TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Ester 7:1

TSK Full Life Study Bible


dijamu(TB)/perjamuan(TL) <08354> [banquet. Heb. drink.]


Judul : Haman dihukum mati

Perikop : Est 7:1-10

untuk dijamu

Kej 40:20-22; Mat 22:1-14 [Semua]

Ester 5:5

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Haman .............. Haman(TB)/Haman ........... Hamanpun(TL) <02001> [Cause Haman.]

Ester 6:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


lalu mengantarkan ... dihantarnya segera(TB)/tiba-tiba ..... dihantarnya(TL) <0935 0926> [hasted to bring.]


ke perjamuan

1Raj 3:15; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 3:15]

Ester 5:10

TSK Full Life Study Bible


menahan(TB)/ditahani(TL) <0662> [refrained.]

lalu pulanglah ....... datang sahabat-sahabatnya ... sahabatnya(TB)/sampailah ......... sahabatnya(TL) <0157 0935> [called for his friends. Heb. caused his friends to come.]




Est 6:13

Ester 1:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


ratu(TB)/permaisuri(TL) <04436> [the queen.]

This refusal of Vashti's, to expose herself to the view of such a group of drunken Bacchanalians, was highly praiseworthy, and became the dignity of her rank and the modesty of her sex.

menolak(TB)/engganlah(TL) <03985> [refused.]

disampaikan penjawat sida-sida(TB)/disampaikan ... penjawat(TL) <03027 05631> [by his chamberlains. Heb. which was by the hand of his eunuchs. was the king.]

berapi-apilah(TB)/bernyala-nyala(TL) <01197> [burned.]


berapi-apilah murkanya.

Kej 39:19; Est 2:21; 7:7 Ams 19:12 [Semua]

Ester 1:17

TSK Full Life Study Bible


tidak menghiraukan(TB)/berkecelaan(TL) <0959> [despise.]

Ester 5:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pemandangan(TB)/berkenan(TL) <02895> [If it seem.]

perjamuan(TB/TL) <04960> [the banquet. {Mishteh,} from {shathah,} "to drink," a compotation. feast, or banquet accompanied with drinking; the drinking in the East being at the beginning, and not at the end of the entertainment.]

Olearius, describing an entertainment at the Persian court, says, "The floor of the hall was covered with cotton cloth, which was covered with all sorts of fruits and sweetmeats in basons of gold. With them was served up excellent Shiraz wine. After an hour's time, the sweetmeats were removed, to make way for the more substantial part of the entertainment, such as rice, boiled and roast mutton, etc. When the company had been at table an hour and a half, warm water was brought, in a ewer of gold, for washing; and grace being said, they began to retire without speaking a word, according to the custom of the country."

Ester 5:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Ester(TB/TL) <0635> [Yea, Esther.]

Plutarch, in his life of Artaxerxes, informs us, that none but the king's mother, and his real wife, were permitted to sit at his table; and therefore he mentions it as a condescension in that prince, that he sometimes invited his brothers. Haman, therefore, had some reason to be proud of this favour.

besokpun(TB)/esok haripun(TL) <04279> [to-morrow.]


kecuali aku;

Ayub 22:29; Ams 16:18; 29:23 [Semua]

Ester 5:8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


memenuhi ............... adakan .......... lakukan(TB)/perbuat ....... berbuat(TL) <06213> [perform. Heb. do. let the king.]

Esther probably wished another interview, that she might ingratiate herself more fully into the king's favour, and thus secure the success of her design. But Providence disposed of things thus, to give time for the important event mentioned in the following chapter.

besok(TB)/esok hari(TL) <04279> [to-morrow.]


mendapat kasih

Est 2:15; [Lihat FULL. Est 2:15]

ke perjamuan

1Raj 3:15; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 3:15]

Ester 4:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


sida-sida(TB/TL) <05631> [chamberlains. Heb. eunuchs.]

diterimanya(TB/TL) <06901> [but he received it not.]

