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Yesaya 13

1 TUHAN mengerahkan pasukan murka-Nya.

6 Tuhan akan menghancurkan Babel menggunakan bangsa Madai.

19 Perusakan Babel.

TSK Full Life Study Bible

13:1 · ilahi(TB)/inilah wahyu ... hal(TL) <04853> [A.M. 3292. B.C. 712. burden.]

· Babel(TB)/Babil(TL) <0894> [of Babylon.]

· Yesaya(TB/TL) <03470> [which Isaiah.]


Judul : Hukuman Terhadap Bangsa-Bangsa Nubuat terhadap Babel

Perikop : Yes 13:1--23:18

Ucapan ilahi

Yes 14:28; 15:1; 21:1; Nah 1:1; Hab 1:1; Za 9:1; 12:1; Mal 1:1 [Semua]

terhadap Babel

Yes 13:19; Kej 10:10; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:10]; Yes 14:4; 21:9; 46:1-2; 48:14; Yer 24:1; 25:12; Wahy 14:8 [Semua]

yang dinyatakan

Yes 1:1; [Lihat FULL. Yes 1:1]

bin Amos.

Yes 20:2; 37:2 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: UCAPAN ILAHI.

Catatan Frasa: BABEL.

13:2 · Dirikanlah(TL) <05375> [Lift ye up.]

· Naikkanlah(TB)/nyaringkanlah(TL) <08192> [upon the high.]

· lambaikanlah(TB)/isyaratkanlah .... supaya(TL) <05130> [shake.]

· masuk ... pintu-pintu .... pintu(TB)/masuk(TL) <0935 06607> [go into.]


Naikkanlah panji-panji

Mazm 20:6; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 20:6]; Yer 50:2; 51:27 [Semua]

pintu-pintu gerbang

Yes 24:12; 45:2; Yer 51:58 [Semua]

13:3 · memerintahkan(TB)/titah(TL) <06680> [commanded.]

· orang-orang perkasa-Ku(TB)/pahlawan-Ku(TL) <01368> [mighty ones.]

· orang-orang-Ku(TB)/suka(TL) <05947> [them that.]


orang-orang perkasa-Ku

Yes 13:17; Yes 21:2; Yer 51:11; Dan 5:28,31; Yoel 3:11 [Semua]

hukuman murka-Ku,

Ayub 40:6; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 40:6]; Yes 10:5; [Lihat FULL. Yes 10:5] [Semua]

yang beria-ria

Mazm 149:2; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 149:2]

13:4 · suara ............. Suara(TB)/gemuruh ......... bunyi(TL) <06963> [noise.]

· seperti(TB/TL) <01823> [like as. Heb. the likeness of.]

· TUHAN(TB)/Tuhan(TL) <03068> [the Lord.]


kumpulan orang

Yoel 3:14

Suara kegaduhan

Mazm 46:7; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 46:7]

semesta alam

Yes 47:4; 51:15 [Semua]

sedang memeriksa

Yes 42:13; Yer 50:41 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: PASUKAN PERANG.

13:5 · jauh(TB)/jauh-jauh(TL) <04801> [from a far.]

· yang melaksanakan(TB)/pegawai(TL) <03627> [and the weapons.]


ujung langit,

Yes 5:26; [Lihat FULL. Yes 5:26]

yang melaksanakan

Yes 45:1; 54:16; Yer 50:25 [Semua]


Yes 10:25; [Lihat FULL. Yes 10:25]

untuk merusakkan

Yos 6:17; [Lihat FULL. Yos 6:17]; Yes 24:1; 30:25; 34:2 [Semua]

13:6 · Merataplah ... hari ... hari(TB)/bertangis-tangisan(TL) <03213 03117> [Howl ye.]

· hari(TB/TL) <03117> [for the day.]

· pemusnahan(TB)/kebinasaan(TL) <07701> [as a.]



Yes 14:31; 15:2; 16:7; 23:1; Yeh 30:2; Yak 5:1 [Semua]

sebab hari

Yes 2:12; [Lihat FULL. Yes 2:12]

sebagai pemusnahan

Yes 10:3; [Lihat FULL. Yes 10:3]; Yes 14:15; [Lihat FULL. Yes 14:15] [Semua]

Yang Mahakuasa.

Kej 17:1; [Lihat FULL. Kej 17:1]


13:7 · tangan(TB/TL) <03027> [shall all.]

· lemah(TB)/lemahlah(TL) <07503> [be faint. or, fall down. every.]


lemah lesu,

2Raj 19:26; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 19:26]; Ayub 4:3; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 4:3]; Yer 47:3; [Lihat FULL. Yer 47:3] [Semua]

menjadi tawar,

Yos 2:11; [Lihat FULL. Yos 2:11]; Yeh 21:7 [Semua]

13:8 · Sakit mulas(TB)/kesukaran(TL) <06735> [pangs.]

