kabed <03516>
dbk kabed
Pelafalan | : | kaw-bade' |
Asal Mula | : | the same as 03515 |
Referensi | : | TWOT - 943b |
Jenis Kata | : | n f (noun feminime) |
Dalam Ibrani | : | dbkh 11, wdbk 1, ydbk 1, dbkb 1 |
Dalam TB | : | hati 10, hatinya 3, hatiku 1 |
Dalam AV | : | liver 14 |
Jumlah | : | 14 |
Definisi | : |
1) the liver
1a) the liver (as the heaviest organ)
the same as 3515; the liver (as the heaviest of the viscera): KJV -- liver. see HEBREW for 03515 |
Yunani Terkait | : | - |