TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Imamat 3:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


buah pinggang ............ umbai hati ...... buah pinggang(TB)/punggung ............. jala-jala .... hampedas ..... punggung(TL) <03629 03516 03508> [caul above the liver, with the kidneys. or, midriff over the liver, and over the kidneys.]


buah pinggang

Im 3:10; Kel 29:13; Im 4:9 [Semua]

Imamat 4:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


buah pinggang

Im 3:4; [Lihat FULL. Im 3:4]

Imamat 3:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


buah pinggang

Im 7:4

Imamat 19:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membenci(TB)/dengki(TL) <08130> [hate.]

tetapi .... berterus ... menegor(TB)/menegur(TL) <03198> [rebuke.]

mendatangkan dosa(TB)/salah tertanggung(TL) <05375 02399> [and not suffer sin upon him. or, that thou bear not sin for him.]


dalam hatimu,

1Yoh 2:9; [Lihat FULL. 1Yoh 2:9]

berterus terang

Mat 18:15; [Lihat FULL. Mat 18:15]

Imamat 7:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


buah pinggang

Im 3:15

Imamat 26:36

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mendatangkan(TB)/mengadakan(TL) <0935> [I will send.]

bunyi(TB/TL) <06963> [and the.]

ditiupkan(TB)/menghalaukan(TL) <05086> [shaken. Heb. driven.]


bunyi daun

Ayub 13:25

akan mengejar

2Raj 25:5; Mazm 58:8; Rat 1:3,6; 4:19; Yeh 21:7 [Semua]

yang mengejar.

Im 26:17; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:17]

Imamat 26:41

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tidak bersunat(TB)/tiada tersunat(TL) <06189> [their uncircumcised.]

tunduk(TB)/merendahkan(TL) <03665> [humbled.]

membayar pulih(TB)/jemu(TL) <07521> [and they.]


bertindak melawan

Im 26:21; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:21]

kemudian hati

Ul 10:16; 30:6; Yer 4:4; 9:25,26; Yeh 44:7,9; Kis 7:51 [Semua]

telah tunduk

2Taw 7:14; 12:6; Yeh 20:43 [Semua]

membayar pulih

Yes 6:7; 33:24; 40:2; 53:5,6,11 [Semua]

Imamat 9:19

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Imamat 22:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kudus ......... suci melanggar ..... kesucian-Ku(TB)/dihinakannya(TL) <02490 06944> [that they profane not.]

This is the very ground of the prohibition, that they might preserve in their minds a holy reverence for the Divine Majesty. Hence when they approached unto him, they must be free from every legal impurity. If great men are to be approached with respect, how much more must Jehovah be approached with holy reverence!

dikuduskan(TB) <06942> [hallow.]


terhadap persembahan-persembahan

Im 19:8

kekudusan nama-Ku

Kel 20:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 20:7]; Mat 5:33; [Lihat FULL. Mat 5:33] [Semua]

Akulah Tuhan.

Yeh 44:8

Imamat 8:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Imamat 8:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Diambilnyalah lemaknya,

Im 3:3-5 [Semua]

Imamat 9:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Lemak(TB)/lemaknya(TL) <02459> [the fat.]

TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [as the Lord.]

Imamat 26:43

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pulih ................... membayar pulih(TB)/berkenan .............. jemulah(TL) <07521> [shall enjoy.]

pulih ................... membayar pulih(TB)/berkenan .............. jemulah(TL) <07521> [and they.]

menolak(TB)/dibuangkannya(TL) <03988> [they despised.]

hati(TB)/hatinyapun(TL) <05315> [their soul.]


akan ditinggalkan

Mazm 69:26; Yes 6:11; 32:14; 62:4; Yer 2:15; 44:2; Rat 1:1; Yeh 36:4 [Semua]

mereka menolak

Bil 11:20; 14:31; 1Sam 8:7; Mazm 106:24 [Semua]

mendengarkan ketetapan-Ku.

Im 26:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:11]; Yeh 20:13 [Semua]

Imamat 22:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


domba(TB/TL) <07716> [lamb. or, kid. superfluous.]

