Y@sha`yah <03470>

hyevy Y@sha`yah or whyevy Y@sha`yahuw

Pelafalan:yesh-ah-yaw' yesh-ah-yaw'-hoo
Asal Mula:from 03467 and 03050, Greek 2268 Hsaiav
Jenis Kata:n pr m (noun proper masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:whyesy 32, whyesyw 3, hyesy 3, hyesyw 1
Dalam TB:Yesaya 39
Dalam AV:Isaiah 32, Jeshaiah 5, Jesaiah 2
Definisi : Isaiah or Jesaiah or Jeshaiah = "Jehovah has saved" 1) the major prophet, son of Amoz, who prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem during the days of kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah; author of the prophetic book by his name; tradition has it that he was sawn asunder in the trunk of a carob tree by king Manasseh and that this is the incident referred to in Heb 11:37 2) son of Hananiah, brother of Pelatiah, and grandson of Zerubbabel 3) a Benjamite 4) one of the 6 sons of Jeduthun 5) son of Rehabiah, a descendant of Moses through Gershom, and an ancestor of a Levite treasurer in the time of David 6) son of Athaliah and chief of the house of Elam who returned with Ezra 7) a chief of the descendants of Merari who returned with Ezra
or Yshayahuw {yesh-ah-yaw'-hoo}; from 3467 and 3050; Jah has saved; Jeshajah, the name of seven Israelites: KJV -- Isaiah, Jesaiah, Jeshaiah.
see HEBREW for 03467
see HEBREW for 03050
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:Yesaya (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH)

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