Ester 4:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pertolongan(TB)/penghiburan(TL) <07305> [then shall.]

pertolongan(TB)/penghiburan(TL) <07305> [enlargement. Heb. respiration.]

keluargamu(TB)/bapamu(TL) <01> [but thou.]

beroleh(TB)/sampai(TL) <05060> [whether.]

saat .............................. saat(TB)/masa .................................... masa(TL) <06256> [for such a time.]

The fact related in this verse was unquestionably the reason why Esther was raised to regal honours, by the overruling providence of God: she was therefore bound in gratitude to do this service for God, else she would not have answered the end of her elevation: and she need not fear the miscarriage of the enterprise, for if God designed her for it, he would surely bear her through and give success. It appeared by the event that Mordecai spoke prophetically, when he modestly conjectured that Esther came to the kingdom that she might be the instrument of the Jews' deliverance. Mordecai thoroughly believed that it was a cause which one way or other would certainly be carried, and which, therefore, she might safely venture upon. Instruments might fail, but God's covenant cannot. There is a wise design in all the providences of God, which is unknown to us till it is accomplished; but it will prove in the issue that all is intended for and centre in the good of those who trust in Him.


ini berdiam

Ayub 34:29; Mazm 28:1; 35:22; Pengkh 3:7; Yes 42:14; 57:11; 62:1; 64:12; Am 5:13 [Semua]

juga pertolongan

Est 9:16,22 [Semua]

dan kelepasan

Kej 45:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 45:7]; Ul 28:29; [Lihat FULL. Ul 28:29] [Semua]

seperti ini

Kej 50:20; [Lihat FULL. Kej 50:20]



Ester 9:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


disebut(TB)/dinamai(TL) <07121> [they called.]

Purim .... pur(TB)/Purim .... Pur(TL) <06332> [Pur. that is, Lot. letter.]


kata pur.

Est 3:7; [Lihat FULL. Est 3:7]

Catatan Frasa: PURIM.

Ester 6:13

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Zeresh ................. Zeresh(TB)/Zeresy .............. Zeresy(TL) <02238> [Zeresh.]

kata ..... bijaksana .... alimnya(TB)/kata(TL) <0559 02450> [said his wise.]

Mordekhai(TB/TL) <04782> [If Mordecai.]

jatuh ............... jatuh(TB)/jatuh ................. jatuh(TL) <05307> [but shalt surely.]



Est 5:10

mulai jatuh,

Mazm 57:7; Ams 26:27; 28:18 [Semua]

akan jatuh

Est 7:7

Ester 4:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible

Ester 4:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pintu gerbang

Est 2:19; [Lihat FULL. Est 2:19]

Ester 3:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bulan bulan ... bulan ... bulan ............ bulan ...... bulan ..... bulan ....... bulan ...... bulan(TB)/bulan ... pertama ... bulan ............ bulan ...... bulan(TL) <02320 07223> [the first month.]

kedua .......................... kedua(TB)/kedua .......... kedua(TL) <08147> [in the twelfth.]

membuang pur .......... Pur ..... sampai jatuh(TB)/ditentukannya .......... Pur(TL) <05307 06332> [they cast Pur.]

Adar(TB/TL) <0143> [Adar.]


membuang pur

Est 9:24,26 [Semua]

yakni undi

Im 16:8; [Lihat FULL. Im 16:8]; 1Sam 10:21; [Lihat FULL. 1Sam 10:21] [Semua]

bulan Adar.

Est 3:13; Est 9:19 [Semua]


Ester 1:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Wasti(TB/TL) <02060> [Vashti.]

elok rupanya ... parasnya(TB)/elok parasnya(TL) <04758 02896> [fair to look on. Heb. good of countenance.]


mereka membawa

Kid 2:4

memperlihatkan kecantikannya

Mazm 45:12; Yeh 16:14 [Semua]

Ester 5:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berkenanlah(TB) <05375> [she.]

tongkat emas .... tongkat kerajaan .......... tongkat ....... tongkat kerajaan(TB)/tongkat kerajaan keemasan ............... tongkat kerajaan(TL) <08275 02091> [golden sceptre.]


ujung tongkat

Est 4:11; [Lihat FULL. Est 4:11]

Ester 5:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible

Ester 6:4

TSK Full Life Study Bible


pelataran ......... pelataran(TB)/penghadapan ......... penghadapan(TL) <02691> [Who is in the court.]

memberitahukan(TB)/luar(TL) <02435> [the outward.]

bertanyalah(TB)/titah .................... mempersembahkan(TL) <0559> [to speak.]