Imamat 23:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


merendahkan(TB/TL) <06031> [that shall.]

dilenyapkan(TB)/ditumpas(TL) <03772> [he shall be.]


orang-orang sebangsanya.

Kel 17:14; Im 7:20; Bil 5:2 [Semua]

Imamat 22:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


keselamatan(TB)/syukur(TL) <08002> [peace.]

pembayar(TB)/menyampaikan(TL) <06381> [to accomplish.]

kambing(TB)/kambing domba(TL) <06629> [sheep. or, goats. it shall be perfect.]

This law is so founded on the nature of the thing itself, that it has been in force among all nations that sacrificed victims to their deities.


korban keselamatan

Kel 32:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:6]; Im 3:6; [Lihat FULL. Im 3:6] [Semua]

korban sukarela

Im 7:16; [Lihat FULL. Im 7:16]

kambing domba,

Im 1:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:2]

tidak bercela,

Kel 12:5; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:5]; Mal 1:14 [Semua]

Tuhan berkenan

Am 4:5

Imamat 6:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ingat-ingatannya(TB)/persembahan(TL) <0234> [the memorial.]


seluruh kemenyan

Im 2:1; [Lihat FULL. Im 2:1]

korban sajian

Im 2:9

sebagai bagian

Im 2:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 2:2]

Imamat 3:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


membakarnya(TB)/dibakar(TL) <06999> [burn.]

santapan(TB)/makanan(TL) <03899> [the food.]


atas mezbah

Im 3:5; [Lihat FULL. Im 3:5]

sebagai santapan

Im 3:16; Im 21:6,17; Bil 28:2 [Semua]

korban api-apian

Im 9:18

Imamat 26:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Aku ... menempatkan(TB)/mendirikan(TL) <05414> [I will.]

muak(TB)/jemu(TL) <01602> [abhor.]


Kemah Suci-Ku

Kel 25:8; Mazm 74:7; 76:3; Yeh 37:27 [Semua]

melihat kamu.

Im 26:15,43,44; Ul 31:6; 1Sam 12:22; 1Raj 6:13; 2Raj 17:15 [Semua]

Imamat 26:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menolak(TB)/membuang(TL) <03988> [despise.]

hatimu(TL) <05315> [soul.]

mengingkari(TB)/meniadakan(TL) <06565> [break.]


mendengar peraturan-Ku,

Im 26:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:11]

mengingkari perjanjian-Ku,

Kej 17:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 17:7]

Imamat 3:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


umbai(TB)/jala-jala(TL) <03508> [the caul.]


Imamat 26:39

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hancur lebur ................. hancur lebur(TB)/kurus kering .................. kurus kering(TL) <04743> [shall pine.]

hukumannya ........ kesalahan(TB)/salahnya .... salah(TL) <05771> [and also.]


nenek moyang

Kel 20:5; Yes 14:21 [Semua]

hancur lebur

Im 26:16; [Lihat FULL. Im 26:16]; Yes 24:16 [Semua]

Imamat 1:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


terpisah(TB)/diceraikan(TL) <0914> [shall not.]

korban bakaran(TB/TL) <05930> [it is.]


sampai terpisah;

Kej 15:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 15:10]

atas kayu

Im 1:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:7]

Imamat 7:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


korban nazar(TB)/nazar(TL) <05088> [be a vow.]

korban sukarela(TB)/korban ikhtiar(TL) <05071> [a voluntary.]

selebihnya(TB) <03498> [also the.]


korban nazar

Kej 28:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 28:20]; Im 1:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:2]; Ul 23:21-23 [Semua]

korban sukarela,

Kel 35:29; Im 22:18,21; 23:38; Bil 15:3; 29:39; Ul 12:6; Mazm 54:6; Yeh 46:12 [Semua]

keesokan harinya.

Im 19:5-8 [Semua]

Imamat 15:31

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menghindarkan(TB)/menasehatkan(TL) <05144> [Thus shall.]

mati(TB)/jangan(TL) <04191> [that they.]