· tercengang-cengang(TB)/seorang .... seorang ... tercengang-cengang(TL) <0376 07453 08539> [be amazed one at another. Heb. wonder every man at his neighbour. flames. Heb. faces of the flames.]


akan terkejut.

Mazm 31:14; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 31:14]; Mazm 48:6; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 48:6]; Yes 21:4; [Lihat FULL. Yes 21:4] [Semua]

akan menyerang

Kel 15:14

yang melahirkan.

Kej 3:16; [Lihat FULL. Kej 3:16]; Yoh 16:21; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 16:21] [Semua]

yang demam.

Yoel 2:6; Nah 2:10 [Semua]

13:9 · kebengisan(TB)/bengis(TL) <0394> [cruel.]

· memunahkan(TB)/menumpas(TL) <08045> [he shall.]


Sungguh, hari

Yes 2:12; [Lihat FULL. Yes 2:12]; Yer 51:2 [Semua]

dengan kebengisan,

Yer 6:23

dengan gemas

Yes 9:18; [Lihat FULL. Yes 9:18]

dengan murka

Yes 26:21; 66:16; Yer 25:31; Yoel 3:2 [Semua]



memancarkan cahayanya;

Ayub 9:7; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 9:7]


Yes 24:23; Za 14:7 [Semua]

menjadi gelap

Kel 10:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 10:22]; Yes 5:30; [Lihat FULL. Yes 5:30]; Wahy 8:12 [Semua]

memancarkan sinarnya.

Yeh 32:7; Am 5:20; 8:9; Mat 24:29%&; [Lihat FULL. Mat 24:29%&]; Mr 13:24%& [Semua]

13:11 · Kubalaskan(TB)/membalas(TL) <06485> [I will punish.]

· kesombongan(TB)/congkak(TL) <01347> [and I will cause.]


akan Kubalaskan

Yes 3:11; 11:4; 26:21; 65:6-7; 66:16 [Semua]

orang-orang fasik

Mazm 125:3; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 125:3]

orang-orang pemberani

Mazm 10:5; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 10:5]; Ams 16:18; [Lihat FULL. Ams 16:18]; Dan 5:23 [Semua]

yang gagah

Yes 25:3,5; 29:5,20; 49:25,26 [Semua]

akan Kupatahkan.

Yes 2:9; [Lihat FULL. Yes 2:9]; Yes 23:9; Yeh 28:2; Dan 4:37 [Semua]



membuat orang

Yes 4:1; [Lihat FULL. Yes 4:1]

emas Ofir.

Kej 10:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 10:29]

13:13 · gemetar(TB)/Tambahan .......... bergempa(TL) <07264> [I will.]

· bumipun(TB/TL) <0776> [the earth.]

· amarah(TB)/geram(TL) <05678> [in the wrath.]


langit gemetar,

Mazm 102:27; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 102:27]; Yes 34:4; 51:6 [Semua]

akan bergoncang

Ayub 9:6; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 9:6]; Yes 14:16; [Lihat FULL. Yes 14:16]; Mat 24:7; Mr 13:8 [Semua]

waktu amarah

Yes 9:18; [Lihat FULL. Yes 9:18]

hari murka-Nya

Ayub 9:5; [Lihat FULL. Ayub 9:5]

13:14 · dikejar-kejar(TB)/diburu(TL) <05080> [as the.]

· masing-masing ....... masing-masing(TB)/masing-masing ........ masing-masingpun(TL) <0376> [they shall.]


yang dikejar-kejar

Ams 6:5

tidak digembalakan,

1Raj 22:17; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 22:17]; Mat 9:36; [Lihat FULL. Mat 9:36]; Yoh 10:11; [Lihat FULL. Yoh 10:11] [Semua]

akan berpaling,

Kej 11:9; [Lihat FULL. Kej 11:9]; Yes 17:13; 21:15; 22:3; 33:3; Yer 4:9 [Semua]

kepada bangsanya,

Yer 46:16; 50:16; 51:9; Nah 3:7 [Semua]



rebah mati

Yer 51:4

oleh pedang.

Yes 14:19; Yer 50:25 [Semua]

13:16 · Bayi-bayi(TB)/anak-anaknya(TL) <05768> [children.]

· isteri-isteri(TB)/bini(TL) <0802> [and their.]



Yes 13:18; Bil 16:27; [Lihat FULL. Bil 16:27]; 2Raj 8:12; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 8:12] [Semua]

akan ditiduri.

Kej 34:29; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:29]; Hos 14:1; [Lihat FULL. Hos 14:1] [Semua]

13:17 · menggerakkan(TB)/membangkitkan(TL) <05782> [I will.]

· menghiraukan(TB)/mengindahkan(TL) <02803> [shall not regard.]


