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2 Raja-raja 18

1 Pemerintahan Hizkia yang benar di mata TUHAN.

4 Dia memusnahkan penyembahan berhala, dan berhasil.

9 Penduduk Samaria diangkut ke pembuangan karena dosa mereka.

13 Sanherib menyerang Yehuda, dilepaskan dengan upeti.

17 Juru minuman agung, dengan kata-kata yang menghina TUHAN, mengajak bangsa Israel untuk memberontak terhadap Hizkia.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

18:1 · ketiga(TB/TL) <07969> [A.M. 3278. B.C. 726. in the third.]

· Hizkia(TB/TL) <02396> [Hezekiah.]

· [Ezekias.]


Judul : Hizkia, raja Yehuda

Perikop : 2Raj 18:1-12


2Taw 29:1-2; 31:1 dengan 2Raj 18:2-4


2Taw 31:20-21 dengan 2Raj 18:5-7


2Raj 17:3-7 dengan 2Raj 18:9-12

Israel, Hizkia,

Yes 1:1; Hos 1:1; Mi 1:1 [Semua]

18:2 · berumur ... puluh lima tahun ......... puluh ... tahun(TB)/umurnya ......... puluh lima tahun ........ likur tahun(TL) <06242 02568 08141 01121> [Twenty and five years old.]

As Ahaz was 20 years old when he began to reign, and died when he had reigned 16 years, his whole age only amounted to 36 years; and as Hezekiah was, at least, entering on his 25th year when he began to reign, then Ahaz must have been under 12 years of age when his son was born! This is not at all impossible: and there are well-attested facts of men having children at as early a period, especially in eastern countries.

· Abi(TB)/Abia(TL) <021> [A.M. 3278-3306. B.C. 726-698. Abi.]

· [Abijah.]


sembilan tahun

2Raj 18:13; Yes 38:5 [Semua]

18:3 · benar ... mata pemandangan(TB)/benar ... pemandangan(TL) <05869 03477> [right in the sight.]

· Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [according.]


yang benar

1Raj 14:8; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 14:8]

dilakukan Daud,

Yes 38:5

18:4 · menjauhkan(TB)/dilalukannya(TL) <05493> [removed.]

· meremukkan ........... menghancurkan(TB)/dipecahkannya ........... dihancurluluhkannya(TL) <07665 03807> [brake.]

· tugu-tugu(TB)/patung(TL) <04676> [images. Heb. statues. the brasen serpent.]

· masa(TB)/hari(TL) <03117> [unto those days.]

· Nehustan(TB/TL) <05180> [Nehushtan.]

That is, a piece of brass.


yang menjauhkan

2Taw 31:1; Yes 36:7 [Semua]

bukit-bukit pengorbanan

2Raj 12:3; 21:3 [Semua]

meremukkan tugu-tugu

Kel 23:24; [Lihat FULL. Kel 23:24]

ular tembaga

Bil 21:9

18:5 · percaya(TB)/percayalah(TL) <0982> [trusted.]

· raja-raja ..... sesudah ...... raja(TB)/kemudian(TL) <0310 04428> [after him.]


Ia percaya

2Raj 18:19; 1Sam 7:3; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 7:3]; 2Raj 19:10; Mazm 21:8; 125:1; Ams 3:26 [Semua]


18:6 · berpaut(TB)/bersangkutpautlah(TL) <01692> [he clave.]

None of the kings of Judah, from the time of the division of the kingdom, equalled Hezekiah in the stedfastness and simplicity of his dependence upon the Lord; in which he aspired to an equality with his progenitor David, who had reigned over the whole land. Even Asa, through weakness of faith, sought the assistance of a heathen prince; and Jehoshaphat formed an alliance with idolatrous Ahab; but Hezekiah clave to the Lord, in entire confidence and unreserved obedience, to the end of his life.

· mengikuti ..... berpegang dilakukan(TB)/mengikut(TL) <0310 08104> [from following him. Heb. from after him. kept.]