These laws were principally intended to impress the minds of the Israelites with reverence for the sanctuary; and, on the one hand, to shew them what need they had of circumspection, and purity of heart and life, in order to worship the holy God with acceptance; and, on the other hand, that being sinners in a world full of temptations and defilements, they would continually need forgiveness, through the great atonement typified by all the sacrifices, and the sanctification of the Spirit, showed forth by all the purifications. While they were encamped in the desert, it would not be very burdensome to bring the prescribed oblations; but after they were settled in Canaan, many of them at a great distance from the tabernacle, this would become much more difficult. We may, however, observe, continues Mr. Scott, that many of the cases stated only required such washings as might any where be performed, and that those, respecting which sacrifices were appointed, would more rarely occur. We may also suppose, that provided these were brought, when the person who had been unclean first came to the sanctuary, it would suffice: though distance or other hindrances prevented its being done immediately, at the expiration of the seven days.


Kemah Suci-Ku

Im 20:3; Bil 5:3; 19:13,20; 2Sam 15:25; 2Raj 21:7; Mazm 33:14; 74:7; 76:3; Yeh 5:11; 23:38 [Semua]

Imamat 22:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Siapapun(TB)/Barangsiapapun ..... isi(TL) <0376> [Whatsoever.]

orang asing(TB)/menumpang(TL) <01616> [of the strangers.]

persembahan nazar(TB)/nazarnya(TL) <05088> [vows.]

persembahan sukarela(TB)/persembahan dari ridla hatinya(TL) <05071> [freewill.]


orang Israel

Bil 15:16; 19:10; Yos 8:33 [Semua]

mempersembahkan persembahannya,

Im 1:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:2]

persembahan nazar

Im 22:21; Kej 28:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 28:20]; Bil 15:8; Mazm 22:26; 76:12; 116:18 [Semua]

persembahan sukarela,

Im 7:16; [Lihat FULL. Im 7:16]

Imamat 23:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sajiannya(TB)/makanan(TL) <04503> [the meat.]

curahannya(TB)/minuman(TL) <05262> [the drink.]

seperempat(TB/TL) <07243> [the fourth.]


korban sajiannya

Im 2:14-16; Im 6:20; [Lihat FULL. Im 6:20] [Semua]

persepuluh efa

Im 23:17; Im 24:5; Bil 15:6; 28:9 [Semua]

korban curahannya

Kej 35:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 35:14]

hin anggur.

Im 10:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 10:9]

Imamat 23:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tujuh ... domba .... anak domba(TB)/tujuh ... anak domba(TL) <07651 03532> [seven lambs.]

korban sajiannya(TB)/makanan(TL) <04503> [with their.]


korban-korban curahannya,

Im 23:13; Kel 29:41; 30:9; 37:16; Yer 19:13; 44:18 [Semua]

Imamat 16:31

TSK Full Life Study Bible



dengan berpuasa.

Ezr 8:21; Yes 58:3,5; Dan 10:12 [Semua]

suatu ketetapan

Kis 27:9

Imamat 26:30

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Kupunahkan(TB)/merobohkan(TL) <08045> [I will destroy.]

hati-Ku(TB)/hati-Kupun(TL) <05315> [my soul.]


Dan bukit-bukit

Ul 12:2; 1Sam 9:12; 10:5; 1Raj 3:2,4; 12:31; 13:2,32; 2Raj 17:29; 23:20; 2Taw 34:3; Mazm 78:58; Yeh 6:3; 16:16; Am 7:9 [Semua]

segala pedupaanmu

2Taw 34:4; Yes 17:8; 27:9; Yeh 6:6 [Semua]

bangkai-bangkai berhalamu

Yes 21:9; Yer 50:2; Yeh 6:13 [Semua]

akan muak

Mazm 106:40; Am 6:8 [Semua]

Imamat 1:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


isi perutnya(TB/TL) <07130> [inwards.]

dibakar ...... mezbah mezbah(TB)/dibakar(TL) <06999 04196> [burn all.]

menyenangkan(TB)/harum(TL) <05207> [a sweet.]


dengan air

Kel 29:17; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:17]

dan seluruhnya

Im 6:22

atas mezbah

Im 1:13; Kel 29:18; Im 9:14 [Semua]

korban bakaran,

Im 1:3

korban api-apian

Im 23:8,25,36; Bil 28:6,19 [Semua]

bagi Tuhan.

