TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Samuel 3:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


1 Samuel 6:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hampa(TB/TL) <07387> [empty.]

tebusan(TB)/salah(TL) <0817> [a trespass.]

mengetahui(TB)/nyatalah(TL) <03045> [known.]


tangan hampa,

Kel 22:29; [Lihat FULL. Kel 22:29]; Kel 34:20; [Lihat FULL. Kel 34:20] [Semua]

tebusan salah

Im 5:15; [Lihat FULL. Im 5:15]

mengapa tangan-Nya

1Sam 6:9

1 Samuel 6:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Bet-Semes(TB)/Bait-Semes(TL) <01053> [Beth-shemesh.]

mendatangkan(TB)/mengadakan(TL) <06213> [he. or, it.]

mengetahui(TB)/ketahui(TL) <03045> [we shall.]


tangan-Nya(TB)/tangan(TL) <03027> [not his hand.]

kebetulan(TB)/untung(TL) <04745> [a chance.]


ke Bet-Semes,

Yos 15:10; [Lihat FULL. Yos 15:10]; Yos 21:16 [Semua]

1 Samuel 6:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible



1 Samuel 9:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [city.]

terhormat(TB)/kehormatan(TL) <03513> [an honourable.]

dikatakannya(TB)/sabdanyapun(TL) <01696> [all that he saith.]


abdi Allah,

Ul 33:1; [Lihat FULL. Ul 33:1]; Hak 13:6; [Lihat FULL. Hak 13:6] [Semua]


1Sam 3:19

1 Samuel 9:20

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tiga hari .... sekarang(TB)/sekarang .... tiga hari(TL) <07969 03117> [three days ago. Heb. to-day three days.]


kuatir hatimu(TB)/bersusah(TL) <07760 03820> [set not.]

diingini(TB)/kegemaran(TL) <02532> [on whom.]


Adapun keledai-keledaimu,

1Sam 9:3; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 9:3]

yang diingini

1Sam 12:13; Ezr 6:8; Yes 60:4-9; Dan 2:44; Hag 2:8; Mal 3:1 [Semua]

1 Samuel 11:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Diambilnyalah(TB)/diambilnya(TL) <03947> [he took.]

The sending the pieces of the oxen was an act similar to that of the Levite, Jud 19:29, where see the Note. An eminent Scotch writer describes the rites, incantations, and imprecations used prior to the fiery cross being circulated, to summon the rough warriors of ancient times to the service of their chief; and he alludes to this ancient custom, which in comparatively modern times, has been practised in Scotland; and proves that a similar punishment of death, or destruction of their houses, for disobeying the summons, was inflicted by the ancient Scandinavians, as recorded by Olaus Magnus, in his History of the Goths. This bears a striking similarity to the ancient custom of the Israelites. With the Highlanders, a goat was slain; with the Israelites, an ox. The exhibition of a cross, stained with the blood of the sacrificed animal, was the summons of the former, while part of the animal, was the mandate of the latter. Disobedience in one nation was punished with the death of themselves or oxen, and burning of their dwellings in the other.

dipotong-potongnya(TB)/dipenggal-penggalnya(TL) <05408> [hewed.]

maju .................... majulah(TB)/keluar ........................... keluarlah(TL) <03318> [Whosoever.]

ketakutan(TB/TL) <06343> [the fear.]

mereka serentak ............. orang(TB)/orang satu(TL) <0259 0376> [with one consent. Heb. as one man.]


sepasang lembu,

1Sam 6:14; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 6:14]

daerah Israel

Hak 19:29; [Lihat FULL. Hak 19:29]


Hak 21:5

mereka serentak.

Hak 20:1; [Lihat FULL. Hak 20:1]

1 Samuel 13:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kauperbuat(TB)/perbuatanmu(TL) <06213> [What hast.]

Mikhmas(TB/TL) <04363> [Michmash.]


di Mikhmas,

1Sam 13:2; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 13:2]

1 Samuel 14:41

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Saul ............................................ Saul(TB)/Saul .................. Saul(TL) <07586> [Therefore.]

