TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Bilangan 3:46

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tebusan(TB/TL) <06302> [redeemed.]

ratus(TB/TL) <03967> [the two hundred.]

As the number of the Levites was 22,000, and the first-born males of the Israelites were 22,273, there were therefore 372 more of the latter than of the former, which are here ordered to be redeemed. The price of redemption is fixed at five shekels, or about 15s. each, in ver 47. This money, amounting to 1,365 shekels, equal to Å“204. 15s. English, was taken of the first-born. There is some difficulty, however, in determining which of the first-born should be redeemed by paying this sum, and which should be exchanged for the Levites; for every Israelite, no doubt, would rather have his first-born redeemed by a Levite, than pay five shekels; and yet some of them must have incurred this expense. Rabbi Solomon Jarchi says, to prevent contention, Moses took 22,000 slips of parchment, and wrote on each a son of Levi, and 273 more, on which he wrote five shekels; then putting them in an urn, and shaking them together, he ordered every one of the first-born to draw out a slip. If he drew out one with the first inscription, he said to him, a Levite hath redeemed thee: but if he drew out one of the latter, he said, pay the price. This is pronounced by Dr. A. Clarke to be a stupid, silly tale; but when we know that the determination by lot was used among the Israelites, it does not seem improbable that it was now resorted to, though we cannot vouch for the accuracy of the detail. This species of redeeming men is referred to by St. Peter in his 1st Epistle, ch. 1:18, 19.

melebihi(TB)/tinggal(TL) <05736> [which are.]


uang tebusan

Kel 13:13; Bil 18:15 [Semua]

Bilangan 4:19

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kesucian kudus kesucian(TB)/kesucian ... kesucian(TL) <06944> [the most holy.]



ke barang-barang

Bil 4:15; [Lihat FULL. Bil 4:15]

dan anak-anaknya

Bil 4:27

harus diangkat.

Bil 3:32; [Lihat FULL. Bil 3:32]

Bilangan 5:2-3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


supaya ................... disuruh .... perkemahan ... tentara(TB)/disuruhkannya ...................... tentara(TL) <04264 07971> [put out of the camp.]

The camp of Israel being now formed, with the sanctuary of God in the centre, orders were given that the lepers and unclean persons should be excluded from the camp, according to the laws given at different times on these subjects. See the Marginal References.) This expulsion was founded, 1. On a purely physical reason; for the diseases were contagious, and therefore there was a necessity of putting those afflicted with them apart, that the infection might not be communicated. 2. There was also a spiritual reason: the camp was the habitation of God; and therefore, in honour of Him who had thus condescended to dwell with them, nothing impure should be permitted to remain. 3. Further, there was a typical reason; for the camp was the emblem of the church, where nothing that is defiled should enter, and in which nothing that is unholy should be tolerated.

lelehan(TB)/berbeser(TL) <02100> [and every.]

najis(TB/TL) <02931> [and whosoever.]


sakit kusta,

Im 13:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 13:2]

mengeluarkan lelehan,

Im 15:2; [Lihat FULL. Im 15:2]; Mat 9:20 [Semua]

yang najis

Im 13:3; Bil 9:6-10 [Semua]

oleh mayat

Im 21:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 21:11]



luar(TB/TL) <02351> [without.]

perkemahan .... tentara ...... menajiskan ... perkemahan .... tentaranya(TB)/dinajiskannya(TL) <02930 04264> [defile not.]

tengah-tengah(TB)/tengahnya(TL) <08432> [in the midst.]


tengah-tengah mereka.

Kel 29:45; [Lihat FULL. Kel 29:45]; Im 26:12; 2Kor 6:16 [Semua]

Bilangan 11:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengumpulkan(TB)/dihimpunkannyalah(TL) <0622> [gathered.]


Judul : Ketujuh puluh orang tua-tua

Perikop : Bil 11:24-30

Bilangan 12:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


awan(TB/TL) <06051> [the cloud.]

Miryam ... kusta ......... Miryam ....... kusta(TB)/Miryam ... kusta ........ Miryam .... berkusta(TL) <04813 06879> [behold.]

kusta ............... kusta(TB)/kusta ........... berkusta(TL) <06879> [leprous.]


atas kemah,

Kel 40:2

seperti salju;

Kel 4:6; [Lihat FULL. Kel 4:6]; Ul 24:9 [Semua]

kena kusta!