Ia berpaut

Ul 6:18; [Lihat FULL. Ul 6:18]; Ul 10:20; [Lihat FULL. Ul 10:20] [Semua]

18:7 · TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [And the Lord.]

· beruntung(TB)/bijaksana(TL) <07919> [he prospered.]

· memberontak(TB)/berpalinghaluanlah(TL) <04775> [rebelled.]


ia beruntung.

Kej 39:3; [Lihat FULL. Kej 39:3]; Ayub 22:25; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 22:25] [Semua]

Ia memberontak

2Raj 24:1; Ezr 4:19; Yes 36:5 [Semua]


18:8 · Filistin(TB/TL) <06430> [the Philistines.]

· Gaza(TB/TL) <05804> [Gaza. Heb. Azzah. from the tower.]


maupun kota-kota

2Raj 17:9

18:9 · tahun keempat tahun ..... tahun ..... tahun(TB)/tahun ... keempat ....... tahun(TL) <08141 07243> [A.M. 3281. B.C. 723. the fourth year.]

· Salmaneser(TB)/Salmanesar(TL) <08022> [Shalmaneser.]

· [Shalman.]


tahun keempat

Yes 1:1; 36:1 [Semua]

18:10 · Direbutlah ......... keenam ... keenam ......... direbutlah(TB)/dialahkannya ............................. dialahkan(TL) <03920 08337> [A.M. 3283. B.C. 721. they took it.]

18:11 · Raja(TB)/raja(TL) <04428> [the king.]

· Halah(TB/TL) <02477> [Halah.]

It is thought, with much probability, that Halah, or Chalach, is Ptolemy's Calachene, the northern part of Assyria; that Habor, or Chabor, is the mountain or mountainous country, between Media and Assyria, called by Ptolemy, [Chaboras,] Chaboras; and that Gozan is Gauzanitis of Ptolemy, situated between that mountain and the Caspian sea, and between the two channels of the river Cyrus.



Yes 37:12

orang Madai,

Yeh 16:39; 23:9 [Semua]

18:12 · mendengarkan suara ... bunyi ................. mendengarkannya(TB)/menurut ........................ dengar(TL) <08085 06963> [they obeyed not.]

· Musa(TB/TL) <04872> [Moses.]


melanggar perjanjian-Nya,

2Raj 17:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 17:15]

yang diperintahkan

2Raj 21:8; Dan 9:6,10 [Semua]

yang diperintahkan

1Raj 9:6; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 9:6]

18:13 · keempat(TB/TL) <0702> [A.M. 3291. B.C. 713. the fourteenth.]

· Sanherib(TB/TL) <05576> [Sennacherib. Heb. Sanherib. come up.]


Judul : Yerusalem dikepung oleh Sanherib

Perikop : 2Raj 18:13-37


Yes 36:1-22 dengan 2Raj 18:13,17-37


2Taw 32:9-19 dengan 2Raj 18:17-35

keempat belas

2Raj 18:2; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 18:2]

negeri Yehuda,

Yes 1:7; Mi 1:9 [Semua]


18:14 · dosa(TB/TL) <02398> [I have offended.]


di Lakhis

2Raj 19:8

berbuat dosa;

Yes 24:5; 33:8 [Semua]



Hizkia memberikan

1Raj 15:18; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 15:18]; Yes 39:2 [Semua]

18:16 · pintu(TB/TL) <01817> [gold.]

· raja ...... raja(TB)/raja ....... raja(TL) <04428> [it. Heb. them.]


dari pintu-pintu

2Taw 29:3

18:17 · raja .............. raja(TB)/raja .................. raja(TL) <04428> [A.M. 3294. B.C. 710. the king.]

· panglima(TB)/Tartan(TL) <08661> [Tartan.]

Calmet remarks, that these are not the names of persons, but of offices: {Tartan} signifies "he who presides over gifts or tribute;" {Rabsaris,} "the chief of the eunuchs;" and {Rabshakeh,} "the chief cup-bearer."