Im 1:13; Kej 8:21; Im 2:2; 3:5,16; 17:6; Bil 18:17; 28:11-13; Ef 5:2 [Semua]


Imamat 1:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dengan air,

Kel 29:17; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:17]

dan dibakar

Im 6:22

atas mezbah:

Im 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:9]

korban bakaran,

Ul 12:27

Imamat 23:38

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hari-hari Sabat(TB)/sabat(TL) <07676> [the sabbaths.]

persembahan-persembahanmu .... korban nazarmu .... korban sukarelamu(TB)/persembahanmu .... nazarmu .... korban dari ridla hatimu(TL) <04979 05088 05071> [and beside.]


hari-hari Sabat

Kel 20:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 20:10]; 2Taw 2:4; Yeh 45:17 [Semua]

termasuk persembahan-persembahanmu

Im 1:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:2]

korban sukarelamu,

Im 7:16; [Lihat FULL. Im 7:16]

Imamat 19:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


korban(TB/TL) <02077> [a sacrifice.]

mempersembahkan ......... sedemikian(TB)/mempersembahkan ........ mempersembahkan(TL) <02076> [ye shall.]

berkenan(TB)/keridlaan(TL) <07522> [your own will.]

The Hebrews had several kinds of offerings, which they called {corban}. Some were free-will offerings, and others were of obligation. The first fruits, the tenths, the sin-offerings, were of obligation; the peace-offerings, vows, offerings of oil, wine, bread, and other things which were made to the temple, or to the ministers of the Lord, were offerings of devotion; these constituted the greater part. They indeed were a shadow of good things to come, which we enjoy in full fruition through THE ONE great SACRIFICE, even Jesus Christ. "Aaron must lay his robes away, His mitre and his vest, When God himself comes down to be The offering and the priest."

Imamat 16:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ketujuh(TB/TL) <07637> [in the seventh.]

merendahkan(TB/TL) <06031> [shall afflict.]

melakukan ... pekerjaan ... pekerjaan(TB)/berbuat(TL) <06213 04399> [do no.]


menjadi ketetapan

Kel 12:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:14]

bulan itu

Im 25:9

dengan berpuasa

Im 16:31; Im 23:27,32; Bil 29:7; Yes 58:3 [Semua]

sesuatu pekerjaan,

Kel 31:15; [Lihat FULL. Kel 31:15]; Im 23:28; [Lihat FULL. Im 23:28] [Semua]

orang Israel

Kel 12:19

Imamat 3:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


santapan(TB)/makanan(TL) <03899> [it is the food.]

lemak(TB/TL) <02459> [all the fat.]


atas mezbah

Im 3:5; [Lihat FULL. Im 3:5]; Im 7:31 [Semua]

sebagai santapan

Im 3:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 3:11]

menjadi bau

Im 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:9]

Segala lemak

Kej 4:4; [Lihat FULL. Kej 4:4]

kepunyaan Tuhan.

1Sam 2:16

Imamat 7:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Segala lemak

Kel 29:13; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:13]

Imamat 8:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dan lemaknya.

Im 1:8; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:8]

Imamat 19:37

TSK Full Life Study Bible



segala ketetapan-Ku

2Raj 17:37; 2Taw 7:17; Mazm 119:5; Yeh 18:9 [Semua]

segala peraturan-Ku

Kej 26:5; [Lihat FULL. Kej 26:5]

Imamat 23:27

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tanggal(TB)/sepuluh(TL) <06218> [the tenth.]

merendahkan(TB/TL) <06031> [afflict.]

mempersembahkan(TB/TL) <07126> [offer.]


sepuluh bulan

Im 16:29; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:29]

hari Pendamaian;

Kel 30:10; [Lihat FULL. Kel 30:10]

pertemuan kudus

Im 23:2,24; [Lihat FULL. Im 23:2]; [Lihat FULL. Im 23:24] [Semua]


Imamat 23:32

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sabat ............................. sabatmu(TB/TL) <07676> [a sabbath.]

merendahkan diri(TB)/merendahkan(TL) <06031> [afflict.]

sabat ... sabat .......................... merayakan sabatmu ... sabatmu(TB)/sabat ........................... berhenti ... sabatmu(TL) <07676 07673> [celebrate your sabbath. Heb. rest.]


hari perhentian

Im 16:31; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:31]

merayakan sabatmu.

