11 [Semua]


Berkatalah ...... firman ......... mengutus(TB)/katanya ...... firman .......... menyuruhkan(TL) <0559 07971> [unto.]


Beginilah firman

2Raj 22:15

menyampaikan permohonanmu

Yer 42:2


tetap(TB)/duduk(TL) <03427> [abide.]

membangun(TB)/Kubangunkan(TL) <01129> [then.]

menyesal(TB)/bersesallah(TL) <05162> [for I.]


negeri ini,

Yer 43:4

akan membangun

Yer 24:6; [Lihat FULL. Yer 24:6]

kamu tumbuh

Ul 30:9; [Lihat FULL. Ul 30:9]

mencabut kamu;

Ul 29:28; [Lihat FULL. Ul 29:28]; Pengkh 3:2; Yer 45:4; Yeh 36:36; Dan 11:4 [Semua]

malapetaka kepadamu.

2Taw 34:24; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 34:24]; Yes 30:26; Yer 18:8; [Lihat FULL. Yer 18:8] [Semua]


takut ....... takuti .... takut(TB)/takut ........ takut ...... takut(TL) <03372 03373> [afraid.]

menyelamatkan(TB)/memeliharakan(TL) <03467> [for I.]


raja Babel

Yer 27:11

kamu takuti

Bil 14:9; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:9]; 1Sam 15:24; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 15:24]; Mazm 23:4; Mat 10:28; 2Tim 1:7 [Semua]

untuk menyelamatkan

Mazm 18:28; 69:36; Mazm 119:94; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 119:94]; Yes 63:1; [Lihat FULL. Yes 63:1]; Ibr 7:25 [Semua]

dari tangannya.

Mazm 3:8; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 3:8]; Ams 20:22; [Lihat FULL. Ams 20:22]; Yer 1:8; [Lihat FULL. Yer 1:8]; Rom 8:31 [Semua]



belas kasihan

Kel 3:21; [Lihat FULL. Kel 3:21]; 2Sam 24:14; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 24:14]; 2Kor 1:3 [Semua]

di tanahmu.

Kej 31:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:3]; Neh 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Neh 1:9]; Mazm 106:44-46 [Semua]



mau mendengarkan

Ul 11:28; [Lihat FULL. Ul 11:28]


mau pergi ke(TB)/pergi(TL) <0935> [we will go.]

mendengar(TB/TL) <08085> [nor hear.]


negeri Mesir,

Bil 11:4-5; Ul 17:16; [Lihat FULL. Ul 17:16]; Yes 30:2; [Lihat FULL. Yes 30:2] [Semua]

bunyi sangkakala

Yos 6:20; [Lihat FULL. Yos 6:20]; Mat 24:31; [Lihat FULL. Mat 24:31] [Semua]

menderita kelaparan;

Ul 8:3; [Lihat FULL. Ul 8:3]; 1Sam 2:5; Ams 10:3; Yes 65:13; Mat 4:2-4 [Semua]


berniat(TB)/menujukkan(TL) <07760> [If.]

If ye are determined to go into Egypt, the evils which ye dreaded by staying in your own land shall overtake and destroy you there; "and there shall ye die." God turned the policy of the wicked to their own destruction; for while they thought themselves safe in Egypt, there Nebuchadnezzar destroyed both them and the Egyptians.


firman Allah,

Yer 44:24


pedang(TB/TL) <02719> [that the sword.]

putus-putusnya(TB)/lekat(TL) <01692> [follow close. Heb. cleave. there ye.]


maka pedang

Im 26:33; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:33]; Yeh 11:8; 14:17 [Semua]

kamu takuti

Yer 41:18; [Lihat FULL. Yer 41:18]

dan kelaparan

Kej 41:55; [Lihat FULL. Kej 41:55]

kamu mati

Kej 2:17; [Lihat FULL. Kej 2:17]; 2Taw 25:4; Ayub 21:20; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 21:20]; Yeh 3:19; 18:4 [Semua]


<0582> [it be with all the men. Heb. all the men be. they shall.]

terlepas(TB)/tinggal(TL) <08300> [none.]


penyakit sampar;

Yer 42:22; Yer 21:7; [Lihat FULL. Yer 21:7]; Yer 44:13 [Semua]


murka-Ku(TB/TL) <0639> [As mine.]

The people had witnessed the tremendous effects of the wrath of God, in the siege and destruction of Jerusalem; and had they not been past feeling, this denunciation must have made their ears tingle, and appalled their very souls.

kutuk(TB/TL) <0423> [ye shall be.]

melihat(TB)/memandang(TL) <07200> [and ye shall see.]


kehangatan amarah-Ku

Ul 29:18-20; 2Taw 12:7; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 12:7] [Semua]

penduduk Yerusalem,

2Taw 36:19; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 36:19]; Yer 39:1-9 [Semua]

menjadi kutuk,

Bil 5:27; [Lihat FULL. Bil 5:27]; Yer 25:18; [Lihat FULL. Yer 25:18] [Semua]


Ul 28:25,37; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:25]; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:37] [Semua]

dan aib;

Mazm 44:14; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 44:14]

ini lagi.

Yer 22:10; [Lihat FULL. Yer 22:10]


pergi(TB/TL) <0935> [Go.]

God knew, that such was their miserable propensity to idolatry, that they would adopt the idolatrous worship of Egypt. Add to which, their going thither for protection was in effect refusing to submit to the king of Babylon, to whom God had decreed the rule of Judah and the neighbouring kingdoms.

Camkanlah sungguh-sungguh(TB)/ketahuilah .... sebenarnya(TL) <03045> [know.]

memperingatkan .... hari .......... hari(TB)/saksi(TL) <05749 03117> [admonished you. Heb. testified against you.]


hai sisa

Yer 40:15

ke Mesir!

Yer 42:6; [Lihat FULL. Yer 42:6]; Ul 17:16; Yes 30:7; Yer 43:2; 44:16 [Semua]


membahayakan(TB)/menipu(TL) <08582> [For ye.]

God made known to the prophet their dissimulation; which he shunned not to declare to them.

dirimu nyawamu(TB)/menipu dirimu(TL) <05315 08582> [dissembled in your hearts. Heb. have used deceit against your souls.]

Berdoalah(TB)/doa(TL) <06419> [Pray.]



kami melakukannya!

Yer 42:2; Yeh 14:7-8 [Semua]


hari(TB)/Sekarang(TL) <03117> [I have.]

mendengarkan(TB)/dengar(TL) <08085> [but.]


kusampaikan kepadamu.

Kel 24:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 24:7]; Yer 40:3; Yeh 2:7; 12:2; Za 7:11-12 [Semua]


camkanlah sungguh-sungguh(TB)/ketahuilah .... sebenarnya(TL) <03045> [know.]

tempat(TB/TL) <04725> [in the.]

sebagai ... asing .... menumpang(TB)/sekarang hendak ..... menumpang(TL) <0935 01481> [to go and to sojourn. or, to go to sojourn.]


pedang, kelaparan

Yes 1:28; [Lihat FULL. Yes 1:28]

penyakit sampar

Yer 42:17; [Lihat FULL. Yer 42:17]; Yer 24:10; Yeh 6:11 [Semua]

untuk tinggal

Yer 15:2; [Lihat FULL. Yer 15:2]; Hos 9:6 [Semua]

TIP #25: Tekan Tombol pada halaman Studi Kamus untuk melihat bahan lain berbahasa inggris. [SEMUA]
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