Aku menggerakkan

Yer 50:9,41; 51:1 [Semua]

orang Madai

Yes 13:3; [Lihat FULL. Yes 13:3]

kepada emas.

2Raj 18:14-16; Ams 6:34-35 [Semua]

13:18 · menembus(TB)/meremukkan(TL) <07376> [shall dash.]

· kasihan(TB)/matanyapun(TL) <05869> [their eye.]



Mazm 7:13; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 7:13]; Yes 41:2; Yer 50:9,14,29 [Semua]

orang-orang muda;

Ul 32:25; [Lihat FULL. Ul 32:25]; Yer 49:26; 50:30; 51:4 [Semua]

akan sayang

Yes 47:6; Yer 6:23; 50:42 [Semua]

kepada anak-anak.

Yes 13:16; [Lihat FULL. Yes 13:16]; Yes 14:22; 47:9 [Semua]

13:19 · Babel(TB)/Babil(TL) <0894> [Babylon.]

Babylon, whose destruction and utter ruin are here predicted, was situated in the midst of a large plain, having a very deep and fruitful soil, on the Euphrates, about 252 miles south-east of Palmyra, and the same distance north-west of Susa and the Persian gulf, in lat. 32 degrees 30' N. and long. 44 degrees 20' E. According to Herodotus, it formed a perfect square, each side of which was 120 stadia, and consequently its circumference 480 stadia, or sixty miles; inclosed by a wall 200 cubits high, and fifty wide, on the top of which were small watch towers of one story high, leaving a space between them, through which a chariot and four might pass and turn. On each side were twenty-five gates of solid brass; from each of which proceeded a street, 150 feet broad, making in all fifty streets; which, crossing each other at right angles, intersected the city into 676 squares, extending four stadia and a half on each side, along which stood the houses, all built three or four stories high, and highly decorated towards the street; the interior of these squares being employed as gardens, pleasure grounds, etc. Its principal ornaments were the temple of Belus, having a tower of eight stories, upon a base of a quarter of a mile square; a most magnificent palace; and the famous hanging gardens, or artificial mountains raised upon arches, and planted with large and beautiful trees. Cyrus took it by diverting the waters of the Euphrates, which ran through the midst, and entering by the channel; and the river being never restored to its proper course, overflowed the whole country, and made it a morass. Darius Hystaspes afterwards depopulated the place, lowered the walls, and demolished the gates; Xerxes destroyed the temples; the building of Seleucia nearly exhausted it of its inhabitants; a king of the Parthians carried a number of them into slavery, and destroyed the most beautiful parts; so that modern travellers describe it as a mass of shapeless ruins, the habitation of wild beasts.

· Allah(TB/TL) <0430> [when God overthrow. Heb. the overthrowing of.]


Dan Babel,

Yes 13:1; [Lihat FULL. Yes 13:1]

antara kerajaan-kerajaan,

Yes 47:5; Dan 2:37-38 [Semua]


Dan 4:30

dan Gomora

Kej 19:25; [Lihat FULL. Kej 19:25]; Yes 1:9-10; Rom 9:29 [Semua]

Allah menunggangbalikkannya:

Mazm 137:8; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 137:8]; Wahy 14:8; [Lihat FULL. Wahy 14:8] [Semua]



ada penduduk

Yes 14:23; 34:10-15; Yer 51:29,37-43,62 [Semua]

turun-temurun; orang Arab

2Taw 17:11


13:21 · gurun(TB/TL) <06728> [But.]

· gurun(TB/TL) <06728> [wild beasts. Heb. Ziim. doleful creatures. Heb. Ochim. owls. or, ostriches. Heb. daughters of the owl.]


binatang gurun,

Mazm 74:14; [Lihat FULL. Mazm 74:14]; Wahy 18:2 [Semua]

burung hantu;

Yer 14:6

burung-burung unta

Im 11:16-18; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:16] s/d 18; Ul 14:15-17; [Lihat FULL. Ul 14:15] s/d 17 [Semua]

dan jin-jin

Im 17:7; 2Taw 11:15 [Semua]

13:22 · anjing-anjing hutan(TB)/serigala(TL) <0338> [the wild beasts. Heb. Iim. desolate houses. or, palaces. dragons.]

· Waktunya(TB)/ketikanya(TL) <06256> [her time.]


anjing-anjing hutan

Yes 34:14

dalam puri-purinya,

Yes 25:2; 32:14 [Semua]

dan serigala-serigala

Yes 34:13; 35:7; 43:20; Yer 9:11; 49:33; 51:37; Mal 1:3 [Semua]

akan datang

Ul 32:35; Yer 48:16; 51:33 [Semua]

akan diperpanjang.

Yer 50:39

TIP #25: Tekan Tombol pada halaman Studi Kamus untuk melihat bahan lain berbahasa inggris. [SEMUA]
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