Ester 2:11

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Mordekhai(TB/TL) <04782> [Mordecai.]

The apartments of the women are accounted so inviolable, that it is even a crime to enquire what passes within their walls. A man, says Chardin, may walk a hundred days, one after the other, by the house where the women are, and yet know no more what is done there than at the farther end of Tartary. This sufficiently explains the conduct of Mordecai.

berjalan-jalanlah(TB)/berjalanlah(TL) <01980> [walked.]

keadaan selamat(TB)/selamat Ester(TL) <0635 07965> [how Esther did. Heb. the peace of Esther.]

Ester 8:6

TSK Full Life Study Bible


bagaimana ........... bagaimana(TB)/bagaimana ............ bagaimana(TL) <0349> [For how.]

dapat memandang .......... dapat melihat memandang(TB)/dapat ... memandang .......... dapat ... memandang(TL) <07200 03201> [endure to see. Heb. be able that I may see. the evil.]


sanak saudara

Kej 44:34

Ester 8:12

TSK Full Life Study Bible


hari ... hari(TB)/hari ... tentu(TL) <03117 0259> [one day.]

tiga(TB/TL) <07969> [upon the thirteenth.]


bulan Adar.

Est 3:13; 9:1 [Semua]

Ester 10:3

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kedua ... raja raja(TB)/perdana menteri .... raja(TL) <04428 04932> [next unto king.]

disukai(TB)/kekasih(TL) <07521> [accepted.]

mengikhtiarkan(TB)/disengajakannya(TL) <01875> [seeking.]

REMARKS ON THE BOOK OF ESTHER. This Book, which derives its name from the person whose history it chiefly relates, is termed in Hebrew, [megillƒh <\\See definition 04039\\> 'Ectˆr <\\See definition 0635\\>,] megillath Esther, "the volume of Esther." Concerning its author there are various opinions: some attribute it to Ezra; some to Joachim, the son of Joshua the high priest; others to the men of the great synagogue; and others to Mordecai, which seems the most probable opinion. The events here related probably refer to the time of Artaxerxes Longimanus, who, according to Prideaux, was the Ahasuerus of Esther, agreeably to Josephus, (Ant. 1 xi. c. 6,) the Septuagint version, and the apocryphal additions to this book. The history, therefore, comes in between the sixth and seventh chapters of Ezra, commencing about A.M. 3540, and continuing through a period of twelve years: it relates the royal feast of Ahasuerus; the disgrace of Vashti, (ch. 1:;) the elevation of Esther to the Persian throne; the essential service rendered to the king by Mordecai, in detecting a plot against his life, (ch. 2:;) the promotion of Haman, and his purposed destruction of the Jews, (ch. 3:;) the consequent affliction of the Jews, and the measures pursued by them, (ch. 4:;) the defeat of Haman's plot, through the instrumentality of Esther, against Mordecai, (ch. 5:-7:;) and also the defeat of his general plot against the Jews, (ch. 8:; 9:1-15;) the institution of the feast of Purim to commemorate this deliverance, (ch. 9:16-32;) and the advancement of Mordecai, (ch. 10:;) and though some Christians have hesitated to receive this book into the sacred canon, yet it has always been received by the Jews, not only as perfectly authentic, but also as one of the most excellent of their sacred books. That it is a genuine and faithful description of a real fact, the observation of the feast of Purim, to the present day, is a sufficient evidence; since it is impossible, and in fact inconceivable, that a nation should institute, and afterwards continue to celebrate without interruption, through every generation of that people, in a long succession of ages, in whatever places they may have sojourned, this solemn annual festival, merely because one of their nation had written an agreeable fable or romance. It has been remarked, as an objection to this book, that the name of God no where occurs in it: His superintending providence, however, is frequently illustrated. It is shewn, indeed, in every part of the work; disconcerting evil designs, and producing great events, by means seemingly inadequate. It also presents an interesting description of mortified pride, and of malice baffled to the destruction of its possessors; and exhibits a very lively representation of the vexations and troubles, the anxieties, treachery, and dissimulation of a corrupt court.