Both the Septuagint and Vulgate add much to this verse: [Kai eipe Saoul, Kyrie Lo Theos Israel, ti Loti ouk apekrithes to doulo sou semeron? ei en emoi e en lonathan to Luio mou he adikia, Kyrie ho Theos Israel dos delous kai ean tade eipe, dos de to lao sou Israel, dos de osioteta, k.t.l.] {Et dixit Saul ad Dominum Deum Israel; Domine Deus Israel da indicium: quid est qu•d non responderis servo tuo hodie? Si in me, aut in Jonatha filio meo est iniquitas h‘c, da ostensionem: aut si h‘c iniquitas est in populo tuo, da sanctitatem, etc.} "And Saul said [to the Lord God of Israel, Vulg.] Lord God of Israel [give a sign, Vulg.] Why is it that thou has not answered thy servant to-day? If the iniquity be in me, or in my son Jonathan, [O Lord God of Israel, LXX.] make it manifest; and if thou say thus, give to thy people Israel, give mercy," etc., [but Vulg. Or, if this iniquity be in thy people, give sanctification," etc.]

tunjukkanlah Tumim(TB)/nyatakan ..... tiada bersalah(TL) <03051 08549> [Give a perfect lot. or, Shew the innocent.]

Saul ............................................ Saul(TB)/Saul .................. Saul(TL) <07586> [And Saul.]

terluput(TB)/luput(TL) <03318> [escaped. Heb. went forth.]


tidak menjawab

Kis 1:24

tidak menjawab

Ams 16:33

1 Samuel 16:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pandang parasnya ... perawakan rupanya(TB)/pandang .................................. sampai(TL) <05027 04758> [Look not.]

manusia ..... manusia(TB)/manusia ....... manusia(TL) <0120> [seeth not.]

dilihat ....... melihat ......... melihat(TB)/dipandang .......... memandang .......... memandang(TL) <07200> [looketh.]

mata(TB/TL) <05869> [outward appearance. Heb. eyes. on the heart.]


depan mata,

Mazm 147:10

melihat hati.

1Sam 2:3; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 2:3]; 2Sam 7:20; Mazm 44:22; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 44:22]; Mazm 139:23; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 139:23]; Wahy 2:23; [Lihat FULL. Wahy 2:23] [Semua]

1 Samuel 19:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengatakan ... baik .......................... baik .... berguna(TB)/Hata .... berkata-kata baik ............................. berguna(TL) <01696 02896> [spake good.]

dosa .... hambanya ..... tuanku dosa(TB)/dosa .......... berdosa(TL) <02398 05650> [sin against.]

terhadapmu ... apa(TB)/perbuatannya(TL) <04639> [because his works.]


Yonatan mengatakan

1Sam 20:32; 22:14; Ams 31:8,9; Yer 18:20 [Semua]

berbuat dosa

1Sam 25:21; Ams 17:13 [Semua]

1 Samuel 22:22

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sebab utama(TB)/menyebabkan .... oranglah(TL) <05437> [I have occasioned.]


ketika Doeg,

1Sam 21:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 21:7]

1 Samuel 23:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengetahui(TB)/camkanlah(TL) <03045> [take knowledge.]

meneliti(TB)/mencahari(TL) <02664> [I will search.]

ribuan(TB)/beribu-ribu(TL) <0505> [the thousands.]


akan meneliti

Kej 31:36; [Lihat FULL. Kej 31:36]

1 Samuel 24:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menyuruh ... membunuh ....... membunuh ... pikirku(TB)/diajak .............. kata(TL) <0559 02026> [bade me.]