· besar(TB/TL) <03515> [great. Heb. heavy. the conduit of the upper pool.]

If the Fuller's field were near En-Rogel, or the Fuller's fountain, east of Jerusalem, as is generally supposed, then the conduit of the upper pool may been an aqueduct that brought the water from the upper or eastern reservoir of that fountain, which had been seized in order to distress the city.


mengirim panglima,

Yes 20:1

kolam atas

2Raj 20:20; 2Taw 32:4,30; Neh 2:14; Yes 22:9 [Semua]

18:18 · Elyakim(TB/TL) <0471> [Eliakim.]

· Sebna(TB)/Sibna(TL) <07644> [Shebna.]

· panitera(TB)/jurutulis(TL) <05608> [the scribe. or, secretary.]

2Sa 8:17 *marg:

· bendahara(TB)/katib(TL) <02142> [the recorder.]


mereka Elyakim

2Raj 19:2; Yes 22:20; 36:3,11,22; 37:2 [Semua]

dan Sebna,

2Raj 18:26,37; Yes 22:15 [Semua]

18:19 · agung(TB)/Rabsaki(TL) <07262> [Rab-shakeh.]

He was the chief speaker, being a very eloquent man, and, according to the Hebrews, whom Procopius follows, an apostate Jew; which is not improbable, as he spoke Hebrew so fluently; and when he blasphemed the Divine Majesty, the king and nobles rent their clothes, which was usual unless the blasphemer were an Israelite.

· berkatalah ........ katakan ..... kata(TB)/kata .... Katakanlah ...... titah(TL) <0559> [Thus saith.]

· kaupegang(TB)/macam(TL) <0986> [What confidence.]


Asyur: Kepercayaan

2Raj 18:5; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 18:5]; Ayub 4:6; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 4:6] [Semua]

18:20 · Kaukira(TB)/katamu(TL) <0559> [sayest. or, talkest. vain words. Heb. word of the lips. I have counsel and strength for the war. or, but counsel and strength are for the war.]

· memberontak(TB)/mendurhaka(TL) <04775> [rebellest.]

18:21 · berharap .............................. berharap(TB)/percaya ............................ harap(TL) <0982> [trustest. Heb. trustest thee. the staff.]

· Mesir ................ Mesir(TB)/Mesir ............... Mesir(TL) <04714> [upon Egypt.]

· Firaun(TB/TL) <06547> [so is Pharaoh.]


kepada tongkat

2Raj 24:7; Yes 20:6; 30:5,7; Yer 25:19; 37:7; 46:2 [Semua]

yaitu Mesir,

Yes 20:5; 31:1; Yeh 29:6 [Semua]

18:22 · berharap(TB)/percaya(TL) <0982> [We trust.]

· pengorbanan-Nya(TB)/panggung-Nya(TL) <01116> [whose high places.]

18:23 · bertaruh(TB/TL) <06148> [pledges. Heb. hostages.]

· memberikan .......... memberikan(TB)/memberikan ........... mengeluarkan(TL) <05414> [I will deliver.]

18:24 · memukul mundur(TB)/melawan(TL) <07725> [How then.]

· berharap(TB)/harap(TL) <0982> [thy trust.]

· kereta(TB)/rata perangnya(TL) <07393> [chariots.]


orang perwira

Yes 10:8

18:25 · maju ........... Majulah(TB)/berangkat .................. Pergilah(TL) <05927> [Am I now.]


kehendak Tuhan

2Raj 19:6,22; 24:3; 2Taw 35:21 [Semua]

18:26 · berbicara ............. berbicara(TB)/berkata-kata ................. berkata-kata(TL) <01696> [Speak.]

Perceiving that the object of this blasphemous caitiff was to stir up the people to sedition, they mildly and reasonably required him to make his proposals in the Syrian language.

· bahasa(TB)/Arami(TL) <0762> [in the Syrian language.]


bahasa Aram

Ezr 4:7

18:27 · memakan(TB)/makan(TL) <0398> [eat.]

