TB NETBible YUN-IBR Diglot Ref. Silang Nama Judul Artikel Himne PEDIA MEDIA Gambar Audio Kuno ITL - draft AI  BaDeNo

1 Raja-raja 14

1 Abia sakit, Yerobeam menyuruh istrinya, menyamar, dengan membawa pemberian untuk nabi Ahia di Silo.

5 Ahia, yang diperingatkan terlebih dahulu oleh TUHAN, memberitahukan penghukuman TUHAN.

17 Ahia meninggal, dan dikuburkan.

19 Nadab menggantikan Yerobeam.

21 Pemerintahan Rehabeam yang jahat di mata TUHAN.

25 Sisak menjarah Yerusalem.

29 Abiam menggantikan Rehabeam.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

14:1 · waktu(TB)/masa(TL) <06256> [that time.]

· anak(TB/TL) <01121> [the son.]


Judul : Nubuat Ahia terhadap Yerobeam

Perikop : 1Raj 14:1-20

14:2 · Menyamarlah .... diketahui ........ diketahui(TB)/adinda(TL) <08138 03045> [disguise thyself.]

· Ahia(TB/TL) <0281> [Ahijah.]


nabi Ahia!

1Raj 11:29; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 11:29]

14:3 · Bawalah(TB)/hendaklah ... ambil(TL) <03947> [And take.]

· tangan(TL) <03027> [with thee. Heb. in thine hand. cracknels. or, cakes.]

{Nikkoodim,} spotted, or perforated cakes; either, as some suppose, thin cakes pierced through with holes, the same as is called Jews' bread to the present day, and used by them at the passover; or, as Mr. Harmer imagines, cakes spotted with seeds, as with sesamum, Roman coriander, etc., such as he proves from Rauwolff, Russell, and Hanway, are still used in the East. This was certainly not a present that proclaimed royalty; but it does not appear to have been, in the estimation of the East, a present only fit for a country woman to have made, as Bp. Patrick supposes: for D'Arvieux informs us, that when he waited on an Arab emir, his mother and sisters sent him a present of pastry, honey, and fresh butter, with a bason of sweetmeats of Damascus.

· sebuli-buli(TB)/buli-buli(TL) <01228> [cruse. or, bottle. he shall tell.]


sepuluh roti,

1Sam 9:7; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 9:7]

14:4 · Silo(TB/TL) <07887> [Shiloh.]

· matanya(TB/TL) <05869> [for his eyes.]

· berkemas .................. kabur ........ terbuntang(TB)/lalu berjalanlah ...................... terbuntang(TL) <06965 07869> [were set by reason of his age. Heb. stood for his hoariness.]

14:5 · TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]

14:6 · isteri(TB/TL) <0802> [thou wife.]

· seolah-olah(TB)/menyamarkan ... karena(TL) <05234> [why feignest.]

· disuruh(TB/TL) <07971> [for I am.]

· keras(TB/TL) <07186> [heavy tidings. Heb. hard tidings.]


berbuat seolah-olah

1Sam 28:12; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 28:12]

14:7 · Tegal(TL) <03282> [Forasmuch.]


Beginilah firman

1Raj 15:29

menjadi raja

1Raj 11:37

14:8 · mengoyakkan(TB)/Kuputuskan(TL) <07167> [rent.]

· Daud .... Daud ...... hamba-Ku Daud ..... Daud(TB)/Daud .......... hamba-Ku Daud(TL) <01732 05650> [my servant David.]


telah mengoyakkan

1Sam 15:27; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 15:27]

yang benar

2Sam 8:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:15]; 1Raj 3:3; 15:5; 2Raj 14:3; 15:3,34; 16:2; 18:3; 20:3; 22:2 [Semua]

14:9 · melakukan ............. membuat(TB)/berbuat .................. memperbuat(TL) <06213> [hast done.]

· <03212> [thou hast gone.]

· menimbulkan(TB)/membangkitkan(TL) <03707> [to provoke.]

· dari(TB)/membuang(TL) <07993 0310> [cast me.]


perbuatan jahat

1Raj 16:30,33; 21:25; 2Raj 21:9,11; 24:3 [Semua]

mendahului engkau

1Raj 16:2

dan patung-patung

Kel 20:4; [Lihat FULL. Kel 20:4]; Kel 32:4; [Lihat FULL. Kel 32:4]; 2Taw 11:15 [Semua]

engkau menimbulkan

Ul 32:16; 1Raj 16:2; Mazm 78:58; Yer 7:18; 8:19; 32:32; 44:3; Yeh 8:17; 16:26 [Semua]

telah membelakangi

Neh 9:26; Mazm 50:17; Yer 2:27; 32:33; Yeh 23:35 [Semua]

14:10 · mendatangkan(TB/TL) <0935> [I will bring.]