TUHAN ..................................... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ....................................... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord's.]


merasa sayang

1Sam 24:4; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 24:4]

1 Samuel 25:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


celaka(TB/TL) <07451> [evil.]

seorang ... dursila ........ ditegur(TB)/seorang ...... ditegur(TL) <01100 01121> [a son of Belial.]

berbicara(TB) <01696> [that a man.]


yang dursila,

Ul 13:13; [Lihat FULL. Ul 13:13]; 1Sam 20:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 20:7] [Semua]

1 Samuel 25:36

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perjamuan ..... perjamuan(TB)/perjamuan ... perjamuan(TL) <04960> [a feast.]

riang gembira(TB)/bersukacitalah(TL) <02896> [merry.]

diceriterakan .... sepatah ... sepatah katapun(TB)/dikabarkan(TL) <05046 01697> [she told him.]


riang gembira

Rut 3:7; [Lihat FULL. Rut 3:7]

dan mabuk

Ams 20:1; Pengkh 10:17; Yes 5:11,22; 22:13; 28:7; 56:12; Hos 4:11 [Semua]

tidaklah diceriterakan

1Sam 25:19

1 Samuel 26:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [God.]

menyerahkan(TB)/diserahkan(TL) <05462> [delivered. Heb. shut up.]

kutancapkan(TB)/kalinya(TL) <08138> [the second time.]

1 Samuel 26:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


datang(TB/TL) <0935> [there came.]


1 Samuel 27:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Daud(TB/TL) <01732> [A.M. 2946. B.C. 1058. An. Ex. Is. 433. And David.]

binasa(TB)/Sungguh(TL) <05595> [I shall.]

This was a rash conclusion: God had caused him to be anointed king of Israel, and promised his accession to the throne, and had so often interposed in his behalf, that he was authorised to believe the very reverse.

binasa(TB)/Sungguh(TL) <05595> [perish. Heb. be consumed. there is nothing.]

negeri(TB/TL) <0776> [into the land.]


Judul : Daud di antara orang Filistin

Perikop : 1Sam 27:1-12


1 Samuel 29:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kuperbuat(TB)/perbuatan(TL) <06213> [But what have.]

kepadamu(TB)/menghadap(TL) <06440> [with. Heb. before. that I may not.]

1 Samuel 30:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bertanyalah(TB/TL) <07592> [enquired.]

katanya Haruskah aku mengejar .......... berfirman ... Kejarlah Kejarlah .... dia(TB)/sembahnya ............. firman(TL) <0559 07291> [he answered him.]


Kemudian bertanyalah

1Sam 23:2; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 23:2]

dapat menyusul

Kej 14:16; [Lihat FULL. Kej 14:16]

para tawanan.

Kel 2:17; [Lihat FULL. Kel 2:17]

1 Samuel 30:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ratus(TB/TL) <0582 03967> [two hundred men.]

mendekati(TB)/datanglah(TL) <05066> [came near.]

memberi(TB)/bertanyakan(TL) <07592> [saluted them. Heb. asked them how they did.]


terlalu lelah

1Sam 30:10

1 Samuel 31:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Hunuslah(TB/TL) <08025> [Draw.]

tidak bersunat(TB)/kulup(TL) <06189> [uncircumcised.]

pembawa ................... memperlakukan ... sebagai permainan ... pembawa(TB)/diolok-olokkannya(TL) <05953 05375> [abuse me. or, mock me. he was sore.]

Saul ................................... Saul(TB)/Saul .................................... Saul(TL) <07586> [Saul.]

pedangmu ................................ pedang(TB)/pedangmu .................................. pedangnya(TL) <02719> [a sword.]

{Eth hacherve,} rather, "the sword," i.e., his armour- bearer's, who, according to the Jews, was Doeg; and if so, then Saul and his executioner fell by the same sword with which they massacred the priests of God.


dan tikamlah

Hak 9:54; [Lihat FULL. Hak 9:54]

tidak bersunat

Kej 34:14; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:14]; 1Sam 14:6; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 14:6] [Semua]

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