Im 13:11; [Lihat FULL. Im 13:11]; 2Raj 5:1,27; 2Taw 16:12; 21:12-15; 26:19 [Semua]


Bilangan 14:33

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mengembara ... padang .... gurun ................ gurun padang(TB)/padang .... gembala ................. padang(TL) <07462 04057> [shall wander in the wilderness. or, feed.]

This implies, that they should move from place to place in the deserts, as the Bedounin Arabs, who have no certain dwelling, but rove about seeking pasture for their flocks.

empat ... tahun(TB/TL) <0705 08141> [forty years.]

menanggung(TB)/ditanggungnya(TL) <05375> [bear.]


puluh tahun

Bil 14:34; Kel 16:35; [Lihat FULL. Kel 16:35]; Kis 13:18; Ibr 3:9 [Semua]

Bilangan 15:29

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hukum saja(TB)/hukum jua(TL) <08451 0259> [one law.]

berbuat(TB)/bersalah(TL) <06213> [sinneth. Heb. doeth.]


orang asing

Kel 12:49; [Lihat FULL. Kel 12:49]

Bilangan 19:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible



dengan air,

Im 11:25; [Lihat FULL. Im 11:25]; Im 14:8; [Lihat FULL. Im 14:8] [Semua]

Bilangan 20:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


nenek moyang ............... nenek moyang(TB)/nenek moyang ........................ nenek moyang(TL) <01> [our fathers.]

diam(TB)/duduk(TL) <03427> [dwelt.]

nenek moyang ............... nenek moyang ..... jahat ..... nenek moyang(TB)/bagaimana(TL) <07489 01> [vexed us.]


ke Mesir,

Kej 46:6; [Lihat FULL. Kej 46:6]

kami lama

Kej 15:13; [Lihat FULL. Kej 15:13]

dengan jahat

Kel 1:14; [Lihat FULL. Kel 1:14]

Bilangan 20:24

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dikumpulkan(TB)/pulang(TL) <0622> [gathered.]

kamu .... mendurhaka(TB)/melalui(TL) <04784> [because ye.]

titah-Ku(TB)/firman-Ku(TL) <06310> [word. Heb. mouth.]


kaum leluhurnya,

Kej 25:8; [Lihat FULL. Kej 25:8]

kepada titah-Ku

Bil 20:10; [Lihat FULL. Bil 20:10]

air Meriba.

Kel 17:7; [Lihat FULL. Kel 17:7]

Bilangan 21:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


gunung Hor Hor(TB)/gunung Hor(TL) <02023 02022> [mount Hor.]

arah .................. jalan(TB)/jalan ............... jalan(TL) <01870> [by the way.]

mengelilingi(TB/TL) <05437> [compass.]

hati(TB/TL) <05315> [the soul.]

menahan(TB)/terpiciklah(TL) <07114> [discouraged. or, grieved. Heb. shortened.]


Judul : Ular tembaga

Perikop : Bil 21:4-9

gunung Hor,

Bil 20:22

Laut Teberau

Bil 14:25; Ul 2:1; 11:4 [Semua]

tanah Edom,

Bil 20:21; [Lihat FULL. Bil 20:21]

tengah jalan.

Ul 2:8; Hak 11:18 [Semua]

Bilangan 21:8-9

TSK Full Life Study Bible



sebuah tiang;

Yoh 3:14


ular tembaga ...... tembaga ...... ular ...... ular tembaga ......... tembaga(TB)/ular .................. ular ..... ular(TL) <05175 05178> [A serpent of.]

memandang(TB)/dipandangnya(TL) <05027> [when he.]

tetaplah(TB)/hidup(TL) <02425> [he lived.]


ular tembaga

2Raj 18:4

ia hidup.

Yoh 3:14-15 [Semua]

Catatan Frasa: ULAR TEMBAGA.

Bilangan 21:18

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kaum(TB)/penghulu(TL) <08269> [princes.]

tongkat-tongkat kerajaan(TB)/tongkat pemerintahan(TL) <02710> [the lawgiver.]

padang gurun(TB)/padang(TL) <04057> [And from.]

Bilangan 21:25

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lalu(TB)/duduklah(TL) <03427> [dwelt.]

Hesybon(TB)/Hezbon(TL) <02809> [in Heshbon.]

