'Ecter <0635>

rtoa 'Ecter

Asal Mula:of Persian derivation
Jenis Kata:n pr f (noun proper feminime)
Dalam Ibrani:rtoa 42, rtoal 11, rtoam 1, rtoaw 1
Dalam TB:Ester 54, Esterpun 1
Dalam AV:Esther 55
Definisi : Esther = "star" 1) the queen of Persia, heroine of the book of Esther - daughter of Abihail, cousin and adopted daughter of Mordecai, of the tribe of Benjamin, made queen by king Ahasuerus to replace divorced queen, Vashti.
of Persian derivation; Ester, the Jewish heroine: KJV -- Esther.
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Ester (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH)

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