orang kedua

Dan 5:7

di bawah

Kej 41:43

raja Ahasyweros,

Kej 41:40

orang sebangsanya.

Neh 2:10; Yer 29:4-7; Dan 6:4 [Semua]

Ester 1:15

TSK Full Life Study Bible


diperbuat ......... dilakukannya(TB)/dipengapakan ......... diturutnya(TL) <06213> [What shall we do. Heb. What to do.]

Ester 7:7-8

TSK Full Life Study Bible


panas hatinya(TB)/kehangatan(TL) <02534> [in his wrath.]

Haman(TB)/Hamanpun(TL) <02001> [Haman.]

melihat(TB)/diketahuinya(TL) <07200> [for he saw.]


dengan panas

Kej 34:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:7]; Est 1:12; [Lihat FULL. Est 1:12]; Ams 19:12; 20:1-2 [Semua]

ke taman

2Raj 21:18; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 21:18]

mendatangkan celaka

Est 6:13


katil(TB)/gerai(TL) <04296> [the bed.]

ruangan ........................ istanaku(TB)/bilik .......................... istanaku(TL) <01004> [before me. Heb. with me. they covered Haman's.]

When a criminal was condemned by a Roman judge, he was delivered to the serjeant with these words: {I, lictor, caput obnubito arbori infelici suspendito,} "Go, sergeant, cover his head, and hang him on the accursed tree."


pada katil

Est 1:6; [Lihat FULL. Est 1:6]

Ester berbaring.

Kej 39:14; Yoh 13:23 [Semua]

dalam istanaku

Kej 34:7; [Lihat FULL. Kej 34:7]

oranglah muka

Est 6:12; [Lihat FULL. Est 6:12]

Ester 8:7

TSK Full Life Study Bible


kukaruniakan(TB/TL) <05414> [Behold.]

disulakan(TB)/digantungkan(TL) <08518> [him they have hanged.]


telah disulakan

Ul 21:22-23; [Lihat FULL. Ul 21:22]; [Lihat FULL. Ul 21:23] [Semua]

Ester 9:2

TSK Full Life Study Bible


berkumpullah(TB)/berhimpunlah(TL) <06950> [gathered.]

berikhtiar(TB)/sengajakan(TL) <01245> [as sought.]

ketakutan(TB)/takut(TL) <06343> [the fear.]


dalam kota-kotanya

Kej 22:17; [Lihat FULL. Kej 22:17]

menghadapi mereka,

Mazm 35:26; 40:15; 70:3; 71:13,24 [Semua]

orang Yahudi

Ezr 8:36; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 8:36]

Ester 5:14

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Lalu kata Zeresy(TB)/kata Zeresy ................. persembahkanlah ....... bahwa(TL) <02238 0559> [said Zeresh.]

tiang .......................................... tiang(TB)/kayu ...................................... kayu(TL) <06086> [Let a gallows. Heb. Let a tree.]

Lalu kata .................... baginda ... raja ........... baginda ....... raja(TB)/kata .................. persembahkanlah ....... bahwa(TL) <0559 04428> [speak thou.]

bersukacita pergi ... sukacita(TB)/pergilah(TL) <0935 08056> [go thou in.]

Hal(TB)/bicara(TL) <01697> [the thing.]

membuat .......................................... membuat(TB)/diperbuatkan ....................................... disuruhnya perbuatkan(TL) <06213> [he caused.]


yang tingginya

Est 7:9

Mordekhai disulakan

Ezr 6:11; [Lihat FULL. Ezr 6:11]

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