Heshbon was situated, according to Eusebius, twenty miles east of Jordan; and Jerome, who places it at the same distance, says it was, in his time, a very considerable city. It still subsists, in ruins, under the name of Heshban.

kotanya(TB)/daerahnya(TL) <01323> [villages. Heb. daughters.]


lalu menetaplah

Hak 11:26

orang Amori,

Bil 13:29; Hak 10:11; Am 2:10 [Semua]

di Hesybon

Bil 21:30; Bil 32:3; Ul 1:4; 29:7; Yos 9:10; 12:2; Yes 15:4; 16:8; Yer 48:2,34 [Semua]

Bilangan 22:36

TSK Full Life Study Bible


keluarlah(TB)/pergilah(TL) <03318> [went.]

perbatasan ...... perbatasan(TB)/tepi .... perhinggaan(TL) <01366> [the border.]


Judul : Balak meminta Bileam untuk mengutuk Israel

Perikop : Bil 22:36--23:3

Ketika Balak

Bil 22:2

sungai Arnon,

Bil 21:13; [Lihat FULL. Bil 21:13]

Bilangan 31:16

TSK Full Life Study Bible


perempuan-perempuan ..... menjadi menjadi ............ sehingga(TB)/perempuan ..... menjadi(TL) <01961 02007> [these caused.]

nasihat ............ hal(TB)/kata .... perkara(TL) <01697> [in the matter.]

tulah(TB)/bala(TL) <04046> [and there.]


atas nasihat

Bil 22:5; [Lihat FULL. Bil 22:5]; Bil 24:14; [Lihat FULL. Bil 24:14]; 2Pet 2:15; [Lihat FULL. 2Pet 2:15] [Semua]

hal Peor,

Bil 23:28; [Lihat FULL. Bil 23:28]; Bil 25:1-9 [Semua]

sehingga tulah

Bil 14:37; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:37]

Bilangan 31:32

TSK Full Life Study Bible


rampasan(TB) <04455> [the booty.]

It appears from the enumeration here, that the Israelites, in this war with the Midianites, took 32,000 female prisoners, 61,000 asses, 72,000 beeves, and 675,000 sheep and small cattle; besides the immense number of males who fell in battle, and the women and children who were slain by the divine command. (ver. 17.) This booty was divided into equal parts, by which partition a far larger share was justly given to the warriors employed on the expedition, who were only 12,000, than to those, who being equally willing to go, were ordered to stay in the camp. Each party was to give a certain proportion to Jehovah, as their sovereign, in grateful acknowledgement that to him they owed their success. The soldiers to give to the Lord one out of every five hundred persons, beeves, asses, and sheep, (ver. 28,) and the people, who by staying at home risked nothing, and had no fatigue, were to give one out of fifty of each of the above to the Levites, who were far more numerous than the priests. (ver. 30.) The booty, its division among the soldiers and people, and the proportion given by each to the Lord and to the Levites, will be seen at one view by the following table:-- Sheep . . . . 675,000 To soldiers . . . 337,500 To God. . . . . . 675 To people . . . . 337,500 To Levites. . . . 6,750 Beeves. . . . 72,000 To soldiers . . . 36,000 To God. . . . . . 72 To people . . . . 36,000 To Levites. . . . 720 Asses . . . . 61,000 To soldiers . . . 30,500 To God. . . . . . 61 To people . . . . 30,500 To Levites. . . . 610 Persons . . . 32,000 To soldiers . . . 16,000 To God. . . . . . 32 To people . . . . 16,000 To Levites. . . . 320 It does not appear that a single ox, sheep, or ass, was required by Moses as his portion; or that there was any given to him by the people; and though he had a family as well as others, yet no provision was made for them above the common lot of Levites!


Adapun rampasan,

Bil 31:12; [Lihat FULL. Bil 31:12]

Bilangan 32:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible



Maka bangkitlah

Bil 11:1

Ia bersumpah:

Bil 14:20-23; [Lihat FULL. Bil 14:20] s/d 23 [Semua]

Bilangan 33:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berangkat(TB)/berjalanlah(TL) <05265> [departed.]

Etam(TB/TL) <0864> [Etham.]

Called Shur in Exodus; but Dr. Shaw says that Shur is a particular district of the wilderness of Etham.


dari Pi-Hahirot

Kel 14:2

tengah-tengah laut

Kel 14:22; [Lihat FULL. Kel 14:22]

di Mara.

Kel 15:23; [Lihat FULL. Kel 15:23]

Bilangan 35:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible



untuk didiami;

Im 25:32-34; Yos 14:3,4 [Semua]

tanah-tanah penggembalaan

Yos 21:1-42 [Semua]

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