'Achiyah <0281>

hyxa 'Achiyah or (prolonged) whyxa 'Achiyahuw

Pelafalan:akh-ee-yaw akh-ee-yaw'-hoo
Asal Mula:from 0251 and 03050
Jenis Kata:n pr m (noun proper masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:hyxa 14, whyxa 4, hyxaw 4, hyxal 1, whyxaw 1
Dalam TB:Ahia 23, saudara-saudara sesuku 1
Dalam AV:Ahijah 20, Ahiah 4
Definisi : Ahiah or Ahijah = "brother of Jehovah (Yahu)" 1) grandson of Phinehas 2) scribe of Solomon 3) a prophet who predicted the revolt of the Northern tribes 4) father of Baasha, who usurped the Northern throne 5) grandson of Hezron (or mother of 1-4 above) 6) a Benjamite, son of Ehud 7) one of David's heroes 8) a Levite during David's time 9) a chief man under Nehemiah
or (prolonged) pAchiyahuw {akh-ee-yaw'-hoo}; from 251 and 3050; brother (i.e. worshipper) of Jah; Achijah, the name of nine Israelites: KJV -- Ahiah, Ahijah.
see HEBREW for 0251
see HEBREW for 03050
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Ahia (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH)
Ahiya (BIS)

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