Neh 13:19

Imamat 2:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ingat-ingatannya(TB)/dipersembahkan(TL) <0234> [a memorial.]

api-apian(TB)/persembahan(TL) <0801> [an offering.]


itu bagian

Im 2:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 2:2]

bagi Tuhan.

Kej 8:21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 8:21]

Imamat 3:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Harun(TB/TL) <0175> [Aaron's.]

bakaran(TB)/korban bakaran(TL) <05930> [upon the burnt.]



Im 7:29-34 [Semua]

atas mezbah,

Im 3:11,16 [Semua]

korban bakaran

Kel 29:13,38-42; Bil 28:3-10 [Semua]

atas api,

Im 1:7; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:7]

bagi Tuhan.

Im 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:9]

Imamat 6:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible



atas panggangan

Im 2:5

Imamat 8:28

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Musa(TB/TL) <04872> [Moses.]

pentahbisan(TB)/lantikan(TL) <04394> [they were.]

Imamat 17:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyiramkan(TB)/dipercikkan(TL) <02236> [sprinkle.]

membakar(TB)/dibakarnya(TL) <06999> [burn.]


pada mezbah

Im 4:18; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:18]


Im 3:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 3:2]

bagi Tuhan.

Im 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:9]

Imamat 2:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ingat-ingatan(TB)/persembahan(TL) <0234> [the memorial.]


itu tepung

Im 5:11

seluruh kemenyannya,

Im 6:15; Yes 1:13; 65:3; 66:3 [Semua]

sebagai bagian

Im 2:9,16; Im 5:12; 6:15; 24:7; Bil 5:26; 18:8; Mazm 16:5; 73:26; Yes 53:12 [Semua]

korban api-apian

Im 2:16

bagi Tuhan.

Im 1:9; [Lihat FULL. Im 1:9]

Imamat 4:31

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lemak ...... lemak(TB)/lemaknya ......... lemak(TL) <02459> [all the fat.]

menyenangkan(TB)/harum(TL) <05207> [a sweet.]

imam ............. imam(TB/TL) <03548> [and the priest.]


atas mezbah

Im 4:35

bagi Tuhan.

Kej 8:21; [Lihat FULL. Kej 8:21]

mengadakan pendamaian

Im 1:4

menerima pengampunan.

Im 4:20; [Lihat FULL. Im 4:20]

Imamat 16:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kemeja .... kudus ....................... kudus(TB)/baju dalam ....... suci ................................. suci(TL) <03801 06944> [holy line coat. Heb. of holiness. Greek. a sanctified linen coat.]

This and the other vestures were peculiar for this day, and for the services of this day; that is, for making atonement: the other service, which was ordinary, he performed this day in his other priestly garments. The eight ornaments usually worn by the high priest are enumerated in Exodus xxviii ver.4, etc., and the four that were for this day are here expressed, and are called the white garments, while the others were designated the golden garments, because some were made with gold thread woven in them. These four were made of six double twisted threads, and of flax only.

membasuh(TB)/dimandikannya(TL) <07364> [therefore.]


mengenakan kemeja

Im 8:13; [Lihat FULL. Im 8:13]

berlilitkan serban

Kel 28:39; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:39]

itulah pakaian

Im 16:32; Kel 28:42; [Lihat FULL. Kel 28:42]; Kel 29:29,30; Im 21:10; Bil 20:26,28 [Semua]

harus dikenakannya,

Yeh 9:2; 44:17-18 [Semua]

dengan air.

Kel 29:4; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:4]; Ibr 10:22 [Semua]

TIP #04: Coba gunakan range (OT dan NT) pada Pencarian Khusus agar pencarian Anda lebih terfokus. [SEMUA]
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