· orang laki-laki(TB/TL) <08366> [him that pisseth.]

· rendah kedudukannya(TB)/terkurung(TL) <06113> [him that is shut up.]

· menyapu ...... menyapu(TB)/membuang ........... membuang(TL) <01197> [as a man taketh.]


mendatangkan malapetaka

Yos 23:15; [Lihat FULL. Yos 23:15]; 1Raj 13:34; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 13:34] [Semua]

yang rendah

Ul 32:36; [Lihat FULL. Ul 32:36]; 2Raj 9:8-9 [Semua]

sampai habis.

1Sam 12:25; 15:26; 1Raj 15:29; Hos 13:11 [Semua]

14:11 · mati ......... mati(TB)/mati ............. mati(TL) <04191> [that dieth.]


dimakan anjing

1Raj 16:4; 21:24 [Semua]

di udara.

Kej 40:19; [Lihat FULL. Kej 40:19]; Ul 28:26; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:26] [Semua]

14:12 · kakimu(TB/TL) <07272> [when thy feet.]

14:13 · meratapi(TB)/menangisi(TL) <05594> [shall mourn.]

· terdapat(TB)/didapati(TL) <04672> [there is found.]


yang baik

2Taw 12:12; 19:3 [Semua]

14:14 · TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]

· [but what.]

14:15 · TUHAN .................................................... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ............................................... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]

· gelagah(TB)/buluh rantik(TL) <07070> [as a reed.]

· Israelpun ........... Israel(TB)/Israelpun ......... disentakkannya ... Israel(TL) <03478 05428> [root up Israel.]

· negeri tanah ... baik(TB)/negeri ... baik(TL) <0127 02896> [this good land.]

· menyerakkan(TB)/dicerai-beraikan-Nya(TL) <02219> [shall scatter.]

· seberang sungai Efrat(TB)/seberang ... sungai(TL) <05104 05676> [beyond the river. i.e., Beyond the river Euphrates. because.]

· TUHAN .................................................... TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan ............................................... Tuhan(TL) <03068> [provoking.]


akan menyentakkan

Ul 29:28; [Lihat FULL. Ul 29:28]; 2Taw 7:20; [Lihat FULL. 2Taw 7:20] [Semua]

tiang-tiang berhala

Ul 12:3; [Lihat FULL. Ul 12:3]

demikian menyakiti

Yer 44:3


14:16 · lepas ... Israel ... Israel ............. Israel ... Israelpun(TB)/diserahkan-Nya ... Israel ................. Israelpun(TL) <03478 05414> [he shall give Israel.]

· mengakibatkan .... berdosa(TB)/berdosa ............. dosa(TL) <02398> [who did sin.]


karena dosa-dosa

1Raj 12:30; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 12:30]; 1Raj 15:26; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 15:26] [Semua]

14:17 · Tirza(TB/TL) <08656> [Tirzah.]

Tirzah was a city of Ephraim, to which tribe Jeroboam belonged; and appears to have been pleasantly situated, as it is said in So 6:4, "Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah," though its precise situation cannot now be ascertained. It seems to have been the royal city, and the seat of government for a long time after the revolt of the ten tribes, till Omri built Samaria.

· sampailah ........ masuk(TB)/sampailah(TL) <0935> [when she came.]


ke Tirza.

Yos 12:24; [Lihat FULL. Yos 12:24]; 1Raj 15:33; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 15:33] [Semua]

14:19 · berperang(TB/TL) <03898> [A.M. 3029-3050. B.C. 975-954. how he warred.]

· kitab(TB/TL) <05612> [book.]

14:20 · perhentian(TB)/mangkatlah(TL) <07901> [slept. Heb. lay down.]

· Nadab(TL) <05070> [Nadab.]

14:21 · Rehabeam ........ Rehabeam(TB)/Rehabeam ............... Rehabeam(TL) <07346> [Rehoboam.]

· kota(TB)/negeri(TL) <05892> [the city.]