· <04325> [their own piss. Heb. the water of their feet.]

18:28 · agung(TB)/Rabsaki(TL) <07262> [Rab-shakeh.]

· raja ... raja Asyur ..... Asyur(TB)/raja ..... raja ... Asyur(TL) <04428 0804> [the king of Assyria.]

18:29 · kata(TB)/Titah(TL) <0559> [saith.]

· Hizkia(TB/TL) <02396> [Let not.]


Hizkia memperdayakan

2Raj 19:10

18:30 · berharap(TB)/dibujuk(TL) <0982> [make you.]

· kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [this city.]



18:31 · Adakanlah perjanjian penyerahan ........... persembahan(TB) <06213 01293> [Make an agreement with me. or, Seek my favour. Heb. Make with me a blessing.]

· setiap orang ..... makan ...... masing-masing ....... masing-masing .......... masing-masing(TB)/makan(TL) <0398 0376> [eat ye.]

· sumurnya(TB)/periginya(TL) <0953> [cistern. or, pit.]


pohon aranya

Bil 13:23; [Lihat FULL. Bil 13:23]; 1Raj 4:25; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 4:25] [Semua]

dari sumurnya,

Yer 14:3; Rat 4:4 [Semua]

18:32 · datang(TB/TL) <0935> [I come.]

· negeri ... negerimu .... negeri ........ negeri ........ negeri(TB)/negeri ..... negerimu ..... negeri ......... negeri(TL) <0776> [like your own.]

· membujuk(TB)/dihasutnya(TL) <05496> [persuadeth. or, deceiveth.]


kamu hidup

Ul 30:19

18:33 · masing-masing(TB)/masing-masingnya(TL) <0376> [Hath any.]


para allah

2Raj 19:12

18:34 · allah ......... allah(TB)/dewa-dewa ......... dewa-dewa(TL) <0430> [the gods.]

· Hamat(TB/TL) <02574> [Hamath.]

Hamath, there is little doubt, was the Epiphania of the Greeks, as Josephus, Theodoret, and Jerome, expressly assert. It was a celebrated city of Syria, situated on the Orontes, and the present Hamah doubtless occupies its site; as Abulfeda, who was prince or emir of Hamah about A.D. 1345, expressly states, in his Description of Syria, that Hamah is an ancient city mentioned in the writings of the Israelites. It is still a considerable town, situated on both sides of the Orontes, about three days' journey and a half from Tripoli; and must contain, Burckhardt says, at least 30,000 inhabitants.

· Arpad(TB/TL) <0774> [Arpad.]

Arpad is probably the town of Arphas, mentioned by Josephus as limiting the province of Gamalitis, Gaulanitis, Batanea, and Trachonitis, to the N. E.; and the Raphan, or Raphanea, which Stephanus places near Epiphania.

· allah ......... allah(TB)/dewa-dewa ......... dewa-dewa(TL) <0430> [the gods.]

· [Ava.]

· melepaskan(TB)/meluputkan(TL) <05337> [have they delivered.]


negeri Hamat

2Raj 17:24; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 17:24]; Yer 49:23; [Lihat FULL. Yer 49:23] [Semua]

dan Arpad?

Yes 10:9

18:35 · allah(TB)/dewa-dewa(TL) <0430> [Who are.]

· TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [that the Lord.]


dari tanganku?

Mazm 2:1-2 [Semua]

18:36 · berdiam(TB)/diamlah(TL) <02790> [held their peace.]

18:37 · berpakaikan pakaian ... dikoyakkan(TB)/berpakaikan pakaian(TL) <0899 07167> [with their clothes rent.]


pergilah Elyakim

2Raj 18:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 18:18]; Yes 33:7; 36:3,22 [Semua]

yang dikoyakkan,

2Raj 6:30; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 6:30]

TIP #02: Coba gunakan wildcards "*" atau "?" untuk hasil pencarian yang leb?h bai*. [SEMUA]
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