· membuat nama-Nya .... nama-Nya Nama .... nama(TB)/ditaruh-Nya nama-Nya ..... nama(TL) <07760 08034> [to put his name.]

· Naama(TB/TL) <05279> [Naamah.]


Judul : Rehabeam, raja Yehuda

Perikop : 1Raj 14:21-31


2Taw 12:9-16 dengan 1Raj 14:21,25-31

perempuan Amon.

1Raj 11:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 11:1]

14:22 · Yehuda(TB)/Yehudapun(TL) <03063> [Judah.]

· cemburu-Nya(TB)/cemburuan(TL) <07065> [they provoked.]

· moyang(TB)/nenek moyangnya(TL) <01> [all.]


orang Yehuda

2Raj 17:19; 2Taw 12:1 [Semua]

menimbulkan cemburu-Nya

Ul 32:21; Mazm 78:58; Yer 44:3; 1Kor 10:22; [Lihat FULL. 1Kor 10:22] [Semua]


14:23 · mendirikan(TB)/memperbuat(TL) <01129> [built.]

· tugu-tugu(TB)/patung(TL) <04676> [images. or, standing images, or statues.]

· tiang-tiang berhala(TB)/hutan-hutan(TL) <0842> [groves.]

· rimbun(TB)/rindang(TL) <07488> [under every.]


tugu-tugu berhala

Kel 23:24; [Lihat FULL. Kel 23:24]; Ul 16:22; Hos 10:1 [Semua]

tiang-tiang berhala

Ul 12:3; [Lihat FULL. Ul 12:3]

yang rimbun.

Ul 12:2; [Lihat FULL. Ul 12:2]; Yeh 6:13 [Semua]

14:24 · pelacuran(TB)/zindikpun(TL) <06945> [And there.]


ada pelacuran

Ul 23:17; [Lihat FULL. Ul 23:17]

perbuatan keji

1Raj 11:5-7; 2Raj 21:2; Ezr 9:11; Ams 21:27; Yes 1:13; Yer 16:18; 32:35; 44:4 [Semua]


14:25 · Sisak(TB/TL) <07895> [A.M. 3034. B.C. 970. Shishak.]


Mesir, menyerang

2Taw 12:2

14:26 · merampas ............ dirampasnya ... merampas(TB)/dirampasnya .................... dirampasnya(TL) <03947> [he took away.]

· perisai emas ........ keemasanpun(TB)/perisai keemasanpun(TL) <02091 04043> [the shields of gold.]


perbendaharaan rumah

1Raj 15:15,18 [Semua]

segala perisai

2Sam 8:7; [Lihat FULL. 2Sam 8:7]


14:27 · membuat(TB)/memperbuat(TL) <06213> [made.]

· bentara(TB)/biduanda(TL) <07323> [guard. Heb. runners.]


pintu istana

2Raj 11:5

14:28 · bentara-bentara ............ bilik jaga ... bentara(TB)/itupun ..... biduanda ...... bilik biduanda(TL) <08372 07323> [the guard chamber.]

14:29 · tertulis(TB)/tersebut(TL) <03789> [A.M. 3029-3046. B.C. 975-958. are they not written.]



terus-menerus perang

2Sam 3:1; 1Raj 12:21; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 12:21] [Semua]

14:31 · Rehabeam(TB)/Rehabeampun(TL) <07346> [A.M. 3046. B.C. 958. Rehoboam.]

· ibunya(TB)/bunda(TL) <0517> [his mother's.]

· Abiam(TB/TL) <038> [Abijam.]

Dr. Kennicott observes, that the name of this king of Judah is now expressed three ways; here and in four other places, it is Abijam; in two others (2 Ch 13:20, 21) it is Abijahu; but in eleven others it is Abijah or Abiah, as it is expressed by St. Matthew, (ch. 1:7,) [Abia;] and this is the reading of thirteen of Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS., and of thirteen respectable editions of the Hebrew Bible. The Syriac is the same. The Septuagint in the London Polyglott has [Abiou,] Abihu; but in the Complutensian and Antwerp Polyglotts it has [Abia,] Abiah; and the Editio Princeps of the Vulgate, some MSS. and the text in these two Polyglotts, instead of Abiam, have Abia.

· [Abia.]

· [Abijah.]

· [Abia.]


perempuan Amon.

1Raj 11:1; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 11:1]

TIP #25: Tekan Tombol pada halaman Studi Kamus untuk melihat bahan lain berbahasa inggris. [SEMUA]
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